
doomlordis it possible to get either in ubuntu/unity:  [1]scale all windows from all desktops,  [2] click on launcher icon does scale all application windows from all desktops;00:02
doomlord[3] expo combined with scale (kde does it by default i think)00:03
doomlordeither of those 3 options would increase my contentment (i do generally like unity)00:03
doomlordi keep alternating between 2x2 and 3x3 desktops ... can't decide between more space and more resolution in overview- i think I'm really after more scale options00:05
doomlord(i've tried gnome-shell but dont like it as much as unity so far)00:05
doomlordi like having 3x3 because i can leave a load of things maximize... with "expo+scale" one could put all the maximized windows in one corner and still distinguish between them AND have good resolution for the remaining desktops00:07
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xnoxdoomlord: the right answer is to get dual screen monitors =)00:59
doomlordyeah good point, but maximum use of 1 screen is more energy efficient01:03
doomlordalso laptop01:04
doomlordosx snow leopard with its expose/spaces/multitouch trackpad combo made one display genuinely as productive as 201:05
doomlordis there an option to make the globalmenu appear permanently (mac style) rather than toggle01:26
joosenhi every body01:34
joosenhave anyone use gnome remix?01:34
joosensomeone hear me?01:35
sarnoldjoosen: you're coming through clear :) it's just a bit late for US and early for europe...01:35
joosensorry, in thailand at 8.35 am.01:35
joosenyou don't sleep?01:36
joosenI can talk with you or not?01:37
sarnoldI'm going to dinner :) but keep talking, it'll be in scrollback for people to see as they come or go :)01:39
sarnold(1840 here in oregon, usa ;)01:40
joosenoh! bye! please enjoy your dinner.01:41
doomlordi'm nocturnal here in the uk01:41
joosenyou use the ubuntu 12.10 or not?01:42
doomlord12.04 is what i installed, i think it upgrades itself01:42
joosen12.10 now is release.01:42
joosensomeone use ubuntu 12.10 server or not?01:45
doomlordservver, no01:53
joosenubuntu don't optimize with the server or not?01:54
joosenMaybe centos more optimize than.01:55
doomlordno idea sorry :)01:56
joosenyou use ubuntu desktop and windows 8 or not?01:57
doomlordubuntu desktop mostly; i have never used windows 8. windows 7 sometimes.01:59
doomlordi use ubuntu 70% mac-osx 20% windows7 10%02:00
joosenoh god, you are the best. you use third os.02:07
joosenIn your opinion, what's os is the stable.02:08
joosenSomeone know about gnome remix?02:23
joosenwhat's different about the old that include with ubuntu 12.10?02:23
doomlordjoosen: mac-osx is best;  i use ubuntu mostly because i like the philosophy; but it depends what you want to do.02:57
doomlordbest c++ programming tools for me is still visual studio on  windows, but i still enjoy using ubuntu02:58
joosenhi doomlord, now you write the c++ programming in the ubuntu or not? mac-osx is best, I will do it?03:13
doomlordi have done most C++ programming in windows or mac-osx; i am doing C++ programming in ubuntu right now ; the tools aren't quite as good as visual studio but im trying to find my way around them.03:14
doomlordthe best C++ environment is VisualStudio in Windows; x-code is very good too; i haven't found an environment in linux that i'm as comfortable with, i've used raw commandline tools,emacs , codeblocks and qtcreator a little.  I find the debuggers more difficult to  use (IDE integration) . Debugger integration is where Microsoft Visual Studio truly shines. I estimate i'm 50%-2x faster at writing c++ there03:16
doomlordbasicaly most of my life  i've used Windows and just dabled with ubuntu,, but i'm trying to move to ubuntu more 'permanently'.03:17
doomlordi've written crossplatform code though so i can move between OS's03:17
jbichaoh I forgot I don't have upload rights for rhythmbox, could someone upload https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/rhythmbox/ubuntu04:29
* micahg thinks that algorithm should be fixed04:47
joosenHow can I downgrade 12.10 to 12.04 lts04:57
TheMusojoosen: Reinstall.05:05
joosenIt will delete the file and document or not?05:06
joosenand how to install flash player into ubuntu 12.1005:07
jbichajoosen: for user support please try #ubuntu05:08
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desrtCrush: yes!!!07:08
Crushhey desrt07:08
=== Crush is now known as Guest34948
Guest34948what the?07:09
=== Guest34948 is now known as Crushh
Crushhdang it, someone took Crush (no surprise I suppose)07:10
hyperairi wonder if it's possible to use ppa-purge to downgrade ubuntu releases07:10
cjohnstondidrocks: ping07:21
didrockscjohnston: hey07:22
cjohnstondidrocks: all of the uds-r BPs that are 'approved' aren't going to show up in Summit as meetings07:22
cjohnstonex: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-r-package-kit07:22
cjohnstonI noticed you were approver on some of them07:22
cjohnstonso I figured I'd tell someone instead of making people mad by messing with BPs07:23
didrockscjohnston: yeah, can you fix them? I think it's a mistake that has been done (I don't have the edit right for changing them I'm afraid)07:23
cjohnstonyup... Just want to not get yelled at for changing peoples BPs ;-)07:24
didrockscjohnston: I'll talk with jason about it as well :)07:24
cjohnstonjasoncwarner_: ^^07:24
didrockscjohnston: excellent, no worry! thanks a lot man :)07:24
