
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston, mhall119: fixed bug that displayed {% else} in plain text in the attend page, can you please approve the merge?01:03
JoseeAntonioRor daker, ^01:06
bkerensacjohnston, mhall119 and daker your going to have to start doing patch pilots01:09
JoseeAntonioRthere is one01:11
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: for Summit I mean01:22
nigelbHey duanedesign02:58
duanedesignhello mr nigel02:59
nigelblong time no see! how've you been?02:59
duanedesignhope you are well02:59
duanedesigni sm good02:59
duanedesignheard full circle is in e book format03:00
duanedesigncant swwm to fing it03:00
duanedesignugh, dark here, wish i had a lighted keyboard03:00
duanedesigni have been working on getting CLI Companion into Ubuntu03:02
duanedesigndecided to skip Debian becausw of some technical challenges03:02
duanedesignex: Debian does not use sudo03:03
duanedesignhow are you?03:03
duanedesigntried 12.10 yet?03:05
nhandlerduanedesign: Debian /can/ use sudo.03:05
duanedesignnhandler: i think you have to set it up on install03:05
nigelbim good as well03:06
nigelbHey nhandler!03:06
duanedesigni think we were going to use gksudo as a compromise03:06
nhandlerduanedesign: Nah, just install the sudo package and adjust the sudoers file. You don't need to do this at Debian installation time03:06
nhandlerHey nigelb03:06
duanedesignnhandler: good idea. I might ask you more about that as we get closer to submission03:07
nhandlerduanedesign: Sounds good. I would also be more than glad to help review the packaging and/or help get it into Ubuntu or Debian (can't actually sponsor it in Debian though (yet) )03:08
duanedesignwe added command line fu to the app03:08
duanedesignso you can search the commandline foo database in addition to the standard command list it comes with03:09
nhandlerduanedesign: Awesome! I love that site. When I first started out, I spent hours going through their database to find cool new commands03:10
duanedesignand we added a keyboard shortcut to make the terminal look like gnome terminal if you are not using the command dictionary03:11
duanedesignnhandler: you should try CLI Companion and see what you think03:12
duanedesign<end> sales pitch03:14
duanedesign :)03:14
nigelbJoseeAntonioR: reviewed03:14
chilicuilduanedesign: nice software, I didn't know it03:16
JoseeAntonioRnigelb: thanks03:16
duanedesignchilicuil: you can add as many commands as you want and create a 'command dictionary'03:17
nigelbJoseeAntonioR: and merged! :)03:18
chilicuilyep, that's just what I saw, a great way to learn to use the console03:18
JoseeAntonioRnigelb: great, thanks03:18
duanedesignchilicuil: i need to update the community doc https://help.ubuntu.com/community/clicompanion03:19
duanedesignbut user required input uses the place holder ?03:20
duanedesignso for example if you added cat, you would add it as cat ?03:21
nhandlerduanedesign: Definitely. I haven't tried using it since one of the very early releases years ago ;)03:21
duanedesignany questions ask :)03:21
chilicuildunno, it's the first time I saw it, I'm just about to install it03:21
JoseeAntonioRnigelb: casn you ask IS to push it to prod?03:24
nigelbJoseeAntonioR: For that, you need cjohnston I'm afraid. BUt the good news is, he should wake up soon.03:25
JoseeAntonioRalready in cph?03:25
duanedesignnhandler: the first version was ncurses, lol03:25
duanedesignif you think of any commands that should be added/removed from the default command lit let me know03:27
nhandlerduanedesign: Are you familiar with openhatch's online "challenges" ?03:28
* duanedesign looks03:30
duanedesignnhandler: sounds interesting03:32
nhandlerduanedesign: They are designed to guide people in a semi interactive fashion to learn things like git, tar, patch, etc. It might be an interesting idea to try and incorporate clicompanion into some of that (or vice versa)03:32
