
cdoublejjLeft 4 Dead free weekend, l4d for free http://www.l4d.com/blog/post.php?id=917001:16
squareI'm at the lubuntu login screen and I can move the cursor up and down but it won't go left or right02:09
squareany ideas?02:27
phiscribeis it a usb mouse?02:36
phiscribeand do you have dual monitors?02:38
squareyes to both02:43
phiscribedid you mange to logon anyway? (maybe using tab)02:46
squarephiscribe the password box is already focused so i can log in02:54
squarebut even after i log in i can't move the mouse to the right. its just stuck on the left hand side02:54
squareits not detecting my second display it seems02:55
squareif i right click the menu shows up on the other side of the screen02:57
phiscribei have heard of issues where the mouse seems to get "stuck" in that empty void of the second monitor.02:59
squarewell i only have one display connected now and its still doing it03:00
phiscribedoes hitting ctrl+ g help any?03:00
squarethat does nothing03:01
squareok, i only have one monitor hooked up but it still showing the wrong screen03:02
phiscribedid you restart x?03:02
squareif i go to the very top left corner and click it shows me my main desktop (with my dock and everything) with the logout menu03:03
squarehow would i do that from this state?03:03
squareoh, i got in console mode, lemme try03:04
phiscribeman im not sure in lubuntu.  not sure it would keep your session anyway.  but just unhooking the monitor trigger anything.  it has to be unhooked when x loads03:04
squarei restarted after i unhooked it03:04
phiscribeim stumped than.03:06
squareI'm not sure what i did :P03:07
phiscribeall i can think off next is a ps2 mouse if you have the hole.  or putting usbmouse=off to the end of the kernel command at boot03:07
squarei'll just reinstall and start over03:07
squareno hole03:07
squarei've been wanting to try something else anyway03:09
aklssquare, install arandr and try to change your settings?03:10
aklssquare, and if it doesn't work03:10
aklssquare, install xautomation and try to run xte "mousemove 10 10" in terminal03:11
aklssquare, this is going to move your mouse03:11
aklsif it did move - then it's a problem with your mouse03:11
squareallright, lemme try03:11
aklsctrl+alt+t to open the terminal03:12
aklsphiscribe, do you know what happened to the fonts in 12.10? Is it another font or just another font size? Or is it the same font with antialiasing?03:13
squarethe cursor disappeared for a sec its still stuck on the left03:14
squarethough i have an idea03:15
squarewell, i used arandr to change the resolution from something silly (3000x1050) to something else03:15
squareits still trying to use a second display03:16
squarei really f'd something up :P03:16
aklssquare, man, I don't know how to help ya03:16
squarewell now that i changed the resolution i can move the mouse normal03:17
squareso, i can fix it i hope :P03:17
aklsoh you can move you rmouse03:17
squarei can't seem to get it to my native resolution now03:17
squarei need 1680x1050, the top options are 1600x1024 and 3360x105003:18
aklsby the way, to set up dual screen you'd have to save the config in arandr to a file and then run this script each boot by adding a line with the script path to /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart03:18
squarei don't plan on using 2 displays anymore so its not an issue03:18
aklsoh, ok03:19
aklssquare, yea, sometimes these options are fucked up03:19
aklssquare, maybe you'd have to force it somehow03:20
aklssquare, here's a thread about adding new modes http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111218603:24
aklsa bit outdated maybe03:24
aklsbut should be ok03:24
squarei got it actually03:25
squarebut i have another weird issue now :P03:25
aklshere's another one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198499003:25
aklssquare, which one? :D03:25
squarewhenever i click and drag on the desktop it acts like its moving files (though there are no files on the desktop) instead of selecting03:26
aklsmy weirdest issue is that my eyes are going to fall out because of the new artwork : D03:26
squarein folders i can drag and select multiple things just fine, but not on the desktop03:26
aklsfound a bug03:27
squarei've got a ton of updates to install, i have not been able to use this partition in months03:27
aklsthanks XDDD03:27
squareso maybe that will fix stuff03:27
aklsbut lol03:27
aklsif you start selecting files on the desktop03:28
aklsand then MIDDLE CLICK03:28
aklsthen selection area is going to persist03:28
aklseven if you unclick03:28
squaregood find03:29
aklsFUCK the guy who made artwork03:34
Unit193!language | akls03:34
aklsknow what? he has placed python icon instead of a folder icon03:34
ubottuakls: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:34
aklscould be kupfer problem, but in 12.04 it was working fine03:35
Unit193Did you file a bugreport?03:36
aklsjust noticed it03:36
holsteinwhats the issue?03:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1071119 in lubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "There's a python icon instead of a folder icon" [Undecided,New]03:43
squareso how do i update to 12.10?03:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1071121 in pcmanfm (Ubuntu) "Selection area doesn't update correctly when interruped with middle or right click" [Undecided,New]03:49
aklssquare, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:53
Unit193square: You can either use the update manager, or in the terminal:  do-release-upgrade03:54
squarei found it03:54
squarethanks guys03:54
squarei had to set it to find any new version instead of long term versions03:55
Usersbest do a backup before upgrade03:56
TheLordOfTimeakls, apt-get dist-upgrade does not upgrade the release, by the way.03:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1071123 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "lxkeymap is not needed anymore" [Undecided,New]03:59
