
bin_bashi always use mirrors00:01
xubuntu212torrent process is supposed to have no chance of corruption00:02
xubuntu212so should not need to have md5sum of it, however... if someone lights off the torrent with a corrupt file.. it is going ot land corrupt... very bad for user experience00:02
David-Axubuntu212: if you get the torrent-file and the checksum-file from the same site, they will probably both be corrupted and match eachother (assuming competent crooks)00:08
David-Axubuntu212: i've just downloaded xubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso via torrent and md5sum matches that on site cdimages.ubuntu.com00:27
greasegumnot a bug exactly01:09
greasegumbut it seems weird that when I click to minimize in xfce-panel I can't just click again to bring a window back01:09
greasegumI have to switch focus to another window first01:09
greasegumthen I can click the first window to restore01:09
bin_bashSo, is this channel only for XFCE help01:10
greasegumbin_bash:: I don't think so.01:10
greasegumbut I did just realize that xfce has its own channel01:11
lotuspsychjehi all, i installed xubuntu 12.04.1 with xubuntu-restricted-extras and enabled 'partners' source then tryed both adobe-flashplugin and flashplugin-installer..i still cant play youtube any thoughts?02:00
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
psychogenikhaven't tried 12.10 yet, how is it?02:38
Name141Is the UI pretty much the same in the LTS as 12.10 ?02:40
psychogenikdont know02:40
psychogenikabout to try it on virtualbox02:40
Name141psychogenik: are you on the LTS?02:41
Unit193Not too different, just a couple things.  Read the release notes?02:41
Name141Unit193: So there's nothing spectacularly new from the LTS ?02:41
psychogenikyea was wondering if I should stay on lts or not02:41
Unit193Xfce 4.10, big one.02:42
Name141I was wondering if I should get the LTS or 12.10.. I'm thinking LTS since I don't like being annoyed a lot.02:42
Name141I suppose I'll download the LTS, run it live.. see if I like the looks of it.. then run 12.10 later on the USB stick and figure out which one I want02:49
Name141I'm getting tired of ye olde XP lagging up with MSE or AGP02:50
psychogenikaha same mse is killin xp for me02:51
Name141yeah, and avira blows.02:51
psychogenikI'll prob go with LTS just to be safe02:52
psychogenikcant make up my mind really02:52
Name141I just want to go with it just to not be annoyed for 3 years if I don't want to be.02:52
psychogenikanyone effected by the ext4 data corruption bug?02:54
amigo316Hello everyone, I installed xubuntu recently. I got a prob. Every filesystem icons is displayed twice on my desktop! Someone pls help me fix this03:58
Unit193Bug #1044896 and Bug #103937503:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1044896 in xfce4 (Ubuntu) "desktop shows removable storage devices twice" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104489603:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1039375 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Duplicate partitions shown" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103937503:59
psychogenikI <3 12.1004:42
amigo316Hello Everyone, Volume icon is missing in the top panel. Please help me fix it!05:44
amigo316Problem Solved. Thanks if someone took effort to answer. :)05:50
psychogenikwhy doesnt xubuntu 12.10 have graphic drivers?05:53
WalterNcause it does?05:55
psychogenikmine isnt showing up only my wifi driver :(05:56
WalterNis it an AMD video card or NVIDIA?05:56
WalterNor maybe its intel?05:56
WalterNthe closed source AMD drivers dont work on the new kernel unless you do serious hackage05:57
WalterNbut the open source AMD drivers IMO are quite good05:58
psychogenikwhere can I find those?05:58
WalterNyou are using them05:58
WalterNits part of the kernel... heh.. more or less an extension of the Xorg project05:59
WalterNwhat AMD video card do you have?05:59
psychogenikolder one05:59
WalterNoh well yeah05:59
WalterNthe older ones are very well supported06:00
WalterNrun glxgears and see what frames/second you get06:00
WalterNI'm very happy the way open source is headed these days06:01
psychogenikI was just used to being able to see catalyst manager06:02
WalterNyeah... when AMD bought ATI, AMD started releasing specs to the video cards so better open source drivers could be made06:02
WalterNand hired a few people to help the dev along06:03
psychogenikheard recently they laid off a lot of people and going to stop supporting legacy drivers for xp and linux06:04
psychogenikso I might have to upgrade soon.06:04
WalterNfor closed source, yeah... open source drivers will continue to thrive06:04
psychogenikoh thats good06:04
WalterNyou run glxgears from the command line?06:06
psychogeniksaid could not be found?06:06
WalterNoh yeah06:07
WalterNyou need to apt-get install mesa-utils06:08
psychogenikok i'm getting good fps06:11
WalterNeasy problem is easy06:11
