
jrgnsmorning all05:17
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=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
superflymorning folks06:59
Vince-0Good morn Ubuntu peeps07:10
superflyhiya Vince-007:12
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=== Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero
inetprogood mornings07:33
Kilosmorning superfly and All others07:34
inetproKilos: hmm... 07:35
inetprohet ek jou wakker gemaak?07:35
inetproKilos: goeie more07:35
superflymorning Kilos, inetpro07:35
Kilosnee inetpro kop klap toe staan ek eers nou op07:35
inetproai, skuus oom07:36
inetproKilos: ek het net so paar sekondes voor jy ingestap het vir almal gegroet07:36
Kilosek het my maverick lelik gedooi07:38
Kilosboot-repair het lank gevat toe doen ek forcequit om te gaan slaap en nou sien bios nie eers die ding nie07:39
Kilospatience is a virtue07:39
Kilosmore haste less speed07:40
inetproKilos: wat het 'n boot-repair te doen met die bios?07:45
Kilosboot-repair maak mbr en boot reg maar as jy dit dooi terwyl besig is mbr en boot weg07:46
Kilosbios moet n mbr sien07:46
inetpromaar dink jy die probleem is op die hardeskyf?07:46
inetproek dink nie so nie07:46
Kilosdit sien ander skywe maar nie my maverick nie07:47
inetproen ek sĂȘ dit omdat hy werk in die een rekenaar en nie die ander nie07:47
inetprodie probleem moet tog op die masjien wees!?07:48
Kilosdis vat my deurmekaar maak. ek dink ou pc is miskien sterker as die p407:48
Kilosnie so finicky nie07:48
Kilosdis hoekom nuvo hom gebere het07:49
Kilosek het lank gesukkel toe ek dit gekry het maar sal dit weer reg kry07:49
Kilosek wil boot-repair kry wat jy kan brand op n cd maar weet nie hoe groot dit is nie07:51
inetproten minste het jy nou 'n spaar masjien waarmee jy kan aanlyn bly07:51
Kilosja dis wonderlik07:52
inetproKilos: het jy nie 'n stokkie nie?07:52
Kiloslol dit het kde op07:52
inetproin plaas daarvan om 'n CD te mors gebruik 'n stokkie07:53
inetprodie goed is goedkoop deesdae07:53
inetproen jy kan dit oor en oor gebruik07:53
Kilosek het net die 2g ene maar kan seker kde afhaal want my kde werk mooi07:53
inetprojy kans selfs die kde ene format en kde weer oplaai07:54
inetprohou net die ISO op disk iewers07:54
Kiloseish dis ook daar op die maverick skyf07:54
inetpro'n stokkie is soos 'n floppie van ouds, gebruik dit as 'n tydelike stoor meganisme07:55
Kilosja ek kan seker dit copy hiernatoe07:55
nlsthznreading the afr tech even though it is my native language makes my head hurt >.<07:57
inetproonthou om nie net te copy nie maar om die ISO te skep vanaf die rou toestel (device)07:57
Kilossorry nlsthzn morning to you07:58
inetproKilos: anders is hy nooit weer bootable nie07:58
nlsthzn:) morning uncle Kilos , inetpro ...07:58
inetprogood morning nlsthzn07:58
Kilosinetpro, is there an easy way07:58
Kiloslike dd or something07:59
inetproKilos: very very simple07:59
nlsthznI am having terrible luck with ubuntuforums.org since swithing to 12.10... it is the only site but it is taking ages to load for me :/ weird...07:59
Kilosthats no good nlsthzn 07:59
nlsthznjust weird07:59
inetproKilos: just make sure the flash drive is not mounted before you create the ISO from the raw device07:59
Kilosok please tell me inetpro 08:00
Kilosi got to copy the iso from the flash to here08:00
nlsthznbeing a moderator on a forum that takes 5 minutes to load pages is not fun :(08:00
Kilosno good nlsthzn fix it08:00
inetproKilos: what is the device name?08:00
Kilosits mounted nou08:01
inetprotype mount08:01
inetprotell me the line with the flash folder 08:02
Kiloslotsa stuff08:02
Kilosi think this is it08:04
inetproKilos: watter vouer maak jy gewoonlik oop as hy gemount is?08:04
Kilos/dev/sdd1 on /media/2G type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,showexec,flush,uhelper=udisks)08:04
