
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
RedAmberHello, I have a problem with trying to install UBUNTU-SERVER-12.04.1-AMD64 on a computer and it hangs at detecting cd rom for something could anyone please help me?00:16
RedAmberHello, I have a problem with trying to install UBUNTU-SERVER-12.04.1-AMD64 on a computer and it hangs at detecting cd rom for something could anyone please help me?00:21
blkperlRedAmber: did you verify the integrity of the iso you downloaded?00:28
RedAmberHello, I have a problem with trying to install UBUNTU-SERVER-12.04.1-AMD64 on a computer and it hangs at detecting cd rom for something could anyone please help me?00:37
RedAmber2dHello, I have a problem with trying to install UBUNTU-SERVER-12.04.1-AMD64 on a computer and it hangs at detecting cd rom for something could anyone please help me? I CHECKED MD5SUM Is good BOOTING FROM USB00:54
ubottuPlease don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.00:54
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
BlueGuyHello, I have a problem with trying to install UBUNTU-SERVER-12.04.1-AMD64 on a computer and it hangs at detecting cd rom for something could anyone please help me? I CHECKED MD5SUM Is good01:22
BusyBoxesBlueGuy: You booting from CD?01:27
BlueGuyNo sir, Usb01:27
BusyBoxesBlueGuy: You make sure to configure your usb to boot properly?01:28
BlueGuyMaybe, Is there a set of steps you could please give me?01:28
BusyBoxesBlueGuy you need to probably create a MBR01:30
BusyBoxesBlueGuy: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/how-to-make-a-bootable-usb-flash-drive-manually-859334/01:31
BusyBoxesBlueGuy: unetbootin might be a easier approach.01:32
joosensomeone use the ubuntu server, can tell me that what's more stable between centos, freebsd and ubuntu.02:10
joosensomeone help me.02:18
TheLordOfTime!patience | joosen02:47
ubottujoosen: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:47
joosenhow can I download the ubuntu server guide pdf file into my notebook, I would like to take it to read anywhere I go?02:50
SpamapSmdeslaur: no not that I recall (re test failure in main.trigger-compat)03:06
owhjoosen: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/serverguide.pdf03:18
owhjoosen: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/serverguide.pdf03:18
owhjoosen: apt-get install ubuntu-serverguide03:20
owhjoosen: wget -r https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/03:22
owhjoosen: Take your pick...03:22
joosenthank you so much.03:27
joosenHow can I implement the domain controller server with ubuntu?03:28
=== n0ts_off is now known as n0ts
owhThe documentation on the EC2FAQ tells me to ask questions here, rather than in ubuntu-virt. I wanted to know if JEOS was still a going concern for installation on AWS. I feel drowned in the options available via the Ubuntu cloud selector. All I want is a minimal Ubuntu install to boot in a micro instance of AWS where I can install nginx and ssh to provide domain redirection services. Anyone got any pointers through the many and varied contradictory documen03:38
utlemmingowh: when you say you feel drowned, can you clarify?03:39
utlemmingowh: if you are wanting to run a t1.micro, you're only option is the EBS image.03:39
utlemmingowh: also, the cloud images that we provide are basic installations with only the basic server bits and ssh installed.03:40
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owhutlemming: Sorry, ran away for lunch. Drowned, as in, so much choice, so little time. I want an absolute minimal install, think JEOS, that I can install nginx onto.05:35
owhutlemming: So, for my minimal work-load, I'm thinking EBS, i386, precise in Singapore?05:37
utlemmingowh: see http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/precise/current05:38
utlemmingowh: those images are minimial insalls with SSH installed -- just enough to get a bare OS up to do stuff with05:38
sarnoldutlemming: 40405:38
owhyeah, 40405:39
utlemmingowh, sarnold: sorry, http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/precise/release/05:39
sarnoldowh: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/precise/release/05:39
owhsarnold: I'm looking at exactly that :)05:40
sarnoldwhy are the ami numbers different for what look to be identical configurations except for the datacenter?05:40
utlemmingsarnold: that is the way that Amazon works. The AMI is unique per region.05:41
sarnoldseems needlessly complicated :)05:41
