
bobweaverIs there a command for the bot for Ubuntu advantage ?02:56
JoseeAntonioRbobweaver: what do you mean? which of the bots02:57
JoseeAntonioRoh, you mean, a factoid?02:57
bobweaverJoseeAntonioR,  Yeah the supybot factoid bot02:57
JoseeAntonioRthat's my dear friend, ubottu02:57
JoseeAntonioRlet me check02:57
JoseeAntonioRbobweaver: nope, none02:57
bobweaverThanks JoseeAntonioR  ! :)02:57
bobweaverJoseeAntonioR,  maybe..  could be..  a good idea ?02:58
bobweaveranyways I will now leave this channel for support reasons thanks for that awesome and fast response JoseeAntonioR02:59
JoseeAntonioRbobweaver: you can suggest a factoid by doing "ubottu: !advantage is <reply>here you put what it means" without quotes, for example02:59
JoseeAntonioRbobweaver: you can idle here, the no-idle policy is in -ops02:59
bobweaverI did not know that02:59
bobweaverwell in that case ...02:59
bobweaverJoseeAntonioR,  you think that Ubuntu Advantage thingy in supybot is good idea ?03:00
JoseeAntonioRnot sure about that, should ask the IRCC about ^03:00
* bobweaver is scared to go to the dark channel of IRCC j/k IDK what that is . could you explain 03:01
JoseeAntonioRIRC Council, just ask here03:02
JoseeAntonioRthey were already highlighted when you typed the letters I R C C together03:03
bobweaverOh I see. I am still getting started with the infrastructure of the community and canonical teams03:03
JoseeAntonioRoh :)03:03
bobweaverI hope to set that correct @ UDS03:04
JoseeAntonioRfor sure ;)03:05
JoseeAntonioRok, I need to finish packing, if you need anything just ask :)03:06
bobweavercool cya there I guess :)03:06
bobweavercan you see that ?03:07
JoseeAntonioRbobweaver: what?03:07
bobweaverhow to msg bot with out getting message screen03:07
bobweaverI will take screenshot03:08
JoseeAntonioRwhat do you mean?03:08
JoseeAntonioRbobweaver: you can do /msg ubottu !factoid to test it, just you will see the output03:08
bobweaverJoseeAntonioR,  http://imagebin.org/233179           see how it shows up on screen do I only see that ?03:09
JoseeAntonioRbobweaver: that's because you did /msg, and those are private messages03:10
bobweaverso I am the only one that see's that ?03:11
bobweaverit is hard to scroll through all the names to open a new dialog, well now I know how to do that thanks. Have fun packing . :)03:11
bobweaverxchat ^^03:12
cjohnstontsimpson: ping12:51
IdleOnecjohnston: anything someone else might be able to help with?12:55
IdleOneI'm guessing bot related12:55
cjohnstonIdleOne: ya.. questions about the UDS bots12:57
IdleOneah, then you probably need one of them.12:58
cjohnstontsimpson or jussi, or anyone else who knows about the UDS bot.. Spads is looking for some help13:09
* Spads waves13:10
tsimpsonSpads: hello15:03
Spadstsimpson: hello!15:03
tsimpsonSpads: what can I help you with?15:05
Spadstsimpson: I need to speak with the person who runs udsbotu15:05
Spadsso i can test the 5 minute warning alarms on the UDS track room machines15:05
tsimpsonyeah, that's me15:05
SpadsWell then, could we get a test bot running on #ubuntu-uds-b3-m1 for a few days?  Maybe set it up to shout every few minutes?15:06
SpadsIt needs to show up for us as :udsbotu!~udsbotu@ubuntu/bot/udsbotu15:07
tsimpsonSpads: it will show up as udsbotu!tsimpson@ubuntu/bot/udsbotu we have an identd running now15:10
tsimpsonSpads: the real warning messages come from parsing the iCal feed, but I can get the bot to repeat a message every few minutes15:13
Spadsokay well15:13
Spadswe used the Mr T session manager15:13
Spadswhich you wrote15:13
tsimpsonyeah, I remember that one :)15:13
Spads    if word[0] != ":udsbotu!~udsbotu@ubuntu/bot/udsbotu":15:13
Spads        return15:13
Spads    if "5 minutes left in this session!" in word_eol[0]:15:13
Spads        xchat.command("EXEC python %r --warning" % MR_T)15:13
Spads    elif "This session has ended." in word_eol[0]:15:13
Spads        xchat.command("EXEC python %r --end" % MR_T)15:13
SpadsI've replaced the images15:13
tsimpsonSpads: you could just replace the first if with: if not word[0].endswith("@ubuntu/bot/udsbotu"):15:18
tsimpsonand I can get the bot to repeat the two trigger phrases at certain intervals15:19
tsimpsonjust let me know how often you want them to trigger15:19
Spadsfor now let's do ten minutes15:19
philballewCan someone give Cheri703  voice for the classroom session going no now please16:03

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