
smartboyhwailo-w, wait a minute I saw yesterday's logs and found that genii-around is doing the session for you or am I wrong?09:44
smartboyhwailo, ^09:44
ailosmartboyhw: No, he pasted my writing in09:44
smartboyhwailo, oh why?09:44
ailosmartboyhw: No one told me I needed to authorize the session myself09:45
smartboyhwailo, er............ what?09:45
ailoSo, when it was my time, the place was pretty emtpy09:45
ailoI did my thing in #ubuntu-classroom-chat, and genii-around pasted the text for me, for the logs09:45
smartboyhwHmm pretty weird......:P09:45
ailosmartboyhw: Apparently, you need a Ubuntu irc cloak to be able to do the athorization09:46
smartboyhwAnyway we aren't including Wubi right? There was a bug 107068209:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1070682 in Ubuntu Studio "wubi and ubuntu studio" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107068209:46
ailosmartboyhw: Head to #ubuntu-classroom-backstage in good time, to get some info, etc09:46
ailosmartboyhw: Let's add that to the blueprints (I'll do it)09:46
smartboyhwailo, actually I tell you what... That was the organizer's problem09:46
smartboyhwApparently they forgot to put you into the fridge calendar for Ubuntu Learning events, so you don't get to be authorized09:47
smartboyhwailo, I may go and ask why they forgot09:47
ailosmartboyhw: Well, I think he thought I knew how things worked. Doesn't matter. I only got one questions, so I don't think anyone missed anything09:48
ailosmartboyhw: Forget about it09:48
smartboyhwailo, Ah:P09:48
smartboyhwYeah anyway:P09:48
smartboyhwailo, you created the blueprint already? Good10:19
ailosmartboyhw: Yes, I'm starting some work on that now. It's still in drafting stage, so please use the wiki until the launchpad blueprint is ready (I should have waited with subscribing everyone, thinking of it)10:21
smartboyhwailo, I have a thought: Since we are gonna focus on development and testing, can we add a ubuntustudio-r-testing or ubuntustudio-r-development that sort of thing? I would love to see a seperate blueprint for testing10:28
smartboyhwailo-w, ^10:31
ailosmartboyhw: Would you mind writing about that on the mail list? As for development, no. Cause the whole blueprint is development10:43
smartboyhwailo, :D10:43
ailosmartboyhw: As for testing, all I can think of is docs for testing, which is already suggested10:43
ailosmartboyhw: I will try to organize the blueprints as well as I can, according to what people suggest, and how I interpret their suggestions10:44
smartboyhwailo, actually I think of one work item now. How do we PROMOTE to contribute for us? We have developer documentation, but then how can we attract them to help?10:45
ailosmartboyhw: That is also something under development10:46
smartboyhwailo, gd:P10:46
ailosmartboyhw: We don't have dev docs yet, which we need before we start inviting lots of people10:46
ailosmartboyhw: Since you are interested in testing, I would suggest you think more about that.10:46
smartboyhwailo, I think I will do the testing documentation:D (Mostly copied from Wiki pages, and my session about 3.25 hours later)10:47
ailosmartboyhw: You are welcome to do that. And please be prepared for opinions about it. I, especially will want to review everything doc related10:48
ailosmartboyhw: You can start working on things even before there's a blueprint or a workitem for it10:48
smartboyhwailo, yeah you are the doc lead. What opinions do you want to list10:48
ailosmartboyhw: Just that you make sure, it's not already under development10:48
smartboyhwailo, OK10:48
ailosmartboyhw: I don't have any opinions before I have something to have opinions about :)10:48
ailosmartboyhw: But, as you already know, we will want the testing to be multimedia specific mostly, and leave Ubuntu/Xubuntu testing for those distros10:49
smartboyhwailo, ok:P10:49
smartboyhwHi scott-work came so early?10:50
scott-workgoog morning smartboyhw , yes, i did. i spent the majority of my day in meetings and addressing problems for others that i couldn't get my own work done10:51
smartboyhwscott-work, ah10:51
scott-workbut such is the life of a supervisor/acting-manager10:51
smartboyhwscott-work, add oil10:51
ailoRecently, I'm not eating as well, cause I'm too busy to work out. This is not good :(. I'll need to bring my running shoes to UDS10:51
astraljavasmartboyhw: I don't think a separate testing blueprint for a particular flavor makes much sense, unless it's a very specific area of testing. Only things that I can come up with would be related to some diverse multimedia-related tools.10:51
scott-workadd oil? i do not understand10:52
