
Tm_TRiddell: well, I actually just wanted to have "get together" with Kubuntu folks (if we're talking about my suggestion on rallying together on sunday)04:48
=== Guest34485 is now known as Mamarok
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1071453] Dolphin doesn't store samba share password @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1071453 (by Pascal Korz)12:10
BluesKajHey all12:23
* Quintasan_ wonders what has happend to Hide tab bar option in Konsole12:32
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
shadeslayerQuintasan: it's there12:32
shadeslayerSettings > Configure Konsole12:33
QuintasanIt was in profile options beforehand12:33
shadeslayerI was lost as well12:33
shadeslayerQuintasan: so like, I'm looking at GG and apparently neither empathy nor pidgin work 12:34
shadeslayerMy guess is libpurple is kaput12:34
Quintasanshadeslayer: Contact import WORKS in pidgin12:34
QuintasanFor sure12:34
Quintasanshadeslayer: Add me - 281639112:34
* shadeslayer looks12:34
shadeslayerQuintasan: adding works in tp as well12:35
QuintasanI know that12:35
shadeslayerbut it doesn't show12:35
Quintasanshadeslayer: It doesn't show added contacs?12:35
shadeslayerafter I restart pidgin it doesn't show added contacts12:35
QuintasanWhat is this12:36
QuintasanLemme try12:36
apacheloggerso I just realized that today is national day in austria lol12:37
Quintasanshadeslayer: mother of god12:40
Quintasanpidgin didn't import anything12:40
Quintasanoh 12:40
Quintasanshadeslayer: There is an option to do so though12:41
Quintasanand it works12:41
Quintasanshadeslayer: Accounts -> Your GG number -> Pobierz liste znajomych z serwera12:41
shadeslayerI tried to use "Download buddy list from server"12:42
shadeslayerand yeah it works12:42
QuintasanThere you go12:44
QuintasanIMO it should be default action when creating a new account12:44
Quintasanshadeslayer: There is also option to import/export contacts from ifle12:44
shadeslayerlast night, I tried this : qdbus --literal org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.haze.gadugadu._345080123 /org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Connection/haze/gadugadu/_345080123 org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.ContactList.Download12:45
shadeslayerand that returned a NotImplemented here12:45
QuintasanHaze is gimped then I guess12:46
shadeslayercan't say :P12:48
* shadeslayer runs pidgin in debug mode to see what happens12:49
shadeslayerfun, the bank had no Danish Kronors13:14
shadeslayerand no electricity to give me EUR13:15
mikhasshadeslayer, eh, you have internet access13:31
mikhasyou dont need Kronors13:31
mikhas"All you you need is love (and IRC)."13:31
mikhasyou could also just shop online for everything13:32
mikhasyour credit card does not care about local currencies13:32
shadeslayerDon't have a credit card13:35
shadeslayerhave a debit card, and a swipe only debit card13:35
shadeslayerso not sure if it'll work or not13:35
shadeslayerbut let's see13:35
ScottKDoes anyone have an example of CMake looking in multi-arch specific paths for something?13:39
shadeslayerScottK: hmm ... I've seen it before somewhere14:12
shadeslayerbut I can't remember where14:12
shadeslayerah yes14:12
shadeslayer!find FindDBus.cmake14:13
ubottuFile FindDBus.cmake found in kde-workspace-dev14:13
shadeslayerScottK: it sets : #  DBUS_ARCH_INCLUDE_DIR - the D-Bus architecture-specific include directory14:15
ScottKThanks.  Looking.14:15
ScottKLooks like LIB_SUFFIX is the key.14:17
shadeslayeryeah :D14:22
Quintasanmikhas: ping16:10
mikhasQuintasan, pong16:15
mikhasI have to pick up my bike now, but I am probably back in ~1hour16:15
Quintasanmikhas: I recall you wanted something from me the other day, it was maliit related16:28
mikhasQuintasan, back17:00
mikhaswell, I think that was a joke Riddell was making17:01
mikhasI'll be at UDS next week, and then I'll get you to do the KUbuntu packaging for Maliit =p17:01
Quintasanmikhas: I'm not going then :D17:04
QuintasanJust jokin, we'll get it nailed down there17:04
* ScottK packs a hammer17:04
* yofel wonders why he expected that the calligra folks might've learned some cmake by now17:05
QuintasanScottK: You'd better get some duct tape in case shadeslayer attempts to run away from java or pythorn code17:05
yofelI need to patch CMakeLists.txt to get calligraactive -.-17:05
yofelas there is no planned configuration where everything is built17:05
Quintasanyofel, shadeslayer: as I've been out of the loop for a while I expect a brief report of p-n and active status :P17:06
Quintasanshadeslayer: You'd better have the stuff necessary to install Ubantoo on TF since I didn't manage to get it working17:06
yofeldon't ask me on active, I don't think anybody did much lately there17:07
shadeslayeryofel is probably even more up-to-date than me17:07
yofelhaven't seen bulldog98_ and rbelem around much17:07
yofelI *can* tell you what's going on in neon though ^^17:07
Quintasanyofel: That would be appreciated17:09
yofelI'll make some notes after I make another attempt at finishing calligra 2.5.9017:10
shadeslayerQuintasan: I don't even remember what I did to make it work17:13
shadeslayerit'll come back to me .... eventually17:18
Quintasan_yofel: ping18:33
Quintasan_what did you break on the core? :P18:33
yofelQuintasan: summary: http://paste.kde.org/582524/19:21
yofelshadeslayer: do you remember something I forgot? ^19:21
shadeslayer* shadeslayer and yofel used the # to talk about god, the world, and raspi's19:22
Quintasan_yofel:  u broke my password to core19:23
shadeslayerbut yeah, nothing off the top off my head19:23
yofelQuintasan: uh, I did?19:23
Quintasan_now it works19:23
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://kubuntu.s3.amazonaws.com/list.html19:23
Quintasan_yofel:  it didnt work 10 minutes ago19:23
shadeslayerincase you haven't been following the news lately19:23
yofelQuintasan: oh, I upgraded the server, and the pgsql restart might've made quassel feel fuzzy19:24
yofeldidn't notice much here though o.O19:24
Quintasanyofel: that covered most of the changes?19:25
Quintasanthat's quite much19:25
QuintasanI didn't expect that much apart from further git splitting19:25
Quintasanespecially PPA issues and  dh9 magic19:26
QuintasanCan't say Python not working corretly is a surprise19:27
yofelwell, czajkowski tried to help with the PPA, but even after she increased the timeout it still times out19:27
yofelthere's a bug about slow SQL queries19:27
Quintasandem lunchpads19:34
Quintasaneating your memory with sql queries19:35
latebeathey guys, I'm having an issue with slow context (right click) menu in dolphin on a fast core i7 system. I have no idea where to look ?21:43
ScottKJontheEchidna: It would be cool if the last checked for updates value would count up when you leave the Muon updater window open.22:02

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