
cjwatson^- first test of new upload scheme00:46
cjwatson(I was in a bit too much of a rush the first time and beat the rollout to pepo, hence the reject)00:46
xnoxplease accept: libguestfs    x-kit    for python3.3 fixes00:48
cjwatsonx-kit's fine01:05
cjwatsonlibguestfs (a) has a typo ("CPPCFLAGS") and (b) ignores test failures without explanation01:06
cjwatsonSo rejected - I've mailed doko with an explanation01:09
cjwatsonxnox: ^-01:10
cjwatson(Plus, next upload will magically go to -proposed)01:10
cjwatsonI've modified the queue client to look in -proposed by default, seeing as most things will be there now01:13
xnoxcjwatson: ack. thanks for the review.01:18
ScottK^^^ would be nice to get in before the general opening because there is a small chance packages might misbuild if it's not.04:26
infinityScottK: Sure.04:32
infinityI should probably nap.  I think eglibc's done, but it might help to look it over when my eyes aren't close to being glued shut.04:34
ScottKThat means my local hack to avoid including the entire package changelog in the sync request worked ...04:54
cjwatsonScottK: oh, yeah, perhaps I ought to have mentioned that in my -devel-announce post - the "entire changelog" bug is one tumbleweed fixed in ubuntu-dev-tools bzr07:05
=== doko_ is now known as doko
dokocjwatson: how long does it usually take for a package to migrate from -proposed to -release09:19
RAOFdoko: That depends on a number of things; the SRU default policy is 7-days, plus all bugs marked as tested.09:21
dokoRAOF, ahh, no, for raring09:21
cjwatsondoko: there is no migration delay; it should be in the next publisher cycle after it's built everywhere, typically09:22
cjwatsondoko: see http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/09:22
dokoohh, so we are blocking on the slowest arch09:23
cjwatsonI *may* decide to weaken some of the constraints at some point, but I want to see how we do with these first09:24
cjwatsonI'd prefer to start accurate rather than assuming failure09:24
cjwatsonYou can also look at it as "ensuring that multiarch systems combining fast and slow architectures don't fail"09:25
cjwatsonSince they often require that versions are in sync09:25
cjwatsondoko: BTW, packages in -proposed still build against -proposed, so this doesn't need to block build chains or anything09:33
xnoxdoko: and the py3.3 rebuild ppa builds against raring-proposed as well ;-)09:35
dokohmm, the onboard ftbfs looks interesting09:39
xnoxcjwatson: at the current moment nose is already deleted from -proposed, but not yet published in -release09:57
xnoxah it's pending in release09:57
dokobah, the setup.py overwriting locale.getpreferredencoding09:57
cjwatsonxnox: that ordering can happen because it does Archive.copyPackage (creates async job processed maybe a minute or so later) then SPPH.requestDeletion (immediate)10:12
cjwatsonBut there's no risk of it actually getting lost AFAIK - worst case you get really unlucky and it vanishes for one publisher cycle10:13
cjwatsonI think timings are such as to render that implausible at the moment, though10:13
xnoxcjwatson: ok, i'm not sure if it ever managed to be published/available from -proposed or I have missed it with rmadison.10:15
xnoxobviously it was published enough for britney to find it....10:15
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
cjwatsonxnox: britney works off published Packages/Sources files, so it must have been fully published and available10:51
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
cjwatsonprodded proposed-migration a bit - the conditions for running it weren't quite right13:36
cjwatsonshould sort itself out next publisher cycle13:36
cjwatson(specifically, it wasn't running when raring-proposed changed, only when raring changed)13:37
Laneycan we see the scripts and the britney modifications?13:37
* Laney finds promote-to-release13:40
stgraber^ isn't that supposed to be blocked to start with? or is that how it's being handled (lands in queue then something rejects automatically)?14:39
jdstrandstgraber: let me try that again14:46
jdstrandthat exim4 update is a security update14:46
stgrabersure, but you shouldn't be able to copy to raring, only to raring-proposed14:46
stgraberI'm just surprised it even showed up in the queue, I thought it'd be rejected at copy time, not when hitting the queue14:46