smartboyhwscott-work, it means giving support (in Hong Kong-ese:P)10:52
scott-workailo: i am excited for you to go to UDS!10:52
smartboyhwastraljava, ah alright10:52
scott-workit was a very, very moving and inspirational moment for me10:52
smartboyhwOne day if UDS is coming to Hong Kong (just mentioned in Ask Mark Session) I will attend for sure10:52
ailoscott-work: Yeah, it will be great fun to meet some of the people you only see nick names for10:52
scott-workthe biggest suggestion i can think of is to introduce yourself to as many people as you can and build relationships10:53
ailoWe will need to do documentation for testing, so it at least falls under that category10:53
scott-workthe second biggest suggestion is to write people's names down :P10:53
ailoscott-work: Yeah, that's usually not my strong point, but I'm planning to :)10:53
astraljavasmartboyhw: If you're interested in developing the testing process, you should talk to Nick and Gema, and Phill. I'm sure they'll have blueprints dedicated for such things.10:53
ailoscott-work: And, remembering names is another problem I have10:54
smartboyhwastraljava, I need to wait for Nick to finish his holiday:P10:54
* scott-work actually had to write down names and a short sentence describing them, perhaps a visual cue or a personality type10:54
astraljavaYeah ok, but then that means that side of dev hasn't started yet.10:54
smartboyhwastraljava, I will ask don't worry;p10:54
smartboyhwscott-work, LOL10:55
scott-worki would expect that we would have a more generalized 'documentation' blueprint, perhaps?10:55
scott-workfor dev stuff, user stuff, testing stuff, maybe "our" dev stuff10:55
ailoscott-work: I've only started the blueprints, but I'm actually dividing docs into subgroups10:55
scott-workdefine where stuff goes, i.e. on the website or the wiki10:55
scott-worketc, etc, etc10:55
ailoI don't think we need to decide where things end up as a first step10:56
smartboyhwscott-work, he did I think10:56
scott-worki was going to look at the blueprint brainstorming page again this morning, look at your additions, and make any changes10:56
ailoFirst create the material, then edit it10:56
scott-workailo: i meant, more of where the documentation should reside10:56
scott-worki feel pretty strongly that all user docs should be on the website10:56
smartboyhwscott-work, I feel very strongly that basic user docs should be on the computer10:57
scott-workthe dev stuff (both for us and new devs) and maybe the testing stuff might be on the wiki10:57
scott-worklol, smartboyhw 10:57
ailoscott-work: Yeah, I know. But, first we need to create the docs, so where they go may be a question answered best after we have it done10:57
smartboyhwscott-work, not lol It is a belief for me10:57
smartboyhwThe dev stuff should be on wiki though, makes more sense10:57
scott-worki would go to the point of saying that i would "abandon" the user.ubuntu.com pages since my experience has been that most users (who are not also into ubuntu) find out information, including download links, from the website10:58
scott-worktherefore, i would say the website should be the nexus for all user information and activities10:58
ailoCurrently, I'm not sure we will get a full user documentation in place for this cycle. I know I can do the audio workflow, and some general stuff, etc. But, to do the other workflows would mean a lot of investigation and research for me, which I will not have time for10:58
scott-workailo: understood. i can help with the video and graphics (not make them great, but certainly improve them) and photogrphay and publishing might have to wait until next cycle10:59
scott-workailo: i wanted to ask, why does all the headings have "Q-" before them? should it be "R-"?10:59
ailoI think the community wiki is a good place to start, and once we have something that is good enough for the website, we can always just copy and paste11:00
smartboyhwscott-work, ailo did change the headings11:00
ailoscott-work: I changed that :P11:00
scott-workailo: good. i was confused for a bit :)11:00
ailoscott-work: I didn't know what they were for, until I started thinking more about it. Just used them as headings11:00
ailoI'm going back to the "office"11:01
scott-workailo: i suppose i have two main concerns about the docs: i already mentioned that i believe most users go to the website primarily for information, but also i wanted to avoid doubling our efforts to maintain two sets of docs11:02
* scott-work realizes that "doubling efforts" isn't literallly 2x the work in this case11:02
smartboyhwI think the most important thing is: Can ailo handle BOTH docs at a time11:02