utlemmingsarnold: for Azure, the "ami" is the same regardless of region.05:41
sarnoldutlemming: azure provides an equivalent to amis? neat :)05:42
utlemmingsarnold: well, I would wait to use Azure for production until GA, but yeah, we are providing Azure Ubuntu Cloud Images05:43
owhHere: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/azure/05:43
sarnoldvery cool :D05:44
utlemmingowh: that is the raw VHD file for people to play with. We have the images listed on the portal of Azure.05:44
utlemmingowh: we will be publishing a new one shortly, fwiw05:44
owhTah. I'm staying with AWS ;)05:45
owhutlemming: What's the difference between the micro and small image, other than ebs vs instance store. Is there additional software installed, or is this an AWS constraint?05:47
utlemmingowh: None -- there is no difference between the images other instance vs ebs. The difference is entirely MS.05:48
utlemmingowh: sorry...I'm a bit jet lagged...I meant AWS05:49
owhutlemming: So, could I use an instance store image on a micro instance - that's a mouthfull, hope your jet lagged brain can process that ;)05:50
utlemmingowh: nope. micro instances are constrainted to using EBS.05:50
owhutlemming: Right, so, it's an AWS constraint, now I understand ... I hope.05:51
utlemmingowh: right05:51
owhAll good, tah.05:52
owhutlemming: And now I can see the wood for the trees. Much obliged.05:53
utlemmingowh: np, Amazon can be a bit daunting. Another place to get help for specific AWS issues is ##aws (yes two #'s)05:53
owhutlemming: Cool, I'll stick that on my list of handy to know.05:54
philaneoushi im having trouble updating ubuntu server 12.1005:54
philaneoussomething with the kernel05:54
owhphilaneous: "something" isn't specific enough to actually provide any helpful advice. The advice would be "fix something", which is likely not what you're looking for.05:55
philaneousowh: hi05:56
philaneousowh: i do sudo aptitude upgrade05:56
philaneousowh: http://pastebin.com/TRPExR7D05:57
philaneousowh: thats exactly where im at05:57
owhphilaneous: Looks line line 6 in that is the cause of your errors. "This kernel does not support a non-PAE CPU."05:59
philaneousi unnderstand that06:01
philaneouswhat do i do about it06:01
philaneousowh: should i continue using my server like that06:01
owhphilaneous: I don't know what you do and do not understand or know. You came here, showed us a pastebin and said "somethings broken", I pointed at what was broken. I don't have specific advice on what to do about this, but googling with that error I showed you suggests that you can install a -pae kernel. I don't have the specific name handy.06:02
owhphilaneous: It looks like Ubuntu dropped support for non PAE hardware, indicating that perhaps you're running an older CPU. If the machine is in production, I'd be staying with 12.04 LTS.06:03
philaneousi think i will go back06:03
philaneousit was working fine until i upgraded06:04
philaneousand it is an older computer06:04
philaneoushere are the specs06:04
philaneouscheck it out06:04
philaneousi have a php file that shows u06:04
philaneousowh: i appreciate your help06:04
owhphilaneous: Unfortunately I don't have specific help instructions to impart. Downgrading an upgrade is likely going to be painful.06:04
philaneousi know06:05
philaneousowh: im probably going to have to redo it06:05
philaneousowh: start from scratch06:05
philaneousowh: again :(06:05
owhphilaneous: You **MAY** be able to use apt-cache search "-pae"06:05
philaneousso type sudo apt-cache search "-pae"06:06
owhphilaneous: no need for sudo06:06
jmarsdenowh: I think it is somewhat the opposite -- he need a non-PAE kernel, one that does not need the PAE CPU capability.06:06
fleishhi all, I'm trying to install the cloud/uec images using openstack essex. precise & oneiric fired right up. lucid however is failing to get past initramfs b/c it can't find /dev/xvda to mount as root. can anyone help me figure out what's going on?06:06
philaneousjmarsden: is right06:06
philaneousjmarsden: i do need a kernel that does not require PAE CPU capability06:07
owhjmarsden: So, doesn't the package name for a "normal" kernel exclude pae in the name, and a kernel that does not require pae have pae in the name?06:07
owhjmarsden: I don't have a 12.10 handy.06:07
philaneousfuck i shouldnt have upgraded guys06:08
owhphilaneous: Magic happens when you're having fun :)06:08
owhHold tight though, you might not have to start again.06:09
philaneousi think its creating errors too when im in irc06:09
