
trismh6w: ubuntu-bug update-manager; I would guess, it can be reassigned later00:00
conner_bwHi, Question: I updated to 12.10 from 12.04 and it's defaulting to linux kernel 3.5.0-17-lowlatency. Is this right?00:00
dem0nokay sorry guys i had to switch from NAT to BRIDGED mode in vmware player which required me to restart linux and vmware player00:01
reufjrib: thanks - thanks thats it00:01
reufPatrickDickey: thanks that does it too00:01
Fishscenedem0n: That's a good start. How is it looking now?00:01
dem0nokay now that i am in bridged mode i should in theory just be able to start the vnc server (tightvnc) and then plug in my private ip address in "androidvnc" with the vnc port -> 5901 and should be all set right?00:02
dem0nFishscene: i am about to try it out...00:02
jilebedevMount question: can I mount the root of my filesystem as an nfs mount point at /mnt/foobar ?00:02
BusyBoxesdem0n depends on iptables00:02
Fishscenedem0n: If it doesn't work, report back and we'll look more into your setup.00:02
BusyBoxesdem0n: also depends on whether you restarted your network interfaces to obtain the new bridged ip.00:02
compdocdem0n, the port is usually :100:03
compdocdem0n, what ip address is the vm now?00:04
dem0nhey guys what would be the correct way to start vncserver with a good resolution and 24bps color setting00:05
Fishscenedem0n: Your previous IP address was Could you double-check that the network settings are correct? Unless of course, your NAT connection was using the same IP address range as your LAN..00:06
PatrickDickeyconner_bw: The kernel type (lowlatency) is determined by what your hardware supports. So, I would say as long as it works, then it's probably the right one.00:06
BusyBoxesdem0n: reboot the virtual machine please then give us the inet address again00:07
dem0nFishscene: i actually typed the wrong when i first connected it was actually this is what is was before i used "bridged connection"00:07
conner_bwPatrickDickey: But it wasn't lowlatency in 12.04 AFAIK, did this change?00:08
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BusyBoxesdem0n: ok ping that vmware ip from your windows machine00:08
PatrickDickeyconner_bw: They added that flavour of kernel in 12.1000:08
BusyBoxeslet me know if you get a reply00:08
conner_bwPatrickDickey, Ok thanks.00:08
reufwhats the use of .bashrc directory?00:08
PatrickDickeyconner_bw: Not a problem.00:08
Fishscenebrb. sorry00:08
jaymartinezi just setup ubuntuone where is that cloud icon in the taskbar? i dont see any info on what ubuntuone is doing00:09
PatrickDickeyreuf, it's a file. You use it to set your bash profile up. For example, I have mine set up with colors and a hindu meditation.00:09
dem0nokay i just pinged my linux box from my windows box and it looks good00:09
dem0n0% packet loss00:09
reufPatrickDickey: is it different for every user?00:09
PatrickDickeyreuf, yes. Well it can be. If you set up yours, it will be different from everyone else on that computer.00:10
jmc1Hi, anyone know what to do? I have activated Xinerama and had to reboot, since than, I cant see anything on the screen, only the wallpaper and mouse, I cant even right clic on the mouse but I still see the mouse going trough monitors00:10
f0urtyfiveAnyone know what I can do if the ubuntu installer isnt detecting existing partitions (just shows free disk with no partition)00:10
TrinityHi! Is it possible to open terminal even if i do not have anything other than gnu on server?00:11
Trinityno desktop?00:11
compdocf0urtyfive, you can d/l and boot gparted00:11
Trinityim connected with some kind of VNC00:11
reufwhats the use of .bash_logout file?00:11
Trinityand want to open terminal, but have only a blank desktop :P00:11
Trinityis there any hot keys?00:11
f0urtyfivecompdoc: I have no problem partitioning myself... but how do I install from that if its not detecting any partitions00:11
f0urtyfivecompdoc: wierd thing is sfdisk -l shows the partition structure fine from the install disk00:12
reufalso if anyone knows whats the use of .bashrc.save ?00:12
compdocf0urtyfive, what partition types are you using?00:12
zl2todTrinity, Alt/F2 do anything?00:12
dem0nokay well it worked!00:13
Trinityhi zl2tod, no :/00:13
zl2todreuf, probably saved by a script or a person modifying .bashrc, diff it against .bashrc00:13
PatrickDickeyreuf, I'd venture that the .bashrc.save file is a backup of your old .bashrc file.00:13
f0urtyfivecompdoc: theres two existing partitions (128 GB total) that are an existing windows install00:13
f0urtyfivecompdoc: and 128 gb free on the disk00:13
dem0ni see my linux resolution, but one thing i need to find a better screen resolution size, i didn't put one in i just ran "vncserver"00:13
PatrickDickeyf0urtyfive: http://askubuntu.com/questions/148648/ubiquity-is-not-recognizing-existing-partition-while-trying-to-install-ubuntu-al this might help you out.00:13
tomi keep getting "Please insert the disk labeled:00:13
tomUbuntu-Studio 11.10 _Oneiric Ocelot_ - Release amd64 (20111011)00:13
tomin drive /media/cdrom/"00:13
dem0nmy tv is a 50" does anyonen have any guesses what would be a good resolution size for the vncserver on that size of a tv?00:14
jmc12Anyone know what to do with XINERAMA that hang the startup? I can see mouse and wallpaper but nothing else00:14
zl2todTrinity, left, right, middle click ?00:14
Trinityi get create folder etc, zl2tod, but not terminal00:15
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: that doesnt seem to help...00:15
reufwhats the difference between apt-get, aptitude, synaptic and dpkg install managers - will they conflict with each other if you mix them when installing stuff?00:15
PatrickDickeyf0urtyfive: os-prober doesn't return anything?00:15
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: os-prober reports whats required00:16
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: my problem is /dev/sda is being reported as no partition structure in the installer... however it clearly has paritions00:16
PatrickDickeyreuf, apt-get is a simplified version of aptitude. Synaptic is just a GUI front end for apt-get/aptitude. And both apt-get and aptitude are command line frontends for dpkg.00:16
PatrickDickeyTry running the install from the desktop then f0urtyfive. Or have you done that?00:17
zl2todreuf, run them one at a time and you'll be ok. They are different front-ends to the underlying package management structure.00:17
jmc12Anyone can help please? Since that I have activated Xinerama, I cant see nothing on my screen.. only wallpaper, mouse but not even able to right clic on mouse. I use 12.10 Ubunut00:17
reufthanks all - but wont they conflict with each other?00:17
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: Tried00:17
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: shows "/dev/sda/ free soace 251999 MB"00:18
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: w/ no partition table00:18
jmc12compiz seems to crash all the time00:18
zl2todTrinity, don't suppose ctrl/alt/f1 works ?00:18
dem0nFishscene: hey thanks for your help bro, i really appreciate it00:18
dem0nhey so does anyone here have any kind of idea what a resolution would be for a 50 inch hd tv?00:19
dem0nilke 1920x1050 for example?00:19
PatrickDickeydem0n: I'd say you have to try something, and see if it works. But, you need to find out what resolutions the tv supports first (as you won't be able to use just anything).00:19
Trinityzl2tod: ctrl+alt+t worked00:20
Trinityhow to login as another user int terminal btw? :s00:21
reufi want to learn how to make bash scripts such as moving directories around, finding files with patterns and compying them to some endpoint directory - where can i look for this?00:21
BusyBoxessu - for root00:21
RedPenguinBusyBoxes: might be a lease duration, but like I said immediately delating the old no-lojnger valid static lease, all was well00:21
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: any ideas?00:22
BusyBoxesRedPenguin: If your getting deauthed could be bad passphrase.00:22
dr_willisreuf:  check out the 'advanced bash scripting guide' and the #bash channels reccmendations00:22
PatrickDickeyf0urtyfive: I'm googling to see what I can find. I've never ran into that situation.00:22
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: looks like gparted shows the same00:22
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: but sfdisk -l shows the correct00:22
dr_willis!abs > reuf00:22
ubottureuf, please see my private message00:22
PatrickDickeyf0urtyfive: gparted shows no partitions?00:22
dr_willisreuf:  also check out guides on 'regular expressions'00:22
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: correct.00:22
RedPenguinsoupeee: any luck?00:22
somsipTrinity: su username. If you need to login as a user with no password, su -i to change to root, then su uername00:23
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: looks like windows partitiing ftl00:23
BusyBoxesRedPenguin: Best thing to do is open up wireshark and see what's going wrong. Why's he's getting deauthed or not obtaining a dhcp lease.00:23
jmc12Well, anyone know how to deactivate Xinerama from terminal?00:23
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: "/dev/sda contains gpt signatures, indicating that it has a gpt table. However, it does not have a valid fake msdos partition table as it should"00:23
AaronCampbellSo I have a user that has sudo, and they screwed up the /etc/passwd file.  They changed the first line to something like this: root_something:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash00:24
RedPenguinI just know sometimes the accept page isn't auto, and I gotta open a browser and attempt to go to a page00:24
reufdr_willis: thanks - its installing00:24
AaronCampbellNow their sudo doesn't work, and neither does mine...and I can't seem to su root either.  Is there a way to fix this?00:24
reuf!regular expressions > reuf00:24
RedPenguinthen I usually get redirected to like if it's a CISCO router or whatever00:24
reufapt-get install what - for regex?00:25
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: so windows fucked up the partition table00:25
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: http://gparted-forum.surf4.info/viewtopic.php?id=16388 looks like it has the solution00:25
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: (something called rEFIt)00:25
BusyBoxesAaronCampbell: privledge escalation maybe, try su -; then try to see if the file is writtable to your user group if so fix it, because your system looks like it stores the hashes in /etc/shadow anyhow.00:25
xangua!language | f0urtyfive00:25
ubottuf0urtyfive: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:25
PatrickDickeyf0urtyfive: I'm not sure what happened to the partition table. You can also look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1656212 and see if it helps you.00:26
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: the system shipped with GPT partition structure, but when I went to do a new windows 7 install it wouldnt install to GPT partitions00:26
AaronCampbellBusyBoxes: su - does the same thing as su root ... it says the password is wrong00:26
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: so I deleted the partitions and created new MBR partitions, apparently windows didnt wipe the GPT sig00:26
BusyBoxesAaronCampbell: try seeing if you can modify the /etc/passwd file00:27
AaronCampbellBusyBoxes: vim /etc/passwd opens in readonly00:27
Trinityis it sudo apt-get openssh-server ?00:28
Trinityor open-ssh server ?00:28
AaronCampbellBusyBoxes: Trying to override with :w! says that I don't have permission00:28
bin_bashAaronCampbell, did you open it as root?00:28
BusyBoxesAaronCampbell: That sucks, uhm only idea I really have that's probably feasible is mounting the file system to another machine. Then fixing the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files.00:29
AaronCampbellbin_bash: I can't, I can't su to root or sudo00:29
bin_bashyou can't use sudo at all?00:29
PatrickDickeyAaronCampbell: instead of su root, try su root_something00:29
bin_bashAaronCampbell, did you enable a root user?00:29
PatrickDickeywhatever the something is, in the /etc/passwd file, I mean.00:29
AaronCampbellbin_bash: not since the top line (root) was messed up in the /etc/passwd file (the username was modified)00:29
BusyBoxesAaron: Mount file system elsewhere and go ham, or escalate your privledges through a application or service vuln.00:30
bin_bashAaronCampbell, have you tried using a livecd00:31
AaronCampbellPatrickDickey: Yeah, actually su root says "Unknown id" and su root_something is the one that says my passwd is wrong00:31
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PatrickDickeyAaronCampbell: I would do a combination of what bin_bash and BusyBoxes are telling you. Boot to a live cd, mount the file system, and fix the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files.00:32
Trinityi did su to root ;)00:32
BusyBoxesAaronCampbell: The person changed your root passwd and username. The only way of fixing this is mounting the file system elsewhere and modifying the account data.00:32
TrinityHow to install a desktop on my ubuntu server? (For vnc backup use) ?00:32
PatrickDickeyAaronCampbell: also, if the person doesn't really need sudo access (if they don't have a good reason to install applications system-wide or make system-wide changes), demote them.00:32
bin_bashTrinity, same way you'd install it anywhere else00:33
BusyBoxesAaron: I believe you would have to encrypt the shadow password with DES then import it, I'm not sure of the algorithm do some research.00:33
AaronCampbellBusyBoxes: I'm unsure of how they changed the password.  Maybe since the username changed it no longer matches a field in the /etc/shadow file?00:33
Trinityanyone else?00:33
BusyBoxesSUDO =(00:33
Trinitydoesnt i need to get some files to install desktop etc00:33
bin_bashAaronCampbell, seriously. Boot a livecd, mount the filesystem, and then change the file00:33
bin_bashit's really easy00:33
AaronCampbellbin_bash: Ok, I'll try it.  Thanks00:34
BusyBoxeslol ignorance.00:34
bin_bashTrinity, what are the system specs of the server00:34
PatrickDickeyHe'll probably find out that if he changes the root_something back to root, everything will work. It probably didn't do anything to /etc/shadow But I'm guessing there.00:35
Guest35211hi! can somebody help me with a short tip related to gstreamer-properties default values?00:35
dem0nhmm...does anyone know how to get a better picture with vncserver i have been using the option "-depth 24" for color depth but the image coming up on my hd tv is still pretty fuzzy, and i was wondering if anyone maybe knew any tricks to get a better picture.00:35
Trinitybin_bash : i7 , 32gb ram00:36
Trinity3tb hdd00:36
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: gptsync didnt do it :/00:36
bin_bashTrinity, you're just using it as a headless?00:36
Trinitybin_bash: just bought it for fun :P00:36
bin_bashTrinity, you didn't answer my question. Are you using it as a headless?00:37
Trinitysounds bether than headless00:37
dem0nTrinity: nice hardware00:37
Trinitywhats headless :P00:37
bin_bashTrinity, no monitor, just ssh00:37
Trinitybin_bash yea00:37
Trinityso far00:38
RedAmber2Hello, I have a problem with trying to install UBUNTU-SERVER-12.04.1-AMD64 on a computer and it hangs at detecting cd rom for something could anyone please help me?00:38
bin_bashTrinity, I'm guessing X isn't installed, right?00:38
Trinitydunno what X is :P00:38
Trinitybut i have installed a version of vnc00:38
bin_bashTrinity, if you don't know what X is, then wtf are you doing?00:39
Trinitybut cant find out witch one. Because i have a .vnc folder, but cant start vnc , kind off :P00:39
bin_bashTrinity, X is the window server.00:39
wilee-nileeRedAmber2, Have you checked th md5sum of the disc or ISO?00:39
Trinityah, X = screen00:39
Trinitythen i know what X is ;)00:39
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:39
RedAmber2Idk wilee-nilee00:40
AaronCampbellbin_bash: I gave one last things a try before booting to a CD and it worked.  Turns out "gksudo gedit" worked where "sudo vim" did not00:40
AaronCampbellThanks for all your help00:40
wilee-nileeRedAmber2, here is a good link for doing this.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM  There is also a out of the bios boot from menu, sometime that is all that is needed, mine is reached with a f12 at powering on yous may be different.00:42
bin_bashTrinity, which DE/WM do you want to use?00:42
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bin_bashAaronCampbell, that's good00:43
wilee-nileeRedAmber2, I assume you burned the cd as an image at a slowest speed possible as well.00:43
Trinitybin_bash: tnx for help :)00:44
bin_bashTrinity, whcih DE/WM do you want to install00:44
Trinitydunno the different ones, so have to google them00:44
bin_bashTrinity, apt-get install xserver-xorg && apt-get install gnome00:45
Trinitywhat is  xserver-xorg00:46
RedAmber2Hello, I have a problem with trying to install UBUNTU-SERVER-12.04.1-AMD64 on a computer and it hangs at detecting cd rom for something could anyone please help me? I CHECKED MD5SUM Is good00:46
bin_bashTrinity, read it. what do you think it is?00:46
bin_bashRedAmber2, what kind of computer00:46
bin_bashRedAmber2, is it a mac00:46
RedAmber2No it is a hp00:46
Trinityx window server something :P00:46
bin_bashTrinity, yes.00:46
Trinitybin_bash what vnc client is best?00:48
bin_bashI don't use vnc so idk00:48
Trinitybut i have a screen, so do i need xserver-xorg? or only gnome00:49
RedAmber2bin_bash Its an hp00:49
bin_bashRedAmber2, okay. I'm not sure then. Try a USB00:49
RedAmber2bin_bash I am loading off a usb00:51
bin_bashRedAmber2, tryv a cd then00:51
RedAmber2bin_bash I don't have any cd burners00:52
superfake123how do I remove the package bluetooth-applet D:00:52
docmurI just installed 12.10 and my eth0 interface is getting an address but I can't ping anything.  If I go into windows its fine, Is there a noted issue with 12.10 and wired networking?00:52
bin_bashRedAmber2, idk then sorry m800:52
superfake123docmur, yes I read there was00:52
superfake123docmur, I changed to use opendns and I have not had any issues since00:52
RedAmber2Thanks for you help bin_bash greatly apprecticated00:53
docmuris opendns already installed in 12.10 or should I boot the live cd and juist install it00:53
superfake123docmur, it's just 2 dns servers you change to.,
codephobicI've got a folder with over 9000 txt, pdf, zip and html files. I've been trying to transfer the .html files (4000+) into another folder and it's now been "transferring" for 10 minutes... if I cancel it, do you think I could lose any files?00:54
wilee-nileecodephobic, How are you transfering?00:55
TohuwWhat does "unlock this key automatically whenever I'm logged in" actually set? As in, what file or gsetting is changed?00:55
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: heres how I fixed the gpt issue: http://www.rodsbooks.com/gdisk/wipegpt.html00:56
TohuwUnrelated question: how can I pass an option from a Unity shortcut? For instance, can I invoke gnome-terminal --maximized instead of gnome-terminal from the Unity shortcut?00:56
codephobicwilee-nilee, just dragging and dropping files from one folder on one drive to another.00:57
wilee-nileef0urtyfive, +1 on that link00:57
JimmyNeutronWhat's the differences between ltsp-server and ltsp-server-standalone? no luck so far w/ Google00:57
PatrickDickeyf0urtyfive: I'm glad you got it fixed. Have you made sure that you can still boot to your Windows os and still have your data?00:57
wilee-nileecodephobic, Does this leave the original, is it on the same HD?00:57
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: still installing ubuntu atm00:57
codephobicwilee-nilee, no different disk00:58
codephobicand I'm moving rather than copying00:58
codephobicok, I just cancelled the transfer, there's 900 that have transferred, hopefully the rest haven't been messed up00:58
wilee-nileecodephobic, If it does not leave the original I would let it finish, usually from partiton to partition the original stays, your risk here in the end.00:58
ner0xCan anyone explain LDAP and give me some solutions for ubuntu?00:59
codephobicnot good00:59
PatrickDickeyJimmyNeutron: you might be able to get that answer in #ltsp or #edubuntu00:59
JimmyNeutronPatrickDickey, Thanks! let me try there.00:59
wilee-nileecodephobic, Ah moving, I would think if you stopped it you would loose stuff01:00
PatrickDickeyner0x: have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication It might explain it for you.01:00
codephobicwell, guess it's time to find out... 4000 - 900 ... hopefully 3100 left.01:00
ner0xPatrickDickey: Have not. I'll check it out now.01:00
wilee-nileegood luck. ;)01:00
codephobicis there an upper limit to the number of files and folders nautilus can cope with, within any given folder?01:01
PatrickDickeycodephobic: I haven't been paying attention to what you're doing, but if it's a simple move, it *shouldn't* delete anything that it hasn't already copied over.01:01
Tohuwner0x: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/openldap-server.html and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication for Ubuntu specifically, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightweight_Directory_Access_Protocol for an exposition in general.01:02
* PatrickDickey emphasizing shouldn't because Murphy was an optimist. ;-)01:02
codephobicPatrickDickey, that's what I was thinking (hoping) but... given that these are archived articles and stuff I've collected over 10+ years ... I wanted to be sure.01:02
wilee-nileecodephobic, were you just getting antsy to finish, what made you stop it?01:02
codephobicwilee-nilee, nautilus was slowing down every folder window. So I couldn't even open my music folder.01:03
zl2todcodephobic, thumbnailing and characterisation of the files eats up memory, so configure nautilus to curb those behaviours if you run into trouble. It'll reduce your risk from malicious files too.01:03
codephobicI figured it must have crashed so ... eventually just cancelled and hoped for the best.01:03
PatrickDickeycodephobic: where are you copying to and from?01:03
codephobiczl2tod, thanks for that tip - will adjust preferences.01:04
superfake123 how to I find what package bluetooth-applet is apart of and remove it?01:04
codephobicPatrickDickey, I was copying from an old hd Documents (windows xp) folder over to my NAS' documents folder01:05
codephobicsorry that should be windows vista01:05
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: windows boots fine btw.01:05
PatrickDickeycodephobic: Nautilus was probably bogging down, because it's doing all of the processing on your computer.01:05
PatrickDickeyf0urtyfive: I'm glad to hear that. :D01:05
Tohuwsuperfake123: apt-cache search bluetooth-applet01:05
yanick_hi, what kind of actions can the community take to push ATI into making decent "legacy" (4 years old graphics card) drivers?01:06
f0urtyfivePatrickDickey: grub didnt install right :/01:06
superfake123Tohuw, perfect thanks :)01:06
zl2todsuperfake123, dpkg -S bluetooth-applet01:06
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codephobicPatrickDickey, I wasn't expecting it to take so long ... and eat so much memory... my ram usage shot up to 5GB+ (of 8GB physical ram)01:06
Tohuwyanick_: Stop buying ATI until they do. Beyond that, write them, and/or join the groups reverse engineering the drivers.01:07
TohuwUnrelated question: how can I pass an option from a Unity shortcut? For instance, can I invoke gnome-terminal --maximized instead of gnome-terminal from the Unity shortcut?01:07
codephobicbtw, how do you reboot nautilus? just type "nautilus" in a terminal?01:07
yanick_Tohuw, I bought my laptop 4 years ago :) and, YES! I will NOT buy another ATI card again01:07
superfake123when I try to remove the pacakge gnome-bluetooth it comes up with a ton of other stuff it wants to remove that I don't think is safe to remove. can I remove just gnome-bluetooth???01:07
PatrickDickeyyanick_ ATI won't make drivers for old hardware because "they've maximized it's capabilities".  Which is another way of saying "We want money."01:07
Tohuwcodephobic: What are you attempting to do, specifically? To close nautilus, you can invoke sudo killall nautilus, but you should not normally have to do this.01:08
CrayboffSo I'm trying to install ubuntu 12.04 on my friend's HP netbook. On the first step after I decide that I don't want to install 3rd party software, and I press continue, I get stuck in with the waiting wheel01:08
yanick_where's the open source ATI driver project site?01:08
* PatrickDickey wonders if ubottu has an ati entry01:08
Crayboffwhat do I do to install ubuntu and get around this on my friend's netbook. I've tried 12.10 and 12.04 from a USB drive01:08
wilee-nileesuperfake123, That removal only brings up all bluetooth apps here.01:08
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto01:08
superfake123well, worse case I just reinstall gnome-bluetooth I guess right?01:09
zl2todsuperfake123, why do you want to remove it ? disabling it may be a better option01:09
PatrickDickeyCrayboff: how long has it been hung up? (the wheel)01:09
* KM0201 wonders if PatrickDickey knows about !msgthebot01:09
TohuwCrayboff: What model is the netbook? I have 12.10 running on my Mini 1010NR01:09
codephobicTohuw, I cancelled a very slow file move, now it looks like nautilus has crashed (the right-click menu looks 'odd') and so I was thinking of restarting nautilus01:09
superfake123i don't have any bluetooth devices and the process that is constantly running bothers me D:01:09
zl2todCrayboff, is the machine connected to the net ok ?01:09
dr_willisso just have it not start at login superfake12301:10
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wilee-nileesuperfake123, you can turn it off in startup applications.01:10
dr_willis  /etc/xdg/autostart/ has entries...01:10
superfake123ahhh, ok ty01:10
dr_willisNot like its doing anything anyway....01:11
yanick_PatrickDickey, I already installed the fglrx-legacy package (http://www.unixmen.com/ubuntu-12-10-and-amd-catalyst-problem-solved/) which seems to be "stable" enough...01:11
wilee-nileesuperfake123, You just have to load the start apps though it is empty now, I can fine the code if you need it .01:11
PatrickDickeyyanick_ that's probably all you can do for now. Aside from updating the card if possible.01:11
CrayboffPatrickDickey: 15 minutes now, before when I tried it I waited about 20 before. zl2tod, when i was trying 12.10 it was connected by ethernet, now I'm trying without any internet.01:12
yanick_PatrickDickey, hmm I wish. I don't think it is possible on my Dell Studio XPS01:12
yanick_I could revert back to 12.04 :)01:12
PatrickDickeyyanick_ laptop?01:12
yanick_PatrickDickey, yes01:12
PatrickDickeyyanick_: yep, you're out of luck then. Either you have to rely on the fglrx team (the open source versions) or go back.01:13
wilee-nileedr_willis, I wonder the percentile of the users that visit are ocd, some seem a bit to obsessed with perfection.01:13
CrayboffTohuw, unfortunately I'm not sure which it is, it is a Mini, not sure which model though01:13
Tohuwcodephobic: You can attempt to force Nautilus to restart via sudo killall nautilus, though it may be as simple as closing all open Nautilus windows. It may also not, as the Desktop is a nautilus session as well.01:13
TohuwCrayboff: look at the bottom, near the serial number01:14
bin_bashTohuw, you don't need sudo to use killall, in fact it's not good practice to do so01:14
wilee-nileepresent company on the channel exempt of course. ;)01:14
codephobicTohuw, I get the feeling that I'm going to have to reboot ... banshee is struggling too now. I think the music folder is still being clogged up by nautilus and banshee can't read from it...01:15
CrayboffTohuw, there is no serial number on the bottom :/ only something saying that HP is a registered trademark01:15
* PatrickDickey is ocd in a lot of ways01:15
bin_bashcodephobic, do you have htop installed01:15
codephobicbin_bash, nope01:15
bin_bashcodephobic, apt-get install htop01:15
* wilee-nilee is not officially, but have probably qualified at times.01:15
Tohuwbin_bash: Good point, as nautilus will always start as the user logged in. codephobic, note what bin_bash said please. Also, consider checking top.01:16
bin_bashcodephobic, once it's installed, run it via terminal, and then click where it says "command"01:16
* PatrickDickey is racking his brain. I used to have a script installed on my laptop that disabled all non-essential things like bluetooth. I can't remember what it was though. it came from the ubuntu repositories, IIRC.01:16
codephobicbin_bash, Tohuw k, I'll install that.01:16
Tohuwcodephobic: top is installed by default. execute "top", then press shift+m to sort by memory consumption01:17
BusyBoxescodephobic: press q to exit top.01:17
codephobicah, htop looks so much better than top01:17
blackshirtyes, top was available by default01:18
codephobicok, so what am I looking for within the htop output?01:18
TohuwYou kids and your color! Get off my lawn!01:18
CrayboffPatrickDickey Tohuw zl3tod: if it helps, I am using a different flash drive than I was before. it's an intel Atom. if you need more info i can try ubuntu fine, it's just installing it01:18
codephobicIt reminds me of my dear old Spectrum +401:18
codephobicIt reminds me of my dear old Spectrum +3*01:18
bin_bashcodephobic, select "command" and use the arrow keys to scroll down to find nautilus01:19
PatrickDickeyCrayboff: does it matter if you start the installer from the boot option (where you click the button to either Try or Install) or if you start it from the desktop after clicking "Try"?01:20
CrayboffPatrickDickey: no difference01:20
TohuwCrayboff: there is usually a status message near the progress bar. What is the install doing when it hangs? Also, is this system connected to a network?01:20
codephobicbin_bash, I've found a few instances of nautilus (on a side note, is it normal to have multiple instances of pulse audio?)01:21
CrayboffTohuw: there is no progress bar, I click "Continue" and it immediately gets stuck in the wheel thing without changing anything else on the screen01:21
codephobicdo I just kill those instances of nautilus?01:21
bin_bashcodephobic, yes. try killing it.01:21
bin_bashcodephobic, kill the children too01:21
codephobic:o kill children ...01:21
Guest35211Could somebody please tell me what is the default value of the input audio pipeline in gstreamer-properties in ubuntu 12.04? I had plugin: custom, device: none, pipeline :"audiosomething", I think, but paying with it replaced the name of the pipeline.01:22
PatrickDickeycodephobic: http://www.admin-magazine.com/Articles/PowerTOP PowerTOP is what I was thinking of. If I remember right, it will allow you to disable the processes from inside of it.01:22
BusyBoxespkill nautilus01:22
codephobicbin_bash, k, I'll go genocidal01:22
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bin_bashcodephobic, great01:22
codephobicdone, killed the bleedin' lot of them01:23
CrayboffTohuw it was connected to the network via ethernet cable the first time I tried it today and was installing 12.10. It gave the same problem. I just connected it to a semi reliable hotspot (don't have access to ethernet atm) and can try again, but I don't think that will make a difference01:23
PatrickDickeyKM0201: Nope. I didn't know about !msgthebot01:23
codephobicbin_bash, now I restart nautilus?01:23
KM0201PatrickDickey: lol.. :)01:23
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".01:23
PatrickDickeyAwesome. I'll have to use that. Thanks KM0201.01:24
KM0201no prob...01:24
CrayboffTohuw: also noteworthy is that when i wasn't connected to the network, I didn't select the 3rd party or update options, the issue still occurred then01:24
bin_bashcodephobic, yeah01:25
codephobicbin_bash, do I just type 'nautilus' in a terminal and then close it and close the terminal?01:25
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codephobicnevermind, I was just being ... well, 'anxious' let's say.01:26
PatrickDickeycodephobic: when you close the terminal, it will kill any processes that are running (nautilus in this case). So you'll want to leave the terminal open while you're doing whatever you need in nautilus.01:26
codephobicok, time to go investigate the damage...01:26
codephobicPatrickDickey, I ran it via alt+F201:26
PatrickDickeycodephobic: if everything is alright, my suggestion is to start the move when you get ready for bed (or to leave for a while). That way it's not affecting anything that you're doing.01:27
codephobicI'm guessing that it's just another terminal that I don't see on the screen01:27
PatrickDickeycodephobic: Alt+F2 is the equivalent of Start --> Run... in Windows.01:27
TohuwCrayboff: try passing acpi=off noapic to the installer. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDBootOptions01:27
codephobicPatrickDickey, I'll do that. I'm just surprised that it was an issue ... I didn't think linux would have problems with it, I could have done it in my Windows 7...01:28
codephobicah, I see01:28
codephobicthanks PatrickDickey, Tohuw :)01:28
PatrickDickeyno problem.01:28
CrayboffTohuw: will try now and will report back with the results01:28
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codephobicbtw, now that I can see multiple instances of PulseAudio in htop, do you think those are previously crashed instances and would it be ok to kill them? (they seem to be eating some ram 400mb+ of "virtual" (memory?))01:29
codephobicso far so good, the numbers look ok...01:31
FluxDHi, I brought a brand new SSD, burned new ubuntu image and set boot order to optical drive and tried to boot from it to install and it never goes to install step, how can I install it?01:32
Tohuwcodephobic: Typically, yes. Consider trying sudo service pulseaudio restart first.01:32
TohuwFluxD: What happens?01:32
codephobicTohuw, will do :)01:32
FluxDTohuw, I get "operating system not found" message01:32
codephobicthanks again, time to go sleep ... and restart the transfer.01:32
PatrickDickeyTohuw, does htop tell you if it's a zombie process like System Monitor does?01:34
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TohuwPatrickDickey: the "S" column in top will display a "Z" for zombie. I don't know if htop does or not; I've never bothered installing it01:36
Guest35211can somebody using Precise (12.04) check their value of the default input pipeline in the audio tab, please?  (If plugin name is still "custom")01:37
Guest35211using gstreamer-properties01:37
TohuwGuest35211: It's "autoaudiosrc" in 12.10, but I don't have any 12.04 instances of Desktop about anymore.01:38
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CrayboffGuest35211: I have autoaudiosrc in the Default Input Pipeline01:39
Mrokiianybody else having problems with Sound Juicer since switching to 12.10? For some reason, the button in its preferences to change the quality of the input format has disappeared and I have no clue how to change the xml-config file.01:39
CrayboffI'm on 12.0401:39
Guest35211thanks Tohuw and Crayboff!01:39
ahmad_hey guys on ubuntu server 12.10 is there a way to cache unlimited output instead of i think its 500 lines currently?01:44
darsieI accidently copied /etc/shadow- to /etc/shadow. Is that bad?01:46
Tohuwahmad_: #ubuntu-server (your answer is that this would require a kernel recompile; consider using byobu or such)01:48
CrayboffTohuw: I selected the acpi=off and noapic options (so a little x was next to them in the boot options). I'm having the same issue of being stuck with the loading wheel01:48
TohuwCrayboff: try stepping through this guide (meant for installs, much of it still applies): http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1178995901:49
Crayboffalright will do, I"ll report back if I have any interesting results01:50
CrayboffTohuw: the difference between what this thread seems to be saying is that most of the advice is if the live ubuntu doesn't work. However, I can navigate through ubuntu just fine, I just can't go through the steps of installing01:55
samholmesHi. My computer cannot sleep or hibernate with ubuntu installed.01:57
TohuwCrayboff: That's true; much of it is dedicated to Ubuntu not starting at all. I'm not sure of how to best use apport or something else to hook into the installer process. I suggest reporting this as a bug in Launchpad against ubuntu-installer. Hopefully a response there can guide you further. Good luck!01:57
samholmesThis seems like a common issue with ubuntu on laptops. What's the fix(es)?01:57
CrayboffHmmm, alright thanks Tohuw.01:58
Tohuwsamholmes: What happens when you attempt to do so? What graphics driver are you using? What version of Ubuntu, and are you using any uncommon boot options (especially those related to ACPI)01:58
Crayboffsamholmes, I had a similar issue, let me see if i can find the fix that helped me. Whenever I closed my computer to put it to sleep, it would freeze at a black screen and the fan would go on like crazy01:59
Crayboffdunno if that's your problem, but i'll look for it anyway01:59
lotuspsychjehi all, i installed xubuntu 12.04.1 with xubuntu-restricted-extras and enabled 'partners' source then tryed both adobe-flashplugin and flashplugin-installer..i still cant play youtube any thoughts?02:00
Tohuwlotuspsychje: Are you using Firefox?02:00
samholmesTohuw: I just installed ubuntu using wubi, and I'm running 11.1002:00
lotuspsychjeTohuw:yes mate02:00
Tohuwsamholmes: Consider upgrading. Known ACPI issues are addressed in 12.04+02:01
samholmesAlright, I'll see how it runs after upgrading.02:01
Tohuwlotuspsychje: Does Firefox complain about flash not being present? Is it listed in the plugins list?02:01
samholmesWubi installs Ubuntu normally right?02:01
samholmesNo funky tricks?02:01
lotuspsychjeTohuw:its listen in plugins, youtube just doesnt show the video(blank)02:02
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Tohuwsamholmes: No. Wubi installs Ubuntu as a virtual instance inside Windows. This abstraction could be the cause of your issue, but it normally isn't.02:02
Tohuwlotuspsychje: Does any flash work?02:02
samholmesWhat's a virtual instance?02:02
Ray2Ubuntu-10.04...I have a deb file when I try to close it...it stays on screen and my desktop partially covers it...I have to open another program  for both to close02:03
lotuspsychjeTohuw:no i dont think so, it all started on latest versions of ubuntu could it be 11.2 flash bug maybe?02:03
Crayboffsamholmes: I'm not using Wubi, so I'm not sure if this will fix your problem, but it's what fixed it for me. I would recommend upgrading first and if you still have the issue try this: http://thecodecentral.com/2011/01/18/fix-ubuntu-10-10-suspendhibernate-not-working-bug02:03
Tohuwlotuspsychje: Yes, it certainly can be. I have resource issues with flash in Firefox currently thanks to 11.2. However, when did it last work?02:04
lotuspsychjeTohuw:think it worked on ocelot02:04
Tohuwsamholmes: A virtual instance means it runs inside a host, in this case Windows. It's an operating system running inside another operating system.02:04
samholmesDoes the virtual instance make it run slower?02:05
Tohuwsamholmes: Yes.02:05
samholmesIs it worth installing normally?02:05
samholmesThat is, without the virtual instance?02:05
Tohuwsamholmes: Certainly. It requires some work, but to be free of the consumption of Windows while using Ubuntu is liberating in many ways.02:06
lotuspsychjeRay2: you could also consider clean installing 12.04.1 or 12.1002:06
samholmesTohuw: What appeals to me with linux is the posix system, I would prefer a Mac over Linux, but I don't have the cash right now to spend.02:07
samholmesI've been facepalming a lot using windows and developing using Node.js.02:07
jaysonrTohuw: Wubi does not create a Virtual machine02:07
Tohuwlotuspsychje: I'd be curious to know if chromium can play flash for you, and further curious if you purged Firefox and reinstalled it; if it would work02:07
lotuspsychjeTohuw:would be nice to easy roll back to previous flash version02:07
ChrisPartridgesamholmes: it's a lot better than what it used to be (re node and windows)02:08
jaysonrWubi uses a Disk image - only the Disk is virtualized, the OS run in bare metal02:08
Tohuwjaysonr: I'm aware, it uses a Loopback mounted file system. It is still hosted in a sense. Virtual is not limited to VMs.02:08
samholmesHowever, I'm having trouble getting use to ubuntu because of the strange file structure (abbr. as hell)02:08
jaysonrTohuw: no, very different02:08
lotuspsychjeTohuw:i installed chrome and says shockwave flash plugin missing(but did not uninstall all flash)02:08
jaysonrA VM would be running via a hypervisor - you can boot many OSes from VHD's, that doesn't make it a virtual machine02:08
samholmesChrisPartridge: It's not just node. It's things like redis and such. Usually software is designed for linux first, then later adopted on Windows.02:08
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samholmesBecause I'm developing for a linux VPS, it makes more sense to test on a linux environment.02:09
Tohuwjaysonr: Very different, but Windows still hosts Wubi.02:09
jaysonrTohuw: no it doesn't - The Windows bootloader boots the VHD - that's it's only involvement02:10
samholmesOther things that both me is the GUI of linux. It's all old and out-date (which appeals to most linux users for some reason). I prefer Gnome 3 (which linux users loath, for some reason). But, I feel gnome 3 can be better.02:10
jaysonrTohuw: once booted, it's running on bare metal - from the disk image.02:10
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samholmesI wish I could be more apart of the community and contribute to the Gnome project. But I found it difficult to orient myself to how to do so. Maybe the organization of bugs and contribution applications have improved.02:11
Tohuwjaysonr: Fair enough, and a worthwhile distinction. I'll be sure to be more explicit about this in the future, and spend time reading about lupin. I do still stand by the point that transitioning from Wubi to a more typical install is worthwhile. Thank you for your corrections!02:12
Tohuwsamholmes: this is an interesting and worthwhile topic, but for the sake of channel traffic, may I suggest #ubuntu-offtopic? I'd be happy to discuss this with you further there, as I imagine some others would be as well.02:13
eliteprodigyOkay, My machine is 100% up to date, but every single time I try to Switch Users I get a black screen. And it sits there. Forever. Until I hit Ctrl + Alt + Del then two lines of text pop up real quick and then it restarts or whatever but I usually end up having to restart the computer from the Box.02:13
eliteprodigyHow can I fix this/Troubleshoot it?02:13
lotuspsychjeeliteprodigy:would be interesting to check /var/log/syslog on that logout time02:14
lotuspsychjeeliteprodigy:does the first login boot without problems?02:15
eliteprodigylotuspsychje: YEah.02:15
eliteprodigyEverything else is working great, but I cannot switch users.02:16
Tohuweliteprodigy: What video driver are you using? Whenever switching sessions results in display problems, the #1 culprit is the display driver.02:16
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eliteprodigyTohuw:  How do I check?02:16
Tohuweliteprodigy: lspci | grep -i vga02:17
eliteprodigydavid@poseidon:~$ lspci | grep -i vga02:17
eliteprodigy01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RS880 [Radeon HD 4200]02:17
TohuwAh, Radeon HD. ATI's attempt at sado-satire for the Linux user. Hold on, eliteprodigy. Someone fixed this not that long ago, let me dig.02:19
ariane5where i find game channel ?02:19
lotuspsychje!alis | ariane502:19
ubottuariane5: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*02:19
chaseIs there any way to make the dash not take up 75% of my screen when I open it? I googled around...couldn't find anything.02:21
Tohuweliteprodigy: Some light reading: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11781573 and the bad news: http://ati.cchtml.com/show_bug.cgi?id=343 and make sure you add yourself to the affected of this bug, and it may be worth following: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer-updates/+bug/87624202:21
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bin_bashDoes anyone ehre use systemd?02:21
lotuspsychjechase:maybe in compiz manager settings unity plugin?02:21
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ubottuati.cchtml.com bug 343 in Kernel Module "Ubuntu 11.10 logout/login fails on desktop with Radeon HD6450, but OK on EeePC" [Major,Closed: wontfix]02:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 876242 in fglrx-installer-updates (Ubuntu) "Crash with fglrx and fast user switching" [Undecided,Fix committed]02:21
wastrelhow to toggle launcher visibility from command line02:21
lotuspsychje!info systemd02:22
ubottuPackage systemd does not exist in quantal02:22
bin_bashlotuspsychje, I have ubotto on ignore because it's abusive spam.02:22
lotuspsychjebin_bash:it doesnt show package info02:22
bin_bashlotuspsychje, people use it to PM others and that's pretty offensive, imo02:23
lotuspsychjebin_bash:maybe share your issue with us mate, might be someone that can help02:23
bin_bashlotuspsychje, oh I was just curious if anyone was using systemd02:24
ariane5can i install ubuntu on old pc ?02:24
lotuspsychjebin_bash:what does it do exactly?02:24
lotuspsychjeariane5: try lubuntu or xubuntu02:24
bin_bashlotuspsychje, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd02:25
Tohuwariane5: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements02:25
ariane5pentium III ?02:25
lotuspsychjeariane5:how much ram do you have and wich grafix card?02:26
Tohuwariane5: Probably pushing it a bit, but Xubuntu or Lubuntu might work out.02:26
eliteprodigyTohuw: So basically this hasn't been fixed and it never will be?02:27
lotuspsychjeeliteprodigy:it sometimes help pasting your bug to #ubuntu-bugs02:27
lotuspsychjeariane5:like Tohuw says better install lubuntu or xubuntu will be lighter for your system02:28
[_-S1L3NC3-_]How do I Extract a bz2 file on Ubuntu ?02:28
chaseI can change launcher icon size in compiz, but not the size of the icons inside the dash when it opens.02:28
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression02:28
Tohuweliteprodigy: :'( Your solution is to fallback to Gnome Classic (blech) or get non-ati hardware. ATI has made it clear they don't care.02:28
wastrelati used to be better than nvidia02:29
ariane5can i install java and flash ?02:29
wastrela long time ago02:29
eliteprodigyTohuw: So I can't use Gnome 3?02:29
lotuspsychjeariane5:yes flash should work on lubuntu an xubuntu02:29
wastrelis there a way to toggle the hide behavior of the unity launcher in 12.10, preferably command line02:30
ariane5say that is not good to instal this on linux02:30
[_-S1L3NC3-_]tar -jxf tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download         Does Not Work ~02:30
lotuspsychjeariane5:what do you mean?02:30
chasewastrel: I just ran across autohide in compizconfig settings02:30
Tohuweliteprodigy: Correct. Or Unity. Not if you want fast user switching. My advice: ditch fast user switching.02:30
ariane5system work no stabile02:31
eliteprodigyTohuw: How? How do I switch users after?02:31
Tohuw[_-S1L3NC3-_]: enclose that filename in quotes.02:31
[_-S1L3NC3-_] I have02:31
Tohuweliteprodigy: log out, log the new user in02:31
[_-S1L3NC3-_]and then with single quotes02:31
lotuspsychjeariane5:that would be untrue, your system will be more stable then ever!02:31
Tohuw[_-S1L3NC3-_]: what happens?02:31
[_-S1L3NC3-_]it says it is not a tar02:31
Tohuwlotuspsychje: He has a pentium III :P02:31
chaseI really like the unity launcher bar, but the dash, once it opens...is so slow and takes up the entire screen....I don't get what's wrong with just a list of applications.02:31
zl2tod[_-S1L3NC3-_], escape the ? perhaps02:32
eliteprodigyTohuw: But that's impossible, it destroys any kind of productivity I've gained by switching to Ubuntu.02:32
[_-S1L3NC3-_]let me see02:32
eliteprodigyTohuw: Why is it that switch user works in Win 7 but not here?02:32
lotuspsychjeTohuw:i installed xubuntu on very old systems, working fast and flawless02:32
Tohuw[_-S1L3NC3-_]: Well, is it?02:32
[_-S1L3NC3-_]nope didnt work02:32
Tohuweliteprodigy: ATI cares about Windows.02:32
wastrelchase: i'd like something quicker than launching ccsm and drilling down to that02:32
[_-S1L3NC3-_]tar -jxf "tcl_archive.tclmode=download&id=1668"02:32
lotuspsychjetcl is eggdrop02:33
ariane5p3 in basemant :)02:33
lotuspsychjeu not trying to unpack a tcl?02:33
chasewastrel: Customization sucks in unity, unfortunately, from what I have seen.02:33
[_-S1L3NC3-_]I do want to extract it02:33
Tohuw[_-S1L3NC3-_]: you appear to be trying to extract something that is not a tar archive.02:33
eliteprodigyTohuw: I guess I just don't know enough low-level programming to understand why it matters which OS is running. :S02:33
lotuspsychjethe tcl is packed in bz2?02:33
zl2tod[_-S1L3NC3-_], filename looks sort of broken02:33
ariane5its dust02:34
[_-S1L3NC3-_]bzip2 -d "tcl_archive.tclmode=download&id=1668"02:34
eliteprodigyIt just doesn't make sense to me.02:34
ariane5i thing to active this pc02:34
[_-S1L3NC3-_]Do you want the download Link @ zl2tod?02:34
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lotuspsychje  [_-S1L3NC3-_]:did you install rar?02:35
zl2tod[_-S1L3NC3-_], wget thedownloadlink then tar -jxf downloadedfilename02:35
Tohuweliteprodigy: Display drivers are OS-specific. When you use Windows, you are using entirely different software to talk to your video card than you use in Linux. ATI makes stuff work in Windows, but fglrx is horribly neglected in Linux. Always has been, and (I expect) will be for the forseeable future.02:35
[_-S1L3NC3-_]i have tod02:36
[_-S1L3NC3-_]i even dwnloaded it within quotes "02:36
[_-S1L3NC3-_]rar? anyway to find out02:36
lotuspsychjeeliteprodigy:you can try 'nomodeset' and test out if users wont go blank02:36
eliteprodigylotuspsychje: nomodeset?02:36
lotuspsychje [_-S1L3NC3-_]: sudo apt-get install rar02:36
Tohuw[_-S1L3NC3-_]: It's not a bz2 format. You will not be able to extract it that way. Can file-roller open it? If it's a rar, try installing rar.02:37
zl2tod[_-S1L3NC3-_], type rar02:37
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | eliteprodigy02:37
ubottueliteprodigy: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:37
[_-S1L3NC3-_]cmd not found @ tod02:37
[_-S1L3NC3-_]then i dont02:37
bobweavereliteprodigy,  I am sorry I just walked into this but what are the system specs  ?02:37
lotuspsychje!info rar |  [_-S1L3NC3-_]02:37
ubottu[_-S1L3NC3-_]: rar (source: rar): Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2:4.0.b3-1 (quantal), package size 554 kB, installed size 1188 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)02:37
Tohuwlotuspsychje: modeset isn't his problem. This is a known fglrx issue with fast user switching.02:37
bobweaver!info p7zip-full02:38
ubottup7zip-full (source: p7zip): 7z and 7za file archivers with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.20.1~dfsg.1-4 (quantal), package size 1560 kB, installed size 3847 kB02:38
[_-S1L3NC3-_]anyway to use apt-get but lightweight mode?02:38
bobweaver!info p7zip-rar02:38
ubottup7zip-rar (source: p7zip-rar): non-free rar module for p7zip. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 9.20.1~ds.1-3 (quantal), package size 44 kB, installed size 140 kB02:38
lotuspsychjeTohuw:i bet its a compis thing crashing on other users...might he be testing out without compiz?02:38
[_-S1L3NC3-_]im running low on Ram02:38
eliteprodigybobweaver: HP p7 AMD Athlon II 650 3.2GHZ 8Gb DDR302:38
eliteprodigybobweaver: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS02:38
bobweaverWhat !02:38
eliteprodigybobweaver: With Gnome 302:39
bobweavereliteprodigy,  lol I think that I am reading the log wrong but that thing is not booting ?02:40
eliteprodigybobweaver: Switching users takes me to just a black screen.02:40
wastrelis there a way to query and change compiz plugin settings from the command line then?02:41
Tohuwlotuspsychje: It's very likely fglrx's 3d acceleration doing what it does: failing. This issue is reproducible in Gnome 3, which does not use compiz.02:41
lotuspsychjeeliteprodigy:did you try unity2 on users?02:42
eliteprodigyHitting Ctrl + Alt + Del displays 2 lines of text and restarts, where it usually hangs for a long time on the Ubuntu screen.02:42
bobweavereliteprodigy,  what does keyboard -> shortcuts say that is assigned to ?02:42
eliteprodigylotuspsychje: You mean the Unity desktop session? I can't remember if it was doing this when I was using Unity still or not.02:43
Tohuweliteprodigy: Ctrl + Alt + Del sends a reboot message. The two lines of text are the shutdown broadcast messages.02:43
lotuspsychjeTohuw:i know ati got bad support, but im more like to test just everything to make things sure02:43
eliteprodigybobweaver: Where do I check that?02:44
Tohuwbobweaver: This is not controlled by Gnome preferences, but rather LightDM. He is successfully exiting to LightDM, he just can't see it.02:44
eliteprodigyAnd why is it important?02:44
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bobweaverso you are saying that there is bug in gnome-sessions-quit ?  that is what ctrl+alt+delete does for me02:45
lotuspsychjebobweaver:Tohuw posted the bug above on this issue02:46
Tohuwbobweaver: Presss ctrl+alt+delete in LightDM (the login screen).02:46