jdstrandstgraber: even as an AA?14:46
micahgstgraber: AAs should be able to copy to the release pocket still AIUI14:46
stgraberonly if using the auto-accept flag14:46
jdstrandI'll happily put it in -proposed14:47
infinitystgraber: AAs can copy directly, with autoapprove=True or whatever it is.14:47
infinityAhh, you beat me there.14:47
jdstrandok, I was unaware of --auto-approve14:48
jdstrandactually, I was not, I just haven't used it in a while14:48
jdstrandthat ^ will be rejected14:49
jdstrandthen the next one was with --auto-approve14:49
* jdstrand wonders if --auto-approve shows up here14:50
stgraberit shouldn't as it won't hit the queue14:50
jdstrandah, makes sense14:50
stgraberjdstrand: is it just LP being a bit slow or did you get an error with the --auto-approve copy? I'm not seeing 1.1 on the publishing page for exim4 in raring14:53
jdstrandstgraber: I did not get an error. I assume it is slow14:53
jdstrandI never can remember how long it takes. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes...14:54
jdstrandnot 5 it seems :)14:56
jdstrandI did unembargo 8 openjdks14:59
jdstrandso maybe that has something to do with it14:59
ScottKdoko: Can I get pykde4 building with 3.3 before we switch the default?15:06
dokoScottK, is this on the images?15:07
* ScottK double checks.15:07
dokosee -devel, we wanted to make it the default now15:07
dokohow difficult is this? like qscintilla2?15:08
ScottKIt requires CMake to know about the alternate include directory.15:08
ScottKI have a test build of a dirty hack in progress.15:08
* xnox already did 3-4 CMake's15:08
xnoxblender morse-simulator hivex by memory15:09
ScottKDoes PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS include both?15:10
ScottKIt may just be then that I need to use that instead of PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH15:10
xnoxScottK: no, it doesn't. But you need to add both into it and make sure all cmakelists use PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS15:10
ScottKpykde4 still uses the older PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH, but that's an easy enough change.15:11
xnoxhere I cheated: used pkg_config to populate PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS http://launchpadlibrarian.net/121099621/morse-simulator_0.6~alpha-1~exp1_0.6~alpha-1~exp1ubuntu1.diff.gz15:11
xnoxhivex is actually autoconf.15:12
dokoScottK, sip: /scratch/packages/tmp/pykde4-4.9.2/sip/kdecore/typedefs.sip:955: Mapped type has already been defined in another module15:15
dokomake[5]: *** [sip/kterminal/sipkterminalpart0.cpp] Error 115:16
dokomake[5]: Leaving directory `/scratch/packages/tmp/pykde4-4.9.2/builddir-2.7'15:16
dokomake[4]: *** [CMakeFiles/python_module_PyKDE4_kterminal.dir/all] Error 215:16
dokomake[4]: Leaving directory `/scratch/packages/tmp/pykde4-4.9.2/builddir-2.7'15:16
dokomake[3]: *** [all] Error 215:16
dokofails already in 2.7 :-/ or is this known?15:16
ScottKThat's known.15:16
ScottKThere's an upstream patch for that.15:16
ScottKdoko: https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdebindings/pykde4/repository/revisions/fd30259903ad693b86476b6e8c280b93d010222315:17
dokojust wanted to check for the so name renaming. ScottK: pointer?15:17
ScottKThere you go.15:17
dokomake[5]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/libpython3.3mu.so', needed by `lib/pykde/akonadi.so'.  Stop.15:26
ScottKMy horrible hack attempt is just about to get to that point.15:29
cjwatsonLaney: lp:~ubuntu-archive/britney/britney{1,2}-ubuntu15:30
cjwatsonstgraber,jdstrand: while people with queue admin privileges on the release pocket *can* copy directly to it (and it'll land in the queue if we're frozen and you don't use auto_approve), please do not do so.  This is intended only for the sake of the automatic scripts themselves15:32
ScottKdoko: I'm stuck on "/usr/include/python3.3m/Python.h:8:22: fatal error: pyconfig.h: No such file or directory"15:33
dokoScottK, I have a fix. but how do a re-run a configure step just for 3.3?15:33
ScottKI don't know.  I just failed at that myself.15:33
dokoScottK, didn't xnox's hint help?15:33
cjwatsonWe should probably talk at UDS about exceptions, since there'll no doubt be some, but I don't really want AAs/release-team-members copying into release just because we can ...15:33
