
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ailoknome: I'll be in around from Sunday to Saturday, so I'll gladly join in on whatever Friday activities you had planned16:25
knomeailo, pleia2 wants to go to the zoo, and that works for me, as long as the weather isn't totally sucky16:26
knomeailo, i'm leaving friday night myself, so some restrictions on stuff16:26
ailoknome: I've never been there, so that might be fun. -- Aha :)16:27
pleia2I didn't see any in ghana, only monkeys (and goats and chickens...)16:27
knomepleia2, oh hi!16:27
* pleia2 checks on flights16:28
knomepleia2, btw, we're having lunch with stgraber and highvoltage some day16:28
pleia2yay :D16:28
knomejust had stgraber in PM16:28
knomemaybe ailo should join us for the "flavor" lunch ;)16:29
pleia2knome: you wanted to chat before UDS, I'm thinking I can do that some time on friday16:29
pleia2I don't know when, my sleep schedule will be a mess16:30
knomepleia2, well i was thinking about the schedules generally16:30
ailoknome: Sure, why not? As long as they have a vegetarian flavors too16:30
knomeailo, i'm sure they do, that's the canonical offered lunch :)16:30
knomepleia2, and xubuntu sessions16:30
knomepleia2, is there some sessions where you want to be around?16:30
knomepleia2, if you could list me those, i could schedule the xubuntu sessions somewhere16:31
pleia2I need to look at the schedule...16:31
knomepleia2, yeah, and the thing is that it's constantly evolving16:31
pleia2but honestly the schedule is crazy and changes every 5 minutes even during uds16:31
knomepleia2, but i'll make sure i'll avoid at least the ubuntu women sessions16:31
pleia2yeah, the UW session should be on thursday16:31
knomepleia2, of course... but i'm thinking we should schedule 2-3 xubuntu sessions just to have some space to run them on16:32
knome(if we don't schedule, there might not be any rooms available)16:32
pleia2suppose I should go t othe leadership summit tuesday afternoon16:32
pleia2monday morning looks boring16:33
knomeleadership mini-summit?16:33
pleia2I need to talk dholbach into coming out of it with a document or something, it's been all echo-chamber at past UDSes and that makes me grumpy16:34
knomeqa community planning!16:34
knomethat's relatively interesting, and would be good to get to know balloons personally16:34
pleia2ah yeah, we should go to that16:34
knomepleia2, so there will be no free time for you tomorrow?16:35
pleia2it might move though, it's against another QA session16:35
knomeyeah, i know16:35
pleia2I'm on an airplane mostly16:35
knomei should still register to it in launchpad16:35
knomeare you going to readjust your sleeping rhythm meanwhile or just go with the EU timezones?16:35
knomeMEH I SAY16:36
knomewhy isn't there no links to the LP blueprints from the uds schedule16:36
knomehard to register yourself to the sessions16:36
pleia2the messed up sleeping from the planes is making planning such things impossible16:36
knomeoh, stars!16:36
knomeoh cool16:37
pleia2so I fly out in 4 hours, I get home around midnight UTC16:37
pleia2thursday night/friday morning, 4PM local time in california16:37
pleia2it's a long ride home16:38
knome"testing in cadence" 16UTC monday?16:38
knome"brainstorming how future releases can be improved" 9UTC tuesday?16:39
knome"qa testing campaigns" 10UTC tuesday?16:39
knome"qa weather report" 12UTC tuesday?16:40
knomewhole wednesday looks really boring16:43
knome"making community very obvious on the desktop" 10UTC wed 16:44
knomeor actually, CET16:44
knomeis that different?16:44
pleia2I just let the schedule land where it is, over-planning for UDS is just headachey16:46
pleia2subscribe to ones you want, it'll shuffle out somewhat reasonably16:46
pleia2and if there is a really serious conflict you can always talk to track leads, or make pleia2 go to a session and take notes :P16:46
knomei'm thinking that if we don't have really differing interests, it might benefit that we both go16:47
knomei'm thinking i could attend the community roundtables on the mornings16:47
pleia2that's what I tend to do16:48
apm1why did you guys ship the 3.5 kernel in 12.10 ? any specific reason other than user's demand for newer hardware compatibility ?17:05
knomeapm1, because ubuntu ships that.17:05
knomeapm1, you got to remember not all decisions are done by the xubuntu team17:05
apm1knome, so you mindlessly follow ubuntu , that makes me wonder if you guys are really a different distro from ubuntu or you are just a spin off ?17:06
knomeapm1, we are a spin off in a way; not following ubuntu in eg. kernel choices would mean massive amounts of work17:07
knomeapm1, workforce is welcome17:07
apm1knome, so what you guys actually do is "take a ubuntu minimal and stick our own tweaked light-dm and xfce " and install some light end user apps ? 17:09
knomeapm1, something like that.17:09
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/StrategyDocument has more details ;)17:09
pleia2but we are very clearly Ubuntu-based, we're just a "flavor" of Ubuntu17:10
knomeyes, that's the idea17:10
pleia2(whether that means we're a different distro or not depends on how you define distro)17:10
apm1pleia2, depending on ubuntu is depending on canonical , depending on canonical = depending on a money centric co-orporation , i.e destroying the design philosophy of free software :(17:13
