
knightwisemorning everyone07:44
* popey pokes AlanBell with bug 106122907:48
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1061229 in Ayatana Design "Alt-Tab - alt+grave (key above tab) takes you back to where you started, not to the next window" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106122907:48
popeyAlanBell, if it's fixed could you tag it verification-done07:48
knightwisehey popey i did a reinstall of 12.04 , left OUT the proprietary drivers and am now rocking a dual 24 inch setup :)07:49
* knightwise is pleased07:49
knightwiseI do have a question : is there any chance the "webbapp integration" might get backported from 12.10 to 12.04 ?07:50
popeymaybe in the future07:51
knightwiseok ;07:52
knightwisei'll probably go to 12.10 when the .1 release is out07:52
* knightwise is getting a dull ubuntu user that needs reliability07:52
popeythere wont be a 12.10.107:54
popeywe don't do point releases for non-LTS versions07:54
popeywe will be putting out some SRUs though07:54
popeyfirst one landed today07:54
knightwiseah k07:54
popeyhence me asking AlanBell to verify the stuff is fixed :)07:54
knightwisei just might wait a month or so07:54
popeyyeah, there will be another SRU in a month or so07:55
popeyor just stick on 12.0407:55
knightwisewhats an SRU again ?07:55
knightwiseSmall release upgrade ?07:55
matttsneaky release upgrade07:56
* AlanBell does an update08:01
popeystable release upgrade08:02
knightwiseah :)08:04
AlanBellpopey: not fixed08:16
popeyyou have -proposed enabled?08:18
AlanBellpopey: nope, enabling it now08:18
Laneyxnox: how do you cron offlineimap?08:23
LaneyI have it in a */5 but every so and then it hangs and stops checking whatever account was in progress at the time until I kill it08:23
Laney"so and then" → "so often" (typing what you hear on the radio ...)08:24
AlanBellpopey: fixed \o/08:24
AlanBellpopey: but your carefully timed alt-tab one doesn't appear to be08:24
popeyyeah, that ones on its way08:25
popeynex sru i think08:25
popeyAlanBell, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1061229 can you tag it verification-done pls?08:26
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1061229 in Ayatana Design "Alt-Tab - alt+grave (key above tab) takes you back to where you started, not to the next window" [Critical,Fix committed]08:26
popeyand if you feel like verifying any of the others listed next to unity in quantal, I'll be super happy :) http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html08:26
popey\o/ 2nd breakfast O'clock08:27
SuperMattI've decided that the first friday after payday should be called fat-friday08:28
knightwisepopey: you from the shire ?08:30
* knightwise looking forward to elevensies08:30
popeythey put out bread rolls, cheese and ham, and fruit08:30
knightwiseand have toeclippers the size of garden shears08:31
JamesTaitHappy Friday, folks! :)08:50
* JamesTait reads scrollback with interest.08:57
JamesTaitLooks like a different bug to the one I metoo'd though.09:00
daubersSo what're we going to do tonight bigcalm09:16
bigcalmSame thing we do every night, daubers. Try to take over the world!09:16
bigcalmThough that was a bit of a role reversal if I enter saying Zort or Narf09:17
bigcalmI had a dream where I bought a Nokia handset because it was the best one using Android09:23
bigcalmI have a rather confused subconscious09:23
einonmbigcalm: well known fact that dreams play out your fears and aspirations. Which one of those was your dream? :P09:26
bigcalmWell, Nokia made good hardware and I like using Android. Maybe it was hope09:27
BigRedSAnyone know off the top of their head how much a rhel license for a singe (dual-cored) server would cost? I need to impress upon someone the advantages of not doing that :)09:33
BigRedSOh. RH are quite open about it. $350/y09:34
bigcalmWhich looks like slots09:34
BigRedSyeah, that's what I first read there, wondered why they'd care how many slots there were in it...09:34
bigcalmI wonder if I can sneak in 'lut' as a variable name - I am a bad man09:34
BigRedShttps://www.redhat.com/wapps/store/catalog.html it's not *that* bad09:35
bigcalmI have unit and functional tests to write today. Somebody fancy doing it for me while I go back to sleep?09:39
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:52
davmor2Morning all09:53
brobostigonmorning davmor209:53
knightwiseGAh !10:27
popeyooh! http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/10/valve-to-launch-steam-linux-beta-at-uds10:31
SuperMattso excited about this10:31
Laneyhaven't played TF2 in quite a while10:33
Laneypew pew pew10:33
AlanBellis steam an app store for games or a framework to write games in?10:39
SuperMattthe first one10:41
SuperMattsteamworks in an api10:41
SuperMattor a framework10:42
popeySteam is a shop + drm system10:42
popeyif that story is true then they are also porting their game dev framework over10:43
popeyAlanBell, turns out that onboard theme was eating the CPU10:54
popeyall the gradients on the keyboard were killing it10:55
AlanBellyeah, some can be a bit hungry11:09
AlanBellbug 890221 was filed by me :)11:14
lubotu3Launchpad bug 890221 in Onboard "emboss effect on keycaps slows rendering" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89022111:14
