
kelemengaborhey dpm12:36
kelemengaborcheck this out: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-r-sustainable-translations12:36
kelemengaboropinions? :)12:37
dpmkelemengabor, approved! :-)12:43
dpmI really need to go now, but I'll be back after the break and read the scrollback if there is anything else12:44
trijntjedpm: thanks, it was eerie quiet in the classrom though ;)17:51
dpmtrijntje, yeah, you never know with IRC sessions. Sometimes there are more questions, sometimes there aren't, but good job nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed it18:31
trijntjeit was nice to give a talk, hopefully some people will read the logs as well18:32

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