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MCR1om26er: Time for some testing of fixes ?09:55
MCR1Hi :), btw09:55
MCR1duflu, smspillaz: Hi :) Got 3 branches ready for review...09:59
MCR11. https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/compiz/compiz.merge-fix1009999-shiftswitcher-ignores-setting-show-window-title/+merge/13114810:01
MCR12. https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/compiz/compiz.merge-fix1068503-scaleaddon-solid-window-highlight/+merge/13104910:01
MCR13. https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/compiz/compiz.merge-fix1070233-fix1070297-fix1070301-Resizeinfo/+merge/13099410:02
MCR1If anyone has time to look at those, it would be appreciated 8-)10:02
MCR1didrocks, sil2100: Papercuts ^^10:03
didrocksMCR1: I have no interest on those plugins TBH (and won't have the time for testing them properly ;))10:04
didrocksMCR1: I think you will need to find another victim ;)10:04
popeyno sil210010:08
popeyxnox, bug 1065935 - do you still get this?10:21
ubot5Launchpad bug 1065935 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz eats 90% CPU time most of the time, more than kvm to run VMs" [Critical,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106593510:21
xnoxpopey: right if I trigger it, I will need to reboot to get my cpu back. I will test it again in a moment, after this current build finishes.10:22
popeyxnox, thanks, do leave a comment10:22
xnoxI am quite certain it's a duplicate of the other cpu bug.10:22
popeyJohnLea, i need to show you a behavioural bug in 12.04.. where/when can I show this to you?10:39
JohnLeapopey; I've got back to back meetings until 17:15 today, so how about 17:20?10:40
JohnLeapopey; re. where, let's just find an empty room10:41
popeyI'll just show you on my laptop, it will take 2 seconds10:41
popeyor i can just y'know describe it to you :)10:41
sil2100\o/ Would be nice to have design opinion on that one10:43
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Dougie187Just curious, but does anyone know if ubuntu 12.10 will be receiving compiz 0.9.9?15:38
MirvDougie187: no, ubuntu 12.10 will get updates from the 0.9.8 branch, while the 0.9.9 is being developed for 13.0415:51
Mirvso 0.9.8 = stable (as is 0.9.7), 0.9.9 = development15:51
phanimaheshdidrocks: Here's the pending merge request. https://code.launchpad.net/~amith/unity/unity-reset-fix/+merge/13082815:56
didrocksphanimahesh: quick look and seems awesome!16:02
didrocksphanimahesh: at UDS and not really available for the next 2 weeks16:03
didrocksphanimahesh: I think we'll need automated tests though to approve it ;)16:03
phanimaheshoh. the tests are also available. I'll get them included. :)16:05
MCR1didrocks: As you do not like my Compiz plug-in fixes I have here one affecting every multimonitor user ;)16:05
MCR1didrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/compiz/compiz.merge-fix1068173-grid-does-not-follow-preview/+merge/13122716:06
phanimaheshthough using unit tests with unity running is a bit tricky.16:06
MCR1bschaefer: Hi :) Maybe you have time for this... ^^16:07
MCR1bschaefer: I could even provide a compiled version of the plug-in for easy testing...16:08
phanimaheshdidrocks: I couldn't figure out how exactly to write unittests for the patched version as is. I have a successfully running suite of tests but that involves too many changes. Reloading unity means I need to wait for unity to be killed to proceed. Any ideas on what can be done?16:20
Dougie187Mirv: so what about the patches that get pushed into 0.9.9 regarding nvidia drivers and poor performance in 12.10?16:32
MCR1@all: As everyone likes videos I've prepared 2: One before the fix:16:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1068173 in Compiz "[Multimonitor] [Grid] plug-in: The window snapping does not follow the preview, but uses the display the mousepointer is on when the mousebutton gets released" [Undecided,In progress]16:33
MCR1and afterwards:16:33
MirvDougie187: backports are possible, and the usual way stuff gets done - first fix in trunk, then evaluate if it's backportable18:27
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Dougie187Mirv: Ok thanks. I was mostly curious because compiz/unity runs really terribly for me right now. And there are bug reports linking to milestones that say it should be fixed in 0.9.9. So I'm wondering if/when I'll be able to use that mostly. :P20:10
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