
dholbachgood morning06:55
BigWhaleWe had Ubuntu cake yesterday! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A56VdSmCQAA-liA.jpg:large07:00
coolbhaviBigWhale, missed the cake :(07:03
czajkowskiBigWhale: how did your talk go ?08:15
BigWhaleczajkowski, it was great... I have to publish slides. All the important parts are in english. :>08:18
BigWhaleI compared God and Flying spaghetti monster and then concluded that those two can't be compared just like operating systems can't be really compared which leads to the statement, that Ubuntu is in fact the best OS in the universe, not just this galaxy. :)08:20
BigWhaleczajkowski, and the cake was awesome. :)08:21
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dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek starting in 10 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom12:50
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