
xnoxbarry: actual dictionary hash ordering build-failure: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-rebuilds/+archive/py3.3/+build/392903700:44
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pittiGood morning04:03
pitticjwatson: congratulations and thanks for setting up the -proposed stuff! it's great to see this in action at last04:16
pittiapw: I subscribed you to bug 1070427, I asked a question about the kernel header provides/depends; that seems to break some cases ATM04:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1070427 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "fails to build due to missing kernel headers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107042704:58
ScottKxnox: Is your python3 transition tracker updating?  I see uploads from yesterday that aren't reflected.05:02
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ScottKxnox: How goes cmake?  pykde4 is now waiting on it.05:43
dholbachgood morning06:57
fishorhallo devs, i'm porting gnome-sound-recorder to gstreamer-1.0 and gtk3. My repository based on gnome-media with removed all deprecated parts. you can find it here https://gitorious.org/gsr/gnome-recorder/commits/master07:05
fishormy question, do it make sense to target it for 13.04?07:05
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mvobarry: I took the liberty to upload the fix for #846044 now that its part of the upstream git, just fyi08:03
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dagoatyI am trying to write a preinst script for a package that supports the 'backup' functionality. I think I have this working but as far as I can tell only the installer supports the backup feature. Is there any commandline mode for dpkg which I can use to test my script behaves correctly?10:08
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infinity@pilot in12:11
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) released! | Archive: Frozen | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: infinity, apw
* dholbach hugs infinity12:14
dokoSweetshark, when do you plan the first libreoffice upload?12:30
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PjotrHello, I have a question about ufw.12:51
PjotrWhere can I find the default rules profile of ufw?12:51
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Pjotrmdeslaur: can you maybe tell me, which default rules profile ufw uses?13:05
mdeslaurPjotr: jdstrand ^13:06
jdstrandPjotr: look in /etc/ufw/*rules. you can also do 'sudo ufw show raw'13:06
jdstrand(if it is enabled)13:06
Pjotrjdstrand: that doesn't show a lot of rules... Is the default profile secure enough for the average home user, or do you advise adding extra rules?13:11
jdstrandPjotr: it is default deny. It is recommended for a home user, yes13:11
Pjotrjdstrand: would ufw with the default profile negatively affect samba or torrents?13:13
jdstrandPjotr: the basic idea is that it is default deny for incoming. default allow with connection tracking for outgoing. it allows for things like dhcp and ping. it is a reasonable default but can be adjusted for your requirements13:13
jdstrandPjotr: as a samba client, it shouldn't in recent releases. you would be able to fetch torrents, you'd have to open up a port to serve torrents13:14
jdstrand(you'd also have to open a port to serve clients)13:15
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Pjotrjdstrand: thanks for the information.... :-)  For now, this answers my questions about ufw.13:17
ttxjml: been trying undistract-me, installed from PPA... but it does not seem to trigger. Only works once I do . /usr/share/undistract-me/long-running.bash && notify_when_long_running_commands_finish_install13:19
jmlttx: yeah. I've noticed that recently too13:20
jmlttx: I could swear it worked befoe13:20
ttxjml: I believe you ;)13:20
ttxonly half as fun if it doesn't work though :P13:20
jmlttx: manually running '. /etc/profile.d/undistract-me.sh' works for me also13:20
jmlttx: I suspect it's due to some weird login shell interaction13:21
ttxjml: probably in the [ -z "$BASH_VERSION" -o -z "$PS1" -o -n "$last_command_started_cache" ] test13:22
dokojamespage, ping13:26
jamespagedoko, pong13:26
ttxjml: can't see anything obvious, let me know if you find the solution :)13:32
jmlttx: will do.13:32
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dokobarry, xnox: in the py3.3 test rebuild are about ~200 packages, slangasek identified ~500 which might be affected. there's a small difference13:51
xnoxdoko: 500 _binary_ packages that slangasek identified.13:52
dokook, so once boost is fixed, we should be ready to change the default?13:52
