=== smb` is now known as smb === doko_ is now known as doko [11:56] Good morning. [11:57] mvuelma, morning! Well, actually it's night for me, :-) [11:58] Oh, excuse me, Destine. So, good evening. === Moonwalker is now known as destine [12:00] Evening all, just organising ourselves for the 1200 UTC Ubuntu Membership Board Meeting [12:04] #startmeeting 1200 UTC Ubuntu Membership Board [12:04] Meeting started Wed Oct 24 12:04:30 2012 UTC. The chair is cyphermox. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [12:04] Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 1200 UTC Ubuntu Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: [12:04] Hello and welcome to the Ubuntu Membership Review Board for the 1200 UTC meeting for October 24, 2012. The wiki page for the Review Board is available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/Boards [12:05] We will attempt to get through all of the applicants that have added themselves to that list before today's meeting. If we are unable to make it through the entire list due to time constraints, then at the next meeting we will pick up where we left off. [12:05] The format for the meeting is as follows: We will go through the list of applicants one by one, by date of application (FIFO). [12:05] Each applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and provide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page. After the introduction the members of the Membership Review Board will review the pages and, if needed, ask the applicant further questions. [12:05] During this time it is encouraged for other members of the community to show their support for the applicant. Do not be alarmed if the members of the Membership Review Board are quiet during this time; they are most likely reading wiki/launchpad/forum/other pages and deciding how they are going to vote. [12:05] When the board is ready to vote, they will publicly vote in the channel with either +1, 0, or -1 (for membership, abstain, and against membership, respectively). If the sum of those numbers is positive, then the applicant is now an official Ubuntu member! (feel free congratulate them!) [12:06] #voters cyphermox head_victim IdleOne destine [12:06] Current voters: IdleOne cyphermox destine head_victim [12:06] Now, without any further ado, lets get started with the first applicant... [12:06] (just a second [12:06] Morning :P [12:06] :) [12:06] #subtopic Marta Vuelma (mvuelma ) [12:08] mvuelma: are you around? (sorry if you're busy typing :) [12:08] Hello to all. [12:08] Hi! [12:09] May I start introducing myself? [12:09] of course :) [12:09] Evening mvuelma :) [12:09] Well, let's go. [12:10] I live in Brazil and I started working with Linux in 2001. In 2010 I started my activities with Ubuntu community. [12:11] Desde esta data tenho participado de diversas formas na comunidade. [12:11] Since this date I have participated in various ways in the community. [12:11] Sorry, I wrote last words in Portuguese. [12:12] That's ok, I've had whole IRC conversations via google translate before [12:13] I have done several events in various locations in the country. Lectures, courses. [12:13] So I see you have some good testimonials, do you have any links showing you in action with the events, lectures and training? [12:13] https://launchpad.net/~mvuelma [12:13] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MartaVuelma [12:14] Participate actively in supporting the user community and was chosen LoCoTeam Leader in my region. [12:14] #link https://launchpad.net/~mvuelma [12:15] #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MartaVuelma [12:15] Well, I think you may check more detailed information in my wiki. [12:15] (just making sure meetingology sees the links) [12:16] That's it! [12:16] mvuelma: can you tell us a bit more about ubuntu-br-rs ? [12:17] IdleOne, of course. [12:17] Here in Brazil, some LoCo Teams were inactive. [12:18] ah, ok so it is a sub-loco team of the -br loco? [12:18] It was the case of ubuntu-br-rs. [12:19] Yes, we are a sub-loco. [12:19] has the -rs team held any events? [12:20] As I have been promoting a series of events since last year here in my region, we change the vision of our group and we have several new members. [12:20] Right now, we are an active group again. [12:21] and we already have a schedule of events and activities for next year [12:21] link please [12:22] Sorry, not published yet. [12:22] what about past events, any blog posts you can link? [12:22] Can you explain the events you've run recently and your involvement in them. We're trying to get a feel for the size and the content of them. [12:23] there are some posts on the mailing list for ubuntu-br-rs; I'm trying to read it with my limited understanding of portugese :) [12:23] #link https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-br-rs/ [12:23] May this link be in Portuguese? [12:23] mvuelma: of course [12:24] I love chromium's google translate stuff, makes multi lingual issues disappear. Until it doesn't quite get it right. [12:25] This event occurs every year in my region, and this year was led entirely by me: http://www.ubuntubrsc.com/grupo-de-usuarios-do-ubuntu-br-marcou-presenca-no-fisl-13.html [12:25] head_victim, nice to have learned spanish, which makes Portuguese easier. [12:26] Ah I'm boring, english only here (even then some say I've barely conquered that) [12:26] It's the largest free software event in Latin America and was attended by over 7000 participants. [12:26] Marta is a key member of ubuntu-br community, she has been supporting the team on the major conferences in Brazil [12:27] licio: thanks for that [12:27] mvuelma: reading the link now, seems perfect :) [12:27] Anybody else here to cheer for mvuelma ? [12:27] head_victim, thank you. [12:27] Now is the time folks :) [12:28] Also, the guys from ubuntu-br-sc have a hangout on air every friday and she and Ursinha are always there to answers public questions ;) [12:29] IdleOne, bad brazilian time :/ 10am. some are sleeping and the rest are working :( [12:29] mvuelma: thanks for that link, are there any more? (Just asking, I like reading about what other locos are doing) [12:30] head_victim, yes, you may check this one: http://martavuelma.wordpress.com/2012/04/29/balanco-do-flisol-2012/ [12:30] head_victim, more in the plus page https://plus.google.com/+Ubuntu-BR-SC/posts [12:31] Flisol is a "Install Fest" event. [12:31] held in several cities in Latin America simultaneously [12:31] I ran one here last year but was only able to get 20 or so along, your photos put that to shame. [12:33] #vote Marta Vuelma to join Ubuntu Members [12:33] Please vote on: Marta Vuelma to join Ubuntu Members [12:33] Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) [12:33] +1 [12:33] +1 received from IdleOne [12:33] +1 [12:33] +1 received from cyphermox [12:34] +1 Keep up the great work with the loco [12:34] +1 Keep up the great work with the loco received from head_victim [12:34] +1 [12:34] +1 received from destine [12:34] #endvote [12:34] Voting ended on: Marta Vuelma to join Ubuntu Members [12:34] Votes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 [12:34] Motion carried [12:34] Congrats mvuelma and welcome :) [12:34] mvuelma, congrats! [12:34] mvuelma: congrats! [12:34] mvuelma congrats :) [12:34] Thank you everyone! [12:34] please, add your blog to planet.ubuntu.com when you have a chance ;) [12:34] * Ursula cheers [12:35] Congrats mvuelma :) [12:35] I am very happy with this recognition. [12:35] cyphermox, I'll do that. [12:35] mvuelma: good work doing what you have, the challenge is to keep it going into the future :) [12:35] head_victim, certainly, this is the challenge [12:36] head_victim, and let's make this challenge a reality [12:36] I don't think we have other applicants, so unless there is other business to discuss, I'll end the meeting. [12:37] cyphermox: none other listed on the wiki [12:37] great! [12:37] Should we formalise the mailing list conversation abotu going to monthly? [12:37] mvuelma is making a great job at brazilian community [12:37] there was such a conversation? [12:37] * cyphermox fails at reading email [12:38] Perhaps it was in the channel [12:38] Hmm [12:38] tiagoscd: yes, she is doing great work [12:38] well, if it was on IRC, we should definitely take it to the mailing list and make sure the CC knows about it, at least [12:38] head_victim, I'm sad because I've no time to make a testimonial for her [12:38] tiagoscd: chiming in here is just as good :) [12:39] mvuelma, congrats! well deserved! [12:39] tiagoscd: don't be sad, her application was successful! [12:39] licio, thank you so much! [12:40] #endmeeting === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology [12:40] Meeting ended Wed Oct 24 12:40:02 2012 UTC. [12:40] Minutes (wiki): http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-10-24-12.04.moin.txt [12:40] Minutes (html): http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-10-24-12.04.html === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [14:59] * slangasek waves [14:59] o/ [15:00] * stgraber waves [15:02] #startmeeting [15:02] Meeting started Wed Oct 24 15:02:17 2012 UTC. The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [15:02] Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired [15:02] [TOPIC] Lightning round === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round [15:03] $ echo $(shuf -e barry doko stgraber jodh ev bdmurray slangasek ogra infinity cjwatson xnox stokachu) [15:03] bdmurray xnox slangasek doko jodh stgraber stokachu barry cjwatson ogra ev infinity [15:03] bug review of update-manager / ubuntu-release-upgrader bug