duanedesignnhandler: the one thing that has bugged me is the database being a flat file03:34
duanedesignnhandler: definitely sounds like a food idea03:38
duanedesigntheir are some great aspects to the program and also some areas that need improvement03:39
nhandlerduanedesign: Yep. The general idea is good. But some details could be better. They came and did an opensource workshop at our conference, so that was pretty cool03:43
duanedesigni am a self taught programmer, if you van not tell. I am currently enrolled in Uni to fill in tose gaps :)03:44
duanedesignnhandler: i appreciatte the advice03:46
chilicuilduanedesign: wop, I've just install it, and it crashed with: AttributeError: 'MainWindow' object has no attribute 'cmd_notebook', is it a known problem?03:46
duanedesignlet me look03:47
duanedesignchilicuil: do you have a hidden file .clicompanion in your home '.clicompanion'03:50
chilicuilduanedesign: nop, it didn't created03:50
duanedesignsave that in Home as .clicompanion03:53
duanedesignill look into why that did not happen03:53
duanedesigni forget that i already have that file from multiple installs an uninstalls03:57
chilicuilduanedesign: still not working http://paste.ubuntu.com/1306378/03:58
duanedesignchilicuil: my bad. We changed the ? place holder to @04:00
duanedesignthis is from my computer http://pastebin.com/index/z61N66mP04:01
duanedesigni reinstalled and used this file so it should work04:01
duanedesigncopy and paste that pastebin into your .clicompanion and you should be good to go04:02
chilicuilduanedesign: it must be my bad, still not working and crashing with the same error04:08
duanedesignare you on a net book?04:15
duanedesignor maybe debian04:15
chilicuilit ubuntu 12.04, I'll check this out later, if I found something wrong, I'll let you know, nice app04:16
duanedesigni willl look into it myself04:17
duanedesignsorry for the bug04:17
duanedesignchilicuil: one more thing04:20
duanedesignname .clicompanion, .clicompanion204:20
chilicuilduanedesign: ok, I'll do04:21
chilicuilduanedesign: wop, nop, one interesting think is that the program says: /home/chilicuil/.config/clicompanion/config.04:23
chilicuilduanedesign: I've also tried copying the config data there without sucess, amm, I'll try with ubuntu 12.10 tomorrow04:24
duanedesignthanks for helping to debug04:24
duanedesigni will work on this tommoroow04:24
dholbachgood morning06:57
bkerensamhall119: http://talkweb.eu/openweb/181907:42
bkerensalook what OS he is using in the wild07:42
nigelbmhall119: ah, when'd you get to copenhangen? :)08:04
mhall119nigelb: Wednesday08:19
nigelbmhall119: ah, ok :)08:23
bkerensamhall119: do you know what to do when git is not realizing changes with "git add ."08:40
nigelbbkerensa: what you mean not realizing?08:40
mhall119bkerensa: switch to bsr08:40
nigelbtroll ^08:40
nigelbbkerensa: pastebin git status?08:40
bkerensamhall119: I cannot phpfog does not support bzr08:41
mhall119but seriously, what made you think I could answer git questions?08:41
nigelbwell, you're upstream relations08:41
nigelbyou should know everything :)08:41
nigelbAlso. http://wheningit.tumblr.com/post/32959730634/when-the-office-git-expert-has-to-come-fix-everything08:41
nigelbBut that's usually reserved for more epic git surgeries.08:41
bkerensanigelb: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/188155408:42
bkerensamhall119: uhh :) You are supposedly the upstream liaison :P I figured that required fluency in tools used by upstream08:42
bkerensaupstream uses git08:42
nigelbbkerensa: what happens when you do "git add frontend"?08:42
bkerensait just accepts it08:43
bkerensaand brings a clean prompt08:43
nigelbtry git status again?08:43
nigelbsame output?08:43
nigelbThe only time this usually happens is if frontend itself if a git repository08:43
nigelbi.e. submodule like situation08:43
nigelbIs that the case?08:43