seb128cjohnston, didrocks: what's the issue?07:24
didrocksseb128: 09:22:21     cjohnston | didrocks: all of the uds-r BPs that are 'approved' aren't going to show up in Summit as meetings07:24
cjohnstonseb128: setting a BP to approved doesn't allow Summit to pick it up07:24
seb128didrocks, I fail to parse that sentence...07:24
seb128cjohnston, well, it's approved for uds-r which is enough07:25
didrocksI think that's what prevents it to be shown, as it would mean the spec is already draft and discussed ^07:25
cjohnstonseb128: they get 'accepted' for UDS... they get 'approved' for work07:25
cjohnstonLP doesn't export meetings if they are approved, so Summit can't import them07:26
seb128cjohnston, didrocks: I should undo all the definition: approved to new/discussion is that what you are saying?07:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 994110 in Launchpad itself "summit should not key on bp definition state" [Low,Triaged]07:26
didrocksthat's my understanding07:26
cjohnstonseb128: yes please07:26
seb128cjohnston, didrocks: ok, thanks07:27
didrocksthanks seb128 :)07:27
seb128bah, I wish that https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?searchtext=desktop-r would work07:27
seb128stupid launchpad07:27
seb128didrocks, yw!07:27
didrocksseb128: yeah, it's really annoying to not have that search working anymore :/07:27
cjohnstonseb128: a list is at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-r07:27
seb128didrocks, I'm working from https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring?searchtext=desktop07:28
seb128cjohnston, well, that list doesn't list things that didn't get approved or nominated for uds-r though07:28
didrocksseb128: thanks for the link :)07:28
seb128cjohnston, which is what I'm looking for to see if we are missing some07:28
didrocksseb128: it even showed the things that are not approved for the sprint?07:28
seb128didrocks, no :-(07:28
didrocksseb128: so you went the manual way yesterday? :/07:29
seb128didrocks, that's my "going to happen at UDS" list ... e.g make sure your specs are on there07:29
didrocksseb128: well, I checked mine this morning. Everything's all right :)07:29
seb128didrocks, I went on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?searchtext=desktop- and went through the 10 pages sorting by name on each...07:29
seb128loving launchpad07:29
didrocksseb128: that's what I meant by "manually". I was afraid that was the only way…07:29
seb128yeah... :(07:30
pittibonjour seb12807:53
seb128pitti, salut, ca va bien ?07:54
pittioui! et toi?07:54
pittiwe went bowling again yesterday evening, that was fun07:54
seb128pitti, ca va bien merci ;-)07:54
seb128did you do an impressive score again there? ;-)07:54
pitti"nous sommes allés bowling hier soir"07:55
didrocksRAOF: hey!07:55
pittiseb128: didn't beat my 168 record from last time, but my best game was 14507:55
pittibah, someone modified pcre307:55
didrocksRAOF: I think you noted that we uploaded a new crispy unity yesterday evening, it's the same version + the std -> boost fix07:55
pittiwhen we sync/merge this, we can sync glib, then gobject-introspection, then pygobject07:56
seb128pitti, quite good still!07:56
pittiseb128: ^ FYI, in case you track versions07:56
seb128pitti, great ... no I didn't track versions yet, is raring open to upload?07:56
pittistill frozen AFAIK07:56
pittibut I'd like to sort out some merges today07:56
RAOFdidrocks: Cool. 'tis a public holiday today, but I might get to it.07:57
pittiah cool, we can sync pcre307:57
* pitti does07:57
didrocksRAOF: oh enjoy :)07:57
seb128pitti, I plan to look at g-s-d g-c-c soon07:58
seb128though we will need some other pieces to land first07:58
seb128like realmd07:58
seb128pitti, what do you call "current glib"? please don't update to 3.707:59
pittiseb128: 2.34.107:59
seb128ok, good07:59
pittiseb128: our remaining delta was to revert the pcre test07:59
pittiseb128: pcre3 synced from unstable, glib 2.34.1-1 synced from experimental now (in unapproved queue)08:00
pittiseb128: I'd like to track the 3.8 g-i and pygobject versions in raring, though08:00
desrtseb128: it begins....08:00
seb128pitti, will it require the new glib?08:00
pittiI'll make sure it'll keep working with glib 2.34.108:00
pittierr, 2.34.208:01
seb128pitti, ok, your call then ;-)08:01
pittihey desrt08:01
desrtpitti: hey :)08:01
seb128works for me if you are confident in the quality of the new serie08:01
Laneypitti: I was wondering if we could re-enable the glib tests now that the buildds got better08:02
pittiseb128: well, I'm biased :) but I'd like to get rid of the remaining static bindings, together with their bugs and incomplete API08:02
pittiLaney: oh, they did?08:02
pittiLaney: OOI, do you know how?08:02
Laneymight be worth testing in an arm enabled PPA though08:02
pittiLaney: I'd say, we let this glib sync build08:03
pittiLaney: and if the tests succeed on arm, I'll re-enable it in svn, OK?08:03
LaneyI can't remember the exact place, but it was a sysctl tweak08:03
Laneyask infinity08:03
pittiah, sweet08:03
pittiyeah, that'd be great08:03
pittiLaney: I thought we got armadaxp server boxes now, or anything like that :)08:03
Laneyhah, not quite08:04
Laneywe /did/ get a load more arm builders though, which is exciting08:04
Laney(perhaps they all went to PPAs though)08:04
pittiyeah, apparently so08:04
pittiI'm still stunned what they are for08:05
pittiAFAIK we don't have _any_ PPA which would use them08:05