reports [15:03] analysis and testing of bug 346386 / bug 24061 [15:03] wrote a new test case for bug 346386 [15:03] wrote a test case for ubuntu-release-upgarder bug 1065806 [15:03] quantal-proposed upload for ubuntu-release-upgrader bugs 1070043, 1065806 [15:03] Launchpad bug 346386 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "[MASTER] Update fails with invalid package files with "Encountered a section with no Package: header"" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/346386 [15:03] Launchpad bug 24061 in apt (Ubuntu Quantal) "GPG error with apt-get/aptitude/update-manager behind proxy (BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24061 [15:03] Launchpad bug 1065806 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "diff window is too small on upgrade" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1065806 [15:03] Launchpad bug 1070043 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "DistUpgradeApport.py should check to see if --tags is available" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1070043 [15:04] quantal-proposed upload for apport bug 1039220 [15:04] precise-proposed upload for apport-symptoms bug 1070542 [15:04] sru verification of apt bug 346386, 1050779, 1050791 [15:04] sru verification of apport bug 1050853 [15:04] sru verification of coreutils bug 1038468 [15:04] Launchpad bug 1039220 in apport (Ubuntu) "don't report crashes for programs that don't match the file on disk (like for kernel crashes)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1039220 [15:04] Launchpad bug 1070542 in apport-symptoms (Ubuntu Precise) "not possible to use ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core on precise" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1070542 [15:04] * mvo hugs bdmurray [15:04] Launchpad bug 1050779 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "excessive backup pkgcache.bin files retained" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1050779 [15:04] sru verification of update-notifier bug 946718 [15:04] Launchpad bug 1050791 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "do not run into loop on new-pre-depends-breaks" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1050791 [15:04] sru verification of ubuntu-release-upgrader bug 1068389 [15:04] test case creation for apt bug 1065429 [15:04] reported ubuntu-release-upgrader bugs 1067542, 1067393, 1068874 [15:04] tested vmware player 5 installer in quantal [15:04] release noted bug 993056 [15:04] setup rls-r-tracking reports on cranberry [15:04] Launchpad bug 1050853 in Whoopsie "Not recorded whether an error is in a -proposed or -updates package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1050853 [15:04] Launchpad bug 1038468 in coreutils (Debian) "data loss on sort -u" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1038468 [15:04] Launchpad bug 946718 in update-notifier (Ubuntu Precise) "backend_helper.py crashed with RuntimeError in add_signal_receiver(): To make asynchronous calls, receive signals or export objects, D-Bus connections must be attached to a main loop by passing mainloop=... to the constructor or calling dbus.set_default_main_loop(...)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/946718 [15:04] Launchpad bug 1068389 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "P->Q - do-release-upgrade crashed with UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xbb' in position 1: ordinal not in range(128) in DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeViewText.py", line 143, in showInPager" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1068389 [15:04] Launchpad bug 1065429 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "Long passwords for authenticated repositories not handled well" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1065429 [15:04] Launchpad bug 1067542 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "possible for some do-release-upgrade crashes to be unreportable" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1067542 [15:04] Launchpad bug 1068874 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "does not need to enable apport" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1068874 [15:04] Launchpad bug 1067393 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "using a local mirror and an official mirror of -backports does not work" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1067393 [15:04] Launchpad bug 993056 in activity-log-manager (Ubuntu Quantal) ""Privacy" > "Diagnostics" > "Send error reports" can't be turned on or off" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/993056 [15:05] ⌁ done ⌁ [15:05] * Quantal Released. Yeah! [15:05] * Did merges (see lp:~xnox/*/r-proposed, mostly partman-* and related [15:05] packages). Still some todo. [15:05] * Staging ubiquity bugfixes