inetprolyk reg08:04
Kilosniks op unity nie08:04
inetproso dit is /dev/sdd108:04
Kiloswys net op links08:05
Kilosja lyk so08:05
inetprom.a.w. nou moet jy unmount08:05
inetproen dan08:05
inetprooja, voor dan08:05
inetprohet jy genoeg spasie op jou disk?08:06
Kilosja baie08:06
Kilossudo umount /dev/sdd1 ne08:06
inetproen dan weer mount om seker te maak hy's weg08:07
inetprosudo dd if=/dev/sdd of=/home/kilos/kde.iso08:07
Kilosdit wys nog hier links na umount, is dit reg?08:08
Kilosdit moet mos verdwyn08:08
* inetpro wbb08:09
inetproKilos: het jy dit gedoen?08:17
Kilosdit doen nog iets08:18
inetprowat bedoel jy?08:18
Kiloseers gesukkel want daar is nie n kilos hier nie08:18
Kilossudo dd if=/dev/sdd of=/home/miles/kde.iso08:18
inetproahh, mooi08:19
Kilosdis nie daar nie08:19
inetpronee man, jy seker?08:20
inetprols -l /home/miles/kde.iso08:20
Kilos-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2021593088 Oct 25 10:18 /home/miles/kde.iso08:21
inetpronou wat is dit?08:21
Kilosdie root steel alles08:21
inetprochown miles:miles /home/miles/kde.iso08:21
inetpromaklik om dit te fix08:21
Kilosmet -R08:21
inetproman chown08:22
Kilosja dis nou daar. baie dankie inetpro 08:22
inetprosjoe maar daai iso is massief08:22
Kilos733 as ek reg onthou08:23
inetpronee, 2G08:23
inetprowas hy vol?08:23
Kilos2.0 GB (2,021,593,088 bytes)08:23
inetpronee 2,021,593,088 bytes08:24
Kilostoe ek die iso gemaak het was 73308:24
Kilosek weet nie wat nou daar is nie08:24
inetprohmm... maak nie saak nie, feit is nou kan jy dit weer terugsit08:25
Kilosja baie dankie08:25
inetpromet usb-creator of so iets08:25
Kilosja dis wat ek gebruik het08:26
inetpropleasier oom08:26
Kiloswens partykeer jy was n vrou08:26
Kilosmakliker om vrouens lief te he08:26
Kilosek terg man08:27
inetproKilos: oja, jy kan natuurlik die ISO image weer net so terug site met dd 08:48
inetpronet anders om natuurlik08:49
inetproman dd08:49
Kilosbaie dankie boetie ek het dit gesave08:49
Kilosman te heavy om te lees en verstaan08:49
inetpronee man08:50
Kilosas hulle eers begin als in [ sit} sjoe08:50
inetprohoe meer jy dit lees hoe meer maak dinge sin08:50
Kilosok maar eers maverick reg maak08:50
inetprothere's method in the madness!08:50
Kilosyou trying to make them commands come outa sudconscious08:51
Kiloslike apt-get and aptitude08:51
Kilosoh and rsync08:53
Kilosyay got sisters maverick to see my maverick drive08:54
Kilosused win 98 cd and did fdisk /mbr08:55
Kiloseish the boot-repair-disk iso is 355 meg08:56
Kilosnext month08:56
HodgestarSo far Gnome Shell is proving far more stable than Unity and equally shiny.09:00
Kiloshi Hodgestar morgs 09:01
KilosHodgestar, you using an old pc?09:01
HodgestarKilos: No, the opposite.09:01
HodgestarHey. :)09:02
Kilosoh my, my older pc battles with unity but here on a 3gig P4 it works fine09:02
Kilosdont like it much but everything works at least09:03
HodgestarYeah, I'm using Awesome on my old laptop.09:08
HodgestarI'm trying to mainstream for a bit. :)09:08
charlvngood morning09:39
charlvnMaaz: coffee on09:39
* Maaz starts grinding coffee09:39
nlsthznMaaz, tea please09:41
MaazAs soon as the kettle boils I will pour boiling water into your cup if you have the tea bag in already09:41
nlsthznMaaz, thanks09:41
Maaznlsthzn: Sure09:42
MaazCoffee's ready for charlvn!09:43
Kiloshi charlvn 09:46
charlvnMaaz: thanks10:04
Maazcharlvn: Sure10:04
charlvnhi Kilos 10:04
charlvni managed to do something weird here... i installed the gnome-shell, xubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop and lubuntu-desktop packages on 12.1010:05
charlvnnow when i try to log out, i don't get the desktop manager, i just get a console and it seems to hang10:05
nlsthznperhaps try installing lightdm again>10:06