ailoscott-work: The wiki can be scrapped, later. Or used in some other way. But, it is a much better place to work from initially, I feel11:03
ailoI don't propose dual sets of docs. Just one for development, and perhaps when it is done, another for publishing11:04
scott-workgood point about starting in the wiki11:06
scott-worki think ai.lo said this in the wiki page, but i really would like to aggressively campaign for crowdsourcing more contributions from users, like art, etc11:12
scott-worki should also point out that dick macinnis has (and probably still is) functioning as "art lead"11:13
scott-workhe is capable and wants to collaborate on ideas as well11:13
scott-workand hopefully to avoid an conflict, this isn't a binary situation; this or that. we can still crowdsource art but also have dick macinnis sort through or work with user submissions11:14
ailo-wheh, back at the office, and again, heading home11:18
astraljavascott-work: Cool. Is he ever on in here?11:24
scott-workastraljava: sometimes he comes on, but not very often at all11:25
astraljavaWhat's his nick of choice, then?11:25
scott-workhe is a working musician so i'm not sure how often he has time to idle here11:25
astraljavaOh, I'm not worrying about that.11:25
astraljavascott-work: Your opinion on Between the Buried And Me?11:26
ailoThat was a well spent half an hour :P. Well, i got that excercise I was just complaining about not getting11:34
scott-workastraljava: i haven't heard much from them, probably just a song or two on the radio11:35
* scott-work is pretty insular these days about music and listens to mostly talk radio or podcasts11:35
* scott-work admits he is getting old :P11:35
smartboyhwscott-work, LOL11:39
scott-workastraljava: i did manage to find a way to discard all emails from a particular domain in mailman11:40
* scott-work is tired of having to discard the practically daily emails from @loresiaroles.com11:41
knomescott-work, are you sure that works? i think i did some filtering and that made everything not pass O:)11:42
scott-workin Privacy options... -> Sender Filters i added      ^[^@]+@loresiaroles\.com$11:43
scott-workwhich i know have an email notification of an auto-discard11:43
scott-workknome: i dug into the mailman docs to find this11:43
scott-worki was worried as well because it looks scary :P11:43
astraljavascott-work: Cool. I assume we won't run into many issues before the cd build mails start coming in again. :)11:44
scott-worki (and others apparently) were trying the wildcard *@loresiaroles.com which wasn't working11:44
scott-worklol, astraljava , true, but hopefully these work again11:44
scott-workone goal for me this cycle is to start creating informative/tutorial videos for ubuntu studio12:01
scott-workit would be nice to also add voice over translations as well12:01
scott-workyoutube allows for subtitles easily, but it would be very nice if we could have audio translations for each of the videos as well12:02
scott-worki would happily and easily replace the english audio with other languages if they could be provided12:02
knomedoes vimeo or some other service support that then?12:02
scott-workknome: i do not know much about vimeo, i have used it some in the past, but not recently12:03
scott-workquick google search does not show that vimeo can do subtitles at this point12:05
scott-workalthough there are third party apps to do this12:05
scott-workof course it could also be simply added to the video itself, regardless of where it is hosted12:06
scott-worki believe youtube would allow you to host a single video but add various subtitle translations to that file12:08
knomemmh, don't know12:08
scott-worki would expect that people would prefer to have the audio in their native language rather than a subtitle translation12:08
scott-workwhich results in more videos (of the same content) but this is hosting/player agnostic then12:09
scott-workeither way, i plan to start within a month or so12:09
scott-worki'll keep the original files so translations can be sussed out at some point if we decide to do them12:10
scott-workknome: what application is the xubuntu help in?12:11
knomescott-work, firefocx12:11
scott-workoh, is that like html?12:11
scott-workokay. that seems like a better way to do than a particular application format12:12
scott-worki think yelp is a restaurant rating service now that i think about it. i wonder what application i was thinking about.12:13
smartboyhwrestaurant rating;P12:13
knomeyelp probably12:13
knomei think the gnome docs are on yelp, and that's why yelp is on xubuntu too12:13
scott-worksmartboyhw: really...http://www.yelp.com/houston12:14