eliteprodigyWhat I don't understand is if Windows can make the ATI cards work, why can't Ubuntu? It's not like MS has created some super secret version of C++ that magically works with graphics cards or display drivers or whatever.02:47
Tohuweliteprodigy: You're thinking of it backwards. ATI makes the card work. The source code and firmware on the cards are secret.02:48
eliteprodigyTohuw: But it's working on top of code, with code. Code is bloody code. I can't get my head around it.02:48
TohuwThis is like me asking you to paint the Mona Lisa with the perfection of DaVinci, but giving you crayons and breaking your wrists first.02:48
eliteprodigyIt frustrates me when I can't get my head around things.02:49
[_-S1L3NC3-_]Package rar is not available, but is referred to by another package.02:49
eliteprodigy[_-S1L3NC3-_]: apt-get update02:49
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free02:50
eliteprodigyTry updating your repos or whatever we call them.02:50
[_-S1L3NC3-_]E: Package 'rar' has no installation candidate02:50
[_-S1L3NC3-_]after i updated02:51
Tohuweliteprodigy: Video cards contain firmware. This firmware needs instructions to render graphics. These instructions have to know everything about the firmware. Because the firmware is not open source, only ATI knows how to make software that can talk to it properly. Because ATI did not do a good job with fglrx and refuses to let others have enough information to help, you are in this situation02:51
Tohuw[_-S1L3NC3-_]: the package name is unrar02:51
eliteprodigyTohuw: The only way that makes sense is if there's a line of code that's like #IF OS != WINDOWS { Generate.Pseudo.Random.Behaviour(); }02:52
[_-S1L3NC3-_]nope wont work either02:52
crimsonmanecorrect me if i'm wrong, but isn't 7zip the all-pupose free (as in speech AND beer) archive program that works even on .rar files?02:52
bazhangeliteprodigy, Tohuw this has strayed way offtopic. take it to PM or #ubuntu-offtopic Please02:52
bobweavercrimsonmane,  correct it is great !02:52
Tohuweliteprodigy: You are making vast assumptions about how graphics rendering works. I am trying my best to explain to you that it is very OS specific. We can discuss further in #ubuntu-offtopic if you like.02:52
eliteprodigybazhang: I just want my bloody computer to work.02:52
* eliteprodigy breaks down and cries.02:53
lotuspsychjeeliteprodigy:i got an old ati x800 running flawless on precise 64bit, so ati driver works on many boxes02:53
[_-S1L3NC3-_]7 zi p?02:53
OerHekscrimsonmane, yes, only extract02:53
bazhangeliteprodigy, this is not the place to chit chat. take it elsewhere02:53
bobweaver!info p7zip-full > crimsonmane02:53
crimsonmaneeliteprodigy: might i suggest you google for your local LUG - Linux User Group - where you might find great help from people who can actually touch your computer and result in better assistance than IRC can offer?02:54
eliteprodigybazhang: I wasn't really aware me trying to understand why my computer isn't working as expected was chit chat.02:54
eliteprodigyDoes connonical offer premium support?02:55
crimsonmaneyes, for a price02:55
bobweavereliteprodigy,  yes02:55
crimsonmaneyou pay per tech support call02:55
crimsonmaneok bye02:55
bazhanghe's gone02:55
aleteJOIN e-sim, a browser game, wich have strategy, politics, and more. JOIN with this link and you will get extra gold at lvl 7. PM for more info. http://secura.e-sim.org/lan.22620/03:06
rexwin_hi, sudo apt-get install euca* doesnot download and install the appropriate packages, what can i do now?03:07
foobArrrwhere can I see when a package was updated to a newer version in the repository and what was changed? where do I find older version?03:07
trismfoobArrr: http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/package_name/+publishinghistory03:09
trismfoobArrr: for source packages that is03:09
foobArrrtrism: thanks03:10
foobArrrare source packages and binary packages released around the same time?03:11
samurai2hi how to make a for loop in shell script? thanks :)03:12
Tohuwsamurai2: #bash03:12
samurai2I make something like below but it doesn't work :03:12
trismfoobArrr: binary packages are built from source packages, I just meant you need to have the name of the source package for the url I posted, the binary package is a different path03:12
samurai2for (( i=1; $i <= 10; i++ )03:13
samurai2    echo $i03:13
FloodBot1samurai2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:13
foobArrrtrism: ok, thank you03:13
trismsamurai2: I like: for i in {1..10}; do echo $i; done; just cause it is easier to type03:14
Derrick1I'm trying to use ubuntu on my computer. I'm using wubi to install it, but each time I try to boot it, it says something about windows not loading correctly.03:14
[NM]entropybrb upgrading mirc03:15
fegosamurai2: donot use $i on the first line03:15
samurai2trism : but if it's 100 elements, it will be too long.03:15
samurai2fego : ok, I'll try it03:16
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fegosamurai2: it is a C style for loop,there is foreach loop also avaiable in bash03:16
bobweaversamurai2, where is the ) ?03:17
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bobweaverin the for loop ?03:17
bobweaverthe 2nd one ?03:17
wilee-nileeDerrick1, Here is a wubi wiki link defaulting to cannot boot into ubuntu. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#Cannot_boot_into_Ubuntu03:17
samurai2bobweaver : sorry wrong typo, but even I write with ))03:17
samurai2still not working, it always said Bad for loop variable03:17
trismsamurai2: not really, I just did 10000 with no problems03:18
wilee-nileeDerrick1, Wubi is not a install that is much covered here sometimes a new install might be the answer if it is a fresh install.03:18
fegosamurai2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1304113/03:19
samurai2o by the way, I put my file name like forLoop.sh03:19
fegosamurai2: anything you eish, it is still a rose :)03:20
samurai2fego : but it still gave me Bad for loop variable03:20
fegosamurai2: what version of bash?03:21
rexwin_i want to install euca2ools on JEOS, can somebody help with me with that?03:21
fegosamurai2: bash --version03:21
samurai2fego : GNU bash, version 4.2.24(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)03:22
fegosamurai2: i am also running the same version ,works fine for me03:23
fegoCsyle for loops work in bash >= 4.003:23
fegosamurai2: can you please post the exact error you are getting03:23
bobweaversamurai2,  you have read this ?  http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/01803:23
samurai2fego : forLoop.sh: 3: forLoop.sh: Syntax error: Bad for loop variable03:24
samurai2bobweaver : I think I know my problem is, because I put my filename end with .sh extension so it doesn't work03:25
samurai2if I rename it into forLoop only03:25
samurai2it will run03:25
fegosamurai2: try bash forLoop.sh03:26
bobweaversamurai2,  you have asked also in #bash03:26
bobweaverno need for .sh at extentionj for bash03:26
bobweaverthat is confusing Oo03:26
fegoof use #!/bin/bash as the first line in your script03:27
bobweaverthat is why env looks for it in shebang (if using env) #!/usr/bin/env bash03:27
fegoextensions are irrelevant in unix03:27
SuperMiguelif im doing a raid 1 boot, where should i put my boot loader?03:27
samurai2fego : ok, I'll try that03:27
bobweaverfego,  none the less they are confusing :)03:27
fegoyou can use .sh , but make sure you are telling the script which interpeter(bash,ksh,sh) to use03:28
bobweaversh is for ksh correct ?03:29
fegoBourne shell bobweaver03:29
bobweaverexstention ?03:29
fegoyes normally03:29
fego.sh -- bourne shell03:29
samurai2fego : o ic, so bash has more command than sh? :)03:29
fego.ksh -- korn03:29
fegoyes specially bash >= 4.003:30
samurai2fego : bash -> born again shell, so if he born again, it should be better :)03:30
fegoit is bourne again shell, not "born" samurai203:30
Tohuw"Bourne Again Shell" It's a pun.03:31
[_-S1L3NC3-_]still cant extract tcl_archive.tcl?mode=download&id=166803:31
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bobweaverwhat do you know a MIT Pun Oo03:31
fredsoni want to reinstall the grub bootloader on my comp after a windows install wiped it out03:31
samurai2fego : so any command in .sh will still work on bash but not vice versa. I got it. thanks :)03:31
bobweaverfredson,  boot live cd mount ubuntu drive and install grub03:31
bobweaveronto ubuntu partition03:32
Tohuw[_-S1L3NC3-_]: The file isn't an archive any of those handlers recognize. Contact the site operator or file owner.03:32
[_-S1L3NC3-_]all the files within the eggdrop tcl site are labeled that way and i've been able to extactu sing tar- xf file         just not this one03:32
morphiaswell hello there people03:32
fredsonmy goal is to get to a grub prompt so i can follow the instructions here: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/03:32
bobweaverfredson,  I had the same troubl as you there is form post on it I will dig up03:33
fredsoni went to a bash terminal and ubuntu and typed in sudo grub, but it says 'command not found'03:33
fegosamurai2: you still need to refer to the documentation to be sure, but yes majority of bourne shell commands, built-in s work in bash03:33
bobweaverfredson,  What !! where is this tutorial ?03:34
fredsonbobweaver http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/03:35
bobweaverNo that is all wrong03:35
bobweaverthere is a much easier way fredson03:35
Tohuwfredson: That article is very outdated. GRUB is now a rather different beast.03:36
TohuwAs a general rule, avoid using help articles more than a year old. (The one you linked is from03:36
Kardosbut is it the same animal, and a different beast?03:36
fredsoni'm running xubuntu 11.10 on my comp, i think it's an older version of grub too03:37
Tohuwfredson: That article still won't help you.03:37
bobweaverfredson,  Please read  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185116403:37
TohuwAlternatively, there is a Wiki article on this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows03:38
jiohuafirst time here03:38
fredsongrub install says it succeeded, now i just need to reboot03:39
fredsonthank you so much03:40
morphiascan someone here point me somewhere? i am learning C++ in school and I am getting comfortable with programming.  i would like to contribute to ubuntu but i want to know how i would go about doing so...03:40
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bobweaverC++ Ubuntu TV is going to be looking for help with C++03:41
bobweavermorphias,  ^^03:41
bobweavermorphias,  there is also nux and what not and Unity that is C++03:41
fegomorphias: in which area you want to contribute ,03:42
bobweaverInstall qtcreator and have at it morphias . what kinda things are you thinking that you would like to work on for fun ?03:42
ESphynxmorphias how about learning eC and contributing to the IDE, compiler or GUI toolkit :P It just got into Ubuntu :P03:42
fegoif you wish to develop UI stuffs , then you can see python03:43
morphiasuhm... wow lots of responses03:43
bobweaverfego,  Oo03:43
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Tex_NickI did an upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10 rather than a clean install ... it seemed to work ok, however when i attempt to do a update through update manager, it says ( Failed to download repository information - chech your internet connection ) DETAILS : W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found03:44
Tex_Nick, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found03:44
Tex_Nick, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.03:44
bobweavermorphias,  there is a thing called Harvest it is used to track bugs03:44
morphiasi am kindof the person that loves working with things similar to windows C# forms and also i thought the Unity would be cool03:44
Tex_NickI plan on doing a clean install in the next day or so ... but would first like to learn the reason for this problem.03:44
bobweavermorphias,  you can use this to find things that you want to fix in Ubuntu if you like03:45
bobweavermorphias,  http://harvest.ubuntu.com/03:45
bobweavermorphias,  if you like Unity then you would like to drop in for UDS ?03:45
morphiaswhats UDS?03:46
bobweavermorphias,  http://uds.ubuntu.com/03:46
bobweaveryou can register and hang out for remote tour if you like.03:46
bobweavermorphias,  ^^03:46
bobweaverthere are even tracks and what not that you can watch and learn from and learn how the community operates morphias03:47
johnjacobjingerhchrist almighty... 9 hours so far to edit my partition tables03:47
morphiasi wont be able to do the UDS... i would love to but can't :(03:47
johnjacobjingerhgparted is still cranking away03:47
morphiasbut im looking at the harvest03:48
morphiashavent seen that b403:48
bobweavermorphias,  you can do UDS via remotely03:48
morphiasdo you still need to register?03:49
bobweaverwith Irc channels and also audio and visual for some03:49
bobweavermorphias,  If you want to have a say in things03:49
bobweavermorphias,  there is a pad that is used called etherpad03:49
bobweaveror something like that inorder to use that you must be registered on LP and what not  (I think)03:50
bobweavermorphias,   http://uds.ubuntu.com/community/remote-participation/03:51
ahmad_i have a question guys03:51
morphiasi am on the register page... i see it now03:51
ahmad_if i am putting a command in rc.local  such as  'sudo mount -t vboxsf shared /home/openstack/host' how do i get around the asking for command problem?03:52
ahmad_asking for the password* i mean03:52
morphiasdo they do summits in the USA?03:53
bobweavermorphias,  when looking at the scedual Unity is "Desktop " and there is a UbuntuTV Community meeting also03:53
bobweavermorphias,  Yes and if you do your fair share Ubuntu (canonical) will pay for you to go !03:53
bobweavermorphias,  where-ever it is03:53
ahmad_oh nvm doesn't ask for password :| wierd03:54
bobweavermorphias,  I am going to UDS because of Work in UbuntuTV     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMgQpS8F6_o03:55
bobweaverC++ ^^03:55
bobweaverqt and qml03:55
Loshkiahmad_: that's because rc.local runs as root, so the sudo doesn't have to ask for a password....03:55
bobweaverpython and also some bash03:55
bobweavermorphias,  so in a round about way Ubuntu as a distro Rocks by far ?Bar none above others and treating there community members great. For real they Do.03:56
bobweaverNo other distro I give code to. They never offer me nothing , not that it is about that03:57
bobweaverbut it is nice rotflol !!03:57
morphiaswith taking college classes and also self paced study in programming and being a user of ubuntu for over 2 years now I was like I want to do more than tweak config files and crap :)03:58
bobweavermorphias,  yeah I def say if you want to mess with Unity just go for it03:58
bobweaverInstall Qt creator and go nuts !03:58
TohuwUnity isn't QT...03:59
bobweaverTohuw,  2d is03:59
TohuwAh. That's what I get for butting in. Night!04:00
bobweaverit is QT and qt-quick or qml or what ever you ant to call it04:00
morphiaswhat can I find for a todo list with unity?04:01
bobweaverqml is super cool but with libunity no longer suporting it and also dee moving away ksh is all I got to say to that04:01
optishort query, does ubuntu 12.10 use hardware accelerated AES on cpu's that support it?04:01
optifor ssh/rsync and the like04:02
bobweavermorphias,  I suggest reading the wiki page real short http://unity.ubuntu.com/04:02
bobweavermorphias,  are you opengl person by chance ?04:02
bobweavermorphias,  there is also a api coming real real real soon about LibNUX and other C++ libs04:03
morphiasi have converted from doing directx projects on windows about a year ago to stopped doing programming just to learn linux and start learning other languages outside of .NET04:03
morphiasbeen trying to pick up on opengl here and there04:03
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bobweavermorphias,  I also worked a .NET / visual basic / asp classic04:04
SouravAJnew user cant start x server it giving me the error xauth timeout in locking authority file .xauthority how to fix this?04:05
chaotixhi guys  :)04:05
SouravAJi am using backtrak504:05
chaotixim setting up my htpc...  its a low end pos computer, but its all i have available for the task, and it is this or look at a blue screen on my hdtv lol.....   i am going to be using xbmc a lot, i really like it...  but for my distro i havent made any decisions yet...  i would like some input please04:05
bobweaverfun stuff but there is qt and qml and C++ and javascript which = the bomb04:05
bobweavermorphias, ^^04:05
chaotixSouravAJ, prepare to get flamed, or ubottu'd04:05
chaotixsorry bud been there04:05
bobweaverSouravAJ,  /join #blackbuntu04:06
chaotixgood distro, but even the ubunto-offtopic crowd will ubottu you for mentioning backtrack04:06
kunjiSouravAJ: you probably just need to add the new user to the right group04:06
bobweaverwhat happened to nbuntu ?04:06
chaotixi was thinking xubuntu, with the medibuntu repos...  or maybe mythbuntu, but i havent the slightest clue about running myth tv04:06
webfoxIs there a word for 'winsock' at Linux ?04:07
bobweaverSouravAJ,  Backbox is also great04:07
kunjichaotix: well, doesn't backtrack have their own irc channel?  I thought they did.04:07
chaotixwhat u guys think i should use for it04:07
chaotixi was just playing...04:07
bobweaverSouravAJ,  they also have repo and so do I for pen testing tools if you like04:07
chaotixabout bt04:07
bobweaverchaotix,  there is a backend ad a front end04:08
bobweaverthink of it like that04:08
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bobweaverbackend = mysql04:08
SouravAJis there any solution for this04:08
chaotixid rather not go with myth i think...04:08
bobweaverthere is also plugins for Unity for front end chaotix04:08
kunjichaotix: I actually wouldn't worry about what distro too much, personally I don't care much as long as it's using a debian based package manager :P04:09
chaotixthe computer is a real pos04:09
bobweaverit is easy to use chaotix04:09
morphiasbobweaver, i got QT Creator installed... is there anything in particular that i should accomplish? ( i am bad at finding stuff for myself to do but good at doing what others ask me to attempt)04:09
chaotixmostly i am going to be using xbmc, but i want to have the stuff there when i need it...   basically right now i am wondering lxde or xfce to go with04:10
chaotixi have used both and they are okay04:10
chaotixhavent used lubuintu for long however04:10
chaotixand have experienced a few crashes, off a almost fresh install04:11
Tex_Nickwhen i attemp to upgrade 12.10 through update manager I get an http 404 error ... how do I fix that ?04:11
chaotixit is a virtual box tho04:11
kunjiI like LXDE better, but it's personal preference04:11
bobweavermorphias,  you can use bzr to get Unity source code I wrote about it I will get link04:11
bobweavermorphias,  http://askubuntu.com/questions/181474/now-that-i-built-unity-how-do-i-install-it/196023#19602304:12
samurai2for example I have ten files with names dir_1, dir_2, ... dir 10, dir 11. How to make a match using grep to only return file with 1 or 10, but not both? thanks :)04:13
bobweaversamurai2, use find04:13
chaotixis there a good channel i could be discussing this topic in besides ubuntu-ot??  theres no one over there right now04:14
bobweaversamurai2,  with regex like {1..10}04:14
samurai2bobweaver : thanks :)04:15
bobweaversamurai2,  you can also call regex in grep and diferent regex at that04:15
bobweaversamurai2,  man grep04:16
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fegosamurai2 and bobweaver ,{} is brace expansion unlike regex04:20
SouravAJis this backtrak irc i typed /join #backtrack-linux but it jumped back in ubuntu04:21
bobweaver!backtrack | SouravAJ04:22
ubottuSouravAJ: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition04:22
wilee-nileeSouravAJ, You can't join backtrack in root.04:22
fegohot heels he has04:23
morphiasbobweaver, okay im downloading the dependencies now. i saw this basically gets me setup to develop unity in QT.  now is there any web page with like bugs, proposed features, etc for unity?04:23
bobweavermorphias,  Yes there is Ubuntu Harvest04:23
bobweavermorphias,  http://harvest.ubuntu.com/04:24
morphiasyeah i have been looking on there and i am trying to find unity04:25
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morphiaswait nvm... i had a filter04:26
morphiasnow that guy said that qt is for 2d?04:26
morphiasshould i consult unity-2d then?04:26
bobweavermorphias,  https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity04:26
bobweavermorphias,  the toturial that I was talking about was for wither qt (unity 2d) or C++/Nux(unity 3d )04:27
bobweavereither way you can open CMakeList.txt with qtcreator morphias04:28
bobweaverfor Unity{1..}04:28
bobweaverfor Unity{2..3}04:28
bobweavermorphias,  Unity is real easy to hack04:28
bobweaverjust depends on what kinda  lang you want to rock04:29
bobweaverLike there is also GO and what not04:29
bobweaverwhich is kinda like C++04:29
bobweavermorphias,  maybe libNux and Ubuntu TV ?04:30
bobweaverinterface will be wrote at a soon point04:30
morphiassounds interesting04:33
morphiasim doing a test build in QT right now04:34
morphiasbut yeah i love learning new things04:34
bobweavermorphias,  I will try and find api that mhall119  is building04:34
morphiasif you got stuff bobweaver ill definatly indulge on it04:34
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morphiasomg ... unity taking a while on my little i3 lappy04:35
bobweavermorphias,  It is 100 of C++ pages04:35
bobweaverglib ect it is amazig in the scheme of things ;)04:36
morphiasbobweaver, is it normal to download source code that has compilation errors?04:36
bobweaverLike to have One Uni-i-fied interface04:36
bobweaversometimes what are errors ? on make you are saying ?04:37
=== Purian23 is now known as Purian23|ZzZzz
bobweaverthink unity is bad try kde lxde ect04:37
bobweaveris it the flag for a unused lens ? for lens.cpp04:37
Scott_Smorphias, In general downloaded source code, as long as it states it is stable, will not have compilation errors.04:37
bobweavererrors are differnet then warnings04:38
bobweaverNo errors in unity 3d or 2d04:38
morphiasi used the walkthrough and got a "has no member named" error and the run stopped04:38
bobweaver2 warnings   Kde no errors 256 warnings04:39
bobweavermorphias,  what walkthrough04:39
Scott_SWarning can refer to unsafe data types (e.g. Not specifying the type of data an array will contain), and they can also refer to 'friendly reminders' from the compiler.04:40
morphiashttp://askubuntu.com/questions/181474/now-that-i-built-unity-how-do-i-install-it/196023#196023 that one04:40
morphiashow do i get it to run ignoring the warnings from QT?04:40
bobweaverwhat step morphias  ?04:40
Scott_Smorphias, Generally you do not want to suppress warnings.04:40
bobweaver!screenshot | morphias04:40
ubottumorphias: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.04:40
morphiasi clicked the run button and it did that ...04:43
Scott_Smorphias: That is stating that the method does not exist in that class.04:44
Scott_Smorphias: Have you downloaded and libraries that need to be linked for the compilation?04:44
bobweavermorphias,  where is soruce from apt-get or bzr ?04:44
bobweaverScott_S, sudo apt-get build-deps unity      should do that04:45
bobweavermorphias,  do you have pastebinit installed ?04:45
morphiasno but i could install it :)04:45
Scott_Sbobweaver: You'd think so, but nothing is flawless. That error refers to a non-existent method, which means something is missing.04:46
morphiasi did do build-deps unity04:46
bobweaverScott_S,  then there is bug and should be reported04:46
bobweavermorphias,   apt-cache search unity |pastebinit      let us see the link04:47
bobweavermorphias,  apt-cache policy unity | pastebinit     let us see the link *04:49
morphiashey check this out...04:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068033 in Unity "lp:unity requires Nux 4.0 (lp:nux) but fails to check for it at build time" [Low,Triaged]04:50
bobweavermorphias,  then  check the CMakeList.list make sure that it is checking fr it04:52
bobweaverCMakeList.txt *04:52
bobweavermake sure in the shared Lib but that would be in the Configuration ..... Are you sure that there was not any Cmake errors when configureing morphias04:54
bobweavermorphias,   you can also join us on #ubuntu-tv04:56
morphiasi didnt get any cmake error04:56
samurai2hi there I used while loop in shell and it's still doesn't work, I do something like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1304189/, but it's said :04:57
samurai2addDir.sh: 4: [: expr: unexpected operator04:57
vp18does anyone on here have failed depository thing when doing  updates?04:57
wilee-nileevp18, How and where/when do you get fails, pastebin this if you can.05:00
Tex_Nickvp18 : do you mean a http 404 error ?05:00
Jordan_Usamurai2: "set -x" is a great debugging tool for the shell, I think you'll see the problem when you add "set -x".05:01
samurai2Jordan_U : thanks.05:01
Jordan_Usamurai2: You're welcome.05:01
Tex_Nickwilee-nilee : I think I'm having the same issue as vp18 ... when trying to update 12.10 through update manager05:03
blue_Whats up everybody, Does anyone know anything about JIRCii their website is http://www.oldschoolirc.com I'm just having a hard time installing it.05:04
wilee-nileeTex_Nick, Run a update in the terminal and pastebin all the text?05:04
thomedyokay i have gimp05:04
thomedyi am trying to install gp05:04
thomedyi ran rsycn  and also maned what it does and ithought that it was going to install it but i dont seem to have gap05:05
Jordan_Usamurai2: Also note that for iterating through numbers a for loop is *much* more sane.05:05
Tex_Nickwilee-nilee : i'm running a dual boot box ... presently in M-$0ft os ... let me reboot into ubuntu and give you some info05:08
blue_Are you guys seeing what I type I just want to make sure x chat is working right05:08
Jordan_Ublue_: Yes, we see you.05:08
blue_kool thanks bro05:08
blue_but do you guys know anything about JIRCii05:09
Jordan_Ublue_: If nobody has an answer to your question, then nobody will answer. With so many people in the channel having everyone say "I don't know about that" when someone asks a question doesn't really scale, so just be patient and if you don't get a response it means that nobody has an answer, not that we didn't see you or that we're ignoring you (we're not).05:11
blue_no problem05:11
Karlo_I'm in single-user mode; "apt-get check" reports a bunch of errors.  Obviously, I can't correct them by installing new stuff, until I have a network.  Is it reasonable for me to correct the errors by removing stuff instead, and then letting it install the right stuff later on?05:15
LilI am having a problem. I installed xrdp, but when I connect to it... it's like the unity launcher doesn't load. I can see the desktop icons and right click, etc.. Running 12.10, and connecting from a win7 machine.05:16
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Guest24773I want set up unity in my ubuntu studio 12.1005:21
Guest24773how can i do that?05:21
Jordan_UKarlo_: Have you tried simply running "sudo apt-get -f install"? It may in fact propose to remove packages rather than install them (or may propose to install packages which are already in the package cache).05:22
aeon-ltd!uniyu | Guest2477305:22
aeon-ltd!unity | Guest2477305:22
ubottuGuest24773: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity05:22
irenicus09hello can anyone help me with my wifi issue05:23
fleishhi all, I'm trying to boot the cloud images from uec-images.ubuntu.com, have gotten precise & oneiric working with no issues. but lucid fails with an alert that /dev/xvda does not exist and drops me in the initramfs. anyone experienced this? am running it on openstack+xen05:23
irenicus09I'm trying to change the region of my card but it defaults to country 0005:23
irenicus09*iw reg set xx05:23
Guest24773Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04. But I want set up in my ubuntu studio, but It has only XFCE...05:24
aeon-ltdGuest24773: first answer here has the pkg names http://askubuntu.com/questions/131016/how-can-i-remove-and-re-install-unity05:24
Guest24773OK thank you!...:)05:24
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LilI am having a problem. I installed xrdp, but when I connect to it... it's like the unity launcher doesn't load. I can see the desktop icons and right click, etc.. Running 12.10, and connecting from a win7 machine.05:25
rexwin_when trying to euc2ools i get the error message. http://picpaste.com/ubuntu-error-8meDFArs.bmp05:26
Tex_Nick wilee-nilee : RE- 12.10 update problem ... I've booted into ubuntu & run update through terminal output is @ -> http://pastebin.com/51V35NH405:28
Karlo_Jordan_U: Yes, I've tried it.  That command produces the error list.05:29
ahmad_hi guys, i am getting this error can anyone shed some light please05:29
ahmad_ahmad is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.05:29
ahmad_when i try to use sudo it happens05:29
Karlo_Jordan_U: I can't try it from multi-user mode because it refuses to boot, *possibly* because the database is bad.05:30
Jordan_UKarlo_: Can you pastebin the exact error message? Both using pastebin, and fixing this, might be easier if you booted from a LiveCD/USB and chrooted in to run commands.05:30
Karlo_I've got someone coming over right now with a disk.05:31
suripto_wi got upgrade issue ":Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages."05:31
wilee-nileeTex_Nick, The xswat ppa does not have a quantal release you can go to softwrae sources and remove it or tick it off.05:31
suripto_wsomebody please help///05:31
Jordan_Usuripto_w: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get -f install"?05:32
Karlo_Jordan_U: I had just updated to 12.04 -- on reboot I got "The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present".05:32
Karlo_As per a Web suggestion, I remounted / as readwrite, then tried "apt-get install -f" to deal with the broken packages.  I got dozens of error messages, mostly of the form "(something) is not installed".05:33
wilee-nileeTex_Nick,I suggest tick it off as they may have one later, they are up to precise as of now05:33
suripto_wReading package lists... Done05:33
suripto_wBuilding dependency tree05:33
suripto_wReading state information... Done05:33
suripto_w0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:33
FloodBot1suripto_w: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:33
suripto_wsorry...my mistake05:33
Jordan_UKarlo_: Try adding the "rootwait" kernel parameter (though that's most likely to just cause an indefinite hang, it might allow you to boot if for some reason the root FS is taking a long time to become available).05:34
wilee-nileeTex_Nick, you can get to the software sources from the edit in the software center05:34
rexwin_how to check the version of ubuntu running05:35
suripto_wjordan_U .. the result would be this...http://paste.ubuntu.com/1304221/plain/05:36
Karlo_rexwin_, maybe cat /proc/version05:37
Jordan_U!version | rexwin_05:37
ubotturexwin_: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »05:37
Tex_Nickwilee-nilee : Ok have ticked xswat off ... will try update again05:37
LilI am having a problem. I installed xrdp, but when I connect to it... it's like the unity launcher doesn't load. I can see the desktop icons and right click, etc.. Running 12.10, and connecting from a win7 machine.05:38
suripto_wthis is the bug in upgrading 12.04 to 12.10.......http://paste.ubuntu.com/1304226/plain/05:38
suripto_wplz help me05:39
suripto_wplz help me05:39
wilee-nileesuripto_w, How are you upgrading?05:39
Kernel-TuxHello from CentOSQUITQUIT05:40
Karlo_OK, I now have an install disk for 12.04 -- friend brought it over but didn't stay to help.05:40
suripto_wusing software center wilee-nilee05:40
suripto_wdid i do something wrong???05:41
wilee-nileesuripto_w, I'm not sure I know how you would from there, could you  share that.05:42
wilee-nileesuripto_wI don't PM< the channel is better05:42
suripto_wsorry wilee-nilee....i can't make it right ....05:43
wilee-nileesuripto_w, If you close everything and open the update manager do you see a upgrade offered there?05:44
suripto_wi just don't know how to fix it....i'm already doing apt-get autoremove, apt-get clean, apt get -f install05:44
Tex_Nickwilee-nilee : as always you had the answer ... update now works ... hey man, thanks for the help ... it's ppl like you that make IRC & u=Ubuntu work05:44
wilee-nileeTex_Nick, No problem, sometimes we get lucky. ;)05:45
suripto_wyes, wilee-nilee....i upgrade it because there's the offer05:45
krishhey guys, I said install updates on update manager yesterday and today morning nothing works on my ubuntu 12.04.   no network, no touchpad, I dont see network-manager, I try to use wired connection even it doesnt work.  I try to add new network manually but the fields are all disabled05:45
wilee-nileesuripto_w, Where?05:45
krishjust what is happening!05:45
Tex_Nickwilee-nilee : lol yeah with me it's luck ... with you it's skill ;-)05:46
suripto_wfrom update manager...wilee-nilee05:46
krishI get crash dialogs from ubuntu one, gdunotification-daemon05:46
wilee-nileesuripto_w, So you are getting the error you posted from using the update manager?05:47
Karlo_Uh -- to boot from the CD, it should be sufficient to have the CD in the drive when the machine powers up, right?05:47
suripto_wit said new ubuntu release 12.10 is available...i just click upgrade05:47
err-orKarlo_: also you have to set up your boot order to use the cd drive first.05:47
wilee-nileesuripto_w Ah, so it just seems to be broken packages are blocking hold on.05:47
Karlo_Ah.  That sounds semi-familiar now.  If I go to the menu, I should be able to add something to the command line to boot from CD just this once, right?05:48
krishguys, any help on my issue05:48
suripto_wwhat am i suppose to do then?05:49
err-orKarlo_: maybe this clarifys it more: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromCD05:50
suripto_wdid i do something wrong??? wilee-nilee05:50
wilee-nileesuripto_w, Not sure the error is a broken package, the command Jordan_U gave you returned nothing, I'm googling to see if I can find something.05:51
wilee-nileesuripto_w, If it was me I would start with running a update and upgrade in the terminal to look for errors, so run a update and pastebin all the text.05:53
Karlo_Oh, I'd forgotten about this.  Although this whole thing started with my attempting to upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04, I seem to still have 10.04 on this system; the version-checking commands agreed on that, and so does the boot menu.05:53
themhzis there anyway I can add widgets on my desktop in ubuntu 12.04?05:53
suripto_wyes, i've tried the command that jordan_U gave me.....05:53
philaneoushi im having trouble updating ubuntu server 12.1005:53
philaneoussomething with the kernel05:53
suripto_wi'm still googling for it since this morning .....it's 12.54 pm in indonesia though05:54
err-orKarlo_: why not updating via update-manager?05:55
Karlo_err-or: I did.05:55
Karlo_Is "recovery mode" the same as "single user mode"?05:55
MacYETLatest Ubuntu version, latest kde-standard version installed, KDE desktop appears with default 800x600 resolution or so. there is no setting for adjusting the display settings…where to change?06:00
=== guang is now known as ha
=== ha is now known as guang_
krishguys is there a way to roll back last update06:01
MacYETguys? no girls?06:02
aeon-ltdkrish: yes, but it's NOT reccommended. too many things can go wrong06:03
aeon-ltdMacYET: my only suggestion is to check if you've got drivers installed for your gpu06:04
MacYETi could change the settings under unity06:05
krishaeon-ltd: well for now my last nights updates, .. nothing works,.. no network, no touch pad, half of the dialog boxes are disabled in settings, cant crash report (because no network)06:05
MacYETso i suspect that there something else missing06:05
krishI tried using the wired network.. same thing.. doesnt work06:06
guang_i want to use gtk+ interface to do some practice,where i can find code example??06:06
aeon-ltdkrish: was the update interrupted?06:06
krishno, it wasnt .. logs says it failed06:07
krishim trying to force upgrade now06:07
krishand it says its trying to use alternative of ld.so because the x64 version is broken06:08
krishhope it goes fine06:08
Karlo_I've rebooted, but I *think* I'm still booted from hard disk instead of CD.  How can I tell for sure?06:08
krishthis is pretty bad.  What about complete layman users ... update should break something to this level06:09
krishany ubuntu dev here ^06:09
krishmight wanna take it up the ladder06:09
wilee-nileekrish, Hehe your assuming awful soon there is no user error here.06:09
krishI see the logs right06:10
krishI let the updates run, till it failed itself06:10
krishI was simply watching Mr.bean while this was happening.. not to interrupt anything (although that shouldnt be required)06:11
chaseI did a minimal install using a wired connection. Now when I boot, my computer won't recognize I have a wireless card, but...if I plug in my ethernet cable, then unplug it, suddenly, it sees my wireless...ever heard of anything like that?06:11
wilee-nileekrish, logs don't release you from making an error. Have you added any repos and or installed 3rd party stuf.06:11
chaseI installed ubuntu-gnome-desktop on top of the minimal install.06:11
krishlike chrome repos?06:11
krishgoogle chrome repo06:11
krishdont tell me that messes with ld.so :)06:11
Ben64X is taking up all my ram, how can I find out why?06:12
wilee-nileekrish, Installing chrome adds a deb to the sources.list I believe, is all. what are the exact errors?06:12
* samurai2 thinks I have seen this MacYET somewhere before :)06:12
Ben64root      1215  3.0 64.7 4068708 2628428 tty7  Ss+  Oct12 543:20 /usr/bin/X :0 -nr -verbose -auth /var/run/gdm/auth-for-gdm-rUxFO9/database -nolisten tcp vt706:13
krishThe errors are to gdu-notification daemon crash and ubuntu one crash06:14
krishthese are the only ones visible ^ wilee-nilee06:14
=== morphis|away is now known as morphis
krishthe logs show that ubuntu-apport failed for something06:16
krishmanually upgraded it06:16
krishand now forced other updates06:16
krishlets see.. its going for a reboot06:16
joosenHow can I install flash player 64bit into ubuntu 12.10?06:18
Ben64joosen: download it from adobe, then put in ~/.mozilla/plugins/06:19
joosenHow the file that I will download?06:19
Ben64what do you mean06:20
krishwilee-nilee: ok it seems to work now... although load avg seems bit higher now (like 2.0+) and I hate to see so many kde daemns06:20
krishBtw, the way this got fixed is update ubuntu-apport manually06:20
krishthen run the apt-get upgrade -f06:20
krishso I was lucky to have the packages already in my cache due to last nights updates.. else any other layman person is probably screwed06:21
krishthks all. lemme log off and resign in from the fixed box06:21
IronLightThis takes some getting used to.06:23
pgdac`Compared to Window 8 why ubuntu 12.10 is booting slow :( ? I want ubuntu to boot fast !06:24
wilee-nileepgdac, Windows 8 is a hybrid sleep.06:27
thrgyjthHow does one obtain a mask on IRC?06:28
coolstarthrgyjth: #freenode06:28
psychogenikpls halp ubuntu keep showing porn n i dont even look at porn and im 1206:28
somsip!proxy | thrgyjth06:28
ubottuthrgyjth: Several Ubuntu channels prohibit access from open proxies and other anonymous connections due to a high level of abuse. The supported ways to hide your IP address on freenode are to use !Tor or get a !cloak06:28
thrgyjthok, thanks06:29
coolstarpsychogenik: ubuntu doesn't show porn...06:30
coolstarpsychogenik: must be someone else using your computer06:30
nocturnal_psychogenik: probably your dad06:30
psychogenikits in amazon lens or whatever06:30
nocturnal_ask amazon06:31
coolstarpsychogenik: well here's a fix: when you see someone watching porn smash their face into the keyboard06:31
NuSueywhat is it with my graphic card .. my 6850 (ati) will only show a black screen ~ install/boot of 12.04 .. and it goes same way when I turn the ati driver on the 12.1006:34
Karlo_Still no luck in getting the booter to use the cd instead of the hard disk.  It's as if it doesn't see a disk in there.06:34
zrutyI got a HDD and when I try to install ubuntu and the partitioner starts, it does not show up. What can i do about that?06:35
coolstarzruty: is the hdd connected properly and turned on?06:35
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wilee-nileezruty, Check the HD in gparted and make sure it has a partition table.06:36
zrutycoolstar: Yes.06:37
samurai2Hi, how to increment a variable in bourne shell script? like i++ in c? thanks :)06:37
zrutywilee-nilee: It does.06:37
coolstarzruty: pastie the output of "ls /dev/"06:37
zrutyI can connect a USB interface to it and then it shows up, i can partition it, and copy data to and from06:37
wilee-nileezruty, What is the partition type on there now, and soes it take up the whole disc?06:38
zrutyBut it does nto show up in the installer's partitioner, so I can not install ubuntu to it06:38
zrutyI can delete all partitions and create whatever I like, with the USB interface. But conneccted to the hdd interface on the mobo, in 2 computers, it does not show up in the installer's partitioner06:38
Karlo_samurai2: i=`expr $i + 1`  # works even in older shells06:39
coolstarzruty: would you mind pastieing the output of the command I mentioned above ^^06:39
zrutycoolstar: I'd be happy to, but that may take a while: I do not have the disk right here right now...06:39
Karlo_samurai2: i=$(expr $i + 1)  # works in ksh and bash06:39
zrutyWhat can I check, what can I look for?06:40
suripto_wwilee-nilee if i upgrade using live cd, would it be upgrade the system without deleting the "data" or erase all????06:40
samurai2Karlo_ : It's said  expr $i + 1: not found06:41
basil1xHullo.  I keep getting a 'location already mounted' error when I insert a DVD.  I just upgraded to 12.10, and have never had this error before doing so.06:41
somsipsamurai2: maybe this will help http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/bash-equivalent-to-c-increment-operator-131504/06:41
wilee-nileesuripto_w, No a cd will overwrite the install.06:41
guang_is there any tool to help choose the right character encoding automatically?06:41
Karlo_samurai2: It's enclosed in grave accents, `...`, not quotes06:42
somsipguang_: in what?06:42
wilee-nileesuripto_w, Honestly I would fix your setup now, post a thread at the ubuntu forums and get some help there as well, you seem to have some broken dependencies.06:42
suripto_wnot just ugrade the system?but erase all??? cmiiw06:42
pgdacsamurai2: :seq first_number  +increament  last number06:42
pgdacsamurai2:  You can try this also06:43
wilee-nileesuripto_w, 12.10 does not have a inplace upgrade with the alternative.06:43
samurai2Karlo_ : ah ic, those symbol really confusing. thanks :)06:43
samurai2pgdac : I'll try it. thanks :)06:43
suripto_whm.....right, i should go to ubuntu forum.but when i'm googling other have the same situation as i did, but none has the answer after all06:44
somsipguang_: woudl something like this help you? http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=170806:44
suripto_whm....it would replace all then, right? :((06:45
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samurai2pgdac : thanks. now I can easily use for loop in bourne shell script without need to provide the whole sequence numbers. :)06:47
Karlo_samurai2: for i in `seq 20`; do echo here is $i; done06:47
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pgdacsamurai2:  Di you found my reply worthful ?06:47
Karlo_samurai2: That's another way to do it.06:48
pgdacsamurai2: *Did06:48
samurai2pgdac, Karlo_ : Yeah, thanks to both of you. :)06:48
pgdacsamurai2: Always Welocme !06:49
Karlo_Not only does the system fail to boot from CD, but when I go to runlevel 1, it doesn't have any info for mounting /dev/cdrom -- it sounds to me as though I don't have a working CD-ROM drive.  Anything else I can try before I give up on that?06:49
prodnixHi all, I have a fully functional PXE server runnin ubuntu, debian, winPE and various live discs. I am currently trying to make my ubuntu live boot persistent. At the kernel line I have added persistent. My NFS is writable but I cannot get anything to stick. I test by changing my samba workgroup to mshome. Any help would be appreciated06:50
pgdacKarlo_: Please repeat your question  one more time06:50
Karlo_Not only does the system fail to boot from CD, but when I go to runlevel 1, it doesn't have any info for mounting /dev/cdrom -- it sounds to me as though I don't have a working CD-ROM drive.  Anything else I can try before I give up on that?06:51
basil1xthis error only happens with blank discs06:52
pgdacKarlo_: How you mounting your cd in  runlevel 106:52
Karlo_Details: I insert the CD and cold boot, but it boots from hard disk instead.  That gives me the error "The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present", and from there, M takes me to maintenance mode, aka runlevel 1.06:52
foobArrrI have problems with distorted sound and echo with vlc. Often sound is only distorted for the first few seconds or a minute of a file, then sound is normal. When I skip to the next song/video, sound is distorted again. Also volume levels are strange: some videos are loud, some are quiet, in mplayer they have similar volume. this started a few weeks ago on 12.04 and is still present in 12.10.06:52
somsipfoobArrr: this is not a solution, but do you need to use vlc?06:54
Karlo_I then attempt to mount it manually.  Neither "mount /dev/cdrom" nor "mount /mnt/cdrom" works (it claims that neither mtab nor fstab knows about that device or directory).  So I try "mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom"...  I don't know if I need more options there.06:54
foobArrrsomsip: no, I don't. but I want to use vlc.06:54
Karlo_Oh, /mnt/cdrom didn't exist.  OK, I create it and try the mount... Now it says mount: /dev/sr0: unknown device06:55
Karlo_/dev/cdrom is a symlink to sr0, which is block device 11,0.06:57
somsipKarlo_: AFAIK, sr0 is a cdrom on a SATA connection. Have you tried sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom -t iso966006:59
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Karlo_Trying that now07:02
Karlo_"no medium found on /dev/sr0"07:03
somsipKarlo_: though maybe you are root - did you say you were in single-user mode...no matter07:03
Karlo_Right, I'm omitting the sudo verb.07:03
somsipKarlo_: maybe you were right about having a dodgy drive. That command (or similar) has worked for me in the dim distant past07:03
Karlo_If I plug a thumb drive into the USB port, where should that appear on the filesystem?07:04
somsipKarlo_: I doubt there will be autoloading in single-user mode. You will have to mount07:04
pgdacKarlo_:  Did you tried  moutn using /dev/cdrom if it is not working then try definig cd/dvd type  . Let's hope for the best!07:05
Guest90235hello , i can install ubuntu in to a pen drive however my old motherboard stuck whenever i use other format than fat1607:05
Karlo_OK then, what device name would the thumb drive have07:05
Guest90235perhaps making a fat16 boot partition could solve my problem, can anyone help?07:06
somsipKarlo_: dmesg may help you07:06
prodnixAny ideas on my persistent PXE ubuntu?07:09
TPAKTOPUCTAhello all07:09
Karlo_OK, seems to be /dev/sdb07:10
TPAKTOPUCTAi have one question regarding the new ubuntu release 12.1007:10
TPAKTOPUCTAand virtualbox07:10
bradyhow can i install a package that i have in a .rpm file?07:11
pgdacTPAKTOPUCTA: Just ask the question. Don't ask to ask questoin07:11
pgdacbrady: Firstly conver .rpm to .deb07:11
somsipbrady: dont, or if you have to http://www.unixmen.com/howto-install-rpm-packages-on-ubuntu/07:11
TPAKTOPUCTAi am running ubuntu as OS and on top of that I have virtualbox with several windows virtual machines07:12
basil1xsorry... computer had issues07:12
fegobrady: dont they provide installers for debian based distros ?07:12
TPAKTOPUCTAbefore the upgrade with 12.04 everything works just fine07:12
bradyim trying to  install gcc07:12
TPAKTOPUCTAno lag and problems while working in the virtual environment07:12
pgdacbrady:  gcc is already in ubuntu07:13
TPAKTOPUCTAbut after the upgrade to 12.1007:13
fegobrady: gcc is available in all linux distributions includong ubuntu07:13
bradyyes but i need an earlyer version, the new version breaks serial communication with my arduino mega07:13
fego!info build-essential | brady07:13
ubottubrady: build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 5 kB, installed size 37 kB07:13
TPAKTOPUCTAi have lags and after random time intervals my virtual machine hangs07:13
TPAKTOPUCTAanyone experience the same issue07:13
newb2linuxlooking for someones input on receiver installs in sure, ubuntu and centos07:14
pgdacbrady:  Means you want to know how to degrade your gcc07:14
fegobrady: you can serch for earlier versions too07:14
bradyyes.. ive been trying to downgrade for hours , i ended up using aptitude to remove it.07:14
fegoor in worst case compile from source tarball07:14
Guest90235can i create a boot partition before installing ubuntu? even for a single boot?07:14
newb2linuxit takes openmotif and I try to install- needs dependencies, I searchand install the dependant apps and it snowballs from there to more and more07:14
bradyi dont know , where to search07:14
pgdacbrady:  Google it !07:15
bradyi did..07:15
bradythats how i ended up with the rpm's07:15
newb2linuxanyone have success getting receiver installed on ubuntu?07:15
fegobrady: may be BullShark07:15
newb2linuxthere is a small number of articles - follwoed each with a different error on all07:16
bradyi dont know what to google specifically, other than gcc 4.3.307:16
fegobrady: may be http://packages.ubuntu.com/07:16
fegosorry it was an accident brady07:16
somsipbrady: I get a helpful looking set of results with "how to downgrade ubuntu gcc"07:18
mar77ineeding help here...07:18
somsip!details | mar77i07:18
ubottumar77i: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:18
diaboliquehey guys my videos on youtube play at super fast speed..any way to reduce the play speed?07:19
mar77ihi to you too. As it looks there's been a (weekly) update which crashed. the machine doesn't boot any more and the live system can't chroot because "/bin/bash: doesn't exist" << except, it does. I'm not clear if I missed something when I tried to fix it with # apt-get -o Dir=/media/sda1 --reinstall amd64 libc607:20
diaboliquehey guys my videos on youtube play at super fast speed..any way to reduce the play speed?07:20
diaboliquehey guys my videos on youtube play at super fast speed..any way to reduce the play speed?07:20
diaboliquehey guys my videos on youtube play at super fast speed..any way to reduce the play speed?07:20
FloodBot1diabolique: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:20
llutz_mar77i: do you try to chroot from 64bit into 32bit installation or vice versa?07:20
cnfanyone know of something like geektool i can use with unity?07:20
Luffhahi guys07:21
Luffhawhat does it mean, if i do an "ls" and i file shows with a * at the end?07:21
bradycan't find 4.3.3 on packages.ubuntu.com07:21
raid0arrayok so I created a raid 0 array with mdam to the point where I can mount it using sudo mount /dev/md0 after a reboot but I don't know how to get it to mount on boot. any suggestions?07:21
Luffha-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  202 2012-10-24 16:55 default*07:22
Luffhaand green colored :D07:22
suripto_wdoes anyone has a display driver for intel gm 965/gl960?....my display sometimes scratch and using vesa for display driver07:22
cnfLuffha: man ls, and search for -F07:22
cnfLuffha: it means it's executable, btw07:22
cnfLuffha: and the green means the same thing, btw07:24
cnfgreen for executable07:24
surferboyI'm looking for a person who is real clued up with openvpn tunnels07:24
mar77iwell, it should be the cd from where 10.04 was installed (which still had an 'amd64' package, if I have understood correctly). Also, there's no /lib64 directory in the system. also I saw a file with an extremely strange name that contained some \x01 char and stuff07:24
surferboyI was told that this Ubuntu channel is the place to look07:24
mar77iyou got me right that ldd /media/sda1/bin/bash shows /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 but there's no such directory. how can I restore files without chrooting?07:25
bradythe search results may appear useful for downgrade gcc ubuntu.. but im really not getting anywhere from going though the pages.07:25
guang_somsip:thank you.It does work07:27
somsipguang_: np07:28
basil1xI keep having connection issues... but that's Comcast, and not Ubuntu.  should I restate my question, or is that not necessary?07:28
diaboliqueguys help please http://paste.ubuntu.com/1304326/07:29
somsipbasil1x: is the DVD mount point in use?07:32
basil1xIt must be, but there's nothing there.07:32
somsipbasil1x: output of 'mount'?07:32
bradysudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 g++-3.4        , unable to locate package07:33
basil1xabout 15 lines, none of which I understand07:33
somsip!pastebin | basil1x07:34
ubottubasil1x: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:34
shai2892Hello, Does Ubuntu now cost money? I've trying to download Ubuntu from the official website but I cant find direct download link? just payment page?07:34