charlvni selected to continue to use the default lightdm10:06
Kilosgdm is better10:06
charlvnmaybe yeah10:06
Kilosi also had lightdm give probs and the option was to install gdm and then it lets you choose10:06
charlvni'm going to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm and see what it does10:07
charlvnok this is irritating... i rebooted the vm and i just get a blank screen now10:09
Kilosi dunno if i installed it first10:09
charlvnok lemme reboot it again... this time by shutting it down normally and starting it back up10:10
Kilosinetpro, used sisters maverick to boot-repair mine and can now at least boot into it as second drive10:10
charlvnah ok now i have a desktop again, lemme try to configure the dm10:11
Kilossaved my kde iso to external as well10:11
charlvnok configured it to use gdm instead of lightdm but after logging out i still get the same black screen10:12
charlvnbah, this really sucks10:12
charlvni just get this now: http://i.imgur.com/S6OZo.png10:12
charlvnand then it stays like thaty10:13
Symmetriamy dog = STUPID 10:14
charlvnSymmetria: what did he do?10:14
SymmetriaI was on a skype call from my tv to a colleague in uganda, dog runs in the room, looks at the tv, sees him, hears him, and promptly goes ballistic10:14
Symmetriashe was barking at him and growling at him and running around and around the room trying to actually FIND him10:14
Symmetriaoh god that was hilarious10:15
KilosMaaz, seen magespawn 10:19
MaazKilos: magespawn was last seen 2 days, 3 hours, 14 minutes and 48 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2012-10-23 00:04:42 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2012-10-18 04:49:47 PDT10:19
Vince-0Symmetria: lol @ your dog10:39
* nlsthzn is back on 12.04 and all the internet issues have gone away... weird timing perhaps10:42
nlsthznwho knows :)10:42
Kiloswhat is an invalid CHS sector10:51
Kilosrunning recovery on maverick10:51
KerberoSymmetria, perhaps your dog don't have any sense of smell10:52
Kerberowe had a cat once that hissed at himself in a mirror10:52
Kilosya animals are funny in front of a mirror10:53
Kiloshad many a laugh at that with dogs10:53
nlsthznUsed to have a bull terrier, if it saw itself in a mirror that was the end of the mirror...10:57
Kiloslol my staffies gave us many a chuckle10:57
Kiloshair all a bristle then step around mirror and like hey whered that dog go10:58
Kilosthey love to do the stiff leg walse before a fight10:58
Symmetriajust... wow11:10
Symmetriahow stupid are american republicans11:10
Kilosyour cpu seems to be lacking expected security protection11:15
Kilos/usr/bin/check-bios-nx --verbose11:16
Kilos30 mins to run recovery11:16
Kilospc very sicker11:16
Kilos/etc/gdm/custom.conf   no such file or directory11:18
Kilossudo gdm start always worked11:18
charlvnnlsthzn: did you downgrade from 12.10? what type of issues were you having?11:22
charlvnKilos: are you no longer able to start gdm now after the recovery?11:22
Kilosno but at least the drive is working now11:23
Kilosit crashed so bios didnt even see it11:23
charlvnoh wow11:23
charlvni am installing lubuntu now straight from the iso11:23
nlsthzncharlvn, no real issues, I was enjoying 12.10 but since install I have had issues connecting to any ubuntu sites, the planet, the forum etc. and since going back to 12.04 all is back to normal (funny thing is even on Windows I could not connect so I doubt it is related :p)11:23
Kilospower cuts are bad news11:23
charlvnnlsthzn: very interesting, can't say i have had any of those issues myself11:24
charlvnyeah most likely it was a problem on ubuntu's side11:24
charlvnthe servers i mean11:24
nlsthzn:) I decided to revert back to 12.04... can't beat 5 years of updates for this old lappy :p11:24
nlsthznmust have been11:24