in lp:~xnox/ubiquity/r-proposed [15:05] * Helping with python3.3 transition at the archive opening [15:05] * Added ubiquity slide decks https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubiquity/SlideDecks to [15:05] unblock design team on changes to installer. [15:05] .. === Ursula is now known as Guest28743 [15:05] * xnox also started py3.3 by default ppa [15:06] xnox: mm? I thought that was already in hand (barry) [15:06] he's at a conf today [15:07] yes [15:07] me and doko finished up rebuilding public modules yesterday. and we'd rather get it done earlier than later. [15:07] ok [15:07] * xnox has nasty python bugs for barry =) [15:08] slangasek: You're up. :P [15:08] * Secure Boot follow-through: getting support for efi variable writing, efifb quirking [15:08] * UDS prep [15:08] * debugging heat issues on my laptop in quantal [15:08] * preliminary look at fixing cross-bootstrapping issues in raring (http://people.linaro.org/~wookey/buildd/quantal/sbuild-ma/status.html) [15:08] (done) === yofel_ is now known as yofel [15:09] - quantal: two last java ftbfs for the release [15:09] - gcc multiarching: libgfortran-dev split & cross fixes [15:09] - gcc x32: gcc bits are ready, blocked on eglibc for further testing [15:09] - gcc aarch64: integrated fixes [15:09] - gcc upstream: armhf-triplet patches upstreamed, fixed libgo ftbfs on trunk [15:09] - binutils update to 2.23 just to find out that the upstream release is incomplete [15:10] - raring opening: binutils & gcc bits in place, waiting for kernel headers 3.7 (not anymore for the opening), and eglibc ... [15:10] - raring opening: python3.3 is supported, most extension modules are built for 3.3, bug fixes and no change uploads. test rebuild can start now [15:10] - finished openjdk security updates (not yet published) [15:10] (done) [15:10] * misc: on holiday yesterday. [15:10] * upstart: [15:10] - Fixed bug 1049820 and bug 888910. [15:10] - Added new test for stateful re-exec. [15:10] Launchpad bug 1049820 in upstart "Using kill signal SIGPWR results in system crash" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1049820 [15:10] - Currently chasing down a test race issue. [15:10] Launchpad bug 888910 in upstart (Ubuntu) ""make check" fails in sbuild chroot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/888910 [15:10] * TODO: [15:10] - get stateful-reexec into raring. [15:10] - blueprints and UDS planning. [15:10] ⃕ [15:11] - On vacation Friday, Monday and Tuesday [15:11] - Release [15:11] - Released Ubuntu 12.10 [15:11] - Networking [15:11] - Went through the bug reports, prepared some uploads for when raring opens [15:11] - Container [15:11] - Reviewed a few branches, fixed a bunch of upstream bugs, next upstream daily build should be good [15:11] - Installer [15:11] - Did some tests on the preseed generator script. Mostly working, need to check if I can do something [15:11] about the remaining keys easily. Will be uploaded as part of installation-report in raring. [15:11] - UDS [15:11] - Submitted usual networking session [15:11] - Planned session on making dist upgrade a bit more reliable (especially lts-to-lts) [15:11] - Going through notes to figure out if there's something else than should be discussed at UDS [15:11] - TODO [15:11] - Some more UDS preps [15:11] - The usual merges [15:11] - Push all lxc fixes to a bugfix branch so 0.8 can finally be released [15:11] (DONE) [15:12] Nothing on fire at the moment, requested a backport for pbuilder-scripts in precise, still working on appmenu-gtk multiarch solution. done. [15:13] cjwatson: I think we're barryless. [15:13] Spent all week working on raring-proposed -> raring auto-migration, both the migration code itself ("britney") and the necessary Launchpad patches. I'm currently waiting for one LP database patch to be deployed, and then for an LP code patch to be reviewed, landed, and deployed; after that we should be able to turn this all on, open raring, and start auto-syncs. [15:13] .. [15:13] ogra_: [15:13] (Oh, for clarity, those patches are the ones that forcibly redirect all uploads to -proposed.) [15:14] done: [15:14] * internal project work, to be presented at UDS [15:14] * registered some specs [15:14] todo: [15:14] * go to UDS, flesh out the spec content [15:14] * test multiarch cross compiling [15:14] .. [15:14] - Spending most of my time on my UDS plenary. [15:14] - We discovered that our current calculation for average errors per calendar [15:14] day (number of errors / unique users in the past 90 days) is incorrect. We [15:14] have good reason to believe that it is what caused the large spike around [15:14] release in the 12.10 graph: [15:14] https://bugs.launchpad.net/errors/+bug/1069827 [15:14] Launchpad bug 1069827 in Errors "Error rate incorrectly spikes with any influx of machines" [Undecided,New] [15:14] We've