bradyno.. it does not cost money.07:34
librarystudent02someone please msg me so i can know that this is workinggg07:35
shai2892brady: so where I can get the latest download?07:35
TPAKTOPUCTAshai2892: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop07:35
cnfso i was told gkrellm and conky, less have a looksee07:35
bradyi used some program that downloaded it and put it on a usb drive07:35
bradyi dont recell the name07:35
TPAKTOPUCTAshai2892 http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server this is the server version07:36
basil1xsorry... it took me a bit to post it07:36
librarystudent02brady: what is the latest ubuntu version at the moment/07:36
brady12.10 , however, i was unhappy when i upgraded from 12.0407:37
jgfarndenHey there07:37
librarystudent02brady: why07:38
brady12.04 was operating solid on my machine, the latest "upgrade" has brought significant instablity to my machine, and i can't downgrade without fully reinstalling.07:38
librarystudent02yo wassup07:38
bradythe system went from almost never crashing to , crashing several times a day, random errors, more applications suddenly haulting.. etc.07:39
basil1xsomsip:  Could this thing be trying to mount the disc twice for some reason?07:39
Karlo_In retrospect, I should have stayed with 10.04 here.07:40
jgfarndenI ran 12.04 got hybrid graphics to work and was satisfied by it. So I went on to 12.10 I do a bit of the same method as I did to get changeable gpu's but as soon as the config is made for the xorg it gives a bad error.07:40
librarystudent02brady: so now your ubuntu version is 12.10? mine is 10.10 XD07:40
somsip_basil1x: possibly - did you pastebin the output from mount? I dropped for a couple of minutes07:40
bradyi was perfectly happy with 12.0407:40
basil1xsomsip:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1304336/07:40
basil1xsorry... I'm still a slow typer, though I'm improving07:40
librarystudent02brady: well what past is past07:41
Karlo_Is it possible to start the network, from single user mode?  If I can somehow do that, it might be possible for me to fix stuff.07:42
somsip_basil1x: looks normal. Do you get any errors in dmesg that might help?07:42
bradywell.. it would have been better for them to just push back the release date.07:42
librarystudent02brady: what release date?07:42
bradyof 12.1007:42
crosswybHi guys  I got some problems   Package requirements (libxml-2.0) were not met:  No package 'libxml-2.0' found07:43
crosswybwhat should I do07:43
llutz_brady: "i was perfectly happy with 12.04"  <- why did you upgrade then at all?07:43
nocturnal_12.04 is lts isnt it?07:43
llutz_nocturnal_:  it is07:43
bradythe upgrade popped up automatically, i had trust that it was safe.07:44
librarystudent01open xfuck.org at home07:44
librarystudent02no way-_-07:44
mpajor_op5librarystudent01: stop spamming07:44
somsip_librarystudent01: please stop07:44
librarystudent01element 115 is ready to be released07:45
librarystudent02can you see the meesage07:45
jgfarndendon't boot07:45
jgfarndenI had a question07:46
somsip_!ops | librarystudent02 is spamming07:46
FloodBot1jgfarnden: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:46
ubottulibrarystudent02 is spamming: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!07:46
andrasHi, I have a kickstart ks.cfg on a webserver is there a way to specify this at boot time without modifying the install iso image ?07:46
librarystudent02ask brady07:46
bradyask what?07:47
basil1xsomsip_:  I get one that says 'forcing readonly mount07:47
mar77iso hm, reinstalling libc6 resulted in an error in post-transaction something07:48
jgfarndenSo does anyone know anything about the hybrid graphics on 12.1007:48
somsip_basil1x: the cd drive has worked okay in the past, or is it new?07:49
basil1xIt still works... I burned a DVD to test it after I got the error... but the error balloon shows up every time I try07:50
basil1xsomsip_: I can paste the whole output if you like, but it's fairly extensive07:51
bradyjesus.. this is so annoying.07:51
bradyi manage to remove gcc07:51
somsip_basil1x: just when DVD-R is inserted?07:51
bradyi mange to install a downgraded version 3.4 gcc07:51
bradyi discover arduino was uninstalled with the higher gcc07:51
basil1xsomsip_: yes, recorded DVDs produce no error07:51
bradyi reinstall arduino 1.01, i discover it has installed newer gcc07:52
bradyim back to where i started07:52
jgfarndenWhat are you trying to do07:52
nug700so... just installed the newest ubuntu.07:52
bradyim trying to downgrade gcc , i need a version where the newer gcc doesn't break the serial communications via my arduino mega07:53
somsip_basil1x: can you show output of ls -la /media07:53
jgfarndenpurge all of it07:53
jgfarndenand install it again07:53
bradygcc-3.4 , allegedly is supposed to work.07:54
nug700first of all... why isn't the x server configering the monitor settup like the way I try to?07:54
jgfarndenit's a chain deal07:54
bradyi am not proficient enough of a user to simply know what purge it all means07:54
jgfarndenyou remove a working part07:54
jgfarndensudo apt-get purge gcc07:54
jgfarndenwho knows07:54
basil1xsomsip_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1304361/07:54
jgfarndenWhatever the application is you are trying to fix remove them both and just reinstall them back07:55
nug700Why is ubuntu slowly starting to seem like os x?07:55
bradyyes i see it right there, in the purge process07:55
bradyits removing arduino07:55
jgfarndenA long time ago I had made a picture07:55
nug700Why is ubuntu12 open things slower than 10?07:56
bradywhich is what happened last time, when i reinstall arduino, it will reinstall a newer version of gcc that causes the problem.07:56
jgfarndenOpens fast for me07:56
somsip_basil1x: no, sorry. I'm only searching and looking for clues, and finding nothing. Maybe try again later when more peeps are on07:56
jgfarndenWhat's the problem with the new version of gcc?07:56
nug700it takes up to 5 seconds to open firefox. 10 did it in less than a second.07:56
bradyit breaks the serial communications with arduino mega via serial07:57
basil1xso It's not just me that can't figure this out... I feel better... annoyed, but better07:57
bradythe serial communications do not make it to the serial monitor.07:57
bradyyes.. thats the problem.07:57
jgfarndenMost of the stuff I've managed to get working from 12.04 is just trial and error07:58
farciarz84hi, public tv in our country streams video in silverlight. I have mono plugin istalled but its out-dated and not support any more. Any chance to see this videos?07:58
MonkeyDustnug700  try installing preload to launch the programs you use most faster07:58
jgfarndenThat's the extent of my knowledge but I'm thinking07:59
nug700I'm really hoping the x-swat ppa driver for my graphics card.. despite the risk of ppa's, I think it'd be much worth it over the junk provided by ubuntu's "additionalt drivers"08:01
bradywhen i install arduino, it installs gcc with it, however, the version that it installs breaks serial communications to my mega, i can't get it to print to the serial monitor, searches suggest that downgrading it works, however, when i remove gcc, and install a lower version, and then install arduino , it just installs the broken newer gcc , and leaves me back at the start.08:01
somsip_MonkeyDust: I use preload but lately have run everything I use when my WM is started. Will preload give me any benefit still?08:02
bradyi can see a bunch of people out there saying that downgrading gcc works to fix it.. no explination on how to do that.08:02
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nug700also.. the curser for kvirc seems to be trailing further behind the text with every letter I type.08:03
RamtronHey! I've run into a huge problem, I've forgotten my routers password, so i can't connect to the internet. I'm on, through my phone right now. Can someone help me crack my password?08:03
jgfarndensudo apt-get install -f whatever the app is08:03
jgfarndenlet me see the synaptics08:04
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brontosaurusrexfarciarz84: thats heavily dumb from them, so fix them08:04
llutz_jgfarnden: apt-get -f = --fix-missing , not force08:04
RamtronAnyone know how to crack wifi passwords through ubuntu?08:05
jgfarndenmy bad08:05
jgfarndenI meant force thanks08:05
jgfarndenI'm getting confused really quick and tired08:05
jgfarndenI came here for an answer and now I'm trying to help lol08:05
RamtronPlease help D:?08:06
bradyjgfarnden: were you speaking to me when you said sudo apt-get install -f ?08:06
nug700shouldn't crack wifi passwords.. network security exists for a reason.08:07
somsip_Ramtron: hopefully you will get no help on that here08:07
RamtronIt's my own router, and it's easier in linux i hear08:07
somsip_Ramtron: reset it to factory08:07
nug700log into the router with wired connection?08:07
domiethen you can hard reset it using the button?08:07
RamtronI can't figure it out with this guide. Backtrack doesn't work, and reaver is being weird08:07
jgfarndenwhat help?08:07
RamtronI can't do wired08:07
nug700.. why not?08:08
Ramtronbecause I don't have an eithernet cord.08:08
Ramtronwhatever it is08:08
nug700then how are you getting it connected to the internet in the first place?08:08
Ramtronplus my laptop is dumb08:08
jgfarndenI found something that might help you08:09
brady yes?08:09
jgfarndenI dunno though08:09
somsip_Ramtron: this isn';t the place to ask about this. Can you take your query elsewhere please08:09
RamtronWhere would you like me to take it08:09
nug700hacking forums, idk.08:09
Ramtronhacking forums? very helpful08:10
nug700lots on the union network08:10
somsip_Ramtron: try #aircrack-ng08:10
llutz_Ramtron: read the documentation on aircrack-ng.org08:10
RamtronSo give me an example?08:10
nug700also... google is your friend.08:10
bradyi dont know what to make of that page08:10
jgfarndendamn nug beat me to it08:10
bradylike i cant deduce what exactly im supposed to do08:11
RamtronYou think I didn't Google this 12,487,276 times first?08:11
jgfarndenFind binary08:11
jgfarndento the old version08:11
RamtronThis IRC is definitely not my FIRST resort.08:11
bradyyes i did08:11
bradythats how the conversation here started08:11
somsip_Ramtron: i've been polite and helped. Please stop08:11
nug700anyway.. i have to restart computer.08:11
jgfarndenoh ya08:11
bradyi found replacement bianaries , albiet, not the same ones this page suggests, but they were .rpm08:11
bradyso i came and asked how to install them08:12
bradybut your kinda missing the point08:12
bradyuninstalling the current one, uninstalls the app, that reinstalls the newer version when  you install it08:12
L3topbrady start over, what are you trying to do?08:13
bradyim trying to downgrade gcc08:13
L3topwhat version ubuntu, and why?08:13
bradythe version that comes default with arduino or ubuntu, does not properly communicate with arduino mega via the usb serial08:14
bradya number of people on a number of pages have reported downgrading it makes it work08:14
bradybut when i uninstall gcc, it removes the arduino ide with it08:14
jgfarndenIf there was soo much trouble virtual box - older version of ubuntu - install the extension to virtualbox for usb support.08:15
Jordan_Ubrady: It's not gcc that does the programming (AKA flashing) of the device, gcc just makes the image to be programmed.08:15
bradyso i need to reinstall that after i install the older version of gcc, however, installing arduino ide, installs the newer version of gcc, rendering the whole process back to the start.08:15
pirxi have 2 text files, and i want to figure out which lines in file X do not exist in file Y. any suggestions on commands here? i tried "grep -v -f Y X", but that doesnt work since it treats lines in Y as regexp expressions08:16
bradyyes.. but there is something about the newer gcc's that break the serial communications you program into your arduino sketches, particularly with the arduino mega08:16
L3topbrady pin the version of gcc in /etc/apt/preferences08:16
bradythere are many diffrent pages of people reporting the same problem, and the same fix, downgrading gccc.. however none of them specifically explain the process of downgrading.. just that downgrading works.08:16
ahmad_pirx use the diff command :)08:17
somsip_pirx: diff08:17
ahmad_much simpler08:17
bradyi dont know what that means, or how it would be done.08:17
pirxhmm, wow, could it be that simple:)08:17
L3topbrady: ^08:18
somsip_pirx: diff X Y, will show you which ones aren't in the other. You could diff X Y | grep <, to just get the ones you want. Or the other way round08:18
somsip_pirx: clearly that needs some refinement...08:18
bradyare there any gui applications for doing this?08:19
L3topbrady you add 3 short lines to a file called preferences. You don't need a gui for that.08:20
pirxbut i'm unsure about which arguments to use with diff. diff reports anything that is out of order too. its mainly used with source code08:20
pirxwhereas my lines can be in any order at all08:20
bradyyes i know. everyone tells me everything is so simple and they forward me onto a page that doesn't lead to anything working. argghh.08:20
blackshirtbrady, hello08:21
somsip_pirx: use sort to put them in a similar order first?08:21
MonkeyDustbrady  on the other hand, if you use gcc and arduino, one might expect some technical skills from you08:21
confusedhey all, sorry, but is it okay to ask extremely newbish questions in here or should i take them elsewhere?08:21
Jordan_Ubrady: What page are you looking at that says that downgrading gcc solves the problem?08:22
pirxand diff would report any lines that exist in Y and not in X08:22
Karlo_pirx: sort file1 >tem1; sort file2 >tem2; comm tem1 tem208:22
bradythe skill of getting the ide to function as it should at install.. seems much more simple than spending the last three hours getting no where.08:22
L3top!ask | confused08:22
ubottuconfused: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:22
=== vincent is now known as Guest9676
pirxi have to do some parsing of diffs output i guess08:22
Karlo_use comm instead of diff08:22
somsip_pirx: yes - it depends how complicated and exact you want the output08:22
Karlo_comm -23 tem1 tem2 # report lines that are in tem1 but not tem208:23
somsip_Karlo_: ah - good one08:23
Guest90235can i create a boot partition before installing ubuntu? even for a single boot?08:23
Jordan_Ubrady: Also remember that the important package is gcc-avr, since it's the avr cross compiler that you care about when dealing with Arduino.08:23
=== Dude is now known as Guest13591
bradyjordan_U,  i ran into a series of pages saying that while trying to solve the problem, however ive gone through so much stuff, ive long lost track of it all.08:24
Jordan_UGuest90235: Yes, but there isn't much point in doing so unless you have a buggy BIOS.08:24
Jordan_Ubrady: Could you link to one?08:24
bradyi couldn't , i dont recall the search terms though the hours08:24
reedhello all08:25
L3topbrady: couldnt you look through your browser history pretty easily?08:26
blackshirthello reed08:26
Guest90235Jordan_U , i guess it s only an old bios. i would like to install ubuntu into a pen drive but my motherboard only accept fat16 formatted usb pen drive08:26
Safa_[A_boy]hello all, I have an image ISO that have (cd cops) protection..... how can I burn it under ubuntu 12.10?08:27
Jordan_UGuest90235: BIOS based boot firmware doesn't know anything about filesystems, you're almost certainly mistaken about it only supporting fat16.08:27
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MonkeyDust!burn > Safa_[A_boy]08:28
ubottuSafa_[A_boy], please see my private message08:28
pirxKarlo_: thanks! comm does the trick it seems!08:29
ubottugcc.gnu.org bug 44617 in target "Serial Output on the atmega1280 does not work" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate]08:30
Guest90235Jordan_U , when i use a live usb ubuntu using fat16 i can run from it however if i install ubuntu to the same pen drive boot stuck after recognizing cd rom and hard drive devices. what can it be?08:30
bradythere is one of the links, but i ran into a whole bunch of other people having similar problems, on diffrent versions of ubuntu, and not just regarding arduino,  the newer versions break serial communication between the arduino and the serial monitor in the arduino ide08:32
L3topbrady that bug is a dup of http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=45263 and is closed as fixed/resolved.08:33
ubottuError: Could not parse XML returned by gcc.gnu.org: timed out (http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=45263&ctype=xml)08:33
bradyi dont see how to fix it08:34
bradyusing the newer version doesnt work08:34
bradydowngradeing, uninstalls arduino08:34
bradyreinstalling arduino, upgrades gcc08:34
Jordan_Ubrady: According to that bur report gcc 4.5.4 and 4.6.1 also work, upgrading is probably easier than downgrading.08:35
bradyupgrading leads to the same problem08:35
bradythe newest version does not work.  serial communications do not print to the serial monitor.08:35
lwizardlI am trying to find some good applications that will sit in the top panel and that will notify me of updates on my accounts (Twiiter, facebook, domain emails, etc). I prefer to have one per account source (ie twiiter) and be able to notify from multiple user accounts (ie 3 twitter accounts). Does anyone here know of some that meet my wants/needs ?08:36
Jordan_Ubrady: Why are you sure that this code is also broken in newer versions of gcc, when that bug report states otherwise? Are you sure that it's not a bug in your code? How did you upgrade and to what version?08:37
Portohi, please when i start my ubuntu 12.10 the main menu's of pidgin or shell windows doesn't appears anyone can help?08:37
bradyim sure because it does not work, and ive seen a whole number of posts with people saying that downgrading it works08:37
Jordan_Ubrady: Downgrading probably does work, and upgrading probably does also.08:38
bradyhowever.. no specific instructions to achieve that, because uninstalling gcc, uninstalls arduino ide with it, reinstalling arduno ide, reinstalls gcc with it, but the newer version that does not work..08:38
joosenplease tell me about backup mysql database for me.08:38
somsip_joosen: you could look at Percona products...08:39
SharkMuttleworthjoosen: Do you need regular backups? If so, write a simple bash script and schedule it to run daily with cron08:40
joosenI need free product08:40
MonkeyDustbrady  tip: there's also #gcc and #arduino -- i'm not famiiar with either one of them, tho08:40
llutz_joosen: read "man mysqldump"  (mysqldump -u user -p pass dbname >db-backup.sql)08:40
bradyjordan_u, can you tell me how i can downgrade gcc without removing arduino?08:40
somsip_joosen: again, look at percona xtrabackup. though I find it more complex than needed08:40
Portohi again, anyone can help when i boot my ubuntu 12.10 the main menu of console or pidgin or other apps doesn't appears08:40
SharkMuttleworthYou can write a 10 line bash script to backup all your databases, you don't need a separate product...08:41
itsme1Hello , I am trying to install Ubuntu 12.10 on my desktop but Ubuntu is not showing all my partitions, it shows my entire Harddisk as single partition?08:41
joosenmysqldump don't have the problem when the database is very big.08:41
Guest90235Jordan_U , when i use a live usb ubuntu using fat16 i can run from it however if i install ubuntu to the same pen drive boot stuck after recognizing cd rom and hard drive devices. what can it be?08:41
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SharkMuttleworthjoosen: Not sure what you mean, I use mysqldump on databases which are several GBs, though that's not really big I guess08:42
joosenok thank you I will use it.08:43
confusedooh, thanks L3top.  ... am i allowed to say thanks? X3  Anyway: I'm trying to install Ubuntu over a largely corrupted Windows 7, and it says there's more than one OS installed (unexpected).   dev/sda1  and dev/sda2 are both "Windows 7 (Loader)" and dev/sda3  is Windows Recovery Environment. If i let ubuntu erase all of them, is anything catostrophic liable to happen to this laptop and will it cause any major problems if i later att08:43
MonkeyDustbrady  did you read my tip? better ask in one of those channels08:43
gordonjcpjoosen: an easy-ish way to back up mysql databases if you have a second machine is to just replicate the db and back *that* up08:44
bradyi have asked in arduino08:44
llutz_gordonjcp: which still needs a tool for tha backup ...08:44
gordonjcpllutz_: right, but it takes the database locking issues out08:44
bradyarduino usually forwards ubuntu questions to ubuntu. ubuntu people tend to forward arduino questions to arduino.08:45
itsme1I am trying to install Ubuntu 12.10 on my desktop but Ubuntu is not showing all my partitions, it shows my entire Harddisk as single partition.08:45
gordonjcp!ask | brady08:45
ubottubrady: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:45
L3topconfused: If you intend to not have windows...  that will work out fine.08:45
MonkeyDustbrady  makes sense08:45
somsip_brady: what release of ubuntu and what version of gcc are you running?08:45
bradyim not asking to ask.08:45
gordonjcpbrady: you're also not asking your question08:45
bradyi have restated it over and over08:45
somsip_gordonjcp: the conversation has been ongoing since earlier08:46
gordonjcpbrady: oh well, that's nice08:46
gordonjcpunfortunately it's buried in the 2000 lines of scrollback and I'm too lazy to trawl through08:46
bradywait stop.  start all over and explain it from the begining....08:46
somsip_brady: what release of ubuntu and what version of gcc are you running?08:46
gordonjcpbrady: now we're getting somewhere08:47
brady12.10 is the version of unbuntu08:47
bradyi dont know the version of gcc , whatever is the newest, but ive already come to an understanding that i want to downgrade it08:47
gordonjcpyou've gone too far ahead08:48
somsip_brady: gcc --version08:48
Jordan_Ubrady: The version of gcc included in Ubuntu 12.10 does not have the bug that you linked to.08:48
gordonjcpwhy do you want to break your install beyond repair?08:48
Jordan_Ubrady: I assumed that you were using Ubuntu 12.04, which does have a version of avr-gcc with this bug.08:48
bradyas i had stated before, there are a variety of instances in which people have reported that downgrading it , fixes serial communications.08:49
somsip_brady: gcc --version08:49
bradyi dont know08:49
bradywhatever comes with gcc08:49
bradyi mean, with 12.0408:49
somsip_brady: type that in a terminal and post the result.08:49
somsip_brady: what - so is it 12.04 or 12.10?08:49
bradysorry i forget that it upgraded08:49
somsip_brady: what release of ubuntu and what version of gcc are you running?08:50
MonkeyDustbrady  in a terminal, type lsb_release -sd;gcc --version and post the result here08:50
L3topbrady: lsb_release -sc; gcc --version08:50
Karlo_brady, type the command    gcc --version   and tell us what it says.08:50
bradyyes.. i started by doing this at the start of the night. its the most current version, why do you want to know?08:51
somsip_brady: because it matters08:51
L3topbrady if you want help, do what we ask so we can.08:51
joosenhow to restore the sql that get from mysqldump08:51
MonkeyDustbrady  execute the commands, don't describe the result, please08:51
itsme1I am trying to install Ubuntu 12.10 on my desktop but Ubuntu is not showing all my partitions, it shows my entire Harddisk as single partition, All my partitions are intact and showing up correctly  in Ubuntu 11.04, its just the Ubuntu 12.10 installation that has the issue08:51
llutz_joosen: read "man mysqldump"  mysqldump  <db-backup.sql08:52
Steve^Hi, my unity/compiz has lost 3D mode, and when I run compiz --replace, it segmentation faults. What can I do to reset it?08:52
Hatorijoosen import08:52
L3topare you sure you are looking at the right drive itsme1? Sure it isnt a thumbdrive or something?08:52
Safa_[A_boy]how to burn an MDF image?08:52
confusedBut if i were to remove Ubuntu and reinstall Windows 7 for some horrible reason, would i definitely be able to do so without extra problems caused by the Ubuntu installation weird secondary Win7 partition erasure i'm about to cause?08:52
=== Hatori is now known as blackshirt
joosenimport with phpmyadmin or not08:52
bradyThe program 'gcc' can be found in the following packages:08:52
brady * gcc08:52
brady * pentium-builder08:52
bradyTry: sudo apt-get install <selected package>08:52
bradyludwig@PHANTOM:~$ gcc --version08:52
bradyThe program 'gcc' can be found in the following packages:08:52
brady * gcc08:52
FloodBot1brady: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:52
Jordan_Ubrady: Please pastebin the output of "avr-gcc --version" and post the first line (or pastebin the full output, whichever you prefer).08:52
Jordan_U!pastebin | brady08:53
ubottubrady: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:53
bradyit appears its not installed , ive uninstalled/reinstalled it multiple times08:53
* somsip_ coughs08:53
Jordan_Ubrady: The important command is "avr-gcc --version" as it's avr-gcc that you need for Arduino development.08:53
brady4.7.0... the newest version i believe.08:54
itsme1L3top: yes, I am . I have selected my Harddisk in the list of devices ,Infact I have only 1 harddisk, so the installation wizard just shows me one device in the list08:54
Jordan_Ubrady: Great, then you're using a version which is not affected by the bug that you linked to. Try asking in #arduino, mention the exact version of avr-gcc that you're using, and see what they recommend doing.08:55
bradyas i had said..08:55
bradyi had found muliple pages suggesting that newest versions break the serial communication08:56
bradyi wasn't particular to any one bug08:56
=== Fly is now known as Fly_
L3topthey were probably old posts on previous versions before the bug was fixed...08:56
bradymy question was how can i downgrade without uninstalling arduino08:56
L3topyou still haven't even told us what the output of lsb_release -sc is.08:57
Jordan_Ubrady: The newest version of gcc is 4.7.2, you just have the newest version of avr-gcc that is available in the Ubuntu 12.10 repositories.08:57
bradythe bug is not fixed.. i am experiencing it.. serial communications do not work on the newer versions and i just want instructions on how i can downgrade it without uninstalling arduino ide , cause reinstalling arduino ide just upgrades it back to the start.08:57
L3topbrady: package dependencies typically exist for a reason, especially version specific ones.08:57
SharkMuttleworthbrady: There are parameters in aptitude/synaptic which let you ignore dependencies when downgrading etc., so the normal chain of removals doesn't take place08:58
SharkMuttleworthbrady: Can't remember them off the top of my head08:58
bradythankyou.. that might help.08:58
FlynsarmyI did a ubuntu minimum install then ran a script which messed with some grub settings. i now get a black screen on boot. how do i debug grub issues? straight after the mobo logo the screen goes black. is there an easy way to debug grub issues?08:58
itsme1L3top:  if my previous statement was confusing. here is the rephrase of it "yes I am sure, I am looking at the correct drive"08:58
Flynsarmyi can ssh into the box and modify files08:58
L3topitsme1: what is the output of sudo fdisk -l08:59
gordonjcpbrady: serial communications with the arduino aren't down to gcc08:59
L3topitsme1: in a pastebin please08:59
MechdaveFlynsarmy, try passing the noacpi option to the kernel08:59
gordonjcpbrady: gcc knows nothing about serial ports08:59
Karlo_brady, can you install both old and new gcc, with separate names?08:59
gordonjcpbrady: also the arduino IDE sucks08:59
bradyits not the serial communications themselves..08:59
gordonjcpbrady: okay, I've been trying to follow this but frankly you're all over the map09:00
gordonjcpbrady: what *specifically* isn't working?09:00
gordonjcpbrady: don't tell me your opinion of what the problem is, tell me what the symptoms are and what produces them09:00
itsme1L3top:  http://pastebin.com/9uBntJ9s09:00
bradygordon, its just because i am being resistant to being led in conversational circles09:00
itsme1L3top: The output was from my Ubuntu 11.0409:01
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L3topitsme1: not to reiterate... but you are POSITIVE you are not looking at sdb?09:01
Jordan_Ugordonjcp: The bug that brady linked to, http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=45263 refers to a bug which causes code dealing with serial communication to fail on certain devices (this is not about programming of the chip, as I first thought when I saw serial mentioned). That bug however has been fixed in the version of avr-gcc that brady is using (according to the bug report) but brady still thinks that they need to use an ...09:02
ubottugcc.gnu.org bug 45263 in target "registers used in __do_global_ctors can get clobbered" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]09:02
Jordan_U... older version of gcc to get their serial communication code to work.09:02
itsme1L3top: Yes, I am.09:02
bradyi linked to that because someone insisted that i make a specific reference to a bug or page09:02
bradybut i didnt have that handy09:02
Safa_[A_boy]how to burn an MDF image?09:02
bradyso thats what i pulled up in a quick search, it is not nessarly my specific but09:02
itsme1L3top: I have installed Ubuntu plenty of times , on my comp and my friends comp. I have selected the correct device09:03
Jordan_Uitsme1: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l".09:03
gordonjcpbrady: and that's the specific bug you're seeing?09:03
L3topitsme1: this should be done from the install disk I expect.09:03
bradybug, i simply sent it because someone insisted i give pages for the multiple pages where i had seen people saying that downgrading gcc fixes their problems with printing to serial with the arduino mega, that having read dozens of a pages, i saw a theme that downgrading gcc is supposed to fix the problem.09:04
somsip_brady: what is the end result you're getting - I know you said serial communication is not getting through, but how do you observet his?09:04
bradyits not the specific bug09:04
Jordan_Uitsme1: Note that I really do want the output from parted rather than fdisk, as both parted and Ubuntu's installer use libparted.09:04
FlynsarmyMechdave just tried, it's not an acpi issue09:05
bradyi dont have anything specific to give because ive been working for hours and have scanned many pages on the topic.. i don't have a specific link to give you. What i know, is that i want to try downgrading gcc , but not uninstall arduino in the process, as having to reinstall it renders the whole process a loop.09:05
itsme1Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/eh4FgPEE       ---->  This output is from my Ubuntu 11.0409:05
somsip_brady: how do you know serial communication is not getting through?09:06
Jordan_Uitsme1: OK, your partition table is invalid, it has at least one partition designated as ending beyond the end of the disk.09:06
bradyi upload a sketch that prints to serial, and it does not arrive to the serial monitor09:06
bradyit does not do this for my own sketches, nor the premade, sure to work sketches.09:07
somsip_brady: in your arduino ide, is Tools|Serial Port greyed out?09:07
bradyhaving searched around, many people were reporting that downgrading gcc fixed the issue, however none gave specifics on how to accomplish that09:07
bradyno it is not09:07
bradyit is not greyed out, it uploads sketches09:08
itsme1Jordan_U: Oh, how do I sort this out. At the moment I have ubuntu 11.04 and Windows 7 . I wanted to wipe out 11.04 and install 12.1009:08
lotuspsychjeis there a network messenger for terminal, so one pc can chitchat with other pc?09:08
Jordan_Uitsme1: You should be able to use a tool called "fixparts" to fix your partition table.09:08
L3topbrady: apt-get --nodeps install <package> or dpkg -i --ignore-depends=<depend>, <depend> </path/to/whatever.deb>  is the answer to your question I believe.09:09
bradydo i literally put that in the terminal?09:10
somsip_brady: just want to ask - do you want to downgrade gcc, or avr-gcc?09:10
bradyi am uncertain, i would like to try both.09:10
itsme1Jordan_U: should I take a backup of my entire Internal harddisk for this operation. Is their a possibility that I might lose any data?09:11
lotuspsychje!info ytalk > lotuspsychje09:11
somsip_brady: everything I read points to avr-gcc, not gcc.09:12
L3topitsme1: a backup is never bad advice... and while mucking with partition table always carries some risk, I would not expect calamity.09:12
cyphasehas anyone ever experienced nautilus forgetting the file sort order in your home directory?09:12
Jordan_Uitsme1: If you look at the fdisk output, you'll see that your disk has 38913 cylinders total but the partition table says that sda8 ends at cylinder number 38914, which doesn't exist. (though cylinders are a poor unit, I would recommend "sudo fdisk -lu" in the future, but it's good enough for this purpose).09:12
bradyL3top, so you mean i do something like  sudo apt-get --nodeps install gcc-4.309:12
L3topyes brady.09:13
L3topbrady: this was more for the ardunio IDE which tries to drag with it a different version of gcc09:13
L3topbrady: sorry for the confusion... you should just install the version of gcc you want, and then install the IDE with the --nodeps flag09:14
Jordan_Uitsme1: You should always have backups of important data, and there is always risk of data loss. That said, fixparts is a very dependable program, and problems with the partition table are generally easy to fix even when things go wrong (as they already have gone wrong in your case) as long as you know how (that said, not many people know how...).09:14
brady--nodeps is not understood09:14
L3topokey doke... then you will have to download the package for the IDE and use the dpkg -i --ignore-depends09:15
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L3topand you have to label out the specific packages you want to ignore brady09:16
tohvanquick OpenVPn question anyone?09:16
bradyand this leaves me having no clue what actually to type.   Jesus i wish i could just install an application and have it work.09:17
tohvansetup a routed tunnel with OpenVPN via TUN, how to now access client from server? Ping is only happening one way.09:17
itsme1I will take a backup of my data onto an external Harddisk and try to fix my partitions . Thank you for suggestions  L3top and Jordan_U .09:17
lcabreza1hi, need help in upgrading pidgin-sipe 1.13, having errors on ubuntu 12.04 using 2.10.3 pidgin version09:17
L3topbrady to figure out which ones you want to ignore look at apt-cache depends <package> or rdepends... maybe... I haven't tried to break my system this way in a very long time.09:17
Jordan_Uitsme1: You're welcome.09:17
L3topbrady... where are you getting gcc-4.3 from?09:19
_cronus_brady, could you pastebin the sketch that doesn't work to try it out here? (uno)09:19
bradythe prebuilt serial print one in arduino09:19
bradyand the problem, is specific to arduino mega09:20
L3topbrady: please give me the output of lsb_release -sc09:20
L3topapt-cache policy gcc-4.3 | grep -i candidate09:21
L3topbrady: ^09:21
joosenmysqldump don't have the limit for export or not?09:21
somsip_joosen: no limit09:21
brady Candidate: (none)09:21
L3topHow are you trying to install 4.3 exactly?09:21
bradyive tried a number of ways09:22
L3topWell there is no package in the repos...09:22
L3tophow EXACTLY are you trying to install it.09:22
joosenhow can use mysqldump with create the database?09:22
bradysudo apt-get install gcc-4.3?09:22
joosenNow, when I export it have only detail of database.09:23
L3topyou have no install candidate09:23
somsip_joosen: mysql -u user -p password < dumpfile.sql09:23
bradyi cant say exactly all the ways ive tried, cause ive cut and pasted things, followed amplitude instructions, i cant memorize everything i try09:23
L3topbrady: that is what that command just looked at... it cannot install that way because it does not exist.09:23
L3topin 1204 the earliest you can get is 4.409:24
bradyi had times when i downloaded things.. tried to run them09:24
MonkeyDust!info gcc09:24
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.117ubuntu1)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.0-5ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 5 kB, installed size 41 kB09:24
L3top!info gcc-4.409:24
ubottugcc-4.4 (source: gcc-4.4): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4.4.7-2ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 3010 kB, installed size 4719 kB09:24
L3topyeah... 4.4 is the earliest you can get in quantal.09:25
bradyi was simply trying to move down, 4.4, 4.3, just to successfully move down and check09:26
pgdacbrady:  Did you find the way to downgrade gcc version? If yes please share with me. I want to knopw how to do  it09:26
pgdacbrady:  ok09:27
bradyive been told magical gibberish but i cant read it09:27
L3topbrady: apt-cache policy gcc-4.4 in a pastebin please.09:27
_cronus_brady, have you tried to download the ide from arduino site? I think it has a version of gcc with it09:29
MonkeyDustbrady  that's an i386 package, is your pc 32bit or 64bit ?09:30
bradyi have 32bit ubuntu installed09:30
Tex_Nick12.10 - how can i kill firefox from terminal ... it's disappeared from desktop09:30
somsip_Tex_Nick: killall firefox09:30
bradyi believe the i386 got installed when trying to manually download a replacement09:31
Tex_Nicksomsi : terminal says - (firefox: no process found) yet when i try to start it i get (Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.)09:33
L3topTex_Nick: pkill firefox    probably...09:33
pgdacTex_Nick:  Just kill the PPID09:34
somsip_Tex_Nick: pkill -x firefox maybe09:35
babajewHello. Даров посоны.09:35
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.09:35
pgdacTex_Nick:  find ppid using ps -al  and kill it09:36
Karlo_Returning to my original problem.  When I boot I get "The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present", and from there, M takes me to maintenance mode, aka runlevel 1.  The disk is read-only at this time, but I can remount it read-write.  I saw a claim that a bad apt-get database could cause this -- is that true?09:36
llutz_somsip_: firefox-bin is the processname iirc, so pkill -x will fail as killall firefox does09:36
somsip_llutz_: ah - my bad assumption. thanks09:37
L3toppgrep firefox or pidof firefox would be easier... or just pkill firefox...09:37
llutz_L3top: true09:37
gordonjcpbrady: yeah, don't confuse gcc with avr-gcc ;-)09:37
L3top!info avr-gcc09:38
ubottuPackage avr-gcc does not exist in quantal09:38
L3topwhat is this avr-gcc anyway?09:38
llutz_!info gcc-avr09:38
=== dark3n is now known as dark3n|off
ubottugcc-avr (source: gcc-avr): The GNU C compiler (cross compiler for avr). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:4.7.0-2 (quantal), package size 12419 kB, installed size 31919 kB09:38
bradyso ahhh.. how is that solved?09:38
Karlo_I tried to fix things with   apt-get -f -s install   (still in single-user mode), see http://pastebin.com/w192qDtw for the results.09:38
L3topahh ty09:38
LinuxNewbieXHello.  I hope this question hasn't been already asked 100 times. I searched online but couldn't find a solution:  I've been trying one of the 12.10 betas, and now that it;s out of beta, I get errors and it won't let me upgrade.  Does anyone know of a website or resource that can help me manually update my release to full?  Thank you.09:40
L3topKarlo_: chances are you have a PPA or two installed which have created a dependency impossibility.09:40
Karlo_L3top: How can I fix it, with no network?09:40
L3topwhat errors LinuxNewbieX09:40
LinuxNewbieXrunning the distro upgrade now, and I'll tell you in a sec.  :)09:41
L3topKarlo_: how are you planning to upgrade without network? I mean... what you are doing is apt-getting... that requires network or a local repository...09:42
Wipsterhi all, I am trying to debug my UPS using ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS Sever. I think I have it boiled down to udev not setting the group of the USB device, I have tested the rule and it says it should however it doesn't. If I set the group manually the driver loads. Here is a log or relevant information: http://pastebin.com/Ec0kZJAk09:42
LinuxNewbieX"Could not calculate the upgrade09:42
LinuxNewbieXAn unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:09:42
LinuxNewbieXE:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.09:42
LinuxNewbieX This can be caused by:09:42
LinuxNewbieX * Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu09:42
FloodBot1LinuxNewbieX: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:42
LinuxNewbieX * Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu09:42
tobias__Hey i have been trying to set up rythembox to use with my iphone and my songs now just jump around back and forth.. has anyone experienced this?09:43
Karlo_L3top, I can't get to multi-user mode because of the claimed problems09:43
L3topok Karlo_ for starters... lets mv the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list.d to someplace safe, because we will need to eventually return them09:44
LinuxNewbieXI've tried using all the beta 12.10, and submitting a ton of bug reports.09:45
tobias__what do u guys use to put music on your iphones??????????09:45
L3topKarlo_: then lets run an apt-get update...09:45
LinuxNewbieXtobias: NortonAAC encoder.09:45
Mechdavetobias__, I use rhythmbox to stick music on to my SGS 209:46
tobias__thanks linux, im going to try and find that r now09:46
tobias__sgs 2?09:46
Tex_Nickthese four won't kill firefox ... killall firefox ...pkill firefox ...pkill -x firefox09:46
Mechdavetobias__, I use FLAC format09:46
L3topKarlo_: its just going to error out... that wont work... I am not really sure Karlo_... I think in this case I would boot a live disk, bind/mount a bunch of stuff and chroot in to try and fix that.09:47
tobias__i just tried using rythm box... but i coudlnt get it to work and now its messed up my iphone.09:47
Tex_Nickusing  ps -al looks like ppid might be 784809:47
LinuxNewbieXFLAC on a mobile phone is an expensive use of space, lol.09:47
MechdaveTex_Nick, what account were you running firefox under? If it was root then your user won't kill the program09:47
Tex_Nickkill 7848 won't kill firefox09:47
=== aaron is now known as Guest4307
tobias__where do u find NortonAAC encoder?09:48
llutz_Tex_Nick: stop being nice: "pkill -9 firefox" :)09:48
LinuxNewbieXI use musepack for lossless.09:48
MonkeyDustMechdave  FLAC is the equivalent of WAV, the 'largest' format, because it is lossless09:48
Tex_Nickpkill -9 firefox09:48
tobias__i dont find it in software center09:48
MechdaveTex_Nick, Or you could sudo kill firefox09:48
MechdaveMonkeyDust, Is it the same as wav?09:48
llutz_you don't use sudo to kill your own processes09:49
Tex_Nickwhoops ... wrong terminal   lol09:49
LinuxNewbieXtobias_:google is the best place to start.  Just type in "NortonAAC Linux" or you can find the Windows version and use Wine.09:49
MonkeyDustMechdave  it's similar, FLAC can be flagged, WAV cannot09:49
tobias__doesnt come up on google either09:50
Tr0niXHi guys!09:50
tobias__hi tron09:50
Tr0niXHow to install X to use VNC? I already installed gnome so :-)09:51
=== MartinS is now known as Guest75258
jribTr0niX: if you installed gnome, you should have X09:51
LinuxNewbieXMusepack is the best for lossless IMO.  It has the highest compression, and a lossy/lossless hybrid mode, and it's widely supported.09:51
Tr0niXjrib: Ah ok, prob need a restart then? Because i have a blank desktop with nothing when i start vnc xD09:51
tobias__itunes wouldnt run threw wine or playonlinux either09:52
jribTr0niX: should not need a restart09:52
Tr0niXjrib: hum, ok.09:52
tobias__and the only itunes i can find on playonlinux is a 32bit and im 6409:52
iceroot!ipod | tobias__09:52
ubottutobias__: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod09:52
LinuxNewbieXOh shit, I'm such an idiot.  It's not nortonAAC, it's NeroAAC.  I've been working with some old norton software today.09:53
LinuxNewbieXSo NeroAAC, not bloody Norton.09:53
Tex_NickOK I give up ... the damn fox just won't die ... I bet reboot will kill the dog ... lol09:53
tobias__thanks ubottu09:53
iceroottobias__: 32bit will always run also on 64bit systems09:53
tobias__iceroot it didnt on mine.09:53
tobias__gave some errors09:53
tobias__and came out all weird looking09:53
iceroottobias__: because its itunes09:53
tobias__and then shut down09:53
Tex_NickHey thanks to all for the help though ^509:53
iceroottobias__: its bad software and a big jail. its not working with wine09:54
tobias__so gay09:54
tobias__why dont they support us?09:54
iceroottobias__: the better question is why you support apple software which is just a big jail and stelling ALL the freedom from a user09:54
Azzle-Dazzledoes anyone here use Noise ? the music player ? If so, How can I batch add songs to a playlist ? its only letting me do 1 song at a time09:55
tobias__im steve jobs god son.09:55
Azzle-DazzleSteve Jobs's god son ? Using ubuntu ? and on a Ubuntu IRC channel ? hahaha talk about betrayal lol09:56
diaboliqueHi. I had a problem with my ubuntu. The videos that i get from youtube or even the flash player files from moodle run at a super fast speed [in chrome, chromium and firefox]. Any way to slow them down to normal speeds?09:56
diaboliqueHi. I had a problem with my ubuntu. The videos that i get from youtube run at a super fast speed [in chrome, chromium and firefox]. Any way to slow them down to normal speeds?09:57
tobias__thanks obutu im dling banshee r now09:57
tobias__to see if it works09:58
iceroottobias__: ask apple why they dont support GNU/Linux. its not our fault that you cant use your istuff as you want. apple stauff is a jail, you have to life with that09:58
diaboliqueHi guys. I had a problem with my ubuntu. The videos that i get from youtube run at a super fast speed [in chrome, chromium and firefox]. Any way to slow them down to normal speeds?09:58
llutz_!patience | diabolique09:58
ubottudiabolique: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:58
tobias__i understand iceroot09:58
MonkeyDust!repeat| diabolique09:58
MonkeyDustllutz_  was faster09:58
ariesore all09:59
tobias__what kind of phone do u use?09:59
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LinuxNewbieXI just flat out hate apple and everything about it.10:00
wdc101Hi GUys - my pc died whilst i was doing a dist upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10, now when it boots it gets to checking battery state[ok] then it freezes, any ideas what I can try?10:01
jribwdc101: see if you can get to recovery mode (option in grub menu)10:01
wdc101which mode within that?10:01
Azzle-Dazzleis there a channel for Noise music player ?10:02
wdc101resume, clean, dkpg, failsafex, fsck, grub, network, root, system-summary10:02
detoxica89I am trying to install ubuntu on an Acer Aspire One netbook, but I can't boot the live CD/USB. Booting stops at SYSLINUX 4.06 EDD...... I have tried several different ubuntu-based distros, none of them works, except 10.04LTS, but that's not what I'm looking for. I tried using a USB stick, a USB hard drive and USB DVD drive, but all of them are stuck at this screen. Any ideas? Thanks!10:03
diaboliquedetoxica89 : recheck if ur installing the correct (32-bit/64-bit) version of ubuntu10:04
tobias__ok im trying to use banshee to delete all my iphone songs10:05
tobias__and  reput them on there.10:05
Karlo_Damn it, this is the 21st century.  Aren't we supposed to have robots that drive our flying cars for us?  Why is it still so hard just to get a machine to START!?10:05
ariehello all10:06
LinuxNewbieXBoth apple software AND hardware.10:06
bradythe singularity is near, but hopelessly delayed by human inability.10:06
LinuxNewbieXstealing all the freedom from a user.10:06
wdc101jrib:  which recovery mode?10:07
ksinkarwhen I am try to pull my git repo, the terminal is asking for my password again and again. The gnome KEY handler does not seem to be working? How can I enable that again?10:07
jribwdc101: option in the grub menu10:07
tobias__so what phone do u use linux?10:07
Flynsarmyin 12.10 how can i automatially mount all removable media (drives, usbs etc) from the terminal in the same way a standard 12.10 install does?10:08
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bradythats why i think about when people tout the technological singularity, it just seems to ignore that people are disorganized and can't get their shit together.10:08
wdc101jrib:  yeah but once ive done that :  resume, clean, dkpg, failsafex, fsck, grub, network, root, system-summary10:08
jribwdc101: root shell10:09
Karlo_But someday, the smart machines will get our shit together for us.10:09
wdc101ok i mthere10:10
wdc101whats next!10:10
jribwdc101: start with: sudo dpkg --configure -a10:11
wdc101says its a read only file system and cannot do it10:11
jribwdc101: remount it as rw10:11
wdc101hmm lol10:11
wdc101oklet me go find out ho10:11
jribwdc101: mount -o remount,rw /10:12
wdc101its doing stuff!10:12
Karlo_Yesterday, my keyboard went bad -- with no warning, the five keys P];'/ stopped working.  I assume this is a failure in the circuitry under those keys.10:13
wdc101thanks jrib , its busy apparantly completing the rest of the upgrade10:15
Azzle-Dazzlehow can i change ownership of 'Home /.config /Clementine ?? ive tried all sorts -_-10:15
gaetano_hello everyone10:16
jribwdc101: after you may want to do the do-release-upgrade again to see if it tries to continue (it might not). In that case, you want to just do « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade »and cross your fingers.  Did you get a chance to check the output of « lsb_release -c » and the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list?10:16
Karlo_I probably have a spare keyboard in my stockpile, but not easily reachable.  So my short-term solution was to copy/paste those symbols as needed, from existing text.  And my medium-term solution was to rebind keys on the numeric keypad to send what the busted keys used to send.  (And I've also pried off the keycaps and moved them there.)  I thought you folks might be amused by that hack.10:17
somsip_Azzle-Dazzle: change to what?10:18
detoxica89OK, I have checked and I'm using the correct one. i386 and the cpu is 32bit10:18
Karlo_With a little practice, I might even be able to speed type on this arrangement again.  (I'm using it right now, to type here.)10:19
Azzle-Dazzleive done it sompsip_ I was trying to change it from root to me, so I could delete it :)10:19
gaetano_when i go into ubuntu software center and other pages, i visualize white letters on light green background..so i cant almost read whats on the page...who knows how to get it readable??10:19
jribKarlo_: invest in a good keyboard ;)10:19
Karlo_jrib: that's the long-term solution, of course.  :-)10:20
jribgaetano_: interesting bug.  I haven't seen it before.  You might want to mention your ubuntu version.  Check http://bugs.ubuntu.com for something similar10:20
Tex_NickKarlo_ that's the definition of a kludge ... lol ;-) Ya might try Onboard ... that's fun too10:21
gaetano_i got ubuntustudio 12.1010:21
gaetano_jrib: i got ubuntustudio 12.1010:21
gaetano_jrib: what colours do u see on ubuntu software center!? about letters and background10:23
jribgaetano_: I don't use software center10:24
gaetano_jrib: programs there are not good?10:24
LantiziaCan anyone with a Samsung MFP (with network) tell me if they see port 9400 open?  (I wanna check the non-wireless models can do network TWAIN which SANE supports)10:24
gaetano_jrib: ps. im new with ubuntu...10:25
jribgaetano_: they are.  I just prefer using the terminal.  There's nothing wrong with software center10:25
ariehelp me all10:25
jribgaetano_: did you install some themes maybe?  Does it happen with any other program?10:25
jrib!ask | arie10:25
ubottuarie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:25
sihrojehayırlı bayramlar10:25
gaetano_jrib: i previously tried to install 3d graphic tweaks but they didnt work,  in fact i cant even run 3d programs...but aside that, didnt install any theme10:28
jribgaetano_: k, well I don't know about your issue.  Check http://bugs.ubuntu.com for something similar while you wait for someone else to come along that can help you10:28
gaetano_jrib: ok! thank u very much for the advice...its a very strange bug though isn it?10:30
neoooI installed Ubuntu alongside arch10:31
neoooHow do I boot to arch now10:31
neooothe grub menu does not show up10:31
neoooit directly boot s to Ubuntu10:31
jribgaetano_: yes...  Though there was some nvidia-related bug where everyone showed up blue (like smurfs).  That one is pretty weird too :P10:31
ThinkT510neooo: sudo update-grub10:31
xslhello all, people tell me to have multiple ip on eth0 that eth0:0 is deprecated and i should use ip addr add ( but do i use /etc/network/interfaces then ?)10:31
xsl*how do i use10:32
LilHi. I am having a problem. I installed xrdp so I could use a remote desktop. However, when I connect.. I can only see the background and desktop icons. It's like unity launcher and the top bar don't load. I am using 12.10 and connecting from a win7 machine. Please help..10:32
neoooThinkT510 : so now arch option will show up in grub menu?10:32
ThinkT510neooo: it should already have been there10:33
ThinkT510neooo: if arch was installed before ubuntu10:33