WizardGood morning.06:18
WalterNit is indeed... 19 minutes into morning06:18
WizardPretty advanced morning, I'd say.06:28
WizardIt's become even bright already :P06:29
The_Letter_MHello Everyone06:43
WizardHi, The_Letter_M.06:48
WalterNis there something to just show other people what I'm working on?07:14
WalterNsomething like VNC but without the ability to control computers07:14
well_laid_lawnWalterN: what do you mean by show?07:17
well_laid_lawnshow the code or a vid clip of it or... ?07:17
Unit193Screencast style, but live.07:17
WalterNlike... well.. I guess VNC would work if the remote control part is disabled07:18
Unit193-noremote              Do not process any remote control commands or queries.07:18
WalterNis there a shiny GUI thingy around?07:19
well_laid_lawniirc vlc has a screencapture option that you could share on the lan, you'd have to set it up for streaming07:20
well_laid_lawnvlc = video lan client    it's made to do that sort of thing07:21
WalterNright... and I want to set up a server.. what one do I want?07:22
WalterNwith shiny buttons to click on XD07:23
well_laid_lawnI don't think there's one like that around07:23
well_laid_lawnthere'll be cli work invovled afaik07:23
well_laid_lawnif the others have vnc use that07:24
well_laid_lawnWalterN: might be something you could use here - http://www.howtoforge.com/streaming-your-desktop-with-audio-and-webcam-overlay-in-a-browser-using-ffmpeg-crtmpserver-and-flowplayer07:28
ochosievil suggestion: use skype (you can share your screen with it, works across platforms)07:29
WalterNmy mind was just starting to wonder to ffmpeg.. heh07:29
WalterNthat is one heck of an intensive command07:30
well_laid_lawnit is :007:31
WalterNffmpeg -f alsa -i pulse -f x11grab -s 1680x1050 -r 30 -i :0.0+0,0 -vf "movie=/dev/video0:f=video4linux2, scale=240:-1, fps, setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [movie]; [in][movie] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-2:main_h-overlay_h-2 [out]" -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 -preset veryfast -minrate 150k -maxrate 500k -s 960x540 -acodec libfaac -ar 44100 -ab 96000 -threads 0 -f flv - | tee name.flv | ffmpeg -i - -codec copy -f flv -met07:31
WalterNadata streamName=livestream tcp://x.x.y.y:123407:31
well_laid_lawnvlc can make it easier - http://grok.lsu.edu/article.aspx?articleid=1462507:31
Silence-Pleasantly surprised by Xubuntu 12.10. Decided to try ubuntu again, after a while with Debian, after having deserted ubuntu (after having used debian for years).07:34
Silence-Confusing, I know.07:34
Silence-Anyway, 12.10 looks good, and I haven't had that many ubuntu-clusterfucks so far.07:34
Silence-A few crashes are to be expected, I guess, but overall it works quite well.07:34
WalterNthe only problem I've ever had was with unity...07:35
Silence-WalterN: Sure, ubuntu as a dist works quite well. I do still get the occasional "system crash"-popup though. Plus, I dislike the categorization of updates. Sometimes I get GUI-updates in "critical security updates".07:35
Silence-Which makes no sense, to me.07:36
Silence-But yes, xubuntu 12.10 looks great.07:36
WizardSilence-: Alas, Xubuntu still needs improvements.07:43
Silence-Wizard: Of course. All Linux systems do. We need better cooperation. I still hope Google will stop using ubuntu+unity at their offices, and instead put effort into developing Google Linux, with great design and, perhaps, dedicated hardware, apple style. Imagine a Linux Dist made by Google, that could handle native Android apps.07:44
Silence-And with great design etc.07:44
Silence-That would truly change the market.07:44
WizardI don't doubt.07:44
WizardUnity is a nice aproach, but its quality is terrible.07:46
WizardXfce is stable, but sometimes it is inconsistent.07:46
WizardNothing is perfect :P07:46
WizardAt least xfce is fast and not so much RAM hungry.07:46
Silence-I always stuck with fluxbox or lately, lxde.07:47
Silence-I found xfce too bloated.07:47
Silence-But I must say, it is quite nice.07:47
Silence-I like that dists still needs improvements.07:47
Silence-That's what makes people create new and better ways, and new dists.07:47
Wizard4.10 got some nice features.07:47
Silence-It keeps the Linux world on its feet.07:47
xubuntu718anyone still up?07:53
diegokapuhello, does anyone know how to enable the volume control button in the indicator applet (i am running xfce desktop on xubuntu 12.04)08:58
koegsno patience09:19
jayneil_Hi. I am using Xubuntu 12.04 on my laptop and I am connecting the laptop to external lcd tv via hdmi. The problem I facing is that if I clone the displays on both the laptop and tv, some part of the screen gets clipped on the laptop screen09:43
jayneil_I mean there is some portion of the screen on the edge of the screen which I cannot access09:43
jayneil_So, how do I solve this problem?09:43
jayneil_I never faced this problem while using Ubuntu..09:44
