
bobweavertgm4883,  if you like, You can look at this it is working https://code.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/+junk/unity-scope-mythtv02:19
bobweaver Also added to repo located https://launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/+archive/beta02:19
bobweavermaybe also if we could get that branch onto lp:ubuntutv That would be a great thing02:29
morphiasbobweaver, im here :)04:56
bobweavermorphias,  are you sure that you made all the correct steps04:57
bobweaverlets try something new shall we04:57
morphiasim about to redo it04:57
morphiasunless i should do something new04:58
bobweaveropen terminal04:58
bobweavermkdir ~/Desktop/build04:58
bobweavercd ~/Desktop/build04:59
bobweaverapt-get source unity04:59
bobweavercd unity-6.8.0/05:01
bobweavermkdir build05:01
bobweavercd  build05:02
bobweaversudo apt-get build-dep unity05:03
bobweaversudo apt-get build-dep libnux-3.0-005:03
* bobweaver makes mix drink 05:05
morphiasfirst time running that05:06
morphiaslol dont get too buzzed :/05:06
morphiasanyhow.. im to the point with the build on that new source for unity and it hasn't given me that error05:07
bobweaverqtcreator ../CMakeLists.txt05:07
bobweaverlets hope you are not skiping steps05:08
bobweavernot sure what lib is not being called in in Cmakelist.txt that Nux is not calling in05:08
bobweaverbut I am a sniffer at a debuger :)05:08
morphiassee it gave me that error around 25% progress now it made it to 50% so its doing good05:09
bobweaverError or warning ?05:10
morphiasnone so far05:10
morphiasstarting to see why i might want a dev desktop computer at some point now05:11
morphiasall i have around the house is laptops05:11
bobweaveryou are not the only one ;)05:11
morphiasi like stepping outside to smoke and bringing the laptop with05:11
bobweaverwe all do05:12
bobweaverthat is something that is bothering me05:12
bobweaverlike when Unity sat down at the last Uds Ubutnu phone and Tv where not in picture but I am sure that there are great wonderfull things to come I just dont know if *I* Like the idea of moving away from armel basedthings for opengles coding05:13
bobweaverand because you are on 12.10 you would have to re-write libunity (50 + C++ files ) it makes it way more then a one man job05:15
bobweaverre-writing the C++ is easy it is keeping up with the Unity team that is the real trouble05:16
bobweaverLike I made Ubuntu TV frontend in Unity 3d05:16
bobweaverbut one week later code would not work05:16
bobweaverdue to libunity and people not talking to me05:17
bobweaverso there is furstartion05:17
bobweaverthat is something that I should point out05:17
bobweavercode that I made runing on friends panda05:17
bobweaverall I had to do was add dbus too gnome.sessions.background.sesssions05:19
bobweaveradd previews and also slider05:19
bobweaverbut the thing about it is asa follows05:20
bobweaverUnity is young and fast paced05:20
bobweaverthere is no time for other form facors05:21
bobweaverfactors *05:21
bobweaverthey should be wrote in due time05:21
bobweaverthat Ubuntu TV and Phone should stay on the QT interface Untill the next long term support realse is due05:22
bobweaveraka using the 12,04 repos or **** makings are own05:22
bobweaverthat way we can make a real real real good Mythtv api / xbmc / android/ anything / prius dash board compatibly05:23
bobweaverthen fir next LTS make the switch to Unity 3d05:24
bobweaverfor Ubutnu TV and for Ubuntu Phine05:24
bobweaverPhone *05:24
bobweavermake a tried and tested blueprint05:25
bobweaverthen move to other interface well studying the ups and downfalls of a new based interface aka unity 3d on armel05:26
morphiasWell the build successfully ran.05:26
bobweaverIt is ****ALL****  about armel in the tv manufacturing scope05:26
bobweavermorphias,  so you are now runing unity stadalone ? '05:27
bobweaverif so great job05:27
bobweaverI got all caught up in ideas05:27
morphiasi did ... then closed it05:27
morphiasyou got good ideas man05:28
