
kelemengaborhi dpm, got a minute?10:55
dpmhi kelemengabor, sure10:55
kelemengaborI'm looking at the UDS schedule - there is nothing on i18n/l10n, or is it just me?10:56
dpmkelemengabor, there isn't anything on it, no, as this time round I'm leading the app dev track. However, if there are people interested in translations sessions I'll organize a roundtable10:57
dpmI should probably do it anyway, as we need to discuss who'll take care of the i18n infrastructure for language packs, now that pitti has moved from the desktop team to QA10:58
kelemengaborthat would be a good start... I'm still going to go there to talk about i18n :)10:59
kelemengabordo we, for example, have langpack update schedule? Someone asked yesterday and I could not cound any.11:00
kelemengaborthis could be a topic for a "sustainable translations" session11:00
dpmkelemengabor, no we don't have a schedule yet - I put up a skeleton page for 12.10 the other day, but it's just a copy of 12.04 for now: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/ReleaseSchedule11:01
dpmkelemengabor, will you be there in person?11:01
dpmah, awesome!11:01
dpmyou got sponsored?11:02
kelemengabordo you know about other localizers going?11:02
* dpm didn't look at the sponsored attendees list this time round11:02
dpmI don't know of any, I wasn't involved in sponsoring this time around11:02
dpmlet me just send an e-mail to the translators list11:02
kelemengaborI saw Sergio Zanchetta in the CC list of the sponsorship mails, but not others11:04
dpmtrijntje, good work with the translations session :)14:54

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