well_laid_lawnjayneil_: how are you going about cloning the display?09:45
jayneil_via settings>display09:45
jayneil_and use both laptop and hdmi output09:45
jayneil_basically i want the output on both laptop and external tv in proper resolution without anything getting clipped09:46
well_laid_lawnof course09:46
TheSheepjayneil_: did you try to set it up with xrandr?09:46
TheSheepjayneil_: or arandr, if you like gui09:47
jayneil_arandr keeps crashing09:47
well_laid_lawnyou can check what the display settings are now with xrandr09:49
well_laid_lawnis that laptop using the tv's size?09:49
jayneil_ok. i ran xrandr. it seems tv is in full 1080p and laptop is  1366x76809:50
well_laid_lawnthat seems like it should be ok then09:52
well_laid_lawnare you using one of the proprietry graphics drivers ?09:54
well_laid_lawnthey have their own interface for that09:54
jayneil_output of the xrandr command09:54
jayneil_no external graphics card09:55
jayneil_default intel graphic card09:55
well_laid_lawnintel should work fine with xrandr09:56
well_laid_lawnthe xrandr paste was what you said it was09:57
jayneil_also on the external tv, some portion is clipped09:57
jayneil_so what should i do to fix this..?09:57
well_laid_lawnwhat makes you think there is screen realestate on the laptop that's not visible?09:58
well_laid_lawnor why do you think it is clipped?09:58
jayneil_well i have my browser open.. So, i cannot see close or maximise button on right hand side. its way beyond the edge of the screen09:59
jayneil_same with file manager.. i cannot see any of those buttons.. some of the icons are even clipped off on the right hand side near the edge of the screen09:59
well_laid_lawnon the laptop?10:00
well_laid_lawnit might be that the tv is the primary so windows show up larger on the laptop10:01
jayneil_on the laptop as well as the external tv10:01
well_laid_lawnon both ok10:01
jayneil_but changing the external tv resolution to 1680x1050 solves the edge issue on it.. but the problem stll persists on the laptop screen10:03
WalterNit could be the OS is seeing the native resolution of the TV and setting its self to that, when the actual viewing area of the TV is smaller (so you have to set a smaller resolution)10:06
WalterNI've had something like this with my "1080p" TV10:06
WalterNwhen its actually a few pixels smaller viewing area10:07
WalterNbut right now I'm too tired to brain10:08
* WalterN passes out on the bed10:08
miarfthe 12.10 installer's security key strength indicator works kinda weirdly10:08
miarfit goes from "strong password" to "short password" by adding characters to the "strong" one10:08
jayneil_  ok10:10
well_laid_lawnjayneil_: did you set a size for each monitor when you set them up?10:11
well_laid_lawn http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198297410:20
jayneil_No, I did not. But, i reduced the external tv's resolution from 1080p to 1650x1080 so that it fits the screen10:32
jayneil_no change on the laptop screen resolution10:32
jayneil_i am trying to get arandr to run.. but it just keeps crashing. even downloaded the latest version.. same thing. it wont execute10:33
well_laid_lawnif you run it in a terminal is there any errors ?10:33
well_laid_lawnyou can paste them10:34
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:34
well_laid_lawnseems python doesn't think 480i is an integer10:36
well_laid_lawnand it isn't10:36
jayneil_so what should i do now?10:37
well_laid_lawndo you have the file .arandr in your home dir ?10:37
well_laid_lawnI'd delete that and try again10:38
well_laid_lawnhang on - why are you running arandr from the Downloads dir?10:38
well_laid_lawn!info arandr10:39
ubottuarandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.6-1 (quantal), package size 62 kB, installed size 456 kB10:39
well_laid_lawnit's in the package manager10:39
jayneil_yea true.. but that does not worl10:41
jayneil_so i downloaded the latest version from the website and tried running it10:41
well_laid_lawnit's the same errors for both?10:41
well_laid_lawnor similar?10:41
jayneil_well when i install it from software center, i get an icon and i just click on that but nothing happens10:42
well_laid_lawntry from a terminal10:42
well_laid_lawnsudo apt-get install arandr10:42
jayneil_did that too.. it just does not open..10:43
jayneil_2mrw I am going to try connecting my laptop with another monitor and make sure that this problem is not because of it..10:44
well_laid_lawnI'd make sure I had set the size for each monitor in settings>display10:45
jayneil_yea the size is set..10:46
jayneil_but here is the wierd thing.. i have jupiter installed.. so in that if i go to Video Display?both internal left, then it fixes the issue on my laptop but not the tv10:47
jayneil_video display>both  internal left10:47
well_laid_lawnok afaik the other thing to try is to logout, press ctrl+alt+F2 and login and mv -v ~/.config ~/.config.bak and logout and ctrl+alt+F7 and login and try the setup again10:48
