
cdrom196יש כאן מישהו?14:24
cdrom196צריך עזרה14:24
cdrom196hi all14:25
cdrom196i need help please14:25
cdrom196hi all14:26
cdrom196i need help please14:26
cdrom196is there anyone here?14:27
avihaythere are people here14:42
avihayfeel free to use Hebrew14:42
avihayalso, you should supply details about your help request, some details, humans tend to not want to get into situations where they have to say:"I'm sorry but I don't know"14:45
avihayit's ego or something14:45
Ron-יש מישהו?17:18
alex542מישהו יכול לעזור לי בהגדרת תוכנות בununtu לעברית?20:34
home-horimמישהו יכול לעזור עם תוכנת טיקר?20:53

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