ScottKThat one is still building.15:33
ScottKIt's 1/4 of the way through python3.215:34
xnoxScottK: well I look at the cmakes output's first to see if they make sence and have the paths, before launching the build ;-)15:34
ScottKThat would have been one way to do it.15:34
stgraberif an SRU team member has a minute, the bridge-utils I just uploaded to precise-proposed fixes a boot time hang that quite a few people have been nagging me about on IRC over the past few days. It's a 3 lines change to a script so should be trivial to review and matches what we've had in quantal for months, so pretty safe.15:39
doko            -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/libpython${v}$(shell python$(i) -c "import sys; print(sys.abiflags)").so \15:39
dokoScottK, ^^^15:39
ScottKdoko: Thanks.15:39
dokoand I see it prefers python2 as the default python version. maybe change that for raring (not now)?15:40
ScottKIt has to.15:41
ScottKThe one part of the build that that affects hasn't been ported yet.15:41
dokohrm, that's not enough ...15:42
ScottKIt would be a more general solution, I think, to change FindPythonLibs.cmake in CMake itself so that PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS has both directories in it.15:45
dokoI hate debhelper sequencer ...15:51
ScottKIf we do that, it's a one line change (I think) in pykde4 to use PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS instead of PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH15:52
bdrungslangasek: there are a bunch of patches for -proposed waits to get accepted (vlc, culmus, fonts-nanum-coding)15:54
dokoScottK, please do if it's quick. I have a patch for the rest of the renaming15:59
ScottKdoko: Go ahead and do PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS in your pykde4 as that'll work regardless.  Let me look at CMake again.16:00
infinity^-- Shouldn't natty be EOLish?16:03
dokoScottK, xnox: pkg_check_modules(PYTHON3 python3) how would that be patched to look for the python version used for the build (and not python3)?16:05
bdmurrayI setup a blueprint for the SRU team at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-r-sru-queue-velocity16:05
ScottKdoko: I think python${_CURRENT_VERSION}16:06
ScottKThat's what FinePythonLibs uses16:06
jdstrandcjwatson: so, exim4 never made it to raring. should I use raring-proposed?16:06
ScottKthat may be internal to it though.16:06
ScottKYes, it is.16:07
ScottKdebfx: ^^^ Do you know the answer to doko's question?16:08
skaetinfinity,  scheduled for 10/28 - will send out the email then.16:10
slangasekbdrung: I'm aware of the SRU queue and will be plowing through them today.  Please make sure that all SRU bugs have the required SRU information before I get there, otherwise they'll go to the back of the queue again ;)16:16
stgraberinfinity: thanks. I poked a couple of the reporters on IRC so bridge-utils should be all tested before it reaches the 7 days mark.16:21
infinitystgraber: Alrighty.16:22
infinitystgraber: (Wait, how did you know it was me?)16:22
stgraberinfinity: sru-accept comments in the bug ;)16:22
infinitystgraber: Oh, duh.  Right.16:23
infinitystgraber: I thought someone had finally implemented queue auditing when I wasn't looking.16:23
stgraber(no, we still don't have queue audit...)16:23
stgraberright :)16:23
ScottKdoko: I'm lost in a maze of twisty turny cmake passage, all look alike.16:55
dokoScottK, I think I have something ...16:57
bdrungslangasek: done. please note that vlc has a preliminary MRE16:57
ScottKIt did, however, lead me to find a mistake I'd made in my hack to deal with multiple pyqtconfig.py files in the same directory for python3 in PyQt (thus the upload)16:58
ScottKSo getting lost wasn't time wasted.16:58
dokocjwatson, ^^^ hmm, copies from ppa's including binaries don't seem to work17:01
cjwatsonjdstrand: Please do, although I would like to investigate what happened to your previous copy when I'm not in an airport.17:01
cjwatsondoko: see above comment :)17:01
dokoyeah, seen python3-defaults too17:02
jdstrandcjwatson: ack17:04
jdstrand(and done)17:04
ScottKdoko: Thanks.17:12
ScottKdoko: Would you mind accepting the python-qt4 one as well?17:12
dokoScottK, is it really needed? arm builders are busy ...17:12
