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philballewakk, whats your preferred email?05:12
akkphilballew: akkana at shallowsky dot com -- though on launchpad I use akkzilla at.05:14
akkEither is fine, they go to the same place.05:14
philballewakk, ill show you the python script i ran to give them so you can know why it did not pull your05:15
akkCool, thanks.05:16
akkSo it's something about the script that skips some addresses?05:16
philballewI think it might05:16
darthrobot`Title: [Ubuntu Pastebin]05:16
philballewgot it from dholbach. the motu head05:17
* akk experiments with it to see what's going on05:19
philballewwhen it doubt, test it out05:19
akkArgh, Launchpad.login_with() doesn't work without gnome_keyring05:22
akkor maybe it's because it wants me to already have something in ~/.launchpadlib/cache/05:22
akkSo I can't get beyond the first line because it needs some kind of authentication I don't have to get the ubuntu-california member list.05:23
philballewakk, it shouldnt, Ive logged in from ubuntu-server once or twice05:23
darthrobot`Title: [>>> launchpad = Launchpad.login_with('mails', 'production', os.path.expanduser(" - Pastebin.com]05:24
philballewakk, maybe you have to log into launchpad with your comp05:25
akkJust as me? Or as ubuntu-california?05:26
akkI'm logged in as me in firefox, but it doesn't help.05:26
pleia2anonymous users can't see email addresses in launchpad05:27
pleia2firefox should pop up to authenticate you when you run the script05:27
philballewyeah, it chrome always opens when i run a lp script05:28
* pleia2 nods05:28
akkHmm, maybe it's expecting some gnome service to communicate with firefox.05:28
akklike gnomekeyring05:28
pleia2I don't have anything like that05:29
akksince that's the error, gnomekeyring.find_network_password_sync()05:29
philballewwell i dont use gnome keyring05:29
philballewi do this all from my headless box05:29
philballewwhen in doubt, blame the gui05:29
akkWait, if you're doing this from a headless box, how does it pop up a firefox or chrome window?05:30
philballewhad it loop back to the laptop to do that05:30
akkloop back?05:30
philballewnot sure what the fancy term is05:30
pleia2so when I do this, the script says:05:31
pleia2The authorization page: (blah page here)05:31
pleia2should be opening in your browser. Use your browser to authorize05:31
pleia2this program to access Launchpad on your behalf.05:31
pleia2Press any key to continue or wait (5) seconds...05:31
pleia2Waiting to hear from Launchpad about your decision...05:31
pleia2then it pops up my default browser to a Authorize application to access Launchpad on your behalf Confirm Computer Access05:31
pleia2page on launchpad05:31
philballewdid it on my laptop and does just what pleia2 's did05:31
philballewphilip@PrincessLeia:~/scripts$ ./members-emails05:32
philballewThe authorization page:05:32
philballew (https://launchpad.net/+authorize-token?oauth_token=TDS8Ps4C9RxfGzlh7kD1&allow_permission=DESKTOP_INTEGRATION)05:32
philballewshould be opening in your browser. Use your browser to authorize05:32
philballewthis program to access Launchpad on your behalf.05:32
darthrobot`[R: launchpad.net] Title: [OpenID transaction in progress]05:32
philballewPress any key to continue or wait (5) seconds...05:32
akkI don't get anything like that. It just dies with the gnomekeyring error.05:32
philballewWaiting to hear from Launchpad about your decision...05:32
philballewCreated new window in existing browser session.05:32
pleia2and akkzilla akkzilla@shallowsky.com05:32
pleia2is in the list05:32
pleia2(it was for the Ubuntu Women poll too, not sure if you got that one)05:32
akkphilballew: It wouldn't be able to create a new window in an existing browser on a headless machine -- how could there be an existing browser session?05:32
akkAnd no, pleia2, ubuntu-women was the other one I didn't get.05:33
pleia2akk: maybe it's because the cornell address is spoofing the From?05:33
philballewhum, not sure. this was a script i ran a few months ago someone made. maybe I was running it on my laptop without remembering, I have too many shell sessions open05:33
pleia2mailserver could be unhappy with that05:33
pleia2(but @ubuntu.com addresses are always aliases)05:34
philballewI need to figure out the best way to set different backgrounds for ssh sessions one day05:34
akkpleia2: I'd grep in my mail logs, but nobody ever answered the question about how to ID the mail (like, is it From:.*launchpad, or some other distinguishing feature?)05:34
akkIt's possible it's getting spamfiltered or something, but there's nothing from launchpad showing up.05:34
pleia2akk: I sent a whole email with a bunch of details, did you not get that either?05:34
darthrobot`Title: [[Ubuntu-US-CA] Election]05:35
akkOh, maybe I haven't seen it yet, haven't checked that folder in a couple hours.05:35
philballewi just sent you an email akk05:35
akk(I did get philballew's private mail with the poll info, thanks!)05:35
akkAh, yes, there's pleia2's mail05:35
akkOh, darnit, fetchmail-log doesn't have subject/from, have to rely on the procmail log.05:37
philballewone day I might use something besides gmail05:37
philballewwell i gtg type an essay. have fun.05:38
akkWeird, phil's latest (private) message has From: "Philip Ballew (CIVS poll supervisor)" <philipballew@ubuntu.com> but From andru@cs.cornell.edu  Wed Oct 24 22:21:48 201205:42
akkAha! Found the real one. It did get here, and got spam filtered because it was to that address but not from bugzilla or launchpad.05:44
akk(And it's also From andru@cs.cornell.edu)05:44
akkThat's an address I use only for bug systems (because they expose email addresses and attract a ton of spam, so I filter it separately).05:46
* akk goes to bed -- have a good flight, pleia2 !05:49
The_Letter_MHello Everyone06:43
philballewThe_Letter_M, hello06:46

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