nigelb(check for frontend/.git)08:44
* bkerensa coughs08:44
bkerensanigelb: yeah for some reason it had a git folder08:44
bkerensaI removed it08:44
bkerensabut still not staging08:44
bkerensaand neither is /src08:44
nigelbbecause git submodules are awesome. sigh.08:44
nigelbgimme a sec to figure out what's the right thing to do here.08:45
nigelbThere's only time I hate git.08:46
nigelbThat's when submodules are involved.08:46
nigelbbkerensa: backup your code folder now. I'm not confident about the instructions now ;)08:47
nigelbtry "git rm --cached frontend"08:47
bkerensanigelb: yeah that did it08:47
nigelbbkerensa: already or just now?08:48
nigelbbkerensa: Look for .gitmodules file, remvoe the submodule references. Also look in .git/config for references to the submodule and delete there as well.08:49
bkerensanigelb: already I saw it in the status08:50
bkerensaso I got it sorted08:50
bkerensaOpenPhoto thanks u08:50
nigelbheh :D08:50
bkerensaI figure I am going to work till 3am trying to write doc and make OpenPhoto work great on PHPFog08:51
bkerensanigelb: odd :( I got the frontend added and pushed but src/ is no go09:03
bkerensano idea its not showing at all in git status09:03
nigelbbkerensa: where are you pushing to?09:04
bkerensanigelb: phpfog09:04
bkerensato production09:04
nigelboh dang.09:06
bkerensathis is PITA09:07
* bkerensa will just tell them tomorrow they need to sort it09:07
nigelbI have a feeling that it's sorted09:07
nigelbdeleting .git files don't help :P09:07
nigelbBut yes.09:08
nigelbThe instructions need to deal with commonly available vendors.09:08
dpmhey czajkowski good morning, if someone wants to participate in LP sessions at UDS, to which ones should I point them to?09:09
cjohnstonblah blah blah09:11
nigelbcjohnston: Did you fix the js?09:12
cjohnstonnigelb: I'm working on that, but discovered another issue09:12
nigelbTypical :)09:12
cjohnston?fakenow works for last UDS but not for this UDS09:13
cjohnstontis what happens when one thinks about render.py09:13
nigelbcjohnston: my condolences09:19
balloonsdholbach, ping10:07
dholbachballoons, pong10:08
dholbachwhich team do people need to be part of to be able to use pad.u.c?10:52
dholbachah ok11:01
knomehey, is anybody who is able to accept/schedule uds sessions for the community track available?11:07
dholbachalright, I've got to bring my dog to my sister's - so I'll be back in 30m and work from there11:13
dholbachdpm, ^11:13
dpmdholbach, I can take a look, yeah11:14
dpmknome, what session11:14
dholbachdpm, after the dog? :-P11:14
knomedpm, i've proposed a xubuntu blueprint, but i'd like it scheduled at least twice11:15
dpmdholbach, if you can mount a webcam on him, yeah :)11:15
dholbachok, see you in a bit :)11:15
dpmknome, could you point us to the blueprint?11:15
knomedpm, sure, just a sec11:15
knomedpm, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-r-xubuntu-planning11:15
knomedpm, that's it11:15
dpmknome, ok, accepted it, it should be auto-scheduled soon. Let me see the best way to schedule it twice11:18
knomedpm, sure, thanks. is there any way to set preference on days, or is it all automated?11:18
dpmknome, there is a way, but I generally rely on the auto-scheduler. Do you have any particular preference?11:19
knomedpm, i'd prefer one on monday and one on thursday11:19
knomedpm, and if you can do it, please mark me, pleia2 and micahg as "must attend" for those :)11:20
knomeaway for a while, lunchtime11:24
pleia2pleia2 == lyz11:26
pleia2I think I've already essentialled myself on that one though11:27
dpmknome, pleia2, I've marked you as required on the second session (the first one needs to be approved by Daniel), but micahg's id did not appear in summit. Could you follow up with him to ensure he's registered to attend uds?11:29
dpmpleia2, knome, I'm going for lunch too. Could you ping dholbach when he's back to:11:33