jmarsdenowh: That naming convention was the case before PAE became the default, at least.  I suspect 12.10 kernels (which by default need PAE, I think) do not use the "pae" in their names, because there is no official "non-PAE" version of them.06:09
jmarsdenAssuming the kernel package at http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/linux-image-3.5.0-17-generic needs PAE... it doesn't seem to have PAE in its name...06:11
owhYeah, I'm looking too...06:12
philaneousthanks guys06:12
jmarsdenfleish: It's late in the USA and too early for Western Europe to be awake... you might want to ask again in 2 or 3 hours when the UK-based folks wake up06:13
owhphilaneous: Looks like your SOOL. Sorry.06:15
fleishjmarsden: yeah but then it'll be really late in the USA I'll probably hope to be asleep come 2-3am ;)06:15
philaneousowh: fuck06:15
jmarsdenfleish: well, then go to bed now and ask again in 8 hours when you wake up :)06:16
owhphilaneous: Before you start formatting discs, perhaps you should seek other opinion.06:16
philaneousi cant even afford to wipe out my dics06:16
philaneousnot this is instant06:16
owhYou *MAY* be able to compile your own kernel, but it's been many years since I last did that.06:17
jmarsdenphilaneous: I think owh is correct, in that there is no official non-PAE kernel being made for Quantal 12.10 that I can see.  You might be able to grab the relevant kernel source packages and hack them a bit and build yourself a new non-PAE kernel build... but you'd need a PAE-capable machine and some knowledge of packaging and building stuff from source to do that.06:17
philaneousjmarsden: yeah man06:18
philaneousjmarsden: its a very old laptop06:19
philaneousstil lrungs06:19
philaneousstill runs*06:19
owhAs a server?06:19
jmarsdenphilaneous: Are you saying you have a server that you upgraded... when you had *no* backup of it??  This is #ubuntu-server... so you're running a server, right?06:19
philaneousjmarsden: yes06:19
philaneousjmarsden: philaneous.com06:19
philaneousjmarsden: all specs are in the indec06:20
jmarsdenSo step #1 is going to be to get yourself a backup of the machine in its current state.  Before you do anything at all.06:20
philaneousjmarsden: i know06:20
philaneousjmarsden: im just going to save all my files06:20
philaneousand reformat it06:20
owhUhm, you may be able to install an older kernel.06:21
owhapt-get install.06:21
philaneoushold on06:22
jmarsdenWait... it is up now... and says it is running 12.10.  So... I dn't understand...06:22
philaneousjmarsden: dude i cant update06:22
jmarsdenphilaneous: Can't update any package at all, or just can't update the kernel?06:22
philaneousjmarsden: I think owh is correct, in that there is no official non-PAE kernel being made for Quantal 12.10 that I  can see.  You might be able to grab the relevant kernel source packages and hack them a bit and build yourself a new  non-PAE kernel build... but you'd need a PAE-capable machine and some knowledge of packaging and building stuff from  source to do that.06:22
philaneousooooppps sorry06:23
philaneousjmarsden: so im typing sudo aptitude upgrade06:23
owhI'm looking for the package name for the most recent non pae kernel.06:24
jmarsdenIf the machine is up and running, you should be able to update everything except the kernel just fine, and buy yourself some time to research how to build custom non-PAE kernels in a few days or weeks.06:24
philaneousjmarsden: lol06:24
philaneousjmarsden: thats going to take some time brother06:24
owhjmarsden: So, just an apt fix?06:24
jmarsdenowh: The machine is up... running apparently OK.  So either just update whatever non-kernel packages need updating, or pin the kernel to whatever it is now running...06:25
philaneousjmarsden: http://pastebin.com/28fMPkPt06:25
philaneousjmarsden: thats after i type sudo aptitude upgrade06:25
owhSo, I'm guessing sudo aptitude -f upgrade would resolve the problem ---- don't type this until this is confirmed!06:26
jmarsdenphilaneous: That pastebin output shows that trying to upgrade the kernel fails.  So... don't do that.  pin it to whatever version it now runs, and then update/upgrade anything else you need to update on the machine.06:27
philaneousjmarsden: is this pretty much to target individual files06:29
jmarsdenowh: I'm not sure about what aptitude -f would do, so I'd be a bit hesitant to try it...06:29
jmarsdenphilaneous: Yes, it lets you tell apt "keep this package at this version please"06:29
