
magtieHi   hallo     is anybody alive around here?00:02
=== SmilyBorg_h is now known as SmilyBorg
Kilosmorning superfly and others04:53
* Kilos got a story to tell05:17
Kilostried to configure nvidia-config with nvidia-current installed05:18
Kilosscreen went down to 640x480 again and couldnt get it back up05:19
Kilospurged nvidia-current--no change05:19
Kilosinstalled nvidia prop driver 173 which was the recommended one and it configured and everything back to normal and pc seems a bit faster05:20
Kiloswas about to clean install again like last 2 times i tried to do nvidia-config05:22
Kilosso , happiness is not needing to05:22
inetpropragtig Kilos!05:26
inetprogoeie more05:26
Kilosmôre inetpro 05:27
Kilosjy is lekker vroeg05:27
Kilosbed nat gemaak?05:27
Kiloscanonical has a plan. after reading up on the improvements in 12.10, one doesnt want to stay on 12.04 anymore05:37
inetproKilos: there's method in the madness?05:39
Kilosthey want us to grow along with them05:40
Kilosif it wasnt for 11.04 and 11.10 i would have05:41
Kiloslo Ludo 05:52
Kilosmorning Tonberry 06:02
superflyhiya Kilos, Tonberry, inetpro06:04
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
Kiloswhat kinda terminals are UXTerm and XTerm?06:18
Kilosmorning SmilyBorg 06:19
SmilyBorgHey there Kilos06:19
superflyKilos: older versions of Gnome Terminal and Konsole06:20
superflymorning SmilyBorg06:20
SmilyBorghey Superfly06:20
Kiloswhen i type term in dash it shows them too. does one use them for special purposes ?06:21
Kilosor are they basically the same thing?06:21
superflyKilos: basically the same thing06:22
Kilosty superfly 06:22
superflyKilos: I've used them on other desktop environments, but they don't have as many features as Konsole06:23
Kilosaha ty sir06:23
Kilosmorning magtie 06:29
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za06:29
Kilosons praat die taal ook hier06:29
Kilosnice to see another lady joining06:30
magtieHi Kilos & everyone06:32
magtieI'm back after about 5 years - practically brand new!06:32
superflymagtie: I was going to say your nick looked somewhat familiar06:33
Kilosif you need help magtie just state what you need and someone will help you as soon as they get a break06:33
Kiloswow welcome back then06:33
inetpromagtie: wb06:33
* inetpro remembers seeing magtie here before06:33
magtiethanks   I am not yet into stupid questions yet....06:34
Kiloshaha thats my field06:34
magtiegot my irc working last night & was amazed to find no one here - then I realized its 2 in the morning06:36
magtie'Normal'  people were sleeping.06:36
superflyThat would be me. :-P06:37
SmilyBorgeven some of us not so normal people were sleeping too. Welcome magtie06:37
Kiloshiya maiatoday 06:42
maiatodayhi Kilos06:43
Kiloshi Squirm 07:01
Vince-0Whoot! It's only Wednesday07:32
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:32
Vince-0Hey Kilos07:32
superflyohi Vince-007:39
Kilosmagtie, most of us werent here 5 years ago. tell us about yourself07:40
Kiloswhat you do? wwhere you are etc07:41
KilosMaaz, coffee on07:41
* Maaz flips the salt-timer07:41
KilosMaaz, coffee for all07:41
MaazCome on ya buncha geeks. Rock up with your mugs with the correct amount of sugar added already07:41
Kiloscold here in PTA today07:42
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!07:45
KilosMaaz, thanks man07:45
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)07:45
Vince-0Maaz, make me a sandwich and deliver to La Lucia office park07:49
MaazVince-0: Excuse me?07:49
Vince-0Maaz, you heard me now get in that kitchen07:49
MaazVince-0: Excuse me?07:49
Vince-0Maaz, are you female?07:50
MaazCome on, be realistic. I'm a Bot07:50
Vince-0Maaz, I kid, I kid07:50
MaazVince-0: Sorry...07:50
magtieKilos  I am working for the SACAA  keeping license records & producing ATC Licenses on MS Access08:03
magtieotherwise I'm on leave & playing on Ubuntu08:04
Kiloscity wise i me08:04
magtieCivil Aviation Authority,   Midrand08:04
magtieI live in Pretoria'08:05