pittimere-mortal PPAs don't build ARM, and the blessed ones use the distro builders08:05
* pitti asks infin08:05
Laneywell it's better if you can have ARM builds for your PPA and not tie up the distro builders08:05
pitti(asked in #u-devel)08:06
pittiyeah, fully agreed08:06
Laneyyou can have virt/nonvirt and arm/noarm separately08:06
* Laney has a nonvirt arm one actually08:06
mlankhorsti do build some stuff on arm but it's slow, not something you want08:24
Sweetsharkdoes anybody know when the UDS schedule get updated? I am still in two LibreOffice session during the same slot ...08:46
seb128Sweetshark, are you marked as essential for both?08:57
chrisccoulsonyo desktop team!08:58
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?09:00
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, not too bad thanks. how are you?09:00
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks09:03
lamalexRAOF, are you a proper person to ping for nvidia problems or should i wait for bryce/tseliot09:05
tseliotlamalex: I'm  here09:05
lamalexoh, convenient09:05
lamalexjason told me to ping you- are you at the sprint?09:05
tseliotlamalex: no, but I'll be at UDS next week09:06
lamalexhave a moment now to try and get me running?09:06
tseliotlamalex: ok, let's see if I can help09:06
lamalexrunning nouveau but it's /very/ unstable and the nvidia driver leaves me dead in the water09:07
lamalexproblem is when i use nvidia driver, after the boot splash my screen is just black09:07
lamalexi don't get any display and have to boot into recovery mode and uninstall the driver to get back to a desktop09:07
lamalextseliot, sorry. nouveau causes hardlocks09:13
tseliotlamalex: can you please reproduce the problem with the Nvidia driver, then enter Recovery mode and run nvidia-bug-report.sh (this will generate a log file (nvidia-bug-report.log)09:16
tseliotlamalex: then please show me the bug report09:17
lamalexin my cwd?09:18
lamalexor /var or somewhere like that09:18
tseliotlamalex: in cwd09:18
pittidesrt: how soon do you plan to deprecate GPollFD?09:19
pittidesrt: I made a boo-boo with pushing git branches for glib, so my gpollfd boxing accidentally got committed09:20
pittidesrt: so I now wonder whether I should revert it, or whether we want it after all09:20
lamalextsdgeos, does it upload to LP?09:20
lamalextseliot, ^09:20
tseliotlamalex: no but you can upload it using nouveau09:21
desrtpitti: hahah09:25
desrt"better to beg forgiveness than ask permission"? :)09:26
desrtunfortunately for you, i know that germans never make mistakes :)09:26
desrtonly "mistakes"09:26
pittihate hate hate git's branches concept09:26
seb128hate hate hate git09:27
desrtpitti: let's revert it for now09:27
pittidesrt: anyway, I figured I ask you first to avoid a commit/revert/commit-after-all log madness09:27
desrtso we can be on the same footing as we were before09:27
pittidesrt: ack09:27
desrtpitti: so here's the deal09:28
desrtpitti: hold on...09:29
pittiI reverted locally, ready to push on your word :)09:29
desrtpitti: talking to seb about some weird issue09:32
desrtGPollFD is evil because the user expects to be able to modify it09:32
desrtyou can do like _add_poll(&pollfd);09:32
desrtand then change the events on the pollfd09:32
desrtthis happens in sources that care about writability polling (as has to be done to avoid deadlocks)09:33
pittiI'm not particularly attached to it, I just want the static wrapping in pygobject to go away09:33
desrti want to add a new API that's like "here's what you need to watch for..."09:33
desrtand then it causes the GSource to automatically be dispatched when that condition is true09:33
lamalextseliot, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/107090609:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 1070906 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "nvidia driver leaves me with unrecoverable black screen after boot splash" [Undecided,New]09:33
desrt(ie: you don't have to check .revents from your GSource ->check)09:34
desrtanyway... this is the idea09:35
desrtbut it certainly won't land any time in the next little while09:35
desrtmostly because i don't even have a sketch of the API yet09:35
desrtit's somewhat likely that GPollFD will be deprecated by the end of this cycle, though09:35
pittiah, ok09:35
pittidesrt: so would you recommend that pygobject does the boxing itself now, and all other clients (gjs, etc.) do the same?09:35
desrtand since you said that you plan to keep the pygobject stuff only depending on older GLib, i don't know why you'd care about doing it this cycle...09:35
pittidesrt: mostly for being nice to other GI clients, as well as furthering the general idea of "all library API should be introspectable"09:37
desrtpitti: i don't buy into either of those arguments when there is a good chance that the API in quesiton will be on the chopping block before the next stable09:37
pittidesrt: right, hence my question about the timeline and what your plans are  :) when I wrote this, I didn't know yet that it was going away09:38
desrtsorry for that.09:38
pittidesrt: so thanks for the heads-up!09:38
desrti think it will be quite easy to add a very thin API to GSource based on internal manipulation of a list of GPollFD09:39
pittidesrt: don't be, it wasn't exactly rocket science :) it's a silly 10-minute patch, and I'm happy to do it in pygobject itself09:39
pittidesrt: so, I'll push the revert now, OK?09:39
desrtyes.  please do.09:39
desrtwill make ebassi happier as well :)09:39