dpm1 - Approve http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/meeting/21409/xubuntu-general-planning-for-r/ and schedule it for Thursday?11:34
dpm2 - Schedule the other Xubuntu session that should already be in the calendar to be on Monday11:35
dpmI'd do it myself, but track leads can only approve sessions on their own tracks11:35
czajkowskidpm done a blog post linking to them11:36
czajkowskion the lp blog11:36
dpmthanks czajkowski, I'll try to find it later11:37
czajkowskion ohone atm or i would get yiu url11:37
dpmI can find it myself, no worries11:37
cjohnstonpleia2: fwiw essential != required11:38
dpmmhall119, it seems the https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdev-r-app-upload-process-feedback session is still on the community track, did you have the chance to look into it or do we have to wait for summit to pick up?11:38
cjohnstonso, dpm...11:40
cjohnstonThings are working 'correctly'....11:40
cjohnstonThe only way that the track gets set by Summit is if it doesn't already have a track set11:41
cjohnstonfor now, they will have to be manually changed.11:41
cjohnstonI just changed that one11:42
dpmcjohnston, right, yes, that's what I discussed with Mike this morning. If there is a way I can manually change myself, I'll do it, but I don't seem to be able to.11:42
cjohnstondpm: someone with admin access has to11:42
cjohnstondid he fix the other ones already?11:42
dpmthis one was one that someone had approved this morning11:42
cjohnstonok.. then you should be good11:42
dpmand we needed to fix it11:42
dpmmhall119, so you can ignore the ping above, Chris just fixed it and there is nothing else to do ^^11:43
dpmmhall119, I think the last thing is to chase the webapps guys to give us a description for their webapps howto, and I'm chasing didrocks again to register the Quickly blueprint, but I haven't seen him online since yesterday11:45
dpmI'm going for lunch break now, but I might take a bit longer than usual, as I need to go to the doctor too, but shouln't take too long, either11:46
knomedholbach, hey, did you read the backlog?11:47
dholbachknome, which backlog?11:47
dholbachI was gone for 30m11:47
knomedholbach, from this channel, by dpm11:47
dholbachas I said11:48
dholbachI was gone for 30m :)11:48
knomedholbach, yup, i understand, that's why i asked (why wouldn't you have read it if you were around?)11:48
dpmoh, cjohnston, a quick question: if I register a session directly on summit, and I add a few attendees. How can I add more attendees once the session is registered? Is there a way, or do they have to subscribe themselves at that point?11:49
cjohnstonedit meeting dpm11:49
cjohnstonin the subnav11:49
dpmdholbach, <dpm> pleia2, knome, I'm going for lunch too. Could you ping dholbach when he's back to:11:50
dpm 1 - Approve http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/meeting/21409/xubuntu-general-planning-for-r/ and schedule it for Thursday?11:50
dpm<dpm> 2 - Schedule the other Xubuntu session that should already be in the calendar to be on Monday11:50
dpmcjohnston, I don't see the link (only Review attendees, Blueprint, Copy meeting), it might be because I proposed it for the community track, where I'm not track lead11:51
dholbachdpm, I don't have accept-blueprint powers11:51
dpmdholbach, I accepted the bp11:51
cjohnstondpm: ahh.. if it was a blueprint it required them to be subscribed to the BP11:52
dholbachok will look into it in a bit11:52
cjohnstondpm: if it is created in Summit, the creator (should) has edit powers, if it is created in LP, it has to be edited in LP11:53
cjohnstondpm: can you give me a link11:53
dpmcjohnston, not a bp, it's a session I registered in summit, and I added a link to the bp in the spec field - here's the link: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/meeting/21409/xubuntu-general-planning-for-r/11:53
cjohnstonok.. so if it has a spec link, Summit thinks its a BP11:54