knightwiseManaging a fleet of iPad users is like trying to herd chickens11:17
DaraelQuite doable, but requires a little skill?11:20
SuperMattfrustrating to say the least11:20
AlanBellpopey: so does the typist theme make sense on a touchscreen?11:20
AlanBelland the model M theme?11:20
gebbionehi i m experiencing strange problems with11:21
SuperMattsorry, bad joke11:21
davmor2bunny rabbits with big pointy teeth11:21
SuperMattI've got something for that11:22
SuperMattThe Holy Handgrenade11:22
popeydunno AlanBell they stole my nexus 7 for QA11:22
gebbionethe sound settings ... since loading the loopback module11:22
AlanBellpopey: flash the other one!11:23
popeyUh. No.11:23
SuperMattoh, that's not really my field of expertise11:23
Laneymy god11:40
Laneyinfoworld is a hideous website11:40
Laneyoh phippsy :(11:40
shaunothe chromebook terrifies me.  that kinda reliance on google is troubling11:53
BigRedSIt's just ocurred to me that UDS is probably a bit less beery than fosdem12:57
mattti remember the first time i went to fosdem, i went to the designated pub the friday of the conference12:58
matttit must have been around 8 or 9 PM when i got there, and it had the 6 am rave feel to it12:58
BigRedSHaha, the closest I've come to the official fosdem pub is walking sort-of near it and catching a whiff of it...13:00
popeygiven UDS (for us canonical people) is two weeks13:05
popeyand so far I've been out every night13:06
popeyBigRedS, you should come to UDS! :)13:06
BigRedSpopey: I'm there on Tuesday. But apparently get in relatively late Monday and leave early weds13:07
popeypoke me when you get here13:08
popeyI got a taxi from the airport, was only ~16 quid13:08
BigRedSah, will do!13:08
popeylocal money is 10:1 for GBP13:08
popeyso exchange is easy to figure out13:08
BigRedSI'll be rich!13:08
popeythere's a good pizza place in walking distance13:09
popeyits like a typical kebab shop with a few tables13:09
popeyguy doesn't speak a word of english, makes awesome pizzas, and has plenty of beer in the fridge13:10
BigRedSSounds perfect!13:10
popeyit is, cheap too13:10
BigRedSJust looking at the schedule, there's some round-tables which I guess are discussions. The things that aren't called 'round tables' are they more an update on the status of what's in the title?13:11
popeythe round tables are mostly where there is no fixed topic13:19
popeyso you can bring anything up13:19
popeythose that aren't round tables have a fixed topic and are participatory, not usually "read only"13:19
popeyyou are encouraged to join in13:19
BigRedSAhhh, cool13:21
BigRedSSo I can go round proclaiming the Truth of the swap file :)13:21
SuperMattok, the deja-dup backup thing *really* needs amazon glacier support13:41
BigRedSSuperMatt: https://bugs.launchpad.net/duplicity/+bug/1039511 :)13:45
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1039511 in Duplicity "Support for Amazon Glacier" [Undecided,New]13:45
SuperMattyeah, I saw that one earlier13:45
BigRedSI really need to re-look at AWS I think. Everything seems to have changed since I last spent a while swearing at it13:46
BigRedSMaybe it's less sweary now13:46
SuperMattI'm using it for a couple of servers, and maybe file storage13:46
SuperMattdepends how easy it is to upload to glacier13:47
Laney4h19m to get the train Nottingham-Heathrow on Sunday13:50
Laney2h plane LHR-CPH13:50
AlanBellLoCo team CDs have arrived13:51
SuperMattnow I need to be bothered to send you a stampped addressed envelope13:53
einonmAlanBell: Is that the 12.10 release?14:00
AlanBelleinonm: yes, they just arrived14:01
AlanBellpre-ordered ones have been popped in the post14:02
einonmah, ok. Saw it on the front of Linux user&developer too, may be tempted to get it with a 'free' mag... :)14:03
einonm...although most linux mags tend to be about the RasPi these days14:03
ali1234why do you even want a CD? it's useless in 5 months14:05
einonmTo distribute - people love to get something physical when it's 'free' and are more inclinded to try it, over a weblink14:06
einonmI've converted a few people by giving CDs and pendrives, never with a weblink. Always handy to have a few around, for whatever distro14:08
einonmI really like the Linux Format mag disks for that - since they have a bookshelf of free linux books included too, saves me having to provide some support and answer questions.14:10
BigRedSOh lordy. I'm playing buzzword bingo on tuesday14:47
AlanBellBigRedS: http://ubingo.libertus.co.uk/14:48
AlanBellnow with desktop integration \o/14:49
* AlanBell adds hyperscale to the list14:49
BigRedSthere's a ubingo webapp?14:51
AlanBellyeah, any web page can do desktop integration it doesn't have to be a pre-installed script14:52
AlanBellBigRedS: you should get notifications, a launcher icon and a launcher progress bar14:54
BigRedSOh, so the webpage can offer it?14:54
AlanBellI want to add that to some other, more sensible applications we offer14:55
BigRedSare your customers largely ubuntu on the desktop, too?14:55
AlanBellyes, the webpage can set window.Unity = external.getUnityObject(1); and carry on from there14:56
AlanBellno, our customers are not yet14:56