DemonWitchtricky question: i run a livecd and starts using nouveau, i want to download and make it use nvidia driver without rebooting, just restaring x. What would be the correct procedure to do this?10:33
wdc101jrib: ok it got to a stage where it says errors encountered while processing : ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk, qt, update manager core, update notifier, update manager kde, muon notifier, kubuntu notification helper update manager, any ideas?10:34
neoooThinkT510 : the thing is, grub menu does not show up at all10:34
neoooUbuntu starts directly10:34
ThinkT510neooo: hold shift at boot10:34
=== Chat9216 is now known as johnsnow
gaetano_jrib: could be possible that theres something uncompatible with my graphic card and ubuntustudio??10:34
xslhello all, people tell me to have multiple ip on eth0 that eth0:0 is deprecated and i should use ip addr add ( but how do i use /etc/network/interfaces then ?)10:34
icerootxsl: i never heard eth0:0 is not used anymore10:35
icerootxsl: putting eth0:x is fine in /etc/network/interfaces10:35
jribgaetano_: I have no idea to be honest10:36
johnsnowHow has 12.10 been10:36
xsliceroot, In order to use the additional addresses on the server (no virtualization) the package "iproute" and service program "ip" are needed. Configuration with alias interfaces (such as eth0:1, eth0:2 etc.) are outdated and should no longer be used.10:36
Lilxsl; My machine has multiple IP's, and its using eth0:010:36
wdc101jrib: Any ideas if thats important?10:36
sbarcteamhi. I have nvidia based system, and for some reason my X broke.10:36
MonkeyDustgaetano_  there's also #ubuntustusi10:36
jribgaetano_: maybe create a new user and see if it happens there.  If what's important?10:36
MonkeyDustgaetano_  there's also #ubuntustudio10:36
Liljohnsnow; buggy.. lol10:36
xslim reading this on my servers ISP provider10:36
=== johnsnow is now known as kayak
wdc101 jrib: ok it got to a stage where it says errors encountered while processing : ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk, qt, update manager core, update notifier, update manager kde, muon notifier, kubuntu notification helper update manager, any ideas?10:36
icerootxsl: hm ok, never heard of that10:36
xslLil, iceroot, so ... adding alias will be ok ?10:36
jribwdc101: what got there? dpkg --configure -a?  Or something else?10:37
Mechdavexsl, have a look here --> http://wiki.debian.org/NetworkConfiguration#Multiple_IP_addresses_on_One_Interface10:37
xsli posted this question on ubuntu-server but no success10:37
nannes$ sudo mount /dev/sdf1 ~/tmp/ -o dev,suid,exec10:37
nannes$ mount | grep sdf10:37
nannes      /dev/sdf1 on /home/guakkione/tmp type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096)10:37
nannesCan anyoone explain me this? ^^10:37
wdc101yeah dpkg10:37
FloodBot1nannes: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:37
sbarcteamIs there a way to run some kind of configuration utility so X Server configuration is done in /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:37
DemonWitchtricky question: i run a livecd and starts using nouveau, i want to download and make it use nvidia driver without rebooting, just restaring x. What would be the correct procedure to do this?10:37
wdc101jrib: yeah --configure -a10:37
Lilxsl; My machine uses them, so I can't imagine why it wouldn't..10:37
sbarcteamI am on 12.04 (LTS) desktop10:37
icerootsbarcteam: x is always using xorg.conf if the file exist10:37
sbarcteamit does not exist now.10:38
icerootsbarcteam: everything which is not set in that file is coming dynamicly from udev10:38
icerootsbarcteam: then create the file10:38
sbarcteamempty ?10:38
icerootsbarcteam: create the file and put in the config you want. x will then use that10:38
sbarcteamiceroot: I have no idea what config I want.10:38
xslty all for your help .. i will use alias10:38
neoooThinkT510 : Arch was not there10:39
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sbarcteamIt "used to work" and then "it broke"10:39
neoooin the grub menu10:39
neoooThinkT510 : wtf10:39
sbarcteamI prefer to run some kind of tool so it DOES run X, in failsafe, and I could pick my hw, etc.10:39
ThinkT510neooo: what version of ubuntu are you using?10:39
sbarcteamThere was once X -config or something like that.10:39
neoooThinkT510 : 12.1010:39
ThinkT510neooo: well, it shows for me10:40
ThinkT510neooo: you could add it manually10:40
gaetano_monkeydust: yes i already got it, but i thought it was a bug regardless the unbuntu kind10:40
neoooThinkT510 : how?10:40
ThinkT510neooo: add it to /etc/grub.d/40_custom10:40
ThinkT510neooo: then do sudo update-grub10:41
LilHi. I am having a problem. I installed xrdp so I could use a remote desktop. However, when I connect.. I can only see the background and desktop icons. It's like unity launcher and the top bar don't load. I am using 12.10 and connecting from a win7 machine. Please help..10:41
wdc101its saying bad exit status 1 on the ./build.sh --kernal dir line10:41
neoooThinkT510 : this there in 40_custom : "#!/bin/sh exec tail -n +3 $0 # This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries.  Simply type the # menu entries you want to add after this comment.  Be careful not to change # the 'exec tail' line above."10:42
neoooThinkT510 : What do i have to add in there?10:42
ThinkT510neooo: hang on10:42
sbarcteamthis is what I see in my kern.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1304602/10:43
sbarcteamhow do I sync API of client with kernel ?10:44
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ThinkT510neooo: see from menuentry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1304603/10:44
sbarcteamwhat packages shall I reconfigure ?10:44
ThinkT510neooo: you'll need to make sure you got the right partition10:44
neoooThinkT510 :K thanks .. Let me try10:45
sbarcteamthe full Q is: what packages do I need to reconfigure so that my nvidia kernel driver, X driver, etc. AGREE ?10:45
Chris-MagentiumAllo Allo!10:45
ThinkT510neooo: after you edit and save that file you need to: sudo update-grub10:45
neoooThinkT510 : "set root='(hd0,9)' " Do i need to change anything in this line?10:46
bennypr0fanehello, I'm trying to adjust the read/write permission from Ubuntu to my windows partition. I used chwon and chmod but it's like nothing is changing10:46
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ThinkT510neooo: yes, match it to your arch partition10:46
neoooThinkT510 : my arch partition is sda110:46
=== MiningMarsh is now known as Mining|away
neoooso I change "set root='(hd0,9)'" to "set root='(hd0,1)'"10:47
ThinkT510neooo: then hd0,110:47
brontosaurusrexbennypr0fane: that needs to be supported by filesystem i belive10:47
ThinkT510neooo: yes10:47
sbarcteamguys, how do I make sure all drivers/components versions agree on which nvidia drivers are used ?10:48
sbarcteam(FROM COMMAND LINE, my X is dying too quickly)10:48
bennypr0fanebrontosaurusrex: filesystem is ntfs. I know this is possible because i've already made it work on another machine10:48
* openbees wondering what the meaning of 'air' in nick of simon_w | air :)10:49
bennypr0fanesbarcteam drivers are in the kernel, right? have you tried modprobe?10:50
brontosaurusrexbennypr0fane: perhaps read http://askubuntu.com/questions/11840/how-to-chmod-on-an-ntfs-or-fat32-partition10:52
Lilhow can i completely remove proftpd, and then reinstall it.. and have it ask me which mode I want it to use?10:52
danguys i have a sharp AR-123E photocopy machine connected to my ubuntu 12.04 machine , how do i get it to scan documents ?10:53
bennypr0faneMy windows partition is mounted in /media Acer, my user is ben. I did  ben@computer: $ sudo chown -R ben /media/Acer10:53
brontosaurusrexlil; apt-get remove --purge ?10:53
bennypr0faneexcept owner still has read access only10:53
Lilbrontosaurusrex; not totally sure what you mean?10:54
Liln/m, got it10:55
Lildoh, smacks his forhead10:55
PatrickDickeydan try using simple scan or gscan2pdf.10:56
neoooThinkT150 : that did not work10:57
danPatrickDickey  it does not pick up the scanner :(10:57
brontosaurusrexbennypr0fane: what linux are you using?10:57
neoooThinkT510 : that did not work10:57
bennypr0fanebrontosaurusrex: ok, so I guess I need to change the mount options in fstab?10:57
ThinkT510neooo: paste your 40_custom10:57
bennypr0faneUbuntu 12.0410:57
neoooThinkT510 : should I just replace Ubuntu's Grub with arch's?10:58
neoooThinkT510 : hold on10:58
brontosaurusrexbennypr0fane: i guess fstab is the way to do it, however i dont remember not being able to write to ntfs in later linuxes10:58
brontosaurusrexby default i mean10:58
bennypr0fanemount tells me right now the device is ro10:58
bennypr0fanetrying to figure out how to set the mount options - man pages are often not helpful to me10:59
bennypr0fanethere like written in a different language10:59
neoooThinkT510 : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1304625/10:59
PatrickDickeydan, did it work with any earlier versions of ubuntu?10:59
ThinkT510neooo: and you did sudo update-grub?11:00
brontosaurusrexbennypr0fane: fstab is over my head, iam sure somebody more knowledgable will pop in11:00
neoooThinkT510 : oh lol.. I forgot that11:00
=== Breadflour is now known as Dreadtower
PatrickDickeywhat is bennypr0fane trying to do?11:00
LilI am having a problem. I installed xrdp so I could use a remote desktop. However, when I connect.. I can only see the background and desktop icons. It's like unity launcher and the top bar don't load. I am using 12.10 and connecting from a win7 machine. Please help..11:00
brontosaurusrexPatrickDickey: ntfs and permissions11:01
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane:  do you have it mounted right now?11:01
bennypr0fanePartickDickey I'm trying to mount my win partition (ntfs) with rw permissions11:01
DemonWitchikonia, go suck a donkeys dick11:01
bennypr0faneyes, it's mounted, but read only11:01
bennypr0faneexcept I don't know *where exactly* in fstab to put that [rw]11:02
PatrickDickeyWow, that wasn't very nice....11:02
danPatrickDickey i don't know , because i connected it to this PC for the first time11:03
bennypr0fanehere's the current line for my win partition in fstab: UUID=E882B97582B948B8                      /media/Acer            ntfs      uid=1000,umask=0022      0       011:03
PatrickDickeydan, I'm not seeing anything on Google that suggests it's compatible. How is it connected?11:04
MonkeyDustbennypr0fane  replace "uid..." with "defaults"   (without the quotes)11:04
danPatrickDickey  via USB cable11:04
tarunThinkT510 : thanks. It worked11:05
danPatrickDickey  ubuntu can detect it via printing section11:05
PatrickDickeydan first thing, open a terminal (CTRL Alt T) and type lsusb and see if it's detected.11:05
=== tarun is now known as neooo
ThinkT510!yay | neooo11:05
ubottuneooo: Glad you made it! :-)11:05
danBus 002 Device 003: ID 04dd:601d Sharp Corp. AR-123E11:05
danit has detected it11:05
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane:  Try this link for some information about this http://askubuntu.com/questions/113733/how-do-i-correctly-mount-a-ntfs-partition-in-etc-fstab11:07
danPatrickDickey - printer status Idle - Unable to send data to printer.11:07
neooobtw, are there any good 3D FPS games for linux?11:07
MonkeyDustneooo  start here http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/html/games.html11:08
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bennypr0faneMonkeyDust: "defaults" means rwx permissions for the owner?11:08
bennypr0fanewhat's the "uid=1000" do?11:09
neoooMonkeyDust : that is long list.. and I dont know which one of them is good11:09
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neooojust suggest me 2 or 311:09
=== PS is now known as GFW
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: uid=1000 is your user id in the ubuntu system.11:10
PatrickDickeydan I'm going to check in a few places to see if your scanner is supported. It might take a few minutes.11:11
bennypr0faneI changed it to this now: UUID=E882B97582B948B8                      /media/Acer            ntfs      defaults,umask=0022      0       011:11
MonkeyDustbennypr0fane  no, remove umask=0022 too11:11
napoleoncomplexhey everyone, I am having an issue with bamfdaemon after updating to the 12.10 release11:11
bennypr0faneMonkeyDust: why?11:12
blackshirtmaybe better use ntfs-3g11:12
MonkeyDustbennypr0fane  and the comma11:12
danPatrickDickey  thanks !11:12
napoleoncomplexthe only thing i can see is that its bamfdaemon that caused the crash, but my computer slows down to a crawl and I cant get detailed info about the crash11:12
bennypr0faneMonkeyDust: just "defaults" for option, nothing else?11:12
napoleoncomplexand its happening on both laptops that i updated to 12.10, with very different setups, both upgrades were directly from 12.04 to .1011:12
MonkeyDustbennypr0fane  correct11:13
cortexA9why ubuntu is so popular ?11:14
bennypr0faneMonkeydust: need to reboot before this takes effect, right?11:15
MonkeyDustcortexA9  because it is good11:15
ThinkT510cortexA9: this is a support channel, maybe ask in #ubuntu-offtopic11:15
MonkeyDustbennypr0fane  or sudo mount -a11:15
PatrickDickeydan, I'm not seeing anything that suggests it's compatible.  You might ask on the ubuntuforums though.11:15
idbsi have configure sip2 in my ubuntu, i am getting error "/openils/bin/oils_ctl.sh: line 75: kill: (5330) - No such process", when i am running command "oils_ctl.sh -d /openils/var/run -s /openils/conf/oils_sip.xml -a restart_sip" to start sip2 server? please guide.11:16
cortexA9how to help the community ?11:16
bennypr0fanecortexA9: friendly to new users! Ubuntu tries to make itself effortless to use11:16
belgianguyjust found myself staring at a white screen on one and white vertical stripes on a black background on my other monitor11:17
ThinkT510!contribute | cortexA911:17
ubottucortexA9: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu11:17
belgianguyhow do I find out what happened?11:17
belgianguyI'm guessing something to do with the gfx11:17
GeorgeTorwellWhen I install Ubuntu if I already have an existing account and home folder on a previous ubuntu installation, can I make the new Ubuntu use that home/account without creating a new one?11:17
danPatrickDickey thanks for the help ,  sure i will head to ubuntu forums11:17
SharkMuttleworthGeorgeTorwell: Well, you can upgrade your Ubuntu install rather than doing a fresh install, that way its kept11:18
PatrickDickeydan, good luck. Sorry I couldn't find anything more for you.11:18
LilI am having a problem. I installed xrdp so I could use a remote desktop. However, when I connect.. I can only see the background and desktop icons. It's like unity launcher and the top bar don't load. I am using 12.10 and connecting from a win7 machine. Please help..11:18
SharkMuttleworthGeorgeTorwell: Otherwise I think you'd have needed to create a separate /home partition when you first installed (don't think Ubuntu does this by default, some distributions do)11:18
GeorgeTorwellI would like to reinstall so I can use the full disk encryption feature of 12.1011:18
belgianguyis there an error log somewhere I could troubleshoot?11:18
GeorgeTorwellI do have a separate /home11:18
blackshirtbelgianguy, look at'/var/log dir11:19
blackshirthi subz3ro11:19
subz3r0where can i find a webpage which shows me what has been upgraded lately? coze im wondering that grub was updated on just one of my systems... (12.04)11:19
PatrickDickey!bug | belgianguy11:19
ubottubelgianguy: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.11:19
MonkeyDustGeorgeTorwell  /home also contains config files -- two different ubuntu versions may not be compatible11:20
SharkMuttleworthGeorgeTorwell: Not sure how that works with encryption though, if you keep your home partition whether it encrypts it11:20
belgianguyPatrickDickey: if I find something, I'll surely file it11:20
bennypr0faneGeorgeTorwell a separate home partition? That you created yourself? If so, I think you need to mount it separately after install. also, a standard install will still make its own /home directory11:20
belgianguythere's a lot of logs :/11:20
GeorgeTorwelloh ok thats what I thought bennypr0fane11:20
bennypr0fanesubzero afaik grub doesn't just get updated automatically11:21
PatrickDickeysubz3r0: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ might have what you want.11:21
GeorgeTorwellbennypr0fane: the /home is also encrypted, do I need to set up anything to get access to the files again?11:21
subz3r0PatrickDickey, thanks11:21
bennypr0fanesubz3r0 afaik grub doesn't just get updated automatically11:21
belgianguyis there a way to look for critical/panic events?11:22
PatrickDickeysubz3r0: no problem. I'm sure there's a list in your computer also, but I can't remember exactly where it's at. It should be a log file though.11:22
belgianguy(eg grep a log)11:22
danPatrickDickey  no problem mate - looks like it takes some time to solve this :D11:22
subz3r0i was in a hurry... it asked me if i want to compare the settings... etc...11:22
subz3r0clicked on comapare then OK, but there was nothing to compare... well i boot the machine now and have a look :)11:22
PatrickDickeyAhhh, and you chose the replace option?11:23
bennypr0fanesubz3r0 did you do a fresh install of the os or grub?11:23
subz3r0since its alerting me if the bootloader is gettin updated on just one system11:23
subz3r0bennypr0fane, no i did not11:23
bennypr0fanewell tehn who or what asked you to compare settings etc.?11:23
PatrickDickeysubz3r0: If I'm understanding you right, you have one system that's 12.10 and one that's 12.04? And the 12.04 has an update for Grub, but the 12.10 doesn't?11:24
subz3r0that's it... i dont know11:24
subz3r0no, both 12.0411:24
subz3r0bootin the system now and check what happend exactly. will let u know11:24
PatrickDickeyWas it on one system that it asked you to compare settings, or both?11:24
subz3r0just one11:25
subz3r0on my netbook... and i wasnt asked the same question on my other pc's11:25
PatrickDickeyBefore that happened, did you make any changes to Grub yourself?11:25
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subz3r0no, ofc not11:25
bennypr0fanePatrickDickey so grub will get updated together with all the other regular updates? that is new to me...11:25
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PatrickDickeyI've had updates to grub before. But, I always do "Show Updates" before I install them. Just to see what's being done.11:26
subz3r0i did not update the netbook for about 30 days... so it installed about 130mb updates... also a new kernel version x.xx...3211:26
PatrickDickeysubz3r0: did it say updating grub while it was doing the updates?11:26
PatrickDickeysubz3r0: Most likely what happened is that when you finally did all of your updates, it had to update your Grub configuration, because you added a new kernel.11:27
bennypr0fanePatrickDickey I mean grub updates that were pushed/suggested to you, that you didn't initiate yourself?11:28
belgianguygrub reindexes its known images whenever a new kernel comes out (at least here)11:28
belgianguybut I usually do 'replace' as well, and it hasn't crashed my system (yet)11:28
bennypr0faneI've recently found there is some sort of grub rescue disc11:29
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PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: I have my updates set up to show me all available updates immediately. So, it probably found one in the daily check. When the icon came up, I clicked on Show Updates and saw something for grub. I'm guessing more or less here, because I've slept in the last week. ;-) (In other words, I don't remember exactly what it was or when).11:29
PatrickDickeybelgianguy: It has to reindex, otherwise you wouldn't boot to the new kernel.11:29
bennypr0faneI was gonna get that rescue disc and recommend it to you as well. It sucks when you can't get into your os11:30
subz3r0i just have seen a behaviour like that, when i do a upgrade... like from 10.04 to 12.04. before not. i was rly in a hurry so i selected "compare" and didnot read the rest... im pretty sure it was asking me about "/boot/grub/menu.lst" since i edited it when i did a upgrade... but thats month ago11:30
PatrickDickeyI've used it a few times.11:30
Houdinihow do i use the make file11:30
belgianguysubz3r0: can you reach root shell?11:30
Houdinianyone know how i can install stuff?11:31
PatrickDickeysubz3r0: That's probably what it was then. Either there was an update to grub itself, and it detected that you made changes to menu.lst, or it was part of the kernel update.11:31
belgianguyapt-get install stuff11:31
Houdininew with linux11:31
subz3r0yes ofc. everything is working fine. i just want to figure out why it asked me to compare the settings...11:31
aloneHoudini: magic linux: apt-get install whatyouwant11:31
Houdinialso i have an x3100 graphics chip11:31
PatrickDickeyHoudini: sudo apt-get install packagename or use the Software Center.11:31
belgianguyHoudini: what are you looking for?11:31
Houdiniand idk how to install mesa11:31
gustav__Anyone using Steam on Ubuntu?11:31
subz3r0Houdini, maybe you should read something about the basics...11:31
Houdiniwhere is that11:31
subz3r0there is almost ALWAYS a README or INSTALL file inside of the packages11:31
belgianguyHoudini: there's also the Ubuntu Software Center (the bag icon) or through the Dash (the uppermost icon of Unity)11:32
SharkMuttleworthgustav__: Yes, with Wine11:32
subz3r0and i would strongly recommend, DO NOT compile any soft if u dont know what youre doin11:32
Houdinii know about the software center11:32
subz3r0use the softwarecenter insteag11:32
PatrickDickeyHoudini, the Software Center is launched on the left side (if you're using Unity). It looks like a bag with stuff flying out of it.11:32
Houdiniand sudo apt-get11:32
MonkeyDustHoudini  start from the beginning, what brings you here11:32
gustav__SharkMuttleworth: You don't happen to be using bumblebee or otherwise noticed that the Steam window moves a little when you have the cursor over it? :)11:32
Houdinihow do u use make files11:33
SharkMuttleworthgustav__: No, sorry11:33
PatrickDickeyOpen a command line (Terminal. You can use Ctrl+Alt+T all at the same time) and type sudo apt-get install packagename and it will install the package.11:33
SharkMuttleworthgustav__: Shouldn't be long before the offiical Linux version is out, would solve any problems :)11:33
belgianguyHoudini: what kind of files?11:33
gustav__SharkMuttleworth: Niiiiice...11:33
KroachHoudini: do you want to manually compile a package?11:33
Houdiniim trying to install mesa11:33
gustav__SharkMuttleworth: Are they porting games or just Steam?11:33
MonkeyDustHoudini  start with the basics11:33
Houdinibut i cant use the sudo apt-get11:34
Houdiniso i downloaded the files11:34
gustav__SharkMuttleworth: I don't get Steam...11:34
subz3r0MonkeyDust, word!11:34
Houdiniwhere can i find the basics11:34
SharkMuttleworthgustav__: They're porting some of their own games too, Left4Dead has been confirmed, not sure of others11:34
PatrickDickeyHoudini: do they end in .deb?11:34
subz3r0Houdini, rly start with the basics... and dont compile any software... use instead the software center if you need anything11:34
Houdiniit was in a .tar11:34
Houdinii extracted it11:34
gustav__SharkMuttleworth: It's a start.11:34
KroachKroach: why not just use sudo apt-get install mesa?11:34
Houdinibecause it cant finds the right packages or something11:35
MonkeyDustHoudini  start with the simple things, then try compiling, tar files etc11:35
Houdiniwhat simple things?11:35
subz3r0Houdini, what do you want to install?11:35
PatrickDickeyHoudini: if you go into the folder that you extracted it into, there should be a README, or INSTALL file in there. That will give you the specific instructions for how to compile and install the software. But, I agree with subz3r0, when I say try to find it in the software center or a .deb file first.11:35
subz3r0Houdini, a good start would be study the forums of ubuntu11:36
MonkeyDustHoudini  get used to ubuntu, learn some basic commands, then go to more advanced things11:36
KroachHoudini: sudo apt-get install mesa11:36
subz3r0..to study...11:36
Houdiniwhats the link11:36
Houdiniis there a pdf?11:36
* PatrickDickey wonders if he can link to the ubuntu manual project's manual11:36
MonkeyDustHoudini  pick something here http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Precise11:36
Houdiniand another question11:37
Houdinii cant get the keyboard to work on my new laptop11:37
Houdiniamd processor11:37
Houdinii used the amd image11:37
PatrickDickeyHoudini you can also look at this site http://www.ubuntu-manual.org There's a Getting started manual for the last few versions of Ubuntu on the site.11:37
Houdiniwhere can i find general keyboard drivers11:38
Houdinifor my laptop11:38
bennypr0faneaaaargh! now my win partition is not even there! Ubuntu can't see it anymore!11:39
PatrickDickeyHoudini: Typically the keyboard drivers are built into the kernel. It might not include the multimedia keys though.11:39
Houdininone of them work11:39
Houdiniand the touchpad doesnt either11:39
PatrickDickeyHoudini: what kind of laptop is it?11:39
* Houdini ** WinSys ** Client: HexChat 2.9.3 (x64) ** OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium ** CPU: AMD A8-4500M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics (1.00 GHz) ** RAM: 7654 MB Total (5714 MB Free) ** VGA: AMD Radeon HD 7640G ** Uptime: 0.67 Hours **11:39
Houdiniim on windows atm11:39
bennypr0faneMonkeyDust: you here? my fstab is now this: UUID=E882B97582B948B8                      /media/Acer            ntfs      defaults      0       011:40
MonkeyDustbennypr0fane  looks ok to me11:40
belgianguybennypr0fane: missing something?11:40
MonkeyDustbennypr0fane  did you reboot or type sudo mount -a ?11:40
bennypr0fanefirst mount, then reboot11:41
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: type ls /media into a terminal window, and tell me if you see a directory called Acer11:41
bennypr0faneafter reboot, /media/Acer is gone11:41
Houdiniit works with ubuntu 9.1011:41
Houdininot with the new one11:41
MonkeyDustbennypr0fane  type blkid|pastebinit and paste the url here11:41
bennypr0fanePatrickDickey yes, it's there11:41
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: try this. sudo mkdir /mnt/Acer and then change everything in your mount command from /media/Acer to /mnt/Acer11:42
bennypr0fanebut it's missing in Nautlius and dropbox can't find it11:42
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: OK, since it's there, try cd /media/Acer, then ls, and see if anything's there.11:42
gustav__How do I get back my resoluton in X when some game changes it all weird? (ROSE/Steam this time.)11:42
LilI am having a problem. I installed xrdp so I could use a remote desktop. However, when I connect.. I can only see the background and desktop icons. It's like unity launcher and the top bar don't load. I am using 12.10 and connecting from a win7 machine. Please help..11:43
PatrickDickeyHoudini: first of all, the graphics may not work right away. ATI hasn't released their drivers for Ubuntu 12.10 yet.11:43
bennypr0fanegustav_ you need to check your display manager11:43
Houdinithey dont work too smoothly11:44
PatrickDickeyLil, are you able to physically log into the machine?11:44
bennypr0fanegustav_ which are you using11:44
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gustav__bennypr0fane: Standard.11:44
bubu\ahi guys - I setup an http proxy on my ubuntu server install but I need to change the proxy - anyone know where this is written to? can't find in /etc/bash.bashrc or /etc/environment ?11:45
LilPatrickDickey; Yes, I can even connect with RDP.. because I see the desktop background, and desktop icons. I can right click and etc. It's just that the unity launcher and top bar never load.11:45
gustav__bennypr0fane: lightdm.11:45
subz3r0ok guys back... so grub was updates yesterday... grub2-common (1.99-21ubuntu3.1, 1.99-21ubuntu3.4), grub-pc (1.99-21ubuntu3.1, 1.99-21ubuntu3.4), grub-pc-bin (1.99-21ubuntu3.1, 1.99-21ubuntu3.4) and grub-common (1.99-21ubuntu3.1, 1.99-21ubuntu3.4). im rly wondering coze it was not updates on my other systems11:45
PatrickDickeyLil, if you are at the machine (not through xrdp) do you have the launcher and panel?11:46
Azzle-DazzleCan someone help me with my audio issues ? I was fiddling with the different outputs under sounds settings and now i have no sound at all11:46
PatrickDickeyAzzle-Dazzle: in Sound Settings, on the first tab, how many devices do you have?11:46
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LilPatrickDickey; Yes, Everything works fine if I am actually on the machine.11:47
Azzle-DazzlePatrickDickey - Output ?? If so, It shows 1 and its called 'Dummy Output'11:47
PatrickDickeyAzzle-Dazzle: before you started changing things, did it show more than one device there?11:48
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PatrickDickeyLil, you might want to try a different Remote Desktop client then.11:48
LilPatrickDickey; I just connected through xrdp, and was even prompted to run updates..11:48
PatrickDickeyAnd is it working now? After you ran the updates?11:49
Azzle-DazzlePatrickDickey - No just the 1 i recall, but it wasnt named dummy output. I remember under 'Hardware' It was on Analogue stereo, But i have 5.1 so I changed it and it all stopped11:49
Azzle-Dazzleive reverted back but now no sound at all11:49
subz3r0ok. well.... the update was from 30 sept. but why i was not asked for comparing the configs of grub on my other system... mhh... i changed the grub config on all pcs here. strangw11:49
LilPatrickDickey; Going to run the updates and check.. do you have any suggestions for a different client? I am just using whats built into windoze11:49
bennypr0fanegustav_ there is a configuration file for lightdm where the dpi is set, but I can't find it right now....11:51
PatrickDickeyLil, you might be able to use vncsever and vncclient to do it.11:51
wizrdLil: You could also check out Teamviewer11:52
LilPatrickDickey; I might just try that. Just can't figure out this issue. I have friends that are running 12.04 doing this with no problem. Unfortunately I have updated all my machines to 12.1011:52
PatrickDickeyAzzle-Dazzle: I'm not sure if I can help you with the sound issues. But, you might want to keep checking here. Someone can, I'm sure. Also, you could check on ubuntuforums.11:52
Azzle-DazzleOk ill have a look around now, Thanks11:52
LilPatrickDickey; Granted their machines are different, but still.. lol. I wish I would have tried this before upgrading to 12.1011:53
PatrickDickeyLil, it's probably just a glitch in something that they haven't worked out yet. What you're seeing sounds like the graphics issue I had, but you don't have it when you physically sit at the computer.11:53
icerootis there a way on a notebook to make a differenc between "display closed" and "display closed when using a docking-station" for the suspend-feature?11:54
iliasi installed to a friend's old notebook (acer travelmate with cpu 3ghz and 750 ram) xubuntu 12.04. Everything to be running smoothly, but very often the system freezes during internet browsing (using either Mozilla or Crome) and the only way to re-start is to click to power on/off button. Any idea? Is it a distro's issue or is it a harware problem?11:54
LilI really don't think 12.10 was ready for release. I have submitted probably 10+ crash reports.11:54
LilI can physically sit at the ubuntu machine and remote in to the windows machine.. and it works fine.11:55
PatrickDickeyWell part of the issue is that they changed some of the underlying stuff (like X.Org to 1.3) and the hardware manufacturers haven't released their drivers yet. Plus, if your hardware is a few years old, they're not supoorting it. ATI is one that comes to mind for me (as I'm using a hacked version of their drivers right now).11:56
fidel_Lil: i get tons of crash reports on my 12.10 test-vm as well11:56
fidel_so - while this doesnt help in general ...you are for sure not alone hehe11:56
NilBudPatrickDickey, Would the so called "hacked drivers" support the X1200?11:56
PatrickDickeyThey might. I know they're for the HD 2000 HD 3000 and HD 4000 series cards.11:57
PengunCSC /msg NickServ identify !187GHlk11:57
bennypr0fanePatrickDickey I can't change into my win directory11:57
Lilfidel_; lol, good to know im not the only one. I can see the guy just shaking his head every time I submit a crash report ;)11:57
fidel_PengunCSC: change that now ;)11:57
NilBudWhat he said.11:57
IdleOnePengunCSC: Please make sure to change your nickserv pass11:57
alexThunderdoes anyone know if having installed ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10 at the same time while having both mounted on the same /home and /opt would work well?11:57
fidel_Lil: afaik there is a function to be not longer alarmed for similar crashes11:58
fidel_Lil: havent tested it myself - as its just a testing vm and i want to see the amount of crashes myself ;)11:58
kunjiHmm, my 12.04 install was full of crashes originally, but they disappeared after a few updates, this seems like part of the normal release process to me11:58
PatrickDickeyNilBud: here's the link to the information. Like I said, it's geared to the HD series, but it might work for you too. http://www.unixmen.com/ubuntu-12-10-and-amd-catalyst-problem-solved/11:58
PengunCSCIdleOne: thanks!11:59
gustav__How do I reset the resolution in X to what it's supposed to be when a game or something messes it up?11:59
* PengunCSC stupid11:59
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: type mount without anything else, and see if your win partition is listed.11:59
gustav__Running 12.10.11:59
NilBudPatrickDickey, OK. I'll look into it. Thank you.11:59
bennypr0fanePatrickDickey yes it's there, read only11:59
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: is it in /media/Acer?12:00
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kunjiPatrickDickey: what would the impact be for the proprietary driver?12:01
bennypr0fanegustav_ I found this : https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg#Setting_DPI_manually12:01
PatrickDickeykunji: as far as using the information on that page? if you use their first option, you're just using the old Catalyst drivers from ATI (the ones for 12.04).12:02
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PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: in your /etc/fstab, I'd say change the defaults to something like dmask=000, umask=000, fmask=000 (that's rwx for everything). If you just want rw for everything, then it's dmask=222,umask=222,fmask=22212:03
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: try 222 for them first. If that doesn't do what you want, then try 022, and finally 000. one of them will work.12:04
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Tr0niXWhen im doing a install12:05
Tr0niXi pressed D for details12:05
Tr0niXwhen im at the buttom12:05
Tr0niXhow to go back to the installation?12:05
Tr0niXin ssh12:05
Tr0niXit just says (END)12:05
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: You'll want to umount /media/Acer before you try remounting them.12:05
Tr0niXah tnx idleone12:06
Tr0niXi installed update for ubuntu, but it asks if i want to remove 420 packages or something12:06
Tr0niXguess that the old ones12:06
Tr0niXsould i remove or not?12:06
bennypr0fanePartickDickey: x bit shouldn't be necessary, since I don't need to execute stuff that's on the windows partition, right?12:06
IdleOneTr0niX: those are the old ones, yes.12:06
Tr0niXbut would i like to remove or does it not realy mather?12:06
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: Probably. That's a last resort one, if nothing else works. It's essentially saying let me do whatever the heck I want.12:06
IdleOneTr0niX: you can keep them if you prefer12:07
PatrickDickeyTr0niX: most likely they're packages that it needs to replace (or doesn't use anymore). You can look at them, to see if there's anything you want to keep.12:07
bennypr0faneI want a) Dropbox to get access to it, and b) to run Wine applications. Do they need to be on the Linux partition to run them?12:07
bennypr0fanePatrickDickey: so 1.) change fstab 2) umount 3) mount -a ?12:08
kunjiPatrickDickey: sorry, my mistake, got the proprietary driver mixed up with the open source one.  So I guess, are there any known issues with the open source drivers?12:09
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: Dropbox should work wherever you have your folder at. Once you've gotten it mounted rw, you can point to the folder.  As for wine applications, you can run the setup.exe file from wherever, but it will actually install in /home/username/.wine12:09
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: Yep, that would work. or you can umount then change /etc/fstab.12:09
PatrickDickeykunji: I'm not sure. I know when I first booted into Unity, I didn't have any panels at all (top or launcher). And the Alt key didn't work. I could do CTRL+Alt+T to get a terminal, but that was it.12:10
bennypr0faneso running a Wine app while work regardless of the location of the setup.exe (Linx or windows partition)?12:10
PatrickDickeyWhen I uninstalled fglrx, everything worked, but it was sloooowwww.12:10
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: Right. What it does is creates a fake windows drive under your home directory (in .wine).12:11
kunjiPatrickDickey: Hmm, well that sucks.. my transition to 12.10 could be rocky, ah well12:11
PatrickDickeykunji: which card do you have?12:11
kunjiPatrickDickey: 487012:12
PatrickDickeyIt might be then. I used the third option (the ppa), and everything is better now. However, things like Second Life don't work, because I don't have the proper setup for it.12:13
Azzle-DazzleOk, Got my sound back on now, But................................ whenever I change output from Analogue to 5.1 it works fine, But when I skip track, it goes down to 2.0 (2 speakers 0 sub) WTF is with this lol ?12:13
PatrickDickeyAzzle-Dazzle: short answer? PulseAudio sucks. Longer answer, I'm not sure. Someone with more experience in Audio might have better advice.12:13
bennypr0fanePatrickDickey: I can't remount it it say mount location doesn't exist12:14
PatrickDickeyAzzle-Dazzle: L3top was working with someone on audio the other day (but I think he's sleeping or afk right now).12:14
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: do the sudo mkdir /mnt/Acer and change everything to point there instead.12:15
ahhughesafter upgrade of mythbuntu on boot it says "Serious errors were found while checking the disk drive for /my-mount" I have options i to ignore, s to skip, or m for manual recovery. I guess I Want to fix this but I dont know what the problem is12:15
Azzle-Dazzlethe whole 5.1 is working well just on Analogue, But it sounds clearer when I select 5.1 so id prefer that setting, However its causing so many issues when I change I think I will just leave it alone :)12:15
PatrickDickeyAzzle-Dazzle: you might check back later on (in about 4 or 8 hours) and someone might be able to help out.12:16
Azzle-Dazzleyeah, no worries mate ! thanks for the help so far !12:16
bennypr0fanePartickDickey: I'm crying now. What happened to the /media/Acer?12:16
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: it was a temporary location that the computer generated when you rebooted. if you really like it, then do sudo mkdir /media/Acer and it should mount there permanently.12:17
kunjiAzzle-Dazzle: is your sound setup pretty much default, or have you been messing with it?  If you've been playing with pulse and stuff like I was, then resetting the lot might help: http://blog.zloether.com/2009/11/reset-sound-settings-in-ubuntu.html12:17
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PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: My understanding from a different system is that permanent mounts should go to '/mnt' not /media. But it might be a matter of opinion.12:18
dr_willisthey can go whever they are needed. ;-)12:18
bennypr0fanePatrickDickey iirc from what I read in ubuntu help pages, media is nowadays the standard way for a permanent mount12:19
kunjiPatrickDickey: permanent mounts can go anywhere, but you should make a permanent folder to mount them to12:19
dr_willisa fstab entry myst have the directory existing befor it mounts12:19
PatrickDickeyLike I said, it's a matter of opinion. I was reading it for an amahi home server (fedora- or ubuntu- based version of Windows Home Server) and they recommended /mnt.12:20
Azzle-Dazzlekunji - its completely default, just done a fresh install, ive improved it a little by editing the pulseaudio config and setting default channels to 6 instead of 212:20
Azzle-Dazzleand adding the extra speakers (rear left / right / centre / sub etc)12:20
PatrickDickeySo, bennypr0fane type sudo mkdir /media/Acer and then try mounting again.12:20
bennypr0fanedr_willis the point is, it already did exist and used to be mounted read only, it just went away after I chenged the mount options in /etc/fstab to "defaults12:21
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dr_willisthe /media/whatever shouldent have vanished12:21
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane: did you put defaults or "defaults" in?12:21
bennypr0faneI'm just wondering how it could just vanish, you know12:21
milfoil1hi.  how can i tell if modesetting is active for the radeon kernel module?12:21
bennypr0fanedefaults, no quotes12:21
bennypr0faneI pasted the line above12:22
PatrickDickeybennypr0fane:  did you try it with the dmask, umask, fmask instead of defaults?12:22
dr_willisunless the thing was also mounted via the automounting systems12:22
bennypr0faneit's still mounted as read only12:22
nabblethi, how can i enable sshfs TO my machine?12:22
PatrickDickeydr_willis: I think that's what originally happened. So, when it unmounted, it removed the directory.12:22
kunjiAzzle-Dazzle: Hmm, for using pulse and getting that routed correctly I typically need to use qjackctl, but it's finicky as hell, so I use alsa for most everything, and only use pulse with jack when I need to route sound in real time.12:22
LilPatrickDickey; Do you think it could have something to do with the resolution? Because I was looking in the xrdp log.. and I am seeing a resolution thats higher then the machine.12:23
PatrickDickeyLil, that could be it. Change it to a lower one, and try again.12:23
ThinkT510nabblet: install openssh-server12:23
LilI would I change it for xrdp?12:23
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bennypr0fanedr_willis I did not unmount before changing to defaults. It did before making the second change to dmask=222,umask=222,fmask=22212:24
PatrickDickeyLil, I'd say if you're on something like 1280x760, go with 1024xsomething lower.12:24
bennypr0faneI'll try and reboot now12:24
mickepaprikahello.. i have the problem that my system freezes for about 1 sec every 30 secs... I believe it is something with the graphics, because the sound is still working... anyone who has time to help me debug this?12:24
Azzle-Dazzlekunji - Im a bit of a linux noob, so everything you said, appeared to be in a different language lol. I have fiddled with alsa too, the main thing is i have sound now and it doesnt sound so distorted, So ill stick with it till i learn what im messing with :)12:24
PatrickDickeyLil, yes. You want to make the resolution smaller than what your windows screen is.12:25
nabbletThinkT510, thank you that worked12:25
ThinkT510!yay | nabblet12:25
ubottunabblet: Glad you made it! :-)12:25
milfoil1ah, answered my own question.  kernel modesetting is reflected in the logs12:25
PatrickDickeymickepaprika: what kind of graphics card do you have?12:25
* PatrickDickey is an audio noob12:26
mickepaprikaPatrickDickey: intel, hang on will check exactly...12:26
Jaska_hello, any recommendations for compitable video card, going to build htpc.. well built one but the apu doest seem to work too well on linux..12:26
BluesKajHiyas all12:26
Jaska_pretty much any card that can handle 1920x108012:26
mickepaprikaPatrickDickey: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)12:26
Jaska_and fanless ;)12:26
MonkeyDust!hardware > Jaska_12:27
ubottuJaska_, please see my private message12:27
kunjiAzzle-Dazzle: This is a good place to learn some, there are some good diagrams on the audio stack in Audio Debugging Techniques post almost half way down the page:   http://voices.canonical.com/david.henningsson/12:27
nabbletThinkT510, dang... too early. failed to open /dev/fuse12:27
mickepaprikaPatrickDickey: my computer is a Samsung X360 laptop12:27
LilPatrickDickey; My windows desktop is is 1600x900 (which is what its trying to open it as) - but the ubuntu machine is 1280x800 ... How would I go about changing it for xrdp ?12:27
nabbletThinkT510, but my user is in the fuse group12:27
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Azzle-DazzleThanks kunki - Thats great ! ill have a good read of it now :)12:28
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PatrickDickeyLil, it might be in connection settings on your Remote Desktop. I'm not sure in xrdp though, as I've never used it.12:28
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rap_haelhi, after upgrading to 12.10, i got no sound at all, though the card is present in alsamixer : imac 9.1, HDA NVidia, ALC889A12:28
BluesKajJaska_, what graphics are you runniung now on the HTPC ?12:28
Tr0niXThe Apache error log may have more information.  * Starting web server apache2                                           [fail]12:30
PatrickDickeymickepaprika: Did you upgrade from 12.04 by chance? (Just wanting to know if it worked in that release or not).12:30
philinuxPatrickDickey: I upgraded 12.04 to 12.10. couple of minor glitches but otherwise fine12:32
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PatrickDickeyphilinux: Glad to hear that. :D12:32
Irulan12.10 upgrade broke my gnome3 session12:32
philinuxPatrickDickey: I usually clean install but decided to test the upgrade path12:32
Irulangnome-shell refuses to start12:32
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PatrickDickeyphilinux: that's how I went too.12:33
mickepaprikaPatrickDickey: i have had this problem for a while... not always though, it wasn't there, say, about a year ago... i have been a bit reluctant to actually research it... the first time i noticed it was in 11.10, but i never installed 11.04, so don't know if it was there too12:33
mickepaprikaPatrickDickey: don't remember which version i used before 11.1012:33
BluesKajrap_hael, open a terminal , sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel  , if there's not output from the command then the driver is loaded ..you may have to reboot12:33
Tr0niXi updated ubuntu12:33
Tr0niXbut did not update apache.conf12:34
Tr0niXand now its failing12:34
Tr0niXany tip?12:34
PatrickDickeyTr0niX: how's it failing?12:34
philinuxIrulan: i assume it fails from the login screen too?12:34
Tr0niXPatric: Hi, i dunno, when i try to start it just says failing12:34
Jaska_<BluesKaj> AMD A6 X4 3650 so Radeon HD 6530D12:34
dr_willisyou had a custome apache.conf?12:34
Irulanyes, philinux12:34
PatrickDickeymickepaprika: I'm not sure what to tell you. one thing you could try is installing a different desktop and see if that works. If that does, then it's probably something with ubuntu-desktop.12:34
mickepaprikaTr0niX: did you check the apache log?12:35
dr_willisTr0niX: check the logs?12:35
rap_haelBluesKaj: snd_hda_intel          32515  3 from lsmod, the driver is loaded, the card is seen, though no sound, even with using alsa tricks like passing arguments in modrpobe.d/alsa-base.conf12:35
Tr0niXhehe :/ Where to find xD12:35
mickepaprikaPatrickDickey: no it is something deeper... it is present both in gnome and kde... and both in linux mint debian edition and ubuntu12:35
PatrickDickeyJaska, are you trying to get your card to work (graphics)?12:35
BluesKajJaska_, that card should provide what you need , FGLRX driver ?12:35
Jaska_it works somewhat yes but its pain in the ass to keep it working..12:36
philinuxIrulan: have you changed themes?12:36
Jaska_without desktop manager it works but i get tearing and pixelation and i do not want to install desktop manager because i dont need it ;)12:36
Jaska_also had some problem scaling it right on my tv, probably some xserver tweaking should do it.. i just want it to work out of the box12:37
Irulanphilinux: no, I stay with adwaita12:37
mickepaprikaPatrickDickey: i would expect something to appear in some log... something like a line saying that something strange happens every 30 secs, when i notice the stop... but i don't... maybe i need to change the log level of some system (the x server?) but don't know...12:37
Tr0niXapache2: Syntax error on line 207 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open c                                                    onfiguration file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: No such file or directory12:37
IrulanI tried removing .local/share/gnome-shell without success12:37
BluesKajrap make sur the setting in alsa-base.conf is , options snd-hda-intel index=0 , it needs to be card "0" the default , unless yuou have other settings in phonon or pavucontrol telling it to do otherwise12:37
PatrickDickeyJaska_: try the link in here http://askubuntu.com/questions/202857/cant-install-ati-proprietary-drivers-in-12-10/202885#202885 The link goes to the ATI beta drivers for Ubuntu 12.1012:38
PatrickDickeymickepaprika: I don't think it's anything that's being logged though. I think that the computer is telling the graphics card to show you something, but the card is hanging up while doing it.12:39
mickepaprikaTr0niX: so on line 207 in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf there is an include for /etc/apache2/httpd.conf, and that file doesn't exist anymore? try commenting out that line12:39
philinuxIrulan: i would purge and reinstall gnome-shell12:39
PatrickDickeyIrulan: do any of the other desktops work, or do you just have Gnome3 installed?12:39
Tr0niXmicke: sould I not create a new conf?12:39
ramonmedall: how i can found the live cd source code? i want to know how ubuntu give a shell on the live cd12:39
Tr0niXor how to get a default apache conf?12:39
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Jaska_PatrickDickey: I'll give that a go, thanks12:40
mr-richhow do I turn off the screensaver password?12:40
mickepaprikaPatrickDickey: ah could be... but what would that be? it is so regular... the stop happens with exact regular intervals12:40
IrulanPatrickDickey: gnome-fallback works12:40
BluesKajJaska_, for what it's worth I have a cheap 50buck nvidia 8400gs card connected to our panasonic plasma tv without any problems. ATI suffers from linux neglect I'm afraid12:40
PatrickDickeyJaska_: Good luck. I hope it works out for you.12:40
LilPatrickDickey; Messing with the resolutions hasn't helped.. I think its about time to pull out the BFH ;P12:40
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PatrickDickeyLil, if that doesn't work, try the RBFH. ;-)12:41
Jaska_BluesKaj: ah ok12:41
Lillmao, i was worried you wouldn't get that..12:41
PatrickDickeySeriously Lil, you could google changing resolution on xrdp and see what it comes up with.12:41
* PatrickDickey giving away my trade secrets. I have three tabs open to Google right now. :P12:42
Lili've googled till blue in the face.. not a whole lot of help regarding xrdp :/12:42
curious95__how to unmount a swap file system??12:45
MonkeyDustcurious95__  swapoff -a12:46
rap_haelBluesKaj: alsa shows the card, i assume it's correctly discovered, i do not use kde or gnome, just awesome with basic settings, but maybe this bug is same as mine https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/106090812:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1059523 in linux (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1060908 [Acer Aspire One 722] Broken support of Intel HDA in 3.5.0-16 kernel" [Medium,Fix released]12:46
curious95__thanks MonkeyDust12:46
curious95__umount didnt work :)12:46
PatrickDickeyLil try this http://www.novell.com/support/kb/doc.php?id=7003301 See if that fixes the problem.12:46
PatrickDickeycurious95__:  swapoff12:47
Irulanphilinux: I also purged gjs, gnome-shell-common and libgjs0c ; but no luck12:47
medievaltigerHi guys,  I am trying to set up a simple cron job to run a rake task every minute but haven't been able to get it working.  I have edited the crontab file and cron is running but it does not seem to be running the command.12:47
medievaltigerThis is my crontab file: https://gist.github.com/395234512:47
PatrickDickeySorry, I didn't see that MonkeyDust posted that too.12:47
philinuxIrulan: what about shell extensions12:47
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RalliasWould it be possible to use 2 100mbit ethernet cards with the same IP address to be able to pull 200 mbit/s?12:48
bindiRallias: no12:49
Irulanphilinux: thez where removed when I dropped .local/share/gnome-shell12:49
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PatrickDickeymedievaltiger: what happens when you run that comnmand from a terminal window?12:50
bindiRallias: you need LACP/trunk/teaming/802.3ad (whatever it's called, same thing) support from two machines and the switch (in your router or your external switch) to gain from it.12:50
bindiRallias: a single TCP connection can still only get max 100 Mbps, so you'd want that only if you need two 100 Mbps transfers at the same time12:51
medievaltigerthey work12:51