xubuntu671hi. I was having some problems with connecting my laptop to external screen. So, I renamed my ~/.config file to ~/.config.bak and somehow messed up11:34
xubuntu671and now all my old settings are gone11:34
xubuntu671and its all haywire11:34
xubuntu671the laptop does not even detect an hdmi monitor anymore11:35
WizardThis is really strange.11:35
Wizard1. Never mess with .config, there are other configuration directories (like .local)11:36
Wizard2. Messing with .config can't just disable hardware support.11:36
WizardDo you have monitor your monitor attached now?11:36
xubuntu671everything is gone11:37
xubuntu671even the keyboard shortcut does not wor11:37
Wizardwhat does xrandr command say?11:37
xubuntu671it does not show the external monitor11:37
xubuntu671damn! why on earth did i bother with all this..11:38
xubuntu671it took me so long to get this asus laptop to work with xubuntu11:38
WizardDon't worry.11:38
xubuntu671and not i got to start all over from scratch11:38
WizardNvidia optimus?11:38
xubuntu671no normal intel hd graphic card11:38
WizardHmm.. so it should work out of the box.11:39
xubuntu671arandr was not running.. hence i tried messing with config file11:39
Wizardcheck xorg.log for errors.11:39
xubuntu671where do i find the above folder?11:39
WizardOr just /var/log.. I never remember :P11:40
xubuntu671it is a very big file11:43
WizardLook for EE or lines related to HDMI.11:44
WizardI'm not an expert in Xorg configuration/drivers/monitors, unfortuntely.11:44
WizardAcrually, I'm not expert at all :P11:44
Wizard"I feel so helpless"11:53
iliasi installed to a friend's old notebook (acer travelmate with cpu 3ghz and 750 ram) xubuntu 12.04. Everything to be running smoothly, but very often the system freezes during internet browsing (using either Mozilla or Crome) and the only way to re-start is to click to power on/off button. Any idea? Is it a distro's issue or is it a harware problem?12:05
Spike29ilias: have you installed the Flash plugin ?12:06
bazhangilias, I answered you in #kubuntu already12:06
Spike29Sometimes Flash crashes for me too12:06
iliasbazhang: thank you for your answer. i am considering about lubuntu. do you think i have to go straight from this installation trying sudo apt-get install lubuntu or try a fresh one?12:08
iliasSpike29: adobe must be installed. otherwise no page is possible to be read.12:09
iliasSpike29: the problem is that freezes to often. if there is no activity nothing is happening, but if you try to browse to certain 'heavy' pages crash is almost everytime coming? so ram limitation, accelerator card driver's issue or just distro too heavy for this machine?12:13
Spike29what is the CPU ?12:14
iliasintel 3ghz 7 years old12:15
Spike29well, it should work with xubuntu :/12:15
Spike29lubuntu is faster, btw12:16
Spike29but a fresh install is better12:16
iliassure. i am running 12.04 on an older hp notebook with a 1,5 ghz but with a 1,5 gb ram and is very very fast and smooth. so why not a 3 ghz processor.12:17
iliasSpike29: i have already downloaded lubuntu 12.04 to try it. should i try this distro or try an older one. i also downloaded xubuntu 10.04 witch is still alive. should i try it or i will loose my time?12:19
Spike29well, you can try both of them on LiveCDs12:19
Spike29whithout installing anything12:20
iliasyes, sure but this option is more slow. i downloaded also mint 13 which as far as i read is based on ubuntu. is it a good also option to try it or is it definetely more heavy than xubuntu 12.04. i read the requirements and asks for at least 512 as 12.04 i think.12:23
iliasokey guys. thank you for your advises. i quit for now.12:25
lestuslet the rhythm be your guiding light12:34
mcb_1I upgraded to Xubuntu 12.10 and now i cant mount DVD/CD. Running as root: If I try $mount /dev/cdrom2 /mnt ; I get can`t read superblock. If i try: $mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom2 /mnt; I get: Wrong fs type. Does anyone know what I can do. I worked before upgrading.13:14
Marzatha"could not install package" when trying to run ntp from the time menu. Any comment?13:16
Marzathaah, in Xubuntu 12.10 (64)13:16
Marzathantp is not working again?13:16
koegsMarzatha: try to install ntp from the command line13:34
Marzathakoegs: again?13:34
Marzathain 11.10 all was fine13:34
koegsMarzatha: try "sudo apt-get install ntp"13:34
Marzathain 12.04 wrong, in 12.10 wrong again13:35
Marzathawhere do you change the size of the panel text of the weather applet?13:44
Marzathaok, will write all this in the forum ... and thanks13:51
marcpvhi, please, I missed the "envelope" area in the bar after the upgrade, the one that use to be pidgin, etc.... any idea?14:10
xubuntu080is anyone here?14:47
apm1TheSheep, irony :p14:48