Kilosah me too. there is a release party this weekend08:05
magtieYa in Centurion - am thinking about it08:06
Kilosus valies are becoming more at last08:07
Kiloslotsa cape peeps here08:08
magtieI just looked at the new office files & it looks very good08:09
magtieanybody her who knows everything about the database?08:10
magtielooks like I should be able to import Access into LibreOfficeBase08:12
Kerberodo you write sql queries to do the things you do?08:17
Kerberoor do you use access's forms08:17
magtieKerbero:   I do use queries & macros & code08:42
magtieAt the moment I will only be interested in importing the tables08:44
magtieI am still trying to simply create a table08:44
Kerberoi would go with something decent like mysql or postgresql08:46
Kerberofor mysql you get phpmyadmin which is a nice webfrontend to manage it08:46
Kerberobut you'll have to code sql queries for the most things08:46
Kerberoor python/php scripts that will basically function as macros that will run the queries08:47
magtieHay,  that might really be better as Access is based on sql08:47
Kerberojust export all your data to .csv files08:48
Kerberoand import it to mysql with phpmyadmin08:48
magtieKerbero: thanks I will definitely look into it08:49
drussellKilos: the problem is not just for people that download....09:26
drussellKilos: wrt space09:26
drussellKilos: it's actually about how much bandwidth our mirrors use09:27
Kilosoh ty drussell was just an idea09:27
drussellKilos: each time the size increases, we have major conversations with the mirrors that are distributing the iso files09:27
Kiloshows things there?09:27
drussellKilos: because they're big files, mirrors are happier with smaller files/updates09:28
drussellKilos: good thanks :o)09:28
Kilosand what about on the official dvd's drussell 09:28
drussellKilos: same deal09:29
Kilosah ty for coming back to me09:29
Kilossee inetpro it works on #ubuntu-za too09:29
Kiloswe got fingers in lotsa pies09:29
Kilossometimes even the crash kid has a comment or two09:31
Kilosjust drubin be scarce09:31
Kilosand corrie is a write off here it seems09:31
Kilosmagespawn, are you lurking or is this your quassel core lurking for you09:32
charlvngood morning09:42
charlvnMaaz: coffee on09:42
* Maaz flips the salt-timer09:42
MaazCoffee's ready for charlvn!09:46
Kilosmy magtie all gone10:10
* Kilos cries. maverick drive has crashed10:14
Symmetriaheh, comes to a point in every consultants life where he has to decide, stay private and independant, or expand the business drastically and throw caution to the wind 10:17
Symmetriaugh, I dont know what to do10:17
Kilosthrow caution to the wind10:17
Kilosyou can alsways get a job again if things dont work out10:18
Kilosstart worrying when you have to ride around in a 1975 beetle10:19
Kiloshi zeref 10:19
zerefhi zeref 10:19
zerefhi Kilos 10:19
zerefanybody used pygame10:20
Symmetriaheh kilos oh, the money isnt the issue 10:24
Symmetriaits the independance 10:24
SymmetriaI have the investment money I need to do this, with a lot of change to spare, but ugh10:24
Kilosindependance is good if you can10:24
Symmetriathe question is, do I really need to make more money :P 10:25
Kilosyes you do if tire prices bother you10:25
Symmetriabecause I'm doing pretty damn well for myself right now, and Im asking myself, what am I really chasing expanding, if its money, then it makes no sense, if its building a legacy, that makes more sense 10:25
Symmetriaheh kilos, you don't get to have the kinda cash Ive made without worrying about the small things and avoiding paying insane prices for things :p10:26
Kiloslegacy is good. you might have kids to leave it too one day10:26
Kiloshehe im teasing you man10:26
Symmetrialol dont curse me saying things like that :p10:27
Symmetriakids would really screw up my life10:27
Kilosat the moment yes but later10:27
Kiloswhen its time to die and theres no one to leave anything to you will wonder what was is all about10:28
Kilosrather die happy10:28