pittidone, and bug WONTFIXed with a summary09:41
pittithanks desrt09:41
tseliotlamalex: Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)09:45
tseliotlamalex: what does "dkms status" say?09:45
lamalextseliot, well it's removed now09:45
lamalexi have to uninstall it to get back to a working machine09:45
tseliotlamalex: please install it again and, without rebooting, try that command09:46
lamalexdkms status09:47
lamalexvirtualbox, 4.1.18, 3.2.0-32-generic, x86_64: installed09:47
lamalexvirtualbox, 4.1.18, 3.5.0-17-generic, x86_64: installed09:47
tseliotlamalex: the module wasn't built and installed. Did the package installation end correctly?09:49
lamalexseems to09:49
tseliotlamalex: it should have complained about not being able to build the module09:49
lamalex*face palm* installed the wrong package. common rather than current09:50
Laneypitti: btw, new glib picks up a dependency on libelfg0 which will need multiarching09:50
tseliotlamalex: keep -common installed too09:50
desrtpitti: here's the rough plan: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68685309:50
ubot2Gnome bug 686853 in mainloop "new GSource fd API" [Normal,New]09:50
pittiLaney: uh, in a stable microrelease?09:51
Laneyit's a packaging change made by joss09:51
LaneyI'm not convinced it wasn't an error though09:51
lamalextseliot, dkms status09:51
lamalexnvidia-current, 304.43, 3.5.0-17-generic, x86_64: installed09:51
lamalexvirtualbox, 4.1.18, 3.2.0-32-generic, x86_64: installed09:51
lamalexvirtualbox, 4.1.18, 3.5.0-17-generic, x86_64: installed09:51
Laneyanyway, I posted a patch to a Debian bug but the maintainer hasn't let me know if he's happy with it yet09:52
tseliotlamalex: ok, now please reboot (make sure that you're using kernel 3.5.0-17-generic) and generate the log again with nvidia-bug-report.sh09:53
tseliotlamalex: also, please make sure that the driver is enabled09:54
lamalexshould i boot once to failed and then restart into recovery?09:54
tseliotlamalex: yes, you should make it fail first. but first I need the output of this command09:54
tseliotlamalex: update-alternatives --display x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf09:55
lamalextseliot, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1304526/09:56
tseliotlamalex: ok, it looks correct. You can proceed09:56
lamalextseliot, new log is attached to the bug10:09
tseliotlamalex: I can't see why you got a black screen in the log as it looks ok10:12
lamalextseliot, is it possibly nvidia is just initializing my display to a 0 brightness or something/10:14
tseliotlamalex: if so, you should be able to ssh into it10:15
lamalexmaybe, need to figure out my ip though10:16
lamalexmany IPs on the canonical sprint network10:17
Beretany gsettings wizards here?10:18
lamalextseliot, once i figure how to shell in- what do i do?10:18
tseliotlamalex: see if X is up and running10:19
tseliotlamalex: ps aux | grep X (for starters)10:19
lamalextseliot, is there a command I can run to set the brightness?10:22
lamalex(the hardware buttons dont work with the nvidia driver)10:22
lamalexguess i could x forward nvidia-settings?10:22
lamalextseliot, i just ran nvidia-settings and it printed this-  possibly relevant? ERROR: Error parsing configuration file '/home/alex/.nvidia-settings-rc' on10:29
lamalex       line 52: '0/XVideoTextureBrightness=-82' (Unrecognized attribute name).10:29
lamalexno, that seems find nevermind10:29
tseliotlamalex: try something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1304582/10:30
mvoam I missing something or can glade in the 12.10 version not change the label of a button? I'm sure I'm missing something, thats 3.14.011:43
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tkamppeterseb128, hi12:27
seb128tkamppeter, hey12:28
tkamppeterseb128, as you are already in Copenhagen, did you already get your Nexus 7?12:28
seb128tkamppeter, yes and no, why?12:29
tkamppeterseb128, what means "yes and no"? You should have gotten a piece of hardware or not?12:29
seb128tkamppeter, yes I'm in Copenhagen, no I don't have a Nexus 7, not sure who will get one12:30
tkamppeterseb128, Jason has written in one of his mails that all the Desktop team people get a Nexus 7. Therefore I am asking.12:30
jasoncwarner_tkamppeter: yes, will get one next week once everyone is here12:31
tkamppeterjasoncwarner_, OK, thanks for the info.12:31
tkamppeterjasoncwarner_, seb128, I have lokked through the sessions and now after there was such a lot of Nexus 7 hype around the event (to all: Bring a Nexus 7!, to desktopers: You get a Nexus 7!) will there be a session about rooting the Nexus 7 and installing Ubuntu on it, at least at getting so far as the video shows which got through all news sites?12:33
jasoncwarner_tkamppeter there will be instructions for sure...12:34
tkamppeterSuch a session would be especially useful for all the people who have bought a Nexus 7 this week or hurry through Copenhagen on Oct 29 to get the new 32G one and then on the UDS there is nothing about it.12:37
tsdgeostkamppeter: read the uds list, there's a mail saying the 32g one might not work since the hardware might be different12:38
tkamppetertsdgeos, yes I have read about this, so I had never hurried after a 32G one and told others to not do so ...12:39
tkamppetertsdgeos, so if the UDS attendants read these mails I hope they will do not do the wrong thing (or a community will form who will hack Ubuntu onto the new version ...).12:41