medievaltigerwhen i run them as root12:51
subz3r0bindi, nic-teaming or bonding doesnt work? mhh?12:51
bindisubz3r0: what do you mean?12:51
PatrickDickeyAnd when you did the crontab -e, did you do it as sudo crontab -e?12:51
subz3r0like i said12:52
subz3r0bundle two nics to one12:52
bindisubz3r0: you can't get twice the speed with teaming12:52
bindiper tcp connection12:52
subz3r0thats right, but you can bundle them12:52
medievaltigerI did sudo bash and then crontab -e.12:52
bindino but he asked if it's possible to pull 200 Mbps12:52
subz3r0maybe i missunderstood your answer. but its ofc faster than 100mbit with 2x 100mbut12:52
bindihow come?12:52
bindi again, if you do a file transfer with two machines that have 2x100 Mbps  bonded connections, you get 100 Mbps12:53
PatrickDickeymedievaltiger: try just sudo crontab -e and see if it's listed there. if not, then put it in.12:53
bindiunless the file transfer protocol/program whatever supports something like iscsi multipathing i guess12:53
subz3r0two machines? thought its about 2 nics in one machine... anyway..12:53
subz3r0teaming or bonding works12:53
bindisure, it works, but it doesnt give him what he wants12:53
bindisubz3r0: ideally you'd want to use bonding on two machines12:53
bindiunless you're looking for redundancy12:54
medievaltigeryep, it is in there.  Do I need to restart cron or should it just start working?12:54
philinuxIrulan: try creating a new user and see if GS works. if so some config in your user is borked12:54
subz3r0indeed. but its faster than 100mbit... overhead here and there etc.. bla... but more faster than just one nic... and more redundant...12:54
bindihow is it faster than one nic?12:54
subz3r0its more offtopic.. but give ifenslave-2.6 a shot12:55
PatrickDickeyIt should just start working.12:55
PatrickDickeyhi peto12:56
subz3r0give the same mac to both nics and just give it a shot... it is faster12:56
peto_hello patCorkv1_012:56
peto_hello PatrickDickey12:56
subz3r0actualy i get 15mb/s with 2nics12:56
medievaltigerPatrickDickey:   Right ok.  Any ideas on what to try next?12:57
PatrickDickeymedievaltiger: you could put the actual command into a bash script, and just call that instead. That way if it's requiring something like gems, you can take care of that in the script.12:58
subz3r0bindi, well 15-17,5mb/s12:59
PatrickDickeyOther than that, I'm not sure. Everything that I do in cron, is in bash scripts.12:59
mcb_1I upgraded to Xubuntu 12.10 and now i cant mount DVD/CD. Running as root: If I try $mount /dev/cdrom2 /mnt ; I get can`t read superblock. If i try: $mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom2 /mnt; I get: Wrong fs type. Does anyone know what I can do. I worked before upgrading.12:59
itsme20121991Thank you jordan , your suggestion helped, I am using Ubuntu 12.10 now and all my partions are intact13:00
CrazyHorse18medievaltiger: if you want something that just tests if it's working  do echo 'bla' > /home/youruserdir/test.txt13:00
CrazyHorse18add that to your cron job for every in13:00
CrazyHorse18oh sorry do >>13:00
CrazyHorse18echo 'bla' >> /home/youruserdir/test.txt13:00
medievaltigerPatrickDickey:  CrazyHorse18:  Ok, I might test if cron is actually working.  If that works then I will try sticking the command in a bash script.  Thanks for the help :D13:02
bjaanesHey, someone wanna help me find out why I dont get amazon results in dash?13:02
* PatrickDickey thinks that's a first13:02
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Irulanphilinux: PatrickDickey: I locked myself ou trying to open another user, and after reboot all is working13:03
CrazyHorse18PatrickDickey: don't people normally say thankyou?13:03
philinuxIrulan: reboot FTW !13:03
CrazyHorse18i always do13:03
PatrickDickeyLOL No, I meant bjaanes question. I thought most people wanted to remove the shopping lens.  I knew I should have clarified that. :S13:03
shroudbindi: the bandwidth you get from an aggregated link depends on a number of factors, you might want to read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Link_aggregation#Order_of_frames13:03
MonkeyDustreboot is the windows trick13:03
bjaanesHeh, well I dont got it - and I actually want it xD13:04
philinuxsometimes ubuntu too. rarely thankfully13:04
PatrickDickeybjaanes: You're on Ubuntu 12.10 right?13:04
philinuxIrulan: probably a logout and in would have done it13:04
subz3r0shroud, :>13:04
IrulanI went back to 3.5.0, BTW13:04
bjaanesPatrickDickey, yes, and I have remote searches on. I get ubuntu one music results - but not amazon13:05
philinuxIrulan: where you using a ppa?13:05
Irulanfirst try booting 3.5 didn't work13:05
PatrickDickeybjaanes: sudo apt-get install unity-lens-shopping maybe?13:05
bjaanes̈́PatrickDickey, like I said, i get results from Ubuntu One Music. So the shopping lens is installed and active13:06
Irulanphilinux: I use webupd813:06
bjaanesHave tried reinstalling it though13:06
MonkeyDustIrulan  what's the outcome of lsb_release -sd ?13:06
bjaanesAnd this happens on all my computers btw13:06
IrulanMonkeyDust:  Ubuntu 12.1013:06
PatrickDickeybjaanes: And in System Settings -> Privacy, you have it turned on?13:07
bjaanesPatrickDickey, yes13:07
mcb_1I upgraded to Xubuntu 12.10 and now i can not mount DVD/CD. Running as root: If I try $mount /dev/cdrom2 /mnt ; I get can`t read superblock. If i try: $mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom2 /mnt; I get: Wrong fs type. Does anyone know what I can do. It worked fine before upgrading.13:07
FloodBot1NickNolte: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:07
andrea__it is the right to ask about youtube videos? i can't see any video on the internet13:07
lazarus_why is this failing http://paste.ubuntu.com/1304840/13:08
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fluitfriesi'm using file-roller to make a 78 gig archive, but everytime it pops a generic error "adding files".  it still makes the archive tho.  is there a log somewhere i can check?13:08
MonkeyDust lazarus_ better ask in the channel #bash13:09
kunjiandrea__: sure you can ask, I don't know too much about it, but have you installed flash?13:09
dgjonesck DJsJes13:09
andrea__i tried almost everything , i also re-installed ubuntu yesterday13:09
andrea__nothing seems to work13:09
PatrickDickeyandrea__: Is it just videos at youtube, or any video anywhere?13:10
kunjifluitfries: I'm not sure where/if they log, but the syslog is always a good place to check.13:10
andrea__any videos13:10
kunjiandrea__: even html5?  Also, do local videos play?13:10
fluitfrieskunji, is there a gui for that in lubuntu, or can i just check it in terminal?13:11
andrea__iwhat does it mean local videos?13:11
PatrickDickey!flash | andrea__13:11
ubottuandrea__: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:11
PatrickDickeyTry that link andrea__. It might help you out. Most likely you're missing flash or a codec.13:12
andrea__i ll have a check on that forum,13:12
carl__I updated last night and after doing so I could not access my Folders from file manager13:13
Welington\j #ubuntu-br13:13
carl__can anyone help?13:14
kunjifluitfries: You can do either, I'm not sure what the menu entry for lubuntu is though, in regular ubuntu it is at Menu -> System Tools -> Log File Viewer   (for the older alacarte menus, I'm also not sure where it is in Unity, but searching for the Log File Viewer in their menu should bring it up.  On the command line you can use "cat /var/log/syslog" to print the whole thing to the terminal, or "tail /var/log/syslog" to see the last 10 lin13:14
andrea__thanks, but when i installed yesterday i ve chosen to install even the copyrighted format, isn't that to make flash working?13:14
fluitfrieskunji, ty much13:15
LofsI am not being able to view any video on youtube, the net speed is just fine, but the video does'nt start. (YouTube is working fine but I am not being able to view any video). Can anyone help me please?13:15
carl__When I open file manager I see the folders but when I try to open one the screen goes dim and file manager closes after a long deley.13:16
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kunjicarl__: that's not good... the file manager is crashing, I've got no idea why though (offhand) and I need to go to class, hopefully someone else can help further, good luck.13:18
PatrickDickeyLofs, do you have flash installed?13:18
ArcaneWaterHello, i want to ask is it better to leave space for dual boot when u are installing windows, or is the same if i then delete drive and make space for ubuntu?13:18
PatrickDickey!flash > Lofs13:19
ubottuLofs, please see my private message13:19
kunjiLofs: I think PatrickDickey is helping andrea__ with a similar problem right now, so see what goes on with that, and he can maybe help you out after that13:19
LofsPatrickDickey: Everything worked fine till yesterday! So yes!13:19
carl__Thanks, yes I was pretty sure it wasn't good.13:19
MonkeyDustArcaneWater  linux does not need as much space, but i guess it's always better to have both win and lin available13:19
PatrickDickeyArcaneWater: if you're going to dual boot, I'd leave the space before you start. I wouldn't try to shrink Windows after the fact.13:19
andrea__sorry, to install the restricted extras the sistem ask me to delete the /Libav codec library/ and the /Libav utility library/, is that right?13:20
PatrickDickeyLofs, what happened yesterday? Updates or something that may have broke it?13:20
CheeryI have a problem.13:20
Cheeryubuntu .iso is 753MB, but my CD is only 7000MB13:20
PatrickDickeyandrea__: Yes. It'll install a proprietary version (closed source) of them.13:20
ArcaneWaterPatricDickey i am not planing on shrinking i plan to make 2 partiotions first and then when i start installing linux i will format the D partition to use for linux13:20
carl__File Manager crashing after latest update, please help13:20
PatrickDickeyCheery: burn it to a dvd.13:21
LofsI updated my laptop today. ANd after that it does'nt seem to work13:21
andrea__oky docky, i ll have a try13:21
CheeryPatrickDickey: unfortunately I only have 700MB CD-Rs13:21
PatrickDickeyLofs, you might have to reinstall flash. Or install some of the restricted extras.13:21
excervoCheery, use usb to install ubuntu13:21
PatrickDickeyCheery, are you on Ubuntu 12.04 right now?13:22
ArchieCheery: install from usb13:22
LofsOkay, I will reinstall it then! Thanks :)13:22
CheeryPatrickDickey: yes, although it's updated many times13:22
CheeryPatrickDickey: anyway this is for another computer, that has debian in it at the moment13:22
PatrickDickeyCheery do you want to upgrade what you have, or a clean install?13:22
faihi, I was wondering  whether 12.10 has a built-in desktop environment?13:22
CheeryI think I'll want clean install for my old computer after this.13:23
PatrickDickeyAhhh. I'd go with the other suggestions then, if it can boot to a USB drive.13:23
ThinkT510fai: default is unity13:23
PatrickDickeyfai, it has the ubuntu-desktop (Unity). And, you can install others if you don't like that one.13:23
CheeryPatrickDickey: or umm.. I can't really remove something from that .iso any way?13:23
faiAlthough I installed it on my vm, it never starts.13:23
PatrickDickeyCheery nope.13:23
faiThe terminal always starts up13:24
PatrickDickeyfai, after you log in, type startx and see if that starts it.13:24
ThinkT510fai: did you install the server edition?13:24
MonkeyDustCheery  guess you need remastersys (if that still exists)13:24
CheeryPatrickDickey: well there's no point dragging this further. I think I'll go and see if I'll find 800MB CD-R or a dvd13:24
PatrickDickeyCheery, you'll have to get a DVD.13:24
CheeryI tried linux mint and debian already, because I was bored to ubuntu.13:24
fainope, I've installed the desktop edition. When I type startx, it initiates the x environment for once.13:24
PatrickDickeyCheery or install it via a USB drive.13:25
CheeryI can't, it's old machine13:25
carl__12.04 latest update caused "File Manager" to crash when opening folders, can anyone help, please?13:25
PatrickDickeyCheery, there's a long route that you could take.  Install 12.04 and use the upgrade manager.13:25
CheeryPatrickDickey: naah. I guess I'll go and buy some DVDs.13:26
PatrickDickeyCheery, good idea. ;-) They come in useful for other things too.13:26
Cheeryactually.. I can use USB sticks for anything else and they are more versatile than DVDs13:26
roddyWhat is the best source for setting up virtual hosts on Ubuntu using Apache2, PHP, and MySQL?13:26
MonkeyDustroddy  guess the guys in #ubuntu-server can help better13:27
CheeryPatrickDickey: although there's not much in saying "no can do", I enjoyed chatting with you.13:27
excervoroddy,i use xammp13:28
CheeryPatrickDickey: thank you.13:28
PatrickDickeyCheery, I enjoyed chatting with you also. And I hope you're able to get updated.13:28
PatrickDickeyCheery, not a problem.13:28
User123Help me, ubuntu stopped detecting my monitor, it was working fine lately.13:28
roddyI want to do it from scratch, for in this way I know what is going on.13:28
b00b00how i tell apache to load mono with --gc=sgen parameter? (ubuntu default packages)13:29
CheeryPatrickDickey: only ubuntu seems to be able to handle apt -packages.13:29
roddyOK, MonkeyDust, I will try the #ubuntu-server.  Thanks for the tip.13:29
Cheeryhow much work goes into apt alone?13:30
User123Anyone? I want to watch film on screen, not on laptop :(13:30
Cheerythat is, having all the packages updated13:30
lunaphyte_roddy: the documentation for apache httpd?13:30
PatrickDickeyCheery, actually Debian and Fedora can handle them too. Sort of. Apt has an RPM version for Fedora.13:30
CheeryPatrickDickey: yeah, but debian stable seems to have so old packages13:31
PatrickDickeyUser123: Do you have an external monitor connection on the laptop?13:31
PatrickDickeyCheery, that's because Ubuntu is using Debian unstable (or debian testing, I don't remember which).13:31
medievaltigerPatrickDickey:  I added this to the crontab:13:32
medievaltiger* * * * * root echo 'bla' >> /home/tiger/test.txt13:32
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medievaltigerThen ran this:13:32
medievaltigertail -f  /var/log/syslog | grep CRON13:32
User123PatrickDickey, yes. Monitor is working but in wrong resolution, the same as my laptop monitor. OS sees them both as laptop.13:32
medievaltigerThen this is coming up:13:32
medievaltigerOct 25 23:55:01 (none) CRON[7180]: (root) CMD (root echo 'bla' >> /home/tiger/test.txt )13:32
medievaltigerOct 25 23:56:01 (none) CRON[7219]: (root) CMD (root echo 'bla' >> /home/tiger/test.txt )13:32
medievaltigerbut it isn't editing the file.  Running the command in terminal edits the file.13:32
PatrickDickeyDo you have a test.txt file in your home?13:32
medievaltigerI have also restarted cron and that had no effect.13:33
medievaltigeryes I do13:33
PatrickDickeyTry renaming that to test.old and see if it recreates it.13:33
User123PatrickDickey, rebooting didn't helped.13:33
medievaltigerI am not sure why it says root twice in this Oct 25 23:55:01 (none) CRON[7180]: (root) CMD (root echo 'bla' >> /home/tiger/test.txt )13:33
valnour* * * * * root echo 'bla' >> /home/tiger/test.txt13:34
PatrickDickeyUser123: Do you have an option for "Mirror Desktops"? If so, try unchecking that, and see if it splits them up.13:34
valnourwhy do you have "root" in there?13:34
valnoursudo crontab -e13:34
valnourthen "* * * * * echo 'bla' >> /home/tiger/test.txt"13:34
andrea__it does not work13:35
PatrickDickeyvalnour: Off hand, do you know anything about running a rake via cron? That's what medievaltiger is actually trying to accomplish.13:35
valnourI know how to use cron13:35
PatrickDickeyandrea__: Do you get any errors or something that says "Plugin Missing"?13:35
User123PatrickDickey, I cant check or uncheck it, it can be switched only when OS detects two desktops and mine detects only one desktop. So it's unchecked right now.13:35
andrea__white sceen on YT window13:36
medievaltigerThis is my crontab file: https://gist.github.com/3952345  it has user in the list.13:36
medievaltiger# m h dom mon dow user  command13:36
mortalapt-get build-dep mplayer does not work on quantal due to packages13:36
medievaltigeris it optional, I can try without it13:36
valnourdo it without13:36
AlexNagyis anyone here familiar with gnote?13:36
PatrickDickeyandrea__: Did you also look at the restricted page?13:37
andrea__the YT window looks ok, but the video doesn't go on13:37
andrea__where should i look at?13:37
PatrickDickey!Restricted | andrea__13:37
ubottuandrea__: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:37
valnourmedievaltiger: I wouldn't fudge with /etc/crontab... I always use `crontab -e`13:37
andrea__ok i ll have a look at those links13:38
lowtaxwhere are the network settings saved when some idiot used the graphical tool to configure the network13:38
lowtaxneed to move them to debian off of this ucuntu13:38
User123PatrickDickey, any other ideas?13:38
PatrickDickeyandrea__: You might also want to check out mediabuntu. They deal with a lot of this stuff.13:38
medievaltigerok, giving that a shot.  I have been using crontab -e.13:39
PatrickDickeyuser123 I'm not sure. It's something to do with your hardware (graphics card).13:39
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PatrickDickeylowtax /etc/network should have some of the information, and /etc/resolv.conf should have your DNS information.13:40
User123PatrickDickey, everything was working fine before I unplugged monitor yesterday and now it doesn't works :(13:40
PatrickDickeylowtax: Specifically /etc/network/interfaces13:40
lowtaxPatrickDickey: it doesnt have anything in network13:40
lowtaxno its blank13:40
PatrickDickeylowtax, what information are you looking for specifcally?13:40
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lowtaxPatrickDickey: well the interfaces file is blank, but it has an internet ip and routes13:41
PatrickDickeyUser123: Try rebooting with the monitor disconnected, and then shut down and connect it again.13:41
ner0xAny gantt chart software in the repos?13:42
PatrickDickeylowtax, Ok, but what do you need? IP Address/SubnetMask/Gateway? or something else?13:42
medievaltigerPatrickDickey:  valnour, ok that is working now :D  but the command I actually need to run,  I need to run as root13:42
User123PatrickDickey, ok, brb.13:42
PatrickDickeyner0x: you could look at openproj But I'm not sure how far along it is.13:42
lowtaxPatrickDickey: when i use the same settings i think it is using on debian it doesnt work right13:43
PatrickDickeylowtax: are both the debian and ubuntu computers running at the same time?13:43
ner0xPatrickDickey: planner seems pretty nice.13:43
lowtaxPatrickDickey: no13:43
lowtaxPatrickDickey: i susped the ubuntu13:43
PatrickDickeylowtax are you trying to use the same IP Address for both?13:44
PatrickDickeylowtax, may I ask why?13:44
lowtaxbecause im getting rid of ubuntu13:44
PatrickDickeyThat didn't really answer the question. Why does it have to be the same IP Address? Are you running a server on the computer?13:45
PatrickDickeywb User123.13:46
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PatrickDickeylowtax, if you're not running anything that requires that specific IP Address, then I'd put a different number in for the last part of it. See if that works.13:47
lowtaxPatrickDickey: its an internet ip13:48
User123PatrickDickey, hm, monitor works but with huge lags.13:48
lowtaxim trying to replace ubuntu with debian13:48
skuleRunning 12.04 with gnome-classic shell. When moving a window partly outside the screen, and then chage focus to another window, the first window pops right back into the screen (moves so it is 100% on the screen, but still behind the 2. window)... How do I adjust this behaviour13:48
PatrickDickeylowtax, i'm a bit confused. Are you doing this on one computer or two?13:48
lowtaxtwo vms13:48
lowtaxubuntu didnt save the network settings in /etc/networks/interfaces13:49
User123PatrickDickey, argh, somehow video driver was installed, it causes me lags:(13:49
lowtaxwhich doesnt make any sense13:49
PatrickDickeylowtax, and are you trying to use the same IP Address as the physical computer?13:49
SharkMuttleworthlowtax: Ubuntu likes to be non-standard13:49
lowtaxSharkMuttleworth: i noticed13:49
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lowtaxPatrickDickey: i dont knwo what that means13:49
lowtaxwhy would i do that13:49
PatrickDickeylowtax, you wouldn't.13:49
mc__je vous emmerde13:50
PatrickDickeyOk. lowtax. Try this. In the ubuntu computer, type ifconfig and then do the same in the debian computer.13:50
fairuz!fr | mc__13:50
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:50
ubottumc__: please see above13:50
PatrickDickeyfairuz, do they have that for each locale?13:51
lowtaxPatrickDickey: ok13:51
fairuzPatrickDickey: You can check the bot's page13:51
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:51
PatrickDickeylowtax in each computer, you'll see eth0 (or eth1). One of the entries below it is inet addr:. what does that say?13:51
lowtaxi cant do both at the same time13:52
lowtaxonly oe is configured at a time13:52
PatrickDickeyThat's fine. pick one or the other.13:52
usr13_PatrickDickey: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi13:52
PatrickDickeyAlso lowtax are you using virtualbox or vmware?13:53
PatrickDickeyThanks usr13_ and fairuz. I'll check the links out in a bit.  I've been /msging the bot off and on also.13:53
lowtaxPatrickDickey: they both say the same things13:53
PatrickDickeyCan you tell me what it is?13:54
MonkeyDust!find esxi13:54
ubottuFile esxi found in cobbler-common, maas-provision-common, python-vm-builder13:54
* PatrickDickey is thinking he means VMWare esxi, but I could be wrong.13:54
marcus_hello, if i cannot locally login after installing vnc server, what should i do?13:55
PatrickDickeyOk, I think I needed to clarify that again....  lowtax, can you tell me what the inet addr is?13:55
lowtaxwhere does ubuntu store the config13:55
dr_willis marcus_ console logins fail?13:55
MonkeyDustlowtax  look in ~/.config13:55
lowtax /etc/network/interfaces is blank13:56
lowtaxyet there are routes and configuration set13:56
usr13_lowtax: ifconfig |grep Bcast13:56
fluitfriescan anyone suggest a log file viewer that is not part of gnome?  i am running lubuntu and i need to access the archived syslogs, but i don't wanna do it all by terminal.13:56
AlexNagydoes anyone know where gnote stores your notes on the disk? I need to transfer them to another machine13:57
rng_hi all, my skype is hunging. i am using version 4 . Everytime i have to restart that. Can anyone resolve this13:57
usr13_lowtax: By default, routes and network configurations are set by the info received from your LAN's dhcp server13:58
craigbass1976Is there a way to ping everything on the network?  I'm plugged into a single device (linksys wireless access point that doesn't appear to be on the default ip even after a reset) but I don't know what the ip is.13:59
marcus_hello, if i cannot locally login after installing vnc server, what should i do? ( lubuntu )13:59
dr_williscraigbass1976:  nmap has the featurrs.13:59
wolswhich should be needed. simple arp should work well enough14:00
usr13_lowtax: .... when your network interface is set to dhcp (which is the default setting14:00
wolsmarcus_: what happens?14:00
dr_willismarcus_: more details would help. what vnc server. what happens ....14:00
marcus_it just give some text "Shutting down Blah, shutting down blah" and DONE after each..14:00
dr_willismarcus_: how are yiu logging in exactly?14:01
wolsdr_willis: IIRC vnc4server replaces X servers basically14:01
craigbass1976man nmap14:01
PatrickDickeylowtax, try shutting the ubuntu vm down completely. Then try restarting the debian one. Tell me if that makes it work.14:01
marcus_by gui14:01
craigbass1976gah... sorry14:01
dr_williswols:  err.. no its dosent14:01
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marcus_i can login everytime im making new user in ctrl+alt+f1 but its annoying :{14:02
sachaelanyone using finch with the skype plugin?14:02
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fairuzrng_: Even in Windows, eventually it will jsut hangs :)14:02
CharlieSuHi all.  I'm using the internal-sftp of SSHD to run a chroot'ed SFTP server on a box.  Is there a good way to log this SFTP activity?  Not just logins, but file downloads and uploads too?14:02
dr_willisvnc4server can run with no local x server running/visible14:02
rap_haelBluesKaj: just for information, i got back to last precise kernel, and sound works again, thanks for your help14:03
rng_fairuz: is there any solution for that.14:03
dr_willismarcus_: its not clear what tyou mean ny that14:03
lowtaxit is set for static14:03
fairuzrng_: I have no idea, sorry.14:03
lowtaxi checked the dhcp server first when is aw interfaces file was empty14:03
lowtaxbut ubuntu just doesnt use interfaces file it uses graphcial ui14:03
rng_fairuz: its ok :)14:03
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BluesKaj rap_hael , I hope it works after the next kernel upgrade14:04
marcus_@dr_willis: i create an user in terminal, and i login on it with gui, works, but i reboot, doesnt work..14:04
blackshirtlowtax, for desktop, network config was handled by network-manager14:04
craigbass1976dr_willis, you think even if the thing is on a different subnet?14:04
lowtaxyes some idiot used desktop ubuntu for a server14:04
lowtaxwhere is the config file for notwork-manager14:04
rap_haelBluesKaj: i hope too :)14:05
rap_haeli submitted a bugreport anyway14:05
blackshirtlowtax, usually, config files resides on /etc dir14:05
lowtaxjust tell me where ubuntu puts the config file14:05
BluesKajlowtax, /etc/network/interfaces14:06
lowtaxno it is empty14:06
lowtaxi already said that14:06
Cheeryraspberry pi would enable all sort of experiments with desktop compositing, anyone interested?14:07
blackshirtlowtak, /etc/NetworkManager/14:07
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dr_willismarcus_: i don't see how that would be vnc related14:07
PatrickDickeylowtax, I just read a forum post that says that Network Manager doesn't actually store the settings. it uses dbus14:07
lowtaxnetwork manager sucks14:07
marcus_well, its a fresh install, and everything worked, till i installed vnc.. i even did 2 fresh installs :{14:08
BluesKajlowtax, add this ,14:08
BluesKajauto lo14:08
BluesKajiface lo inet loopback14:08
bennypr0fanehello, if there's anyone still here who followed my issue before with mounting an ntfs partition, I found the solution! You need to mount it as a different fs *type* to get read/write access. first install the package "ntfs-3g", then mount the partition in /etc/fstab as ntfs-3g.14:08
usr13_lowtax: It's now a number of files, so also look in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/14:08
gordonjcpbennypr0fane: yup14:08
lowtax/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Auto eth0    has only dns...and....two ips for addresses1=14:08
dr_willismarcus_: untill you run the vncserver cimmand the vnc4server does nothing14:09
usr13_lowtax: If you don't like networkmanager, uninstall it.14:09
lowtaxim uninstalling ubuntu14:09
BluesKajlowtax,  http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html14:09
lowtaxbut im trying to port its network config to debian14:09
bennypr0fanefound after reading more closely here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions#Systemwide_Mounts14:09
lowtaxits not dhcp it is static14:09
marcus_kk, well do you think its better to install ubuntu, less bugs?:{, i cant see problem..14:09
bennypr0fanefor options in used the ones in teh example: rw,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=000014:10
BluesKajyup ,this helps you use static , so you can dump networkmanager14:10
lowtaxrandom 2714:10
jpdslowtax: You want static IPs?14:10
lowtaxBluesKaj: ok thanks14:10
lowtaxi want to move this network configuration to a debian box14:11
lowtaxbut...its so ...convoluted14:11
lowtaxon ubuntu14:11
PatrickDickeylowtax, is your computer directly connected to your modem?14:12
Picilowtax: its gnome, not Ubuntu's fault that this is stored like this.14:12
usr13_lowtax: The package name is network-manager14:12
PatrickDickeyAnd there's a README file zipped up in /usr/share/docs/network-manager.14:13
dr_willismarcus_: login in as one of your users. at the console.  move everything or delete the settings files in ther home dir. see if they can loginto x.  also test the startx command14:13
lowtaxgnome did this?14:13
lowtaxi dont use gnome since 199814:13
PatrickDickeylowtax, yes. Network-Manger is a Gnome app.14:13
usr13_lowtax: Another route is to have your router issue static leases14:13
PatrickDickeylowtax: Unity is a shell for Gnome.14:13
blackshirtpatrickdickey, not network-manager, but network-manager-gnome was specify for gnome14:14
PatrickDickeysudo nano /etc/network/interfaces auto eth0 (next line) eth0 inet dhcp14:14
djlynuxhey guys I have a question..the screen brightness is not saved permanantly in my laptop...each restart it goes back to full brightness..any help will be appreciated. I'm using dell studio laptop..cheers14:14
davidDavid Vu14:14
PatrickDickeyreplace eth0 with whatever the eth# is (eth1 for example).14:15
usr13_lowtax: Which is what I do, I just leave the PCs in default dhcp and have the router issue static leases for any and all PCs that I need to access regularly.14:15
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lowtaxnot my router14:15
BluesKajPatrickDickey, he wants dhcp to convert to static14:16
lowtaxits static in nutwork manager, im trying to make it static in debian14:16
lowtaxstupid gnome14:16
PatrickDickeylowtax: One thing we're not asking is this: in esxi, do you have it using bridged connections, or NAT? Or is it trying to get the IP Address from the router?14:16
lowtaxsame configuration14:17
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usr13_lowtax: edit /etc/network/interfaces14:17
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lowtaxits its  DMZ with same mac14:17
PatrickDickeylowtax follow the instructions here for setting up a static IP Address https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html14:17
PatrickDickeylowtax just DON'T use the same IP Address for the ubuntu vm, the debian vm, and your physical computer. It won't work.14:18
lowtaxim not14:18
lowtaxwhy would you manually add routes...14:19
lowtaxwhen you reboot they are gone14:19
PatrickDickeyKeep scrolling down.14:19
lowtaxctrl + w14:19
PatrickDickeylol I don't know why they have that. But someone does it.14:19
CharlieSuDoes anyone know how to setup logging with SFTP ?14:19
lowtaxterrible guide14:19
PatrickDickeyWhy's the configuration a DMZ?14:19
PatrickDickeylowtax:  It's the first one that I found. They've got docs on the community site for this also.14:20
fluitfriesi dont see the file-roller errors in my syslog.  does anyone know where they might be?14:20
usr13_DMZs are set by routers.14:20
lowtaxesxi is a router14:20
PatrickDickeyOk, and the virtual machines are running on the router?14:20
blackshirtlowtax, if you manage your network interfaces, through /etc/network/interfaces on desktop system, disable managed = true on network-manager config files14:21
PatrickDickeyyes, I realize that sounds like an odd question, but I'm trying to get a grasp of what you told me earllier, and what you're saying now.14:21
lowtaxi dont know14:22
lowtaxit just says SIOCADDRT14:22
hairybearsI'm trying to set up NetBeans on Ubuntu 10.04, but I get this error: Cannot find java. Please use the --jdkhome switch.14:23
usr13_lowtax: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch05.en.html14:23
lowtaxalready read it14:23
PatrickDickeyhairybears did you download the version of netbeans with the jre included?14:23
hairybearsi used the repo one14:23
PatrickDickeydid you install sun-java also?14:24
usr13_blackshirt: lowtax ... or sudo apt-get remove network-manager14:24
hairybearsit installed OpenJDK as well, but it can't find java14:24
lowtaxim not using network manager14:24
lowtaxwhy would i remove it14:24
hairybearsi can't use Sun Java, it's not in the repos and I prefer OpenJDK14:24
usr13_lowtax: I don't know.  You tell me.14:25
hairybearsjava doesn't even work and update-java-alternatives pretends OpenJDK isn't installed, even though it lists it14:25
PatrickDickeyhairybears type whereis java in a terminal.  It should come up with something like /usr/bin/java you could put that for the --javahome14:26
hairybearswhereis tells me it lives in /usr/share14:27
hairybearsthat's bullcrap14:27
rap_haellowtax: even if you don't use network manager, i does things14:27
PatrickDickeyhairybears: I've got it there too. But I have it in /usr/bin/java also.14:27
PatrickDickeyhairybears: One other alternative is to download it from netbeans.org and install it via their instructions.14:28
usr13_rap_hael: I think he's already seen the error of his last question.14:28
hairybearsbash: /usr/bin/java: No such file or directory14:28
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hairybearsthe jre and jdk is installed14:29
PatrickDickeyusr13_: I think this is more a question for the VMWare channel. They'll be able to tell him how to configure his networks better than we can.14:29
hairybearsi see them in /usr/lib/jvm14:29
PatrickDickeyhairybears: Do you have a java file that you can try?14:29
usr13_PatrickDickey: Oh, well, glad you told me.  I didn't even know it was a virtual host or client.  ...may have been able to give more specific advise.14:30
PatrickDickeyusr13_: I think you were afk when he said they were both in vm's and that he's suspending the ubntu one and trying the configurations on the debian one.14:31
* PatrickDickey didn't know that VMWare esxi could act like a router... :S14:31
hairybearsjavac gets me nowhere14:32
hairybearscan't find java14:32
hairybearscan't find java14:32
hairybearsbut it's installed14:32
FloodBot1hairybears: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:32
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PatrickDickeyhairybears: you installed open-jdk right?14:33
yyuwhere is the gtk api mannual?14:33
hairybearsit's a dependency after all14:34
PatrickDickeyhairybears: http://netbeans.org/downloads/ I'd just get it from there. Whatever they require for installation, go through their steps.14:35
PatrickDickeyhey bluesypher14:35
yyui want to learn how to use gtk_scrolled_window_new,but i can not use 'man' cmd14:36
RalliasI have a libpam-based 2 factor authentication module. How do I make it so it's used for when I do "su -l username"?14:38
bluegoonguys how do I kill a process?14:39
bluegoonushare is just hanging there, i tried pkill but it refuses to die14:39
shahriyaris there a new improvement on Optimus technology ? (I've just reinstalled precise pangolin again and amazed with new feature, it showed my additional drivers -nVidia GeForce 540M, previously I installed ubuntu and saw Intel HD support enabled and now this..i didnt test additional drivers yet, i've a limited bandwith and now it has maxed out tarrif pack.,  128 kb/s heh)14:39
usr13_bluegoon: might look at htop or top14:40
dr_williskill -9 or killall14:40
bluegoonusr13, , thank you14:40
bluegoondr_willis, thanks14:40
Kroachbluegoon: or killall -s KILL14:40
usr13_bluegoon: Or as dr_willis suggests -9 or -1514:40
bluegoonI tried sudo killall -e ushare14:41
PatrickDickeybbl. It's almost bedtime for bonzo.14:41
usr13_bluegoon: try -914:41
dr_willisshahriyar: its constantly being improved i inmagine14:41
PatrickDickeyps aux | grep ushare then kill whatever the process ID is14:41
bluegoonOK lemme try that14:42
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shahriyardr_willis: now maybe i won't need bumblebee, it's cool14:44
yyuis there any cmd like "sudo apt-get install manpages-dev" so that i can look up gtk api?14:46
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jribyyu: probably not :/14:48
_cronus_yyu, maybe libgtk-3-doc is what you are after14:48
jribyyu: you can certainly install the docs to /usr/share/doc but not as manpages afaik14:49
yyuok,let me try it.14:49
_cronus_jrib, isnt devhelp the browser for the developer gtk docs? i'm not sure...14:50
jrib_cronus_: yes, though I just use my web browser personally14:50
_cronus_jrib, lol, much easier, i'm sure14:51
mustansirIs this a ubuntu help channel??14:54
jribmustansir: yes, welcome14:54
mustansirjrib: My display setting shows maximum resolution 1024 x 768; how to fix this problem14:56
jrib!fixres | mustansir14:56
ubottumustansir: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:56
jribmustansir: also, make sure you have the proper drivers installed for your graphics card14:57
jrib!nvidia | mustansir14:57
ubottumustansir: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto14:57
mustansirIntel DH67CL motherboard ; integrated graphics14:57
usr13_mustansir: You probably already have necessary video driver modules in use.14:58
Bombohey where can i find smbmount?15:00
yourfriendisaachow do I safely make synaptic the default package manager in 12.10?15:01
jribyourfriendisaac: hmm, default in what way?15:01
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dr_willis!find smbmount15:03
ubottuFile smbmount found in manpages-zh15:03
jribwell that's... not useful :)15:04
darkapexyourfriendisaac: You can always make it the default to open .deb files, right click, Properties, Open With tab, set to synaptic.15:04
dr_willisits smbmnt perhaps15:04
jrib!info smbfs15:05
ubottuPackage smbfs does not exist in quantal15:05
yourfriendisaacjrib: well to start with synaptic is no longer connected with gksudo and you have to manually use it on the command line to get it to download anything. Software center is bloated and takes forever to work15:05
Toph2why doesn't my Update Manager have the option to upgrade to 12.10?15:05
AvinashHello Guys, I'm getting a "permission denied" while trying to run a script (I'm pretty new to unix)15:05
bazhangToph2, set it to look for NON lts15:05
Bomboits gone15:05
jribToph2: by default an LTS install will only inform you about upgrades to another LTS15:05
Toph2ok,, i see15:06
jribAvinash: pastebin what you are doing and the output15:06
Avinashok ..15:06
Kyle__Does the monitors control panel in 12.10 (default unity desktop) allow you to properly setup a dual head Radeon HD 3450 out of the box?15:06
SharkMuttleworthAvinash: That usually indicates you don't haev permission15:06
Bombohm so how would i mount a remote windows share then?15:07
usr13_Kyle__: Probably not.  (Which is why most of us opt for Nvidia over Radeon)15:07
Bombomount -t smbfs won't work either15:07
Bombomount: unknown filesystem type 'smbfs'15:07
dr_willisBombo: isent it   cifs  these days?15:08
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:08
Bombodr_willis: is it?15:08
Bombook mount -t cifs worked15:09
dr_willisthunk its been cifs for some time ;-)15:09
Bombodid they just rename that? but why15:09
Kyle__usr13_: Sadly it's not my choice: work machine.15:09
usr13_I C15:09
jribyourfriendisaac: synaptic used to just prompt you for your password whenever you wanted to do something that required it (like installing a package).  What does it do now?15:09
Bomboi didn't use samba on linux for some time ;)15:09
usr13_Kyle__: You may have to use xrandr15:09
Kyle__Bombo: A long time ago.  It was when they tried to make it a real standard, and act like they were releasing the specs out of helpign the tech community, rather than the truth: they were sued into releasing them.15:09
Kyle__usr13_: Humm.  I installed the lxdm (lubuntu) desktop, and the control panel in there shows both monitors, lets me disable one or the other, but that's it.  Can't disable mirroring or apply rotation or nothing.15:10
mcb_1I upgraded to Xubuntu 12.10 and now i can NOT mount DVD/CD. Running as root: If I try $mount /dev/cdrom2 /mnt ; I get can`t read superblock. If i try: $mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom2 /mnt; I get: Wrong fs type. Does anyone know what I can do. It worked fine before upgrading, automounting and all...15:10
BomboKyle__: hm15:11
dr_willisKyle__: id say you need the ati config tool and drivers15:11
gordonjcpKyle__: cifs was a well-documented and open standard long before Microsoft even had networking15:11
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Kyle__gordonjcp: Umm.  CIFS, the network filesystem based on server message block (aka smb), that was developed at microsoft?15:12
gordonjcpKyle__: it used to be a DEC thing, back in the days of VMS15:12
dr_willismcb_1: this is a data disk. not a music cd?15:12
gordonjcpKyle__: SMB had very little to do with Microsoft15:12
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Kyle__gordonjcp: Not that I don't beleive you.  but BRB, googling.15:13
gordonjcpKyle__: it probably came across to Microsoft via Dave Cutler15:13
ajuHai all how can i connect usb net connector wth ubuntu 10.04 desktop?15:13
mcb_1dr_willis: Any disk....15:13
aj__hi...I am installing 3.2 kernel on my ubuntu 11.10 with .deb file15:13
dr_willisto the bat w15:13
usr13_gordonjcp: Kyle__ Interesting subject, (probably should be in #ubuntu-offtopic), but "before Microsoft even had networking"?15:13
aj__but it doesn't insta;;15:13
ajuanyone can help me?15:14
mcb_1dr_willis: Sorry, just tested another data disk and it mounted. It is only audio Disks.15:14
yourfriendisaacjrib: first you have to install it. It does not even come as a default option. After that you cannot simply click on it to get gksudo working. there are no options like in gnome2 panel to change properties for the icons in unity. After downloading and using synaptic with no extra commands it reports that you will be doing so without supervisor privileges.15:14
dr_willisaj__: best would be to use a ppa with the newer stuff.15:14
dr_willismcb_1:  you dont mount audio cds15:14
jribyourfriendisaac: so what happens if you just run synaptic as a user and then try to install a package?15:15
usr13_aj__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile15:15
aj__I want 3.2 version only...I need to install mptcp which is supported with 3.2 kernel version only15:15
mcb_1OK. But why no music player is able to loud any CD?15:15
Avinashcan anyone help me with this http://pastebin.com/ELduBY8115:15
yourfriendisaacjrib: The package managers will no allow downloading without supervisor privileges15:15
mcb_1dr_willis: OK. But why no music player is able to load any CD?15:15
Kyle__gordonjcp: Hu.  I really didn't know most of this history of it.  I knew it used to be ipx not tcp, and that's why netbios had to run.  Apparently the switch to pure TCP was when they pushed to rename it CIFS.  199615:16
Kyle__dr_willis: (sorry fo rthe delay), the ati tool only works with the ati drivers, correct?15:16
dr_willismcb_1: i would guess they are looking at /dev/cdrom not cdron215:16
dr_willisKyle__: yed15:16
jribyourfriendisaac: does it give you a message of some kind?  In the past it used to just prompt you for your password15:16
mcb_1dr_willis:  Good point! I`ll try to ln cdrom to cdrom2...15:16
dr_willis  /dev/cdrom is normally a link to /dev/sr#15:17
dr_willisfind the real device. ;-)15:17
yourfriendisaacjrib: Thats what I'm saying it doesnt prompt unless you change properties15:17
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jribyourfriendisaac: so why not change the properties?  Or do you want to accomplish something else?15:18
dr_willisi wonder why Dreadtower  changes nicks every hr......  ;-)15:18
yourfriendisaacjrib: you can only change properties from the command line15:19
mcb_1dr_willis: I know that. I did $ln -s sr0 cdrom15:19
Kyle__Hrumph.  Cute.  for the 12.04-12.10 upgrade they broke ssled vnc connections for vinagre xtightvncviewer and remmina.15:19
yyui have installed libgtk2.0.doc,but when i "man gtk_window_new",still no manual entry15:19
aj__when I try to install .deb file by command "sudo dpkg -i  " all I get is some source code in /usr/src/linux-header3.2...what is that???15:19
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jribyourfriendisaac: what properties?  Not sure what you mean15:19
jribyyu: the docs are /usr/share/doc/ .  Try: dpkg -L libgtk2.0-doc15:19
Toadstool_not sure if this is the right place, but im having a issue with audio/video on youtube and audio on iheartradio(it skips and gets choppy) im 95% positive its the flash plugins.  Has anyone encountered this issue and found a fix for it?15:20
jribyyu: also you might like that devhelp program _cronus_ suggested earlier15:20
lmatI see that /etc/sudoers  is not writable by root...15:20
Toadstool_sorry, im using Chrome15:20
jriblmat: and?15:21
lmatjrib: I just changed it.15:21
yourfriendisaacjrib: In the old gnome menu you used to be able to change command properties for any program as an option. Because there are no options in unity you cannot change the properties in the menu option15:21
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aj__hi...when I try to install kernel .deb file by command "sudo dpkg -i  " all I get is some source code in /usr/src/linux-header3.2...what is that???15:21
jriblmat: why?15:21
lmatjrib: To see if I could.15:21
jriblmat: ok...15:21
lmatjrib:  ll says that nobody can write to it (I think...)15:21
lmatjrib: But I just wrote to it.  What's going on?15:21
jriblmat: show in a pastebin what you are doing15:22
lmatjrib: okilie dokilie.15:22
mcb_1dr_willis: Worked! Thanks a lot. Dumb of me to miss that.15:22
yyujrib:devhelp has no api manual.i think15:22
lmatjrib: I can't...15:22
jriblmat: why?15:22
lmatjrib: I used vim.15:22
jriblmat: so show me the rest15:23
lmatjrib: I guess I can just cat...15:23
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jribyyu: did you run devhelp?  It should have the documentation for gtk in there15:23
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lmatjrib: pastie.org/511505315:25
howlymowlyhi poeple..  short question: I use python very often in ubuntu and right I am making the transition to python 3.2 it seems that it is installed by default on ubuntu 12.10. But the Packages are only recognized by python 2.7 is there an easy way to install additional python modules through the default repositories?15:25
yyujrib:you are right,it has.i just saw the toturial before.15:25
jribhowlymowly: that's kind of weird.  I'm not on 12.10 yet and can't verify, but I'm willing to ask some questions if you'd like...15:25
lmatjrib: see?15:26
howlymowlyjrib: on 12.10 python3.2 and python 2.7 are installed side-by-side15:26
jribhowlymowly: can you be specific about a particular module you wanted to install but wasn't available in python3?15:26
howlymowlyjrib: for example numpy15:26
yourfriendisaacjrib: I wish I could just get rid of the software center without uninstalling ubuntu desktop.15:26
jriblmat: yes, if you use sudo, you will be able to write.  Do note that to edit /etc/sudoers, you really should use « sudo visudo » and not edit it directly15:27
jribyourfriendisaac: getting rid of it won't "fix" synaptic though15:27
lmatjrib: So root isn't allowed to write to it, right? (line 2)15:27
jriblmat: root can write to anything it wants :x15:28
howlymowlyjrib: right now I use a virtualenv + pip compination to get packages like numpy15:28
jribhowlymowly: python3-numpy is the package you want15:28
lmatjrib: What does the "-r--" mean?15:28
dr_willisyourfriendisaac: make a launcher that runs   gksudo synaptics   perhaps.15:28
wastrelpermissions say read only15:28
howlymowlyahhh !!!15:28
lmatThat means that it's not a dir, root can read, root cannot write, root cannot execute?15:28
wastrelit's just a little nudge to remind you to use visudo15:28
howlymowlyjrib: i love you now :)15:28
lmatwastrel: lol15:28
jriblmat: yes, but root is special15:28
* lmat slowly nods15:28
wastrelroot can still write a file with no write perms.15:29
wastrelbut use visudo instead15:29
Calinouvisudo, enforces the use of vi since 1999.(R)15:29
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CalinouI know it has nothing to do, still15:29
wastrelCalinou: actually no, it uses the system editor configuration15:29
howlymowlyjrib: I am so stupid.. I did not get the hang of beeing able to install packages for python3 using a "3" behind python ^^15:29
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:29
wastrelCalinou: it will dump you right into nano15:29
Calinouwhy is it named "vi" then?15:29
usr13_wastrel: Or, root can change file permissions.15:30
wastrelbecause it's from olden times15:30
jribhowlymowly: no problem. python points to python3 now in 12.10 right?  Would probably make sense to at least have the python2 packages be named "python2-numpy" for example15:30
manuel__Hi, how can I tell wheather ubuntu booted in uefi mode - or even better, how do I get it to dual boot with a preinstalled uefi windows 7? (Right now it just goes straight to windows without loading grub)15:30
dr_willislike me....15:30
yourfriendisaacdr_willis: you can't make a customized launcher for the unity panel. I have not found a way to do that15:30
Seusquestion: i have rvm installed on ubuntu, set the 1.9.3 to default, yet when i do 'rvm default' and it says that its using 1.9.3, i do ruby -v and its still using 1.8.7...thoughts?15:31
dr_willisyourfriendisaac: you just make a new whatever.desktop file to run wgat you want i belive....15:31
wastrelyourfriendisaac: i saw a howto but didn't follow it, like dr_willis said you make a .desktop file15:31
wastreli'm trying to figure out a way to toggle launcher autohide and when i do i'm going to put an icon on the launcher for it15:32
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dr_willisall the menu entries are defined by the    .desktop files15:32
dr_williswell all launchers are ;-)15:32
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dr_willismost all the de's parse them to generate the menus15:33
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fluitfriescan someone help with a reliable terminal command to make a mountable readonly image (iso) of a directory on a usb filesystem?15:35
yourfriendisaacdr_willis: are you saying to go to the .desktop folder in the home directory and edit the file there?15:35
fluitfries*from the usb filesystem.15:35
blackshirtfluitfries, what you mean ?15:35
fluitfriesblackshirt, well i'm having trouble with tar on this directory, so i wanted to try something else.15:36
dr_willisyourfriendisaac: no...  look at the file   synaptic.desktop   copy it to your home... edit it...15:36
fluitfriesblackshirt, meanwhile all the other dirs worked fine with tar15:36
blackshirtfluitfruis, you can mount iso files directly15:36
fluitfriesblackshirt, no, i need to CREATE the ISO from the dir on the usb15:36
blackshirtFluitfries, you can mount iso files directly15:36
fluitfriesblackshirt, i was able to use tar on the rest of the dirs from that usb, but this one gives errors.15:37
usr13_fluitfries: dd if=INPUT-FILE-NAME of=OUTPUT-FILE-NAME15:37
blackshirtburn it ?15:38
fluitfriesusr13_, ok, that simple eh?15:38
fluitfriesblackshirt, lol, it's 80 gigs.15:38
escottfluitfries, mkisofs15:38
blackshirtyes, mkisofs15:38
fluitfriesthanks escott blackshirt user13_ i will try this15:39
usr13_fluitfries: mkisofs will create  an  hybrid ISO-9660/JOLIET/HFS/UDF filesystem-image15:39
escottfluitfries, although i dont see why mkisofs would work if tar gives errors15:39
MonkeyDustfluitfries  you want to turn a folder into an iso?15:39
fluitfriesescott, one of my problems is that tar's error is generic inside file-roller and i can't find it in my logs, so i'm not even sure what is happening15:39
fluitfriesMonkeyDust, yes.15:40
usr13_MonkeyDust: Yes, that is what he said he wanted to do from the first.15:40
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fluitfriesescott, the 40 gig directories and 20 gig files, all other data was ok.  just this one 80 gig directory.15:40
usr13_fluitfries: From a USB, right?  All of it or just one dir?15:40
dr_willisa 80gb iso file?15:41
fluitfriesusr13_, just the one dir15:41
fluitfriesdr_willis, nodnod15:41
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fluitfriesdr_willis, it is my itunes library, hehe15:41
dr_willismay be better to try tar from the cli15:41
dr_willisand see what the error is.15:42
usr13_fluitfries: If you do it from CLI you can see what is happeneing.  tar czf my-tarball.tgz  /media/disk/my-dir15:42
fluitfriesdr_willis, i'd be concerned i was not getting all the options into the command properly...15:42
fluitfriesusr13_, ok, let me try that then15:42
dr_willisi doubt you need many options..15:43
* dr_willis bets its weird filename issues.... ;-) 15:44
usr13_or   czvf15:44
usr13_dr_willis: Yes, maybe filenames with spaces...15:45
Kyle__I don't suppose anyone knows what the package name is of unity's control panels?15:45
fluitfriesdr_willis, yet my 40 gig iphoto library worked ok15:45
AlexNagyunity-panel iirc15:45
wastrelKyle__: you mean the settings app?15:45
KiLuMnaTido you guys recommend ubuntu 12.10 or 12.0415:46
dr_willisor funny  letters. or loooooooong names and paths15:46
fluitfriesusr13_, ok, that command is running, it takes a while, i'll bbl15:46
fluitfriesdr_willis, yea i've been thinking the same thing15:46
Kyle__wastrel: Yes.15:46
dr_willisKiLuMnaTi: depends on your needs.. and your lts or not wants15:46
KiLuMnaTiright now im on ubuntu 12.1015:46
dr_willisi use 12.10 ;-)15:47
dr_willis12.04 is so... 6 months ago..15:47
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KiLuMnaTijust notice some apps not supported like myunity15:48
donc3Hi all15:48
KiLuMnaTiin 12.1015:48
wastrelKyle__: seems to be gnome-control-center15:48
donc3I have a problem with the new notification bar of gnome 315:48
dr_willisKiLuMnaTi: never noticed...15:48