scott-workoh, so yelp is both, and i was right...and wrong :P12:14
scott-workwhat is nice about html is that i believe you can create and edits the docs in libre office or even microsoft word, and export to html12:18
knomeurrr.. 12:19
knomethey export awful html12:19
knomexubuntu docs are in docbook and converted to html12:19
scott-workah, that is good to know12:20
scott-workquestion: does anyone else use different background images (or wallpapers) for the different workspaces or monitors?12:20
knomewell, we used to ship two wallpapers for precise, left and right, for this purpose12:21
len-dtscott-work, once I get working not much of the BG shows anyway :)13:17
ailoscott-work: Feels like we're really putting up high goals for this release13:37
smartboyhwailo, we ARE:D 13:37
ailoWe really should try get more people involved. I'll work double time on dev docs for this reason13:38
smartboyhwailo, WOW.................... 13:38
* smartboyhw is amazed13:38
ailohmm, not much use looking at the dependency tree https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-r-flavor-ubuntustudio14:07
len-dtailo, ya I can't read it :)14:09
len-dtThe tool tips work though and I can read those.14:14
* len-dt is off to work...14:15
ailolen-dt: Ah, good14:15
ailoI should probably rename them to something short and easily read14:15
holsteinailo: how did the presentation go?14:35
ailoholstein: I was never athorized to #ubuntu-classroom when I was to go on, so I did my thing at #ubuntustudio-chate14:48
ailo#ubuntustudio-classroom-chat *14:48
scott-workknome: do you recall the name of the package you include the help files or the release notes?14:48
ailoSomeone was kind to paste the entire session to the correct channel afterwards. I only got one question14:49
scott-workoh, i had a comment on my blog i wanted to share, let me dig it up14:49
scott-workHey there ubuntu, Just installed 12.10 over 12.04 Don't know what you guys did, it works at least 10% faster. Great job. 14:49
scott-workthis was for the ubuntu studio 12.10 release announcement so i'm pretty sure he knew this was about ubuntu STUDIO, but again, maybe not14:50
holsteinyeah... thats a good comment14:50
scott-workit probably will make len-dt feel good about his work :)14:50
holsteinfor that one person and hardware case... though i fine 12.10 peppy too14:50
scott-workdid we ever change the website to announce 12.10 release?14:51
* holstein checks14:51
ailoscott-work: It's announced in the news page14:51
ailoBut, we don't have anything on the front page14:51
holsteinhttp://ubuntustudio.org/download/ is up to date it seems14:51
ailoIt's all up to date14:51
holsteinyeah... i think its good like that14:52
holsteinwhen you hit download, you get the current iso14:52
ailoWe could add a new slide for, 12.10 just released14:52
holsteineh.. i say keep it easy14:53
holsteinnow we just edit some text to stay up to date14:53
ailoIt's not a big thing to do, adding one slide. Just write some text, and add a picture for it. Commonly, you have some sort of news on the front page about new releases14:56
ailoYou can either write some text on the page itself, or add a slide (if it's the first in line, it will be the first thing you see when you open the site)14:56
ailoholstein: Just look at any other derivative14:58
ailoOr, Ubuntu itself14:58
* smartboyhw is back14:58
smartboyhwfrom the session14:58
scott-workin ways i miss having the news items on the home page (but realizes others don't feel the same)14:59
scott-workbut ubuntu and kubuntu has a either an image stating "*buntu 12.10" and/or a button to download 12.1015:00
scott-workxubuntu has a "blog feed" section that shows xubuntu 12.10 as released15:01
scott-worktherefore all have it announce in some way on the landing page15:01
scott-workheh, lubuntu also has it posted on their landing page as a news feed15:01
smartboyhwwe should yhen15:02
scott-worki think it was stochasti that was a big fan of keeping the landing page clean15:17
* scott-work isn't implying that this is the way it _should_ be, just noted who he remembered favoured this approach15:17
smartboyhwscott-work, LOL15:17
smartboyhwWhat I think is that: Why can't we announce alpha and beta releases on the website?15:18
smartboyhwOnly final releases available: Too dull15:18
ailoThat would be a good idea, to get more testers15:18
ailoAn idea for next time around15:18
ailoastraljava: I think I found a way to use the ubuntustudio team for a good purpose further on15:19
smartboyhwailo, oh?15:20
ailoastraljava: We should start sending mails to that team on things like asking for participants for testing, etc15:20