been working on a fix for this. I implemented an early solution, but [15:14] we found out again that is was wrong. We'll be taking this to canonical-tech [15:14] and http://stats.stackexchange.com. [15:14] - Fixed a number of small issues in http://errors.ubuntu.com. We now identify [15:14] private bugs rather than treating them as regressions. [15:14] - Fixed some issues in the juju deployment code for the entire whoopsie daisy [15:14] project. Discussions with juju people on how to best represent the [15:14] schema creation dependency that the retracers have on the main daisy [15:14] instance. [15:14] (done) [15:15] Last week: [15:15] - Released a new version of some operating system or other [15:15] - Worked on the opening of raring [15:15] - Several merges, bug fixes, and SRUs relating to the opening [15:15] - Worked on eglibc 2.16 4-way merge between Debian, Ubuntu, schepler, and wookey [15:15] - Discussed glibc 2.17 roadmap with upstream [15:15] - Meetings, meetings, and more meetings [15:15] - Spent some time cursing at bug 997359 (jodh: Can we get this fixed?) [15:15] Launchpad bug 997359 in libnih (Ubuntu) "nih uses eglibc private symbol __abort_msg" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/997359 [15:15] This week: [15:15] - Finish up eglibc 2.16, including making future merges much less effort [15:15] - Revisit kernel cleanup, time permitting [15:15] - Do some pre-UDS prep and blueprinty things [15:15] - UDS [15:15] ☭ [15:15] finished? don't see it [15:15] infinity: I'm waiting for feedback on https://bugs.launchpad.net/libnih/+bug/997359/comments/2 :) [15:15] I think "this week" is a to-do [15:16] jodh: I realise there's a "rebootstrap nih/glibc every time" workaround for the above, but it would be lovely to just fix it. [15:16] infinity: do you expect 2.16 to land this week? [15:16] slangasek: Yeahp. [15:16] ok cool [15:16] You have until, uh, not quite sure if you want it before britney's all ready. [15:17] Probably Friday by this point (which is a bit unfortunate since I'm meant to be on holiday). [15:17] Might end up turning it on from the hotel :) [15:17] A pre-UDS one day rest? [15:17] Oh crap, it's almost the end of the year. I should take a holiday sometime too. [15:17] My family'll be with me so hacking time a bit limited. We'll see. [15:18] La la la. [15:18] infinity: APPROVED [15:18] * slangasek whistles and runs away [15:18] [TOPIC] Bugs === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Bugs [15:18] infinity, heh, me too [15:19] bdmurray: I guess we might be in a weird spot for this since raring has no new bugs and we're not putting as much effort into quantal SRUs... but any that you think we need to fix though? [15:19] jodh: Your maybe in comment #2 is a bit vague, but without digging into it further, I say "yes, that would be lovely". :P [15:20] Hmm.... we will have 12.04.2 on the New Years Eve. [15:20] slangasek: no, not yet. however I've been trying to verify the fix for bug 1066445 so that the apt sru which fixes bug 346386 can be released. [15:20] Launchpad bug 1066445 in apt (Debian) "apt-get crashed with SIGSEGV in pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser::NewProvides()" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1066445 [15:20] Launchpad bug 346386 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "[MASTER] Update fails with invalid package files with "Encountered a section with no Package: header"" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/346386 [15:21] I've had no luck getting the failure in bug 1066445 though [15:21] xnox: 31 Jan, not 31 Dec :-) [15:21] that's the one that cjwatson suggested randomly permuting the cache size on, yes? [15:21] right, I've tried much smaller cache sizes [15:21] Yeah, it's probably a right pig to reproduce if you're unlucky [15:22] cjwatson: Oh good =) [15:22] Trying to reproduce on precise? [15:22] If it helps, you can use 'apt-cache gencaches' rather than 'apt-get update' (after the first time), which will be a lot faster since it doesn't download anything [15:22] would regression testing, dist-upgrades with the -proposed apt, be sufficient? [15:22] infinity: yes on precise [15:22] yeah, I'm kinda thinking we should just call it good with the regression test [15:23] I suspect regression testing may be all we can realistically get, in the absence of a deliberately malicious fuzzer tool [15:23] especially if we're pushing another apt SRU right behind it, the impact on users of having an extra SRU is minimal [15:23] Which arguably might be a good idea given the nature of this code [15:23] But it's not something we can knock together quickly [15:24] Unfortunately we don't have a /var/lib/apt/ tarball from that bug, otherwise reproduction would be a matter of dropping that in place and running 'apt-cache gencaches' [15:25] okay, I'll