
astraljavaThat's... unbelievably sad.06:05
ailo-wknome: Could I bother you for a little while?08:27
ailo-wknome: I'm thinking about creating blueprints. Like, we did here for the last cycle https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-quantal-flavor-ubuntustudio08:34
ailo-wAh, I'll ask around..08:34
knomeailo-w, i'm here :)09:29
knomeailo-w, you still need help?09:30
ailoknome: Nope. I did some more investigation, and realized it's better if I just ask Scott.09:39
ailoknome: I noticed Kate makes the topic, etc09:39
knomeailo, i created it for R for xubuntu09:39
knomeailo, remind you, skaet is not the release manager for R anyway09:40
knomeailo, canonical isn't paying for her to do that at least09:40
ailoknome: Oh, ok. So, there's really no need to bother her about it09:41
ailoknome: How do you make the dependencies?09:41
knomeailo, there's the button "add dependency" at the bottom of the topic-blueprint09:42
knomeailo, press that, and paste a blueprint name, and it will show properly, and is eventually linked to status.ubuntu.com too09:43
knomeailo, ANY dependencies (even if several levels down) are included09:43
knomeailo, ...and shown in the graph09:43
ailoknome: Is the topic blueprint just a normal blueprint, but you name it topic-* ?09:44
ailoI'm not finding any such button, but thinking perhaps that is due to me not having created one yet09:44
knomeailo, yep, it's just a normal blueprint09:44
* astraljava just got good reviews of precise from a dude who has worked with *nices probably since the early '80s.12:20
knome*nices ?12:20
astraljavaSo, good job, guys!12:20
astraljavaA word play of plural of unix.12:21
astraljavaI never really know how to correctly make words ending in x into plurals.12:26
knomeain't that just "unixes" ?12:26
astraljavaIt just doesn't feel right. And not nearly as fun.12:27
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