smartboyhwailo, ah good suggestion, but then we already have the -users mailing list for that...15:20
ailoI think people who join that team probably were hoping to contribute in one way or another15:20
ailosmartboyhw: We don't need to put all our eggs in one basket15:21
smartboyhwailo, !?15:21
smartboyhwcan't understand this acronym15:21
ailosmartboyhw: If the basket falls, all eggs are broken. If you use many baskets, a few eggs spilled is not the end of the world15:22
ailoIt's a common saying15:22
smartboyhwOK so Basket 1. -users mail list 2. ~ubuntustudio LP team 3. -devel mail list 4. ubuntustudio.org am I wrong?15:22
ailosmartboyhw: http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/put+all+eggs+in+one+basket15:22
ailosmartboyhw: In this case, we have a team which we are not using for anything good.15:23
smartboyhwOk sorry I don't know much about idioms15:23
ailoSo, why not use it for something, which I believe it's members are even expecting it to be used for15:23
smartboyhwailo, make good use of it and wait: Isn't there a ~ubuntustudio-testing LP team?15:23
ailosmartboyhw: Yes. But the person who has that team is not active right now.15:25
ailoAll though, we should try to put all teams into good use15:25
ailothe ubuntustudio team would be a good way to reach users who might want to help15:26
smartboyhwailo, I may contact that person to take over the ~ubuntustudio-testers team to you or me then. Will try15:31
smartboyhwailo, wait that guy is stochastic !15:31
ailoAh, he's online even15:32
ailosmartboyhw: Well, go ahead and ask15:32
smartboyhwstochastic, you here?15:32
ailostochastic: As perhaps you read from the backscroll (when you returned), we were wondering if it were possible to overtake the -testing team. smartboyhw would probably like to use it for something (yet undefined)15:42
ailoholstein: Something you could do? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntustudio-r-public-relations15:45
ailoAh, I still need to work on the wiki page a bit, but one could start looking at how to reach out in the media15:46
smartboyhwpublic relations!15:46
ailoYeah, sounds really professional. Let's try to make it that too15:47
smartboyhwIf holstein can do it, should we learn Xubuntu for having a marketing lead15:47
smartboyhwand get holstein to do it15:47
smartboyhwGod that blueprint dependency tree is killing me...How on Earth do we have so many blueprints?15:48
ailoI think they could have made the imaging of it a bit more flexible15:48
ailoBut, the dependency tree is not that important15:49
ailoIt's the workitems15:49
ailoAnd we should try to get people to work on specific blueprints, so not everyone is working on everything15:49
smartboyhwAs I say I will mainly work on the testing documentation15:50
smartboyhwSo maybe we could do "Assignee" changed?15:51
ailosmartboyhw: You remember when I talked about how it's bad if everyone in a football team are all chasing the ball?15:52
smartboyhwailo, stop using idioms please.......:(15:52
ailosmartboyhw: I will take care of the details, but if you do spot something that is not right, please do tell15:52
smartboyhwJust talk straight15:52
scott-worki have items that i would like to add to the public relations blueprint. quite a lot actually :D15:53
smartboyhwbye all anyway:P15:54
ailosee you around smartboyhw 15:54
scott-worki wouldn't mind heading that blueprint up if no one in particular feels strongly about doing it15:54
scott-workby smartboyhw 15:54
ailoscott-work: Go crazy, why not?15:54
ailoIt was the first blueprint I started adding workitems for15:55
smartboyhwailo, add oil:P15:55
scott-worklol, he keeps telling me that as well15:56
ailoYeah, seems like common expression in HK15:56
ailoTo boost morale, perhaps15:56
scott-worki am thinking that the PR wiki page could be the final result of the blueprint using the whiteboard (on the blueprint) to suss out the details and include notes15:56
scott-workwow, poorly written sentence15:56
ailoIRC curse, inflicting on your writing skills15:57
scott-workgot a meeting, be back in a bit15:57
stochasticscott-work, I just received a request from smartboyhw to take over ownership of the ubuntustudio-testers group in launchpad.  Currently I'm listed as the owner.  I'm curious if I should instead change the owner to ubuntustudio-devs17:13
micahgpersonally, I think the owner should be the project lead with the testing lead as an admin17:15
ailoAh, yeah. That should work17:15
stochasticso is scott the project lead currently?17:16
ailostochastic: Yep17:17
stochasticwhat reasons for this more specific ownership scheme do you suggest micahg?  If the dev team collectively owns the testing team then turnover in the project lead position will have less impact on the group itself.17:17
