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uvirtbotNew bug: #1070617 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.9.3-2ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saída de erro 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107061700:40
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NCommanderWhen using MAAS on a machine with multiple NICs, how can I get both of them to show up in the webUI?01:50
NCommanderI can only see eth1 and "" (which appears to be lo0)01:50
sazawal The minimode plugin in exaile in Ubuntu 12.10 does not remember its position. Help!01:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #1070639 in juju (universe) ""juju status" trigger errors within my node logs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107063902:21
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1022364 in mysql-5.5 (main) "package mysql-server-5.5 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102236404:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #1029622 in mysql-5.5 (main) "package mysql-server-5.5 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: подпроцесс установлен сценарий post-installation возвратил код ошибки 1" [Medium,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102962204:27
stiv2kanyone here04:55
stiv2kso now that ubuntu has dropped non-PAE support, what do non-PAE people have to do?04:55
Gallomimiahi guys. how's the newest release? I'm holding off on updating for a few more days...05:19
stiv2kSinZ, yeah05:34
stiv2knon PAE cpu05:34
SpamapSstiv2k: You have 4.5 more years with 12.0405:50
stiv2kSpamapS , my friend already updated to 12.1005:54
stiv2kusing a non PAE cpu05:54
SpamapSstiv2k: IIRC, do-release-upgrade was supposed to stop that05:54
stiv2kSpamapS lol, apparently it didnt05:54
SpamapSstiv2k: if he did it with apt-get dist-upgrade .. not much we can do if he failed to read the release notes.05:54
SpamapSstiv2k: I suppose he didn't backup the system first either, right?05:55
greppydoh, wrong window05:55
stiv2kSpamapS, i cant remember which way he did it... but why would ubuntu include more than one way to upgrade?05:58
SpamapSstiv2k: there is only one supported way06:01
stiv2kthat wasnt my question06:02
stiv2kif theres only one supported way, why does any other way even exist?06:02
stiv2kya know?06:02
stiv2kwhy would you give the possibility of another method if you arent going to support it06:02
stiv2kor maybe giant red boldface text that says USE THE OTHER COMMAND INSTEAD when the user runs it06:03
SpamapSstiv2k: because do-release-upgrade depends on the lower level dist-upgrade method.06:03
stiv2kin any case, im pretty sure i sent him this link to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/QuantalUpgrades06:04
stiv2kwhich says to run do-release-upgrade06:04
SpamapSYeah so if thats not preventing non-PAE's from upgrading then I'd argue thats a bug06:04
stiv2ki just looked at his bash history06:06
stiv2khe used do-release-upgrade06:06
SpamapSstiv2k: I just happen to be in the same building with the author of do-release-upgrade .. I'll ask him when I see him.06:06
stiv2kSpamapS, do you reckon anyone might make a ppa for non-PAE kernels/06:06
stiv2ki cant imagine it would be that hard to make06:07
SpamapSstiv2k: I'm not sure. IIRC, it was dropped because its a significantly difficult thing to support06:07
stiv2kSpamapS, what building is that? you work at ubuntu corporate office or something? :P06:07
stiv2kyou mean its harder than just setting some kernel option?06:07
SpamapSstiv2k: no, Bella Center in Copenhagen. We are at a pre-UDS meeting.06:08
SpamapSstiv2k: yes, the patches that Ubuntu carries don't work with some of the non-PAE kernel bits IIRC06:08
stiv2kis it possible for him to just skip the kernel updates06:09
stiv2kright now his machine is running 3.2.0-32-generic #51-Ubuntu SMP06:09
SpamapSstiv2k: yeah it should work for most things06:11
stiv2khow to skip kernel updates06:11
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koolhead17philballew, hi06:59
philballewkoolhead17, sorry for delay07:22
philballewgot a phone call from the rents07:22
Sprocksanyone here set up their own IRC server for ubuntu?07:56
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radishhi, mysql (5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1) behaves odd. If I create a new database and user, login with the user afterwards, show privileges doesn't show the database I gave privileges for. Also the user can login without providing a password allthough I did specify one10:44
acidflashhello all10:58
acidflashi checked the file /sys/block/sde/queue/scheduler and inside it was the following -> noop deadline [cfq]10:59
acidflashthis means that cfg is the current scheduler?10:59
uvirtbotNew bug: #1067834 in maas "inconsistent use of reverse DNS for hostname" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106783411:06
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Psi-JackWhat shell interpreter does upstart actually use?13:16
Psi-JackLooks like just sh.13:25
Psi-Jackdash, or compatible. :)13:25
MatBoyguys, I cannot resolve domainnames, only their subdomains... what can be wrong here ?13:26
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dorftrottel_not the other way around?14:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #1070861 in maas (main) "MAAS does not support PDUs or ILOs for server reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107086114:31
Aisoni've got two dns servers and I specified them in network/interfaces with14:39
Aisondns-nameservers 2001:1620:f00:81d3::1 2001:1620:f00:81d3::214:39
Aisonwhy is there only the first one later in resolv.conf? nameserver 2001:1620:f00:81d3::114:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #1070867 in samba (main) "No "don't know/irrelevant" options when using apport for reporting samba bugs/crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107086714:41
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zulsoren: ping14:58
zulhallyn: i think we should have libvirt 1.0 in raring rather than 0.10.215:06
hallynzul: offhand i think i agree.  well, wahtever the newest release will be around january15:07
hallynbut, i've not used anything newer than what we have in q15:07
zulhallyn:  right i though 1.0 was suppose to be out at least in november15:07
hallynguess we should look at the timeline before next week.  feh15:08
hallyn(feh - bc i'm bearing down for some triaging :)15:08
zulhallyn: meh15:09
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hallynstgraber: hm, lucid contaienrs aren't working for me on quantal hosts15:46
stgrabermountall: Event failed15:47
stgrabermount: mount point /dev/shm is a symbolic link to nowhere15:47
stgrabermountall: mount /dev/shm [51] terminated with status 3215:47
stgrabermountall: Filesystem could not be mounted: /dev/shm15:47
stgraberhallyn: ^ ?15:47
hallynoh right.  someone else had reported that last week15:47
hallynoh.  is this bc of devtmpfs?15:48
hallynyes it is15:49
hallyni don't even know what we want to do about this.  i'll just check for (and file) a bug for now i guess.15:50
hallynon the brigh side, since lucid containers require lxcguest from ppa, they're funky anyway15:50
hallynstgraber: was it you who mentioned that last weekthen?15:51
stgraberhallyn: this really needs fixing before the SRU lands though15:51
stgraberhallyn: nope, wasn't me. Just heard about it now when you mentioned it (and checked against my newly rebuilt containers)15:52
hallynstgraber: good point.15:52
hallynstgraber: any thoughts on the right fix?15:52
hallynmaybe the right fix is for my lxcguest to mangle /dev/shm into a symlink15:52
stgraberwell, /dev/shm is a symlink ;)15:52
stgrabermount: mount point /dev/shm is a symbolic link to nowhere15:52
hallynsorry, a dir i meant :)15:53
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1070914 in lxc (universe) "lucid containers don't start on quantal hosts" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107091416:01
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Aisoni've got two dns servers and I specified them in network/interfaces with17:11
Aisondns-nameservers 2001:1620:f00:81d3::1 2001:1620:f00:81d3::217:11
Aisonwhy is there only the first one later in resolv.conf? nameserver 2001:1620:f00:81d3::117:11
Aisonwith ipv4 it works17:11
stgraberAison: how many "nameserver" entries do you get in /etc/resolv.conf?17:12
Aisonthree, two ipv4 and the first of ipv617:12
stgraberright, so that's why17:12
stgraberthe maximum number of entries in /etc/resolv.conf is 317:12
Aisonok, why?17:13
stgraberAison: because someone once set MAXNS to 3 in resolv.h apparently, so the libc resolver can only understand the first 3 nameserver entries17:13
stgraberany extra one would just be ignored17:13
Aisonquite funny17:15
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fred__I'm trying MAAS + juju on quantal. As there is no mysql charm for quantal, I cannot deploy in using juju, should I use precise's version?18:32
genii-aroundWould anyone know perhaps offhand the minimum amount of free disk space needed for Lucid->Precise upgrade with do-release-upgrade? The machine is pretty tight right now: /dev/sda1 9.0G 7.6G 882M 90% /    ( although I could bindmount something like /var/cache/apt to the RAID1 which has lots of free room )19:12
RoyKgenii-around: start with an apt-cache clean19:16
RoyKgenii-around: it's quite impossible to determine the amount needed for a full upgrade, though19:17
genii-aroundRoyK: That df  is already after an apt-cache clean, actually...19:17
RoyKgenii-around: that's why I always use LVM even for the root, to allow it to grow if needed19:17
RoyKperhaps check /var/log19:18
RoyKor do you have databases running under the root partition?19:18
RoyK7,6GiB used for the root on a server is quite a lot19:19
genii-aroundRoyK: Yes, this machine is primarily for the surveillence so it is basically LAMP plus Zoneminder. The camera footage all goes on the RAID1 right now19:19
RoyKand you have all databases on the root partition=19:20
RoyKsub-optimal to be diplomatic19:21
RoyKthe root should be used for root stuff, not variable data19:21
RoyKdatabases are very variable data indeed19:22
genii-aroundI basically wanted to be keep the main disk size down to below 16G so I could dd it off onto a USB stick on occasion19:23
genii-aroundGuess I could add another drive, I have a bunch of old ones around here someplace19:24
mdeslaurSpamapS: have you ever gotten a mysql test suite failure in main.trigger-compat ?19:24
fred__genii-around: if your raid1 storage is large enough, consider moving your db on it19:25
RoyKgenii-around: you don't want a database on your root partition. period.19:25
RoyKgenii-around: and you don't want a database on something that's not redundant19:25
genii-aroundYes, moving the /var to some subdir on the RAID1 seems to be prudent19:26
RoyKgenii-around: just move /var to the raidset19:27
RoyKgenii-around: next time, mirror the root as well, so that when that drive dies, the server doesn't ;)19:27
* genii-around goes and tinkers19:31
hallynnot again19:36
hallynSpamapS: /win 1519:37
hallynwell hmm19:38
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submanI'm trying to setup an rsync cronjob using ssh with keys but I seem to be having a problem.  I've setup the keys and can log into the remote storage machine with no problem.  However I tried to duplicate the cronjob (I assume they are run as user 'root') with sudo and it still asks me for a password.  Did I need to setup the keys with the user 'root'?19:49
sarnoldsudo will ask you for a password unless you configure it not to19:50
sarnoldbut ..19:50
sarnoldyou may just wish to run the command via whichever user account's crontab is appropriate?19:50
submanYes, sudo did ask me for a password, but I am concerned with the ssh also asking me for a password.  I have already logged into that user account on the remote machine via ssh with no password required now that he keys are setup.19:51
fred__subman: you need an ssh-agent running19:52
sarnoldsubman: are the keys password protected? do you have an ssh-agent running to supply them with the passphrase if they are password protected?19:53
submansarnold, No, keys have no passphrase19:53
submanMaybe I'm asking this question the wrong way.19:54
sarnoldmaybe a bit too abstract? :)19:54
sarnoldwhich user account on which host is running which commands? :)19:54
submanMaybe I should ask this question in a forum to explain it in complete detail exactly what I'm trying to do here.19:59
sarnoldsubman: or maybe paste the command you've put into which crontab...20:01
subman* 0 * * * rsync -avv --delete /home kitty@ >> /var/log/rsyncbackup.log20:01
sarnoldokay :) which crontab is this in?20:02
submanI created that with crontab -e as a user on the machine that I want to backup the home directories from.20:06
sarnoldsubman: and does that user account have read access to the entirety of /home ?20:08
submansarnold, Ah, I assume that the cronjobs run as root.  They run as the user that created them?20:09
submanNo, this user does not have read rights to the whole /home directory.  I should change that.20:09
sarnoldsubman: yeah, each user has their own crontab; that's what you get with crontab -e :)20:09
submanYeah, I'm new at this.20:09
sarnoldsubman: if you want to run it as root, it might be easier to add that line to the /etc/crontab file, or simplify it a little and put it into /etc/cron.daily/ or similar20:10
sarnoldsubman: but make sure the keys are available to root; maybe you'll need to move them to /root/.ssh/20:10
sarnold(root _does_ have a 'user crontab file', via crontab -e, but that's .. odd.)20:11
submansarnold, I think I'm understanding it all better now.20:11
sarnoldsubman: cron -is- a bit cumbersome :) but it's grown to be that way by handling a lot of other needs that are hard to handle with other tools...20:12
submanI would normally use a GUI tool to do backups, but this is my first install with a non GUI server install.  Time to learn the command line way to do things!20:13
sarnoldand besides, the gui will probably end up calling rsync in the end anyhow20:14
sarnoldI've seen plenty of those "products" before...20:14
submanI thought it about time to roll up my sleeves and dive right in.20:14
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submanNow, if I change the permissions of /home to be 'read' for the user doing the rsync, will that permission carry over to any newly created files not owned by that user?20:16
sarnoldsubman: depending upon the site reliability, you may also like to add --partial to the rsync command line -- that will allow it to re-use the portion of a file that may already exist on the remote end. (ideally this would just be magically correct, but it isn't..)20:17
sarnoldsubman: no; getting read access propagated down a directory hierarchy correctly is pretty complicated20:17
sarnoldsubman: your choices are (a) run a command that forces all the permissions to be "correct" before running it (b) some complicated "BSD groups" behavior (awesome for when you need it, but definitely a new complication) (c) just running the rsync as root.20:18
submanI currently run the rsync as root via sudo but his won't work with the user account level cronjob.20:19
submanI assume that I must then create the cronjob as root?20:19
sarnoldsubman: that's what I would do20:21
submansarnold, Great, doing that just now.  /etc/crontab.20:21
submanand move the keys....20:22
submanhmmm, keys still do not work as root20:29
submanGot it!20:31
sarnoldsubman: hrm. is /root/.ssh group or world readable?20:31
submanIt worked.  I had to copy over both files in the .ssh directory20:32
submanSorry, both directories under the .ssh directory of the user20:32
sarnolddirectories under .ssh?20:32
submankeys are held in two directories under the .ssh directory.  id_rsa and id_rsa.pub20:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #1071011 in qemu-kvm (main) "specific device not available in client (passthrough) with high cpu load on host, none in client" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107101120:34
sarnoldsubman: those ought to just be files20:35
submanYes they are, sorry for the terminology20:35
submanToo much learning today!20:35
sarnoldokay ;)20:35
submanSo many new things, but a ton of fun here.20:36
submansarnold, Thanks for your help here, greatly appreciated!20:36
sarnoldsubman: sure, I'm glad you're still having fun :)20:36
submanOh yeah, no problem there.  I'm sure I'll make some huge errors but these are not production machines.20:37
submanJust learning machines20:37
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sorenzul: 'sup?20:43
zulsoren: should i be bringing gloves next week :)20:44
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sorenzul: Of course. Just like any other UDS.20:45
sorenzul: Oh, *gloves*? Uh, no. Why would you?20:46
zuljust figure out stuff out20:46
sazawalThe minimode plugin in exaile cannot remember its position and moves back to top left corner. I have just upgraded to Ubuntu 12.10 and the problem started. There is something I can do in the plugin script at /usr/share/exaile/plugins/minimode. Please help21:29
sarnoldhrm, seems I saw someone yesterday complaining about that. check launchpad, he or she may have filed a bug?21:31
sazawalsarnold, I guess that was me :D21:35
sarnoldsazawal: oh :)21:35
sazawalWell, I should file the bug then.21:36
sazawalsarnold, do you use exaile?21:36
sarnoldsazawal: no, I hadn't heard of it, the funny name stuck out though.. :)21:37
sazawalsarnold, haha, no problem. Its a media player21:37
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Aisonis it possible that isc-dhcp-server of ubuntu 12.10 is broken?22:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #1071053 in postfix (main) "Postfix does or doesn't relay mail from localhost to the internet depending on whether I connect via router or via 3G modem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107105322:26
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