Kiloskids are a pain until you have your own. ask the fly and pro10:28
Symmetriaheh, I gotta find someone worthy of having kids with first :p10:29
Kilosthen they a bigger pain till you my age then you wish you had more and spent more time with them10:29
Kilosi think expand but go it gradually10:30
Kilosor buy out other companies10:30
Symmetriakilos well, thats part of what Im thinking10:38
Symmetriathinking about buying out the consultancy/networking division of another company10:38
Symmetriawhich would help eliminate part of my competition, give me more staff members and get my hands on their client base10:38
Kilosgood just remember then theres more responsibility10:38
Symmetriaheh yes of course, its not something I'd do likely anyway, because a buyout like that costs *huge* amounts of money10:39
Kilosand sometimes peeps that just attend for the pay at month end10:39
Symmetriaand I'd have to leverage the buyout 10:39
Symmetriaheh, oh, I'd be very careful who I bought, it would be someone who had staff I knew I could trust 10:39
Kilosat the moment you only got yourself to trust10:39
Kilosdont rush into anything but give it a good gander from all angles10:40
Kilosmight be worthwhile10:40
Symmetriahrm, to buy a 60" tv or not :p11:08
charlvnSymmetria: you remind me of this fellow: http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/264/200/acb.jpg :)11:17
SymmetriaIm thinking actually a 51" samsung e800011:27
Symmetrialooks nice11:27
Kilosyou havent got a tv?11:48
Kiloshi charlvn 11:49
* inetpro wonders what KilosM and magtie have in common13:31
KilosMwat hmmm jy boetie13:31
inetproboth joining at the same time13:32
inetprowb KilosM, magtie13:32
KilosMty goosie13:32
KilosMi dunno what was wrong with my maverick drive13:32
KilosMput in old pc and it boots fine13:32
inetproKilosM: check the logs13:32
KilosMon other pc the bios said not bootdrive found13:33
KilosMsudo: /var/log/syslog: command not found13:34
KilosMmaybe my ide cables getting tired of in and aout all the time13:35
nlsthznbios settings correct?13:35
KilosMit worked yesterday till the power cut nlsthzn hi there13:36
KilosMwouldnt boot this morning13:36
KilosMplease install boot media13:36
nlsthznHi uncle KilosM ... odd, something got hurt, PC boots from another drive?13:36
KilosMyeah i have 12.01 on a 6g drive as well here13:37
KilosMthere i mean13:37
KilosMmaybe drive and cable pulling an apartheid stunt on me13:37
KilosMim very happy though. got a 40g partition on here that has everything saved on it13:40
* KilosM loves maverick13:45
KilosMbreaking up is hard to do13:45
inetproKilosM: since when did you learn about a log file being a command?14:19
KilosMthats what it told me man14:20
KilosMsaid i have permission so ran with sudo14:20
inetproyou look at a log file with less 14:20
inetproless /var/log/syslog14:20
KilosMi ran it as you gave it and it said i dont have permission14:20
inetproI was just to lazy to give that to you like that14:21
KilosMoh less14:21
KilosMou man14:21
KilosMhow must i smell that14:21
inetproor 14:21
inetprotail -100 /var/log/syslog 14:21
inetproto see the last 100 lines14:21
KilosMoh ya i member tail14:21
inetproor head to view the top14:22
KilosMhow can it show that info if the bios couldnt see the drive14:23
inetproKilosM: no it won't14:25
inetprobut maybe it will give a clue from prior sessions14:26
inetprobios is outside the control of the OS14:26
KilosMthe drive is working mine on this pc14:26
KilosMlike nothing ever happened14:26
KilosMwill invetigate the ide cable14:26
KilosMinvestigate as well14:27
KilosMmaybe just maybe ill install 12.04 but not delete home partition14:29
nlsthzn12.04 is good14:32
* nlsthzn normally opens all files to view in nano... just in case editing my be needed :p14:32
* nlsthzn recently learned about the -w option that apparently will stop config files from being nuked using nano...14:33
nlsthzn:) I also learned about the different ways of removing software using apt-get... so now I have re-installed gwibber and I don't have to set it up again... Thanks to Ubuntu Unleashed 12.04 edition :p14:43