bobweavernow you can make your Unity what ever the way you want in c++05:28
bobweaveras far as filing bugs and what not and gathering info on bugs harvest and launchpad are the place for that05:29
morphiaslol... true... been wanting to make my panel a nice blue and with the unity tweak not being compatible with 12.10 this is kinda cool for me05:29
bobweaverwe are alway's looking for any community volunteering that anyone would like to DO05:30
bobweavermorphias,  with us understanding that Unity 3d is young05:30
morphiasbut i am more interested in looking at bugs and seeing if i can fix one.05:30
bobweaverwe also understand that we are makinga gaming engine to its own05:30
bobweaverahh then harvest is you ticket05:31
bobweaverthat or launchpad05:31
bobweaverbut you should learn to drive before starting big-block engines05:32
bobweavermorphias,  did you log into or have troubles loging into harvest ?05:33
morphiasoh i have harvest somewhere in my firefox tabs... i havent logged in i believe05:34
bobweaverharvest was more for bitsize bugs when mad (I think )05:34
bobweaverand still is [but needs a great webteam cough cough mhall119  :)05:35
bobweavermorphias,  C++ is great but there is also many many other things in open source and  Ubuntu05:36
bobweaverUnity Bugs are sadly not filed as much as I had hoped05:36
bobweaverwhen 12.04 came out and woopsie came into play05:36
bobweaverBut anyhow05:37
bobweaverare you still there lol05:37
bobweaverinstall dconf-editor05:37
morphiasgot signed in05:37
morphiasapt-get couldn't find dconf-editor but I installed gconf-editor05:39
morphiasoh nvm i already had it installed05:41
bobweavermorphias, cout << " http://imagebin.org/233190 "  << "take a look"05:41
bobweaverThis is are dbus interface05:42
bobweaveror deamon05:42
bobweaverlistener *05:42
bobweaverA service that  can be turned on and o f05:43
bobweaverbut there is a troubling thing05:43
bobweaverI make interface05:43
bobweaverdont work With next UNITY F$%^&*(ng version05:44
bobweaverdue to lake of communication05:44
bobweaverhere is video of that05:44
bobweaverhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcepB1E1lX0&webm=1    and that is on fri9iends panda board05:45
bobweaverbut libunity moves so fast !!05:46
bobweaverSetting a form factor is only due for http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_etbhWJoMo05:47
morphiascool vids05:48
morphiasbobweaver, sorry about that.05:52
bobweaverAbout what ?05:52
morphiasoh i disconnected for a bit.05:52
bobweavermorphias,  are you any good at gimp ?05:52
morphiasbeginner at best with gimp... i do well with gradients and thats pretty much it05:53
morphiasbeen wanting to learn to do more..05:53
bobweaverer disconections are horrible I ran tor for a while05:53
bobweavermorphias,  there is a plugin for gimp05:53
bobweaverthis will save you hundreds of dollors and it is  free05:54
bobweaveras in freedomand beer05:54
bobweaverOo link05:54
bobweaverTime to watch more thingys lol05:55
* bobweaver is in teach mode 05:55
bobweaveryou can get code here http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-labs/gimp-qmlexporter/archive-tarball/master05:57
bobweaverthen put file in ~/.gimp/export/    Or whatever it is05:58
morphiasthis is cool...06:00
bobweavermorphias,  now watch this after done please06:04
morphiaswatching the next one06:05
bobweaverthat can also be opengles06:05
bobweaverthat video maes me dizzy lol06:05
bobweaverthis one is better lol06:06
bobweaverimage that on a tv for control panel ?06:07
morphiasnow watching Shader effects and video ...06:07
bobweaverthat code can b frustrating to run I tell you what06:11
bobweavermake make clean ect06:11
morphiasbedtime for me... later man06:13
morphiasthanks for showing me everything06:13
bobweaverwell morphias  now that you seen the screen shot of Dconf you can look at how" unity 3d standlone " and I guess that is the moving path. Now I maust go eat sushi06:13
bobweavernp have a good one !06:13

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