mcb_1I upgraded to Xubuntu 12.10 and now i can NOT mount DVD/CD. Running as root: If I try $mount /dev/cdrom2 /mnt ; I get can`t read superblock. If i try: $mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom2 /mnt; I get: Wrong fs type. Does anyone know what I can do. It worked fine before upgrading, automounting and all...15:10
apm1knome, the quality of 3.5 is speaking for itself ;)15:16
GridCubeare you sure /dev/cdrom2 is the proper path?15:16
apm1mcb_1, honestly revert back to 12.04 and stay there for 5 years :p15:17
GridCubeapm1: you are not helping15:18
apm1it is and will be much more stable than new releases15:18
GridCubeapm1: you are still not helping15:18
mcb_1apm1: This realy solves a problem....15:18
apm1mcb_1, sarcasm ?15:19
GridCubemcb_1: what i wonder is why do you need to use the mount option, cdroms should be automounted15:19
mcb_1mcb_1: I tried to mount by hand cause that automount stoped working. But I also posted in the Ubuntu IRC and I think i came to a solution.15:20
mcb_1I am just testing it.15:20
mcb_1And worked fine! Problem was: In the upgrade for some reason, my /dev/cdrom was moved to /dev/cdrom2. I just remade the link to sr0 with cdrom.15:21
GridCubewelp that was what i was asking you :P mcb_115:24
batmanam batman!15:37
=== batman is now known as Guest55256
Guest55256PrinceMotumbo: You interuppted me.15:37
Guest55256I AM BATMAN15:37
Guest55256Fuck you NickServ15:37
Guest55256Batman used to be a Debian user.15:38
Guest55256Not anymore!15:38
baizonthank you TheSheep16:03
marcpvhi, please, anyone know how to recover the "envelope" icon in the bar... I'ts lost after the upgrade from 12.04 to 12.1016:13
baizonwhats envelope?16:13
baizonmarcpv: its because indicator-messages-gkt2 is gone for 12.1016:14
marcpvso it's normal?16:14
baizonKnown issues: The messaging indicator is not available for 12.1016:15
baizonmarcpv: sadly yes, but maybe there will be a fix16:15
marcpvI miss it... :(16:15
baizonmarcpv: me too16:15
marcpvI hope there is a fix soon... thanks you anyway baizon16:15
baizonmarcpv: np16:15
unheedingI'm actually running Gnome Shell.  is there a ubuntu chanenel for that?16:17
baizonunheeding: no, #gnobuntu is empty16:18
baizonjust try it on #ubuntu16:19
baizonor here :)16:20
unheedingI am on xubuntu16:20
GridCubeunheeding: if you are not using xfce, you are not on xubuntu16:23
unheedingbut the xubuntu splash screen still shows up16:23
baizonxubuntu theme != xfce ;)16:24
WizardThat doesn't work like that.16:24
baizonits not even the whole theme, its xubuntu-plymouth-theme16:24
GridCubeunheeding: you can put a cat picture as splash if you want. that doesnt make it that you will be runing in cat P:16:25
unheedingwhat if i customize kde to look like Xfce16:26
unheedingdoes that count16:26
baizonunheeding: not really16:26
wonderworldi tried cinnamon yesterday. looks promising too.16:26
unheedingi like cinnamon, but the menu takes FOREVER to open up16:26
wonderworldstill a bit buggy but nice and fast. really liked it16:26
wonderworldinstantly for me16:27
unheedingmaybe i'll install it again and try it out16:27
wonderworldi idn't install mint16:27
unheedingi finally have fglrx installed16:27
baizonxfce + synapse, thats the sollution!16:27
wonderworldjust apt-get install cinnamon16:27
unheedingyeah thats what i meant16:27
wonderworldcouldn't use the desktop, no right-clicks possible16:27
wonderworldbut the rest was working great16:27
GridCube!ot | all16:28
ubottuall: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:28
ner0xAny USB installation guides?16:30
wonderworldyou want to install xubuntu on a USB stick?16:31
unheedingor via a USB stick?16:32
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:32
ner0xVia a USB stick. Sorry about that.16:32
wonderworldi can't bookmark SFTP:// connections in thunar. this hasn't worked with older releases either. is there a way to fix it? i was wondering if it was my system oder if it's a general problem.16:34
GridCubedo you have gvfs-backends installed?16:35
wonderworldthe connections work, i just can't bookmark them. gvfs-backends is installed16:36
wonderworldif a bookmark a connection, the bookmark is lost, after logout16:36
wonderworldi tried to use gigolo as a replacement, but gigolo doesn't save the passwords in the gnome-keyring in 12.1016:36
wonderworldi don't know how to fix this either :)16:37
GridCubewonderworld: its a longstanding known bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/21278916:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 212789 in gvfs (Debian) "gvfs fuse mount is not functional after logout and subsequent login" [Undecided,New]16:39
GridCubewonderworld: you can add the sftp location to fstab as a mount point and you add the mount point to the sidebar16:40
wonderworldyes, i fiddled around with sshfs before to do that.16:40
wonderworldthanks for your help16:40
GridCubewonderworld: dont worry and good luck16:43
wonderworldok, this bug is really old. 200816:43
GridCubeindeed, long standing bug it is16:44
GridCube!hi | glitch_17:48