ScottKWithout it pyqtconfig isn't going to work in python3.  Not sure how important that is.17:13
ScottKI got an accept from somebody.  Thanks.17:14
jdstrandmdeslaur: seems that copies from ppas including binaries doesn't work atm, so the exim4 update was rejected (both to release and -proposed). the same thing happened to openjdk-6 and openjdk-7. cjwatson is aware, but will look at it late17:19
mdeslaurjdstrand: ok, thanks17:19
dokoScottK, any idea about https://launchpadlibrarian.net/121171710/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-amd64.pykde4_4%3A4.9.2-0ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?17:21
dokodid build here locally17:22
ScottKdoko: No idea why it'd work locally and not on the buildd, but "sip: Unable to find file "QtCore/QtCoremod.sip"" gives me some thought that a retry after the PyQt upload build is done might work.17:36
xnoxdoko this is some ^^^^18:03
xnoxthere will be more vvvvv18:03
xnoxdoko ^^^^18:06
dokoxnox, why python-numpy again?18:08
xnoxdoko: not sure. reject for now and I'll double check my set.18:08
dokoxnox, because I know this has the extensions for both 3.x versions18:09
xnoxdoko: ok, it was in my set because it has hard dependency on python3.2 via /usr/bin/f2py3.218:13
xnoxwhich will be dropped, when we drop py3.2 support.18:13
xnoxso reject is correct.18:13
xnoxdoko: cjwatson: barry: shiboken is shibroken & hence I cannot rebuild pyside and therefore britney is holding back python3-defaults18:26
* xnox decides to fix all of this.18:26
slangasekdo we not have support for overriding britney here?18:27
slangasekbecause we shouldn't block on shiborken18:27
barryxnox: slangasek is correct.  if you *must* fix shiboken, my suggestion is to essentially no-op the tests that crash the interpreter.18:28
barryxnox: sucks because it hides a real bug (imho, in shiboken) but there you have it18:28
slangasekif britney is set up right, I could probably force it by manually copying python3-defaults over :P18:28
slangasek(and then let britney clean everything up afterwards)18:29
slangasekbut, er, I haven't gotten a briefing yet on where the britney instance is doing its thing18:29
slangasekinfinity: ^^ can you give me a pointer?18:29
slangasek(preferably a non-null one)18:29
xnoxslangasek: I'm going to do the right way, and do "anything possible without touching britney" to migrate packages.18:29
dokoyeah on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.7/4.7.2-5ubuntu3/+build/3928872/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-armel.gcc-4.7_4.7.2-5ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:30
slangasekxnox: I don't think disabling a test suite to make a known-broken package build is "the right way" :)18:30
xnoxslangasek: it's bug 107077218:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 1070772 in shiboken (Ubuntu) "modelview_test.py segfaults python" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107077218:31
dokoI think ignoring the test failure is ok provided you keep a bug report open and come to it back later18:31
slangasekxnox: and any more-correct fix for sheboygan is going to take much longer to implement, and really shouldn't be allowed to block here18:31
xnoxand I don't know if it's bug in shiboken, the unit test, or our pythons.18:31
barryslangasek: i don't either :)  just sayin' if there's no other way, that's how i'd work around it18:31
barryxnox: i strongly suspect shiboken or some other related extension module18:32
barryxnox: i tried to report it upstream, but the qt bug tracker hates me18:32
xnoxslangasek: shiboken is known fail to build from source in quantal. So can britney wave those?18:32
xnoxslangasek: should shiboken binaries & pyside binaries be removed from the archive then?18:33
xnoxis that a right fix?18:33
slangasekdoko: ^^ would you agree with removing the binaries?18:33
slangasekthey'd be uninstallable anyway, right?18:33
dokogenerally yes, if there are no r-deps18:34
dokoafk now18:34
xnoxslangasek: we are talking about removing pyside - python qt4 LGPL bindings here. (pyqt4 is gpl)18:35
slangasekthe rdep chain is shiboken->pyside/pyside-tools->ipython3-qtconsole18:35
barryScottK might have some input here, if he's around18:36
slangasekxnox: actually, I was only planning to remove shiboken; pyside could be left as-is until shiboken itself is fixed18:37