owhjmarsden: I would expect it to remove the attempt to upgrade the kernel. But as you say, I'm not sure either...06:30
philaneousjmarsden: so this is just going to upgrade the other programs i need06:31
jmarsdenphilaneous: That would be the idea, yes.06:32
philaneousjmarsden: but i have to do soe many things06:33
philaneousand they dont recommend it06:33
philaneouslibc6 version  match06:33
jmarsdenYou are a server admin... so you get to learn about a new aspect of apt and dpkg use now... your server is up and running, and noone is asking you to do anything with libc6.06:34
owhphilaneous: Just so you know, by pinning the kernel, you're just saying, don't touch this kernel package. Your other options are, don't upgrade any packages, re-install, or manually roll-back your server.06:34
jmarsdenThe only packages I am suggesting you pin are the kernel packages.06:34
philaneousok i will consider that06:35
owhphilaneous: There is nothing inherently bad about pinning. It has implications further down the track.06:35
owhphilaneous: Some of those implications will bite you later, but the hole you dug yourself into is a deep one. We're just attempting to stop you from drowning.06:36
philaneousowh: how am i drowning06:36
philaneousowh: its my hard wares fault06:36
jmarsdenphilaneous: It has served you well for several years.  It's not really the fault of the CPU that it doesn't have PAE :)06:37
owhphilaneous: You know the line you don't cross, look behind you :) -- seriously, this is basically a hardware incompatibility that has bitten you. Making a backup before you do a dist-upgrade, or any upgrade for that matter is a very good idea.06:37
philaneousjmarsden: you saw the specs right06:38
philaneousowh: i know im going to have to roll back06:38
philaneousowh: with 12.04 it ran pretty good06:39
owhphilaneous: Because rolling back is so painful we're suggesting that pinning the kernel is a less eye poking experience.06:39
jmarsdenphilaneous: Yes.  That's a fairly old machine.  So "its my hard wares fault" is not really correct -- the hardware is working to specification.  It is the server admins "fault" for not making and verifying a backup before doing an OS upgrade on a server :)06:39
philaneousjmarsden: Good point.06:40
owhI'm laughing so hard, I cannot even type.06:40
philaneousowh: He has a good point.06:40
owhI'm not disagreeing here :)06:40
philaneousjmarsden: The backup I can still do though, that won't be a problem.06:40
philaneousowh: It's not a big deal06:41
philaneousowh: It could have been worse.06:41
jmarsdenOK, so then the solution is probably (a) make and verify backup (b) install 12.04 (c) restore data and relevant config files from backup (d) make anothe rbackup of new setup (e) set up automated regular backups for the future :)06:42
philaneousI like 12.0406:42
philaneousIt ran good with it06:42
owhphilaneous: Yup. You could have ssh-ed into a remote server with a full disc, done an upgrade which was in the process of installing something when your internet connection dropped out causing the server to reboot and wait for you to press a key to continue on the console :)06:44
owhphilaneous: That in turn required someone to drive to the datacenter in Alaska where they hit a moose and died. So, yes, it could have been worse, but it's not, so don't worry about it.06:45
ivoksrbasak: http://www.indiegogo.com/cubieboard06:54
ivoksrbasak: 'what's this?' ?? :p06:54
owh!url @ivoks06:55
VinceBrowningHello there06:56
VinceBrowningCan anyone point me in the direction of how to set up a home/internal DNS server using bind9... with idiot proof steps (as I tend to be quite the idiot these days)06:57
owhVinceBrowning: Last I looked, the server guide does that.06:58
VinceBrowningDoes it? Hmm.. See what I mean about being an idiot?06:58
VinceBrowningowh and ivoks,Thank you both07:00
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1068383 in maas (main) "package reconfiguration could ask further configuration details" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106838307:31
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1068112 in php5 (main) "php5-fpm init script doesn't handle reload correctly" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106811207:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #1068843 in maas "maas-cluster-controller doesn't have images for provisioning" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106884307:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #1070909 in quantum (main) "quantum-plugin-openvswitch-agent install fails due to lack of /etc/quantum" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107090908:51