do one more test with apt from -proposed and then comment on the bug and tag it v-done [15:25] sounds good [15:25] Do make sure you're testing on amd64 [15:26] slangasek: BTW, the reason it's more likely when upgrading to quantal than when upgrading within precise is bigger Packages files with more Multi-Arch entries [15:26] I am - is that mentioned in the bug at all? [15:26] * infinity just tried i386 and amd64 and failed to reproduce. [15:26] cjwatson: fun [15:26] bdmurray: No, but it only bit amd64 originally [15:26] I wonder if bug 1016040 might have indirectly fixed bug 1066445? [15:26] Launchpad bug 1016040 in apt (Ubuntu Quantal) "apt_check.py crashed with SIGSEGV in FileName()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1016040 [15:26] Launchpad bug 1066445 in apt (Debian) "apt-get crashed with SIGSEGV in pkgCacheGenerator::ListParser::NewProvides()" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1066445 === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha [15:27] jodh: Not that way round [15:28] bdmurray: is that everything? [15:28] slangasek: that is all I have for today [15:28] bdmurray: ok, thanks [15:28] [TOPIC] UDS === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: UDS [15:28] blueprints [15:29] anything that you expect to have a session on at UDS, get your blueprint registered and proposed for uds-r by *tomorrow* [15:29] and *before* Monday, I want everyone to have gone through the schedule and subscribed themselves to the sessions they plan to attend [15:30] for any session that you would ask to have moved to work around a conflict, you should be marking yourself "participation essential" [15:30] I do not want you coming to me during the week and asking to move sessions because of a conflict - *tell the system* that it's a conflict and let the auto-scheduler do its job, please :) [15:31] jodh: So - I suppose it's possible, but I think it's relatively unlikely as my observations while debugging 1066445 were that it tended to crash immediately [15:31] (ok, if you only find out during the week that you have to be at two sessions at once, come to me all the same - but don't let this happen for things you should know about in advance) [15:31] clear? [15:32] slangasek, what if we bribe you with lots of beer for it ? [15:32] * infinity gets the impression that slangasek feels strongly about this topic. [15:32] dont work ? [15:32] :) [15:32] jodh: It seems unlikely since the crash was due to dereferencing a pointer into memory that had only *just* been deallocated - I don't think there's any way it could end up overwriting a stat buffer or similar [15:33] ogra_: my fee for moving sessions during the week is that I will look at you with an evil eye [15:33] this is a flat rate and not subject to negotiation [15:33] hahaha [15:33] k [15:33] also of note: [15:33] slangasek: Your evil eye tends to be accompanied with a friendly smile, it's rather confusing. [15:33] this time around we're trying something different in terms of session types [15:33] infinity, thats what makes it so scary [15:34] in addition to blueprint sessions, we can also have workshop sessions [15:34] (workshop/hacking sessions) [15:34] sweet ! [15:34] and also, presentation sessions [15:34] SO [15:34] * xnox thinks the laser strength shooting from the evil eye will vary in kW [15:34] * ogra_ fells like rolled back 6 years [15:34] *before* we started scheduling everything madly [15:34] for the first one, if you're being asked for blueprints to be added to UDS for the umpteenth time, and are thinking "we don't need another session on that, we just need to sit down and DO it" [15:35] - then there's a possibility of doing just that. Let me know and we'll see if scheduling a workshop session instead of a blueprint session makes sense. [15:35] Is there a way to represent that in the LP UI? [15:35] Like, a blueprintless blueprint? :P [15:36] Or do we need to ask someone (like you) to schedule a workshoppy thing? [15:36] informational ? [15:36] ogra_: Informational would seem to map better to the presentation sessions. [15:36] indeed [15:36] and for the second one, if there are topics that you think it would be useful to share with the larger Ubuntu community - like something you'd really like to give as a plenary but there wasn't a slot for - feel free to propose a presentation session [15:36] but could be abused for it [15:36] slangasek: is summit actually still reading the participation essential bit from LP? the UI suggests that it only uses LP to check if you want to attend and that you need to poke the track lead to be marked as essential (the UI says "If you feel that your participation is required for this topic, please contact Steve Langasek..."). Not that I have any conflict at the moment, just found it a bit confusing... [15:36] infinity: you