
n2diy_I upgraded my test box from 12.04 to 12.10, and now X doesn't display correctly, and the mouse isn't working. I can use command line in a console.00:00
n2diy_how do you reconfigure X in 12.10?00:00
n2diy_ok, re-installing 12.0400:04
wonderworldn2diy_: you could try -> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:07
n2diy_wonderworld, I did, that doesn't seem to be an option anymore, looks like that stopped working back with Hardy Heron?00:11
wonderworldhmm. maybe00:11
wonderworldyou could try to find out the new window manager then and dpkg-reconfigure it's package00:12
n2diy_wonderworld, lightdm? I looked in its logs, and it showed a failed setup using something-reconfigure.py, and it failed because the file wasn't found.00:13
wonderworldn2diy_: maybe this can help -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM00:16
wonderworldsection: What to do if things go wrong00:16
wonderworldi haven't have GUI problems for years, so i can't really help00:17
n2diy_wonderworld, done deal now, repartitioning now. I'll look at that for future refrence. I'll wait a couple weeks and download the iso, and try later. It's a test box, so nothing lost, except some time a some new grey hairs.00:18
wonderworldi reinstalled as well, because i ran into sound problems after upgrading00:19
wonderworlddidn't want to debug it00:19
wonderworldfresh install runs phantastic00:19
wonderworldeven a bug i hated got fixed, so i am really happy with 12.1000:20
n2diy_wonderworld, the upgrade went fine, no errors at all, just wouldn't reboot into X. Yea, I'll wait awhile, get the iso, and install locally.00:21
awutzwhat is the name of the icon theme that's used in xubuntu 12.10?00:22
wonderworldelementary XFCE. https://github.com/shimmerproject/elementary-xfce00:23
awutzwonderworld: and window theme is greybird  - correct?00:25
wonderworldunsure, i changed mine from the default00:26
awutzwonderworld: nice. xfce on arch now looks better.00:36
joeeeeemay i ask?00:42
joeeeeehey may i ask00:43
PoorCollegeGuyhello, has anyone here had any experience with downloading and installing the android sdk on xubuntu?01:22
joeeeeehey may i  ask ?01:51
joeeeee when i plug headphone jack speakers don't mute01:54
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
xubuntu256xubuntu is haxing my system02:13
Arizonaloling irl02:14
xubuntu890IM DOUBLY HAXED02:17
bazhangxubuntu890, paste the error.02:17
xubuntu256XUBUNTU: WHAT R U DOIN02:17
xubuntu890XUBUNTU: STAHP!02:17
bazhang!paste | xubuntu89002:17
ubottuxubuntu890: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:17
PoorCollegeGuywhy +q xubuntu?02:25
ArizonaPoorCollegeGuy: most likely02:26
Arizonabecause he's trolling02:26
xrs1any one have any clue whats going on or should I just go back to 12.04.1?02:26
PoorCollegeGuyArizona, i figured as much, curiosity killed the cat lol02:27
PoorCollegeGuyxrs1: i've never had a problem connecting mass usb storage before so I can't help answer that :(02:27
xrs1yeah when the problem first arose, one of the devs thought it was just user error02:28
n2diy_12.04 re-installed, now 323 updates to install.02:28
xrs1thats the nice thing about updates. you can have a failed install repaired02:28
PoorCollegeGuyxrs1, lots of things could be wrong. I somehow managed to install Lubuntu wrong and I had no volume controls at all (even added it and indicators to panel...nothing)02:29
PoorCollegeGuynot relevant to your situation per say, but a testament to how screwy linux installations can be sometimes02:29
xrs1okay i fixed it!02:39
xrs1i deleted the /media/%user% folder and did it again and now its working02:40
xubuntu354i am installing xubuntu because ubuntu is not great anymore03:14
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bricotHi, I just updated to 12.10. The upper panel doesn't auto hide any more (yes, it is ticked). Anyone experienced this?05:16
unheedingR U?05:24
unheedinghow's the install going05:25
xubuntu676hello, world05:25
xubuntu676help set up the microphone05:26
xubuntu676I removed pulseaudio05:28
xubuntu676my distro xubuntu 12.0405:29
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.05:33
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sawrubhelllo all....I'm new to the world of ubuntu...but have been using fedora for quite a some time..Here I'm facing problem with the xubuntu 12.10, that I installed today itself06:18
sawrubpost installation I restarted the machime and I'm not able to see any display...the screen remains blank06:19
sawrubany help get my display back will be great06:20
well_laid_lawnsawrub: you might need to do something with kernel mode setting - kms06:39
well_laid_lawnwhat's the graphics card?06:39
sawrubwell_laid_lawn: how do I check it06:39
well_laid_lawnexperienced linux user here - I check that sort of infoon any new comp I have before installing.... maybe boot into the live cd and check06:41
well_laid_lawns/ifoon/info on/06:41
sawrubamd radeon06:42
baizonsawrub: add nomodeset to your boot option or install the proprietary drivers will fix the problem06:42
baizonproprietary driver = fglrx06:42
baizonnice :)06:43
sawrubwill I have to install ATI binary X.Org drivers06:45
baizonsawrub: thats one sollution06:45
baizonworked for me06:45
baizonnomodeset its a little bit more complicated06:46
sawrub0kk ...i searched for ATI in Ubuntu software centre...and there are couple of them to be installed06:46
baizonjust install the fglrx package, the other ones will install automatically06:47
sawrubbtw...is ati for amd radeon06:47
baizonbecause they are dependencies06:47
baizonsawrub: yes06:47
baizonamd have buyd ati :)06:47
sawrubfine the download is ON. let me see. its 119 MB06:49
sawrubthanks for the help and knowledge06:49
WizardGood morning.07:03
bin_bashIs this channel less n00btasting that the regular #ubuntu channel07:07
PoorCollegeGuyi noticed that lol07:09
bin_bashnot tasting07:09
PoorCollegeGuyi think it's because fewer noobs stray from the comfortable confines of ubuntu07:12
bin_bashhow is unity comfortable07:12
well_laid_lawnxubuntu is dead easy07:12
PoorCollegeGuymy first, third, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 10th distros were vanilla ubuntu07:13
PoorCollegeGuywith linux mint, arch, lubuntu, fedora, and xubuntu making up the rest07:13
PoorCollegeGuyxubuntu is dead easy07:13
PoorCollegeGuyi've had almost no problems working my way around xubuntu so far07:13
bin_bashI liked XFCE for a while07:16
bin_bashI was fondly reminded of gnome207:16
PoorCollegeGuyit's really nice07:18
PoorCollegeGuyand my computer runs beautifully on it07:19
PoorCollegeGuyit lagged like hell on linux mint :(07:19
bin_bashI have Xubuntu installed on my mom's pent4 dell desktop07:20
bin_bashit's slow but meh07:21
WizardHmm, my 1,5GHz G4 still runs well.07:22
bin_bashthe dying HDD is bottlenecking it07:22
PoorCollegeGuyit's not dying07:28
PoorCollegeGuyit's something i think i'm doing07:28
PoorCollegeGuyor cinnamon just doesn't play well with my APU07:28
bin_bashI'm... not talking about you07:28
=== defari is now known as df
PoorCollegeGuyi thought you were07:36
PoorCollegeGuysince i'm the one with the issue and Wizard isn't lol07:37
bin_bashno lol i'm talking about my mom's desktop07:37
bin_bash<bin_bash> I have Xubuntu installed on my mom's pent4 dell desktop07:37
bin_bash<bin_bash> it's slow but meh07:37
bin_bash<bin_bash> the dying HDD is bottlenecking it07:37
PoorCollegeGuywell it had scrolled down passed that when i saw it07:54
PoorCollegeGuyso cool your jets, there's no fire07:54
sawrubhey, another problem that i'm facing on the fresh installation of ubuntu07:56
sawrubsystem freeze on wifi07:56
sawrubare there any other users facing issues with 'Atheros Communications Inc. AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)'07:57
well_laid_lawnsawrub: anything in dmesg about it hanging?07:58
well_laid_lawndmesg | tail07:59
well_laid_lawnshould mention it07:59
sawrubwell_laid_lawn : had to hard boot my machine will the logs be still there..08:02
well_laid_lawnthat's the best I can offer from here08:03
uzvermaybe some output in /var/log/syslog08:10
Wizardsawrub: Yup, check logs :)08:18
sawrubyes..looking into them08:19
sawrub/var/log/syslog is having some info08:19
WizardYay, small step for man..08:21
sawrubwas trying to study...them but could not get much..'who -b' gives me the boot time as 2012-10-24 13:19 so here i paste the logs before the present session when i had to hard boot the machine08:40
bin_bashPoorCollegeGuy, https://images.4chan.org/g/src/1351057788783.png08:44
joeeeeewhat is the default font name of xubuntu 12.4?09:11
TheSheepDroid Sans09:12
knometbe, it's 12.0409:12
WizardThis is a really nice font :)09:12
bin_bashew sans09:13
WizardYou use serif fonts? :D09:14
bin_bashI use Terminus in the console/terminal and Inconsolata in the GUI09:14
WizardC64 nostalgy?09:15
WizardMonospace font everywhere?09:15
apm1fonts , don't you guys have anything better to talk about :p09:15
apm1like the bugs in 12.1009:16
bin_bashI'm not using Ewbuntu09:16
joeeeeewhen i plug headphone jack speakers don't mute09:16
apm1who decided to use linux 3.5 which is unstable as hell for the 12.10 release ? :p09:16
bin_bash3.5 is unstable?09:17
apm1yes imho it is :)09:17
TheSheepapm1: maybe you should take it to xubuntu-trolling?09:17
TheSheepbin_bash: no it isn't, kenrel did away with the 'even-stable odd-unstable' rule long ago09:17
bin_bashTheSheep, I'm using 3.4.6 anyway09:18
apm1TheSheep, well i am not trolling , i was just pissed at  3.5 's unstability compared to 3.2 :)09:18
TheSheepapm1: you are09:18
TheSheepapm1: stop it09:18
apm1TheSheep, ok won't bother anyone now :(09:19
joeeeeewhen i plug headphone jack speakers don't mute how i fix this ?09:21
bin_bashcheck your alsa/pulse/jack settngs?09:21
apm1you may yell at me guys but i have to report an issue with xubuntu 12.0409:22
bin_bashPoorCollegeGuy, are you awake09:23
apm1on my macbookpro the line in port has a little red glowing all the time09:23
apm1the solution was to mute the port in alsamixer09:24
apm1this only happens on *buntus and not debian , thus making it a *buntu specific bug :(09:25
bin_bashMine has the red light all the time too09:25
bin_bashit doesnt do anyting09:25
apm1bin_bash, type alsamixer in a tty09:25
bin_bash...I know how to use alsa lol09:26
apm1bin_bash, then why don't you turn it off ?09:26
bin_bashbecause idc?09:26
bin_bashit doesn't effect me09:26
bin_bashAnd whether the headphone is muted or not the light stays on09:27
bin_bashonly problem I ever have09:27
bin_bashis skype09:27
bin_bashfucking. skype.09:27
Unit193!language | bin_bash09:28
ubottubin_bash: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:28
apm1bin_bash, well the light turns off on my mac when i mute the headphone port using cli alsa , the gui mixer can't do it09:28
bin_bash...seriously? language warning?09:28
bin_bashWhat GUI mixer?09:28
bin_bashAlso, it goes off when I mute S/PDIF09:28
bin_bashbut i like it on09:29
apm1bin_bash, but it is a bug ?09:29
TheSheepbin_bash: the red light is a IEC958 output, you can disable it with xfce4 mixed, here is a switch for it09:29
bin_bashI don't use XFCE09:29
TheSheepbin_bash: then we can't help you09:30
bin_bash...I don't need help09:30
bin_bashI was just telling apm1 that the light on mine is on too, and that I like it.09:30
TheSheepbin_bash: I see, well, that light is audio output for a fiberoptics cable09:30
apm1TheSheep, i know i can disable it but shouldn't it be off in the first place ?09:31
TheSheepapm1: why?09:31
apm1because well on os x it isn't on by default ?09:31
TheSheepapm1: xubuntu is not os x09:31
apm1i know , but how come debian operates the hardware like os x , but not xubuntu ?09:32
TheSheepapm1: debian just has different defaults, they probably decided that IEC958 is not open enough09:33
joeeeeewhat is Internet download manger alternative on ubuntu ?09:33
bin_bashwhat is internet download manager?09:33
TheSheepjoeeeee: all the browsers have a download manager build in these days09:33
apm1TheSheep, that i can relate to , good explanation :)09:33
bin_bashjoeeeee, have you tried wget? or curl?09:33
joeeeeei want manger with gui09:34
TheSheepjoeeeee: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/list-of-download-managers-available-in-ubuntu.html09:35
TheSheepjoeeeee: first hit in google09:35
apm1anyone using mutt with gmail ?09:36
TheSheepapm1: yeah, you just need to enable it in gmail settings09:37
apm1TheSheep, does mutt support remembring passwords ?09:38
TheSheepapm1: you can put the passwords in the configuration file09:38
apm1TheSheep, ok thanks :)09:39
uzverapm1, i use mutt with gmail to send sms from bash)09:47
bin_bashYou knwo what I don't get10:03
bin_bashWhy are so many peple like "hurrr you have to compile eveyrhting with arch"10:04
knomebin_bash, they don't want to take the time to do that.10:06
well_laid_lawnarch is a binary distro there's no compiling needed10:06
bin_bashI know10:06
bin_bashThat's the thing10:06
knomein that case, they don't know arch. as i don't seem to know.10:06
knomeanyway, this discussion clearly belongs to #xubuntu-offtopic10:07
knomefeel free to continue there10:07
bin_bashknome, can I see what your desktop looks like10:09
WizardArch is offtopic here.10:09
WizardBesides, Arch is obsolete, since distros which just work exist.10:09
bin_bashArch works10:09
bin_bash>uses bleeding edge software10:10
knome#xubuntu-offtopic if you want to continue this discussion. otherwise, stop it.10:10
Wizardbin_bash: I'm waiting :P10:11
thmcmahonhey guys - when i try to edit the menu nothing happens (with alacarte) any suggestions as to why?10:50
WizardTry harder :P But seriously, run alacarte from terminal and see if it spits errors.10:52
uzverthmcmahon, alacarte edit applications.menu, but xfce4 use xfce-applications.menu)10:53
thmcmahonno errors when i run from the terminal10:53
thmcmahonuzver: where do they live10:53
thmcmahonuzver: yeah it's weird. the buttons just do nothing. things don't move. it's broken basically10:54
uzverbash> cp ./applcatinos.menu ./xfce-applications.menu10:55
uzverend edit /usr/share/alacarte/Alacarte/MenuEditor.py10:55
uzverafter that manipulations it's working for me now10:57
WizardWouldn't be simpler to link xfce-applications.menu to aplications.menu?10:57
uzveru can try10:58
thmcmahonhaha ok11:02
thmcmahonglad to see editing menus is still a problem11:02
WizardI think he is right in his sarcasm.11:04
telitiHello. Could you please tell me if is it possible to "autoremove" all (now) unneeded dependencies after removing a "leaf package" on console e.g. using apt-get?11:08
TheSheepteliti: sure, 'sudo apt-get autoremove'11:12
telitiThe Sheep: aahh ... thank you :-)11:12
ericmarThis thing on11:27
TheSheep!hi ericmar11:28
TheSheep!hi | ericmar11:28
ubottuericmar: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:28
ericmarXubuntu is similar to ubuntu. I really don't like the ubuntu interface, x has more of a XP style correct?11:56
TheSheepericmar: lubuntu looks more like windows xp, xubuntu can be made to look like that, but why would you11:57
ericmarI happened to like XP11:58
TheSheepericmar: anyways, it can be made looking like that, so you can try it12:00
ericmarOk, I will give it a shot12:02
Tom42hello, does anyone here use xubuntu (or similar linux distribution) on hp pavilion 4100sc (or any other laptop with amd e-450/radeon 6320 APU)? I wonder if HW accelartion works smoothly now and also if the battery life is comperable with W712:36
WizardTom42: I don't have such hardware.12:38
WizardAnd wrote it only because I didn't wanted you to feel ignored :(12:40
Tom42Wizard: That's very nice from you :) Well I guess I have to give it a try again...12:42
WizardYou can allways try it yourself.12:42
recon_lapTom42: there is always google :)12:43
TheSheepand forums12:43
WizardGoogle doesn't help much in such cases.12:43
WizardForums may.12:43
TheSheepthe linlap wiki is also helpful12:43
vacuoushi what does xubuntu use to start programs on boot?12:56
vacuousim trying to install it on another distro12:56
vacuousubuntu also has a tool to start commands and programs on boot12:57
TheSheepvacuous: upstart12:57
blackgatonegroit uses grub212:57
vacuousi'll look them up12:57
TheSheepwell, grub2 for booting, then upstart for process management12:57
TheSheepit's basically the same as ubuntu12:57
vacuoustrying to run a command saying ''xrand -s screenres' because I'm having difficulties changing res12:58
vacuousand if I just have it execute the command on boot, it should be fine?12:58
blackgatonegroyou need a version of grub for botting more than one os, even if you only have one12:59
blackgatonegrovacuous, maybe, I don't know what hardware you got12:59
vacuousit's running in a vm12:59
blackgatonegrovacuous, there used to be a "Safex" command to boot gui when the video card was being unhelpful13:00
blackgatonegro vacuous, then you need to change the  vm settings13:00
vacuousI'm a bit configured13:03
blackgatonegrovacuous, there also pre made vm files for ubuntu versions that you can find online, you could just install vacuous in one of these13:03
vacuousconfused even13:03
vacuousthink I've been writing configure one too many times D:13:03
vacuousall I want to do is have it change screen resolution on boot or whatever13:04
vacuouseverything works fine except that13:04
blackgatonegrovacuous, if you have problems with the vm, then change the vm settings13:05
vacuousI did but it seems to make no difference13:05
vacuousit's still going into 800 res13:05
blackgatonegrovacuous, well, you are virtualizing it, does it really matter?13:06
vacuousI don't want a tiny window to view13:06
vacuousTheSheep, how do I execute upstart? typing upstart doesn't seem to do anything13:07
blackgatonegrovacuous, I think thats a virtualbox problem, not a xubuntu problem13:07
vacuousit's not13:07
vacuousit's not either, let me reiterate- the screen resolution is set wrong13:08
vacuousI cannot change screen resolution13:08
blackgatonegrovacuous, tried to see if virtualbox can make the display bigger?13:08
vacuousxubuntu has a tool which allows you to run commands on boot13:08
vacuousI want that tool13:08
vacuousI can do that fine but I want it to boot with the correct display size13:08
vacuousthus if I can run the command ''xrandr -s 1280x768'' on boot13:09
vacuousall will be fine13:09
Wizardvacuous: you can add it to xsession scripts.13:09
vacuousboth xubuntu and ubuntu have this awesome tool for running stuff on boot13:09
blackgatonegrovacuous, tried to see the settings manager?13:13
vacuousthere's no such thing, I'm using debian not xubuntu13:13
lestuspeeps, xubuntu rocks13:14
vacuoustrying to mimic my xubuntu install in some ways, without all the bloated crap it includes13:14
blackgatonegrovacuous, sooo13:15
blackgatonegrovacuous, you are virtualizing debian?13:15
vacuousyeah and I just need a way to run that command on boot13:15
vacuousthe xrandr command13:15
lestuswhat does xrandr do?13:17
vacuousit changes the screen resolution with a command13:17
lestusah ok13:17
blackgatonegrovacuous, de aware virtualizing may overhear your computer13:18
blackgatonegroThats why I prefer dual boot13:18
vacuousnah it won't13:19
koegsvacuous: http://askubuntu.com/a/102525/5994213:19
blackgatonegroit will, virtualbox can overheat your computer using freedos...13:19
blackgatonegrobasicaly if you dont configure virtualbox well13:20
vacuouskoegs, thanks but I don't have that autostart program13:20
blackgatonegroit might overwork youir cpu13:20
blackgatonegrois a know problem13:20
vacuousI'm using debian with openbox13:20
toraxblackgatonegro: if your machine _can_ overheat its a hardware problem13:21
vacuousI think if I could edit the xinitrc file I could put a command in there but I've forgotten how13:21
koegsvacuous: this is the support channel for xubuntu, which means "ubuntu with xfce" not "debian with openbox"... -.-13:21
vacuousand nano ~/.xinitrc isn't working13:21
vacuousbut I was looking for the program that comes with _xubuntu_13:21
vacuousthus asking in _xubuntu_13:21
vacuousto get the name of the program in _xubuntu_13:21
blackgatonegrotorax, is a KNOW  problem with visualization13:21
vacuouscan you guys quit trolling13:21
vacuousfor half a minute13:21
blackgatonegrook sorry13:22
koegsvacuous: np, xfce4-settings-manager13:22
toraxblackgatonegro: even if you run your machine on 100% full time it must not overheat, or else its hardware problem, thats why there is cooling. If theres something to continue then #xubuntu-offtopic13:23
koegsvacuous: or take a look at ~./config/autostart you will need a <app>.desktop file there13:24
skritehey all, i installed last night from the mini iso. i need to add a ppa but i cannot because add-apt-repository is not found13:51
baizonskrite: what version?13:53
WizardIsn't it called add-ppa now?13:53
TheSheepskrite: install software-properties-common13:53
TheSheepit's apt-add-repository13:53
baizonyep: sudo apt-get install python-software-properties13:54
WizardHmm.. Maybe I'm missing the point.13:55
skriteTheSheep: baizon thanks, gents.. just found that in addition to python-software-properties, i needed a package called software-properties-common, new to 12.1014:00
skriteproblem solved14:00
lotuspsychjei cant get flash 11.2 working on xubuntu 12.04.1 any known bugs on that?14:10
WizardFlash works for me on 12.04.1, but I'm not sure which version is that.14:24
lotuspsychjeWizard:where di you install it from?14:26
WizardFrom repo.14:28
WizardI pulled it with xubuntu-restricted-extras package.14:28
lotuspsychjei tryed both web and repo14:28
Wizard11.2, the exact version you want.14:29
Wizardsudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer14:29
mneptoklotuspsychje: the Adobe Flash plugin was moved to the -partner repo, enable it.14:32
lotuspsychjemneptok:ah lemme try that one after install14:33
marcpvhi, how can I disable click on mousepad?15:15
marcpvI miss it in the configurations15:15
TheSheepmarcpv: install gpointing-device-settings15:16
marcpvthanks, let me try...15:18
TheSheepmarcpv: it's also in the 'mouse setttinhs' in the settings manager, on the second tab, but this gpointing-device-settings gives you more options15:19
lotuspsychjewhats a good lightweight pps viewer for xubuntu?15:20
marcpvthanks TheSheep15:21
marcpvI guess I have to restart now, right?15:21
TheSheepmongy: no15:23
holsteinlotuspsychje: i would try in libreoffice.. then in googledocs.. then i would read http://gamblis.com/2009/07/22/power-point-viewer-for-ubuntu-and-debian/15:23
TheSheepmeh, he left15:24
mongynope, still here, and I never asked anything :)15:24
TheSheepmongy: yeah, tab completion works bad with people who left15:24
xubuntu892hi all15:33
recon_lap!hi | xubuntu89215:33
ubottuxubuntu892: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:33
lotuspsychjemneptok: so i installed xubuntu-restricted-extras and flashplugin shows installed in synaptic..but still youtube dont play15:49
mneptok!info adobe-flashplugin16:02
ubottuPackage adobe-flashplugin does not exist in quantal16:02
mneptok!info adobe-flashplugin partner16:03
ubottuadobe-flashplugin (source: adobe-flashplugin): Adobe Flash Player plugin version 11. In component main, is optional. Version (partner), package size 6437 kB, installed size 17154 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)16:03
mneptoklotuspsychje: ^^^ that is the package you want. apt-get remove anything else.16:03
lotuspsychjeok tnx16:03
mneptok(also, here's the requisite "BAH FLASH!" sentiment)16:06
lotuspsychjelol i hate it too mate16:07
lotuspsychjetime for adobe to stop for good16:07
lotuspsychjeand someone invent decent alternative16:07
lebigmachi, i am having problems with audio over hdmi. i can tell the audio is being processed because i see the "bar" moving but i don't hear anything16:07
mneptoklebigmac: never used HDMI. sorry.16:08
lotuspsychjemneptok:says adobe-flashplugin has no candidate for install16:09
lotuspsychjedid i need to enable the source too for partners?16:10
a5m0hi guys, 12.10 question, previously I have been following this full-disk-encryption guide http://blog.markloiseau.com/2012/05/ubuntu-aes-xts-plain64/ that sets up aes-xts-plain64 and a randomly encrypted swap, does the newly included FDE in the installer make this unnecessary or does the installer use something inferior to aes-xts?16:12
lebigmaccan anyone here besides mneptop help with hdmi audio?16:14
recon_laplebigmac: used it a bit, have you set you sound output device to HDMI ?16:15
lebigmacrecon: yes i have, and the little... i don't know what to call it is lighting up in synch with the sound that is playing, so obviously the sound is being recognized, it's just not playing through my tv16:16
recon_laplebigmac: it is in sount setting -> configuration -> profile -> Digital Stereo (HDMI) output16:17
mneptoka5m0: i use lvm/luks FDE as provided by the -alterate Precise image. i'm confident the supplied methods are sufficient to my needs.16:18
recon_laplebigmac: ok, open up alsamixer and check your levels :)16:19
a5m0the question is if it uses -xts or an alternate version of AES mneptok because -xts is the one that is not vulnerable to watermarking16:19
lebigmaci dont know what that is16:19
recon_laplebigmac: go to terminal and type alsamixer :)16:19
lebigmacjust did lol :)16:20
recon_laplebigmac: and? you should start setting everything to 100% using the arrow keys16:20
lebigmacmy hdmi audio isn't on there16:21
toraxtry pressing f616:22
mneptoka5m0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystems16:22
recon_laplebigmac: it's the lowest level, worth checking16:23
a5m0mneptok, what are you trying to say with that?16:24
lebigmacit's not... there16:24
mneptoka5m0: that i do not know the answer for certain, but that i am sure the Internet does.16:24
lebigmacwhat is there is my onboard sound, and the usb headset i currently have connected16:25
a5m0there is no quantal info there16:25
lebigmacin the place of my hdmi audio is "hd-audio generic" and when i select that, all i get is something that says "s/pdif" and the level is not changeable16:26
recon_laplebigmac: I'd suggest disconnecting all headphones and restarting16:26
apm1wow the xfce metapackage on debian is ~ 22 Mb :)16:26
innotI am not sure if this matter, but have you connected your hdmi-cable?16:26
a5m0i had to mess around with trying different codec schemes on my hdmi audio before it worked16:27
lebigmacwhat would having a headset connected have to do with this?16:28
recon_lapI had a bug that was related, if i had a headset plugged in when i booted only the headset would work16:29
lebigmacthat's lame16:30
lebigmacbut i'll try that i guess16:30
recon_lapalso, you going to be kicking the tire for a bit , the less complications the better16:30
lebigmacno dice D:16:35
recon_laplebigmac: I cant think of anything other than to keep changing/checking setting till you get somewhere. I take it you hearing sound through you computer but you have pictures on the TV16:37
lebigmaci have an hdmi cord from my video card to my television, and i used to hear audio through my tv until i decided to try linux16:39
lebigmaci dont understand why my hdmi device isn't configurable in alsa16:40
lebigmacer, in alsamixer16:40
beagle12.10 fresh install: I miss the 'update-manage' in the menu16:42
recon_lap\me just for grins goes looking for HDMI cable16:45
lebigmachdmi audio not working, please help someone16:53
beagle12.10 fresh install: I miss the synapic in the menu als well16:54
apm1no synaptic by default , lord i am happy to be a debian purist :)16:56
knomebeagle, you can install synaptic from the software center or with apt16:57
lebigmachdmi audio not working can anyone help me?16:58
beagleI know ! But I didn't know, if this is a "bug" or by default. So, it is by default16:59
recon_lapcute, I'v not sound either :)16:59
beagle12.10 fresh install: I miss the 'update-manage' in the menu ?17:00
lebigmacso far this is my 3rd or 4th distro and none has worked17:00
lebigmacgreat job linux keep up the good work17:00
apm1knome, i know but not offering it from the beginning is like cutting off the debian roots , no trolling intended but i assure you the path you guys are on will lead you to a day when you might even discard apt and will make some *buntu specific packaging tool just like some other well known distros :(17:00
apm1knome, iirc you have already kicked aptitute and synaptic , it's just apt that remains :(17:00
knomeapm1, nope, that's not it. synaptic is phasing out, and that's not the best tool for newcomers17:01
lebigmacanyone know a linux distro that fits on a cd that actually works?17:01
knomeapm1, it's like inkscape: it's a wonderful vector editor, but it's not something for the default installation17:01
apm1knome, inkspace comes default installed on debian :D17:01
knomeapm1, you are free to use debian17:02
knomeapm1, if you want to discuss decisions on default applications, please take part in the development discussion in #xubuntu-devel; also, uds-r is next week17:03
apm1knome, ok :)17:03
recon_laphmm, working now, had to restart with the hdmi plugged in , then plug it in.17:13
recon_lapHDMI plugged out that is17:13
recon_lapwhen i booted with the DHMI cable plugged in I got no audio options other that dummy17:15
nantouwill I find rar for linux in the repos?18:12
baizonnantou: yes18:12
baizonnantou: http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/rar18:13
nantouThis program is shareware and you must register it after 40 days of use. <-- if I dont register I guess I wont be able to use it?18:14
genii-around!info unrar18:20
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:4.1.4-1 (quantal), package size 107 kB, installed size 241 kB18:20
genii-aroundnantou: You need to compress with rar or only to decompress?18:21
baizon!info unrar-free18:23
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-2 (quantal), package size 23 kB, installed size 98 kB18:24
nantougenii-around, I have 56 part.rar files, extracting with archive manager does extract em separately. Im not sure if there is a rar option that allows me to bind together all parts for then extract the single rar, or if that can be done simultaneously...18:24
nantouim now with wine and 7-zip...18:25
toraxunarar can decompress multiple rar files18:25
nantoutrying to find a way, could selecting all part.rar files to then make a new file be what Im looking for?18:25
baizon!info p7zip-rar18:26
ubottup7zip-rar (source: p7zip-rar): non-free rar module for p7zip. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 9.20.1~ds.1-3 (quantal), package size 44 kB, installed size 140 kB18:26
baizonyou can use this too :)18:26
nantoutorax, i need to decompress em all not separately, there are files divided in 5 to 11 part.rar sections18:26
toraxnantou: when you unrar one file it automaticly knows to continue with the second file18:27
genii-aroundYes, you use the command on the first file in the series18:27
nantoucan I make partitions inside a partition?18:50
recon_lapnantou: only in an extended partition18:51
recon_lapnantou: not in a primary partition18:52
nantouI have linux host and windows guest, there is this application SAP.ECC that consumes 50GB of data, for that to work (only with windows) I have the virtualization of said OS. THis piece of software requires at least 3 other partitions. My idea is to get a brand new 2TB HDD, make a 200 to 300 GB NTFS partition to act as shared folder and , inside this 300 GB NTFS partition, make the 3 partitions18:52
nantouto google it I go...18:53
recon_lapnantou: virtual machines have there owe rules, as they use virtual drives. I would expect that the same rules apply. 4 partitions, if you want more one of them has to be an extended partition18:55
gargamlzHi. I have a problem. I have just installed Xubuntu 12.10. Everything worked fine during the install, and the graphics looked like they should in the live-cd environment. However, when I boot the hdd-installed system, it cant seem to detect my monitor which remains blue. IE, I never actually get to do anything, since the monitor doesnt work. When I then go back into the live-cd and mount the hdd, in the logs it seems like it's trying all kinds of differe19:04
gargamlzI have a nvidia graphics card. gforce 9500.19:05
gargamlzIt works fine in the live-cd system.19:05
baizonah ok :D19:05
gargamlz(where I am right now)19:05
gargamlzBut yeah, monitor wont get detected when I boot into the hdd-based system. :)19:05
gargamlzAnyone know how I can fix that? Cant find much on google.19:06
recon_lapgargamlz: you might find this helpfull http://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-to-set-nomodeset-for-installation19:08
gargamlzrecon_lap: hmm, ok. well, I cant run update-grub since Im currently in the live system. Will the changed I make to the grub file be there after reboot?19:11
recon_lapgargamlz: read the whole thing :)19:11
gargamlzAlright, so I'll do it during boot instead. Gotcha.19:12
recon_lapgargamlz: grub-update  to make changes persist19:12
gargamlzOnce I get into the system, yes.19:13
gargamlzAlright, I'll give it a go then. This mostly seems to apply for installation though.19:13
gargamlzAnd not for post-installation stuff. :)19:13
gargamlzBut sure, why not. I'll take your word for it. :)19:13
gargamlzbrb then19:13
yakebhi #ubuntu, i am struggling getting a wifi card working. the chipset is realtek 8188cu, kernel is 3.0.0-12, 11.10 oneiric. it automatically installed when plugged in, but would not connect to wifi network. i've uninstalled the driver but can't get it reinstalled. any help would be greatly appreciated.19:15
recon_lapyakeb: how did you un-install the drive?19:16
yakebhey recon_lap, i figured it out. go figure. i downloaded the driver from realtek and had to fix an error in the install.sh. woowee. glad i figured that out. thank you for responding.19:19
recon_lapyakeb: glad it's working :)19:20
gargamlzhey again19:21
gargamlzYeah, that didnt work, since I dont really get to grub. My monitor goes blue right after the bios splash.19:21
gargamlzSo, I need a way to fix the graphics of the real system, from inside the live-cd system with the real-system hdd mounted and reachable.19:22
gargamlzIE, fix it through a conf.19:22
recon_lapgargamlz: thats strange, lots of this should happen before you get to graphics19:23
recon_lapgargamlz: your grub is messed up most likely19:23
gargamlzFrom a fresh install? Sounds unlikely.19:23
gargamlzLooks more like a graphics driver error.19:24
gargamlzBased on logs.19:24
gargamlzBut I just cant figure out why it works in the live-cd with the same hardware.19:24
gargamlzIE, what driver/setting its missing in the real system.19:24
recon_lapgargamlz: how can you hoave logs if it blue screen right after BIOS ?19:24
gargamlzAnd what I should do from bash to fix it.19:25
gargamlzrecon_lap: I mount the hdd from within the live-cd system where I am now.19:25
gargamlzand cd to /var/log ? :)19:25
gargamlzIt blue screens as in cant find monitor. Not as in windows blue screen of death.19:25
gargamlzThe system is still running.19:25
recon_lapgargamlz: again, how can it write logs if it stops right after BIOS?19:25
gargamlzI just dont get any display on the monitor.19:25
gargamlzHave you not been listening? hehe19:26
gargamlzIf I had ssdh running, I could still ssh into the box.19:26
gargamlzBut this is the second best alternative. To mount the disk and check logs from within live-cd.19:26
gargamlzAnyway, so, I want to change a config (perhaps xorg) to fix it on the disk, before booting up again.19:26
recon_lapgargamlz: so it does not stop right after BIOS, after BIOS it loads grub19:26
gargamlzWell sure.19:26
gargamlzThe system boots just fine.19:27
gargamlzBut I cant see whats going on, naturally.19:27
gargamlzSo I cant really make any on-the-fly modications in grub menu.19:27
gargamlzNor can I update-grub19:27
gargamlzI think it's the wrong strategy. A better strategy would be to make changes to the disk, from within live-cd.19:27
gargamlzBUt what changes remains the question. :)19:28
recon_lapthe shift key not working? to show the grub menu?19:28
gargamlzMonitor dies.19:28
gargamlzCant see anything passed bios splash.19:28
gargamlzHow would I know if it shows the grub menu when I press shift_19:28
gargamlzNevermind. Thanks for your help. I'll google... :)19:28
greasegumI'm getting really frustratingly poor wifi performance. I want to see if there's anything I can do to track down bugs but I'm a bit of a noob. could someone give me a few leads on useful resources for diagnosing my problems? I can give more details if that helps.19:53
greasegumI kindof don't know where to start.19:54