knomeapm1, if you want to see it as that, then ok.17:13
pleia2your logic is very strange :)17:13
apm1honestly the way bodhi linux is going , i would love to see xubuntu doing that :)17:13
pleia2I work for a company and am paid for my debian work, so I guess I destroy it too17:14
knomeapm1, why not just use bodhi linux, if they're doing it right?17:14
knomepleia2, traitor!!17:14
knomewe've never said we don't depend on ubuntu, or that we're trying to be something completely different17:15
knomethe xubuntu website starts with the words: Xubuntu is a community‑developed, Ubuntu‑based ...17:15
apm1pleia2, no no earning money is not destroying free software but , implimanting features that ubuntu puts up to please more customers which subsequently bloats the distro that is destroying :(17:16
* drc checks the clock to see if it's troll feeding time...nope...gets out the whip, chair and Indiana Jone's hat.17:16
pleia2drc: good point17:16
knomeapm1, ubuntu isn't directly putting anything to xubuntu that makes them money.17:16
knomebut drc and pleia2 are probably right.17:17
* apm1 tells drc he is not trolling , and is willing to have an intellectual discussion17:17
knomeapm1, what has ubuntu/canonical put in xubuntu that makes them money?17:17
knomeapm1, or what bloats the system?17:17
* drc points apm1 to #xubuntu-offtopic17:17
apm1knome, imho for starters 3.5 ubuntu devs compiled kernel :(17:18
knomedrc, well i specifically directed him here. i'll tell him to go -offtopic when he gets offtopic ;)17:18
drcopps :(17:18
knomeapm1, is being current bad?17:18
knomeapm1, maybe you should use debian stable :)17:18
apm1eing unstable is bad , and i am using debian 17:18
drcor slackware17:18
knomeapm1, as i've said, maybe debian is "your" distro then :)17:19
apm1look guys i am not here to offend you , i was actually hoping to make an impression on your minds , that will help you choose the right tools for the next xubuntu release , don't see my words as an altercation starter but see them as a review stated directly to the devs :)17:20
knomeapm1, i understand, but there isn't not much we can do about eg. kernel versions with this team17:21
apm1hypothetically ? if i decide to do the kernel work for xubuntu , and i do it stable enough will you guys then unanimously agree to drop the ubuntu inflicted kernel 17:23
knomeapm1, maybe. that needs to be discussed.17:23
pleia2honestly we barely have the dev power to keep the basics of xubuntu going as it is17:23
knomeapm1, what's the goal in that, what's the reasoning behind that?17:23
knomeapm1, why would we do that?17:23
pleia2so if you could recruit a kernel team we could consider it :)17:23
apm1knome, are you the xubuntu project lead ?17:24
knomeapm1, i am17:24
apm1knome, are you also a canonical employee ?17:25
knomeapm1, no.17:25
knomeapm1, neither is pleia2, if you thought so.17:25
apm1knome, well sorry to doubt you , but if you guys are canonical free then we can talk abt getting a kernel team :)17:26
apm1hmm , so we would need stats first 17:26
knomeapm1, you would need to justify why we need another kernel first17:27
apm1knome, well because i think the current one isn't as stable 17:27
apm1as the previous 3.2 17:28
knomeapm1, i've never had a kernel fail in ubuntu.17:28
apm1kernel panics on xubuntu made me switch to debian :(17:28
knomeapm1, when you are justifying us why we need another kernel, please remember what our target group of users are too.17:29
knomeapm1, you can read more on that, and lots of other topics, from the strategy document17:29
apm1look since you guys already have a strategy planned , then who am i to question it :(17:30
pleia2apm1: we also need more testers, always need more testers, if you have hardware that's prone to kernel panics you'd be a useful tester *before* releases17:30
knomeapm1, we don't exactly have a kernel strategy, but the kernel stuff needs to be in line with the existing strategy.17:30
pleia2the secret benefit of testing is that your hardware works great at release time ;)17:31
apm1knome, but you biggest strategy point of "being ubuntu compliant" will interfere with that :(17:31
knomeyeah, with non-ubuntu kernel we'd need a lot more testers, we're struggling to do even the basic testing now17:31
knomeapm1, in that case, you probably shouldn't waste your time with xubuntu17:32
knomeapm1, i mean, all the things point that we are really close to ubuntu, even the distro/flavor name!17:32
apm1ok then i shall leave you guys now in peace , sorry to bother you :)17:32
bluesabre_hiya knome!17:33
knomeastraljava, there's some wacky smiley for you ^17:33
bluesabre_hiya pleia217:34
bluesabre_I wouldn't mind working for canonical, if they paid me to do xubuntu stuff :)17:35
bluesabre_getting ready for UDS?17:36
* pleia2 off to airport17:36
knomepleia2, have a good flight!17:36
mr_pouitthey can't even pay a real release manager anymore, so I doubt they would pay for xubuntu :{17:40
knomeheh, yeah17:41
knomeand they aren't paying for kubuntu either17:41
knomeand i'm not sure it's about being able to pay17:41
astraljavaknome: Now you're just showing off.19:03
astraljavawut?! Can'19:03
astraljavasry, "can't pay a real release manager?"19:04
knomeastraljava, skaet is not paid by canonical for R20:08

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