
bjfinfinity, too early to tell, am keeping an eye on it00:15
bjfinfinity, at least it's just quantal00:15
hallynis git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-raring.git meant to be usable right now?03:06
hallyn(i assume not, there is no debian/ or ubuntu/, only a debian.master)03:06
jcastro_any SSD experts care to chime in? http://askubuntu.com/questions/206088/is-ssd-trim-support-still-automatic-in-12-1004:51
cwillujcastro_, trim isn't a queuing command in sata, which means everything else stops until it completes05:21
cwillujcastro_, which makes it a pessimization on most ssd's made in the last 5 years05:22
cwillunext, trim is just a hint to the device; it's not required to actually do anything in response05:22
=== smb` is now known as smb
AceLanapw: hd on taipei.tyler is broken for 4 days, I have no chance to meet rtg, could you help to reboot the machine or try to see if there is any way to fix it, thanks.09:05
apwAceLan, i can try, i thought that ike had access to that one09:08
AceLanapw: ike is not in office this week09:08
apwAceLan, it does look broken, is there anything on /home or is it just scratch space like gomeisa et al09:32
AceLanapw: acelan@tyler:~$ cat ~/.bashrc 09:37
AceLancat: /home/acelan/.bashrc: Input/output error09:37
AceLanapw: and there are many sdb error log in dmesg09:37
AceLanapw: sorry, i have to leave now to pick up my son and bring him home09:37
apwAceLan, np, i'll talk to is09:38
AceLanapw: thanks09:38
* ppisati -> out for dinner10:27
apwogasawara, fyi i have seeded the linux-raring-meta.git and linux-raring-signed.git11:20
tjaaltonapw: what's the diff between drm-intel-nightly and drm-intel-experimental mainline builds?11:43
apwtjaalton, experimental is now dead and replaced by nightly ... something bryce asked for11:43
tjaaltonok, they both have a build for raring from 23rd11:44
apwtjaalton, yeah thats when he asked me to switch it i think, so thats not supprising11:44
tjaaltonheh, ok11:44
ppisatiguys, have you ever noticed that loop devices don't show partitions?13:27
ppisatido any of you know why?13:28
smbppisati, I would say they tell so in gendisk13:29
ppisatismb: your sentence doesn't computer for me13:29
smbppisati, You should be able to use kpartx and device-mapper to get paritions mapped13:29
ppisatiah k13:29
smbppisati, I think there is a flag in the gendisk struct to say whether a blk device can have partitions13:30
ppisatismb: indeed kpartx has an example showing exactly how to mount an img13:31
ppisatismb: i mean, a partition inside an img13:31
smbppisati, yep. 13:31
smbppisati, Problem is minor numbers and space between devices normally used for partitions13:32
ckingppisati, I normally use runes like: http://smackerelofopinion.blogspot.co.uk/2010/08/loop-devices-device-mapper-and-kpartx.html13:37
ppisaticking: nice13:40
* rtg will _not_ be running 3.7-rc2 on a Lenovo X120e until an mm/NUMA patch is merged that corrects a serious performance regression on a whimpy AMD E350 CPU..13:59
smbrtg sounds slightly (more?) grumpy14:00
rtgsmb, I forgot I'd left that kernel on my machine and was totally frustrated at how long things were taking. this is my travel machine I'm getting ready for UDS14:01
smbrtg, Oh and I thought it was because of the reason that justifies some belated HB wishes 3:-)14:03
rtgcking, my question as well14:04
smbrtg, Could be a calendar fault, though I thought it was your birthday yesterday14:04
rtgsmb, oh, that. yes it was14:05
rtgcking, in that context one can assume HB is short for "happy birthday" ?14:05
smbit was supposed to be14:05
smbMight also mean "HofBrÀuhaus". Which would be good for wishful thinking, too14:07
pstolowskihello, forgive me if that has already been discussed before: isn't Q-proposed kernel update 3.5.0-18 introducing the ext4 corruption bug that has recently been found in stable kernels (changelog entry: " jbd2: don't write superblock when if its empty") ?14:57
rtgherton, ^^14:58
hertonpstolowski, investigation upstream isn't concluded yet, and to reproduce it seems you need at least nobarrier used as options, which isn't the default15:00
hertonpstolowski, https://plus.google.com/11709138045474293402515:00
bjfpstolowski, yes, i haven't checked this a.m. but it is still being investigated15:00
pstolowskiherton: ok, I'm not following lkml, this commit was just mentioned on phoronix.net (quoting lkml) as a likely culprit15:01
pstolowskibjf, herton: ok, thanks for clarifitcation :)15:02
cwilluprotip: phoronix is not a source of quality analysis16:59
TackIs it possible to prevent the ahci driver from initializing certain controllers (by pci id, or bus id, etc.)?  Or perhaps to explicitly define the ones to initialize?17:00
serj_is there any kernel generic way of knowing from where the kernel loads device firmware bins>17:40
hallynrtg: is git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-raring.git meant to be usable right now?17:43
hallyn(i assume not, there is no debian/ or ubuntu/, only a debian.master)17:43
rtghallyn, everything is in master-next. it builds and boots but is a little slow due to an mm/NUMA bug on small CPUs17:45
hallynrtg: ah!  thanks!  17:45
rtgI'm gonna leave master as vanilla upstream until we upload 3.717:45
* rtg -> lunch17:47
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* rtg goes to pack for UDS18:43

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