xnoxdoko: more or less. (boost and it's python3-like rdeps)13:53
barrypython-oauthlib is pretty important, but i'll look at that (unless a fix is already uploaded but not in the ppa yet)13:53
barryit needn't block the change though13:54
xnoxbarry: testsuite failures for pure-python modules do not block us to switch default.13:54
xnoxbarry: as e.g. python-oauthlib is installable with python3.3 as default.13:54
barryhas anyone looked at ubiquity?13:54
xnoxdoko: do you have python3-defaults arch:all -> arch:any done?13:54
xnoxbarry: local build is fine.13:54
barryit only fails on amd6413:55
xnoxbarry: ppa build "got killed" in the logs13:55
barryhung for 150m apparently13:56
barryin any case, doko i think we should do it13:56
dokoxnox, yes, will remove the header symlink again13:58
xnoxdoko: ack.13:59
dokobarry, xnox: ok, then I'll wait for the boost builds to succeed, and the make 3.3 the default (which might be tomorrow)14:00
tsdgeosis the "raring" part of the archive private on purpose?14:15
micahgtsdgeos: what do you mean?14:16
tsdgeosmicahg: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring exists but gives 40314:17
tsdgeosthat's what i mean14:17
tsdgeosdoes it?14:17
yofelwfm too14:18
tsdgeosyou guys in copenhagen?14:18
micahgnot yet14:19
tsdgeoswell, i'm blaming the network somehow14:19
tsdgeosdoes not work from here, but works in a server i have somehere else14:19
* yofel isn't going14:19
tsdgeosand it works for you14:19
tsdgeosso obviously not a problem in the server14:19
develop7Hello all. Is there any way to figure out which process handles particular keyboard shortcut?14:25
develop7I'm going to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/1064345 myself, but have virtually no clue where to start from.14:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1064345 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Inconsistent behavior for some keyboard shortcuts: user is able to bind them, but pressing them does nothing" [Undecided,New]14:27
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Sweetsharkdoko: ASAP, which means once I get all 3.7 deps in place.14:55
dagoatyIs there any frontend to debconf I can use to test the 'backup' feature? I've only seen this working in the installer.15:04
rbasakpitti: is there an easy way to test an apport hook? It refuses to even --save against my test package because it is "not an official Ubuntu package"15:11
rbasakI haven't managed to find an option to do this anywhere, and there isn't any discussion of hook testing in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport/DeveloperHowTo :-(15:12
barryxnox: i think it's still worth having a discussion on 3.3/3.4.  the actual decision will probably be a rubberstamp, but in the past such sessions have been very good at bringing up collateral issues to think about15:22
xnoxbarry: well currently it's scheduled in a strange place: clashes with building arm images, rapid archive bringup and a few other cool sessions for me =)15:23
barryxnox: complain to your track chair :)15:24
barryxnox: or make your participation essential and let the scheduler sort it out15:24
* barry now goes to check his own schedule15:25
xnoxbarry: actually that does nothing. you need to as track chair to special mark somebody "essential" in the summit.15:25
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LaneyI don't know that it does absolutely nothing15:26
Laneybut it's not a hard requirement like it appears15:26
slangasekxnox: right, are you sure it has *no* effect?15:26
slangasekall I know for sure is that there's an additional knob now15:27
xnoxslangasek: can you please accept this one for uds-r sprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-r-upload-intermediary15:28
xnoxslangasek: there is a session, but summit doesn't "know" the blueprint link.15:28
xnoxalthough it's kind of done ?!15:29
slangasekxnox: "accept" it?  That blueprint isn't marked as proposed for uds-r15:29
slangasekprobably because cjwatson doesn't think we need to discuss it? :)15:29
xnoxslangasek: I guess I got confused why it's linked from15:29
slangasekahh, the url is there just as a reference15:30
xnoxslangasek: this blueprint is still on the schedule http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/meeting/21074/foundations-r-landscape-fde/15:31
xnoxslangasek: but it was rejected from uds-r15:31
* xnox twiddled the "subscriber vs essential" and I'll look how that will affect the scheduler next time it reruns ;-)15:32
Laneyhmm, yeah, quite a number of conflicts15:36
rbasakpitti: I found my answer by digging in the code. I can set APPORT_DISABLE_DISTRO_CHECK in the environment15:36
