
stgrabercjwatson: do you have a suggestion on where that preseed generation script should land? I guess we'd want it on pretty much every install but I'm not sure it's worth a separate package.11:42
stgraber(doing some cleanups and tests now to make sure it actually works as it's, then that can land in raring and be improved later on as people start using it)11:42
cjwatsonPerhaps in installation-report or whatever it's called11:46
cjwatsonI don't remember if we currently install that from ubiquity as well as d-i, but we easily could, and it has similar things in it already11:46
stgraberah, good. I'll take a look at it11:47
stgraberdoesn't appear to be installed by default but it's seeded (d-i-requirements) and doesn't bring any extra dependency, so I'll prepare the inclusion of my script in that one, then we can simply seed installation-report (in standard would be my guess) and we'll be good11:49
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