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
charlvnwow, lubuntu 12.10 is super fast compared to the regular ubuntu!!11:27
charlvnbut i do have a strange wallpaper issue (not important): http://i.imgur.com/QpSiT.png11:28
Trixar_zaHey looks what I found: http://www.ext2fsd.com/11:31
Trixar_zaThere is one for ReiserFS too11:31
charlvnah, interesting11:35
charlvnthat definitely comes in handy for dual-booters11:36
charlvnthat said, with virtualisation i don't think there are many people who still dual boot their maschines these days11:36
tonberry352_game much?11:36
tonberry352_no virtual machine will make windows games playable on linux11:37
charlvntonberry352_: i hardly game at all :) although i don't think that is entirely true11:38
tonberry352_no game that needs 3d support11:38
charlvntonberry352_: from what i have heard, a lot of games that don't require high amounts of gpu resources run pretty well under a virtual machine11:38
charlvntonberry352_: that doesn't necessarily matter either because both vmware workstation and virtualbox has support for 3d acceleration now11:39
tonberry352_very very slow 3d acceleration 11:39
tonberry352_at least last time i tried11:39
tonberry352_it was useless11:39
charlvni wouldn't say it's useless but i'm sure it can do with some more work11:39
tonberry352_ok useless for playing any game that I wanted to play at the time11:40
tonberry352_to test if something like unity 3d or areo works sure11:40
charlvnyeah, but again, it depends on how intensive the game is and of course on your hardware11:41
charlvnbut in general i think gaming is a perfectly good excuse for running a dual boot11:41
charlvnactually, i would rather just run linux inside a vm then11:41
charlvnif you have a good gaming rig i'm sure it should cope with that easily11:41
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
tonberry352_it could, but then you would have to run windows as your primary os....11:42
charlvnso? :)11:42
charlvni do this at work and on win7 i have had hardly any crashes11:42
charlvnthat said, i'm not a windows fan ;)11:42
charlvnbut generally speaking running linux inside a vm with full screen mode works brilliantly, even across two monitors11:43
tonberry352_i tried running a linux pc like that in virtualbox11:44
tonberry352_short term it was fine11:44
tonberry352_but long term stability became a problem11:44
charlvninteresting, can't say i have had that experience at all11:44
tonberry352_virtualbox tended to do funny things to its network over time11:44
charlvnhmmm, to the virtual network interfaces or do you mean to the physical lan?11:45
tonberry352_was a virtual interface to lan bridge11:45
tonberry352_tended to stop working or just get funny after about a week or so11:45
charlvnah, ok, i mostly just ran it nat'ted and had none of that really11:46
charlvnalthough, that was on osx as the host operating system, not on windows11:47
charlvnon windows i have mostly been running vmware now11:47
tonberry352_was linux on linux in my case11:47
charlvnah ok11:47
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Trixar_zaI dualboot, so it has it's uses11:49
Trixar_zaMost of my music is on my Linux partition for example11:49
magespawnhey Kilos11:49
Kiloshey magespawn you ok there?11:50
magespawnyup just been busy bit sick one day, but all good therwise, oh ja, and out of mobile airtime for the month so no connecting from home11:50
Kilosyou need to get your wireless network going11:51
Kilostime though11:52
magespawnand the red tape is unbelivable11:52
Kiloseveryone wants a slice11:53
charlvnmagespawn: you want to get a wug going or something?11:54
magespawnyes but also wifi for the guest houses in hluhluwe11:54
magespawnthe red tape comes in where you want to provide internet11:56
charlvnah, then you become like an isp right?11:58