dr_willis!find myunity15:48
donc3can somebody help me??15:48
ubottuFile myunity found in app-install-data15:48
dr_williscant recall needing myunity in ages.15:49
KiLuMnaTioh just keep seeing top 10 must installs15:49
KiLuMnaTiim a noob totally at ubuntu first time installed it15:50
Kyle__wastrel: Thank you!15:50
compdocwhats the best music stream package for ubuntu? I want to run it in a vm and use a browser to play songs on any OS15:50
blackshirtyou dont't need top/or not top15:50
m000gleKiLuMnaTi: I'm still on 12.04, at least until the Gnome-Shell theme/extensions I used are updated for 3.6 ... That said, which one is right for you will really depend on whether you need the extended support of an LTS (5 years, versus 2 for regular releases), then go for 12.04.  Otherwise, 12.04 is probably for you.15:51
fluitfriesdr_willis, ok, i got one error so far.  "file removed before we read it" and the .mp3 file has an asian character in the file name.15:52
Kyle__wastrel: Hum.  I have it, but not the monitor/display/whateverhtyecallit control in there.15:52
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donc3nobody can help me??15:53
wastrelKyle__: "displays" ?15:53
escottfluitfries, give (a) the size of these files (b) the unicode characters in the name I would not be using tar or mkisofs. Just copy the files to removable media formated as ntfs or ext#15:53
wastrel!ask | donc315:54
ubottudonc3: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:54
escottfluitfries, or stream it over a network connection with rsync15:54
fluitfriesescott, here's the thing:  the usb is hfs+ formatted and even getting full read access requires root.  i am concerned that a normal file copy won't work properly?15:54
Kyle__wastrel: Probably.  I've used so many desktops I can't recall what each calls it.  But it's not in mine (lxce installed).15:55
escottfluitfries, (a) im sure you could correct the issue with root with properly specified mount options (perhaps you need to remap uids) (b) you can run rsync or cp as root15:56
* Kyle__ sighs.15:56
donc3So my problem is that I since I have installed 12.10 the notifications of gnome 3 doesn't work fine, I have installed cairo dock, and it seems that the bar of gnome 3 crashes15:56
_cronus_compdoc, you mean a web browser?15:56
Kyle__Guess I'll just install unity to check it, then uninstall it.15:56
donc3can someone help me with this?15:56
fluitfriesescott, my understanding is that there is no safe way to mount hfs+ as r/w in linux.  do you think rsync as root will get all the data?15:56
fluitfriesescott, i have also tried mount args and such, but didn't notice much differences from how lubuntu mounts it normally..15:57
escottfluitfries, what i have read in the past (and the only way i touch apple anything is with a sledgehammer) is that you can mount r/w when the journal is turned off otherwise it it ro. but again that shouldn't matter as you are copying data OFF the disk15:57
Kyle__fluitfries: Err.  I'm fairly sure I've done it.  You have to disable to journal first I think (don't recall if I had to do that in OSX first or not, it's been a long time).15:57
fluitfriesKyle__, that's right, but i was hesitant to turn off the journaling, someone said it was not too safe to do15:58
fluitfriesescott, ok, i'll try rsync as my next resort15:58
MonkeyDustrsync <315:58
escottfluitfries, if this is a straight local copy you can just do "sudo cp /media/whatever /path/to/whereever" and then sudo chown -R username:username /path/to/wherever. rsync is nice because it will allow you to resume the process more easily than cp will15:59
Kyle__fluitfries: It's perfectly safe.  The journal speeds recovery in the event of a failure, and increases the chances of full recovery (in some situations).15:59
fluitfriesok, thanks you both16:00
Kyle__no problem16:00
escottfluitfries, for a removable disk i would discourage turning off the journal. you don't want to trip on and disconnect the cable and hose the filesystem. a journal would provide some measure of protection against a sudden improper disconnect16:01
fluitfriesescott, luckily tho i just need this disk as the go-between from the source to the destination.  so the risk there is a little lower as it's not an installed OS.16:02
escottfluitfries, its also a "if you have the features why not use them" if you dont want journaling and just want dead simple permanent storage FAT is pretty solid... your main concern would be the size of your files which could be a problem for FAT16:02
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fluitfriesescott, yea i had used this as hfs+ storage for a long time, but this time around i'm going to choose something different.16:03
escottfluitfries, so you are doing a sneaker transfer between the systems. i would think about transitioning to an rsync over the network (assuming there is a connection) because you can set that up once to ensure the mirroring is done and just batch it to run every day/week/month etc16:03
fluitfriesescott, i can't the source is a half dead mac hard drive that is booted to a recovery tool.  no network.  :(  i had to use diskwarrior to recover the data now i am offloading it to the hfs+ storage, then to my ext3 for final storage and sorting.  then i gotta get a new hdd, reinstall os x, and migrate the saved data back in.16:04
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donc3my problem is that I since I have installed 12.10 the notifications of gnome 3 doesn't work fine, I have installed cairo dock, and it seems that the bar of gnome 3 crashes16:07
MonkeyDustdonc3  cairo AND unity simultanuously?16:11
donc3MonkeyDust cairo and gnome-shell16:11
Ian_Corneanyone any idea what this means? [  109.871466] type=1701 audit(1351181464.985:38): auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=3099 comm="chrome" reason="seccomp" sig=0 syscall=59 compat=0 ip=0x7f1d88a07c27 code=0x5000016:11
donc3the new bar of the notifications!!16:13
donc3It is not showed correctly16:13
belgianguyhmm, now I had that "white screen" again16:15
belgianguyand black bg with white vertical stripes on my other monitor16:15
belgianguyI think it has to do with screen time out16:15
belgianguyand the AMD gfx shatting the bed16:16
jackyylli'm trying ot make it so a user can use sudo in his home directory, and nowhere else. I've added it in sudoers as: username ALL=(ALL:ALL) /home/username16:16
jackyylland it's saying they can't execute chmod as root16:16
robertzaccourI have my printer plugged in and tried to print. A few minutes later, nothing. I then went  to printer settings and verified it was detected and tried to print a test page and still nothing. Any ideas? Thanks in advance16:16
robertzaccourMy printer is a Canon Pixma MX-32016:17
escottjackyyll, what does that even mean?16:17
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MonkeyDustjackyyll  /home is the only place where sudo is not needed16:18
dr_willisrobertzaccour: check the cups logs and ud suggest the forums and askununtu.com  canon can be problematic even when supported16:19
dr_willisaskubuntu.com ;-)16:20
dr_willissudo limited by current directory seems.... weird.16:20
wstearnssudo bash ftw16:21
dr_willisfor the lose you mean..16:22
escottwstearns, use sudo -i for interactive sudo. sudo bash is a bad idea16:22
lmatOh, you're not supposed to do that? it makes every work so much better...16:23
dr_willisuser can only use sudo chmod in their home... they copy  /bin/bash to home and suid it with chmod..... :(16:24
Ian_Corneanyone any idea what this means? [  109.871466] type=1701 audit(1351181464.985:38): auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=3099 comm="chrome" reason="seccomp" sig=0 syscall=59 compat=0 ip=0x7f1d88a07c27 code=0x5000016:24
basil1xYesterday, I upgraded to 12.10.  Now, every time I insert a blank DVD, it says 'unable to mount blank dvd+r location already mounted'. only blank DVDs are affected.16:24
dr_willislmat:  its redundant. not needed. and can cause e16:25
lmatWhy is there both $() and xargs?16:26
lmatCan one replace the other?16:26
escottlmat, they are different things entirely16:26
dr_willislmat: dont forget ` `  also...)16:26
escottlmat, xargs is usually used when you are generating a lot of output you need to process independently. like what you would do with find if you didnt have find -exec you would instead find | xargs. i find myself doing things like git ls-files | xargs16:27
dr_willistouch filename$(date)16:27
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escottlmat, if there are 10000 outputs from that first command you cannot pass them all on the command line to the subprocess, so you break it up into chunks with xargs16:28
dr_willisdid i do that right?16:28
lmatescott: So why does $() exist?16:28
dr_willisxargs and $() very different16:28
dr_willislmat:  see my example command above16:29
escottdr_willis, except for all the spaces that will. create "filenameThu" and "Oct"16:29
dr_willispesky spaces16:29
wastrel$() is a more consistent and readble ``16:29
wastrelbut less portable16:29
wastrel$() and `` are part of the shell language, xargs is a separate binary that you can run to do useful things16:30
lmatdr_willis: hmm... can that easily be done with xargs?16:30
dr_willislmat: i dont see how...16:30
escottlmat, often you could take "command `subcommand`" and turn it into "subcommand | xargs command" but under the hood its completely different what is going on16:30
lmatdate | xargs touch     or something.16:30
wastreldate +%Y%m%d16:31
lmatescott: ahh16:31
ubottuGuest76459: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:31
wastrelchange the date format to remove spaces16:31
vincenttany body know eagle software , to make PCB scematic ?16:31
MonkeyDustlmat  xargs is a program16:31
lmatMonkeyDust: of course :)16:31
escottlmat, in the first the output of subcommand is being passed in ARGC ARGV to command, in the second its coming across a pipe and xargs is chunking it up and running command as many times as necessary to ensure you dont exceed the maximum length of ARGC/ARGV16:32
MonkeyDustlmat  unlike $() and ``16:32
escottlmat, xargs can do lots of other cool stuff to mess with that stuff coming over the pipe to put it into the command execution16:32
lmatescott: Ahh... "as many times..." ... very different!16:32
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Wara2-3arishChipaca: r2a316:33
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FloodBot1Wara2-3arish: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:33
andrea__hy everyone16:33
MonkeyDustlmat  like so: cat packages|xargs sudo apt-get install16:33
lmatWara2-3arish: yo16:33
lmatandrea__: yo16:33
Chipacaoh, i thought somebody was playing battleship16:33
andrea__any ideas why i m not able to paly flash videos?16:33
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MonkeyDustWara2-3arish  it works, you're in16:34
Wara2-3arishWara2-3arish: tbosh16:34
lmatWara2-3arish: see you later :)16:34
Wara2-3arishMonkeyDust: IT WORKED16:34
Wara2-3arishSil4nc4: 916:34
lmatMonkeyDust: What is cat packages?16:35
escottlmat, xargs is arguably a bit "out of style" as ARGC/ARGV have gotten bigger, and applications have gotten smarter (ie find -exec for instance), but there are some corner cases where it works better. i find xargs invaluable on win**** because command.com is just awful16:35
MonkeyDustlmat  just an example, packages would be a list with packages, xargs installs them with apt-get16:35
Wara2-3arishMonkeyDust: IS IT WORKING????????????//16:35
lmatdoes     cat file | sed 's/a/b/' > file    work okay?16:35
lmat(it's not working for me)16:35
dr_willisnow would be a good time to find some bash tutorials lmat16:35
FloodBot1Wara2-3arish: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:36
escottlmat, sed -i (for in place editing) it can even put a .bak extension for you. NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER cat and redirect back to the same file16:36
lmatdr_willis: Dude, I'm the bash mastah!16:36
jribescott, lmat: xargs is also great if you want to do some sort of batch processing with at most N instances running at once16:36
lmatescott: Why?16:36
lmatoh, it could loop? that'd be cool.16:36
dr_willisyou just asked what cat was...16:36
lmatokay, I gotta go.16:37
andrea__hy, anyone can help me with the flash player,it is not actually working, or can tell me what chat should i look at?16:37
lmatthanks for talking to me!16:37
escottlmat, what happens if cat is still reading when the first page of the redirect gets flushed...16:37
lmatescott: yup :)16:37
dr_williscat dog > mouse  ;-)16:37
andrea__any help with flash player?16:39
wastrelandrea__: which ubuntu are you using16:40
andrea__12.04.01 lst16:40
andrea__downl. yesterday16:40
KnitGalhi . . . i'm having a really annoying problem with getting Virtual Hosts to work . . .16:42
KnitGalhere are the details  http://askubuntu.com/questions/206301/virtual-hosts-not-working-12-1016:43
basil1xI have a quite irritating mount related problem16:43
KnitGalbasically, localhost is working, example.local isn't.  the configs look okay to me, I think16:43
KnitGalanyone have an idea why this isn't working?16:44
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nbubuntuAnyone know which application able to backup file name and restore the file name ?16:45
MonkeyDustnbubuntu  not sure what you mean, i use rsync to backup16:46
escott!backup | nbubuntu16:46
ubottunbubuntu: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:46
escottbasil1x, details please16:46
andrea__any help for me? problems with flash player, i tried almost everything written on the help foum16:47
basil1xescott:  Whenever I insert a DVD, it says in an error balloon: 'unable to mount Blank DVD+R, location is already mounted'16:47
andrea__i m using Ubuntu 12.04.01 LST16:47
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basil1xthis is after an upgrade to 12.1016:48
escottbasil1x, what is the output of "mount" just after that16:48
L3topwhat sort of problem andrea__?16:48
guyal___Hi; I'm having trouble getting multiple monitors working in quantal -- I have an nvidia card and I've installed the nvidia-current driver package, but I'm only seeing 800x600 for one of the monitors in nvidia-settings; any suggestions?16:48
andrea__just i m not able to see any video on flash16:48
andrea__YT, daily motion16:48
andrea__nothing at all16:48
L3topguyal___: has this ever worked in *buntu? Do you have a converter (eg DVI > VGA) in between the card and the monitor?16:49
basil1xescott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1305305/16:49
L3topandrea__: I assume you already did apt-get install flashplugin-installer16:49
andrea__yes i did it16:50
L3topandrea__: what browser are you using?16:50
andrea__mozilla firefox 16.0016:50
ubottugiakar: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:50
guyal___ L3top: no, first time with ubuntu on this computer, and no, the monitor just has a digital cable16:50
bluegoon12.10 is stuttering like mad!!!16:50
L3topguyal___: meaning dvi or hdmi?16:50
MACscrThis isnt a panic, its just telling me its the notifier is enabled if there was one. Correct? Oct 23 06:16:32 server kernel: [ 13.119126] drm: registered panic notifier16:51
bluegoonkworker process is killing my cpu16:51
escottbasil1x, and that is just after the error message? the error message is probably incorrect because its a black dvd16:51
guyal___L3top: DVI16:51
bluegoonThere are 4 kworker processes on top 5 when doing 'top' command16:51
Xtremeasureandrea__ i would assume you need to install the icedtea pluggin for fire fox to see flash16:51
escottMACscr, not a panic16:51
basil1xescott:  but 12.04LTS never had this problem, and it's dead annoying16:52
andrea__ ok, i ll down. from the soft center?16:52
Xtremeasureyeah icedtea 716:52
L3topguyal___: lsmod | grep -Ei '(nvidia|nouveau)'16:52
andrea__ok i ll have a try16:52
escottbluegoon, some application is making work for those threads. probably disk related16:52
KnitGalcan anyone help me with this:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/206301/virtual-hosts-not-working-12-1016:53
guyal___L3top: nvidia              11257759  5516:53
L3topguyal___: please pastebin the contents of /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and also add the output of xrandr -q16:54
Xtremeasureandrea__ and if that doesnt work try following the directions in this link http://askubuntu.com/questions/184018/problem-installing-adobe-flash-player-in-firefox16:54
L3top!pastebin | guyal___16:54
ubottuguyal___: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:54
andrea__ok, should i install just the plug in or everything ?16:54
basil1xescott:  Is there any way to stop the error balloon popping up?  the disc works fine, it's just the balloon I want gone16:54
guyal___L3top: it was generated with nvidia-settings16:55
dr_willisicedtea7 is java not flash... or did i miss something16:55
escottbasil1x, i would just report it as a bug16:55
nbubuntuMonkeyDust , escott : nope , I mean something like krename.16:55
L3topI know. I need to see it16:55
andrea__i mean the iced tea java web start16:55
basil1xreinstall from disc it is, then... <sigh>16:56
escottnbubuntu, sorry don't follow16:56
guyal___L3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1305322/16:56
EnderMBHey, I'm trying to install Ubuntu to dual boot alongside my current Windows 7 install, but I've noticed that I can install Ubuntu alongside Windows with Wubi. Is there any drawbacks to this if I want to use Ubuntu for general web browsing and Python development?16:56
dr_willisEnderMB:  i suggest avoid wubi....16:57
guyal___L3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1305323/16:57
escottEnderMB, yes16:57
bluegoonHi guys16:57
dr_williswubi can be problematic16:57
bluegoon12.10, my CPU usage is low, and memory usage, but my ubuntu is stuttering like crazy16:57
LilPatrickDickey; That didn't seem to help either. Sorry it took so long, got busy with work. But after changing those parameters.. it wouldn't even allow me to connect16:58
iJamesTried to upgrade 12.04 LTS to 12.10 on a ThinkPad R51...  One warning about graphics...  installed, except for the kernel...   Not so smooth.  Need to downgrade.16:58
escottbluegoon, what applications are you running?16:58
bluegoonescott, sabnzbd, mediatomb, sickbeard16:58
EnderMBdr_willis: Cool, in that case I guess I should just repartition Windows and set up the three partitions for Ubuntu?16:58
bluegoonescott, top 5 processes are kworker16:59
nbubuntuMonkeyDust , escott : I had a batch of log file all are sort ordering by date ( Routine_01-10-2012.log , Routine_02-10-2012.log and etc )16:59
dr_willisEnderMB:  or play with ubuntu in vbox. or do a full install to a flashdrive16:59
escottbluegoon, kworker is just the kernel doing work on behalf of other processes16:59
bluegoonoh ok16:59
bluegoonI wonder what the heck's causing this instability16:59
bluegoonescott,  its a brand new installation17:00
MrokiiHello. Ever since upgrading to 12.10 I can't mount USB-sticks nor any other HDs anymore. I get error messages like this instead: "Adding read ACL for uid 1000 to `/media/MyUsername"' failed: Operation not supported". What can I do to repair that?17:00
EnderMBdr_willis: I've already got it set up in VirtualBox. I use Windows because I'm a .NET dev but I also use Python a lot so I want a primary Linux environment to do that17:00
L3topguyal___: in your xorg.conf in the first Setting group you will find xinerama    0   change that to a 1, and reboot. is it outputting on that monitor at all?17:01
dr_willisEnderMB:  .net dev? you have my sympathy .... ;-)17:01
L3topguyal___: that second monitor... you are POSITIVE there is no converter or anything? It doesn't look like it can read its EDID data.17:01
escottbluegoon, almost anything the kernel can't do immediately, but can defer (such as writing out to a disk) will get put into a k**** thread. kworker is mostly rcu related stuff. you can use some of the profiling tools to try and figure out what applications on your system are making lots of syscalls, but an application like mediatomb could very easily cause a lot of kernel work with relatively few syscalls (mmap a file and just pass it d17:01
escottirectly to the network device)17:01
nbubuntuMonkeyDust , escott : I plan to backup the batch file name , and rename it to something (Routine_011012_New_York.log).Krename able to do it but if case someone wanted the original log , how do I undo the rename ?17:01
EnderMBdr_willis: C# is a fantastic language, but ideally I'd prefer not to be tied down to a single platform/language, hence me trying to spend more time in Linux17:02
guyal___L3top: yes, it's outputting, and there's no converter on the monitor which is problematic, The monitor which works perfectly has a converter17:02
bluegoonescott, well let me play around with stuff17:02
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bluegoonescott, but something's really up17:03
bluegoonescott, it starts freaking out at the logon screen though17:03
skaIn a sysem without X, How can I configure the system console to start a text-based wizard process ?17:03
skaWithout logging in..17:03
guyal___L3top: sorry for the obvious question, but how do I edit xorg.conf?17:03
skaText kiosk..?17:03
escottnbubuntu, im not really following, but sounds like you are doing logrotation so i'm wondering why you aren't using logrotate17:03
=== Chipaca is now known as ChipAway
KnitGalcan anyone help me with this:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/206301/virtual-hosts-not-working-12-1017:04
guyal___L3top: nevermind, found it. Brb.17:06
jiffe98if ubuntu doesn't boot the first time or it reboots in the middle of a boot, grub doesn't automatically choose the default option on the second boot, is there a way to change this?17:06
dhanasekaranHI How to find active ftp connection in ftp server please help him17:07
dhanasekaranfind How to active ftp connection going on17:07
nbubuntuescott : I make it simple , I had a list of text file Holiday_day1.txt about 100 of it.I wanted to rename it to something else like Holiday_1_10_2012.txt but after rename .I feel the name wasn't right , how to restore back the original Holiday_day1.txt ? if it's like 100 files with different name , it'll takes like hours to restore and retype the file name.17:08
itsswiftHey quick question for someone here (hopefully). Is there a way to change the default brightness in 12.10? Every time I restart my computer the screen resets to maximum brightness. Drives me nuts.17:08
Avinashhello, can anyone help me to increase the swap space in ubuntu12.0417:09
nbubuntuescott : possible backup original file name -> rename -> restore original file name.17:09
escottnbubuntu, if you just renamed you need to make a script to reverse all the renames. there isn't an "undo" for basic filesystem things like copy and move17:09
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nbubuntuescott : seems like it'd be the best to write a script to reverse order. I just though it'd be easier if there's a application or script for it .17:10
dr_willisAvinash: add a new swap partition or a swap file is  one way17:11
guyal___L3top: I've restarted. The resolution hasn't changed, I can't open a terminal for some reason, and when I opened chrome it was maximised across both screens (which was strange as they're different resolutions)17:11
dr_willisAvinash: they  can be on other hds if needed.17:12
skaIs there a way to attach a system console to a script ?17:12
dr_willisska clarify what you mean17:13
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c_smithHi, I'm trying to get fglrx installed on Ubuntu 12.10 on a system that has an AMD Radeon HD 6470M, and when I get it installed and have run sudo amdconfig --initial, upon reboot the system goes into low-graphics mode where enter is the only key working and only in the first menu, the second menu does nothing, is there something I'm missing?17:13
KnitGalyou might have an older version of AMD chip17:14
c_smithKnitGal, the Radeon HD 6470?17:14
c_smiththis is a laptop I bought brand new in August.17:15
c_smithso the chip can't be too old, can it?17:15
ahtmly2kHELP: I just upgraded to 12.10 from 12.04 and now I get a "the location is not a folder" error message every time I want to access my other drives. How can I fix this?17:15
KnitGalright . . .17:15
escottc_smith, thats got an M. is that a laptop? does it have the intel graphics as well? have you looked at vga_switcheroo or bumblebee or ironhide or whatever it is called17:15
itsswiftHey quick question for someone here (hopefully). Is there a way to change the default brightness in 12.10? Every time I restart my computer the screen resets to maximum brightness. Drives me nuts.17:16
c_smithescott, yes, Intel HD 300017:16
XMLnewbican some one describe to me what the var/www   on ubuntu server is?        My webserver is live but for some reason my old site is still stored on var/www17:16
escottahtmly2k, how are you trying to access them? what tool are you using?17:16
c_smithescott, also it's muxless, afaik muxless isn't supported by X.org17:16
KnitGalumm . . . that's the default location for files served up by apache17:17
escottitsswift, you can put a command in /etc/rc.local to echo the correct dimness value to /sys/blah/blah/blah/backlight17:17
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Guest99494how do I get ubuntu to login to the classic version of Gnome17:18
KnitGalif you go to you'll get whatever is stored in /var/www17:18
IdleOne!notunity | Guest9949417:18
ubottuGuest99494: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:18
XMLnewbiI installed ehcp and put my new site up. when i go to that ip I get the login for ehcp17:18
OerHeksGuest99494 on ubuntu 12.10 ? classic is removed.17:18
dr_willis!swap > Avinash17:19
ubottuAvinash, please see my private message17:19
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XMLnewbiif i wanted to clear out the var/www    but not mess up  my  ehcp      whats the best way to do that?17:19
johnnycupcakesorry nick change17:19
ahtmly2ki use nautilus17:19
johnnycupcakeXMLnewbi, u mean DHCP???17:19
ahtmly2klike i always do.17:19
XMLnewbino ehcp17:20
johnnycupcakesorry dunno17:20
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johnnycupcakethanks idleone for that info17:20
johnnycupcakei'll look into it17:20
johnnycupcakeubuntu should give u an option at install which version to use for GNOME17:21
johnnycupcakeas default that is17:21
christoph_Hi, I tried hard to put portable thunderbird on my usb stick, downloaded a nice package with enigmail for linux, when I unpack it on my usb drive then I am not even able to make the starter executable even if I do it in a sudo nautilus. The tick just disappears when I move the curser. What do I do wrong?17:21
escottchristoph_, its likely mounted user and therefore noexe17:21
razvanhy there17:22
KnitGalmeanwhile, still need help with my virtual hosts issue . . .  http://askubuntu.com/questions/206301/virtual-hosts-not-working-12-1017:22
XMLnewbiI dont actually see anything from ehcp in my var/www17:22
razvanive installed "aditiona drivers" from Lubuntu sowtware center, but i cant see the program17:22
ahtmly2k@escott nautilus ofcourse..17:22
skraitooohi all17:22
razvanhow to start it17:22
dr_willischristoph_: what filesystem is  the usb?17:22
escottahtmly2k, so what does nautilus show the files as?17:23
KnitGallet me see if i can understand what you're saying, XMLnewbi . . . when you go to www.yoursite.com you're expecting to see this:  http://ehcp.net/sites/default/files/ehcp_new_login.png17:23
ahtmly2k@escott i click on my other drive and a pop-up appears saying "this location is not a folder"17:24
tejasafter upgrade I am unable to remove old kernal help me this is the error E: linux-image-2.6.32-33-generic: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 117:24
XMLnewbino, when i go to  www.mtsite.com I go to my index.html        when i go to my IP I get my panel to login to echp17:24
skraitooohi guys i wrote this tutorial for newbie in perl17:25
skraitooodo you guys like it ?17:25
escottahtmly2k, what is the output of "mount" in the terminal and what is the drive you are trying to open in nautilus17:25
XMLnewbibut when I ssh into my server, I see all bunch of crap from my old site before i set up ehcp. and cant find my new stuff17:25
KnitGalokay . . . all i can think of is that it could be a caching issue, somehow17:26
tejasafter upgrade I am unable to remove old kernal help me this is the error E: linux-image-2.6.32-33-generic: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 117:26
XMLnewbisudo delete files?17:26
KnitGalmaybe - i don't know.  I've never had that problem, so i just don't know - someone else will have to confirm17:26
XMLnewbiwhat is the command line to do a full search on the system to find my new site? I forgot17:27
gordonjcpXMLnewbi: what do you mean "new site"?17:27
XMLnewbijust search the whole system for a file17:27
nabbletXMLnewbi, usually a website is stored in the www folder17:27
drewbertHi.  I just upgraded to ubuntu 12.10.  When I launch chrome or chromium, I get logged out.17:27
ahtmly2k@escott what? how can i see that?17:28
nabbletXMLnewbi, either 'locate' or 'find' command17:28
christoph_dr_willis: I think it is fat but I am not sure17:28
escotttejas, so thats just the image, you could remove the file directly from /boot, but a better way is to find in /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image....postrm script and modify it to not exit on an error by commenting out the "set -e" on the second line17:28
nabbletXMLnewbi, locate is the easier one to use17:28
nabbletXMLnewbi, i assume you use command line17:28
XMLnewbiI was having trouble with FTP write permissions. It wouldnt let my write to top level files in dreamweaver. So I installed echp and rebuild my whole site from scratch.17:29
drewbertDoes anybody know why that could be happening?  I'm running XFCE,17:29
tejasthanks escott I dont want to delete only...coz its in my grub menu :p17:29
XMLnewbifind   doesnt find crap, it looks in the folder im in now17:29
escottahtmly2k, open a terminal, type "mount[ENTER]" and put the output on paste.ubuntu.com and send us the link17:29
christoph_escott: do you mean I have to unmount it, sorry for my dumb question17:29
XMLnewbii could just use ls17:29
escotttejas, update-grub will adjust the entries to reflect what is and is not present in /boot17:29
dr_willischristoph_: you dont chown or chmod files on ntfs or vfat.17:29
nabbletXMLnewbi, that's because you have to tell it to look in / and not in your current dir17:29
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christoph_dr_willis: ok, I didn't know that, but I tried also on a ext4 stick and it didn't work17:30
escottchristoph_, most USB sticks are FAT32 or NTFS formated. neither supports POSIX (linux) permission model. that + their being removable means they are mounted "user" which implies "noexec" so even if the file says +x it isnt17:30
nabbletXMLnewbi, find / -name XXX17:31
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nabbletXMLnewbi, i don't know how deep ls will enter to your file hirachy17:31
skomorokhupgraded to 12.10... now my keyboard fails at boot. unplugged everything else from usb... it works in grub, just fails once it gets into the kernel. so can't type my drive passwd. no numlk even.17:31
pznI have a notebook with ubuntu12.04; when using notebook computer, all OK. when connect an external USB keyboard, it starts making "confusion" with left-alt and win-key; for example alt+tab switchs app but also opens unity menu. how to solve this?17:31
KnitGalwell . . . got problem resolved - enter http://example.local into browser URL and presto customized page is now showing17:32
nabbletXMLnewbi, try 'ls -R / | grep XXX'17:32
christoph_dr_willis: so how could I have a portable linux thunderbird on a usb drive?17:32
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XMLnewbifind / -name            giving me premission denied, trying sudo17:34
ahtmly2k@escott http://paste.ubuntu.com/1305411/17:34
nabbletchristoph_, http://kb.mozillazine.org/Running_from_a_USB_drive_%28Thunderbird%29 says There isn't a Linux specific version. The developer supports running it under WINE for Linux.17:34
XMLnewbisudo find.... returned nothing hmm17:35
nabbletchristoph_, maybe if you compile thunderbird yourself from source...17:35
XMLnewbiahh, ok i got it17:36
escottchristoph_, so you need to make modifications to your /etc/fstab to specify different mount options for that filesytem17:36
skraitooohey guys17:36
XMLnewbiuchp IS in var/www     it var/www/new/ehcp/..../.... ect17:36
skraitoooi need your opinion17:36
skraitoooi wrote this tutorial for newbie17:36
skraitooodo you like it ?17:36
skraitooodo you guys want more tutorial ?17:37
XMLnewbiI was going to do it because im a newbi and looking to program. then all the jesus stuff scared me away17:37
escottahtmly2k, looks like the files can be found by browsing to /media/ahtmly2k/subfolders. this /media/username/subfolder is new in 12.10 where in 12.04 it was /media/subfolder. thats the cause of the problem, not sure how to fix it nautilus clearly still thinks it should be /media/subfolder17:37
nabbletXMLnewbi, :)17:37
escott!ot | skraitooo17:37
ubottuskraitooo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:37
kurtwp_what is the command line commands to mount a windows server share from ubuntu 12.0417:37
OntologyHow can I use color codes like these in my .bashrc? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/95/Xterm_color_chart.png17:38
KnitGalfrankly, you might be better off in a perl channel, skraitooo17:38
drewbertHi.  I just upgraded to ubuntu 12.10.  When I launch chrome or chromium, I get logged out. Does anybody know why that could be happening?  I'm running XFCE.  I upgraded from 12.04.  Firefox doesn't start either.17:38
escottOntology, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Color_Bash_Prompt17:38
OldestParadoxskraitooo: perl? I don`t like too obfuscated languages. I hate all the webstuff.17:38
ahtmly2k@escott so it can't be fixed then?17:39
OldestParadoxExcept maybe rebol.17:39
OldestParadoxThat is a clean language.17:39
escottahtmly2k, im sure there is a fix (probably modifying something in the nautilus cache with dconf or gconf, i dont know what it would be though)17:39
mistergibsonQuestion: how would I use lsof to find the pid of a file in use - say a unix socket??17:39
escottmistergibson, netstat can do sockets pretty easily. netstat -pu for instance17:40
mistergibsonescott: yeah, but I also want to run the script on bsd as well...17:41
ahtmly2k@escott another problem occurs, when i access media/ahtmly2k it states that i don't have the permission to view it.. and also there are two folders within the media folder one is ahtmly2k and another AHTMLY2K17:42
escottahtmly2k, what is the output of ls -l /media17:42
saviohow can i encrypt my home directory?17:44
lion42savio, are you installing ubuntu right now?17:44
Kyle__Hum.  OK, the unity monitors panel allows me to setup my displays properly (unmirrored, one rotated), but the one in lubuntu(lxce) doesn't.  I assume that means this is an xrandr type problem?17:45
MonkeyDust!encrypt > savio17:45
ubottusavio, please see my private message17:45
lion42MonkeyDust, or that!17:45
lion42Outshine me, why don't you.17:45
escottKyle__, no it means its an lxde problem17:45
ahtmly2k@escott and how do i see that?17:46
escottahtmly2k, in the terminal. same place as mount "ls -l /media[ENTER]"17:46
Kyle__escott: isn't xrandr how the unity display control panel modifies the screen layout?  By xrandr type problem I meant, something to be fixed with xrandr, didn't word that quite right.17:46
escottKyle__, you can make direct xrandr commands they will look like xrandr --display HDMI1 --right-of HDMI2 --rotate left17:47
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ahtmly2k@escott http://paste.ubuntu.com/1305434/17:48
adek05How can I allow users strace other user's processes?17:49
Kyle__escott: After I get the settings I want right, is that something to shove in xinitrc, or into Xorg.conf?17:49
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christoph_escott: sorry I had to answer a telephone call, but now I am back. thanks for your link. I would like to run it though without wine, and I found a portable version for linux https://www.privacyfoundation.de/wiki/PortableLinuxApps But sadly I don't know how to make it work. I tried both ways, downloading it with a script or the program packages.17:50
escottahtmly2k, thats exciting. i would recommend (a) "sudo umount /dev/sdc1; sudo umount /dev/sda1" (b) disconnect the usb drives (physically remove them from the machine) (c) sudo ls /media and sudo ls /media/*/* to verify that no files are in any directories (d) sudo rm -rf /media/*17:51
escottahtmly2k, and be EXTREMELY careful to type those commands exactly as they are. an errant space could hose your system17:51
escottKyle__, there are a ton of places they can be placed. so either is correct17:52
OerHeksis "* Dreadtower is now known as Breadflour" a script, changing every 15 minutes?17:52
christoph_nabblet: I would like to run it without Wine, as I found a page with program packages for Linux https://www.privacyfoundation.de/wiki/PortableLinuxApps17:52
escottchristoph_, a standard unix system that you just walk up to, is not configured to allow you to run binaries off a usb stick. you can only do this on systems you administer and control, in which case why not just install the application like a normal application?17:53
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escottahtmly2k, christoph_, Kyle__, i have to run. might be back online later, but probably won't be able to get online for a few hours. goodluck17:53
ahtmly2k@escott okay i don't get it.. should i do either a, b or c? or should i do all of them respectively?17:53
nabbletchristoph_, good :)17:54
escottahtmly2k, all of them. the permissions in /media are fouled up. not sure why, but nuking everything in there might get you back to a sensible state17:54
ahtmly2k@escott nah man.. i need you right now.. you're the only one helping me out..17:54
louisdanghi #ubuntu, are there any programs that checks if ubuntu is installed correctly?17:55
ahmad_hi guys, can anyone please tell me how to create a group via commandline using usermod or whatever?17:56
llutzahmad_: sudo addgroup groupname17:57
SolarisB1yyou dont create groups with usermod command but you can add someone to a new group you created with it17:57
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ahmad_one more thing llutz, is the admin group suppose to have a GID 1001? or 100017:58
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dr_willisOerHeks: looks like a script to me... b|17:58
Kyle__Hum.  OK, xrandr got my other monitor happy, but now the menu bar slipped to the wrong screen.17:59
kostkonlouisdang, dont' think so. Do you have any problems with your ubuntu installation?17:59
louisdangkostkon: everything is working fine, but I had dependency errors when I upgraded from 12.04 so I wanted to check18:00
savioubottu, a link is just to encrypt subdirectory i need to encrypt my whole home directory18:00
Dougie187Does anyone know when there will be an nvidia-experimental-310 package for the 310.14 driver for quantal?18:00
OerHeksdr_willis, next change comming up in 2 minutes18:01
kostkonlouisdang, see if any errors will popup after giving: sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade18:01
louisdangkostkon: alright18:01
llutzahmad_: sry i'm not using ubuntu atm, but i guess admin has gid <1000 because its not a user-group18:02
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louisdangkostkon, no errors.18:04
ahmadllutz, ty i solved the problem i had accidentally deleted admin group and removed myself from it18:04
kostkonlouisdang, then as far as package deps is concerned, you seem to be fine18:05
louisdangkostkon, ok thanks.18:05
kostkonlouisdang, np18:05
unrarShould I upgrade to 12.10?18:06
unrarIs it stable as 12.04?18:06
unrarI tested it and there seems to be some new bugs, bug lots of old bugs have been fixed, so what do you recommend me?18:06
rumpe1unrar, wait half a year18:06
MonkeyDusti'm happy with 12.1018:07
rumpe1unrar, the newest is very seldom more stable than the older one18:07
addikshi, i have recently upgraded to 12.10 and noticed that unitiy now uses nux instead of geis for multitouch. In 12.04 i have patched unity to disable geis, but i dont know how to do that with nux. Anyone got a clue?18:07
ahmadubuntu 12.10 is teh shiznit18:08
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dhanasekaranHow to find Harddisk serial number for dell poweredge18:09
MonkeyDustdhanasekaran  lshw > hardware    then read the hardware file18:10
Bombowill wake-on-lan work by default on 12.10? i just pressed the sleep (half-moon) key on the keyboard, the machine went to sleep mode, until i pressed the main power button, then i got back to where i was, now its in sleep mode again and i'm trying to wake it up from my other computer, with etherwake and wakeonlan hwaddr, but it doesn't seem to wake up18:10
hjsteffensIs this the correct IRC channel to talk about development of Desktop application?18:10
Bomboethtool showed 'Wake-on: g'18:10
SolarisB1ydhanasekaran: you may also be interested in installing OMSA on after you get it - OMSA is pretty standard on dell servers18:11
Bomboany hints?18:11
unraroky, thanks18:11
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kostkon!devsupport | hjsteffens18:12
ubottuhjsteffens: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Please be aware that this channel is for development only.18:12
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kostkon!support-#ubuntu-devel | hjsteffens18:12
ubottuhjsteffens: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Please be aware that this channel is for development only.18:12
SolarisB1yis that a booboo?18:13
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slon2000ruhello there18:14
slon2000ruplease help me with samba on ubuntu18:14
gordonjcp!samba | slon2000ru18:14
ubottuslon2000ru: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:14
mashbroHi guys.18:14
slon2000rui install samba and use mediaplayer from my tv18:14
slon2000rui can watch only video from torrent if i copy file to the sharefolder i cant play it18:15
dhanasekaranSolarisB1y: Thanks18:15
slon2000ruwhy my local files are blocked18:15
mashbroI just installed Ubuntu on my PC but it seems to have resolution issues and it's weird.18:15
SolarisB1ydhanasekaran: yw18:15
mashbroMy gpu is 9500GT SLI18:16
mashbrois there anything I can do?18:16
slon2000ru9500 - nvidia?18:16
hjsteffensIs the language of choice for a Desktop application in Ubuntu, Python or Valve?18:16
slon2000ruor ati18:16
mashbroslon2000ru: yep Nvidia18:17
slon2000ruo there is no problems with nvidia18:17
slon2000ruuse special program18:17
mashbrogeforce actually18:17
mashbrowhat kind of special programs slon2000ru?18:17
Dougie187mashbro: did you install the nvidia drivers? and after they are installed have the graphics issues?18:17
slon2000ruit can auto install drivers for u18:17
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mashbroI tried a few additional drivers, but that doesn't work too.18:18
slon2000rui use this program and play 3d games watch full hd video18:18
Dougie187but it looks fine with nouveau?18:18
mashbrowhat is the 'program' that you are saying?18:18
Dougie187He's talking about the additional drivers program18:18
Dougie187in software sources.18:18
kostkonhjsteffens, better ask in #ubuntu-app-devel18:18
Dougie187It's really just a tab in it, but whatevs.18:18
hjsteffensOkay, thank you18:18
slon2000ruu can insatll it from ofocoal ubuntu repositary18:19
Dougie187mashbro: did it work with nouveau? If you installed the other drivers already then you probably did exactly what he's suggesting. Especially if you installed nvidia-current or similar.18:19
slon2000ruoh please help me with samba18:20
slon2000rui bye a new tv and i need to watch a movie18:20
skypcei have a adwaita cupertino theme18:20
skypcehow can i change the background color of menu nav?18:21
Dougie187skypce: in the compiz settings manager18:21
dr_willisslon2000ru: and thats samba related how?18:21
skypcei use gala18:21
slon2000rui install samba common than samba config18:21
slon2000ruthan share download folder18:21
slon2000rudownload from torrent and all ok18:22
slon2000ruthen i made local copy of one movie18:22
slon2000ruit dont work18:22
dr_willisyou gave the user a samba password with    sudo smbpasswd username     slon2000ru ?18:22
mashbroDougie187: it didn't work nouveau18:22
slon2000rui have no pass on my samba18:23
Dougie187mashbro: so your resolution was still messed up when using nouveau?18:23
dr_willis"it dident work" is vague....18:23
mashbroDougie187: yeah, it was.18:23
Dougie187mashbro: did you try running Displays, and seeing if you can change it in that?18:24
slon2000rui need free sharing for all my local netwokrk without pass18:24
mashbroDougie187: Yeah18:24
dr_willisslon2000ru: and we need details of the vague problem...18:25
Dougie187mashbro: what happened with that? Nothing?18:25
mashbroyep, nothing happened.18:25
Dougie187mashbro: have you tried nvidia-settings?18:25
SolarisB1ynfs ftw18:25
SolarisB1yi actually use iscsi && DLNA works like a charm18:26
dr_willisi use dlna upnp ervers these days18:26
SolarisB1yreally easy especially with a fairly recent tv18:26
SolarisB1ydr_willis: i actually use playstation media server (pms) lol18:27
Kyle__SolarisB1y: I always had problems with audio-syncing with pms. I'm using mediatomb.18:27
ShadowPhrogg3264guys, any idea why my 12.04.1 server installer pendrive fails to load storage-core-modules-...?18:28
Kyle__SolarisB1y: That said, I've got an insane mediatomb config that's grown organically for years now.18:28
SolarisB1yKyle__: hrmmm =)18:28
ShadowPhrogg3264tried redownloading the image, md5 passed18:28
SolarisB1yKyle__: yea i know what you mean - i run into things here and there - more so i think from whats in the containers i play which are random18:28
SolarisB1ybut you interest me now with this mediatomb you speak of - and i reallly wanted to get away from running a java app..18:28
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Kyle__SolarisB1y: Yea, once I gave up crafting my own ripping/encoding lines by hand, and just used handbrake, everything has been much somoother.  Even on mediatomb.18:29
SolarisB1yKyle__: im ashamed of myself lols18:29
Kyle__SolarisB1y: That said, I really don't want to re-encode all the crap I've got on the media server for my kids...18:29
SolarisB1ysounds like me with a 10 line ffmpeg thingy that eventually may fail after it runs lolZ18:29
SolarisB1yKyle__: your making me sad =( i have the same issue18:30
Kyle__SolarisB1y: I know, me too.  I _liked_ knowing each flag and tweaking things here and there to get an awesome quality, yet very small, video file.  But in the days of cheap 2TB hard drives... meh?18:31
SolarisB1ykudos on the handbrake - i had it installed for a year but can't seem to rip myself away from archaic ffmpeg lines18:31
SolarisB1yKyle__: cheers to you =)18:31
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kapzanybody facing weird problem with firefox 16.0.1 after updating ubuntu 12.04? FF controls like buttokns and menu dont open or open transparent...18:32
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Kyle__SolarisB1y: When you borrow your in-laws only copy of an out of print movie to back up, that their autistic son MUST watch every 12 hours, handbreak.  She puts the dvd in the drive.  She clicks on handbrake.18:33
Kyle__She clicks on handbrake, or she gets the hose again.18:33
SolarisB1ylols right on18:33
malinI have an Atheros AR9462 wifi-card. running Ubuntu 12.04. Computer: Acer v5-531. The problem is. When booting Ubuntu I got an indicator-message saying: network connection disconnected. Then it does not find any wifi-networks. After a minute or two it do connect to the wifi. What could be the reason it does not connect right after login ?18:39
mysticalzeromalin: check syslog. there might be clues.18:41
malinmysticalzero: ok. I could check18:42
kapzanybody facing weird problem with firefox 16.0.1 after updating ubuntu 12.04? FF controls like buttokns and menu dont open or open transparent...18:42
Haunt_Househi, is there a simple way to tell my application to run on separate cores? I want to do screencasts18:43
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invisibleheeroHey guys how do I remove the Amazon crap?  Also, my Firefox refuses to save anything if i try "Save Page As" it does nothing18:47
trisminvisibleheero: remove unity-lens-shopping or to get rid of all online results, System Settings/Privacy/Include Online Results, no18:47
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mysticalzeroHaunt_House: you can use taskset to do that. not sure if it is included by default in ubuntu though. otherwise check the repo.18:49
jrib!adlens | invisibleheero18:49
ubottuinvisibleheero: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ18:49
Haunt_HouseI'd like to run blender on one core and recordmydesktop on others18:49
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jribHaunt_House: taskset18:50
Haunt_Housein the shell?18:50
dr_willis!info taskset18:50
ubottuPackage taskset does not exist in quantal18:50
mysticalzeroHaunt_House: yes18:50
Haunt_Houseah, I'll try18:50
Haunt_Housethank you18:50
GeorgeTorwellHi, I installed Ubuntu 12.10, and I selected full disk encryption during the setup, but it doesn't ask me for any disk password when I boot up, it goes right into the lightDM screen. I tried to install it twice, both times it looks like it didn't set up the disk encryption. What gives?18:52
blakesHaving a terrible time with network printing (12.04LTS). Some jobs just disappear, some jobs print, some applications don't see network printers.  Anyone want to work through some troubleshooting with me on this?18:54
mobiusstripertrying to ssh, it seems the GUI key agent is not working: http://dpaste.org/KpSMr/18:55
zlatanhi, when using live ubuntu 12.10 all was ok, but when installing it it had really bad graphics and was too slow, after installing fglrx driver I only get wallpaper and nothing else.. any solution?18:55
luchenbillI have a fresh install of ubutntu on vps, i'm trying to install django framework for python, I try sudo apt-get install django and nothing works, is there any way to 'search' for a package?18:55
wilee-nileeGeorgeTorwell, Are you ticking the autologin option at the name and password gui?18:56
GeorgeTorwellI couldn't change that option (because Im using an exisiting home partition probably)18:56
wilee-nileeGeorgeTorwell, I only encrypt one file for passwords so not sure just wondering on that one point.18:57
GeorgeTorwellwilee-nilee: The only reason I even installed 12.10 was because of this feature I dont understand why it would just skip it entirely18:59
GeorgeTorwellit asked me for my passphrase and everything during setup,but when I reboot its like it didnt install it at all18:59
wilee-nileeGeorgeTorwell, It probably has something to do with having a home already as far as getting it setup have you checked the encrytion wiki's19:00
GeorgeTorwellit shouldn't, the full disk encryption is seperate from home directory encryption19:00
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ovidiu-florinhey guys, what is the most efficient way to uninstall LibreOffice completely? I mean all packages? sudo apt-get --purge  libreoffice doesn't seem to do the trick.19:01
terry1311just installed kubuntu-desktop and awesome on ubuntu 12.10 - but no matter which session i select, lightdm will log me into unity - any suggestions?19:01
gatuusovidiu-florin: pt-get --purge  libreoffice.*   ????19:02
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory19:02
gatuusovidiu-florin: apt-get (sorry)19:02
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ovidiu-floringatuus: is that a question or a recommendation?19:03
gatuusovidiu-florin: a recommendation: try: apt-get --purge  libreoffice.*    or libreoffice*(without the dot)19:04
ovidiu-florinI tried that and I still found some installed packages when running sudo aptitude search libreoffice19:05
willwork4fooHi all. Forgive me if someone else has raised this, but - my /etc/hosts file keeps getting overwritten at boot time for some crazy reason. I'm running Ubuntu 12.10 (64 bit) - and this is driving me mad. A bunch of other entries I've added to the /etc/hosts file are persisting, but I'm trying to add more and they are wiped after every reboot.19:06
willwork4fooDoes anyone know what might be causing this?19:06
willwork4fooI've tried all suggestions from Google, to no avail.19:06
alexblighWhat is the recommended way in precise x86_64 to put the console into 80x43 mode post boot, if you don't (in advance) know the vga modes of the target computer. I have so far tried resizecons (which is missing on x86_64, LP#789196, which I have patched and fixed, but requires per machine modefiles), svgatextmode (which has gone AWOL), svgalib-bin (which says it is 'unsafe'). Any ideas?19:07
invisibleheeroI still have the amazon button though. how do I remove the button?19:07
dr_willisright click... unpin.....)19:09
dr_willisor whatever its called..19:09
dgsafewrightDoes anyone have any information on the difference from Ubuntu 12.04.1 and Ubuntu 12.10?19:10
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dr_willistons of sites shouing whats new in 12.1019:10