BigRedSI need to read up on thism, might see if I can wedge it in to some of our internal things14:56
BigRedSGot any good docs?14:56
AlanBellbut I want to add webapp stuff to vtiger and openERP so that they work slightly better with Ubuntu14:57
AlanBellso we can push that stuff upstream in open source applications14:57
AlanBellas long as the unity team don't break their API in undocumented ways (like they just did with the messaging menu)14:57
AlanBellno, there are no good docs14:57
AlanBellhttp://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.04/javascript/index.html is bad docs14:58
AlanBellif you read that, then read some source code you can figure it out14:58
bigcalmAnybody care to recommend a headless podcast downloader?15:46
Laneywhat's a good router (to use with a superhub)?15:47
bigcalmLaney: I currently use a Netgear WNDR370015:48
Laneylast time I did any router monkeying (some years ago) I used tomato15:49
Laneyis that still good?15:49
bigcalmNever used it. I have experience of dd-wrt and open-wrt15:49
bigcalmCurrently using open-wrt as it allows me to share my phone's 3g connection to the entire LAN via a USB port - very useful when VirginMedia dies15:49
Laneyso that's flashable?15:50
Laneyhuh, there's a 48.95 "like new" one15:51
Laney Free One-Day Delivery: Get it Saturday, 27 October.15:51
davmor2Laney: I have a basic tp-link tl841nd with dd-wrt on it and it hasn't missed a beat so far (ie much better than the stock firmware)15:54
Azelphurhttp://steamcommunity.com/games/221410 people should join this (it's an official group)16:04
popeyit was ~2400 when I joined16:04
popeygrowing fast16:04
Azelphurfun, I'm behind16:04
Azelphuris that the application for access? or is that just a group16:05
AzelphurI hope it ain't the access, I've been watching the blog and they didn't announce it :(16:05
popeyno idea16:05
AlanBellgames are surprisingly popular16:07
popeyAzelphur, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/10/valve-to-launch-steam-linux-beta-at-uds16:07
popeyno idea if that's true16:07
Azelphuryea, I read that16:07
AzelphurI reckon they will, it makes sense16:07
AzelphurI know they was scheduled for the 15th but they didn't do that for some reason, probably a combination of valve time and wanting to launch at UDS16:08
Azelphurare you going to UDS?16:08
bigcalmOh that's nice. Thunar can't handle the >> char in the UUPC feed name and so shows an empty dir16:16
VenkoSo I'm still running 11.10 on this laptop and I'm wondering if it's worth doing a clean install of 12.1016:17
VenkoI've not kept up with Ubuntu development but I've heard some bad stuff on Twitter and Reddit about cloud searching advertisements or something. Would it be worth my time doing a clean install>16:18
Laneyyou can turn that off16:18
VenkoSo are there any significant features to make it worth my time backing my home folder up, downloading an iso and upgrading?16:21
popeyI'd certainly upgrade to 12.04 at least16:23
popeyand then decide if you want to go to 12.1016:23
popeyone of my team is already on 13.04 (for what it's worth) :D16:24
MooDoohello all16:25
VenkoWell won't upgrading break everything? That's my usual experience with upgrade software. I was thinking of just going for a clean install.16:28
VenkoOK should I do a full update of my current packages? (490mb) before running the upgrade tool or will it grab them anyway?16:29
VenkoOK well I'm doing that first anyway. It should take quite a while n___n16:31
=== damian_ is now known as recover
=== recover is now known as creativetux
brobostigonso, finally, ubuntu on nexus7, entirly replaces android. so no chroot or such. that answers the question.17:46
brobostigoni wont be getting rid of android though, so a dualboot method. would be useful. in my mind.17:47
AlanBellyou would be able to return it to stock17:50
brobostigonyes, as i have done several times. already.17:50
AlanBellyou *might* be able to run virtualisation on it and run android in that17:50
AlanBellprobably not enough ram though17:50
christelAlanBell: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/adapteva/parallella-a-supercomputer-for-everyone go give these guys all your money <317:51
AlanBellchristel: I did17:51
christeloh good :D17:51
AlanBellwell, not all the moneys17:51
AlanBellI might do a bit more money17:51
christelyah i was just pondering doing a bit more because they are getting fairly close to goal (considering)17:51
christelim pondering how much of a beating i'd get if i wallopped it :s17:52
* AlanBell chucks in another $10017:53
AlanBellI suspect they will get it, they have had about 70,000 today17:53
AzelphurDoes Ubuntu 12.10 have native MTP support yet?18:05
AlanBellAzelphur: it did not work well for me18:09
AlanBellwouldn't sync with more than a small number of tracks18:09
AlanBellhad to delete everything on the nexus and sync from empty to get stuff on18:10
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
FlashtekAlanBell: camera ordered21:46
Flashtekalso a 6 D cell maglite21:47
Flashtekfor when the undesireables come knocking.21:47
Azelphurhttp://www.valvesoftware.com/linuxsurvey.php gogogogo23:24
brobostigonnos da everyone, sleep well.23:57

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