charlvninstead of a closed network11:58
charlvni have some experience with that, although all that i wanted to do was create a closed network :)11:59
charlvnfor a wug, basically11:59
charlvnooh, kubuntu 12.10 is running really smoothly12:00
magespawnwith most of the equipment you can set up vlans so you split the various groups up12:02
magespawnas long as you use the licence free bands then nobody seems to mind12:03
magespawnbut with the isp bit then the red tape quadruples12:04
charlvni see, i think the regulation also changed quite a lot in the last 8 years or so12:05
magespawnthe icasa lady i spoke to was very helpful12:06
charlvnthat's definitely new :12:08
* Squirm yawns12:08
charlvnSquirm: we _that_ boring? lol12:09
Squirmcharlvn: I have no other reason to yawn12:09
magespawnmaybe i was lucky12:09
Kilosmagespawn, maybe you find this useful one day. i am kooking at it but dunno how far i will get12:20
Kilosnot downloading any iso's12:20
Kilosgrub rescue>12:20
magespawnsorry Kilos?12:21
Kiloswhy you sorry?12:21
* Kilos slow at times12:22
magespawnnot understanding what you said12:22
Kilosthat link helps fix drive if you get grub rescue> prompt12:23
Kilosna too involved12:24
* Kilos takes the plunge and tries to install 12.04 on my old maverick drive without /home delete12:27
Kiloswish me luck as you wave me goodbye12:27
magespawnif it is not broken don not fix it12:28
Kilosit is badly broken. cant boot12:29
Kilostook a day of boot repairs to get it to get to grub rescue>12:30
Kilosok another try with boot-repair from other drive12:31
Kilosneed to steal modem wbb12:44
Kilosrun boot-repair on my maverick, reboot and get missing OS13:14
Kilossomething in power supply or mb13:15
Kilosput my drive back as second drive and boot from small drive and maverick sees both13:15
* inetpro driven up the walls by ubuntu printing issues13:24
inetproone thing that really needs to addressed in a proper way is printing 13:24
Kilospro wallpaper13:24
inetproI don't know what it is but it's as if certain updates have broken my printing again13:25
inetpronow how do I configure a printer to use a shared printer connected to a windows 7 machine?13:27
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magespawni never got that right inetpro13:44
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
inetprook seems to me our beloved Microsoft is into the money making business again14:15
inetproyou're not supposed to set up Windows 7 client machine as a printer server14:16
* Trixar_za twitches14:16
Kilosunless you pay $49 first14:17
Trixar_zaMy eye always twitches when I hear people refer to HTML, XML and CSS as programming languages14:17
superflyTrixar_za: indeed14:18
Trixar_zaJavascript, ASP, PHP, Java and even Flash driven sites maybe :P14:20
Trixar_zaBut CSS? Never14:20
inetproapparently you can set up IPP printer sharing on Windows Server 2008 14:22
Vince-0Yoh GTFO and run time already14:58
magespawnyup inetpro you need to win 7 ultimate or something i think15:00
inetproso damn frustrating!15:01
magespawnTrixar_za: they are markup and scripting languages right?15:01
Trixar_zaMarkup Languages yes15:02
magespawnyup inetpro try networking win xp pro and win 7 anything but ultimate15:02
Trixar_zaThe term script language itself is pretty broad these days15:02
Trixar_zaEven if the language compiles to a binary, it's still considered a scripting language if it simplifies the writing process15:03
magespawni understand15:03
inetprothe network printer I usually print to needs a new print head cartridge, only other available printers are connected to windows 7 hosts15:03
magespawnflash drive inetpro, lol15:04
inetpromagespawn: no it's much easier than that, but it's very frustrating if I can't just print directly15:04