vultureIt report the error09:14
vultureConfigurazione di open-iscsi (2.0.871-0ubuntu4)...09:14
vultureupdate-rc.d: warning: open-iscsi stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (0 6)09:14
vulturewho can tell me how to modify the configure to save it09:15
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xslhello all, people tell me to have multiple ip on eth0 that eth0:0 is deprecated and i should use ip addr add ( but how do i use /etc/network/interfaces then ?)10:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #1067877 in mysql-5.5 (main) "package mysql-server-5.5 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106787710:41
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1071264 in openssh (main) "sshd cannot be remotely restarted from an ssh session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107126411:06
bubu\ahi guys - I setup an http proxy on my ubuntu server install but I need to change the proxy - anyone know where this is written to? can't find in /etc/bash.bashrc or /etc/environment ?11:41
melmoth /etc/apt/apt.conf ?11:47
bubu\ais that the only place it gets written for apt?11:49
bubu\ait doesnt configure a system wide proxy?11:49
bubu\aI can see it in apt.conf but wasn't sure if that was the only place it put in the proxy11:49
melmoththe only "system" wide setting i am aware of is with unity network tool gui thingy.11:50
melmothi dont know where it stores stuff, but i would bet for gconf11:51
bubu\aits a headless server11:51
sorenbubu\a: I don't think it gets set globally, but only for apt. I'm not completely sure, though.11:57
Aisonon ubuntu server 12.10, isc-dhcp-server-ldap is broken11:57
bubu\asoren, looks like you are correct!12:05
koolhead17soren: hey there12:10
=== kInOzAwA is now known as Guest85011
roddyWhat is a good specific source to set up a virtual host using Apache2, PHP, and MySQL on Ubuntu 12.04.  I want to do it from scratch, so that I might have full knowledge of what is going on.13:32
patdk-wkthe manuals of mysql/php/apache2?13:33
patdk-wkusing a specific source/tutorial won't teach you anything about what is going on13:33
roddyYeah, I have already started with the Apache2 guide, but I am finding it difficult to get a could overview.  Everything is in bits and pieces and each new bit or piece leads to a lot of other new bits or pieces that require still further query.  As a result, it is difficult to stay focused.13:35
melmothroddy, stay focused on apache, untill you manage to have a virutal domain working.13:37
melmoththen play a bit with php, so that you can render page. Then install mysql, play a bit with command line query.13:38
melmoththen try to make the same with php. et voila.13:38
roddyActually, I already have pretty good knowledge of PHP.  No other recommendations for Apache2?13:39
patdk-wkthe issue with php, or cgi's in general, is security13:44
roddyYes, I agree.  The issue is security, but it is also flexibility.  This is the reason I want to know the nuts and bolts and am seeking to avoid any prepared packages.13:45
roddyStill, having to know every nut and bolt is very painstaking.  And, it is usually not necessary to know everything.13:47
patdk-wkonly true till you hit a problem :)13:47
roddyLike permissions.13:48
hallynutlemming: i'm confused.  is /dev in ubuntu cloud precise images not yet populated then?13:52
patdk-wkpermiessions are defently needed13:52
patdk-wkdepending on what type of hosting your doing13:52
roddyWhat I would like to do is set up to virtual hosts on the same machine on the same LAN.  Use one that is completely permission free and the other that is built for the internet WAN.  The first host would be for experimentation and easy entry and exit.  The second would be for WAN testing, but on my LAN.13:53
patdk-wkthe worst thing, is using a cgi program on one website, to edit/modify/read another website13:53
hallynstgraber: utlemming: perhaps long term implementing a '-o newinstance' for devtmpfs is worth it in the kernel13:53
patdk-wkif all the websites are technically managed/owned by the same person, not a huge deal13:53
patdk-wkbut different people, it is a big deal13:53
stgraberhallyn: +113:53
roddyThe machine and LAN are owned by me, but I want to be able to pick up the second virtual host and move it anywhere without a lot of complication.13:55
