
Unit193If you live around here where I am, StarBucks will have a blood drive and give doners a gift card to there.00:33
Unit193Switch out blood for coffee?  Sounds great.00:42
andygraybeal_is anyone using version control for libreoffice with a group of people?01:06
andygraybeal_i've read very nebulous things about people doing this online, but i can't find concrete instructions or a visual of what it looks like to an end user.01:06
thafreakanyone ever use ikiwiki?19:27
dniMretsaMno thafreak. I just looked it up, though. it sounds kind of interesting19:29
thafreaki've been leaning more towards static stuff...19:32
thafreakstarted using blogophile for static website generation19:32
paultagikiwiki is pretty popular in some crowds19:32
thafreakthen thought about wikis...ikiwiki is about the closest thing I could find19:32
thafreakpaultag: what are you trying to say :)19:33
* paultag shrugs19:33
thafreakwell...ikiwiki is kinda weird...lots of perl, and it has some cgi stuff19:35
thafreakI just want to write wikipages in like markdown, reStructured Text, etc, commit them to a git repo, and poof19:36
thafreakstatic html gets made19:36
thafreakmaybe i just need to write a wiki plugin for blogophile19:36
thafreakaha...found a project called marcdoc!19:54
dniMretsaMthafreak: isn't markdown a plaintext to HTML thing anyway? or am I misunderstanding what you're after?19:56
paultagnot HTML, in all cases19:57
thafreakyeah, but i want a system that builds it all for me19:57
dniMretsaMthafreak: ok, I think I see what you're saying19:59
thafreakkind of like Make...but for a website19:59
thafreakcompiles all the source pages to static html20:00
thafreakmy whole motivation is I want a single source for all my notes/docs20:05
thafreaksometimes I have a browser, so I want to look at docs in a browser20:05
paultaguse moar rst20:05
paultagsphynx is nice20:05
thafreakmost of the time i'm in a console20:05
thafreakso I want something i can grep/less/etc20:06
Cheri703anyone familiar with setting up "twiki"?22:09
canthus13iirc it's pretty much just a single file, no?22:11
canthus13Err. never mind. I'm thinking of a different wiki.22:11
Cheri703my dad (and/or his company) is looking for quotes on having one set up for them as like a knowledge base22:23
canthus13We use mediawiki at work.22:24
canthus13It's... heavy.  but it works well.22:24
thafreaki worked on twiki before i believe...22:52
thafreakfor whatever reason, the corporate types seem to like it...22:52
thafreakas opposed to mediawiki, which is so widely well known22:53
thafreakAlso, MoinMoin is cool, I like it better (or used to) than media wiki22:53
Cheri703yeah, I'd never heard of twiki22:53
thafreakused to be able to run it locally easily...so I could have it on a usb stick and take my wiki with me22:53
Unit193There is also dokuwiki.23:06

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