charlvnphew hectic day14:56
charlvnMaaz: coffee on14:56
* Maaz starts grinding coffee14:56
charlvnneed my caffiene fix!14:57
MaazCoffee's ready for charlvn!15:00
charlvnMaaz: thanks15:01
Maazcharlvn: No problem15:01
charlvnhow's it going with the twitter api modifications to ibid?15:01
inetprocharlvn: hi15:05
charlvnhi inetpro 15:06
* inetpro thought that charlvn would build the fix for ibid 15:06
charlvnhow did i automatically volunteer :)15:06
charlvnquite frankly, i probably would have done it, if i still used twitter ;)15:06
inetprohmm... 15:06
charlvnstopped using twitter entirely about 18 months ago after gradually tiring of it15:06
charlvnthat set aside, i am genuinely looking for a winter project to work on15:08
charlvnalthough, i would be insistent that it is completely based on open source / standards-based technologies15:08
inetprocharlvn: what's a winter project? Does that mean like after hours?15:10
charlvnyeah an open source project to work on in my free time15:10
charlvnin europe it's quite cold in the winter so we don't go out much :)15:10
* superfly does that all the time15:10
charlvnmost of the good hacking happens in the winter, like the chaos communication congress in hamburg15:11
charlvnthe tickets are not cheap though, 100 to 120 euro per person :/15:12
inetprosuperfly has a permanent winter project15:13
charlvnchildren are a long term, high investment project :)15:14
charlvn*having children is15:14
charlvnbut it pays off!15:15
charlvnhome time, bbl15:21
inetprosuperfly: I don't think he got that15:22
superflyinetpro: not at all.15:23
superflyinetpro: not unexpected15:23
superflyi've found that people who think they are awesome struggle to comprehend that there are people out there that are even more awesome15:25
KilosMha ha ha15:26
superflydisclaimer: i am not awesome, so I could be wrong.15:26
inetprosuperfly: you are way to humble to be awesome 15:27
superflyinetpro: thank you (I think)15:28
superflyphew, my station next, can't wait to get off this hot train15:29
* inetpro not looking forward to another evening without power at home15:30
KilosMai wassup inetpro 15:31
inetproKilosM: fire supply damaged 132kv conductor near Klerksoord, wherever that may be15:31
KilosMwheres the power15:31
KilosMfar from you15:31
inetproI noticed a few dips at 14:2515:31
KilosMnear jowies15:32
inetproand wife called shortly after15:32
KilosMcharge you fones battery before you go home15:32
inetprophone is fine for now, didn't use it much today15:33
inetprotweet by CityTshwane at 4:42: It is estimated that the supply will be stored by midnight.15:36
KilosMthey tweet too15:36
inetproyep, they starting to wake up15:37
inetproand then... ... Bon Accord line; Pretoria North; Wolmer; SP line; Theresa Park; Tileba & parts of BVN & BVS lines. 15:37
* inetpro would have tweeted if I had battery power on me phone on Saturday15:38
Symmetrialol wtf15:41
Symmetriatv's have come a LONG way since the days of old crt screens15:41
SymmetriaI turned on my new tv, the first thing it did was get a DHCP address off the wireless and start downloading a firmware update15:41
inetproSymmetria: nice! What did you get?15:43
Symmetriasamsung E800015:44
inetprowhat's that, series 5?15:45
Symmetriano, its a series 815:49
Symmetriatheir top of the line15:49
inetproSymmetria: price?15:55
Symmetriaheh, you dont wanna know :p15:58
drubinKilosM: ;)16:04
KilosMhi drubin hows things16:04
drubinGood and you?16:04
KilosMgood ty16:05
KilosMwhy you neglect us so16:05
drubinjusty busy i guess16:06
drubinthings change... 16:06
superflyhiya drubin!16:15
inetprowb drubin16:17
KilosMeish gone again16:21
drubinsuperfly: :) thanks16:22
drubininetpro: I never went any where16:23
inetproKilosM: ^^16:23
KilosMoh you grayed out so looks like you away16:23
KilosMyou cheating16:24
Squirmgood evening16:54
charlvngood evening17:24