inetproall I need to do is to let a colleague print via teh network15:05
magespawnanyway i am off home see y'all tomrrow15:06
inetprobye magespawn15:06
Trixar_zaRight, my Q/A bot has been updated15:10
Trixar_zaMade it more flexible so people can change everything about it in the conf file including messages. Laziness prevails :P15:11
Trixar_zaThat should make it easier to understand15:21
Kiloshey Trixar_za 15:34
Trixar_zaHey Kilos15:34
Kilosyo SmilyBorg_ psydroid 16:26
psydroidhi Kilos16:28
SmilyBorg_hHey there16:48
=== SmilyBorg_h is now known as SmilyBorg
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kiloshi Cantide hows the studies going?17:21
Cantideexactly 1 week until exams17:21
Cantideand i am listening to music and sipping coffee17:21
Cantideoverconfident perhaps? haha17:21
Cantidehow are you?17:21
Kilosstudy study study17:21
Kilosok ty17:21
Cantidei shall17:21
Cantideat the last minute17:21
Cantidei will absorb it all :)17:22
Kilosthis is the last minute when you have a years studies to member17:22
Kilosyou better pass or else17:22
Kiloshi magtie 17:23
Kiloskuier jy in die aand ook hier by ons17:23
Kiloshi smileE17 17:23
Kiloshi hmm17:23
CantideKilos, 6 months' studies :)17:23
Cantideso i can fit it in my tiny brain quite easily17:24
Kiloslol same thing Cantide 17:24
Kilosyou better17:24
Kiloswe want good marks17:24
smileE17hi all :)17:25
smileE17hi Kilos :p17:25
CantideI will keep them a secret :)17:25
smileE17I really worked a lot for school :P about an hour ;)17:25
Kiloswhy you dont :p the all as well17:25
smileE17I was a bit late starting on two big tasks :P17:25
smileE17but I finished them (just) in time17:26
CantidesmileE17, but you work harder when forced to, right?17:26
Cantideit's a good strategy, imho17:26
Cantideto save time :D17:26
smileE17yeah Cantide. It becomes more urgent to handle the job ;)17:26
KilosSquirm, where you been today?17:26
Kiloshi cocooncrash all good there?17:34
magtieHi Kilos & everyone17:48
magtieEk kuier net in die aand hier17:49
Kilosmooi so17:49
magtieI am checking 'PPA's now17:53
magtiemy Canon printer needs a driver & I found one on the Launchpad from a 'Michael'17:54
magtieWill see if if works17:54
Kiloswhat do you know about printer sharing on ubuntu17:55
Kilosinetpro, was having probs earlier17:55
Kilossharing with winsucks that is17:55
magtienothing 17:55
Kiloshehe seems a bad topic17:56
Kilosyay inetpro maverick has been fixed and works again18:00
inetprogood evening18:12
* inetpro wonders what SmilyBorg is up to with 120m of rope, 10 sachets of dye and a BIG pot18:18
SmilyBorgI'm dyeing rope18:20
SmilyBorgwhite rope is boring18:20
charlvngood evening18:21
inetproSmilyBorg: rope to do what with?18:21
charlvnoooh! :D18:22
charlvnvery wrong18:22
SmilyBorgbut oh so right18:22
SmilyBorgprepping extra rope for a party tomorrow night18:22
charlvnah, that kind of party... ok :)18:22
charlvnno need to elaborate ;)18:23
SmilyBorgI actualy do have a t-shirt that says that,18:25
SmilyBorgneed to get it adjusted though. could only find them in mens/unisex shape which isn't very flattering to my figure ;-)18:26
SmilyBorgworking my fingers raw trying to whip the ends though18:27
charlvnwhip... interesting choice of words... :S18:28
SmilyBorgits a legitimate term18:28
charlvn*phew* ok :)18:29
SmilyBorgmost of my family have been involved in nautical and scouting stuff18:30
SmilyBorgso I have a fair bit of experience with rope18:30
smileE17good night, bye18:32
smileE17see ya all tomorrow :)18:32
charlvnsmileE17: ciao!18:32
charlvnsmileE17: btw, guess what I bought at the AH - westmalle tripel!18:32
charlvnnn all!18:55
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:18
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za

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