
xTEMPLARxthey who what what?15:08
wrstxTEMPLARx: you ok?? :)15:12
xTEMPLARxI think so15:14
wrstdoing well last time i checked :)15:14
wrstchecking out subsonic ever used it xTEMPLARx?15:14
xTEMPLARxcan't say I have.  what it is?15:15
wrstplace it on your server, and you can connect and play your music anywhere has players for android and iphone and also a fairly neat windows player that i'm currently using since i'm imprisoned at work15:16
wrsti think it does video also haven't attemptedt hat15:16
wrstand you can control it remotely to start music on your server playing at the server location15:17
wrstmulti user etc etc15:17
xTEMPLARxalthough I gots spotify now :\15:17
wrstthis is pretty neat not for everyone of course15:18
xTEMPLARxI woulda loved something like that prior to finding spotify15:21
xTEMPLARxmy mp3 collection is quite stinkin' large but it is pretty stagnant since I quit looking for songs via fileshares15:22
wrstahh gotcha15:22
xTEMPLARxI stopped doing it back when they really started cracking down.  It just isn't worth the risk.15:22
wrsti frequent amazon15:22
xTEMPLARxamazon's service is good15:23
xTEMPLARxI"ve gotten some music from there15:23
wrstyes no drm15:23
wrstitunes blows15:23
xTEMPLARxI've bought music from the Ubuntu ONE service too15:23
xTEMPLARxbought some from itunes as well15:23
wrsti have never done that15:23
xTEMPLARxbut now I'm using spotify15:23
wrstmy wife uses itunes i'm just not a huge fan15:23
xTEMPLARxand I rarely touch mp3s anymore15:23
cyberanger /me preferes flac15:53
* cyberanger accidently put a space there. <facepalm />15:53
* cyberanger yawns, still waking up, despite being up for 6 hours as it stands16:17
wrstcyberanger: sounds like a good day16:34
cyberangerwrst: any day you can limp away from....16:44
wrstvery true16:44
cyberangergreat day is any day you can walk away from16:45
cyberangerrunning away from is either a bad day or just showing off ;-)16:45
wrstha ha16:45
wrstafter taking last week off i'm still trying to get into the swing of things... and its almost friday16:45
wrstcyberanger: any phone suggestions i'm leaning galaxy s316:46
cyberangerwell, your looking at Verizon still, yes?16:47
cyberangeror ...?16:48
wrstyeah cyberanger i'm just going to the great satan again16:51
wrstwelcome aboard chris458518:14
chris4585hey wrst, thanks18:14
wrstdoing ok chris4585?18:14
chris4585did you hear that 13.04 will have a new icon theme designed by the guy who made faenza?18:14
chris4585wrst, yeah, besides the fact I was let go, but they are building a new walmart down the road so I will apply there18:15
wrstchris4585: :(18:16
xTEMPLARxsorry to hear that chris458519:35
chris4585its alright xTEMPLARx19:54
chris4585I'll find something else :)19:54
xTEMPLARxgood :D19:56
chris4585woot http://chris4585.tumblr.com/post/34311113933/successfully-transplanted-my-old-rosewill-heatsink-to19:58
wrstchris4585:  you are running cool again :)20:08
chris4585wrst, yeah, both of my computers20:47
chris458528C right now, but I haven't seen it go over 31C and that was what I saw when I first turned my computer on everyday!20:47
wrstliterally "cool" :)20:53
chris4585yeah :)21:01
chris4585hrm, I'm getting less than 1mb/sec transfer from one external hdd to another... this is painful and I'm not sure but I believe one of my external hdds are going to die soon22:32
wrstcould it be a usb issue?23:31
chris4585wrst, possibly, my motherboard sucks though23:35

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