charlvnjust saw a terrible prank: http://youtu.be/NeXMxuNNlE817:24
KilosMhiya charly17:47
HodgestarDoes anyone here actually use Unity?18:00
HodgestarI mean like on a daily basis?18:00
HodgestarThere are *so* many rendering bugs.18:02
HodgestarLet me try take a screenshot.18:02
Hodgestartumbleweed: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=k67pe&s=6 (see top left).18:05
KilosMim using it and kde Hodgestar 18:06
KilosMoh 12.1018:06
KilosMnot yet18:06
charlvnhi KilosM 18:06
HodgestarI've yet to encounter a version of Unity that doesn't die and crash and screw up the screen on a regular basis. :)18:07
HodgestarMaybe it's just me. :)18:07
charlvnHodgestar: i use a VM at work which at this point is running only unity18:07
charlvni get a few problems but not that many in 12.1018:07
HodgestarVM hardly counts (unless you actually use the VM UI constantly, which seems like a weird thing to do).18:07
charlvnbut previously i had a lot of problems, i still sometimes get bad performance though18:07
HodgestarI'm on 12.10.18:08
tumbleweedHodgestar: file a bug18:08
KilosMmy 12.04 is running well18:08
charlvnHodgestar: i use a VM a large portion of the day so i think it very much counts18:08
Hodgestartumbleweed: I don't have time to file and track this many bugs.18:08
charlvnas a desktop i mean, full gui mode18:08
tumbleweedHodgestar: :)18:08
Hodgestartumbleweed: I need to file, like, 30.18:08
tumbleweedgood that you aren't a fire-and-forget bug-report. I fear that I am18:08
HodgestarWell, I would sort of like them to go somewhere. :)18:09
HodgestarAlso, I'm not really sure where in the rendering chain to file the bug against.18:09
tumbleweedfile against unity, they'll reassign as appropriate18:09
HodgestarAlthough having the "Type your command" window stuck permanently over everything seems likely to be unity itself. :)18:09
charlvnit's probably better to file too many reports than not to file any reports at all, if nobody files reports then the issues don't get fixed18:10
charlvnas a developer myself i would rather get too many reports than too little18:10
charlvnproblem is, most people don't take the time to report issues18:10
tumbleweedon the other hand, hundreds of open reports, where the reporter has long since vanished and doesn't use the app any more, suck18:11
tumbleweedbut yes, err on the side of filing18:11
charlvnthat is also true, but imho, still the lesser of two evils18:11
charlvnand besides, issues are easy enough to close if they can't be reproduced18:11
tumbleweedHodgestar: there's certanily nothing I can do, with respect to embarrassing people / whatever, without a bug number18:11
tumbleweedcharlvn: easy enough, but practically, one doesn't like to18:11
* Hodgestar tries Gnome shell.18:12
charlvntumbleweed: maybe i'm just too easy on these things but if i can't reproduce a bug and i don't get replies from the reporter i close bugs quite easily18:12
HodgestarBug reports are only really useful if there are few existing bug reports or if they pin point the problem.18:12
HodgestarPiles of bug reports saying "something broken and I'm not quite sure what" aren't particularly useful.18:13
charlvnthat's true but if you don't even know there is a problem you can't go to search for them either18:13
HodgestarAnyway, I can't really wait 3 months. :)18:13
charlvnwell not like there is any shortage of desktop environments for linux :)18:13
HodgestarHehe. Yes.18:14
HodgestarAlthough cinnamon broke on me too.18:15
charlvnhaven't used it for too long, but i find gnome3 to be rather buggy too18:15
charlvni constantly get error messages for various random things i don't understand18:15
Symmetriahas anyone actually used a 3d large screen tv18:15
Symmetriawith 3d glasses18:16
HodgestarI have Awesome as a fallback but I'm trying to get out of the miminum-functionality window manager closet.18:16
charlvnkde4 seems to have stabilised a lot though18:16
HodgestarSymmetria: Yes. It was okay. :)18:16
SymmetriaHodgestar thats a bit... it screws with your head :P18:16