stochasticand less paperwork to alter17:18
micahgstochastic: project lead has final say on who runs the testing team (owner can add/modify/remove users), testing lead can add/modify/remove users, but not the owner)17:18
ailoAlso, not all teams can have admins, or?17:18
holsteinailo: im not saying you cant or shouldnt add a slide17:18
holsteinailo: im just saying, right now, its easy for me to ask knome to update a little text17:18
ailoholstein: I do the updating for the most part17:19
ailoholstein: We have team for that, you know17:19
holsteinailo: sure.. go for it17:19
holsteinailo: but, if you are busy, and its says "new release 12.10 and its may 2013...17:19
micahgadmin for testing lead only makes sense if the idea is to build a team and the lead has been told to find more people 17:19
stochasticmicahg, okay, but why not just set the developer team as the owner?17:20
holsteinailo: im most just thinking future proof... and easy admin-ing.. but like i said, i have no problems with a sile17:20
micahgstochastic: that would allow any member of the dev team to "in theory" hijack the team, also, owner decides who's a member/admin and who isn't, it doesn't seem to make sense for the dev team to "own" that role17:21
ailoholstein: We used to have a problem with getting the website updated, but since we have control over it ourselves now, that kind of things is not likely to happen anymore17:21
micahgteam as owner makes sense when each member of the team is empowered to manage whatever is being owned17:22
micahgI don't believe that's the case here17:22
stochasticyes, true I'll make the changes you suggest.  thanks.17:22
holsteinailo: go for it! i just dont want to deal with making or replacing or removing an old slide17:22
ailoholstein: It's a matter of clicking a button to disable it, so it really isn't a big issue. I'll make one, and let you see the results later17:23
stochasticmicahg, just one minor quibble with your logic now: scott is not a member of the testers team and yet we're arbitrarily setting him as the owner?17:24
micahgstochastic: owner isn't a member anymore in launchpad :)17:24
micahgstochastic: unless the team was created outside the scope of the project, I would think scott would have final say17:25
* micahg doesn't know the background of the team17:25
stochasticokay book keeping is done, scott is owner, howard is an admin17:26
stochasticyes the team was created primarily to get more people involved in testing without forcing them to join the dev team (which can be a daunting and distracting team)17:26
stochasticessentially a taskforce from the dev team with outside involvement17:27
micahgoutside the dev team, but in the scope of the project, right?17:27
holsteini can do https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntustudio-r-public-relations as well... i just cant really look at it til december17:27
ailoholstein: Ah. Well, I'm sure the whole thing will grow a bit during the cycle. But, I was hoping you might be interested in creating and looking for news a bit17:29
ailoholstein: And keeping up with users through certain social channels, or whatever17:29
holsteinailo: i am!17:30
ailoJust seemed like something that might suit you somehow17:30
holsteini have 2 little trips in november after the theater show im doing17:30
holsteinthen i 'll be much more free17:30
holsteinespecially in january.. things slow down for me17:30
stochasticmicahg, yep17:31
stochasticmicahg, also I just noticed that astraljava is the owner of Ubuntu Studio, by your sound logic this should be thought about being passed over to scott-work?17:32
ailostochastic: micahg: I think what we have in mind now is letting Howard take the lead on getting regular users to help with testing. Howard being the contact person to the dev team17:32
micahgyes :)17:32
stochasticwhat comment was that a yes to?17:32
stochasticmine or ailo's?17:33
micahgstochastic: yours17:33
micahgwell, I guess both17:33
stochasticailo, yes I agree with that assesment17:33
stochasticas an administrator of the group howard should have all the power he requires to take care of that group17:34
ailoOk, good. Then we got that one nailed down :)17:34
stochasticI've sent an e-mail to scott and janne about switching the Ubuntu Studio team owner position17:43
ailoholstein: I ended up just adding one line to the first slide http://ubuntustudio.org/17:50
ailoWe should probably have a more user friendly release news posting with each release, I think17:51
ailoOne with more pictures than words, if you know what I mean17:51
holsteini liked smartboys forum post17:51
