
mikalIs the owner of a launchpad bug the person who reported it?03:56
* mikal is working on that "self triage doesn't count" request04:00
ocharleshello. I am trying to upload my first deb to a ppa, and I did 'dput ppa:whatever' and it said everything was ok, but i'm yet to recieve an email (1 hour later)06:32
ocharlesis this normal?06:32
ocharlesshould I stop spamming f5? :)06:33
mgzocharles: it may also mean you didn't sign the changes with a key launchpad has associated with you06:33
mgzocharles: see  <https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadError>06:34
ocharlesI have everything signed correctly and added my GPG key to launchpad06:36
wgrantocharles: When did you upload it? What was the package name?06:39
ocharleswgrant: i don't have an exact timestamp, but I'd say about an hour ago. the package is 'postgresql-musicbrainz-unaccent_1.0-1'06:39
ocharlesoh, the topic says reduced capacity, maybe i should be more patient :)06:39
wgrantocharles: You should have an email about it06:39
wgrant2012-10-26 05:45:13 DEBUG   Sending rejection email.06:40
ocharlesoh duh, I just changed email addresses06:40
wgrant2012-10-26 05:45:13 DEBUG   Rejected:06:40
wgrant2012-10-26 05:45:13 DEBUG   Unable to find distroseries: unstable06:40
wgrant2012-10-26 05:45:13 DEBUG   Further error processing not possible because of a critical previous error.06:40
ocharlesi'm refreshing the wrong account06:40
wgrantYour debian/changelog says you're uploading to 'unstable', but that's a Debian series, not an Ubuntu one06:40
ocharlesah, right06:40
wgrantTry 'quantal' or whichever Ubuntu release you intended to target06:40
ocharlesso that should be precise, as that's what I'm building on/for06:41
ocharlesthat makes sense06:41
ocharlesanyone know the eta on time to build a package? at 10 minutes now, and deciding whether or not I should sleep or wait a tad longer07:22
mgzhow very unlifeless07:24
sorenocharles: https://launchpad.net/builders shows you the length of the  build queue.07:52
mptIs it possible to mark an Ubuntu blueprint as superseded, or will LP always time out trying to load a list of 4139 blueprints that it might be superseded by? :-)08:52
mgzthere must be some way to cheat on that :)08:57
* maxb discovers that LP is much better at building packages if they're actually uploaded ...... oops :-)09:20
mpt(reported bug 1071704 on the timeout)09:52
ubot5Launchpad bug 1071704 in Launchpad itself ""Mark superseded" (+supersede) always times out for Ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107170409:52
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
eLBatiis it possible that lp ml has some problems with emails delivering?11:25
eLBatisee https://lists.launchpad.net/openerp-expert-framework/msg00778.html and http://www.mail-archive.com/openerp-expert-framework@lists.launchpad.net/msg00920.html11:25
eLBatiapril's email arrived now11:26
rich_bHow do I contact Launch pad Admin11:58
rich_bPlease anyone tell me how to contact Admin at Launch pad12:09
benjirich_b: you can ask a question at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/ or file a bug (depending on the nature of your communication needs)12:13
rich_bThanks benji I have done that, I have been sent to to #freenode on irc.freenode.net (Via IRC client)12:15
rich_bAnd told to ask for Admin12:16
benjirich_b: hmm, all the launchpad folks in charge of maintenance things are probably distracted right now; I'm not sure how to direct you further12:18
rich_bOk thanks, I will try later.  As it the first time that I ever use IRC I hope I can get back here !12:19
cjwatsonrich_b: It might help to ask straight out what you actually want12:20
cjwatson(I'm not a Launchpad admin; this is just general IRC advice)12:21
rich_bI would like launch pad delete items from a question I asked on launch pad12:22
czajkowskiwhat kind of items12:23
cjwatsonrich_b: OK, you want https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/ then12:23
rich_bMy company name and telephone number12:23
czajkowskibut if you post all yiur details in the link cjwatson has posted it will get looked at12:23
czajkowskijust create a new question12:24
czajkowskiand kink it to where yiu need stuff removed12:24
rich_bsorry I do not understand complety12:25
czajkowskiwhat bit can i try and clear up for you?12:29
rich_bI have a question on Launch Pad which wish to Delete12:30
rich_bHow is this done12:30
czajkowskirich_b you will need to file a request via the link.above12:31
czajkowskigiving the information there rather than irc12:31
rich_bPlease show me the link again please12:32
rich_bI have never used IRC untill today, so I need help....thanks12:34
rich_bAre you saying the links at top  http://dev.launchpad.net12:39
cjwatsonrich_b: the link you need is https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/ and then click on "Ask a question"13:19
cjwatsonGive the necessary details of what you need to be deleted there13:19
rich_bUbuntu “ffmpeg” package Questions Question #21176513:20
cjwatsonPlease give the details in the "Ask a question" link there, not on IRC13:21
rich_bOk sorry13:21
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
timourHello! I am trying to revert back to the previous version of a source tree, however 'bzr push --overwrite' hangs, and then timeouts leaving a lock.20:51
timourI repeated this few times, and I am sure it has worked before. I am on a pretty fast connection, so that cannot be an issue.20:52
timourIs there some known problem with LP?20:55
timourI get the following error:20:58
timourConnection Timeout: disconnecting client after 300.0 seconds20:58
timourbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.20:58
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
Timothy_GuI have a PPA, but I have some questions about versioning. Do I have to use 1.0-0ppa1 or 1.0-0~ppa1?23:58

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