xangua!releasenotes | dgsafewright19:10
ubottudgsafewright: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) release notes can be found here http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/12.1019:10
dgsafewrightThank You19:10
dgsafewrightand the changes are in the release notes?19:11
f00dMonstadamn, kde is so much smoother than unity19:12
ovidiu-floringatuus: thank you, that fixed it19:13
hyliani was using a program called touchpad-indicator to kill my touchpad. It is no longer available for Ubuntu 12.10. Does anyone know of a possible viable solution?19:14
wilee-nileeovidiu-florin, config files still are around with some apps inspite of a purge removal.19:14
ovidiu-florinwilee-nilee: how do I get rid of them?19:14
mcb_1 willwork4foo: This may help you. It is only a workaraound, but maybe it can solve for you. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2011-March/241538.html19:14
aleksandar22does anyone know of a tiled window manager that will run in a single window in gdm. sth like terminator for non-terminal windows19:14
wilee-nileeovidiu-florin, I do what you did search for them, this is a problem if someone wants openoffice instead as they shre some files so a search cleans these out.19:15
willwork4foomcb_1, that's a workaround I already know about - I'm looking for the root cause.19:15
willwork4fooI'd been able to modify the file a few times in the past, but all new edits are being removed.19:15
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wilee-nileeovidiu-florin, Sometimes as well the extras are in root so a search from gksudo nautilus is needed for a straight delete, I set my preferences in nautilus and root nautilus as a straight delete, I never use trash.19:17
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mcb_1willwork4foo: As i read in the posts it is caused by the network-manager. Same thing happened to me with /etc/resolv.conf ... I do not knnow more then that.19:18
imtiazI am using ubuntu lts 12.04, I can not connect my TV (HDMI) form my laptop19:23
johnjacobjingerhhow do u change to a different channel i am alread connected to in IRSSI?19:24
mcb_1willwork4foo: In this link there is more about the subject. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/65981719:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 659817 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "NetworkManage does not set domain in /etc/hosts on DHCP connections" [Medium,Won't fix]19:24
johnjacobjingerhi have multiple channels and want to get to another one19:24
basil1xHullo.  My DVD drive throws up an error when I insert a blank DVD.  I just upgraded to 12.10.  My DVD drive seems to be mounted as both sr0 and sg1.  Is there any way to fix this?19:24
GeorgeTorwellUbuntu 12.10 SUCKS!19:24
basil1x /ignore GeorgeTorwell19:25
NaZZaXhey is there something wrong with keyserver.ubuntu.com19:25
wilee-nileebasil1x, needs a all there19:25
jribjohnjacobjingerh: /buffer  or alt-# where # is a number19:25
basil1xgot it19:25
GeorgeTorwellThis is too unstable to be a release19:26
johnjacobjingerhah thanks jrib19:26
NewWorldbasil1x:  what error do you get?19:26
GeorgeTorwellim going back to 12.0419:26
johnjacobjingerhthats what i was looking for :-)19:26
graingertis there a way to generate the VisualHostKey style images from arbitrary hash output19:26
jribGeorgeTorwell: keep in mind this channel is for support (not ranting)19:26
wilee-nileeGeorgeTorwell, Posts like that have you added to many ignore lists I suspect, at least mine anyway, this makes it harder to get help.19:26
GeorgeTorwellwell im ranting because there is no support for my problem19:26
imtiazNeed support: to connect HDMI to laptop running lts 12.0419:27
basil1xNewWorld: 'Unable to mount Blank DVD+R location is already mounted19:27
jribGeorgeTorwell: I don't really care /why/ are you ranting.  I care that you stop doing it in this channel.  If you have a support question, just ask it and be patient19:27
marouaneplease can someone tell me what's better gksudo or sudo and why ? :)19:27
graingertmarouane: if you're running a GUI app use gksudo19:27
NewWorldbasil1x:  can you pastebin your /etc/fstab ?19:27
GeorgeTorwellI dont really care whether you  care or dont care, jrib. It is irrelevant to me.19:27
wilee-nileemarouane, gksudo is for graphic and sudo for text basically.19:27
basil1xNewWorld: yes19:28
unheedingGeorgeTorwell, you troll here as well?  Man you need to get a life19:28
graingertmarouane: eg gksudo gedit, sudo vim19:28
unheedinggraingert, dont tell people to sudo vim19:28
graingertmarouane: but mostly it's for doing launchers19:28
unheedingonly bad things can happen with vim19:28
jribGeorgeTorwell: in any case, get back on topic please (support, not ranting).  Thanks.19:28
graingertunheeding: sudo nano?19:28
graingertsudo emacs?19:28
unheedingthats fine19:28
graingertunheeding: keep your religion out of #ubuntu19:29
NewWorldsudo ed19:29
NaZZaXi thought when you do apt-key adv you can specify hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 to force port 80 vs 1137119:29
marouanegraingert : but sudo work well with gui app too am i wrong ?19:29
xangua!gksu | marouane19:30
ubottumarouane: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:30
basil1xNewWorld: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1305657/19:30
wilee-nileemarouane, works yes but use gksudo there are reasons why to keep your setup in order.19:30
dr_willismarouane:  use gksudo. sudo can cause issues with gui apps19:30
Mickepickewhat is kernel panic?19:31
graingertmarouane: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Graphical_sudo19:31
NewWorldbasil1x:  So put in your DVD, do `sudo umount /dev/sg1 && sudo umount /dev/sr0` then `sudo mount /dev/sr0 /where/ever/mountpoint/is`19:31
marouaneok thank you all ;)19:32
nbfMickepicke: it's what happens when the kernel process crashes19:32
dr_willisMickepicke:  a major crash of the core of the os19:32
Mickepickei tryed to install an i386 verson on an i58619:32
nbfit's like linux's BSOD19:32
aleksandar22Mick: Kernel panic is what happens when linux kernel gets some bad input and "panics" (crashes). AFAIK.19:32
Mickepickebut can i install on a i586?19:32
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dr_willisMickepicke: what program?19:33
nbfyeah that should work (assuming the rest of the environment supports it19:33
Mickepickeany linux distro19:33
Mickepickei tryed with Ubuntu and it faild19:33
gordonjcpMickepicke: you can't, with Ubuntu19:34
gordonjcpMickepicke: well - you can, but the latest supported is 10.0419:34
Mickepickeis there any light wight disto that can ?19:34
Mickepickean on a 1 gb hdd19:34
gordonjcpMickepicke: what are you installing onto?19:34
Mickepickeminipc lx80019:34
gordonjcpgive 10.04 a shot, or something like puppy linux19:35
basil1xNewWorld:  no dice... same error19:35
Jimudoes the LiveCD come with Partimage?19:35
NewWorldbasil1x:  so it unmounted successfully? and then you mounted only sr0 and it still mounted to sg1?19:35
imtiazHelp Please. on my laptop "Inter HD 3000" graphic card is Installed (Ubuntu 12.04). I want to connect the TV with HDMI but nothing happens.19:36
JohnOTDHi all. I'm trying to use Chromium web browser but it doesn't seem to be working since I switched from Unity to Cinnamon. Any ideas?19:36
NaZZaXgah i forgot how to set highlight when someone says my name19:36
NaZZaXi just see a sea of green19:36
basil1xNewWorld: it tells me sg1 isn't mounted... but wodim --devices says it is19:36
generaMickepicke, no further info that came with that kernel panic?19:37
xanguaJohnOTD: did you try a fresh chromium profile¿ (either move, rename or remove your .chromium hidden directory)19:37
JohnOTDxangua: I'm deleting it right now and going to reinstall. Just wondering if anyone had any ideas why there would be a conflict19:38
max987hi guys! my pretty fresh (1 day old) ubuntu installation just crashed and i dont find any error in /var/log/syslog ..19:38
NewWorldbasil1x:  I have this in my fstab, try putting it in (http://pastebin.com/7pgQcFr3). Unmount the DVD devices then `sudo mount /dev/sr0`19:38
NaZZaXnevermind anywho on apt-key adv i should be able to use keyserver.ubuntu.com right?19:39
NewWorldmax987:  when it crashed did it restart or shutdown totally?19:39
max987newworld: it did shut down without restart19:39
NewWorldmax987:  that's bad :/ not sure where the logs are sorry19:40
max987newworld: i was about to install some stuff (tux racer or gimp cant remember exactly)19:40
max987newworld: logs are all in /var/log, thats what the ubuntu documentation tells me19:40
Mickepickegenera: no :(19:40
doug_fWhich FS is best for storage of VMs on an iSCSI SAN?19:41
NewWorldmax987:  have you checked all those logs? sort by date and check ones that have been written to from the time of the crash onwards19:41
max987newworld: i checked dmesg, syslog and kern.something .. could not open the 'messages' file, whyever.. other logfiles dont look related19:41
* NaZZaX is wondering if anyone knows about apt-key in here19:42
OerHeks" Dreadtower is now known as Breadflour" will be changing name with a script in 5 minutes, as he did the last hours every 15 minutes.19:42
NewWorldmax987:  check messages, it requires root p/w though19:42
basil1xNewWorld:  can't edit fstab.  I think I'm going to clean-install this thing, and see if that helps19:42
wolsmax987: /var/log/messages* but, you rarely find anything in there when it actually crashed19:42
wolsor any other log19:43
max987newworld: its not asking me for a pw, its just showing the be empty19:43
basil1xif not, it's back to 12.04LTS19:43
random123Hello, I've got a fresh ubuntu 12.10 install. Now my graphic is broken and Unity wont load. This happend after I changed graphics driver to nvidia properity drivers. How do i switch back to the default?19:43
wolsbasil1x: why not? sudo nano /etc/fstab19:43
max987didnt i sometime ago read that messages is depricated and now the stuff is in syslog?19:43
NewWorldmax987:  how are you trying to edit it? do `sedit /etc/fstab` to edit as root19:43
wolsrandom123: in console: dpkg -l |grep nvidia.   remove those packages19:43
max987newworld: you mix users :D19:43
max987newworld: i will do a sudo gedit on it19:44
NewWorldmax987:  if it's deprecated my bad. I'm just throwing ideas at you19:44
random123wols: Thanks. Rather seriouse that the package is broken however?19:44
wolsmax987: if you ues gedit, you will need gksudo19:44
max987newworld: not sure about that.19:44
wolsrandom123: what card, what Xorg.0.log?19:44
NewWorldbasil1x:  :  how are you trying to edit it? do `sedit /etc/fstab` to edit as root19:44
random123Nvidia 460 very popular19:44
max987newworld: wols: ok i gksudo its s it and its still empty19:45
basil1xgot it... was not editing as root19:45
imtiazCard Interl HD 300019:45
random123Wgere can I find Xorg.0.log?19:45
blastedtHi, I'm looking for a bit of advice if you guys don't mind.  I'm looking to dualboot win7 and ubuntu, does the LiveCD have utilities for this?19:45
wolsrandom123: /var/log19:45
NaZZaXwhat is the pastebin app again?19:45
basil1xNewWorld:  Now what?  I've edited the file19:45
wolsblastedt: is it do all automatically19:45
NaZZaXapt-get install pastebin?19:45
max987nazzax: its a website to copy some output to19:45
max987nazzax: pastebin.com19:45
NewWorldmax987:  what's the name of the file you're viewing? /var/log/messages.log , yes?19:45
blastedtwols: ?19:45
NaZZaXis that the right syntax to install?19:46
max987newworld: no, there is only /var/log/messages19:46
imtiazlog http://paste.ubuntu.com/1305688/19:46
NewWorldbasil1x:  put in my file, save and exit the editor. Then unmount everything, put in the cd and do `sudo mount /dev/sr0`19:46
wolsblastedt: it does all automatically19:46
max987newworld: i also checked the xorg logfile without finding errors19:46
blastedtLooking to format, also, my Windows install is pretty clammed up.  Should I install Win7 first and install Ubuntu from inside the OS?19:46
random123:/var/log$ less Xorg.0.log | grep error19:47
random123(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.19:47
random123[     2.507] (EE) NVIDIA:     system's kernel log for additional error messag19:47
NewWorldmax987:  this is mysterious. I dunno where else to check if it's not in /var/log19:47
max987newworld: im on a acer netbook if that matters (my battery reports to be full and is attached to wired .. stuff)19:47
wilee-nileeblastedt, You can basically do your dualboot from a live cd. YOU want to know the limitations in the amounts and types of partitions allowed on a single HD though. YOu also want to resize the W7 with its partitioner, leaving a unallocated space for another OS.19:47
genii-aroundmax987: There may be a file in your home directory called something like .xsession-errors19:47
NewWorldmax987:  how long before you noticed it crashed and it shutdown? Did it crash & shutdown immediatly?19:47
max987genii-around: ill check sec19:47
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OerHeks!away > Dreadtower19:48
ubottuDreadtower, please see my private message19:48
max987newworld: yes it turned black and i noticed the power led was off.19:48
random123Thanks for the help im off the enjoy my desktop19:48
AmpersandHi evertone, I'd like to ask a question. Since I've upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10, all the time when I shut down or reboot the computer, the "Ubuntu 12.10" splash screen fills up with text like "Asking all remaining processes to terminate [OK], Mail transport agent postfix [OK]" and it continues... The shut down/restart goes on without any problem, however, I'd like not to see this text if possible. Could yopu please tell me if anything can be done about this?19:48
blastedtwill the live CD open a menu on every boot, or do i need to install GRUB or something to get a menu on each boot?19:48
Ampersand*everyone, sorry19:48
basil1xNewWorld:  'Mount Point /media/cdrom does not exist19:48
max987genii-around, the file is there and has a lot of entries but i dont understand them :-)19:49
NewWorldmax987:  if it shutdown instantly, maybe it was a hardware fault. i'm just guessing though19:49
NewWorldbasil1x:  create it19:49
genii-aroundmax987: Probably put the contents into a pastebin so someone can go dissect it19:49
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basil1xNewWorld:  how?19:50
wilee-nileeblastedt, With a ubuntu install grub is installed you will have a menu at powering on to choose from.19:50
max987genii-around, if you insist but it has 351 lines ^^19:50
NewWorldbasil1x:  sudo mkdir.....19:50
wilee-nileeblastedt, The live cd just runs itself.19:51
blastedtah I see MS destroys the boot loader when windows is installed, pleasant.19:51
NewWorldmax987:  genii-around : when has X ever crashed and just flat-out shutdown the computer? usually X restarts or it throws you into shell19:51
basil1xNewWorld: Can't read superblock19:51
blastedtwhat im looking for is when all is said and done, and the CDs are packed away, every boot it asks me for Ubuntu/Win7 instead of having to go into the BIOS and choose the boot partition19:51
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NewWorldbasil1x:  `sudo mkdir /media/cdrom`19:51
wilee-nileeblastedt, This is easily remedied with reloading the mbr, you can put grub or the MS bootloader with just a few commands from a disc.19:52
blastedtoh thanks wilee19:52
basil1xNewWorld:  I did that19:52
blastedtdidnt see that earlier one about the menu19:52
max987genii-around, here we go, its pretty much the same all time so i just uploaded last few: http://pastebin.com/W19xrQsc19:52
NewWorldbasil1x:  well..... now mount ofcourse19:52
blastedtalright im gonna root around and try to find more stuff to backup, i feel like im missing something.  hopefully I'll be back in a few hours on a ubuntu install19:52
max987newworld: if you are interested (and as genii just left), i pastebin'd my xsession errorlog here http://pastebin.com/W19xrQsc19:53
basil1xNewWorld:  I tried that... that's when  it told me 'can't read superblock'19:53
lapionanybody know of any protest against abandoning 11.04, like was done against the abandoning of W XP ?19:53
NewWorldbasil1x:  sorry, i dunno wwhat that error means. you should google it19:53
wilee-nileeblastedt, This is an excellent site for info.  http://members.iinet.net.au/~herman546/p23.html19:54
jriblapion: why would there be...?  It's announced well in advance and you can simply upgrade to 11.1019:54
blastedtthanks wilee19:54
wilee-nileeno problem. ;)19:54
NewWorldmax987:  I'm not 100% but it looks like just stuff to do with your network card. gnome-keyring manages keys for networks, ecore seems network-related since it has DNS in it's name.19:54
NewWorldmax987:  doubt that network stuff crashed your computer. Particularly if it's been outputting these errors before and after the crash19:55
max987newworld: my network is working fine so maybe its not crash related19:55
lapionjrib, protest against unity19:56
max987genii-around, welcome back, i pastebin'd here http://pastebin.com/W19xrQsc and newworld took a look on it, seems to be network related only19:56
basil1xNewWorld:  thanks, but this has just reached my limit.  I will now reinstall 12.10, clean this time, and attempt to recreate my system.  If that fails, I shallreinstall 12.04, which did not have this error19:56
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NewWorldbasil1x:  OK good luck)19:56
basil1xTTFN o/19:57
SplasHX11Hi, I've installed ubuntu 12.04 desktop on my server which has normally no monitor. When I connect a monitor, the resolution is set to 1920x1080 and I can use x11vnc and a client to control the server remotely with this resolution. But if the server starts without monitor the resolution is set to 1024x768. With the gui under system settings I can't set it, because every control is disabled19:57
SplasHX11(grey). How can I set the resolution without monitor connected?19:57
NewWorldmax987:  if this happened only once, I'd just forget about it. also, i'd hate for this to be a hardware fault :/19:57
GeorgeTorwellwhat is LVM? Do I need it to do full disk encryption?19:58
gordonjcpGeorgeTorwell: Logical Volume Manager19:58
max987NewWorld, seems like i cant do much anyways as logfiles are empty.. ofc i dont feel very confident about a crash without log entries on 2nd day of use (makes me guess it could be a HW / driver problem too :-( )19:58
lion42GeorgeTorwell, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_Volume_Manager_%28Linux%29 and yes, afaik.19:59
gordonjcp!lvm | GeorgeTorwell19:59
ubottuGeorgeTorwell: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:59
blastedti cant believe the only thing I have to backup is wallpaper images, I must be missing something important19:59
NewWorldmax987:  keep your receipts and warranty docs19:59
GeorgeTorwelllion42: the ubuntu installer lets you select full disk encryption without also having to select USE LVM19:59
err-orblastedt: what do you want to backup?20:00
wilee-nileeblastedt, This a OEM windows install?20:00
max987NewWorld, i will thanks. if problems occur again i will probably try another distro first or to update some drivers .. it worked pretty well and out of the box yet ..20:00
blastedti have no idea. trying to find any important data out of all the stuff I have.  just don't think that the only important thing here is wallpapers20:00
blastedti feel like i've forgotten something important but no idea what that something is haha20:01
lion42GeorgeTorwell, oh, perhaps that's the most recent one (which I don't run.) I have given you mistaken information. The only way I have set up fully encrypted ubuntu is with an LVM.20:01
err-orblastedt: you mean ubuntu or what?20:01
blastedtno, preparing to format and install ubuntu20:01
GeorgeTorwellyes its the most recent one20:01
err-orblastedt: depends on what you think is important? ;)20:01
wilee-nileeblastedt, Up to the PRO version you are allowed one full backup a clone of the OS, also make a recovery disc as well.20:02
GeorgeTorwellmaybe thats why its not doing the disk encryption for me, but I dont undeerstand why the installer would make it optional if its required to encrypt hte disk20:02
wilee-nileeunless you have a install disc.20:02
max987NewWorld, genii-around: thanks for your help and time, have a nice day bb20:02
AmpersandHi everyone, I'd like to ask a question. Since I've upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10, all the time when I shut down or reboot the computer, the "Ubuntu 12.10" splash screen fills up with text like "Asking all remaining processes to terminate [OK], Mail transport agent postfix [OK]" and it continues... The shut down/restart goes on without any problem, however, I'd like not to see this text if possible. Could you please tell me if anything can be done about this?20:02
blastedtyeah I have an install disk through MSDNAA20:02
wilee-nileecool, you can use it for repairs when needed20:02
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Erik_DAmpersand: I suggest turning off your monitor :P20:03
Erik_DBut I'm not sure how to actually fix it, sorry20:03
dr_willisSplasHX11: dont use x11vnc on a headless box. i use tightvnc normally.20:03
Ampersandlol... yeah, not a bad idea, if it'd turn off once i press shutdown :P20:04
* Erik_D has always wondered why nobody has implemented that20:04
AmpersandI've been doing some reading on the internet and found this: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT... but being related to booting/GRUB, I'm not so sure it's safe to use20:05
GeorgeTorwellAmpersand: it only displays the text for a few seconds at most, why does that matter so much to you?20:05
dr_willisSplasHX11: x11vnc shares the current displayed desktop. you dont need that.  thats the core of the issue20:05
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Ampersandit doesn't matter so much, i was just wondering if there is an option to stop it completely20:06
brandon420I just upgraded minecraft, and it caused my second monitor to stop working. I can't figure out how to get it to work again. I am using ubuntu 12.10 unity-also tried gnome. It is a intel integrated video chip.20:06
dr_willisAmpersand: it changes the default grub boot options.. no magic v;-)20:06
brandon420Think anyone could point me in the right direction?20:06
MiningMarshAmpersand: that messages are not related to grub at all.20:06
dr_willisAmpersand: plymouth is just flakey with some  drivers20:06
SplasHX11dr_willis: yes, but that shouldn't be a problem if it is possible to set the resolution without monitor connected?20:06
Ampersandah, i see.. so this is because of the driver?20:07
dr_willisSplasHX11: with tightvnc you can..20:07
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Ampersandprobably the NVIDIA one.. it's the only one i needed to install through the additional drivers program20:07
dr_willisSplasHX11: x11vnc is a soecialized vnc server20:07
castlehey all... anyone here familiar with SSH tunneling with ubuntu?20:07
bekkscastle: Yeah.20:08
bekkscastle: Just ask, please.20:08
Erik_Dcastle: probably a lot of us. shoot20:08
Guest64422hello everybody, i have just installed ubuntu12.4 and i need to install longman contemporary dictionary on it , how can i do that? and is it free as other ubuntu package?20:08
brandon420Could someone help me get my second monitor working again?20:08
castlebekks:  i have an interesting scenario.. I have a PC at home with ssh (I am sshed in right now from school).. I need to access a website on a different server on my home network20:08
Ampersandwell.. i'll get used to it :P thanks everyone!20:08
domedagenWhen I use Nautilus as root it shows more files than when I'm using it without gksu. How can I see these files as a normal user?20:09
castlei'm basically trying to access my router's config page from school and I have ssh access to a local computer on my home LAN20:09
bekksssh -CX instead ssh20:09
Erik_DAmpersand: Sorry we couldn't be more help20:09
castlebekks using Putty i at school i should say20:09
bekksAnd then just open a webbrowser across your ssh session.20:09
Ampersandno problem20:09
EnderMBHey, I'm trying to install Ubuntu by setting up three partitions (root, swap, home). However, I've already got three partitions on my disk (Windows C, recovery, dell windows recovery) and as there's a limit of four partitions I'm a bit stuck. Anyone got any ideas on how I can handle this?20:09
castlei was using these instructions20:09
brandon420domedagen, have you tried ctrl+h? to show hidden files?20:09
gordonjcpEnderMB: extended partitions20:10
MiningMarshEnderMB: use gparted to create an extended partition20:10
Erik_Dcastle: look up the X vs Y option too, while you're at it20:10
Erik_Dfor ssh20:10
brandon420_cronus_, ptp?20:10
MiningMarshEnderMB: its a partition you can put virtual partitions into. It ahs no virtual partition limit20:10
domedagenbrandon420: Sorry was looking in the wrong directory20:10
GeorgeTorwellEnderMB: set up an extended partition20:10
brandon420Can someone help me get my second monitor working again? I just updated minecraft and it caused it to crash....20:11
EnderMBMiningMarsh: So, when I boot up Ubuntu using the CD, open up Gparted and turn all the free space into one extended partition?20:11
domedagenbrandon420: Installing Matlab and it is difficult as fuck20:11
blastedtinstead of using Window's built-in partitioner can I boot from the liveCD and use gparted?20:11
IdleOne!language | domedagen20:11
ubottudomedagen: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:11
MiningMarshEnderMB: Yes. I suggest a seperate gparted livecd. Its a little safer I think.20:12
brandon420domedagen, isn't that in the software center?20:12
SplasHX11dr_willis: ok. should I use thightvnc or is vnc4server also possible?20:12
domedagenbrandon420: Nope, mega commersial. Got a license from uni20:13
brandon420SplasHX11, vnc4serve is much simpler than tightvnc20:13
dr_willisSplasHX11: e20:13
Erik_Ddomedagen: Using or installing MATLAB? :P20:13
GeorgeTorwellIs anyone else completely unable to use the ubuntu software center? This is ridiculous20:13
domedagenErik_D: installing20:13
EnderMBMiningMarsh: So, when I create this extended partition, the Ubuntu installer will let me split that into separate virtual partitions20:13
EnderMB(Sorry, I'm a bit new to Linux)20:13
Erik_Ddomedagen: heh, what's not working?20:13
MiningMarshGeorgeTorwell: It kept freezing for me20:13
dr_willissoftware center workwd for me..20:14
GeorgeTorwellyeah me too20:14
nsaquaticsGood Day!20:14
OerHeksGeorgeTorwell, use synaptic :-)20:14
GeorgeTorwelland its been happening since 12.0420:14
gordonjcpEnderMB: yes, what happens is you create an extended partition then create more partitions inside that20:14
GeorgeTorwellI thought they would have fixed it by now20:14
gordonjcpEnderMB: as many as you want20:14
dr_willisbut i dont use it a lot20:14
EnderMBgordonjcp: Awesome, I'll give it a go, thanks20:14
brandon420Could anyone help me fix my external monitor? ubuntu 12.10 intel integrated chip20:14
domedagenErik_D: Octave is a press of a button. Matlab is trouble with accounts, write persmissions, iso and restrictions provided by MathWorks20:14
dr_willisi tend to just apt-get20:15
MiningMarshGeorgeTorwell: Not too muhc of a loss. The only thing the software center adds is reviews.20:15
GeorgeTorwellwell I like its search20:15
GeorgeTorwelland interface20:15
GeorgeTorwellmore than synaptic20:16
Erik_Ddomedagen: Well, ask MathWorks for help (unless you pirated it, then expect no sympathy from anyone...)20:16
MiningMarshGeorgeTorwell: aptitude search is pretty great, actually. Having a ui can be nice though. Synaptic is just sort of a hassle.20:16
ChotazHello, just finnish formatting my machine with Ubuntu 12.10 and I didn't get the usual drivers notification for my graphics card, how should I proceed?20:17
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Guest64422has anyone install longman dictionary on ubuntu already?20:17
brandon420Chotaz, Do you notice any problems?20:17
Chotazbrandon420, yes, the fans are at 100% as usual before installing drivers20:17
Kyle__How do you, from the command line, set a system-wide proxy?  a simple file in /etc/proifles.d easily adds http_proxy and https_proxy to the users' environments just fine, but appaerenlty that's not what chrome or mozilla look at.20:17
diplomaticocan anyone point me to where I could get help with compiz effects on UB stu 12.10?20:17
=== Dreadtower is now known as Breadflour
brandon420Chotaz, When I installed ubuntu on my current computer, the drivers came right without any input from me20:18
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Chotazbrandon420, it seems that for me it didn't get any.20:19
SplasHX11vnc4server seems to be a complete small desktop environment. can I use it with the desktop version of ubuntu too, or only with the server version without display manager installed?20:19
Chotazbrandon420, also in the system details application the Graphics tab says mine is unknown.20:19
brandon420Chotaz, What card/chip do you have?20:19
ChotazGeForce 9800GT20:19
dr_willisSplasHX11: install it. ssh in. run vncserver. connect with a vnc client....20:20
brandon420oh yay20:20
brandon420nvidia -_-20:20
samwise87hello there20:20
samwise87could anyone help me with virtualbox?20:20
wolssamwise87: state your actual problem20:20
Kyle__samwise87: what's the problem?20:20
Erik_Dsamwise87: What's your actual proble,?20:20
samwise87well, I want to install win 9520:20
dr_willisSplasHX11: you can have a dozen vnc sessions going at the same time uf you wanted to20:20
samwise87I start, set up a new hard disk, I get that part20:21
Erik_DThere's your problem :P20:21
SplasHX11okay, I try :)20:21
brandon420Chotaz, sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates20:21
Kyle__samwise87: OK, with you so far.20:21
szymonhi, im writing simple application in python using quickly in ubuntu. Now I want to include few extra text files ( templates ) to my application and want to store it in ~/aplication_name/templates  how could I do this? ( or where should I look for help? )20:21
brandon420Chotaz, Then apt-get update20:21
dr_willisSplasHX11: x11vnc would be limited to one. u think20:21
samwise87then I mount a working ISO20:21
brandon420Chotaz, Then apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-settings20:21
samwise87(quite sure it is working)20:21
wilee-nileebrandon420, xswat does not support quantal yet20:21
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samwise87then I start it20:21
samwise87and can't install it20:22
brandon420wilee-nilee, huh?20:22
Kyle__samwise87: What does it do, and which version of virtualbox are you using?20:22
samwise87because it can't find the "hard disk"20:22
wilee-nileebrandon420, look at the ppa.20:22
samwise87nothing basically20:22
Kyle__open or closed source?20:22
brandon420wilee-nilee, oh, dur20:22
samwise87open I think20:22
wilee-nileebrandon420, I was surprised myself they will catch up shortly probably.20:23
Chotazbrandon420, ill have to restart, right?20:23
Kyle__samwise87: Holdon, just did a fresh install, have to apt get it.20:23
brandon420Chotaz, you should. A relog may work.20:23
Kyle__samwise87: You're doing this through their gui yes?  You can (and I have) done it through the command line, but it's well... a bit painful, especially if you're just getting started with it.20:24
Erik_Dsamwise87: Do you know if it emulates IDE or SATA drives?20:24
Erik_DI can;t remember20:24
Kyle__Erik_D: You can emulate both actually.20:24
bekks13You can even emulate SAS and SCSI.20:25
Kyle__Erik_D: I don't think it can do virtio....20:25
Kyle__bekks: SAS I wasn't aware of.20:25
OerHeksbrandon420, wilee-nilee xorg edgers is alive > https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa20:25
ChotazAlso, I see Skype as a free program than the Install button says Buy...?20:25
Erik_DWell 95 can only deal with IDE (I think)20:25
brandon420Can someone help me get my second monitor working? ubuntu 12.10 intel integrated chip20:25
wilee-nileeOerHeks, I had not checked there, I don't need the code myself.20:25
Erik_Dbrandon420: is it plugged in?20:25
brandon420Erik_D, Lol.20:26
wilee-nileeOerHeks, A little more risky, hehe.20:26
brandon420Let me check20:26
Erik_Dbrandon420: update drivers?20:26
brandon420Yeah, i think so. =p20:26
usr13_brandon420: You'll probably have to use xrandr.20:26
dr_willisChotaz: yes..ms wants to sell you the service...20:26
brandon420I updated minecraft, my screen flashed black and only my laptop monitor came back on20:26
usr13_brandon420: .... but if you switch to Nvidia, there will be a GUI apt that makes it easy.20:26
OerHekswilee-nilee, i know, there must be a good reason for using it. i would first try backports myself.20:26
Erik_Dbrandon420: I dont think that was minecraft...20:27
Kyle__ok samwise87, what OS/version did you choose when you started building your vm?  Which bittiness (32 64) ,etc?20:27
Erik_DBack in my day, we had to manually edit xorg.conf...20:27
samwise87couldn't choose bit20:27
samwise87windows and 9520:27
Kyle__Erik_D: Back in my day, it was called XFree86.conf20:27
wilee-nileeOerHeks, I have been lucky all my computers are old enough to not need anything but the regular repos code.20:27
diplomaticoany assistance with compiz use with nvidia and ubuntu studio 12.10?20:28
brandon420Erik_D, It was working perfectly. And at exactly the same time i was updating it flashed. And now it will not detect it.20:28
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:28
OerHekswilee-nilee, i run with the standard driver, only chrome gives artifacts and blurs20:28
Kyle__samwise87: Do you have a boot floppy for 95?  Windows didn't have a bootable install CD until 98se (if you don't count their corperate install image, which was bootable when 98 was first released).20:28
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html - See also !cloning20:28
dr_willisdiminoten: install ubuntu-desktop package and it will install it all..20:28
samwise87got one20:29
Kyle__OK, so you set it all up, but when you try and boot, it just hangs?20:29
samwise87that was the first isseue20:29
samwise87got around that20:29
samwise87no, it is just nothign20:29
Erik_DKyle__: I'm only 19, so it really hasn't been that long XD20:29
samwise87sorry, I will be more discriptive20:29
wilee-nileeOerHeks, On another topic I would like a nice purdy gui full live backup option though, I have not found one yet.20:30
samwise87it says a: (the floppy)20:30
Kyle__Erik_D: :D  keep at it.  Us unixy folks get grey beards awfully fast.  At 35 mine is already salt-and-pepper.20:30
samwise87and the cd drive becomes r:\20:30
samwise87but there is no c: like there should be20:30
Erik_Dbrandon420: Does minecraft mess with your graphics drivers at all?20:30
samwise87(at least in my opinion)\20:30
Erik_DKyle__: Mine kinda growing in.20:30
blastedtWill Ubuntu connect to ethernet automatically, or should I put all my various drivers on a CD before installing?20:31
OerHekswilee-nilee, Back In Time is a nice gui for rsync, diff and cron20:31
wajeembahello all, I'm having trouble with sound. The status bar widget will not turn up, and when I manually crank it in ALSA, nothing happens. I received a toast notification about how my Intel HDA sound card wasn't available or something. ideas?20:31
wilee-nileeblastedt, I would make sure you tick the load updates in the install is all.20:31
Kyle__samwise87: When was the last time you installed win95?  My guess is, you need to make a new VM, choose the older chipset (piix3 I think), make sure it's an IDE drive, smaller than 4 or 8 GB, whichever was the barrier back then, and make your partition after you're in the installer.20:32
blastedtthank you20:32
samwise87I need to make a partition?20:32
samwise87I did not know that20:32
blastedtalright wish me luck, I think I'm off to format20:32
wilee-nileeOerHeks, I was looking at back in time yesterday, as of now I just use grsync for home and clonezilla for the whole thing.20:32
Kyle__samwise87: Windows95, I think you had to, yes.20:32
samwise87I chose 200 MB20:32
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=== Breadflour is now known as Dreadtower
Kyle__samwise87: It's not like I've installed it recently :)20:33
samwise87because I don't have much room and it always was enough20:33
dtigueanyone know why centerim would change the names of my contacts on my android phone and how i can stop that from happening?20:33
samwise87I haven't in 10 years or so20:33
samwise87I could try 9820:33
samwise87I will try the chipset20:33
samwise87there is just no c: available20:33
DebolazHmm, ppa:brianmercer/php is disabled now. How do I get php-fpm in Ubuntu 10.04?20:33
samwise87which wrecks everythign20:33
Kyle__samwise87: There are some good reasources for 98 out there, including an unofficial update that gives it lots of modernesque drivers (at least for virtualization).20:33
samwise87I have a netbook20:34
samwise87that is the problem20:34
samwise87so I thought20:34
samwise8795 is enough and doesn't need as much20:34
samwise87I might have to do 9820:34
Erik_Dsamwise87: out of curiosity, why do you need an ancient OS?20:35
samwise87really old games...20:35
wajeembayeah, how old?20:35
dr_willisdosbox is great :)20:36
samwise87nope, sadly not - win games20:36
Kyle__samwise87: Wine or dosbox may be good for them.  Never nkow until you try it.20:36
samwise87tried both20:36
wajeembahehe, if you can get win95 running, that definitely deserves props :}20:36
malinmysticalzero: her is a pastebin of syslog: http://pastebin.com/exJgRSsV20:36
samwise87of course20:36
samwise87it is in the list20:37
samwise87shouldn't it work then?20:37
samwise87it is the old chipset20:37
samwise87but my problem is easy to recreate20:37
Erik_Dsamwise87: I would think it dumbs down the hardware if you specify it :/20:37
samwise87I don't even get as far as installing20:37
wolssamwise87: what IDE chipset do you use?20:37
Erik_Dsamwise87: Good luck though.20:37
samwise87because it doesn't find c:20:37
dinamicex1Hi! I need to use Java to solve algorithmic problems for school. Can someone tell me what's the fastest way to install and configure it to run with an editor/IDE?20:38
acamiloHello, does anyone know how to throw up a quick, temporary IRC server? i'm working with an embedded device that will try to request an address. I don't want to install something perminent.20:38
wols!install java20:38
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acamilooops DHCP20:38
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.20:38
acamilobrainfart. sorry20:38
samwise87good call20:38
samwise87let's see20:38
wolssamwise87: it supports piix3 afaik. and even then you might need vendor provided drivers20:38
samwise87piix3 didn't help20:39
samwise87cd drive still becomes r (never did that) afaik20:40
wolshow do you check it doesn't work?20:40
wolsCD is irrelevant20:40
samwise87well there is only 2 drives available20:40
samwise87a and r20:40
samwise87I can't put windows anywhere20:40
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brandon420Erik_D, I really don't think so. But both monitors have been working perfectly for days.20:41
wolssamwise87: e.g. https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?p=1679720:41
samwise87wols: thanks20:41
samwise87I will read that20:41
samwise87I have been searching for days, never found anything20:41
samwise87didn't see that20:43
samwise87don't see the meaning as I tried both20:43
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wajeembano ideas on sound? I just tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto to no avail..20:45
samwise87so how does virtualbox behave differently than any old computer?20:45
bekksYou can virtualize current computer using vbox as well.20:46
wolssamwise87: there is no harddisk cause there are no partitions. run fdisk20:46
samwise87I will try that20:46
brandon420Can anyone help me get my second monitor working again?20:47
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=== Breadflour is now known as Dreadtower
usr13_brandon420: What happened to it?20:48
OerHeksanoying script, Dreadtower, changing name any 15 min20:48
invisibleheeroHey guys, my firefox doesn't seem to download anything anymore. I go to a page and try click on FILE -> SAVE AS and it doesn't do anything doesn't get saved to the Downloads folder and when I do a find / -iname ITEMNAMEHERE it doesn't find anything I tried a locate and a nautilus find too20:50
brandon420usr13, I'm not sure. I updated minecraft, my screen flashed black and only my laptop monitor came back on...20:51
samwise87wols: thanks a lot20:51
samwise87that was the missing step20:51
samwise87just as info20:51
samwise87I did read the manual20:52
samwise87I tried searching20:52
usr13_brandon420: Minecraft blew away your display settings.20:52
samwise87never saw this20:52
wastrelminecraft :[20:52
samwise87never had to use it before20:52
samwise87so thanks a lot for your help20:52
samwise87I can go on trying20:52
samwise87that was the missing step20:52
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:53
malinmysticalzero: I changed ipv6 to ignore in network-manager and then it connects as I log in. looks like ipv6-sometihing is causing this20:53
brandon420usr13, how do i get it back?20:54
usr13_brandon420: How did you get it the first time?20:54
bshow can i know the running application in the memory?20:55
usr13_brandon420: Probably need to use xrandr20:55
usr13_bs: Which running application?20:55
bsyou know like in windows you can know every thing running from task manager how about ubuntue20:56
usr13_bs: top or htop20:56
bsusr13, what do you mean20:56
usr13_bs: htop  (is my favorite)20:56
bsusr13, what htop mean?20:56
usr13_bs: open a terminal window and type htop and hit Enter.20:57
PlinkerI need the syntax for making someone permanent op on a channel [/msg chanserv access #channel <nick>]  thought this was it....20:57
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usr13_Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntue20:57
brandon420usr13, The first time I just went to the display settings > Detect displays and it showed up.20:58
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usr13_brandon420: Ok, so just do that again.20:58
brandon420usr13, It doesn't detect the display20:58
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usr13_brandon420: Reboot, or use xrandr20:58
usr13_brandon420: (Not knowing what minecraft has done to your display settings, that's all I can think of.)20:59
brandon420usr13, I am going to try xrandr. A reboot did not fix the problem.21:00
nicofsI need help scanning - the scanner (Brother MFC 5440CN) is switched on, connected to the network, i followed the manufacturer's instructions (http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/instruction_scn1b.html) - but simple-scan has no device. what do i do?21:00
wolsnicofs:  dpkg  -l  |  grep  Brother21:02
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=== Breadflour is now known as Dreadtower
nicofswols, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1305851/21:03
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ray76hi room. My laptop updated openGL related? drivers 2 days ago and since i have had no working openGL. Could someone point me in the right direction to find out whats wrong or post a bug report21:08
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Kyle__ray76: Out of curiosity, how did you test that you have no GL?21:13
nicofswols, still there or shall i ask someone else?21:13
SplasHX11I got vnc4serve almost working with unity, but mouse clicks in the upper bar with network icon, shutdown button, ... don't work. I can click, but the windows are only shown until i release the mouse button. any idea what's wrong?21:14
Kyle__SplasHX11: How are you running vnc server?  Just from a command line?21:16
SplasHX11Kyle__: Yes, i start the server over ssh21:16
Kyle__SplasHX11: What are you running in your .vnc/xinitrc?21:17
ray76Kyle__  , well i use to play warzone2100, armagetronAD and use the Xscreensaver glMatrix. none now work...  running armagetron from a terminal gives a bad alloc error. so just guessing its opengl. all else seems ok21:19
Kyle__ray76: on a command line, type glxinfo|less21:19
ActionParsnipray76: also, what is the output of:  lspci | grep -i vga21:19
ray76glxinfo not installed, should i install it?21:20
nicofsCan someone help me get my scanner to work? I don't have a device listed in simple-scan...21:20
ActionParsnipnicofs: what make and model?21:20
ray76lspci = 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)21:21
ActionParsnipnicofs: can you pastebin the output of:  lsusb; lsb_release -a; uname -a      Thanks21:21
Kyle__ray76: Yea, it's small, won't hurt anything.  All it does it tell you what sort of rendering you have.21:21
SplasHX11Kyle__: i tried this http://kb.realvnc.com/questions/196/VNC+Server+in+Virtual+Mode+does+not+start+correctly+on+Ubuntu+12.04  and this http://pastebin.com/W2qYUJqM  With both I have the same behaviour21:21
ActionParsnipray76: if you run: sudo lshw -C display      does it say UNCLAIMED ?21:21
Kyle__ray76: So that's wehre we start.21:21
nicofsActionParsnip, it's a network scanner - so lsusb won't work...21:21
ActionParsnipnicofs: can you ping the scanner?21:22
ray76Kyle__ no probs, back in a mo21:22
nicofsActionParsnip, yes.21:22
ActionParsnipnicofs: what make and model is the device?21:22
nicofsActionParsnip, Brother MFC 5440CN, drivers installed according to guideline from Brother21:22
ActionParsnipnicofs: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc21:22
nicofsActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1305901/21:23
ActionParsnipnicofs: did you install the driver from the Brother site?21:24
ActionParsnipnicofs: thanks for using a pastebin :)21:24
nicofsActionParsnip, yes. and well - i don't want to spam the channel ;-)21:24
Kyle__SplasHX11: OK.  That's the default, other than forcing the session to be unity-2d. Have you only tried vnc4server?  My guess is unity is using X features that aren't in the antique we know and love as vncserver.  Tigervnc (you have to download a tarball, no ppa I think), works well from 12.04 for me.  Also tightvnc should be more updated than vncserver or vnc4server.21:24
ray76Kyle__  the last does come up with *-display:1 UNCLAIMED21:25
ActionParsnipnicofs: seems you just need to put the IP of the device in /etc/sane.d/net.conf    source: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo#LAN-based_scanners21:26
ActionParsnipnicofs: http://blog.philippklaus.de/2011/11/install-brother-dcp-7054dn-on-ubuntu/    if it doesn't work21:27
Kyle__ray76: That's all it says?21:27
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ActionParsnipKyle__: I hate VNC, it should die21:27
afallenhopeI fixed my Firefox issue21:27
brandon420Can someone help me get my second monitor working again?21:27
Kyle__ActionParsnip: It makes my life immensely easier.21:27
brandon420randr did not work.21:27
afallenhopeDidn't need to reinstall either21:27
ray76Kyle__ do i just paste the results on here ? also glxinfo comes up with X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)21:27
Kyle__brandon420: xrandr didn't work?21:27
ActionParsnipKyle__: what do you use it to achieve?21:28
Kyle__ray76: pastebin.org or some such.21:28
ActionParsnipafallenhope: for a browser issue, I wouldn't go for a reinstall21:28
SplasHX11Kyle__: I also tried x11vnc, but the problem is that I don't know how to change the display resolution without monitor connected, so that I get a higher resolution than 1024x768.21:28
brandon420Kyle__, nope. It does not give me the option for the hdmi monitor21:28
brandon420SplasHX11, have you tried vnc4serve? I could walk you through it21:28
ActionParsnipSplasHX11: try installing xfce4 and using the xfce session. I've seen issues with people trying to use Unity over VNC21:28
afallenhopeActionParsnip,  I didn't. But apparently no one knew how to fix the issue with the download dialog box not showing up21:29
ActionParsnipafallenhope: did you rename ~/.mozilla/firefox ?21:29
Kyle__ActionParsnip: Peeking on student/instructor workstations when there's a problem.  And a desktop in the cloud I can connect to from anywayere, and be on my work network.  Way nicer than a VPN.21:29
gordonjcpSplasHX11: yeah, Unity and VNC don't really get on21:29
gordonjcpSplasHX11: What exactly are you trying to do?21:29
kenneth__hey guys any crowbar guys in the building today?21:29
afallenhopeActionParsnip, no because that would have erased all my preferences21:29
ActionParsnipKyle__: I guess it's one way21:30
Kyle__SplasHX11: Did you do the thing where you put a file/script in /etc/init/ to launc x11vnc automagically for you?21:30
ActionParsnipafallenhope: It doesn't erase anything, note the word RENAME21:30
Kyle__ActionParsnip: I know there are other remote desktop protocols, but the ubiquity and robustness of VNC is fantastic, even if it's not as elegant.21:30
ActionParsnipKyle__: yeah its not very elegant, thats my problem with it. I talked to a guy who was VNCing in then firing up a terminal, no foolin21:31
SplasHX11gordonjcp: I just want to have vnc for my server which runs ubuntu 12.04 desktop21:31
gordonjcpSplasHX11: o_O21:31
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ActionParsnipafallenhope: you can restore favourites from backup etc, or sync to the web and you have no issues21:31
gordonjcpSplasHX11: if it's a server, you don't really need X at all21:31
afallenhopeActionParsnip, it creates a new profile and thus all your extentions and favourites and stuff21:31
afallenhopeActionParsnip, it was an easy fix nonetheless21:32
gordonjcpSplasHX11: and for maintaining a server, X is totally useless21:32
Kyle__ActionParsnip: xfce has a settings daemon now days, because simple and solid wasn't enough I suppose.  ANyway, xfce-settings-daemon tends to segfault and die after a few clicks or keypresses into a vncserver session.  If you want XFCE with ubuntu 12.x, you need to run xfvb + x11vnc.21:32
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ActionParsnipafallenhope: yes, but the old stuff would be in the folder you renamed to, wouldn't it?21:32
dhanasekaranHi How to find active ftp download going on my server21:32
Kyle__ActionParsnip: Did you hit him with something very heavy?  A cluestick hopefully?21:32
ray76Kyle__  hope i have done this right http://pastebin.com/Zk5JYXcZ21:32
ActionParsnipKyle__: oh very21:32
SplasHX11Kyle:: no, i only tried it over ssh:  x11vnc -forever -nevershared -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -display :021:32
afallenhopeActionParsnip, it's still a tedious task to move from one profile to another my solution was easier21:32
ActionParsnipdhanasekaran: you can use netstat on port 2221:33
afallenhopeActionParsnip,  echo > ~/.mozilla/firefox/downloads.sqlite21:33
Kyle__SplasHX11: THat should have done it... what happened?21:33
ActionParsnipafallenhope: ahhhh21:33
Kyle__SplasHX11: Of course keep in mind that will die when lightdm dies, which is each time you log out.21:33
nicofsActionParsnip, ok - I have the device. but now I get errors instead of scans. "Invalid argument" (xsane) and "unable to connect" (simple-scan)...21:33
ActionParsnipafallenhope: I don't have that issue, I use Chrome, all synced up. Log in and the settings flow in21:33
ActionParsnipnicofs: tried xsane?21:34
afallenhopeActionParsnip, I use chrome too21:34
afallenhopeI have chromium21:34
ActionParsnipafallenhope: chromium  isn't chrome :)21:34
ActionParsnipafallenhope: why 2 browser?21:34
Kyle__ray76: YOu did it right.  Looks like it switched drivers or something on you.  Can you put the output of xdpyinfo into another pastebin for us?21:34
nicofsActionParsnip, "invalid argument"21:34
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ActionParsnipnicofs: did you try the 2nd link I gave?21:35
ray76Kyle__ certainly, give us a sec21:35
nicofsActionParsnip, yes...21:35
afallenhopeActionParsnip, I'm a developer I need to know what a site looks / functions on both browsers21:35
SplasHX11gordonjcp: sometimes it is very comfortable to have a gui to configure some things and i maybe want to use it remotely for some "none server things" under lniux, because I use windows as main os21:35
serghow to understand why apt-get fails in --configure step? are there any logs or any way to enable the verbose/debug mode?21:36
ActionParsnipnicofs: try#10 here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108997221:36
cavecartographAnyone bored and want to help with a hrad drive issue? Seems to be a problem with going from 8.04 to 12.04...21:36
ActionParsnipafallenhope: makes sense, I always ask when folks have multiple browsers :)21:36
Kyle__afallenhope: Does that mean you run the windows version of safari through wine, so you can test that way too?21:36
gordonjcpSplasHX11: there's nothing on a server that you can configure with a GUI21:36
nicofsActionParsnip, "Failed to open device `brother2:net1;dev0': Invalid argument."21:37
ActionParsnipcavecartograph: did you upgrade  to lucid in between21:37
afallenhopeKyle__, I have Windows and MaxOS in a virtual machine, so yes21:37
* Kyle__ did set that up a long time ago... was evil.21:37
cavecartographIt may have something to do with crypttab, but I am unsure21:37
afallenhopeIE8 in wine IE 9 through Windows Virtual Box and Safari through Max OS virtualbox21:37
ray76Kyle__ here you go http://pastebin.com/mD5SNabh21:37
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Kyle__afallenhope: Ahh, VMs are nice.  I did it with wine, along side ies4linux.  Was the most god-awful and glorious thing to see.  A gnome desktop with ie, safari, and firefox (this was way before chrome).21:38