SymmetriaI was testing it with a bluray 18:16
Symmetriaof ice age18:16
Symmetriaheh on my new toy :p18:16
Hodgestarcharlvn: I haven't tried the kde window manager recently.18:16
Symmetriaalso tested putting the tv into 2d -> 3d conversion mode18:16
Symmetriaand lol, the football looks kinda cool18:17
Symmetriabut your brain takes a while to get used to it18:17
HodgestarBack shortly.18:17
charlvnyeah, personally i am not a big fan of 3d, i have seen a bunch of 3d movies in the theater but never on a tv18:18
charlvni will just stick to 2d for now :)18:18
Symmetriacharlvn lol, I just had to test it :P 18:18
SymmetriaIm thinking 3D porn would be interesting hahahahahah18:18
charlvnoh no :D18:19
charlvnnot even going there18:19
Symmetriathey gave me 3 free 3d blurays with my tv18:19
Symmetriaice age thor and captain america18:19
charlvnooh, captain america... :D18:20
charlvnthe former two i rather liked but the last i am not so sure about ;)18:20
charlvntoo much "america" in that film for me :D18:20
smileE17hi :)18:26
* inetpro back online18:29
inetprogood evening18:29
smileE17good evening :p18:29
smileE17i'm leaving18:30
smileE17good night18:30
inetprogood night smileE1718:30
smileE17bye :)18:31
HodgestarBack in Gnome Shell.18:33
KilosMpower on inetpro 18:34
KilosMthe news said should be done by midnight18:34
inetproKilosM: yes power is up again18:38
KilosMjust in time for me to say night18:38
KilosMhelp Hodgestar hes having big probs with unity18:39
KilosMnight guys. sleep tight18:39
KilosMsee ya morrow18:39
inetproKilosM: sleep well18:40
KilosM\ty you too18:40
Symmetriaheh, sweet, tv plays youtube just fine 18:44
Symmetriaand they have angry birds on my tv!!!!18:45
Symmetriaheh, even more of a way to screw with your mind18:54
Symmetriatake world of warcraft, stick it on the tv, tell the tv to make 2d into 3d18:54
Symmetriaand play it with 3d glasses18:54
Symmetria.......... 18:54
Symmetrialike, wow18:54
HodgestarGnome Shell is surprisingly good so far.19:13
Kilosinetpro, where is the catch19:25
inetproKilos: with?19:25
Kilossister just came to me with that link on her fone19:25
inetproKilos: there's only a very few towers in JHB with LTE at this stage19:26
Kilosoh ok ty19:26
inetproto early to go LTE19:26
Kiloswhy the fools advertise it country wide then19:26
inetprobecause they want your money19:27
Kilosand i got a jippoed foreign alcatel mode anyway19:28
inetproon the one hand it's a good thing that they're pushing it, but I think a lot of peeps will be very disappointed when they realise they can not use it19:28
inetprobut our data pricing is way to high anyway19:29
inetproand LTE will make things worse19:29
Kilosput my maverick back in nuvo's p4 and it says boot failure now19:29
inetprothe faster the connection the faster the money flows outa your pocket19:29
Kilosinsert system disk and hit enter19:30
inetprohmm... sounds like something other than the disk19:30
inetprohow about connector cables?19:31
charlvnnn all19:31
inetproor motherboard19:31
Kilosim using the same one that i was on just noe with old pc19:31
Kilosouch dont say mb19:31
Kilosgonna try sister 20g maverick there19:32
inetproor the bios even19:32
Kilosboots perfect from her drive19:38
Kilosnow i can boot into my maverick as the second drive19:41
Kilosthese things are sent to test us19:42
Kilosnow ill be able to sleep at least19:42
Kilossleep tight guys19:42
Kilosty for the moral support19:42
Symmetriaheh man the number of devices that use ip addresses in an average house seems to grow every day20:29
SymmetriaI was just counting and its gone a long way from the pc and the router20:30
SymmetriaI mean, my tv, my blu-ray player, my amplifier, my phone, my ipad, 2 ipads belonging to others in the house, 2 more phones as well, the tv upstairs 20:30
Symmetriaheh, add the wifi network and the pcs etc, Im using like, 22 ips 20:31
SquirmSymmetria: you're a special case though :P21:38

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