aklsis it a day of reporting bugs for me?03:59
aklsshould I report a bug saying that nurse hat icon is wrong for adding a new tab? :D04:02
aklsor is it a grave04:02
Unit193I think you should just find another theme you like.04:03
aklsor maybe people should stop doing silly things04:05
aklsat least it gave me a smile :)04:05
holsteinhttps://dl.dropbox.com/u/71236259/2012-10-25-070149_78x97_scrot.png doesnt go anywhere for me04:06
aklsholstein, yep04:06
aklsholstein, dropbox is down04:06
aklsit's a first time I see it down :O04:07
holsteini usually just use http://imagebin.org/ for that kind of thing anyways04:08
holsteinwhats the issue?04:08
holsteinyou dont like an icon? you think an icon is "silly" ?04:08
aklsholstein, i have a script that takes a screenshot of a part of my screen and then gets it to dropbox and copies the link to the clipboard04:09
aklsso all I have to do is simply select an area on the screen and then paste the link :)04:09
holsteinthats handy, when dropbox is up...04:09
aklshaha :D04:10
aklswell, really, it's a big surprise for me that it's down04:10
aklsok, now it's back up04:10
holsteinthats a "+"... for add..04:11
akls+ is a +04:11
aklsbut this is a grave04:11
Unit193No, I again recommend you find a theme you don't already dislike.04:12
holsteina grave?04:12
holsteinakls: it seems pretty clear to me... "add" for a + sign.. you dont have to like it though... you want to look into some different themes?04:12
aklsholstein, probably. how can I get 12.04 theme?04:13
aklsis installing lubuntu-artwork-12.04 going to work?04:13
holstein12.04 is the lts.. maybe you just prefer running it04:13
jmarsdenThere is no Lubuntu LTS...04:14
holsteinwell, the ubuntu is04:14
jmarsdenYEs, but not Lubuntu.04:14
holsteinthe kernel will be, and the packages that are gtk and included by default04:14
jmarsdenAgreed, but lubuntu-artwork-12.04 is not an LTS package -- and that is the one you were discussing, as far as I can see.04:15
holsteinanyways, i would probably load up the 12.04 live cd and "grab" it from there04:15
holsteinlubuntu-artwork-12-04 ?04:17
aklshttp://img412.imageshack.us/img412/1152/sam0081q.jpg if that looks like an "add" icon...04:17
holsteinakls: you can try that if its available for you in 12.10... sudo apt-get instlal lubuntu-artwork-12-0404:17
aklsholstein, yep, it is04:17
aklsreboot now? or should I tweak something somewhere?04:18
holsteinakls: thats not the first thing that comes to my mind, since im not looking for the "tombstone" option.. im looking for "add" and it resembles both of those things... though one is "add" and the other is a "cross"04:18
holsteinakls: i would look at the theme settings04:18
holsteinif we were talking about 2 commands, one being "cross" and the other "add" and there were subtle different icons, that would be an issue.. otherwise, you can just not like the icon..04:20
aklsholstein, theme settings? "Customize look and feel"? There's nothing there04:21
holsteinit should be similar to this http://maketecheasier.com/theme-up-lubuntu/2011/02/1104:22
aklsok gonna try it tomorrow04:27
akls! :)04:28
zrutyDoes lubuntu have a USB boot disk creator?07:08
jmarsdenzruty: There is a forum post that might be helpful about this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187230307:13
zrutyjmarsden: Ah, cool. Basically just use the USB as a HDD07:15
jmarsdenzruty: You're welcome.07:16
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dydhow can i remove the animation that you see when you click an application on the task bar that is under icon and "expands" to window? I want it to be instantly shown07:52
chaplatahello, i have problem with ibus on lubuntu 12.10 - i can not add anything else as a layout but chinese - i need to add bulgarian11:58
chaplata_hello i have a problem i can not add a bulgarian layout under lubuntu12:06
skidrowi want to report a bug12:40
skidrowsome body can help how can due?12:40
skidrowhere is lubuntu 12.10 no sleep on ASUS K53TA with AMD A6-3400M and no sound too.12:42
nannesI've just installed uck on my Lubuntu 12.04 box12:52
nannesIt doesn't start   D: D: D:     :'(12:53
nannesI click on it, a terminal window opens12:53
nannesand remains black12:53
nannesCan anyone of you try, so that I understand whether it's a problem for all or not12:54
nannesFuck the launcher, I ran it directly from terminal  (uck-gui)13:01
fluitfrieshey, what are you all using for a log file viewer?  all i see is gnome and kde ones, and i'm hesitant to install with a lot of dependencies.  :(14:07
fluitfrieswoops, gnome sys log app has no dependencies, sry.14:16
holsteinfluitfries: to view a log file? might just use a text reader... nano even14:24
fluitfriesholstein, i was, but i need to get into the archived logs14:28
fluitfriesthat's ok, the gnome one is good, i just thought i needed more deps.14:28
fluitfriesthe error i'm trying to catch is on creating a tar.gz of a 80 gig directory on an hfs+ usb volume :P14:29
holsteinfluitfries: i would just install the gnome one14:29
fluitfriesi've archived all the other data, 40 gig folders, 20 gig files, etc...  just this one directory pops generic error14:29
fluitfriesbut this time i am trying just .tar14:30
=== Guest34116 is now known as fragalot
razvanhy there17:21
razvanive installed "aditiona drivers" from Lubuntu sowtware center, but i cant see the program17:22
pmatulisnothing much to see18:21
shiman6hello. I'm running lubuntu 12.10, and for some reason the Users and Groups dialogue wont let me change the full name of the user18:27
shiman6"An unknown error has occured"18:27
=== Samanagh is now known as Hganavak
=== Hganavak is now known as Uncr3471v3

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