
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
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jussiMorning all05:39
shadeslayermoin jussi 05:47
jussiGday shadeslayer. everything still works after wake up from sleep - I am happy :D05:47
shadeslayerI don't want to get up, this bed is so warm05:48
shadeslayerRiddell: have you had a look where to go out for dinner ?06:47
ScottKsvorela will tell us.07:17
agateautsdgeos: ping07:40
tsdgeosagateau: hi07:40
agateautsdgeos: hi, colors in okular from master are inverted when reading a pdf, is this a known bug?07:41
tsdgeosis it a pebkac?07:41
tsdgeosi mean there's a "invert colors" option07:41
tsdgeosis it checked?07:41
* agateau checks07:41
tsdgeosquestion is07:41
tsdgeosdid you remember checkin it?07:42
tsdgeoswe did a settings migration07:42
tsdgeosmaybe it was broken when that happened07:42
agateauah right07:42
agateaufixed now, sorry :)07:42
* agateau blames the migration :)07:42
tsdgeosagateau: thing is, if you don't remember even setting something wrong might be there in code07:42
tsdgeosagateau: could you open a bug so i can have  a look at it sometime in the future?07:43
agateauI didn't know this option existed so I don't think I ever checked it07:43
tsdgeosah wait07:43
tsdgeosare you using "very new kdelibs"?07:43
tsdgeosbecause there was a bug in the kdelibs settings migrator07:43
tsdgeosthat i fixed along the okular migration code07:43
tsdgeosif you are using just 4.9 that might be it07:43
agateauI am using the KDE/4.9 branch07:43
agateauah right, I saw your rr on kconfig_updater07:44
agateaucould be the problem indeed07:44
shadeslayertsdgeos: btw, do most of the establishments in CPH accept swipe only cards? ( the one without a chip )07:54
tsdgeosshadeslayer: only have a card with chip, so can't really tell07:54
jussiits amazing how one tiny missing feature can make or break your experience of an application07:54
shadeslayer... durrr07:54
tsdgeosonly used the card to pay for the metro ticket07:54
shadeslayerhmm .. will probably take out some cash at the airport then07:56
shadeslayerI have like 30 EUR at home :P07:56
tsdgeosshadeslayer: they don't use EUR here ;-)07:58
shadeslayerabsolutely no EUR? drat07:58
mikhasyou can easily pay with EUR at CPH airport07:59
shadeslayer" Adoption of the euro is favoured by the major political parties, however a 2000 referendum on joining the Eurozone was defeated with 46.8% voting yes and 53.2% voting no"08:00
shadeslayeras long as the ATM machine accepts my card, I should be fine08:03
Riddellshadeslayer: can't say I've looked into places to eat no08:17
Riddellshadeslayer: mind and tell your bank you're going abroad so it doesn't get blocked08:17
shadeslayergood point08:28
Riddellshadeslayer: can I give you £ for the stickers and you give the guy who got them ₹?08:30
Riddellshadeslayer: can you remember how much?08:31
shadeslayer1500 INR08:31
Riddelluds-announce is getting less announcey08:56
shadeslayerRiddell: ScottK https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WNxC_W376qIbjxAXs90ZT-obcIh7oD5DG26v9onkn18/edit#08:56
shadeslayeryeah 08:56
shadeslayergood thing there's a tipping section in that document, I feel awkward when trying to calculate tips09:00
Tm_Tany plans to rally together on sunday?09:07
shadeslayerI'm going hiking most of the day, would be awesome to meetup in the evening ( as well? )09:08
Tm_Twell I will most likely be in the venue on sunday after 190009:08
Tm_Tso 2000 meeting would be nice09:09
Tm_TI assume at that point most of us should be there09:09
shadeslayertsdgeos: btw any plans for dinner on the 27th?09:35
tsdgeosnot from my side09:47
shadeslayertsdgeos: okay, I'll be checking in at around 8, can we meetup and go for dinner somewhere?09:55
tsdgeoson saturday?09:58
tsdgeosmy plan was being in the city center09:59
tsdgeossince there's nothing around the hotel10:00
tsdgeosback later10:00
apacheloggerScottK: all new digikam in precise-proposed again11:02
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shadeslayerohai queuebot12:04
shadeslayerQuintasan: 12:04
apacheloggerqueuebot: you are Quintasan? :O12:15
Quintasanshadeslayer: what12:17
Quintasanapachelogger: No, you are.12:17
* Quintasan herby designates apachelogger as queuebot12:18
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QuintasanI have successfuly launched my washing machine, nothing exploded12:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: bug 1013442 is not fixed :O12:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1013442 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "kdelibs >= 4.8.3 should depend on media-player-info" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101344212:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: Any experience with QGst?12:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: aye :(12:19
Quintasanshadeslayer, apachelogger: How many EUROZZZ do you take to Denmark?12:19
shadeslayerQuintasan: I have 30 EUR12:19
apacheloggershadeslayer: I took the liberty of social engineering that bug for you12:19
shadeslayerWill take out 400 DKK at Airport12:20
apacheloggermaster sune will try to convince the other folks that debian to promote it to recommends12:20
Quintasanshadeslayer: ~80 EUR?12:20
apacheloggerif that has not happened until next week you can nag him next week12:20
apacheloggernext week I say12:20
* apachelogger needs coffee or something12:20
shadeslayervery well :P12:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: I'll just get him drunk and get him to fix it in debian12:21
apacheloggerQuintasan: I take 0 eurozz12:21
apacheloggerqueuebot: I take 0 eurozz12:21
QuintasanYou're not going, are you?12:21
shadeslayermeh, I'll just use int's instead of enums for now12:22
apacheloggerwise choice12:23
apacheloggerbut why?12:23
shadeslayerno idea how to pass GST_VIDEO_FLIP_METHOD_HORIZ to QGst::ElementPtr::setProperty12:23
shadeslayerit's a Enum that Gst defines12:24
shadeslayerand the other solution I could come up with was to redefine the enum in my Code12:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/580952/12:26
BluesKajHiyas all12:26
shadeslayerHi BluesKaj12:26
BluesKajhey shadeslayer 12:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: where is that an enum function?12:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gst-plugins-good-plugins/html/gst-plugins-good-plugins-videoflip.html#GstVideoFlipMethod12:28
shadeslayerand see line 1212:28
apacheloggercast to int12:29
apacheloggereither you properly wrap it in that value bugger or cast the enum to int12:30
apachelogger(not sure that it will know what to do with the int property)12:31
shadeslayerheh kopete upstream on kubuntu-devel xD12:35
apacheloggerlol, upstream?12:38
apacheloggermcmi, clmi, scaa, ghu, itdndt12:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: wanna sru that?12:42
shadeslayerI haz ktp meeting later on and I want to finalize packing tomorrow, so maybe on Monday sometime during UDS?12:43
apacheloggerulazy :P12:44
apacheloggerlook at all the SRU I do12:45
shadeslayerplz2do KDevelop SRU as well then :P12:45
* apachelogger needs to prep phonon releasery though12:45
apacheloggershadeslayer: that is still not done? :O12:45
shadeslayernope, don't we want to fix that in raring first?12:45
apacheloggerseeing as raring is not open... no12:46
shadeslayerwon't that cause a bit of a disconnect when raring opens? raring will have KDevelop 4 RC while Quantal has final release?12:46
shadeslayeror will LP simply copy over Quantal stuff into Raring for now12:46
Mamarokdo we still ship kopete?13:01
Mamarokas default I mean13:02
* Mamarok thought we would use ktp now13:03
shadeslayerwe do13:05
shadeslayerbut not as default13:05
apacheloggerwe did in precise13:07
shadeslayerpft precise13:09
shadeslayereven then, we should obviously SRU the patch 13:09
* apachelogger SRUs shadeslayer13:10
* shadeslayer uploads self to -proposed13:10
apacheloggeranyone with unity around?14:02
shadeslayerRiddell: ktp meeting in #kde-telepathy14:49
shadeslayerany downstream issues to bring up?14:49
Riddellhum, I seem to remember having something but I don't remember what14:50
tsdgeosapachelogger: what do you need?15:26
apacheloggertsdgeos: a screenshot of the about ubuntu dialog thingy would be nice15:27
apacheloggeralso on a general note ... about KDE is slightly broken WRT layout15:27
tsdgeosabout ubuntu?15:27
tsdgeoswhat's that?15:27
tsdgeosapachelogger: what you mean "kde is broken?"15:28
apacheloggerI mean "about X"15:28
apacheloggerthat also shows part of the brokeneness in "about kde"15:29
apacheloggerif you resize the window you can also make the titlelabel overlap with the left hand icon15:29
tsdgeosthat's been there forever15:29
tsdgeosapachelogger: "about X" in which app?15:30
