
tjaaltonyeah i was wondering about that session yesterday04:10
mlankhorstok prepared xxv-nouveau09:15
tjaaltonfor raring?09:16
mlankhorstquantal sru :)09:16
mlankhorstalthough can do it for both I suppose09:16
tjaaltonneeds to go to r first09:16
mlankhorstok push to raring then :)09:19
tjaaltonif it's open09:20
tjaaltonisn't :)09:20
tjaaltonwell, frozen09:21
mlankhorstwell gives me some time to write a sru report for bug 105651109:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1056511 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in memcpy() from NVRefreshArea()" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105651109:32
mlankhorsthah too easy when you know what commit fixes it09:42
mlankhorsttjaalton: so can you push to quantal-proposed then if raring is frozen?10:17
tjaaltonmlankhorst: done, fixed the version to -0u0.1 since -0u1 will get in raring10:27
mlankhorstah right10:27
mlankhorstwas thinking of just bumping it to -0u2 there10:28
tjaaltonwell, it's a convention for new upstream releases as sru10:37
mlankhorstoh, didn't know :)10:39
mlankhorsttjaalton: shall I prepare sru for precise xserver too then for acpi and exa rendering?11:33
tjaaltonmlankhorst: please11:37
mlankhorstah there we go, can reproduce on precise too12:10
mlankhorststill easiest with quantal software-center though.. so I used ssh forwarding12:11
mlankhorstok managed to reproduce and fix both on precise too12:20
mlankhorsttjaalton: can you upload ubuntu-quantal and ubuntu-precise branches for xorg-server?12:23
tjaaltonmlankhorst: yup12:24
mlankhorstshould be enough sru'ing for today :)12:33
mlankhorstif only the wine devs responded I'd have done my upstreaming for today, too12:33
tjaaltonhuh, I had unpushed d-exp branch12:49
tjaaltonwell, pushed now12:49
mlankhorsttjaalton: was meant to push ubuntu-quantal branch, not the ubuntu branch of xorg :-)12:52
tjaaltonoh well, branch off of this one then :)12:52
tjaaltonunless you had it already12:52
mlankhorstit had the correct version number, and I don't think the 234 patch was ready yet12:53
mlankhorstso i disabled it there12:53
tjaaltonwell ask for it to be dropped then12:53
mlankhorstactually doesn't matter as badly12:56
mlankhorststill better than the completely undefined behavior, probably12:56
tjaaltonsorry i was in a hurry, i'll fix the mess after the hockey game unless someone beats me to it..13:02
tjaaltonmlankhorst: i'll ask on u-d13:06
mlankhorstsome more archeological digging reveals both are probably meant to be 0, 0 until changed in compAllocPixmap13:06
mlankhorstfrom the original bug https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2256613:06
ubottuFreedesktop bug 22566 in Server/General "random artifacts whith Composite extension enabled (frequently seen with QT, but not exclusive)" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]13:06
mlankhorstso fixing up the patch to assign 0 to both is ok for me too13:07
tjaaltonwell the upload also had a proposed patch i tested on the nexus7, yay for leaving them around in the git tree and not running clean -df in time :)13:10
tjaaltonit would've been dropped just for that i guess13:11
tjaaltonmlankhorst: quantal upload dropped13:19
mlankhorstyay :)13:20
mlankhorsthopefully last week I'll have to ask for uploads too13:22
tjaaltonoh yeah13:23
mlankhorstok fixed up series nominations, hopefully that finishes up all the sru paperwork16:29
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