ask a track lead to add it [15:36] slangasek: Check. [15:37] stgraber: I'm not sure; the summit UI is showing ALL subscribers to ALL sessions with a star. I'll look into that today and get back to you [15:37] We could nick higlight cjohnston intentionally for once, and ask him. [15:38] stgraber: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/attendee_review/21047/foundations-r-prior-release-feedback/ appears to reflect the blueprint P.E. status [15:38] Though he's probably so fed up with people actually wanting cjwatson that he no longer responds. [15:38] It happens both ways round ... [15:39] slangasek: ok. I also got one case where I had to manually subscribe on summit as even though I was subscribed on LP it wouldn't show it on summit. But as I said, no conflict so far, so I'll start pinging people if a conflict shows up... [15:39] stgraber: so there appears to be an additional flippy bit that I have access to, to make people "required" as opposed to "very interested in attending" [15:39] but I'm hoping they aren't making me set that for every single person who's required to be in a session, because that would be horrid and non-scalable [15:40] [TOPIC] AOB === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB [15:40] any other topics burning a hole in the pockets of your minds? [15:40] slangasek: Ugh. So, essential isn't actually essential? [15:41] "Please mark me super-duper-essential"? [15:41] infinity: I don't know. There's a perception on the part of other track leads that the launchpad field has been abused by people who aren't essential, which has never been my experience [15:41] so it may be that the scheduler has two different levels now [15:41] "try to schedule around this person" vs "require this person" [15:41] so do we open the archive in any case tomorrow? [15:42] regardless of any missing stuff? [15:42] I'll try to get clarification. But needless to say, I'm not going to go through by hand and edit status fields one by one for every one of you on summit. :P [15:42] doko: I don't think the "force everything into -proposed" stuff is going to have quite landed by then [15:42] slangasek: But that sounds like oodles of fun. OODLES. [15:42] And we're so close by now, and that will make so much difference, that I'm not willing to open without that at this point [15:43] ahh, ok. [15:43] My database patch is second in the queue, so that won't land until at least tomorrow morning (if I'm lucky) [15:43] cjwatson, do you expect to happen his during UDS? [15:43] My code patch hasn't yet been completely reviewed, although I've had some comments [15:44] Then it needs to go through EC2 (~4 hours, strictly after the DB patch lands), buildbot (~40 mins), QA (not too arduous), and be deployed [15:44] Subject to review, it should be possible to get it all done before UDS [15:44] cjwatson: ndt or fdt? [15:45] infinity: fdt for the db patch, ndt for code [15:45] [fastdowntime / nodowntime] [15:45] Yeah, Friday sounds reasonable then. [15:45] ok, I think, I'll send an email about when to expect the opening. will send you the draft [15:46] I thought I kind of covered that with my -devel mail earlier [15:46] But as you like [15:48] ok - anything else? [15:50] #endmeeting === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology [15:50] Meeting ended Wed Oct 24 15:50:20 2012 UTC. [15:50] Minutes (wiki): http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-10-24-15.02.moin.txt [15:50] Minutes (html): http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-10-24-15.02.html [15:50] the end [15:50] thanks all [15:50] thanks slangasek ! [15:50] cheers. [15:50] * ogra_ finally starts the break he tires to have since 9h [15:50] thanks! [15:50] ogra_: That'll be one hell of a tasty coffee. [15:51] ogra_: Or awfully stale, if you brewed it 9h ago. [15:51] haha [15:51] no, i dont count making coffee as break [15:51] its a button press and 30sec waiting [15:52] thanks! [15:52] its just that every time i tried to start that break something occured that didnt let me leave my desktop [15:53] * cjwatson sends ogra_ some really good kitten pictures [16:03] infinity: that doesn't sound like much fun, but whats up [16:04] cjohnston: Hah. A bit late. We were just ruminating about how marking people essential to sessions does or doesn't work these days. [16:05] cjohnston: slangasek seems to have discovered that it doesn't DTRT without individually setting a "no, I really mean it" flag, which is pretty unscalable. [16:05] I know.. was trying to get out the door.for the airport [16:06] agreed.. but so was allowing everyone to mark required as they want [16:06] http://i599.photobucket.com/albums/tt71/Pittsburghistan/xb9yt0jpg-1.gif [16:08] we need a better algorithm for scheduling [16:21] cjwatson, LOL ! === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan