
ali1234AlanBell: http://irishjesus.wordpress.com/2010/03/30/hacking-the-foscam-fi8908w/01:11
ali1234"n the Foscam, all data packets start with ‘MO_O’ for the ‘operation  protocol’ used to configure the camera, and MO_V for video/audio  packets."01:12
ali1234also firmware unpacker01:13
ali1234says it runs linux01:16
ali1234if it were me i'd take it apart and find the debug port01:16
ali1234firmware contains string "linux.bin"01:22
ali1234i guess the two firmwares are kernel and rootfs01:23
ali1234ok, i see MO_I, MO_V, MO_M and MO_O packet types01:25
ali1234firmware extractor doesn't work, but the file look simple01:29
ali1234ok, reversed the file entry format. it crashes on the first directory entry. but that explains what that unknown byte means...01:45
ali1234directories are pretty simple, just a zero length file with 4 bytes of unknown data. hmm02:08
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ali1234ok this is really just the server html files etc02:09
ali1234lol, a Thumbs.db02:11
ali1234silly windows developers02:11
ali1234ZyDAS ascii art, lolz02:20
ali1234Linux 2.4.20-uc0, ARM7TDMI02:22
ali1234it's uClinux02:23
ali1234this has all already been done :)02:34
ali1234heh, super simple02:36
ali1234linux.zip (lol) and romfs.img02:36
Azelphurali1234: google finance is advertising butterfly labs ASICs https://dl.dropbox.com/u/30965168/img/image.jpg xD02:36
ali1234so did they ship yet?02:37
Azelphurali1234: indeed, the wonderful world of bitcoin is fun02:39
AzelphurI'm getting really good at arbitration though, I've sold £1000 worth of bitcoins in the past week02:39
ali1234right, this firmware is super simple02:41
ali1234it has a shell script init and just runs a monolithic camera executable that is about 95% of the firmware02:41
ali1234it could almost certainly be directly replaced02:42
bb15good morning to all!06:12
diploMorning all07:05
christelmorning lovelies07:26
=== TheOpenSourcerer is now known as theopensourcerer
BigRedSGoooood Morning!08:01
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theopensourcererMorning all. Anyone on a service with no static IP have good experience of using DDNS?08:33
popeytheopensourcerer, ya08:37
theopensourcererNothing's up - we have a customer that has Asterix and currently has static IP. Wants faster broadband but can't get one with a static IP.08:38
diplotheopensourcerer: I use it all the time as well, but tried anything as complex as that :)08:38
dauberstheopensourcerer: They trying to do FTTC?08:38
theopensourcererThink they are talking to Virgin.08:39
daubersah, VM don't do static IP's full stop.08:39
popeyi have dynamic IP from virgin08:39
popeyits not that dynamic08:39
theopensourcererDo they provide a DDNS service popey08:39
popeyI use afraid.org for my dynamic dns08:39
daubersIf they can do FTTC speak to A&A or plus.net Both will do static IP's (A&A is free, plus.net is £5 one off)08:39
JamesTaitGood morning all! :)08:40
theopensourcererThanks Daubers08:40
popeywifey rebooted my cable modem yesterday and the IP didnt change08:40
popeyit rarely changes08:40
daubersA&A gave the hackspace 32 static IP's.....08:40
JamesTaitdaubers, +1 for A&A.08:40
theopensourcererThanks all  - that's very helpful.08:43
dauberstheopensourcerer: (as an aside, A&A do ipv6 by default)08:44
diploWe've started using EFM lines at are customers where FTTC isn't available, works well so far.08:45
bb15hi all!08:58
BigRedStheopensourcerer: install bind, email him a perl script :)09:08
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AlanBellwe are hiring: http://www.libertus.co.uk/about-us/jobs/7-free-software-engineer shout if you know anyone suitable10:01
popeyAlanBell, theopensourcerer if you tweeted that I'd RT it :)10:01
theopensourcererTweeted :-)10:03
diploI'd love to work with the Alan's10:03
diploBit far away, and canna afford it... funny you do that as I am actually writing my CV at this moment in time :)10:04
SuperMattI eventually plan to move to guildford, maybe in a few years10:05
SuperMattI'll hook up with the alans then10:05
einonmlooks like free software engineers aren't free after all, looking at the salary :) How ironic10:17
davmor2Morning all10:19
SafiyyahMorning all10:24
Safiyyahmy system has packed up again and I am not sure what has  done it, I did plug in an old mp3 player to charge now my system won't boot. On the live disk I can see that I only have 6 GB of space I don't know if that is the problem10:26
Safiyyahpopey, AlanBell, daubers10:27
popeyunplug the mp3 player ?10:27
popeyi have  a system which won't boot if there are certain usb devices plugged in10:27
SuperMattI have that too10:30
Safiyyahpopey I unplugged it, booted up and I get no gdm, just a black screen10:31
SafiyyahI am on a live disk as we speak10:31
* d0od tickles popey11:02
davmor2I WANT ONE http://www.pcpro.co.uk/blogs/2012/10/24/all-aboard-the-pc-train-case/11:09
Neoti_Desktophey people.... does anyone know about DHCPD i need to know how to write the option for 114 AKA URL or default-url etc... but when i type it in the config file as option default-url "blah"; i get a message saying its unknown....11:15
Neoti_Desktophow to i write this option... reason i need it is i am doing auto prov for gigaset phones and they require option 11411:16
diploI don't know about dhcpd but googling it there isn't an option default-url11:23
diploLook at dhcp-options and it lists all of the ones available11:23
Neoti_Desktopdo you have a link for this ?11:24
diplodhcp option linux, top one is a about.com with everything listed11:24
diploin google11:24
shaunoassuming it's isc's dhcpd, that should be correct: option default-url "value";11:24
shauno(man 5 dhcp-options)11:25
diplohah, google / me fails then11:25
davmor2Yay Finally my SIII is upgrading11:25
shaunojust make sure you're quoting it, else it'll expect it to be in hexidecimal :/11:25
Neoti_Desktopdavmor2 ARGH!!!!!! i have been trying to get mine to get the update from three for ages ....11:26
* Neoti_Desktop *NOT HAPPY!!!*11:26
davmor2I'm on tmobile11:26
davmor2Neoti_Desktop: if you have game os on a pc I recommend using kies as it has direct access rather than waiting for the ota version11:28
Neoti_Desktopim lazy though and can not be arsed to connect via Kies... lolz.... though i guess i will now.... :)11:28
SuperMattseems like the update pipes are clogged :(11:29
SuperMattfor the S311:29
davmor2SuperMatt: indeed that's why I tried kies on game os11:30
shaunoNeoti_Desktop: that option seems to work here; http://cl.ly/image/2P293J0K1e44  (sorry it's an img, I can't paste from VM)11:34
Neoti_Desktopmy solution define the option as (option default-url code 114 = text;) then call the option (option default-url "";) :)11:38
Neoti_Desktopthe image is from the router OS Vyatta... and built on debian using the DHCPD package so it should have let me do it... doh... oh well ... but my solution above should work... now time for testing ... hehe11:39
Neoti_Desktopthen again i might be wrong about the distro.... sorry...11:40
shaunoodd, the vyatta image I have here (vc 6.4) reports a very similar dhcpd version.  so funky that it's acting different.  regardless, you've found what you need :)11:46
diploAnyone know a way of identifying what program rar'd or zip'd a file ?12:57
Laneyarchers theme tune → reach for power button13:03
SuperMatttoo troo#13:04
einonmdiplo: I don't think you can do that. Why would you need to know?13:05
diploeinonm: Doing a security challenge, have to break open a zip/rar file. read that you can do things like buffer overflow on them if you what compressed it13:09
einonmdiplo:  Hmm, ok :) usually it's the zip/rar library that can be used by several different executables on Linux, the only thing I can think of that will tell you a little more about it is the 'file' command13:12
diployeah nowt :) I think I've looked at most things, tried fcrackzip to brute it13:15
dwatkinsthrow a dictionary at it13:18
einonmdiplo: Usually that sort of thing is knowing what the flaws are, and trying all of them to see which works...or so I've heard...13:18
diploheh, yeah so I've 'heard' / 'read' as well13:18
diploBut it seems you need to know what it was compressed with to be able to exploit that, from what I'm reading13:19
diploProbably reading it wrong13:19
dwatkinsisn't that obvious from the magic?13:19
dwatkinsor is this truecrypt?13:19
diploThe magic ?13:19
dwatkinsthe beginning of the file, what the command 'file' uses13:19
diplonah just plain zip/rar archives13:19
dwatkinsah ok13:19
davmor2diplo: john the ripper13:20
dwatkinsyou might be able to decrease the time to crack it if you know how many alphanumerics the password has, and so on13:20
diploRAR archive data, v2a,13:20
einonmthere's the prog 'zipinfo' for a bit more about zips13:20
diployeah no idea on the password13:20
diploCan only use John the ripper to pipe to another program davmor2 as far as i can tell13:21
davmor2diplo: http://www.junauza.com/2010/11/how-to-crack-password-protected-zip.html http://www.mydigitallife.info/how-to-recover-rar-7z-and-zip-password-with-rarcrack-in-linux/13:23
davmor2diplo: there are loads of solutions I did a google for "Linux retrieve forgotten password for (rar/zip)"13:24
diployeah tried loads already13:26
diplothe second link calls unrar and passes it a password to try13:27
diploDoesn't work if each of the files are encrypred seperatly as well13:27
diploand the first link is fcrackzip, didn't do anything :/13:28
diploI think I'll skip this one :D13:28
* SuperMatt has installed ubuntu accomplishments and notes a lot of them are missing for him :(13:30
davmor2diplo: first things first are you sure it is a zip or rar13:31
SuperMattssh and tar are so much better at moving large numbers of small files than rsync13:34
diplodavmor2: Yeah defo is13:37
davmor2diplo: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/unix-linux-password-cracking-john-the-ripper/ apparently you can run john on file :)13:40
dwatkinsWindows hates my Nexus 7, it says "Nexus 7" is ready to use but no driver was found for "Nexus"...13:42
* dwatkins makes a note never to connect it to that laptop again13:43
einonmdwatkins: I think the N7 connects itself as a camera device first, not a storage device13:43
einonmdwatkins: I remember having to fiddle with mine to use it on Linux as well13:44
dwatkinsah ok, einonm - I just needed to charge it, but it's interesting to see it's not clearly labelled as 'camera driver for Nexus 7 failed to install' etc.13:47
einonmdwatkins: try going to settings on the N7, storage->menu(top right)->USB computer connection13:49
einonmyou can then choose what device to connect as :)13:49
* popey hugs his n713:52
popeynice to see you can get 32GB ones now13:53
TREllislittlewoods? :-)13:53
popeyand argos iirc13:53
davmor2popey: is that the Ubuntu powered N7 or the android one?13:54
popeythere is no ubuntu powered n713:54
einonmthat 32Gb looks suspiciously like a typo!13:58
popeynah, its well publicised online13:59
einonmin which case: cool!13:59
YaManicKillit's still not officially been announced/released. But it does make sense13:59
YaManicKillAlso, note the price is also higher than the 16GB13:59
einonmfair enough.13:59
diplodavmor2: http://www.openwall.com/lists/john-users/2006/07/04/114:00
YaManicKilloh interesting, the Argos thing says it'll be 199, but it's 249 in littlewoods14:00
diplothe cyberciti one is saying you can crack files, not zips14:00
einonmI fell in love with my N7 when I realised I can use the terminal IDE app to run a terminal, have the full kernel code with tags on it, and use vim to browse....14:00
Linux_AlienHi, I am trying to install ubuntu on a vaio desktop pc (not laptop) but the graphics are unusable (looks like all the wrong colours and stuff can't be seen). Anyone seen this? The settings say "Laptop   -   ON" but it won't let me switch it off. This has happened on 11.04 and 12.04, both have the issue14:11
Linux_AlienIs there a option in grub to use low graphics? like vesa?14:16
diploNot done in a while, but isn't there a safe mode to load in14:28
diploNot sure how up to date it is, haven't had to do it for a while myself14:31
davmor2Linux_Alien: What graphics card is in it?14:34
Linux_Aliendavmor2, Nvidia GeForce FX Go570014:37
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bb15hi all!16:32
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* Darael jumps.17:58
SuperEngineerDarael: ;)17:59
diploAnyone about ?18:26
SuperEngineerHi diplo.  I'm about... about to eat ;)18:27
diploAnyone had any issues with sound on 12.10, eventually getting round to fixing it on my home PC18:27
diploOnly have the option of "Play sound through" "Dummy output"18:27
diploNot found a good solution yet18:28
AlanBellpresume it doesn't make a sound diplo?19:07
AlanBellhardware install or a VM?19:07
AlanBellfresh or upgrade?19:07
ali1234AlanBell: did you see stuff i posted about your ip camera?19:17
AlanBellali1234: ooh, no19:17
ali1234i found there is a whole forum for hacking them http://www.openipcam.com/19:18
* AlanBell sees the scrollback19:18
ali1234tools to unpack and rebuild your firmware: sourceforge.net/projects/foscam-util19:18
ali1234tested them and they work19:18
ali1234so you have a clone of the foscam19:18
diploSorry AlanBell was packing19:18
diployeah no sound at all, fresh install19:19
ali1234diplo: unmute with alsamixer19:19
diploWorked on 10.10, clean install of 12.1019:19
ali1234i have to do that after every reinstall19:19
AlanBellali1234: briliant19:19
diplocannot open mixer: No such file or directory19:19
ali1234you can't unmute with the volume control widget19:19
diploTried that already19:19
ali1234diplo: oh, well, you have serious problems then, sorry19:19
diploDetected, as the kernel module is loaded19:20
diploJust found that thread for karmic with same sound card19:21
diploWorth a try ?19:21
AlanBellremoving pulse audio isn't what I would do19:25
AlanBellfile a bug19:25
diplono entry in alsa-base.conf for snd-hda-intel19:26
ali1234haha, removing pulseaudio should be number 119:28
diploSo what to file it against ?19:42
diploAnd what info is best to provide ?19:43
ali1234dmesg for starters19:43
ali1234output of lsmod19:43
ali1234and lspci19:43
ali1234but apport should do all that19:43
diploubuntu-bug audio19:45
diploSo says the DebuggingSoundProblems on wiki19:45
diplobug #107100119:52
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1071001 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "Sound Card not detected NM10/ICH7 Intel HDA Internal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107100119:52
diployay, first bug report :D19:52
Pendulumhiya bigcalm19:57
bigcalmHey Pendulum, how are they treating you?19:57
Pendulumright now, we're not quite to the treatment level. today was just all evaluations and I'm exhausted. I'm also not allowed to do more than the laptop, food, books, and tv (all from bed) pretty much without assistance20:00
PendulumI can't even sit on the side of the bed without the alarm going off to tell them I've been naughty20:01
bigcalmYou've tried then :)20:01
Pendulumno, but it went off because they forgot to turn it off when PT came earlier20:01
PendulumOTOH, I'm probably getting the best care I've ever gotten and I can't really stand up on my own anyway20:02
bigcalmSilly peeps20:02
bigcalmI do hope they make you much better20:02
PendulumI was in better shape by the time I left the hospital after my surgeries than I am now.20:03
bigcalmWhat's happened?20:03
Pendulumoverall health was worse going in, less movement allowed when I was in the hospital, and longer hospital stay are the only things I can think of20:04
MartijnVdSCool thing about the Voyagers on BBC Four20:20
* brobostigon is watching palin. :)20:25
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: Michael or Sarah? ;)20:26
brobostigonMartijnVdS: the former. :)20:26
MartijnVdSAh, the python (not the snake)20:27
brobostigonlol :)20:27
chilicuilhello o/, I'm sorry to bother, someone knows what happened with http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/, that was the only pad I could found for ubuntu related things and I added some data, however from some weeks ago it vanished, so I'm wondering if the ubuntu-ku team have plans to recover it, if not, who I have to contact in order to recover my information?20:39
dauberschilicuil: You need to speak to Daviey I suspect20:43
daubershe might be busy with uds things20:43
chilicuildaubers: I understand, then I'll wait till the uds finish, anyway, do you what is its nickname | mail?, It's just that I really wanna reach him, I put the information of the ubuntu-mx team there X_X20:44
ali1234alanbell might know what happened to it20:44
ali1234chilicuil: you could mail the ubuntu-uk mailing list, that should get you an answer20:44
ali1234actually searching the archives might find something. i'm not subscribed myself20:44
chilicuilali1234: I'll do that, thanks for your time20:45
AlanBellhi chilicuil20:45
ali1234i don't see anything on the ML about shutting down pad, or system problems20:46
ali1234maybe it broke and nobody noticed20:46
AlanBellthere was no intention to shut it down20:47
ali1234does anyone who can fix it know it's broken? ;)20:47
mgdmisn't it Daviey's?20:47
chilicuilhi AlanBell, that's ok, I know it was probably my fault20:47
AlanBellit isn't on the same server as www.ubuntu-uk.org20:48
ali1234i thought it was20:48
AlanBellit is a Daviey box20:48
ali1234fair enough20:48
bigcalmAlanBell: that sounds terrible :S20:48
bigcalmThough I blame my terrible mind and lugradio20:48
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dogmatic69PHP SPL is pretty damn cool.22:17
bigcalmI see, interesting22:35

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