
=== morphis|away is now known as morphis
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wastrelIs there a way to manage unity config from the command line?  Specifically I'd like to toggle launcher autohide off and on.14:12
popeywastrel, gsettings set com.canonical.Unity2d.Launcher hide-mode 114:24
popeyer, hang on, thats the wrong key :)14:24
wastrelyou're the wrong key14:24
wastrelok :]14:24
popeybut you get the idea.. you can get the keys from dconf14:24
wastrelany settings i could tweak to improve performance?14:25
wastrelgeneral slowishness14:25
Mirvwastrel: depends on which bug you're hitting14:33
Mirvnvidia binary driver has the bottleneck of Xsync performance14:34
MirvI'm not sure what was the workaround for that? otherwise, one can see the two workarounds at bug #1024304 - where workaround 2 is what is aimed to be default anyway14:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 1024304 in Compiz "Benchmark results (with FBO enabled) in compiz are lower than compiz 0.9.7" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102430414:35
Mirvand yeah if Unity is the problem, maybe disabling active blur in ccsm / Unity settings would be beneficial depending on the hardware14:36
wastreli have integrated graphics it's just a sad thing, no nvidia14:37
wastrelso i found gsettings get org.gnome.gedit.preferences.ui side-panel-visible14:38
wastrelbut toggling it between true and false seems to have no effect14:38
wastrelMirv: thanks, disabled blur and fade14:39
amithkkdidrocks: You there?14:45
didrockshey amithkk14:51
amithkkWe need some help with tests :P14:51
didrocksamithkk: see on #ubuntu-desktop14:52
didrocksfine that 3 people are pinging me, but please, just try to get one ping14:52
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=== morphis is now known as morphis|away
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tgm4883I'm trying to open a preview from inside a preview. While I can get the dash to stay open, I can't get it to refresh the screen with the second preview information. Can someone take a look at this (specifically line 318) and verify I'm doing this right/wrong and offer some pointers  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/mythbuntu/unity-scope-mythtv/view/head:/src/unity-scope-mythtv-test20:26

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