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nicofsActionParsnip, #10 is what i already did following the instructions from brother...21:38
SplasHX11Kyle__: it works good, but the resolution is set to 1024x768 and I don't know how to change it to a higer resolution withotu monitor connected. The "-gemoetry" option of x11vnc only scales the output.21:38
ActionParsnipnicofs: do you have sane-net installed?21:38
afallenhopeChrome Windows, Linux and Mac, same goes with Firefox and for Safari just Windows and Mac21:38
Kyle__SplasHX11: That's because it's the geometry of the running X.  YOu need to change X to be the resolution you want.21:38
ActionParsnipnicofs: also look at: man brsaneconfig221:39
afallenhopeAlrighty it's time to head home take care21:39
FloodBot1mkiy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:40
ActionParsnipnicofs: seems to be:  brsaneconfig2 -a name=FRIENDLY-NAME model=MODEL-NAME ip=xx.xx.xx.xx21:40
ActionParsnipnicofs: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=227529221:40
FloodBot1mkiy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:40
gordonjcpmkiy: pack it in21:40
ActionParsnip!ops | mkiy21:40
ubottumkiy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!21:40
sakura37540Hello. I'm trying to get my built in bluetooth card working. After a lot of internet searching, I found that I have to use ndiswrapper and the windows drivers. So I set that up and installed the driver, but now ndiswrapper says that the driver's installed by the hardware isn't present, even though I know it's the correct hardware / driver. Where should I go from here?21:41
VirungaHi, after installed a package name sadms which asked my some questions during installation, this command gives me nothing sudo debconf-get-selections | grep *sadms* . Why? Can you help me, please?21:41
VirungaI'd like to know the name of the question it asked me.21:41
Kyle__ray76: Damn.  I was hoping to see something nice and obvious like DRI2 or GLX missing.  that output looks right :/  Last one, xvinfo21:42
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SplasHX11Kyle__: I know that, but I don't know how I can set the resolution of x.21:42
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nicofsActionParsnip, brsaneconfig2 has no manual - ant apt-get install sane-net returns "unable to locate"... and the link to the forum is exactly the same as the instructions from brother that i followed...21:42
VirungaI want create a kind of non interactive installation.21:42
tello14would this be where i could get some help with java? its been rather evil lately.21:43
Kyle__SplasHX11: Course you can.  Fragment xorg.conf (or full xorg.conf), and specify it.  Supposedly you can change it on the fly with xrandr.21:43
ActionParsniptello14: is it installing Java in Ubuntu?21:43
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ActionParsnipnicofs: http://askubuntu.com/questions/91933/how-do-i-make-the-scanner-function-of-my-brother-dcp-315cn-work21:44
razorbuzzUpgrade probem from 12.04.1 to 12.10.  Just did update-manager -d. The initramfs portion failed "status code 1". The rest of the process finished, reboot and - Nothing. I get a GRUB prompt telling me there are no kernels installed.21:44
tello14no i have it installed its just i play Minecraft which uses java to run jar files but all of the sudden, java stoped working for any jar files. i was chattin with a linux guy i know and he couldnt figure it out.21:44
SplasHX11Kyle__: I tried it with xrandr but only got "cannot finde mode..."21:45
ray76Kyle__  http://pastebin.com/0MWtRmz6  thanks for the help, the video stopped directly after an update, with video related files. and you can undo them :(21:45
ActionParsniptello14: how did you install Java?21:45
Kyle__SplasHX11: What did xrandr with no options tell you?21:45
tello14through the software centre21:45
ActionParsniptello14: whatpackage did you install?21:46
sakura37540Hello. I'm trying to get my built in bluetooth card working. After a lot of internet searching, I found that I have to use ndiswrapper and the windows drivers. So I set that up and installed the driver, but now ndiswrapper says that the driver's installed by the hardware isn't present, even though I know it's the correct hardware / driver. Where should I go from here?21:46
tello14ahh i have both 6 runtime and 7 jdk21:46
Kyle__ray76: you can,b ut I don't know how.  ActionParsnip Probably woudl.21:46
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SplasHX11Kyle__: "Can't open display"21:46
Kyle__SplasHX11: I think it needs to be run from the running X session.21:47
ActionParsniptello14: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc    please21:47
ActionParsniptello14: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer21:48
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nicofsActionParsnip, there is a distinct and gratifying noise emerging from the room the scanner is in. thanks a lot :)21:48
ActionParsnipnicofs: all I did was search dude.....21:48
nicofsActionParsnip, sometimes, even searching correctly requires some experience...21:49
VirungaCould you help with the debconf-get-selctions command?21:49
tello14alright it is downloading21:49
ActionParsnipnicofs: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=brsaneconfig2+how+to    is what I used21:49
razorbuzzDoes anybody have any thoughts on a missing kernel after upgrade to 12.10?   Upgrade process removed all 3.2's, said it installed 3.5 but then threw an error on initramfs and now I get a grub command prompt upon attempting to boot.21:49
tello14k it finished21:50
ActionParsniptello14: That is Oracle Java latest, try now21:50
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nicofsActionParsnip, i tried everything with the name of my device in it...21:50
ray76Kyle__ thanks for the try! little closer and i now know more.21:50
Kyle__ray76: Damn.  It really _looks_ like everything is fine, until you hit the glxinfo and see the error.  Did you bounce your box after the upgrade?  Is it somehow not getting the kernel module?21:50
ActionParsnipnicofs: its not speciic to the device, the command was brsaneconfig so you needed to search for that. All Brother devices use the same command21:51
sakura37540I can't find an answer by searching, I've installed a driver using ndiswrapper but it says the hardware isn't present, even though I know it's the right driver for my hardware. Where should I go from here?21:52
tello14alright, i tried it but when the download finished the updater popped up so i will try after i have the updates21:52
nicofsActionParsnip, as i said - sometimes it requires experience... or superior knowledge... next time, i'm wiser - and i can share that :)21:52
razorbuzzBox didn't bounce after the update - no kernels.21:53
ses1984i'm trying to p2v an old ubuntu 10.04 server, using kvm/virt-manager. using virt-manager, i've connected to my kvm host, created a new virtual machine and disk, booted the vm with ubuntu livecd...21:53
ray76Kyle__  this box is non-PAE so no upgrade for me :( still on 12.04  clean install 2 days ago. all fine until the last update. gutted..  lol at least i was close21:53
ses1984mounted the virtual disk, rsynced the old disk contents to the new virtual disk, but i can't boot from the virtual disk.21:54
bekksses1984: Did you reinstall the bootloader?21:54
ActionParsnipnicofs: I don't own a brother ANYTHING, I just searched...21:54
sakura37540Am I just asking a stupid question or something? :/21:55
ses1984i tried using boot-repair but it finished with an error21:55
ActionParsnipsakura37540: ndiswrapper won't work for bluetooth21:55
dr_willissakura37540: or no one knows.21:55
ses1984i also tried using boot-repair-disk but the UI was completely glitched through virt-manager/vnc21:57
ActionParsnipses1984: you could chroot from a liveCD and do things there21:57
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razorbuzzUpgrade to 12.10 failed from 12.04 - grub can't find a kernel. Upgrade removed all 3.2's and installed a 3.5, but initramfs failed (and apparently update-grub did, too?). Tried searching - no results. Any thoughts/help?21:58
ActionParsnipses1984: like reinstate the bootloader and remove some of the kernels you no longer use21:58
razorbuzzNo GRUB menu at all. Just a command prompt appears on after 12.10 upgrade21:59
dr_willisrazorbuzz: live cd. chroot in. reinstall kernel.21:59
ActionParsniprazorbuzz: if you boot to liveCD you can chroot to the installed OS and do stuff there21:59
ActionParsniprazorbuzz: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video22:00
dr_willisthats a big bug in the installer sounds like.22:00
razorbuzzdr_willis.    LiveCD just finished DLing. I get the reinstall kernel. Tip on chroot? (or, a point in the right direct to get direction?22:00
remsSshi everybody22:00
ses1984alright i have the vm booted to live cd and the virtual disk mounted...reading up on chroot now but if anyone knows a guide that explains how to do this that would help a lot22:00
Kyle__OK.  So to get gnome apps (like firefox) to use a proper proxy, you need to use "gsettings set blah"22:00
ActionParsnipses1984: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video22:00
ActionParsnipKyle__: firefox isn't a gnome app22:01
razorbuzzdr_willis, ActionParsnip, Huge bug in the installer.22:01
Kyle__And according to the gnome folks, you can put system-wide configs in /etc/dconf/db .... but there is nothing like that in /etc22:01
razorbuzzThanks. I'll follow up if unsuccessful. Rebooting now22:01
ActionParsnipKyle__: did you export http_proxy and ftp_proxy to the proxy you use?22:01
tello14alright actionparsnip, i did evrything, still doesnt work22:02
Kyle__ActionParsnip: The ubuntu build of it appears to be built against gnome.  It didn't honor http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY, but does work if I set a proxy using gsettings22:02
trismKyle__: you best bet is probably gsettings vendor overrides in ubuntu, I have not been able to get the system-wide dconf stuff working22:03
jorgpwhen I use boot into livecd how do I get a mx5500 bluetooth keyboard and mouse to work?22:03
jorgplivecd 12.1022:03
ActionParsnipjorgp: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-setup-bluetooth-keyboard-and-mouse-in-ubuntu.html22:04
Kyle__trism: Argh.  Where are the overrides then?22:04
* Kyle__ feels bad for his desk, his head has hit it too many times today.22:04
ActionParsnipjorgp: may help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothInputDevices22:04
trismKyle__: /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ http://www.burtonini.com/blog/computers/gsettings-override-2011-07-04-15-4522:04
Kyle__trism: thank you!  I really need to get this all in the default, because most of my users can't be bothered to follow the simplest recipie for something like, setting a proxy.22:06
jorgpthanks, but I only have a mx5500 keyboard, so I can not even click on try ubuntu22:08
ses1984well that was pretty easy. i got a little farther. i see the grub menu, but if i choose regular kernel or even recovery, it gets stuck saying fsck--/dev/vda1: clean, then nothing happens22:08
MyersGmy computer is saying for the sound, dummy out put, and someone help?22:09
tello14aye java. y u no work anymore22:10
tello14iv been workin on this for like 5 hours now22:10
ActionParsniptello14: that's all I know, the /usr/bin/java will now point to the oracle java. Did you try a reboot?22:11
MyersGsome one please help!22:11
tello14like a thousand times. ill check if a reboot is what the software need to kick in though. brb22:12
MyersGmy computer is saying for the sound, dummy out put, and someone help?22:12
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knoppiesHi, I am running Xubuntu12.04 I logged into openbox to test something and now all my transparency is messed up. I am assuming a driver/config issue. Any suggestions?22:12
knoppiesI have logged back into XFCE and it is still messed up.22:13
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ActionParsnipknoppies: is the transparency ok in XFCE or is that where the issue is?22:16
tello14reboot and no change22:16
Liger12Whilst installing ubuntuserver 12.04.1 64bit, off of usb using xboot, the install works fine until detecting cd-rom devices comes up and detects them and then freezes on puple screen22:17
Liger12Could anyone help me?22:17
ActionParsniptello14: try running the app from terminal, it ma give clues22:17
knoppiesActionParsnip, the issue is in XFCE (and in openbox but I dont plan on using that again, as I said, it was to test something)22:17
ActionParsnipknoppies: what WM do you use in XFCE?22:17
ray76Kyle__  one last one, assuming this is a bug in the new update, what is the best way to report it?22:17
Kyle__ray76: ubuntu-bug22:18
tello14action this was going to be my second question :P know any good terminal tutorials? anyway yea so how can i start a program from terminal?22:18
Kyle__ray76: You run ubuntu-bug, and it should pop up a gui22:18
defektsick of so many updates on lts22:18
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ray76Kyle__  sweet thanks again22:18
ActionParsniptello14: what file are you trying to run with java?22:18
Kyle__ray76: no problem.22:18
ActionParsniptello14: where is the file located? The path is VERY case sensitive22:18
knoppiesActionParsnip, the XFCE one (I think its called XFWM), but I do have compiz installed (I haven't used it in a long time).22:19
knoppiesActionParsnip, now that you mention it I dont see it running in htop22:19
ActionParsnipknoppies: does xfwm4 support transparency etc?22:19
knoppiesActionParsnip, yes. Beautifully.22:19
ActionParsnipknoppies: have you asked in #xubuntu ?22:20
tello14its in home/downloads22:20
Guest61023recien instale el 12.10 y no me puedo conectar por wifi22:20
knoppiesActionParsnip, nope, maybe I should. I just ran xfwm4 --replace but no luck.22:20
ActionParsniptello14: then run:    java ~/Downloads/minecraft.jar22:20
tello14Error: Could not find or load main class .home.taylor.Downloads.minecraft.jar22:21
ActionParsniptello14: ok, you now have a lead, use the wb to see what that means22:21
Liger12tello14: Trying, java -jar DIROFJAR/minecraft.jar22:22
tello14sry im new to linux :( i need to learn these things22:22
tello14alright liger22:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:22
knoppiesthats not the help I was looking for.22:22
tello14Liger12: Error: Unable to access jarfile DIROFJAR/minecraft.jar22:23
ses1984i'm trying to convert a physical machine to virtual, and i've been having trouble getting it to boot. i get to grub and choose a kernel, even recovery, and the boot doesn't do anything after fsck of the root partition, in this case /dev/vda122:23
ActionParsniptello14: think about it22:23
Liger12tello14: The DIROFJAR is where your jar is located,,,,22:23
knoppiestello14, try ls -l DIROFJAR/minecraft.jar22:23
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tello14knoppies: no such file or deredtory22:24
tello14i cant spell xD22:24
tello14err type22:24
Liger12tello14: Try to run java -jar ~/Downloads/minecraft.jar22:24
ahmadhi guys, i can't see alot of the settings in compiz-settings-manager such as wobbling windows, any idea why? if this is an error or something22:25
knoppiesahmad, you probably don't have compiz plugins installed.22:25
reufhello how can i set up my ubuntu tu shutdown after 1 hour?22:25
MiningMarshtello14: I needed this to get mine to work: java -cp ~/Downloads/minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame22:25
knoppiesahmad, try apt-get install compiz-plugins22:25
ActionParsniptello14: the DIROFJAR is ~/Downloads    again....think about it.....22:25
ses1984it seems people have this problem when there are lines in fstab corresponding to drives that aren't there, like unplugged usb drives or something, but i have just one line in fstab for my root partition22:25
knoppiesreuf, you mean 1 hour from NOW or 1hr of idle time?22:26
reuf1 hour from now22:26
knoppiesreuf, shutdown --help22:26
tello14MiningMarsh: you got it :322:27
Liger12Can anyone answer this?22:27
Liger12Whilst installing ubuntuserver 12.04.1 64bit, off of usb using xboot, the install works fine until detecting cd-rom devices comes up and detects them and then freezes on puple screen22:27
anhdayhi people, can you help me uninstall a package? i did dpkg -i virtualbox-4.2_4.2.2-81494~Ubuntu~precise_amd64.deb22:27
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=== Breadflour is now known as Dreadtower
tello14Exception in thread "Thread-3" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/taylor/.minecraft/bin/natives/liblwjgl.so: /home/taylor/.minecraft/bin/natives/liblwjgl.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 (Possible cause: architecture word width mismatch)22:27
tello14at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)22:27
tello14at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary1(ClassLoader.java:1939)22:27
tello14at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(ClassLoader.java:1864)22:27
tello14at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1825)22:27
FloodBot1tello14: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:27
tello14at java.lang.Runtime.load0(Runtime.java:792)22:27
tello14at java.lang.System.load(System.java:1059)22:27
anhdayhow do i uninstall it, i can't find the package from apt-get22:27
MiningMarshanhday: sudo apt-get purge virtualbox should work fine22:27
ActionParsniptello14: what is the output of:  uname -m22:27
anhdayPackage virtualbox is not installed, so not removed22:28
ASHER1:P FloodBot this very nice how i can install this?22:28
anhdayMiningMarsh, doesn't work :(22:28
Liger12Tello from the terminal use these commands22:28
MiningMarshanhday: if you can't find the package; sudo aptitude search virtualbox22:28
ahmadthere we go :) ty knoppies22:28
Liger12tello14: cd desktop22:28
knoppiesreuf, or try: sudo shutdown -P 1440 GoodBye22:29
knoppiesahmad, pleasure.22:29
Liger12tello14: cd Downloads22:29
ses1984don't sudo aptitude search, the search index is not always built for the root user22:29
reufknoppies: already set it to shutdown22:29
ahmadbrb reboot22:29
reufshutdown -h +6522:29
MiningMarshtello14: if you have 64bit and a decent amount of ram: java -d64 -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp ~/Downloads/minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame22:29
knoppiesreuf, good :)22:29
ActionParsniptello14: try:    java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp ~/Downloads/minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame22:29
knoppiesreuf, oh yea, its in minutes not seconds, My bad.22:29
reufknoppies: thanks22:30
reuftake care22:30
tello14hmm it runs and when it logs in, it blackscreens as before22:30
JuanopsyHey, all !! Quick question here...  8 - P22:30
MiningMarshtello14: then try: java -d32 -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp ~/Downloads/minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame22:30
anhdayi will try later, thanks MiningMarsh22:31
ActionParsniptello14: guess how we are finding al this stuff?22:31
tello14it gave me an error saying it doesnt support 32 bit22:31
JuanopsyIf I go --> "sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* && sudo apt-get update" I'll lose my "custom" repositories I've added lately?22:31
knoppiesActionParsnip, running compiz --replace fixes the issue. So I assume its a problem with xfwm4 or one of its configs. Thankfully its not a driver issue.22:31
jribJuanopsy: no22:31
JuanopsyThanks man22:32
tello14haha action im guessing the web :P i searched and i tried to do stuff but evrything i did went very poorly22:32
ActionParsnipknoppies: you could add a startup item to run that22:32
Juanopsyjrib: Thanks man22:32
jribJuanopsy: why are you doing that though?22:32
MiningMarshtello14: thande the d32 back to d64 then22:32
MiningMarshtello14: *change22:32
daniel__en ingles jaja ja22:32
ActionParsniptello14: does MiningMarsh's command work?22:32
tello14yea it gets me to log in22:33
knoppiesActionParsnip, I know, but last time I played with compiz it had a few quarks. I wasn't ready to make it full time on XFCE yet.22:33
MiningMarshtello14: java -d64 -Xmx256M -Xms128M -cp ~/Downloads/minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame22:33
MiningMarshtello14: play with those 2 numbers, always making sure the second is half the first, and they are a power of 2. I am thinking its a ram issue. Those control the amount of ram22:34
Juanopsyjrib:  W:Duplicate sources.list Cairo, as sugested in "https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1006592"22:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 346386 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #1006592 [MASTER] Update fails with invalid package files with "Encountered a section with no Package: header"" [High,Fix released]22:34
knoppiesActionParsnip, #xubuntu is a ghost channel. Nobody dares to speak.22:34
tello14marsh, btw it was working well until ysterday22:34
tello14here i can give you the error i got if you would like it22:34
MiningMarshtello14: in that case, rm -rf ~/.minecraft/bin22:35
MiningMarshtello14: in that case, rm -rf ~/.minecraft/resources22:35
MiningMarshtello14: in that case, rm -rf ~/.minecraft/stats22:35
jribJuanopsy: could you pastebin your « sudo apt-get update » output?22:35
MiningMarshtello14: and try again22:35
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ActionParsnipMiningMarsh: why use force?22:35
Juanopsyjrib: W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://ppa.launchpad.net/cairo-dock-team/ppa/ubuntu/ precise/main i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_cairo-dock-team_ppa_ubuntu_dists_precise_main_binary-i386_Packages) W: Maybe you want to execute «apt-get update» to fix this problem22:36
MiningMarshActionParsnip: well, it doesnt touch his saves and doesnt remove anything important. no reason not to, he is not running sudo.22:36
Juanopsyjrib: but I go update and kkeps there22:36
ahmadis there a way to set  /set irc_conf_mode on on xchat automatically on start up, very annoying to do this manually everytime22:36
ASHER1where i can download bot like this floodbot?22:36
tello14alright i did your commands22:37
ActionParsnipMiningMarsh: but why do you need force to delete the folder, the files aren't locked and the user is the owner of the data?22:37
jribJuanopsy: so did emptying /var/lib/apt/lists/ resolve your issue?22:37
Juanopsyjrib: I'll try now22:37
tello14oh btw mining marsh, i have isolated this as a java error22:37
tello14even in browseer22:37
lenswipehey guys22:37
lenswipejust installed 12.1022:38
lenswipei have some mysterious app that keeps crashing22:38
lenswipei keep getting crash notifications22:38
lenswipeand i cant open software center22:38
MiningMarshActionParsnip: habit. I triple check my commands, and have never deleted something important. I just get sick of it asking for every file...22:38
FloodBot1lenswipe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:38
MiningMarshtello14: the browser saves the stuff in the same place, so my commands whould fix it for the browser too.22:38
lenswipeif i dismiss the crash notifications, they just reappear a second later as (i presume) the offending app re-starts and crashes again22:38
MiningMarshActionParsnip: I will check to make sure I dont -f next time...22:38
ASHER1someone can tell me where i can download floodbot1 ?22:38
belgianguyhmm just my screen switched to a full blank one on my laptop all of the sudden22:38
lenswipesomething is stuck in a sort of crash loop - can someone help?22:38
belgianguyand I couldn't do anything anymore22:39
ActionParsniptello14: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre/lib/i386/"; java -jar ~/Downloads/minecraft.jar22:39
belgianguywhich log should I check?22:39
ActionParsnipMiningMarsh: its a REALLY bad habit22:39
belgianguy(what covers the gfx card?)22:39
tello14alright. but it my tekkit is messed up. i am (almost) positive it is a java error.22:39
tello14those are separate jars soo yea...22:39
zorgborghey all, once ive updated via the command line is there a way to know if i need to reboot to complete the install or not?22:39
ActionParsniptello14: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre/lib/i386"; java -jar ~/Downloads/minecraft.jar22:39
ActionParsniptello14: run the second one22:39
MiningMarshActionParsnip: minecraft wouldnt run with -jar when I tried it, it needed -cp (and -d64 for 64bit)22:40
lenswipealso im getting "E: Encountered a section with no Package: header22:40
Juanopsyjrib: nope, still there22:40
ActionParsnipMiningMarsh: ahh, i see. Thanks :). tello14, please adjust22:40
Juanopsyjrib: suggestions?22:40
lenswipeE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dlists_quantal-security_main_i18n_Translation-en%5fGB22:41
lenswipeE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened22:41
lenswipecan someone help with this?22:41
tello14ill be back gotta go for like a half hour ._. ugggggg22:41
jermmalhi is a new22:41
Laurenceb_how do i create a multipart zip ?22:41
Laurenceb_the compress option22:41
Laurenceb_is greyed22:41
ActionParsniplenswipe: wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage; chmod +x ./fixpackage; sudo ./fixpackage22:41
lenswipethat will fix it?22:42
ActionParsniplenswipe: more than likley yes, I see about 5 of these a DAY on the launchpad site22:42
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ActionParsniplenswipe: if it didn't fix it, why would I advise it.....22:42
Laurenceb_multipart zip is greyed out22:43
Troy^debating on upgrading from ubuntu 12.04 to 12.10. I don't want to break anything and I don't want it to change my desktop configuration got everything looking the way i want it too.22:43
lenswipeActionParsnip: i ran that - its just hanging right now and not returning me to a prompt22:43
lenswipeActionParsnip: should it take a few minutes to work?22:44
lenswipeand should it output anything?22:44
ActionParsnipLaurenceb_: http://superuser.com/questions/184549/how-to-create-multipart-rar-file-in-linux22:44
lenswipeoh wait its updating the sources no22:44
ActionParsniplenswipe: it will take a while to run, one step taks a while22:44
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ActionParsniplenswipe: its basically removing your systems knowledge of any packages then you will redownload them22:45
ActionParsniplenswipe: its basically step 5 from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PackageManagerTroubleshootingProcedure22:45
ActionParsniplenswipe: I just use a script because I'm lazy22:45
Laurenceb_is there a way to do this with zip?22:46
Laurenceb_this has to be sent to windows land?22:46
MiningMarshLaurenceb_: windows winrar handled multipart rar files. You cant do it with zip afaik.22:47
ActionParsnipLaurenceb_: Windows can extract RARs too22:47
Laurenceb_not out of the box22:47
Laurenceb_this has to go to a commercial locked down environment22:47
ActionParsnipLaurenceb_: then read:  man zip22:47
lenswipeActionParsnip: do you know how easy it is to replace Unity with gnome3?22:47
graingertLaurenceb_: you could use .7z and PeaZip in windows land22:48
Laurenceb_ _I_  could22:48
graingertLaurenceb_: where are you sending this file?22:48
Laurenceb_person in anonymous government office couldnt22:48
graingertLaurenceb_: surely Anonymous can extract a rar22:49
Laurenceb_lol lol lol22:49
ActionParsnipLaurenceb_: you can make a zip file then use zipsplit to make it into smaller chunks22:49
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graingertLaurenceb_: how large is this file? Why does it even need splitting?22:49
graingertLaurenceb_: why not make a self extracting .7z22:49
Laurenceb_i have a ton of pdf archives that need to be sent to windows office drone land via email with 10MB max size22:49
Laurenceb_a few hundered meg22:49
graingertLaurenceb_: send him a .torrent22:50
Laurenceb_i didnt dream up this absurd situation22:50
Laurenceb_maybe ill just drive to the office with a cd22:50
Rigorm0rtisLaurenceb_, what are you trying to do?22:50
* Rigorm0rtis arrived late.22:50
Karlo_What's wrong with using the "split" command?22:50
Laurenceb_i see22:50
Newb101How do you hide your ip adress when accessing a website?22:51
Laurenceb_can i split the zip later?22:51
graingertKarlo_: drone will not be able to cat the files22:51
graingertLaurenceb_: am I right?22:51
Newb101is it easier to do through command line22:51
Kyle__Newb101: Hide it from the website you're going to?22:51
jbohrenanyone here familiar with the default python search paths on ubuntu?22:51
Rigorm0rtisLaurenceb_,  Could you use SkyDrive or something and send them a link?22:51
jribjbohren: please just ask your real question22:52
Laurenceb_no they are filewalled22:52
Laurenceb_files can only enter the office via email22:52
Laurenceb_and thats limited to 10mb22:52
Laurenceb_hence the problem22:52
Kyle__Newb101: if box A gets a webpage from box B, there is no way for A to hide his IP from B.22:52
jribNewb101: use tor or a proxy22:52
ex0aNewb101: you need to proxy to the page22:52
Rigorm0rtisWhat is the average size of the PDF files?22:53
Newb101ok are thereany reliable proxies22:53
Kyle__Newb101: If box A uses a proxy or VPN to box E, to connect to box B, box B will see the connection as being from E.22:53
jbohrenI'm trying to override a debian-installed python module by prepending a local path to my PYTHONPATH, except when I load up a python environment, there are always a few additional paths prefixed before any of the paths in my PYTHONPATH, and I can't figure out how to suppress them22:53
jiffe98if ubuntu doesn't boot the first time or it reboots in the middle of a boot, grub doesn't automatically choose the default option on the second boot, is there a way to change this?22:53
Newb101fair enough22:53
graingertLaurenceb_: send them a PDF with an emscriptened version of Skype. Run Tor over the connection that Skype punches through the firewall. You can then host a hidden service and download the PDFs from there22:53
Kyle__Newb101: think long and hard about why you want to be doing this.22:54
Newb101If I use tor or foxy proxy, where do I get the actual proxy from22:54
Newb101Kyle__, why22:54
Karlo_Porn surfing?22:54
jbohrenspecifically, it's adding /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.722:54
graingertNewb101: use the Tor Browser Bundle22:54
ASHER1someone can help please?22:54
jribjbohren: can you show on a pastebin?  Perhaps by doing  « PYTHONPATH='WHATEVER' python -c 'import sys; print sys.path' »22:54
Kyle__Oh joy.  Another apple desktop on my network is having so many  drive errors my syslog server has balooned by a gig today.22:54
* Kyle__ grumbles.22:54
graingert!patience | ASHER122:55
Karlo_ASHER1, nobody can help until you ask your question.22:55
ubottuASHER1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:55
Newb101ok, does the proxy vary can I use a number of proxies22:55
jbohrenjrib: yeah, one sec22:55
ASHER1i want to know where i can download floodbot1?22:55
Newb101on this tor bundle22:55
jribjbohren: also, what ubuntu version?22:55
Newb101I want to make a request from a server a 100 times from a 100 different ip is this possible22:55
jrib!tor | Newb10122:56
ubottuNewb101: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl22:56
Karlo_Laurenceb_, send them one email with a "cat" executable, then send the rest of the files split into chunks.22:56
Newb101on the tor package22:56
ubottuFloodBot1,2,3, and 4 are all bots, please direct your questions to the channel.22:56
jribASHER1: ask LjL when he's around22:56
OerHeksASHER1, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Floodbots ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots22:57
jbohrenjrib: http://pastebin.com/JSCHaegB22:57
Newb101thanks guys22:57
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Rigorm0rtisLaurenceb_, what I'm thinking, is what if you dump the list of files into a text file, randomize that text file, then split it into other text files every N lines where N=($average_size / 10) rounded down. Then use 7za to create zips based on the files in each of those text files. Maybe tweak the number of lines in the files until you get the right end size for your ZIPs.22:57
jribjbohren: what ubuntu version?22:58
Rigorm0rtisI've used this method to upload website files to a host that only supported <2GB ZIP uploads.22:58
jribjbohren: what's the output of « which python »?22:58
blastedtHi, I'm having trouble with my liveCD.  Shortly after I hit "Install Now", the video freezes.  My CD drive shows there's no reads, and the same thing happens when I try to use liveCD functionality22:58
blastedtdo I need to burn a new one?22:58
Karlo_Rigorm0rtis: Bin packing problem?  I have code for that, though of course it'll only help if the largest individual file can fit into one bin.22:58
jbohrenjrib: which python gives /usr/bin/python which is a symlink to python2.722:59
jribjbohren: it's weird that /usr/local shows up in there.  Do yo uknow what that's about?22:59
Rigorm0rtisKarlo_, that might be useful for Laurenceb_ my way was kind of dirty.22:59
ASHER1i have more question please i can download floodbot and run on ubuntu?23:00
Karlo_ASHER1, why?23:00
ActionParsnipblastedt: what video chip do you use?23:00
ASHER1for protection23:00
blastedtgtx 460.  I think the cd may be freezing overall23:01
blastedtthere's no audio at that stage of course to tell23:01
Kyle__ls .23:01
ASHER1you know where i can download karlo?23:01
ActionParsnipblastedt: add the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=123:01
blastedthow would I go about doing that?23:01
ActionParsnip!bootoption | blastedt23:01
ubottublastedt: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.23:01
jbohrenjrib: well that first thing looks like it's something from pip23:01
ActionParsnipblastedt: try a litte searching instead of immediately asking :)23:02
avdorianhello! can anyone help with installation breaking when trying to install 64 Bit Ubuntu 12.04 to a laptop? (Lenovo G780)23:02
jribjbohren: what do you have installed to /usr/local?23:03
Kyle__avdorian: Probably not.  We're all in here because were paid to make the channel look active, not because we nkow anything about ubuntu.23:03
blastedtActionParsnip: that goes in the boot command line?23:04
jbohrenjrib: a few things23:04
jribjbohren: what things python-related? :)23:04
jbohrenso that pip egg is the only thing that looks strange23:05
meomichi, maybe someone knows why in the sound indicator meniu->sound settings->configuration i cant see 5.1 analog audio profile? i have only 'analog stereo duplex' 'analog stereo output' digital analog output + input and digital analog output.... is there something i  can do about it?23:05
blastedtbe back in a bit, hopefully that works, thanks ActionParsnip23:06
jbohrenjrib: there are a few things, a newer mercurial, some web stuff, pithos, and pip23:06
jbohrenjrib: though the package I'm trying to override is in /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.723:07
jribjbohren: check for interesting .pth files I guess23:07
jribjbohren: in /usr/{,local/}lib/python2.7/dist-packages23:07
avdorianKyle__:Wow, that's a bummer23:07
Kyle__while [ 1 ];do ssh -o ConnectTimeout=1 -i adminkey-rsa admin@imac24 "sudo shutdown -h now";done23:07
* Kyle__ sighs.23:07
jbohrenjrib: ahh right on the money23:08
Kyle__I can't beleive I'm actually running that.23:08
ahmadquick question guys, some plugins in ccsm seem to be not working such as show mouse, any idea as to why?23:08
jribjbohren: eh?23:08
Kyle__avdorian: That lenovo, that's a i5 or i7 based one, right?23:08
avdorianKyle__: Indeed23:08
jbohrenjrib: that's what it is, a .pth file from when I used easy_install at one point23:08
jribjbohren: oh, ok23:08
Kyle__avdorian: what happens?  I've done an update from 12.04 to 12.10 on a very similar lenovo, but not a clean install.23:09
avdorianKyle__: The error I get is "prefix not found" before the install screen, after I choose install a call stack comes up with another error, something like file not found23:09
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Kyle__avdorian: You're sure you downloaded the amd64 image, and not something like ia64?23:10
jbohrenjrib: ok, I've got it from here, thanks for your help!23:10
jribjbohren: no problem23:10
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avdorianKile__:that was a bit of a weird part, when pressing download in the ubuntu website, I think they have a bug, the download redirects you to the 32 bit page even if you choose 64 bit23:11
avdorianKyle__:that was a bit of a weird part, when pressing download in the ubuntu website, I think they have a bug, the download redirects you to the 32 bit page even if you choose 64 bit23:11
avdorianKyle__:So I changed in 32 to 64 in the URL and than got a file called "amd64-ubuntu", so I guess it's correct23:11
avdorianKyle__:But IMO they have an error in the website, I hope I have the right file23:11
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Kyle__avdorian: THere are some good reasons for using the 32bit version... But anyway.  DId you checksum your download?23:12
DivzroHello - I trying to setup a Ubuntu server on a Dell mini 1012 (1gb Ram, 1tb drive) - Is 12.4 my best bet? any recommendations?23:13
ActionParsnipavdorian: i you use cdimage site, you'll get either :)23:13
jribDivzro: I'd recommend latest LTS (supported for 5 years after release), which is 12.04 :)23:13
ActionParsnipavdorian: http://releases.ubuntu.com/quantal/23:13
DivzroThx jrib23:14
jribDivzro: if more recent packaging is more important than long term support, then you could go with 12.10 (supported for 18 months after release)23:14
Kyle__Divzro: 12.04 or 12.10.  Depends on if this is something that needs to be up for ages, or something to play with.  Either will be fine.23:14
DivzroJust going to use it as a NAS; was worried about memory on the dell mini.  1gb will be ok?23:14
avdorianKyle__:thanx, I'll do the checksum now and make sure it's alright23:15
jribDivzro: should me plenty23:15
WeThePeopleis ramdisk any useful in ubuntu?23:15
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: it uses one by default ;)23:15
Kyle__Divzro: Should be. Especially if you're just using it as a NAS.  Linux has a habbit of using un-used ram for file caching, so more would help, but less wont' hurt persey.  If you get my meaning.23:16
Kyle__WeThePeople: Yes, if you need something like a ramdisk.23:16
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: I put my browser cache in a tempfs (ram disk), makes browsing a little faster23:16
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, nice, i was thinking of looking for a way to do games23:17
Kyle__WeThePeople: shmfs/tmpfs is a dynamic ram disk, using free ram to hold the files, but shoving them into swap if the ram gets needed for some running program.23:17
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: in what way?23:17
Karlo_Bloody hell.  I couldn't boot from hard disk, couldn't get the system to recognize the CD-ROM, and now it won't boot from a flash drive either -- I see in the Setup screen that "Removable Devices" has only one choice, namely "Legacy Floppy Drives".  Am I just screwed?23:18
Kyle__Gotta go.  Later23:19
ray76Kyle__  yay I filed the bug = https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1071530 and thanks to you i actually had something to put.23:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1071530 in xorg (Ubuntu) "X Error of failed request: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)" [Undecided,Incomplete]23:19
blockeduserare there realtime-kernel packages ?23:20
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, its odd, i used to have a alienware laptop with 1.5ghz celeron with 1 gig ram and 128mb graphics card, now im on a 3ghz machine with the same specs but its slower..lol its older though.. pent 4 processor.. anyway the game i like to play in Lucid do not work as well on this machine for some reason and i am looking for ways to speed up ubuntu so it will atleast come close to the fps i like..23:20
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: try a lighter desktop like LXDE23:21
jolarenI know I can wget entire websites and whatever but now I'm trying to learn how a specific form is built so i'd like to wget the server sided php included in index.html, is that even possible?23:21
HunterBWhat do yall think about the sf 49ers vs the denver broncos for the superbowl?23:21
unheedinglxde is great except it doesnt recognize my keyboard volume keys23:21
unheedingi tried following a guide on how to get it to work but it still didn't work23:22
Karlo_Now I'm in single-user mode again, with the thumb drive in /dev/sdb -- how do I mount that, what type do I need for the -t option of mount?23:22
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: could use LXDE for the Game then use Gnome or whatever you use23:23
HunterBmount -n -o remount,rw /23:23
Liljolaren; I think your going about learning to code all wrong.23:23
Liljolaren; why not just download scripts, and look at their code..23:24
jribjolaren: ##php might be a good place to start if you're interested in php23:24
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, do you recognize this bug with the letters the way they are23:26
avdorianKyle__:why use the 32 bit? software support?23:27
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ActionParsnipWeThePeople: have you tried different font for the desktop?23:27
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, yes23:27
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, it does that in just about every program23:28
WeThePeopleand its different letters each time it does this23:28
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: not sure, are there bugs reported?23:29
Karlo_mount -t TYPE /dev/sdb /mnt/flash # mount thumbdrive, where TYPE=??23:30
Karlo_What do I need there?23:30
wolsKarlo_: nothing. -t is not needed and /dev/sdb will not work23:31
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, yeah i think i found a report23:31
Karlo_Oh.  What device name do I need to use, then?23:32
wolsif you actually know what filesystem it is you can use it (vfat, ntfs, etc), but it normally can mount it without. also, it's almost always /dev/sdb1 or similar. check with "sudo fdisk -l" first23:32
crozI installed LinuxMint months ago and I accidentally reformated the MBR and now grub/bootloader where I select Windows 7 or Linux is not there, it just boots me into Windows. How do I fix that?23:32
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org23:32
JulianHI!! Need help badlyyy with installation error that looks like blanked my computer23:33
ActionParsnipcroz: the support for Mint is separate to Ubuntus23:33
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Guest82068Hi how do I permanently disable mouse acceleration? xset m 0 0 only works in my current xsession23:33
ActionParsnipGuest82068: add it as a startup item23:34
Karlo_Ah OK, sdb1 works.  Thanks...23:34
Nerpdo you guys know of any good utilities for examining memory usage other than free and vmstat?23:34
Guest82068if I create a new xsession without rebooting it doesn't carry over23:34
ActionParsnipNerp: conky can do it23:34
ActionParsnipNerp: could try:  top    too23:35
NerpActionParsnip: I mean in a more granular sense, comparing the output of free/vmstat and top/htop shows some strange discrepancies.23:35
avdorianKyle__:md5 checksum is good, anyone has any idea what could be wrong?23:35
crozisn't grub support the same though23:36
Nerpor it is also completely possible that I am reading the output incorrectly23:36
ActionParsnipcroz: Mint isn't supported here in any way23:36
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wolscroz: go to ##linux if you want distro agnostic support23:37
wolsyes, agnostic23:37
Karlo_<Bug report> The ceiling is falling down.  <Canned reply> The ceiling is not supported.23:37
blastedtFinally managed to get Ubuntu installed.  It ejected the CD into the case door and asked that I remove it, close the tray, and press enter to finish shutting down.  Nothing happened after this procedure, so I cut the power and restarted it.  It booted into Windows without asking about Ubuntu; should I have waited a while longer after mashing enter and nothing happening at alll?23:38
doomlordis it possible to install a 'regular' compiz based wm/de in parallel with ubuntu - i.e. other DE not using the tweaked ubuntu-ized plugins23:38
doomlord(unity-ized).  the itch i have is the "show all windows" feature23:39
doomlordbut overall i like unity23:39
blastedtgoogle suggests I did the right thing there23:39
Guest82068You mean like the default GNOME 3?23:39
wolsblastedt: was a bootloader (grub 2) installed at any point? and if so: where?23:39
blastedtno, some people told me that a bootloader would be installed automatically by the livecd23:39
blastedtthough i chose to do custom partitioning; maybe that turned it off23:39
wolsyes it usually was: which is why I asked23:40
wolsno that won't turn it off23:40
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Guest82068just try booting from each of your drives until you find the one you put GRUB on23:40
blastedti cut my windows partition in half and formatted the new half with the default filesystem, and chose / for the directory23:40
Guest82068When I upgraded to 12.10 it decided to move my GRUB across to a new drive23:40
blastedtthanks, will try that23:40
wolsblastedt: how many harddrives do you actually have?23:40
blastedtThree physical hard drives, four partitions23:41
f00dMonstablastedt: my system has a bug, it added a "ubuntu" boot drive to my list of bootable devices in bios, but booting from there gives me errors, so I set it back to my main HD23:41
blastedtthanks! i will poke around my BIOS and check things out23:41
wolsJulian: what you just did won't get you any help but many annoyed people23:42
f00dMonstaJulian: All caps just made that "sound" funny for me23:42
Guest82068install it again!23:42
wolsJulian: learn to describe your errors23:42
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f00dMonstaanyone using KDE here?23:42
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ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.23:42
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Julianok sry for caps forgot how hurts some people yes lol23:43
Guest82068anyone know how to disable mouse acceleration in xorg.conf?23:43
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, how do i edit the 'LANGUAGE=' and 'ALL=' ? >>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1306133/23:43
Guest82068I generated one called xorg.conf.new but see no field to edit the mouse value23:44
Nerphow do I calculate the true amount of free memory I have?23:44
Juliananybody knows why after an erro installin ubuntu  i couldnt read beacuse rebooted automatically, i cant restar my pc23:44
Karlo_Julian, I can't parse that23:44
Guest82068That's kind of incredibly vague, Julian23:44
wolsGuest82068: by googling "linux disable mouse accleration" which gives you https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Mouse_acceleration as the first link for example23:44
f00dMonstaok here goes... KDE is not supporting multiple monitors to my satisfaction, I don't know if it's just me.. When I unplug external monitor from my laptop the panel doesn't reappear on my laptop screen, and windows that were open on the external mon would be stuck offscreen.... am i missing something?23:45
wolsNerp: there is no free memory. if there is, your ubuntu is very very broken23:45
blastedt_BOOTMGR is missing when I pick the hard drive with my OSes on it via bios... guess I'll try to reinstall grub with my livecd23:45
Nerpwols: Memory that is not used by applications.23:45
blackshirtqurban day23:45
Julianok sorry, i was installing latest ubuntu  12.10 from live cd, when error pop out and  jus restarted the machine, after that error when i restart my pc i get a black screen with a folder called "?"23:46
wolsNerp: man free23:46
f00dMonstaNerp: Get your total memory, then subtract it with the amount you're using :P23:46
wols!errors | Julian23:46
ubottuJulian: If you have problems or errors, you will need to describe/paste them. Please use the !pastebin for errors that cannot be quoted in a single IRC message23:46
Guest82068wols it says set the following to 1 1 023:46
Guest82068Those are not in the xorg.conf.new23:46
wolsGuest82068: duh! why would they?23:46
Juliansorry but the pc after the installation error rebooted23:46
Nerpvmstat -s -S M | grep mem'23:46
Juliancouldnt even write it down23:46
blastedt_wols: how many of those are there ?23:46
wolsblastedt_: "those"?23:47
Guest82068They should say "add" not set" because there's clearly an example set there23:47
cweagansHi there. I'm installing Ubuntu 12.10 and I'm wondering if I can not have a swap partition and use a file somewhere instead. I know it was possible with earlier versions of Ubuntu, but the only help document that I found said that it won't work in 12.04 and forward because the way that hibernation works has changed.23:47
Nerpshows 2942 total and 2435 used which doesnt appear to be true when looking at top23:47
wolscweagans: you can, but you might not be able to use hibernation, yes23:48
cweagansah, okay23:48
cweagansI'm already at 4 partitions and I don't want to make this setup any more complicated than it needs to be :(23:48
Guest82068I'm also curious to know why it's so difficult just to turn off maccel but heh23:48
wolscweagans: if you don't need it you can use a swap file. but why would you want to? a swap file is good if you need a temporary one. for a real swap space, you want a partition23:48
ph4r7w1p3looking for bandwidth monitoring program that doesn't keep track of LAN usage can someone help please23:48
wolscweagans: create an extended partition. much better thing to do.23:48
cweagansthanks wols23:49
wolsph4r7w1p3: iptraf23:49
Nerplooking at top the system should only be using 4% of the total memory23:49
ph4r7w1p3does iptraf have gui and tray icon23:49
wolsNerp: what does "free" say?23:49
wolsph4r7w1p3: it's a ncurses based program23:49
xrs1is every one still needing to boot twice too boot or is it just my computers?23:50
wolsjust yours23:50
ClientAliveI need to take a screenshot. I've tried ctrl+prt sc, fn+prt sc, <windows>+prt sc, and alt+prt sc. Nothing seems to work. What do I do?23:50
Troy^what is a good mail program23:50
wolsClientAlive: use scrot :)23:50
Nerpwols: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=RX5eN2Bq23:50
Karlo_ClientAlive, for me it's just been PrtScrn with no modifier.23:51
xrs1then could i get some help with why they restart and boot a second time? one of my computers takes about 10 minutes to boot because of this23:51
ClientAliveKarlo_: I'll try that again. I'm used to a window popping up asking where to save but I know sometimes you have to paste it into draw or something. No window comes up for me so I've been trying to paste it.23:52
Guest82068How do I change the default text editor from gedit to emacs?23:52
xrs1i cant even turn it on and walk away i have to baby sit it cuz about 6 minutes in it stops at grub and waits for me to select ubuntu (the only OS)23:53
ClientAlivewols: What is scrot? Karlo_: No luck w/ just prt sc. What get's pasted is the last text I copied to the clipboard, not a screenshot.23:53
wolsxrs1: if you need 6 minutes to grub, you have a hardware problem. linux isn't even loaded at that point23:54
wolsClientAlive: scrot is a program23:54
Nerpwols: any idea after seeing the free output?23:54
ClientAlivewols: well I can look at it23:54
xrs1no it boots almost to the logon screen, then reboots (the first couple of reboots i had a bood screen and could see what was going on. during the fist boot it runs fsck and restarts23:55
wols!info scrot23:55
ubottuscrot (source: scrot): command line screen capture utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-13 (quantal), package size 15 kB, installed size 72 kB23:55
xrs1it takes so long because it is 11 years old23:55
wolsxrs1: sounds still very much like hardware to me23:55
Karlo_I'm in single-user mode now.  I can't boot from any other medium but hd, but I can remount / to make it writable, and I can mount the thumb drive that I'd been hoping to boot from.  What can I do from here?23:55
wolse.g. bad caps cause cold boot problems23:55
xrs1okay then the laptop i am talking to you on now is relitively new, never had this problem untill 12.1023:56
ClientAliveI don't understand why I can't take a screenshot with gnome. Seem I recall doing it before on this system.23:56
xrs1if i were to go back to 12.04.1 this wouldnt be an issue23:56
wolsxrs1: I like if how it's first a 11 year old PC then a new laptop. go away and please don't bother me anymore23:57
f00dMonsta<_< ok I need a WM/DE that doesn't suck up 30% CPU on idle, and works with multiple monitors being plugged on and off frequently23:57
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xrs1if you have been reading i said this problem is occuring on ALL my computers23:57
dr_willisunity on idle here.. less then 5% liad according to htop23:58
f00dMonstaxrs1: default installation settings?23:58
xrs1it cant be a hardware problem if it is occuring on ALL 9 computers and ONLY on 12.1023:58
f00dMonstadr_willis: not sure why compiz (with unity) sucks up 30% minimum all the time23:59
xrs1for the most part. only thing different on these 2 laptops is that it is installed to a thumbdrive instead of a hard drive23:59

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