ailoholstein: Did it have pics?17:51
ailoholstein: Looking at it17:52
ailoholstein: well, it's mostly a copy of the release notes. He just added his own begin and end17:53
ailoI don't mean we scrap release notes. Just that we have one less technical post, with much less content17:54
ailoI'll see about making one tomorrow..17:57
astraljavastochastic: Where am I the owner of?18:58
astraljavaAre you guys seriously going to be adding support for wubi this cycle?19:02
astraljavastochastic: Also, I don't think I've received that email. Where did you send it to?19:03
astraljavaNevermind, just found it.19:03
astraljavascott-work: You seem to have two accounts on LP, which one should I use?19:11
ailoastraljava: wubi is a suggestion yes. What would talk against it?19:18
astraljavaI can't understand why you would want to use the hardware resources through a layer of Windows.19:21
astraljavaSurely that won't do good for latency?19:22
astraljavaHmmm... ok, I may have been getting some of that wrong.19:22
astraljavaBut it is still residing in a file on NTFS partition, so I have my doubts.19:26
astraljavaAll the technicalities on the 'net seem to be rather outdated. Oh well, maybe it has matured past the issues and limitations.19:34
knomeit's not long ago xubuntu dropped wubi support because it only brought problems.19:43
knomeastraljava, how did the choir practice go?19:43
ailoWell, we have it under consideration, so someone should find out the good sides and the bad sides, and based on that, see if and how to support it19:48
len-dtwhats wubi?20:41
knomelen-dt, software that install ubuntu inside windows20:46
len-dt:P  no windows here to test that on. OK20:47
knomedon't tell me this hdmi cable is dead20:47
knomelooks like it is20:48
ailoI actually installed Ubuntu using wubi on my moms computer20:53
ailoShe isn't bitten by the *nix yet20:53
ailoLikes her IE20:54
knomethe biggets problem with wubi is, imo, that once you want to go to a linux-only pc, you can't do that unless you reinstall20:54
ailoI see it as way to try Linux out20:55
ailoIt's pretty easy to get rid of, for someone not that techincal20:55
ailo+ no need to do any partitioning, etc20:55
knomethat's true, it's easy to install, but in the end, it's not easy to get completely away from windows20:56
knomeand that increases the possibility users will stick with windows20:56
knome"if you want to use linux only, you will still need windows since you installed with wubi" doesn't sound too good to my ears20:58
knomethat isn't a very good product20:58
Len-nbIt may be a "everyone else is using this why don't we have it too?" thing.20:59
ailoI don't see any political issues with it. It's a techincal possibility. If it works ok, I think it's worth supporting, if it's not too much of a hazzle20:59
ailoI'd leave it up to the user to decide in which way to install21:00
Len-nbAre their people with windows for testing this?21:00
knome"i want more space for my linux files, how do i delete windows?"21:00
knome"you can't, since you installed with wubi"21:00
ailoI have access at least, to a couple of machines21:00
knomethere's a less political side of it21:01
ailoknome: It's still up to the user. And it's up to us to explain what happens if you do this or that21:01
knomeailo, sure, but the thing is, users usually won't ask.21:02
knomeailo, those are just a few reasons why i dislike wubi21:02
knomeafaik, there has been some wubi-specific bugs too21:02
ailoI wouldn't recommend it to anyone to install with wubi. But, again, if someone wants it, and it's possible to implement, I don't see any problem with that.21:03
knomeyeah, aiui, it's just one checkbox to enable it21:03
knomeailo, you want to contact evan dandrea (ev) about it21:04
ailoknome: Ok, thanks21:05
scott-workdoh, just got out of an afternoon of fixing problems and meetings21:22
scott-worki'll read the backscroll at home21:23
scott-workastraljava: i didn't know that i had two accounts, i was only aware of a single account21:23
scott-worki am going home now though21:23
stochasticastraljava, it's this particular group I was talking about https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio21:24
holsteinailo: i was just pointing that out for the text21:31
holsteini agree about more pics than text21:31
ailoholstein: It's the same text here. We need it of course, but I'll see about adding a news post with less content tomorrow. It might be a nice thing to have for every release21:38
ailoholstein: https://ubuntustudio.org/2012/10/ubuntu-studio-12-10-quantal-quentzal-release-notes/21:38
ailobb tomorrow21:38

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