dpmcjohnston, ah, I see. So that means it cannot be edited anymore11:54
cjohnstonchanging now11:54
cjohnstonyou should have edit11:55
dpmcjohnston, ok, thanks, it works. So this is for the Xubuntu guys: they want 2 sessions on different days (Monday, Thursday). I approved the blueprint, which should get imported and appear on Daniel's calendar. I then created this session manually, which I wanted to link to the same blueprint. Does that make sense?11:57
dpmI assume then the 2 sessions will appear on Daniel's schedule for him to approve them11:58
cjohnstonyou created xubuntu-general-planning-for-r so it is already approved11:58
cjohnstonand their BP one has already been approved11:59
dpmcjohnston, so do we have now the 2 sessions in summit as expected, and it's just a matter of scheduling them?12:00
dpmcjohnston, and if I want to link them to the same blueprint, can I just reset xubuntu-general-planning-for-r's spec field to the blueprint? (I don't mind loosing edit powers now)12:01
cjohnstonI added it to the wiki url field12:02
dpmyeah, I saw that, I mean, can I change it back to the spec field, so that both summit sessions are linked to the same blueprint?12:02
dpmor will that cause breakage?12:03
cjohnstonjust the lack of ability to edit12:03
dpmok, I don't mind losing that, thanks12:03
knomedholbach, dholbach: cheers12:06
dholbachI didn't do anything :)12:06
dholbachI was just having a look12:07
dholbachand Thursday looks like this: knome, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/2012-11-0112:07
knomedholbach, great! but when will the session for monday show up? :)12:08
dholbachknome, I'm trying to find it12:08
dholbachgive me a bit12:08
knomei also need one more session scheduled, creating the blueprint in a sec12:08
knomedholbach, sure, np12:08
dholbachknome, so on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/track/community/ there's another session on wednesday12:09
dholbachknome, is that correct?12:09
knomedholbach, yeah, looks like that. could that be moved to monday?12:09
knomedpm, dholbach: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-r-ircops12:11
knomeany day is fine for that12:11
dholbachknome, sorry, can't accept the BP - don't have powers12:12
dpmknome, dholbach, approved, should be auto-scheduled soon12:12
knomedholbach, that's why i pinged dpm too :)12:12
knomeoh, right, yeah.12:12
knomesorry, and thanks!12:12
dholbachknome, does http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/track/community/ look good to you now?12:13
knomedholbach, that's fantastic!12:13
dpmdholbach, knome, ok, so that's all taken care of, I can really go for lunch break now :)12:16
knomedpm, cheers!12:16
dholbachdpm, buen apetito12:18
knomedholbach, actually, the thursday session time is so perfect that we would like it to be fixed to that time if at all possible (remote participation)12:24
dholbachno, not really possible AFAIK12:25
dholbachbut cjohnston or mhall119 can probably confirm12:25
knomeok, cheers12:26
cjohnstonits possible but not the 'bestest' way to go about doing things12:41
JoseeAntonioRdpm: ready for the app devel session in about an hour?12:51
mhall119dpm: updated the description for the webapps howto12:57
dpmJoseeAntonioR, yep!13:39
dpmthanks mhall11913:39
dpmJoseeAntonioR, so what do I need to do, start a hangout on air and just give you the URL?13:46
JoseeAntonioRdpm: nope, I'll do it13:46
JoseeAntonioRdpm: add Ubuntu OnAir to your circles13:46
dpmok, cool13:47
dpmJoseeAntonioR, will I be able to screen-share?13:48
dpmcool, I'll be back in a minute13:49
dpmJoseeAntonioR, any IRC channel I should be in?13:52
JoseeAntonioRdpm: #ubuntu-classroom, #ubuntu-classroom-backstage, and #ubuntu-classroom-chat13:53
dpmok, the usual suspects, then, joining :)13:53
dpmthanks JoseeAntonioR, you're a truly rocking host14:56
JoseeAntonioRthanks to you for the session, was absolutely great14:57