=== attente_zzz is now known as attente
tkamppeterI created 4 sessions for the UDS and they all got put on Thursday. Has this a special reason?13:06
attenteseb128: i created a merge proposal because i wasn't sure if i was supposed to push to the main gnome-control-center branch13:16
seb128attente, hey13:17
seb128attente, you can't push to the main branch, I don't think you are members of the team that owns it13:17
attenteah ok13:18
seb128tkamppeter, no, the scheduler is automatic ... or somebody who is marked as essential for the session registered on launchpad as being at UDS only that day13:18
seb128attente, merge requests are the right way anyway, you want reviewing ;-)13:18
tkamppeterseb128, OK.13:18
jbichacould I get a sponsor for https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/rhythmbox/ubuntu13:31
seb128jbicha, isn't rhythmbox in the desktop set?13:32
Laneyapparently not13:33
jbichaseb128: it was in oneiric but not precise and newer http://people.canonical.com/~stgraber/package_sets/quantal/ubuntu-desktop13:33
seb128why not?13:33
seb128can we get that fixed?13:33
seb128the "what is in what set and how we get sets fixed" has always been confusing to me13:33
Laneylet me ask13:33
seb128Laney, thanks13:33
desrtattente: you should link your branch/merge to the bug report13:36
Laneyhttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/121087475/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-armel.glib2.0_2.34.1-1%2Bppa0_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ← not sure how much I trust these PPA builds any more ;-)13:42
seb128qemu segfault...13:43
Laneyyeah, those are virtual armel builders13:43
Laneyjbicha: anyway, let me look while we wait for a reply13:49
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Laneyjbicha: don't you intend 2.98?13:57
Laney+to upload13:58
jbichaLaney: 2.98 changes strings and I never bothered to follow up with seeing how much changed for bug 106060114:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 1060601 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "[FFe]: Update rhythmbox from 2.97 to 2.98" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106060114:00
bcurtiswxseb128, when next week will the GNOME discussion happen? I didn't seem to see anything in the schedule14:00
Laneyjbicha: oh right, you're after a SRU?14:00
seb128bcurtiswx, good question, I didn't see the blueprint either14:00
seb128jasoncwarner_, ^ did you file that blueprint?14:01
Laneynot sure https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-r-gstreamer needs a UDS session, does it?14:08
seb128Laney, it's one of those border line, I would keep it on the schedule and drop it if it's getting overpacked14:12
seb128Laney, we can discuss things that needs to be ported, codecs, the current state of gstreamer 1.0, etc14:14
jbichaone work item is to re-evaluate the gstreamer good/bad/ugly split since we do it differently than Debian14:25
seb128jbicha, do we?14:28
seb128jbicha, or you mean the move of some codecs to good for empathy?14:28
mdeslaurif they get changed, can they get renamed to something else than "bad" and "ugly"? :P14:29
Laneythose are the upstream names14:30
mdeslaurI know, but getting a dialog pop up to users that they need to install something called "bad" and "ugly" is kind of confusing :P14:31
mdeslaurA friend asked me about it a few weeks ago, and I was reminded of a presentation from the design team about that fact a long time ago14:31
GunnarHjseb128: Hello, Sebastien! Saw that you added a Quantal task to bug 1035219. Have you decided to approve my proposed fix, after all? In that case, and since mantas is eager to release Baltix, could we possibly upload to quantal-proposed right away?14:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 1035219 in Baltix "In System Settings preference tool/keyboard layouts page automaticaly wrong language selectedGNOME" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103521914:33
seb128GunnarHj, is your fix the "hide the tab under GNOME"?14:35
GunnarHjseb128: Yes.14:35
seb128GunnarHj, I nominated because somebody came with the bug here14:37
GunnarHjseb128: Wasn't that mantas, who wants smaller deb files for Baltix?14:38
jokerdinoping phanimahesh14:42
jokerdinodidrocks: are you around?14:43
didrockshey jokerdino14:43
seb128GunnarHj, I've no clue what Baltix is doing, but hidding the tab under GNOME would be an UI change, we don't do those after release usually14:44
jokerdinohey didrocks, we have some issue with resetting unity in the tests.14:44
phanimaheshdidrocks: we were trying to finish with the unit tests you asked, but we need some help.14:44
jokerdinowe end up with failures in the test because we can't reset unity properly (?)14:46
phanimaheshI need to reset unity to test stuff, but reloading unity blocks. I cant proceed till unity's killed.14:46
GunnarHjseb128: In this case it would be about hiding a few buggy tabs about language/locales which currently are available under a capplet named Keyboard Layout. But we've had that discussion...14:47
seb128GunnarHj, yeah, I tend to agree with you at this point, I need to talk to jbicha14:49
seb128jbicha, you need to use language-selector in GNOME remix :p14:49
didrocksjokerdino: urgh, really? what is happening?14:49
GunnarHjseb128: Great if you do that.14:49
phanimaheshdidrocks: reloading unity is the major problem.14:49
didrocksphanimahesh: so14:49
didrocksI would say14:50