ubottuglitch_: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:48
glitch_thank you17:50
glitch_I had questions, but I've forgotten them...lol17:51
glitch_oh okay so I'm naturally long winded... I dont try, but I struggle with finding a simpler way to say things... so bare with me but I remembered one of my questions, and it's complicated... to ask, not to understand, and solve...17:55
WalterNdont ask to ask, just ask... :3 http://denver.mylittlefacewhen.com/media/f/rsz/mlfw7621_medium.jpg17:56
recon_lapglitch_: use a pastebin :)17:57
glitch_I'm not asking for permission to ask... (I'm american, I have be brought up to believe it's my right to ask/say whatever's on my mind) I'm just giving you all a heads up.17:58
glitch_I'm running xubuntu 12.04 live with persistence on a toshiba 1Tb USB 3.0 portable HDD... will provide other specs as needed...18:01
koegswhat's the question? :D18:04
glitch_I'm a slow typer and it's long... so it's gonna be a min.18:05
xubuntu911hi. I tried to upgrade to a new verison yesterday and although it went through installation, it does not restart. I keep getting to the screen where xubunuty line in running accross. Please help!18:10
Wizardxubuntu911: Tap escape and see the errors. I bet they are there.18:11
recon_lapxubuntu911: press shift while booting to see if you can get the boot menu, if you can try recovery mode18:11
glitch_I don't like how *buntu changed <cntrl> <alt> <back space> to (L)<alt> <prnt scrn> <k> so I menu> settings manager> [sessions and startup]  and slected the Auto startup tab...18:19
glitch_  and slected add and added the command:18:19
glitch_ setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp... now it works beautifully except whether I use this command or the default (L)<alt> <prnt scrn> <k> when I kill x, apperantly I'm not dropped into a login shell, I'm not dropped into a shell at all... I cant ues any commands not even sudo shutdown -h now... how do I either fix this or get myself into a shell and if at all possible I'd like to automate getting dropped into bash... not a big f18:19
glitch_an of dash.18:19
glitch_so that's my question.18:19
xubuntu911recovery mode comes up with bunch of errors...18:21
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recon_lapxubuntu911: ok, can you pastebin some of the errors ?18:25
recon_lapxubuntu911: you might find this easier of you can boot from a CD/usb so you can cut and paste from the log files18:30
glitch_so any ideas... or need any clarification?18:40
glitch_also feel free to ssh me if needed18:40
recon_lapglitch_: maybe if you focused in on one issue, what are you trying to do exactly, would a tty console work? and you tried setting your own shortcut keys?18:44
recon_lapglitch_: also the things you asking about all seem to involve losing the Desktop, only got one computer so not something I'm going to try on my own machine18:46
glitch_the short cut I did  works, but either way, i get droped into nothingness... tty console, like as in terminal window?18:47
koegsis something like press "CTRL+ALT+F2" enough? you will get a tty18:49
recon_lapglitch_:  "CTRL+ALT+F2" you will get a tty, "CTRL+ALT+F7" brings you back to desktop18:50
glitch_it seems to work okay, will it take piping and redirecting etc.?18:52
recon_lapglitch_: also you could create a short cut key to the comman exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator18:52
glitch_still if xfce freezes on me how am i to restart x from the nothingness it drops me into18:54
recon_lapglitch_: freezes after you do what?18:55
glitch_it has yet to, i'm juts saing... hypothetically...18:56
recon_lapglitch_: xfce has never frozen on me, the kernel has crashed though and there is no coming back from that other than a hard reboot18:57
recon_lapglitch_: has you desktop been freezing ?18:58
recon_lapglitch_: and i think the command for starting the desktop is "startx" but not sure of that19:00
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glitch_no my desktop had yet to freez, I'm just saying in the unlikly even that it does... and yes the command to start the x server is startx, but when it freezes you have to shut it down first... drop into your tty shell and try startx and you can see the error it returns... but i'm saying in a shell that takes no commands, how do I run startx?19:05
glitch_I cant even run /bin/bash from there, it wont take cd... ie cd /bin nor ls nothing.19:08
recon_lapglitch_: now do you get into a shell that takes no commands ?19:11
recon_lapglitch_: are you saying that tty will not take commands?19:12
glitch_ms winblows cant recover if it's window manager froze, but linux can... this is a fragment of the power that is linux... i dont wanna feel like I'm loosing that .19:12
recon_lapglitch_: again, are you saying that tty is not taking commands?19:13
glitch_with <cntrl> <alt> <back space>  or (L)<alt> <prnt scrn> <k> depending on weather I enabled or disable my work around last reboot or not.19:14