yakeb_hi #xubuntu room. i have another issue, if anyone can help. i have creative sb emu10k1 sound card in addition to an internal realtek sound card, and sound is not outputing to through the sb live card.19:54
well_laid_lawngreasegum: I would start by opening a terminal and running   dmesg    then do something that uses the wifi and run   dmesg   again19:56
well_laid_lawncheckk for any mention of the wifi19:56
greasegumsorry, compiz crashed my comp20:00
greasegumwell_laid_lawn:: thanks I'll see what turns up20:00
greasegumi heart grep. I wanna get that on a tshirt20:01
well_laid_lawndmesg | tail   is handy too20:04
greasegumtrying to figure out if nm-applet is being buggy or if its my drivers20:07
greasegumin dmesg what does the number on the left represent?20:27
greasegumscratch that I can google it.20:28
greasegumquestion: if it turns out to be something on the network itself, how do I see what's going on?20:30
greasegumseems like I'm getting crazy netlag and booted off the network a lot.20:31
xubuntu388Hey guys, is there anything I can do to change screen resolution from the boot CD?20:37
TheSheepxubuntu388: sure, just go to settings manager -> displays20:38
xubuntu026How to prepare a usb-stick from which to install Xubuntu on a new pc without OS?20:59
unheedinguse unetbootin21:00
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:00
unheedingwrite the iso to the USB drive21:00
Unit193Could also use dd.21:00
bin_bashxubuntu026, are you using Windows or OS X or Linux or BSD21:01
xubuntu026Using xubuntu on this machine next to Windows, but want to install xubuntu on a new pc. What is ' dd' ?21:02
GridCubesomething complicated if you have to ask21:02
GridCubexubuntu026, use unetbootin21:02
bin_bashdd is the best way to do it21:02
GridCubeits the easies way21:02
GridCubebin_bash, its not21:02
bin_bashxubuntu026, is the new computer UEFI21:02
xubuntu026Just a plain pc...21:03
bin_bashYes, but how new is it21:03
bin_bashIs it a BIOS or UEFI21:03
GridCubexubuntu026, :) just use unetbootin, its really simple21:03
bin_bashGridCube, on UEFI machines using unetbootin doesn't always work21:03
xubuntu026Fine, I could try, but how to ' connect'  to unetbootin21:04
GridCubebin_bash, thats not unetbootin fault21:04
bin_bashGridCube, ...I didn't say it was. But if he IS using a UEFI machine he can't use unetbootin21:04
GridCubexubuntu026, google it21:06
xubuntu026I think I' ll to for the USB stick after all, thanks and bye!21:07
jam3v0hey there22:28
popolonon xubuntu 12.04, I try to mount an mtp device, it isn't detected by thunar22:28
popolonif I boot on the same system on a vritualbox including lubuntu 12.0422:29
popolonthe lxde file system mount it22:29
popolonDon't know if that's an installation problem on my xubuntu install22:29
popolonI tried to install all thunar plugins22:29
popolonand mtp libs/tools22:29
well_laid_lawncheck whar gvfs stuff you have installed22:30
popolonwell_laid_lawn, thanks22:30
jam3v0.join #zdaemon22:30
jam3v0ugh laptop keys, ignore that22:30
xubuntu538can I get support for an installation?22:31
popolonnice, I installed libfm22:33
popolonand pcmanfm (I believe that's the lxde filemanager22:33
popolonand it works !22:33
popolonbut not on thunar22:33
popolonlibfm seems to do things relative to GIO/GVFS22:34
recon_lapxubuntu538: sure, what you want to know?22:35
popolonI believe most problem I havec with XFCE22:35
popolonis due to use of /tmp in ramfs with noexec flag22:35
popolonfor security reason22:35
xubuntu538yes, I'd like to know what steps to get started, I've downloaded the disk image22:36
popolonI seen than som xfce/xubuntu scripts use /tmp to install some stuff22:36
recon_lapxubuntu538: did you burn it to a USB or CD ?22:36
xubuntu538and im burning it to CD, is it compatible with an intel core 2 duo around 2007-8 running leopard 10.5?22:37
recon_lapxubuntu538: well it should work on that hardware, and Mac OS should be irrelevant, but dont know about that. The first thing to do after you make the CD is see if you can boot the computer with the CD without installing anything. Give you a chance to see if there will be any problems22:39
recon_lapxubuntu538: before you install anything22:39
bin_bashxubuntu538, yes it'll work with that computer no problem22:40
xubuntu538great, how do I boot from CD?22:40
xubuntu538what F buttons?22:40
yakebhi #xubuntu. i just installed the nvidia proprietary drivers on 11.10 and the computer boots to blank screen. i've tried all of the fixes i've seen online and nothing works. i can't load another tty or anything, it's like the monitor is not recognized anymore. any guidance would be appreciated.22:40
yakebfurther, i get the normal splash screen on boot, but after that the light on the monitor turns from green to yellow, which I don't quite follow. I can load up a shell prompt but I am getting errors, if I try to edit xorg configuration.22:41
bin_bashxubuntu538, hold down the alt key22:41
bin_bashand it'll bring up the sorry excuse for a boot menu22:41
bin_bashand you'll have a CD labeled "Windows"22:41
bin_bashoh wait22:41
bin_bashbefore you do anything22:41
bin_bashyou're going to want to partition with bootcamp22:42
xubuntu538I don't want to do that, I want a plain operating system with no OSX22:42
xubuntu538do I have to?22:42
bin_bashToo bad22:42
bin_bashIf you want it to run as it should, with everything working22:42
bin_bashyou have to leave OS X installed22:42
xubuntu538what linux distro works with mac hardware standalone?22:43
xubuntu538that sux22:43
bin_bashif you want22:43
bin_bashafter you've install linux22:43
bin_bashand update the firmware via the OS X side, you can remove the OS X partition22:43
xubuntu538where do I get bootcamp?22:43
bin_bashit should be there already22:43
bin_bashtbh, if you want22:44
bin_bashyou can try to overwrite the OS X partition and everyhting via the ubuntu insaller22:44
bin_bashbut make sure you have all of your OS X CDs handy22:44
xubuntu538yeah got those22:44
xubuntu538and I'm backed up22:45
bin_bashif you have them handy and you're all backed up22:45
bin_bashyou can try it22:45