didrockswe should do an unit test14:50
jbichaseb128: isn't it a bit late to make that kind of change for 12.10 though?14:50
didrocksnot an autopilot one14:50
didrockslike, import the unity file within the python process14:50
didrockschanging keys14:50
didrockscalling the reset function (the one not restarting unity)14:50
didrocksand checking the keys are the defaults after this function call14:50
phanimaheshdidrocks: I am using unittest module, change keys, reset unity, verify if they are the defaults.14:50
didrocks(so basically you don't call "unity")14:50
didrocksphanimahesh: can I have a look?14:51
seb128jbicha, the current way is just broken, aruiz came to see me today because his GNOME was in chinese and he was wondering why14:51
seb128jbicha, which turned out it's because he's using gnome-shell sometimes and opened the region capplet14:52
phanimaheshI've messed things introduing classes, etc, but here's the file.14:52
seb128jbicha, it's just wth that opening a system settings tab is enough to get your desktop in chinese...14:52
phanimaheshI have modified things beyond recognition there. :P but the patch for Q will not have that fancy stuff.14:53
jbichaseb128: in that particular case, the installer shouldn't be leaving the chinese language pack installed14:53
didrocksphanimahesh: yeah, that's fine, let me check :)14:53
jbichaseb128: if language-selector wasn't so painful to use, I would definitely have considered a last-minute switch to not have things be broken14:54
seb128jbicha, well, that's assuming that you don't have chinese users that can log in on the same box14:54
didrocksphanimahesh: hum, the code is not in the unity binary, right?14:54
didrocksphanimahesh: I think as you proposed in the branch, the functions needs to be in unity14:54
seb128jbicha, but I admit it's not the most frequent usecase14:54
didrocksthen, this function does the reset without restarting unity14:54
didrocks(it's part of another unity function calls)14:55
jbichaseb128: no, I mean there's a bug where the installer itself removes every language pack except for the user selected one and Chinese14:55
seb128jbicha, I guess aruiz has chinese installed for debugging reasons14:55
didrockswhen you do then is import this "unity" binary (hence my question the other day about a python file not finishing with .py)14:55
phanimaheshthis is what I made to distribute separately.14:55
seb128jbicha, oh, ok14:55
didrocksand that's this function (which doesn't restart unity) that you put under test14:55
didrocksso then, you don't get this hanging issue14:55
phanimaheshwe have figured it out. python imp module allows loading arbitrary files.14:55
didrocksphanimahesh: excellent! does what I mean make any sense to you? (not sure to be clear)14:56
phanimaheshyes, it does.14:56
didrocksgood good :-)14:56
didrocksso then, it's a real "unit" test14:56
phanimaheshbut to affect changes, I am reloading unity immediately after resetting.14:57
phanimaheshand thats what is causing me troubles.14:57
didrocksphanimahesh: you don't need that in the test, right?14:57
didrocksreloading unity14:57
phanimaheshthen tests in one part of the tree fail at times, for unknown reason.14:58
phanimaheshjokerdino: you remember those failing cases?14:58
didrocksphanimahesh: reset_unity() in https://code.launchpad.net/~amith/unity/unity-reset-fix/+merge/130828 doesn't restart unity, isn't it?14:58
didrocksand that's the function you need to put under test IMHO14:58
didrocksso you import the "module"14:58
didrocksand test this function :)14:58
jokerdinophanimahesh: oh yes. one sec while i get the pastebin link14:59
phanimaheshokay. sounds good.14:59
jokerdinothe latest one - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1304641/14:59
phanimaheshbut, now the patch needs a fix since I kill unity and dont reload it. :P14:59
jokerdinook you guys fixed it :P cool.15:00
attenteseb128: i merged the new patch into the old one and re-pushed a new commit, does it require another merge request to be submitted?15:00
phanimaheshand where do i put this unit test?15:00
seb128attente, no, the diff should autoupdate on the current one, let me check15:00
phanimaheshi mean, in which subdirectory of tests inside unity?15:01
didrocksphanimahesh: right, I think you need to put that separately15:02
didrocksphanimahesh: or call the 3 subfunctions directly and test them separately15:02
didrocksphanimahesh: hum15:02
didrocksone sec15:02
seb128attente, yeah, it picked it up, can you just tweak the changelog to have one entry with the change? there is no reason to have the "do that; revert it" since that never got merged/uploaded15:03
didrocksphanimahesh: maybe create a tests/wrapper directory15:04
seb128thank you! ;-)15:04
didrocksyou will need some cmakeries of course :p15:04
phanimaheshdidrocks: thats what i had in mind. thanks. :)15:04
phanimaheshwait, where do I have to meddle with cmake?15:04
didrocksphanimahesh: just adding the subdirectory and ensure the test is called on "make check"15:06
phanimaheshI dont see a MakeFile in there..15:07
phanimaheshoh. found CMakeLists.txt15:08
phanimaheshthanks. I'll do that.15:08
didrocksphanimahesh: yeah, it's cmake ;)15:08
didrocksphanimahesh: good luck!15:08
phanimaheshThank you didrocks :) hopefully I'll get this done by tonight. (IST)15:09
didrocksphanimahesh: excellent! ping me once it's done (I may not be responsive because of UDS preparation and meetings, but will try ;))15:10