patdk-wkno, it's who owned the virtualhosts that is the issue, normally13:55
roddyMy problem is that I do not know how or where I will host the content of my second virtual host, and would like to be able to have it hosted anywhere.13:57
zulugh i need tomcat14:06
CharlieSuHi all.  I'm using the internal-sftp of SSHD to run a chroot'ed SFTP server on a box.  Is there a good way to log this SFTP activity?  Not just logins, but file downloads and uploads too?14:06
sorenzul: I'm so sorry to hear that.14:07
roddyDo you know Java?14:09
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blazemoreWhat's the minimum amount of X-stuff I need to install for "ssh -X host firefox" to work?14:51
melmothan x server and a ssh client ?14:52
TheLordOfTimeblazemore, on your end you need an x server and an SSH client14:53
blazemoreso just xserver-xorg is all I need?14:53
TheLordOfTimeyou won't need  more on the remote, if it already has firefox it has GUI stuff14:53
blazemoreNo it doesn't14:53
blazemoreIt's a vanilla Ubuntu server install14:53
melmothyou will probably also like a xterm of some sort to be able to run the ssh command in.14:53
blazemoreNo, I want to run X applications remotely, but I don't want a full DE14:53
melmothwithout one, you ll just have windows you wont be able to ..move, or close.14:54
melmothso it ll work, but ill not be cozy14:54
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TheLordOfTimewhat melmoth said14:55
blazemoreIt's fine, I'll deal with that14:55
blazemoreI just need to run remote GUI apps ocassionally over SSH with X forwarding14:55
blazemoreso I just need the package xserver-xorg?14:55
melmothand a xterm (i m not sure what would happen if you put the ssh comand in your .Xclient or .xinitrc file)14:56
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blazemoreOh ffs15:00
blazemoreIs there a way I can take irssi and put it in a new screen session?15:00
blazemoreI forgot to run screen before I ran irssi15:01
TheLordOfTimeblazemore, exit irssi, run screen, then run irssi?15:02
blazemoreyeah I guess so15:04
noob2is there a bug in ubuntu server 12.04 which prevents it from binding ldaps for authentication?  i copied my config exactly from a working redhat server and ubuntu won't bind properly15:12
noob2anyone have a working ldaps configuration they'd be willing to share?15:14
bubu\asmbmount // /mnt/hd2/clientshares/ -o user=samba,pass=t0r3x,gid=ubuntu,uid=ubuntu - anyone know why this mounts the share to /mnt/hd2/clientshares but as root and not ubuntu...?15:17
_KaszpiR_hm I get wrid server freezes15:42
_KaszpiR_cannot diagnose it :/15:42
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_KaszpiR_the machine stopped respoding to anything except ping15:45
RoyK_KaszpiR_: nothing in the logs?15:45
_KaszpiR_tried to ssh and it showed proer login prompt, entered login and it just froze15:46
RoyK_KaszpiR_: configuring serial or network console may help15:46
RoyK_KaszpiR_: what you're describing usually means something I/O related is fscked up15:46
_KaszpiR_but total freeze?15:46
_KaszpiR_I guess zfsonlinux is buggy15:46
RoyKusually, if you try to login, and you get login prompt, but it hangs after typing password, I/O is probably hanging15:47
RoyK_KaszpiR_: use a serial or network console15:47
_KaszpiR_hard reboot15:47
RoyK_KaszpiR_: that way you'll get a message if the kernel OOPSes15:47
RoyK_KaszpiR_: that obviously helps :P15:47
RoyK_KaszpiR_: but if I/O is hanging, it probably won't tell you much from the logs (nowhere to log...)15:48
_KaszpiR_well, I've installed X on it,15:48
RoyKX hides kernel messages15:48
_KaszpiR_and normally kernel panic should show something15:48
RoyKa panic, yes, but not an OOPS15:48
RoyKwhich may be what you're getting15:48
RoyKan OOPS is a "panic light"15:49
RoyKnot bad enough to panic, but quite often serious enough to hang I/O15:49
* RoyK would use something based on illumos or freebsd to get ZFS15:50
RoyKZFS is stable on openindiana, smartos, omnios, nexenta and freebsd15:50
RoyKchoose the OI or Fbsd if you want X15:51
RoyKprobably fbsd, since OI isn't very frequently updated anymore15:51
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_KaszpiR_nothing in the logs15:58
RoyK_KaszpiR_: no, there usually aren't anything in the logs if the I/O system hangs16:18
_KaszpiR_yeah, buffered et16:18
RoyK_KaszpiR_: that's why you should use a network console, or perhaps a serial console if you're old-fashioned16:18