bin_bashbut there's a chance that some things won't work22:45
xubuntu538is it in system preferences?22:45
bin_bashWhen I installed Archbang directly on top of OS X, my USB ports didn't work22:45
bin_bashoh if you want to try overwriting everything22:45
bin_bashyou dont need bootcamp22:45
bin_bashI'm just giving you fair warning that it might not work as intended22:46
recon_lapxubuntu538: do you have a backup plan if this does not work?22:46
xubuntu538ill try it the bootcamp/firmwareupdate/post-install-partionerase22:46
bin_bashrecon_lap, he just said he has his OS X install CDs and a backup22:46
xubuntu538im willing to experiment right now to get the right OS and get out of the data stream22:47
recon_laprgr :)22:47
bin_bashif you're willing to experiment22:47
bin_bashboot the Xubuntu cd22:47
=== UnknownFork_ is now known as UnknownFork
bin_bashand when you go to install, select automatic partitioning22:48
bin_bashxubuntu538, the only reason I recommended against that initially, is that not everyone is smart enough to keep their OS X install cds around :P22:48
bin_bashI always have to assume the lowest IQ possible.22:48
recon_lapxubuntu538: I have a link to this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro, might be some useful info in it .22:48
xubuntu538my model number is macbook 2,122:51
xubuntu538so I haven't found any support docs22:51
bin_bashtbh, it should work without any problems22:52
bin_bashI had a 5... something22:52
xubuntu538hope so. I have to delete some stuff for the partition to work. I think my music library is twice itself22:52
bin_bashyeah 5,5 and everything ran flawlessly22:53
bin_bashthen when that got replaced by this 8,1 everything went to hell22:53
bin_bashit's only recently in the 3.2 kernel that the wireless card works22:53
bin_bashand the thunderbolt port still only does video and not sound22:53
bin_bashwhenever i want to watch movies or something from my computer to my TV I have to boot into OS SUX22:53
xubuntu538well my computer is pretty reliable, it got maintenanced only once and has worked great22:53
bin_bashThe older ones are better22:54
xubuntu538is xubuntu unix based?22:54
bin_bash...it's linux22:54
xubuntu538oh. so is open suse good for unix?22:54
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook2-1/ might be relevant22:54
holsteini have up on linux on the mac i had...22:55
bin_bashOne of the things I hate about Ubuntu is the stable release cycle22:55
bin_bashI hate stable release cycles.22:55
unheedingyou want it ready when it's ready?22:55
holsteinor rolling?22:55
xubuntu538huh. thanks for the support doc that looks promising22:55
bin_bashThat's why I use Arch lol22:55
bin_bashspeaking of. gotta update22:56
papachohi to all22:57
recon_lapdone for the day, good luck :)22:57
papachoI've a little trouble on a xUbuntu 12.10 fresh installed22:58
papachowith a dual monitor configuration22:58
recon_lappapacho: what the trouble ?22:58
papachowhen i set the monitor "offset" on one of them22:58
papachoto use like "extended desktop"22:58
xubuntu538so I should do regular ubuntu not xubunto?22:59
papachohorrible shadows appear on all windows22:59
papachoand seem that overlapping of window doesnt work22:59
papachoI seek on google but any page that I find say that with "update" of xfce to 4.10 (for xubuntu 12.04) solve this problem23:00
papachoanyone find this problem like me?23:00
recon_lapxubuntu538: xubuntu is based on ubuntu except for the desktop environment(xfce), so anything that work for ubuntu will most likely work the same on xubuntu. so it's really up to you.23:01
papacho(the same problem appear using xraddr tool)23:01
recon_lappapacho: sry but you gone way past my knowledge of multi screens23:02
recon_lapright, I'm off for real , g'night23:02
papachoty recon_lap23:02
xubuntu212I Torrented xubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso and it did not work, so I went to the mirror and looked at the md5dum files and they did not match.  So I torrented it again.  Got the same results repeated, so I FTPd them from the mirror.  Same results, MD5Sum did not match again and it did not work.... WHAT....is the correct MD5SUM, and why cant I get it?23:04
xubuntu212blowing into microphone...HALLOOOOOOO23:05
GridCubexubuntu212, from where are you getting the torrent file?23:07
well_laid_lawnxubuntu212: did blowing into the mic break something ?23:13
xubuntu212I GOT THE TORRENT FILE FROM Xubuntu.com23:35
bin_bashwhy are you yelling23:36
xubuntu212not sure my mic is working.23:36
bin_bashwhy are you talking into your mic23:37
xubuntu212just joking23:37
bin_bashoh ok23:38
xubuntu212Any idea why the checksum of the 64 bit version is not comming out right?23:38
bin_bashnot sure23:40
bin_bashwhere do you live, what country23:42
xubuntu212In the spirit of never give up, I grabbed it from the mirrror.  The mirror check sum agrees with itself.23:42
xubuntu212Makes me wonder about the torrent.23:42
bin_bashi always download via mirror23:42
xubuntu212Now lets see if it works!23:42
bin_bashyou're burning to CD right23:43
David-Axubuntu212: theories 1) torrent hasn't completed yet. 2) using a different programs to generate the checksum. 3) mixed up checksum for different iso:s (ix86/amd64, desktop/server, etc). 4) something else23:43
xubuntu212Torrent had completed.23:47
bin_bashjust stick with the mirror23:47
xubuntu212used md5sum for both the ftp and the torrent23:47
xubuntu212checksum matched the mirror but not the torrent so I think I had the right md5sum23:48
xubuntu212I think the torrent has been corrupted some how....23:48
xubuntu212moving ahead with mirror copy23:48
=== UnknownFork_ is now known as UnknownFork
David-Axubuntu212: didn't match "the torrent"? I hope you mean didn't match "the iso downloaded with the torrent"23:51
xubuntu212Yes, I mean when I used the torrent file to down load the 64 bit version the check sum did not match.  I did it more than once.23:53
xubuntu212Has anyone else done an install of the torrent verison of the 64 bit iso  so they can verifiy the mD5sum of it?23:58

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