rbasakSpamapS, jamespage, adam_g: FYI ^^15:37
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jamespagerbasak, nice15:37
cjwatsondagoaty: pretty much any old debconf frontend, including the default of "dialog", supports backup if your script says "db_capb backup".  It is not at all installer-specific.15:39
dagoatycjwatson: Odd, I only seem to get an OK prompt with dialog.16:00
dagoatycjwatson: I even tried the example code at http://www.fifi.org/doc/debconf-doc/tutorial.html#AEN217 with no success16:02
Snow-Manwhat's w/ using sftp to upload to a ppa..?  docs indicate using: incoming = ~sfrost/<ppa-name>/ubuntu, but I'm getting an error that launchpad couldn't find a PPA named 'postgis' (even tho I see it on the website..)16:04
rbasakSnow-Man: is that an email error? There's a known bug that the email error reports for upload failures name a random PPA that isn't yours16:06
rbasakSnow-Man: (but in that case the error might still be valid - it happens to me if I use the wrong path)16:06
Snow-Manrbasak: well, yes, I see the random PPA name, but in the body of the email it's saying "Could not find a PPA named 'postgis' for 'sfrost'.", even though when I go to: https://launchpad.net/~sfrost/+archive/ppa it says "postgis" at the top16:07
* Snow-Man randomly tries stuff16:08
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Snow-Manwell, that's cute16:12
Snow-ManSource/binary (i.e. mixed) uploads are not allowed.16:12
NecrosporusWhy there is no GUI option to disable advertising banner in software center?16:12
Snow-Manmissed *that* in the docs..16:12
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ppetrakiI've got an upstart task that simply won't start. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1307508/16:20
ppetrakiall the parts of the script run fine, put it in a task, fails16:20
slangasekppetraki: do you have a /var/log/upstart/opengrok-index.log?16:24
ppetrakislangasek, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1307525/16:25
ppetrakislangasek, but it all runs fine from the shell16:25
slangasekppetraki: chances are there's something different in the upstart environment (which is mostly a blank slate) vs. the shell environment that makes the difference16:26
ppetrakislangasek, so im sourcing a bash script, and then calling the funcs, is that supported?16:27
slangasekppetraki: oh, for one thing when you're sourcing that script at the commandline it's sourced by bash, and when you're running an upstart job the shell is /bin/sh == ash16:27
ppetrakithat's got to be it16:27
ppetrakislangasek, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1307536/ confirmed16:27
slangasekppetraki: yeah, so I think you want to put your script into a separate file with an explicit #!/bin/bash, and then put 'exec myscript' in the upstart job16:28
ppetrakislangasek, got it, thanks16:28
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slangasekLaney: you say you were seeing conflicts for sessions you were marked as 'participation essential' on?  Can you give me an example?17:14
slangasekLaney: the scheduler seems to be doing an adequate job of warning me if p.e. subscribers have conflicts17:15
Laneyslangasek: I don't think I have conflicts like that, just ones where I subscribed non-essential17:17
Laneyshould I expect doing that to influence the scheduler at all?17:17
slangasekLaney: ok - expected behavior :)17:17
Laneyperhaps I'll have to upgrade some then17:17
slangasekyes, that's what the flag is there for! :-)17:18
Laneyslangasek: also, how come https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-r-future-release-brainstorming got changed to declined?17:18
slangasekLaney: we believe it's covered by the combination of the release-schedule session and the quantal-feedback session17:19
slangasekhttp://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/meeting/21405/foundations-r-schedule/ + http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/meeting/21047/foundations-r-prior-release-feedback/17:20
Laneywell, not if the latter is entirely backwards looking17:21
slangasekLaney: having an entirely backwards-looking session that doesn't result in actions for the future would not be a productive use of time :)17:22
slangasekare there specific things you think are not covered in the other two sessions, that would warrant a third?17:22
LaneyI'll just distribute the topics from the whiteboard17:23
Snow-Man c18:20
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jelmer /query barry22:28
jelmerhi barry :)22:29
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xnoxfgrep changed?! http://paste.ubuntu.com/1308437/23:36
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