glitch_no tty is working just fine.19:14
glitch_let me refrase my question... if you press (L)<alt> <prnt scrn> <k> how do you get back to your gui, or how do you start bash?19:16
glitch_it's like your in init(run level) nothing...19:16
recon_lapglitch_: well, don't know what you talking about then, why not look up the command  (L)<alt> <prnt scrn> <k> actually runs and maybe well know whats what19:17
recon_lapwell/ somebody19:17
glitch_I tried... I hate IRC honestly... but my bff google has not been kind to me.19:18
WalterNhate IRC?19:19
WalterNthats some strong words19:19
recon_laplol, I dislike shortcut keys :)19:20
glitch_well I type slow, dont know how to say things simply, and thus struggle with IRC... so I strongly dislike having to struggle to keep up.19:20
WalterNIRC is how I learned to type19:21
glitch_i dont think there is a point and click equivelant to <cntrl> <alt> <back space>  or (L)<alt> <prnt scrn> <k... so if you where to perform that action, you would have to use shortcut keys.19:22
recon_lapglitch_: still wonders what  (L)<alt> <prnt scrn> <k>  is supposed to do, but not going to try as it seems to be a hard reboot from what you describing19:23
recon_lapactually make that a soft reboot :)19:24
glitch_you can use the command killx but if your gui freezes you need access to the cli to enter it... that's what it's inteded to do in the frist place... give you access to the command line.19:25
glitch_if your lucky it may work...19:26
glitch_i think i know what19:26
glitch_s happening...19:26
glitch_in *buntu when you kill x your not changing runlevels... just killing x and staying at init5 or V as *buntu seems to call it...19:28
glitch_"glitch_: still wonders what  (L)<alt> <prnt scrn> <k>  is supposed to do, but not going to try as it seems to be a hard reboot from what you describing" it's suposed to kill the x server and drop you into a shell, but it's not working like it does on other distros... even debian.19:30
recon_lapglitch_: sudo service lightdm stop19:32
WalterNkill the x!19:33
glitch_but then again they changed the key command for it, and that's the defacto linux standard... we dont have many of those, so I'd rather they leave it alone.19:33
toraxwe dont have many linux standard?19:34
glitch_sudo service lightdm stop... what's that do? is it my answer?19:34
TheSheepglitch_: you can enable the kill X command19:34
TheSheepglitch_: with sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration19:34
glitch_we dont have many standardized things that work on almost every distro19:34
TheSheepglitch_: it was disabled because some people tried to set it as a shortcut for something and lost data19:34
TheSheep(it's alt+gray *)19:35
recon_lapglitch_: it will stop the desktop service , not sure what you'll be left with though :)19:35
glitch_there stupid fault, why punish the rest of us?19:35
glitch_gray *?19:35
WalterNit might be best to <ctrl><alt><F5> before stopping lightdm19:36
WalterNor is it ctrl+shift+F5?19:36
WalterN(I think its alt)19:36
TheSheepglitch_: on the numpad19:36
glitch_I would guess it might be best to <ctrl><alt><F5> before stopping lightdm19:36
TheSheepglitch_: killing the X server is a debugging function that should really not be exposed on user computers unless you ask for it, and it's easy enough to enable19:37
glitch_it might be best to <ctrl><alt><F2~F6>19:38
glitch_i did enable it,19:38
glitch_that's not my question...19:38
glitch_my queation is from where it leaves me how do i recover my x server?19:39
malvIs 12.10 stable?19:40
glitch_when where it leaves me, doesnt take any command I try.19:40
malva lot of reviews were saying Ubuntu 12.10 is a mess19:40
knomemalv, xubuntu 12.10 is stable, but if you need to be as stable as possible, keep with 12.0419:42
glitch_and it's not just for debugging, it's also for gui recovery when your gui crashes or freezes... though typicaly this only happens when debugging19:42
recon_lapI like LTS, dont like having to get on the Bug treadmill every 6 months19:42
glitch_have toddlers... afk19:46
xubuntu790Distro stuck on "setting up network" at splash20:02
nantouhow do I execute a .bin from the terminal?20:05
nantouDRAE.bin is the name20:06
knomefollow the instructions from the site you downloaded it.20:07
JayneilHi, I am not able to get hdmi working properly wit xubuntu 12.04. when I connect my laptop to an external hdmi tv (hdmi tv is in 1080p res while laptop is in def. res), certain portion on the right hand side of my laptop is clipped20:17
Jayneilalso in on the hdmi tv, there are two wallpapers instead of one. Its like the same wallpaper is inside that wallpaper.. one is big and other is small. its pretty annoying20:18
Jayneili even used anandr but even that does not solve the problem20:18
Jayneilso any ideas how to solve this issue..?20:18
knomeJayneil, what does 'xrandr' on terminal say? please use !pastebin20:18