slangasekbut "as-is" would be "uninstallable"18:37
xnoxslangasek: python3-defaults will not migrate. britney is holding on pyside not shiboken.18:37
slangasekanyway, the set of revdeps on pyside is small, which is why I think this is reasonable18:37
slangasekxnox: where are you seeing the britney output?18:37
* xnox *grins*18:38
slangasekperfect, thanks18:38
* xnox also has no clue what britney is trying to tell me18:38
* xnox is troubleshooting pycrypto in the mean time18:38
slangasekxnox: it tells you that updating python3-defaults results in those packages becoming newly-uninstallable18:38
slangasekpyside isn't the only package in the list though18:39
slangasekmorse-simulator, python3-crypto-dbg?  what do we know about this?18:39
slangasekxnox: pulling the shiboken binary will definitely unblock britney18:40
slangasekbecause then pyside is *already* uninstallable in raring, so britney ignores it18:40
slangaseksorry, I mean it'll unblock britney wrt pyside18:40
xnoxslangasek: morse-simulator is building, python3-crypto-dbg <--- working on it.18:40
xnoxslangasek: also having python3-defaults generate uninstallable defaults packages doesn't help either.18:41
* xnox goes to fix python3-defaults first.18:41
slangasekwhere do you see this?18:41
xnoxslangasek: when trying to rebuild python-crypto in raring-proposed chroot.18:41
slangasekbut britney doesn't notice?18:42
xnox$ rmadison -S -s raring python3.318:42
xnox$ rmadison -S -s raring-proposed python3-defaults18:42
slangasekI don't follow18:43
xnoxdefaults are at 3.3.0-0ubuntu1, while real one is at 3.3.0-218:43
slangasekwhy is that a problem?18:43
slangasekthey're different sources, there shouldn't be any lockstep versioned dependency18:43
slangasekshiboken binaries shibounced18:45
xnoxslangasek: thanks.18:45
slangasekfwiw if someone (ScottK?) considers not having pyside installable a problem and feels that it's better to have shiboken skipping the test suite and building with a known bug, I don't object18:47
slangasekI just don't think we should do that as non-users of the package18:47
barryslangasek: you won't mind if i subscribe ScottK to the bug and paste your comment there?18:48
barrythere == bug 107077218:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 1070772 in shiboken (Ubuntu) "modelview_test.py segfaults python" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107077218:48
slangasekno, that's between you and him ;)18:49
barryslangasek: he and i are on the same flight to cph so maybe we'll chat about it18:50
xnoxslangasek: ok. I had a dirty chroot.18:52
* xnox continues to debug python-crypto18:53
xnoxslangasek: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt now looks very interesting18:54
xnoxare there any hints and trying to understand that output?18:54
slangasekxnox: it's more interesting now because there were more candidates; my binary removals hadn't taken effect yet, it's nothing different due to that19:01
xnoxwhy python3-defaults is "tried" twice19:02
xnoxah.... if other candidates migrate (all: changes) will the skipped packages migrate together or not.19:03
xnoxhmm.... clever but hard to read =)19:03
slangasekxnox: so each block beginning with "trying:" is a single source package that's a candidate for copying; 'ori' is the count of uninstallable packages, per architecture, at the beginning of the britney run; pre: is at the current point in the run before adding this candidate; now: is the result after trying to add the candidate19:03
slangasekxnox: correct19:03
xnoxand the got bit?19:05
xnoxgot: 180+0: i-18019:05
slangasekxnox: that says something about the increase in uninstallability... I forget exactly what, sorry19:15
slangasekI believe it's "there are now 180 packages uninstallable on i386, which is an increase" (from 164)19:16
xnoxI can see how circular dependencies may  confuse britney.19:20
slangasekthey don't really confuse britney, they just make it slower due to NP-completeness :)19:21
slangasekactually, I would expect us to be using auto-hinting for -proposed and it doesn't look like we are19:21
xnoxslangasek: can it please also do demotions/removals? it would be nice to ask britney to try to demote python3.2 and it tell me which packages I should fix =)19:24
xnoxalthough we have transition trackers for that, britney is more robust.19:24