desrtattente: merge request page has a button "(+) Link a bug report"15:16
desrtthat's what i meant :)15:16
attenteah, sorry15:17
attentei didn't see that15:17
desrtattente: usually i prefer one issue per commit15:18
desrtbut seb says that the way you did it is fine15:18
jbichaseb128: what about a UDS session to re-evaluate what we're doing with systemd? since GNOME is making it increasingly more difficult for distros to ship GNOME without systemd15:20
attenteok, i'll think about it in the future15:20
seb128jbicha, you mean re-evaluate systemd/upstart?15:20
attentedesrt: is there anything else i should look at?15:20
jasoncwarner_seb128: missed the reference....which blueprint?15:20
jbichaseb128: basically15:21
seb128jasoncwarner_, GNOME plans review15:21
desrtattente: the patch looks good15:21
seb128jbicha, I mentioned it to slangasek, he said foundation is not interested to discuss it15:21
desrti assume you tested it?15:21
jasoncwarner_seb128: if we don't need it, we can kill it. maybe a rubber stamp session?15:21
desrtseb128: time to merge, i guess... and SRU would be nice15:22
seb128jbicha, they made a choice and have no intention to change it and they don't care much what GNOME is doing15:22
seb128desrt, yeah for merge ... SRU, I will queue up for the next point release update15:22
desrtthere won't be another point release on 3.4....15:22
seb128jasoncwarner_, well, we want to discuss the stay on GNOME 3.6 or go to 3.815:23
seb128jasoncwarner_, I can register the blueprint if you want15:23
desrtseb128: don't listen to him15:23
desrtjasoncwarner_: don't listen to him, rather15:23
seb128desrt, yeah, I forgot about that ... I'm going to do it ;-)15:23
desrtjasoncwarner_: we need to stay on 3.615:23
desrt3.8 is just insane15:23
seb128including glib?15:23
desrtno.  not for glib.15:23
desrtfor glib we actually should revert to the version we had in dapper15:23
jbichaseb128: of course, Debian now includes systemd as an option, I'm curious whether that will be allowed before 14.04 LTS15:23
desrtit was a lot more reliable15:24
jasoncwarner_seb128: go ahead :)15:24
jasoncwarner_I mean, now that we have desrt's blessing ;)15:24
jasoncwarner_that is all I was waiting for !15:24
seb128jbicha, I doubt Canonical will invest any of its resources on that, I guess if somebody from the community steps up that could happen15:24
* desrt wonders where jasoncwarner_ is trolling from15:24
seb128jasoncwarner_, indeed!15:24
jasoncwarner_desrt from on high, as always!15:25
jbichaseb128: um, just removing systemd from the blacklist; merging from Debian and seeing what happens?15:25
attentedesrt: i tested the patch15:25
seb128jbicha, it will not work15:25
jbicha*merging the GNOME packages from Debian*15:25
desrtattente: cool.  it's in seb's hands now15:25
desrtattente: congrats on your first piece of useful work :)15:25
attentenow what?15:27
seb128jbicha, well you can get systemd in, but it requires having init scripts working for it in every component, and atm it conflicts with ubuntu-system-services since they implement the same dbus interfaces for example15:27
desrtattente: menu proxy patch for the next 1.5 days until you're here?15:27
desrtseb128: any other tasks ?15:27
jasoncwarner_hey attente ! first patch is on it's way? :)15:28
attentehi jasoncwarner_ i think so15:28
attentebut there's some bug i'm stuck on15:28
jasoncwarner_attente: :) awesome! welcome to the team! And we'll see ya in Copenhagen in a few days.15:28
seb128jbicha, well, I'm not saying that it's not possible, it's just that having to change init system to be able to run gnome-shell on Ubuntu is a no go15:28
attentejasoncwarner_: thanks, see you soon :)15:30
jbichaseb128: it's unclear whether Ubuntu can manage to stick with upstart for the long term or if systemd is inevitable; if we're going to have to go to systemd eventually then we should start doing the work to make it an optional init15:32
seb128jbicha, I don't think we have any doubt we can manage to stick with upstart15:33
seb128jbicha, we have our own desktop and stack, why would that stop working on upstart?15:33
seb128attente, congrats, your first fix got merged in our packages ;-)15:35
seb128attente, I just changed the changelog target to UNRELEASED (we use that in the changelog until we do an upload)15:35
attentegreat, thanks seb128!15:35
seb128attente, can you look to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bugs to see if there is any bug you would like working on (one of the important ones if possible)?15:37
seb128attente, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/958382 would be an useful one if you want a suggestion15:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 958382 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu Precise) "different softwares hit abort() in gtkfilechooser code" [High,Triaged]15:38
attenteseb128, sure15:38
Laneyseb128: what happened to the totem upload to quantal-proposed?15:38
seb128it happens often enough that I guess it should be able to get something under valgrind by running a gtk (evince since to come often) and use the fileselector15:38
seb128Laney, what upload?15:39
Laneybzr says you released it, but I can't find it15:39
seb128Laney, it got "[ubuntu/quantal-proposed] totem 3.4.3-0ubuntu5 (Rejected)" yesterday15:40
seb128I wish people would drop email saying why they reject uploads :-(15:40
seb128Laney, looking to the .changes I guess "wrong lp bug reference in the changelog"15:40