jonodpm, jcastro_ dholbach did you want to do the call as the other guys can't join?14:59
jonoI don't really have a demo14:59
dpmjono, I don't have a demo, but we can maybe use it to discuss any pre-UDS things that might need to be wrapped up?15:00
jonodpm, sure15:00
jonoI will set it up15:00
dholbachjono, yeah, same as dpm15:00
dholbachjono, I just have one question, but I sent you a mail about it too15:01
jonodpm, jcastro_ dholbach invite sent15:02
jcastro_can someone paste me the url?15:08
jcastro_nm found it15:09
JoseeAntonioRjcastro_: hey, how's the weather over cph?15:09
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: it's cold, windy, and often wet15:20
jcastro_JoseeAntonioR: I'm not there yet15:23
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: thanks15:24
dpmmhall119, so people have started noticing the nexus 7 project :)15:24
cjohnstonits just a figment of everyones imagination15:25
smartboyhwcjohnston, no no no15:26
smartboyhwIt is realistic I think15:26
mhall119dpm: I saw15:26
cjohnstonnope.. fake.. fake video.. fake ppa15:26
mhall119don't get too excited, it's for testing the core of Ubuntu15:27
smartboyhwcjohnston, er really is it fake?15:27
smartboyhwsabdflwe've ported ubuntu to the nexus 7 (it's just the desktop)15:27
smartboyhwUh hum that IS not fake and logged15:27
head_victimI'd be tempted by a 10inch tablet that ran Ubuntu, a 7 inch is a great start.15:28
mhall119smartboyhw: it is a real thing, it's just not "Ubuntu for tablets"15:32
mhall119smartboyhw: the goal is to gauge and reduce the resource consumption of the core of Ubuntu so that it runs well on tablet-level hardware15:33
cjohnstonmhall119: we need to look at why Summit isn't removing declined BPs15:35
mhall119not now15:39
jcastro_jono: If you can, I can go early.16:04
* jcastro_ plans on taking his PC in for repair during lunch16:04
jonojcastro_, busy right now, lets do later16:04
jcastro_jono: post your lunch sound good?16:04
dholbachalright my friends - got to rush off to take the train16:10
dholbachsafe travels everyone16:10
dholbachand see you on Sunday :-D16:10
jonojcastro_, yup16:11
jcastro_<--- lunching16:11
jonodpm, lets go16:15
jonodpm, invite sent16:15
marcoceppiJoseeAntonioR: I think my PM stuff is broken16:58
JoseeAntonioRmarcoceppi: free now?17:06
marcoceppi I thought the session was at 1800? Or did I do time stuff wrong?17:06
JoseeAntonioRmarcoceppi: we just had some tech probs with the MOTU session, things are broken on the other side17:07
marcoceppiYeah, give me a few mins17:07
JoseeAntonioRmarcoceppi: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/9cfc6311ce23c466b727eb88ae4ea6c5505fe13017:09
bkerensajono: so this isn't Ubuntu running natively on a Nexus 7 its just sitting on top of Android19:12
bkerensamuch like flashing  B2G to a Nexus Device but B2G is only HTML519:12
bkerensajcastro_: this is pretty good so far...  I do wish I could dual-boot though for testing :)20:48
mhall119bkerensa: my understanding is that this is the Ubuntu kernel, not the Android kernel23:28
mhall119though it is using some Android drivers, IIRC23:28
mhall119bkerensa: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/RestrictedDrivers lists the specific drivers23:29
bkerensamhall119: yeah23:33
bkerensamhall119: someone is already porting the images to use Gentoo23:34
bkerensavideo encoding on the Ubuntu/N7 is fun :) 4% done in 15 mins23:34
mhall119bkerensa: let them have fun with that23:35
mhall119you think video encoding is fun, imaging recomiling glib for gentoo on it ;)23:35
mhall119there'll be a new update before it finished23:35
bkerensabuilding a debian package would be intense23:35
bkerensamhall119: oddly lscpi does nothing23:36
bkerensamhall119: how is Bella?23:38
mhall119bkerensa: fancy23:39
mhall119bkerensa: um, does it have a PCI bus?23:39
mhall119try lshw?23:39

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