
JoseeAntonioRbilal: [19:01:09.127] TypeError: document.getElementbyId is not a function @ http://summit.joseeantonior.com:8000/uds-r/2012-10-29/:57800:01
JoseeAntonioRbut it does set you as attending00:01
bilalJoseeAntonioR: It's document.getElementById, watch the case carefully00:01
bilalJS is very picky about case00:02
bilalso yes, now you know, the POST works00:02
JoseeAntonioR[19:02:56.786] TypeError: document.getElementById(img_tag_id) is null00:03
JoseeAntonioRworks now, the img_tag_id had to be quoted00:05
bilalcould you still pastebin?00:05
JoseeAntonioRyeah, sure00:05
bilalit could have bigger issues00:05
bilaldepending on how you wrote it00:05
bilallooks good00:07
bilalit works as expected, right?00:07
tsimpsonexcept you don't need the data argument any more00:08
tsimpsonbut that doesn't hurt anything with it there00:08
JoseeAntonioRbilal: any ideas on how to change the src and alt values at the same time?00:11
bilalJoseeAntonioR: Just add another .setAttribute statement after the semicolon00:12
bilalI mean00:12
bilalit would be better if you did something like this:00:12
bilalimg = document.getElementById(img_tag_id);00:13
bilalimg.setAttribute("src", "/media/blahblah");00:13
bilalimg.setAttribute("alt","alt text goes here");00:13
JoseeAntonioRbilal: thanks a lot00:15
JoseeAntonioRit's working now00:15
JoseeAntonioRI'll see if cjohnston likes it and commit it to trunk00:15
philballewJoseeAntonioR, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GwjfUFyY6M00:26
JoseeAntonioRbrb, dinner00:29
philballewbilal, he must not like my theme music.00:29
philballewfyi, nice job with helping out00:30
bilalGood morning btw, philballew00:30
philballewgood morning bilal hows Justin Beiber doing?00:31
bilal(see why I said that?)00:31
philballewNot entirely!00:31
bilalphilballew: No idea how she's doing, you'll have a better idea since she's in LA right now00:31
bilalphilballew: so, how's Bieber doing?00:31
bilalphilballew: you don't sleep at night, so it's technically morning for you 24/7, right? :)00:32
philballewHopefully she is doing a good job at not driving south00:32
philballewbilal, I went to bed at 4am00:32
philballewthats really bad...00:32
philballewthe thing is, my days blur00:32
bilalokay, enough OT stuff00:33
bilalphilballew: going to UDS-R00:33
philballewbilal, No, dont really have time to go this cycle, with school.00:33
philballewMy spanish and calc class take all my time00:34
philballewthere also making me take a java class...00:34
philballewmight as well remote in though, ill be up then anyway00:34
philballewbilal, rumor is next one is back in ca00:34
* bilal will have his exams then, so won't attend for sure00:35
SergioMenesesphilballew, bilal hey hey00:35
philballewi was at the open stack summit in san diego here last week and they said its back in oakland00:35
SergioMenesesphilballew, do you speak Spanish?00:35
philballewyeah, I have two exams next week00:35
bilalAnd the one after that will be in Copenhagen, again00:35
bilalAnd the one after that will be in Oakland, again00:36
bilalthen the one after that will be in Orlando00:36
philballewId like one in the middle east00:36
philballewor somewhere people who dont "look like me" live00:36
* bilal is waiting for a UDS in India so he doesn't have to hunt for visas00:36
philballewapply for Canadian duel citizenship?00:37
DaraelDuel citizenship sounds dangerous.00:37
DaraelBut potentially amusing for onlookers.00:38
philballewso is using the internet according to my grandmother.00:38
philballewI might be flying to Detroit next week.00:38
philballewthats right next to canada00:38
DaraelDual citizenship, on the other hand.  That sounds much safer and rather more useful, but not nearly so entertaining.00:39
bilalphilballew: as long as there's no Tim Hortons in Detroit, I'll say it's still miles away from Canada00:39
philballewTheres really nothing in detroit, and it is dying00:39
* bilal is applying for Canadian citizenship, but he will have to give up Indian citizenship when he gets approved00:40
philballewdo you have your a's right00:40
philballewI love the accent00:40
bilalwhich accent? Indian?00:40
bilalSouthwestern Ontarian?00:40
bilalthe best accent by far, is teh british.00:41
philballewunless its just western canada00:42
JoseeAntonioRI speak french00:42
bilalphilballew: never been to western Canada, so no idea.00:42
philballewwee wee00:42
JoseeAntonioRsalut :)00:43
philballewmy prof i have a class with in 17 minutes in from france00:43
philballewscience fiction lit00:43
Daraelbilal: The British?  Which one?!00:44
philballewactually its time to grab dinner then get to class00:44
philballewsee you guys later00:44
bilalDarael: The Queen one00:45
bilalDarael: more specifically, London00:45
DaraelI speak with what most people think of as "the British accent", which is RP or BBC English.  But Scotland is part of Britain.  And London != RP; cockney is also London and is very different.00:45
DaraelAnd then there's Yorkshire, Cornwall, Bristol, Welsh, Geordie... and those are just the ones I can do a reasonable approximation of.00:46
bilalbut they all are similar compared to the ones on the other side of the pond00:47
DaraelAlso not true.  The main difference is rhoticity (whether one pronounces one's Rs when they come after vowels), and while RP is non-rhotic, most of the ones from the South-West are rhotic.00:48
DaraelAnd Yorkshire (and /most/ of the ones from the North) has a completely different vowel-set.00:49
AndrewMCHello all01:14
JoseeAntonioRhey, AndrewMC.01:17
AndrewMChey JoseeAntonioR whats up?01:17
JoseeAntonioRnot too much, packing for UDS-R atm01:19
JoseeAntonioRwhat about you?01:19
AndrewMCah fun, not much just listening to some music01:19
vibhavGood Morning02:44
JoseeAntonioRhi, vibhav.02:45
vibhavSo, the OpenWeek should be starting from today right?02:48
* vibhav still remember ubuntu-youth when it was young :)03:07
tsimpsonmeh, 2 years, 16 weeks, 1 day, 7 hours, and 48 minutes isn't that old ;)03:43
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philballew ubuntu open week starts in #ubuntu-classroom in 5 minutes12:56
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