
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Milos_SDI have a little problem with xv and not enough video memory17:15
Milos_SDif I have too many applications open, or 2 tabs in firefox with flash, I can't get tvtime or mplayer (smplayer) to go fullscreen17:17
Milos_SDtvtime crashes with complains about not enough video memory to allocate, and smplayer just freez the video when I go fullscreen or enlarge the video screen...17:18
Milos_SDI had that problem in 12.04 beta, but then, it was fixed somehow... I upgraded to 12.10, and now I have this problem again17:18
Milos_SDif I disable compiz and unity, all works great ...  anyone has any idea what can be wrong here?17:19
Milos_SDI have old nvidia 7600gt card with 256MB vram17:21
mlankhorstprobably using too muchvideo memory, if you' re using compiz might want to try without21:23
LLStarkshi mlankhorst21:32
LLStarksi was wondering if there would be an uds-r hybrid graphics meeting. there's a lot of things that should be discussed. 3.8 kernel should have prime power management and xserver 1.14 will have the auto-switching impedance layer.21:34
LLStarkstjaalton hasn't scheduled one21:35
mlankhorstdidn't I make one already?21:36
LLStarkslemme search the specs again21:36
LLStarksall i see is my sprint proposal21:37
LLStarksshould i create desktop-r-hybrid-graphics?21:40
LLStarksif there is a meeting, i will attend remotely21:41
mlankhorstoh go for it21:41
LLStarksmlankhorst, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-r-hybrid-graphics21:50
mlankhorstLLStarks: hm there was actually a bugfix we probably in nouveau ddx 1.0.321:51
mlankhorstthanks for reminding me we need to sru it completely :P21:52
LLStarkswhat commit?21:56
mlankhorst    nouveau/dri2: fix pixmap/window offset calcs.21:57
LLStarkslemme try that21:57
mlankhorsterappleman: take it the commit worked for you then? I'll see if i can sru nouveau22:47
erapplemanmlankhorst, i didn't try compiz with 1.0.222:48
erapplemani can re-x really quick22:48
bryceRAOF, I've verified jockey (#1047681) and it looks good to be pushed out.  In the future we need to make sure when we introduce new nvidia-experimental-NNN packages we need the corresponding code updates to jockey.22:55
bryceerappleman, you can set me as approver for that blueprint23:32
RAOFHas anyone done a clean 12.10 install recently? Does Ubiquity install linux-headers-generic?23:35
RAOFre: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/106834123:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068341 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "No way to specify correct dependencies for dkms packages" [Wishlist,Confirmed]23:35
mlankhorstRAOF: hey can i push nouveau ddx 1.0.3? :P23:40
bjsniderRAOF, that was something some people in +1 were complaining about23:40
bjsniderno headers23:40
RAOFmlankhorst: Sure, go for your life23:43
* RAOF is on holiday today, by the way; it's Show Day!23:43
mlankhorstseems me tagging nouveau ddx made news somehow o.O23:44

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