_KaszpiR_the only option would be setting up remote syslog16:18
RoyKno, not because of buffers, because it just can't write to hung I/O16:18
RoyKor network console16:19
_KaszpiR_will try netconsole16:19
RoyKwhich is probably the safest16:19
* RoyK likes serial consoles16:19
RoyKbut netconsole will undoubably work16:19
RoyKstill, I would recommend against using zfsonlinux for anything but testing16:21
_KaszpiR_well, i keep crap on it16:21
RoyKsounds like testing ;)16:22
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fleishhi all, I'm trying to install the cloud/uec images using openstack essex. precise & oneiric fired right up. lucid however is failing to get past initramfs b/c it can't find /dev/xvda to mount as root. can anyone help me figure out what's going on?17:43
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roddyIs that Menschenfleisch or some other?18:36
xslwhy should i need on a webserver x11 libs?18:37
xsland xauth18:37
xslis there a tutorial on a cleanup install of a ubuntu server?18:37
sarnoldxsl: were they brought in for ssh -X forwarding?18:37
xslwel i tought of X forwarding but its a rarely used "feature"18:38
xsland i was trying to purge the install the best i could18:38
xslits like the crda package .. and my server does not use wireless stuff..18:40
xslthere are some dependencies and packages that i just dont get it18:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #922628 in libvirt (main) "virbr0 not created at startup" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92262819:03
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
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fleishhi all, I'm trying to install the cloud/uec images using openstack essex. precise & oneiric fired right up. lucid however is failing to get past initramfs b/c it can't find /dev/xvda to mount as root. can anyone help me figure out what's going on?20:12
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1071504 in lxc (universe) "lxc-start doesn't work ubuntu 12.10 " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107150421:30
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Ryan_Lanewhen will updated openstack packages be released?22:18
Ryan_Laneit's lagging really, really far behind the openstack point release for essex22:19
Ryan_Laneand some of the fixes in that were security ones22:19
RedAmberWhilst installing ubuntuserver 12.04.1 64bit, off of usb using xboot, the install works fine until detecting cd-rom devices comes up and detects them and then freezes on puple screen22:19
d3ngarHello there22:27
d3ngarI want to install and configure a mailserver on my aaws22:28
d3ngarI want to install and configure a mailserver on my aws22:28
d3ngarI'm following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixCompleteVirtualMailSystemHowto22:28
d3ngarBut I'm stuck on the postfixadmin section22:28
d3ngarDo I need to use postfixadmin?22:28
RedAmberWhilst installing ubuntuserver 12.04.1 64bit, off of usb using xboot, the install works fine until detecting cd-rom devices comes up and detects them and then freezes on puple screen22:30
Ryan_Laneshit, is it in a ppa and not in updates?22:35
Ryan_LaneI see newer releases from ubuntu in launchpad, but it isn't in the repo22:36
Ryan_Lanegod I hate launchpad so, so much. I can't find out where the hell these packages are coming from22:38
Ryan_Laneugh. seems our mirror is broken :(22:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #1071529 in libapache2-mod-perl2 (main) "Version bump request to 2.0.6+" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107152923:02
undersunsomeone managed to enter my VPS, placed a file http://myunprotectedsite.com/osc.htm and send a lot of emails23:31
undersunthis site got marked by google as a spam sending site/server23:31
undersungot a report from http://www.spamcop.net/23:32
undersunwhat's the best way to approach this?23:32
d3ngarHi there, I'm unable to connect to my mail server.23:35
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
d3ngarI just created it and have been following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixCompleteVirtualMailSystemHowto23:35
holsteinundersun: this being, getting unmarked as spam?23:36
d3ngarThis is the error message I receive23:39
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dannfsmoser: is the public key used to sign the images on cloud-images.ubuntu.com available in a package somewhere?23:49

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