Jayneiljust a min..20:20
nantouwhat do you suggest me to start searching for the of a dictionary to add it to goldendict?20:23
knomeJayneil, what does 'xrandr --output HDMI1 --primary' do?20:23
Jayneilno change20:26
Jayneilthe problem is still there..20:26
knomeJayneil, what if you add '--auto' to the end?20:27
Jayneilthe problem is only with the desktop wallpaper on hdmi tv20:28
Jayneilrest everything is fine20:28
Jayneilalso on laptop screen, certain portion is clipped near the right hand side20:28
knomeyeah, i think this is about the other screen being the primary20:28
knomewhich is physically the left hand side monitor?20:29
knomeor is that relevant?20:29
Jayneiljust to clarify i am not looking to extend my laptop screen, i just want to clone it exactly on the hdmi tv20:29
Jayneilu want me to put 'auto' instead of primary ?20:30
knomeJayneil, right, you want cloning. anyway, try --auto in addition to --primary20:31
Jayneil'xrandr --output HDMI1 --auto --primary' had no effect20:32
knomeJayneil, do you want to use the whole resolution on the HDMI output, or just duplicate the laptop screen?20:32
knomeJayneil, i mean, in the first case, you obviously can't do that, because your laptop monitor doesn't support that mode20:33
JayneilI want the whole res on the hdmi screen20:33
Jayneilso u are saying i need a 1080p screen laptop for it to work?20:34
knomeJayneil, i'm saying that if you want to use the 1920x1080 resolution, you can't mirror it as is as your laptop screen doesn't support that20:34
Jayneili tried making the res. of hdmi tv same as the laptop but then it starts looking ugly20:35
Jayneilso what should i do..?20:35
Jayneilbecause if i go any higher than 1366x768 on my hdmi tv, stuff starts getting clipped on my laptop screen20:35
knomeJayneil, you can either extend the desktop, so that the screens are virtually set next to each other, or simply use the lower resolution20:36
knomeJayneil, but there's no way to mirror the 1920x1080 mode for both, since your hardware doesn't support that20:37
Jayneilthis is wierd20:37
knomeJayneil, what do you mean?20:37
Jayneili had another hp laptop before with 15.6 inch resolution and not full hd screen, i had ubuntu on it.. it would directly clone the screen on my hdmi screen20:38
Jayneiland nothing would get clipped20:38
knomeJayneil, i'm wondering what might be wrong too; i have the exact same setup here and it's working20:38
knomeJayneil, well, i'm not using it like that right now, but it works20:38
knomexubuntu274, ?20:39
Jayneilso maybe upgrading to xubuntu 12.10 will solve it..?20:39
xubuntu274how did you guys get rid of the duplicate icons on the desktop?20:39
xubuntu274on 12.10.20:39
knomeJayneil, mm, no, but as i said, you have two options; to mirror the screen with the lower resolution or "extend" the screen virtually20:40
knomeJayneil, do you want me to go through either, or one of those?20:41
knomeeither or both :)20:41
xubuntu274what is his problem again?20:41
xubuntu274he wants to have the same display resolution on both his computer screen and on a external monitor?20:42
Jayneilknome thanks a lot for all your help. no its cool. I am going to stick with the option of mirroring the screen with lower resolution. thanks a lot once again..20:48
Jayneili really appreciate it20:48
knomeJayneil, no problem - enjoy :)20:48
knome(you made me find a dead hdmi cable too, so thanks ;))20:48
TheGrandmotherHey dudes!21:03
TheGrandmotherI have a question that i have been googling like an idiot but not been able to find a good answer to:21:04
TheGrandmotherMy boot-up time is longer that it should be so i cheked the log and it fails to start OSS21:05
TheGrandmotherim not using OSS at all so im trying to find a way of to not start it at boot21:06
TheGrandmotherbut i cant semm to find the propper module and im not really shure how to stop21:06
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MrNazwhen installing apache2 and php, what user does the web server run as?21:37
TheSheepMrNaz: www:www21:42
MrNazthanks, but it appears to be www-data21:42
MrNazat least... that's what user the apache2 process is running is21:42
TheSheepright, sorry21:43
TheSheepbad memory :)21:43
diegomanulehello there!!21:45
knoppiesHi, I am running Xubuntu12.04. I just logged into OpenBox to test something, and now when I log back into XFCE my transparencies don't work. I've tried xfwm4 --replace with no luck. Im assuming it is either a driver or config issue. Any suggestions?22:21
knoppiesok running compiz --replace fixes it. So it must be a problem with xfwm4 or one of its configs.22:31
knoppiesI've forgotten how good compiz is.22:31
knoppieswow this channel is quiet.22:34
nantouis 12.10 already released?22:39
Unit193Yep, been out a bit.22:41
nantoushould I upgrade?22:42
Unit193Up to you.22:45
unheedingdo it23:06
unheedingyou know you want to23:06

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