apacheloggertsdgeos: there should be an app "about ubuntu"15:30
apacheloggeror perhaps they removed it... back in gnome2 it was an entry in the panel somewhere15:30
tsdgeosyou mean "about this computer"15:31
tsdgeosapachelogger: http://imgur.com/Stfum ?15:31
apacheloggerah yes, thanks15:32
apacheloggermakes me think that perhaps we need a simple KInfoCenter version15:32
apacheloggerbug 21538315:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 215383 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "About Kubuntu information box" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21538315:32
shadeslayerKInfoCenter is a usability nightmare15:33
apacheloggerwhatyagonna do :P15:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6PZhONZ3Ac15:34
apacheloggeractually let me rephrase my original statement... what we need is KCMs and an app and the KCMs also appear in KInfoCenter :P15:34
apacheloggershadeslayer: good luck with that15:34
shadeslayerI meant, *you* fix it15:35
apacheloggeractually the KIC summary kcm really needs fixing15:35
apacheloggerit does not use LSB stuff so it knows no nothing about the distribution15:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: no, I don't fix other peoples code15:35
apacheloggerI redo it :P15:35
RiddellTm_T: anything you want to discuss at UDS?15:36
RiddellSteveRiley: likewise?15:39
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kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1071453] Dolphin doesn't store samba share password @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1071453 (by Pascal Korz)19:27
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kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1066892] initial power profiles do not use suspend support @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1066892 (by Harald Sitter)19:46
shadeslayerScottK: someone in #kubuntu is asking why we have so much bureaucracy surrounding SRU's :P20:13
ScottKYou mean wanting them reviewed and tested?20:14
ScottKThe idea is that after release we need to be really careful not to make things worse.20:14
shadeslayerwanting them first released in current devel/stable and then backporting them to other releases20:14
shadeslayer<popcbv> Can't you just put every fix into a release and reject everything which doesn't work?20:15
shadeslayer<popcbv> And if you absolutely have to test before you have any confidence whether it works, perhaps add more static types such that you don't have to guess?20:15
shadeslayerI'm too tired to answer coherently20:15
ScottKFor a bit of a history lesson, the current policy came about in reaction to the bad update described here:20:17
ScottKBasically we broke the world on a post-release update.20:18
ScottKThe first devel release policy is to make sure that it doesn't get forgotten.20:18
ScottKThat's happened before too.20:19
ScottKWe have relaxed that somewhat to allow for zero day SRUs and such.20:19
shadeslayerScottK: btw bug 107145320:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1071453 in kde-runtime (Ubuntu) "Dolphin doesn't store samba share password" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107145320:19
ScottKIs there a fix for it?20:19
shadeslayerit's fixed in 4.9.320:19
shadeslayerI would like to get it into precise20:19
ScottKWe can do an SRU for that in precise.20:20
shadeslayersince 4.9.3 will eventually be released in a couple of weeks, can I go ahead and prepare a SRU for precise?20:20
ScottKCan you look at kdepimlibs for precise too.20:20
shadeslayerwill do20:20
shadeslayerthough not before Monday20:20
ScottKshadeslayer: for pimlibs it's KDE Bug#691373.  pinotree already backported the fix in the 4.8 branch.20:21
shadeslayerah cool20:21
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1071453] Dolphin doesn't store samba share password @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1071453 (by Pascal Korz)20:33
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1066892] initial power profiles do not use suspend support @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1066892 (by Harald Sitter)20:48
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1071453] Dolphin doesn't store samba share password @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1071453 (by Pascal Korz)21:40

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