slangasekxnox: checkrdepends is probably better for that19:25
slangasekah, seems the auto-hinting doesn't generate output anymore19:30
slangasekthat does mean you can't use the output to track the progress of a related set of packages that are not-quite-ready19:31
xnox^ above rebuilds makes python3-crypto-dbg to be Depends: python3 (>= 3.2.0) instead of Depends: python3 (>= 3.2.0), python3 (<< 3.3)19:32
xnoxand then we will just have to wait for powerpc builds to finish =(19:33
ScottKbarry/slangasek: pyside isn't on my list of things I care about.20:58
barryScottK: cool21:00
xnoxinfinity: eglibc breaks boost21:04
* xnox wishes I uploaded boost-mpi-source1.49 before your eglibc upload.21:05
xnoxinfinity: time.h now defines TIME_UTC, which boost used to be using.21:05
xnoxin boost 1.50 they renamed it to TIME_UTC_21:05
ScottKThen boost needs to stop.21:06
xnoxwell there is patch https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/7880221:06
ScottKSounds like you know what patch you need to apply then ...21:06
xnoxbut will that break abi/api/compat if I do it in boost1.4921:06
xnoxit's part of enum xtime_clock_types21:08
* xnox so does not want to have boost transition :`(21:08
infinityxnox: I'm inclined to say that boost is broken, not glibc.21:14
infinityxnox: But I'm happy to help with a boost transition during UDS.21:15
infinityxnox: Is 1.50 GA, or still in devel?21:15
infinityxnox: If it's GA, we should just switch, IMO.21:15
xnoxinfinity: released August 20th, 2012 23:00 GMT21:16
xnoxinfinity: well, that macro is part of C11 standard21:17
infinityxnox: Yeah, we should just transition and be done with it, then.21:17
xnoxUnfortunately, on Linux, this is a problem in any C++ code. g++ implicitly defines _GNU_SOURCE, which in turn causes _ISOC11_SOURCE to be defined, regardless of what C++ standard is actually used. But regardless of this gcc feature, the boost interfaces are broken if I want to use C11 interfaces from C++ code.21:17
xnoxquote from https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/694021:17
xnoxI'm not sure *who* is defining _ISOC11_SOURCE21:17
infinityAnyhow, I'm pretty deep in the gin right now, so if that's the only major fallout of glibc 2.16 so far, we're doing well.21:21
xnoxinfinity: I think I will apply patch to boost1.49 and if rdeps break then we will move to boost1.5021:27
xnoxinfinity: no, we need to move to boost1.50 then because there is stuff that uses boost::TIME_UTC which is now invalid21:31
infinityxnox: If we're breaking ABI, we may as well just bump it correctly instead of fudging it.21:32
xnoxinfinity: yes. So for the currently stuck package in britney I can just port that one to boost1.50 (this should then allow python3-defaults to migrate)21:33
xnoxand then we can do the boost transition21:33
slangasekxnox: why is it not sufficient to #undef TIME_UTC in the boost headers?22:18
slangasek(as a non-ABI-changing workaround)22:18
xnoxslangasek: it should be. Why did fedora not do this when they hit it?22:41
xnoxThey first applied: http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/boost.git/commit/?h=f18&id=f68c4dd92574829a34324290c15e360d0fedf64322:41
xnoxdrop enclosed enum and "embrace" TIME_UTC macro22:41
xnoxand now transitioning to boost 1.50....22:45
ScottKxnox: Probably safer to apply just the patch to 1.49 and do some rebuilds.22:46
xnoxScottK: patch which does (i) undef TIME_UTC or (ii) s/boost::TIME_UTC/boost::TIME_UTC_/22:46
ScottKThe latter.22:47
xnoxI am doing a test build of slangasek 's simple solution, as I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't work.22:59
xnoxeglibc 2.16 is new and nothing should be relying on TIME_UTC.22:59
xnoxIf something does conditionally rely on it & boost xtime.hpp at the same time it would only do so with boost1.50 which we have available.23:00
xnoxI really don't want to have boost1.49.ubuntu1 abi =)23:00
xnoxslangasek: autohinter did the magic to transition python3-defaults \0/23:07
xnoxand your boost fix works as well http://paste.ubuntu.com/1308399/23:11
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
ScottKBoost insanity is curable for once.23:43
infinityxnox: Good to hear.23:45
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha

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