Laneyoh yeah, there it is15:40
seb128Laney, do you plan to do an upload or should I reupload?15:41
Laneywas just looking at 3.6, noticed it15:41
seb128Laney, if you have another fix please just merge both15:41
LaneyI can reupload15:41
seb128Laney, let me fix/reupload15:41
jbichaseb128: ok, outsiders have doubts about upstart, and it sounds like Ubuntu will have to manage an increasing number of patches to keep things working as they were15:43
jbichaupstart & systemd are well above my tech understanding, but Ubuntu's POV isn't really being presented well in the face of continual pressure from the systemd side15:45
seb128Laney, fixed, pushed,uploaded ... please pull --overwrite15:46
attenteseb128: is there a panel in gnome-control-center that pops up a file chooser?15:46
seb128jbicha, that would be true if GNOME had any leverage over Ubuntu15:46
seb128attente, no, that bug is a gtk one ... why?15:46
seb128jbicha, Ubuntu could stay on the quantal stack and just improve unity for the next 5 years15:47
attentein the bug description it says "ProcCmdline: gnome-control-center deja-dup"15:47
jbichaseb128: sure...15:48
seb128jbicha, I don't think it's reasonable or going to happen, but we decided that systemd was not what we want to use and that's not going to change any time soon15:48
seb128jbicha, we will probably just implement the dbus interfaces we need for e.g GNOME session and power management15:48
seb128jbicha, same way we implement XDG_RUNTIME_DIR our way15:48
seb128attente, oh, that's the backup icon in system settings15:48
jbichaseb128: and I'm not the guy to try to change that, but it seems like it was a Canonical decision & maybe the community should have been involved more15:48
seb128attente, but that bug is a gtk file-selector one, look at the duplicates, it happens in random apps, often evince it seems (or people do save pdfs often)15:49
seb128jbicha, well, it was discussed at UDS for like 5 UDS, at some point we need to move on15:50
attenteseb128: ok, gotcha15:50
seb128jbicha, either way there is ton of work, changing an init system is lot of work and not only for us, only for our users, sysadmin who have custom init scripts, etc15:50
seb128jbicha, we decided as a project we prefer to aim for stability for us and our users and focus on more important things15:51
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Laneyrb should be in the desktop set now16:34
Laneyfor raring onwards16:34
seb128Laney, what was the issue, how did you get fixed?16:35
Laneysome build-dep stack pulls unity which causes it to go into core16:37
Laneythe procedure is "mail cjwatson"16:37
GunnarHjseb128, jbicha: Any conclusion as regards bug 1035219?16:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 1035219 in Baltix "In System Settings preference tool/keyboard layouts page automaticaly wrong language selectedGNOME" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103521916:38
seb128Laney, ok16:39
seb128GunnarHj, no, we sidetracked to other discussions, I guess it's a "let's forget about quantal and make sure we fix it for raring"16:39
GunnarHjseb128, jbicha: Ok, I can live with it. Still can't help mentioning that there are visible issues besides that Chinese thing. For instance, try to change the regional formats settings from that GUI, and you'll find that nothing is changed (since g-s-d does not set any env. variables).16:45
jbichaGunnarHj: ok, I wasn't aware of that issue but I don't think that this is easily fixable now that quantal is released16:49
jbichalet's fix raring and then we can see if any of that can be backported to quantal16:49
GunnarHjjbicha, seb128: That's fine with me. And in Baltix, where they don't want to see those tabs, they seem to ship a modified g-c-c anyway.16:51
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BigWhaleGreetings all.19:15
BigWhaleWere there recently any updates in 12.10 to gstreamer, gstreamer plugins or compiz or perhaps Xorg?19:16
BigWhale(asking at this hour when most of the devs are already at UDS venue .. I am feeling lucky!)19:17
BigWhalethis will freeze my desktop: gst-launch-1.0 ximagesrc endx=800 endy=600 use-damage=false show-pointer=true !  queue ! videoconvert ! vp8enc ! webmmux !  queue ! filesink location="test.webm"20:05
dobeyBigWhale: i think compiz and xorg are certainly updated. does it freeze when under metacity or gnome-shell as well?20:11
BigWhaledobey, not sure ... don't have those installed.21:20
BigWhaledobey, and USC doesn't show that those were updated ...21:21
dobeyBigWhale: updated since when? there are newer versions in 12.10 than there are in 12.04 (plus also the drivers)21:25
BigWhaledobey: updated since 2012-10-20 ... at that point Kazam was working just fine21:26
dobeythen don't know21:27
BigWhalehm it is not freezing anymore21:28
BigWhaleI had to reboot :>21:28
BigWhalebut I think I know what the problem was21:28
BigWhaleI disconnected my monitors and reconnected them21:28
BigWhaleactually I replaced one monitor...21:28
BigWhaleand fglrx was all wonky for a while21:28
BigWhaleok, or perhaps something happened to gstreamer .. because now I have different problems ... those are debuggable... :>21:30
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doomlorddo any linnux WM's do the equivalent of osx missioncontrol where a fullscreen button automatically puts the application on its own desktop23:33
RAOFdoomlord: Not to my knowledge.23:44

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