
nikel123can anyone tell me default user/password for ubuntu-studio 12.10 live-dvd?09:55
astraljavaDid somebody pull a practical joke, or did that dude just not know what he was on about?11:43
scott-workailo-w: i also wanted to give some thought to making some decisions and documentating them about the positions within the team during this cycle12:18
scott-worki don't think it's necessary that is has to be done during this cycle or even in the blueprints though12:18
knomewill somebody register sessions for US for UDS? 12:19
scott-workknome: i'm not sure we are. i don't think there are any plans to do so12:20
scott-worki can't think of any where we really need pervasive outside involvement (although i'm probably wrong and missing something very blatant)12:20
knomethere's at least ailo and micahg around12:20
knomewell, it would fill my schedule at least a bit more12:20
knomei would definitely participate12:21
scott-worki'm excited for ailo to be going. i think it is his first UDS and i'm glad we will have someone there12:22
scott-worki believe he is also going to have direct talks with someone from UKT to finish up the kernel maintenance transition12:22
scott-work(which probably wouldn't move as expediently otherwise)12:22
knomeyeah, good to see some people from US face-to-face too12:23
knomeastraljava of course doesn't count as he's not "people"12:23
scott-workailo-w: would you be opposed to me making a TEAM blueprint to list the positions we think we need, their responsibilities, terms for project lead, how to establish a new one, and the mission statement?12:24
knomethat sounds like strategy document planning12:25
scott-workaye, i would agree12:26
scott-workmy personal plan has been to stay as lead until the next LTS, but i think it would serve the project better if we decided something formally, even if it isn't until the next LTS ;)12:26
scott-workand while i admit that being ubuntu studio project lead has become part of my identify (even outside of ubuntu), i think it would be better for the project if someone else lead for a while, much like cory stated and did when i started12:27
knomeespecially if you can't commit enough time12:31
scott-worktrue. very, very true12:31
astraljavaknome: True.12:33
scott-worki upgraded one of my video/minecraft machines to 12.10 the other day, now i'm doing my laptop today at work :)12:34
knomeerr, "minecraft machine" :P12:34
astraljavaWhat, out of that sentence above, "minecraft machine" worries you more? *blink* *blink*12:36
astraljavascott-work: How about that LP account?12:38
ailo-wknome: sessions?12:48
ailo-wscott-work: A team blueprint might be a good idea, yes12:49
ailo-wI have been thinking in those terms as well12:49
ailo-wbb later, going home now12:49
scott-workastraljava: i searched within launchpad and only found the single account for me, i'll link it13:17
scott-workastraljava: https://launchpad.net/~slavender13:18
scott-workcan you show me the other one? i'm rather curious now13:18
scott-workknome: well, i have three kids and i resorted to having a couple of machines setup for minecraft to keep them off of my computers so i can actually use them13:19
smartboyhwhi scott-work ailo14:23
smartboyhwNow what is that TEAM blueprint about?14:31
scott-workhi smartboyhw 14:36
scott-work"list the positions we think we need, their responsibilities, terms for project lead, how to establish a new one, and the mission statement"14:37
smartboyhwscott-work, so really am I not understanding it wrong, that you wanna step down as project lead? (In today's IRC logs14:37
scott-worksmartboyhw: not particularly14:38
smartboyhwscott-work, explain the logs please then: would be better for the project if someone else lead for a while, much like cory stated and did when i started"14:38
scott-workhmmm, clearly i have projected incorrectly how people view either me or the project lead position14:39
* smartboyhw just doesn't understand it14:39
scott-workin the long view, there exists a point where any project lead will (or should) step down and let someone else lead, IMO14:39
scott-worki simply want to plan for this eventuality14:39
scott-workmy personal feelings is that any particular lead should not lead the entire project for too long of a period, say from LTS to LTS14:40
smartboyhwOK is the blueprint made?14:40
smartboyhwscott-work, ah14:40
smartboyhwscott-work, actually did you copy that idea from Xubuntu?14:40
scott-workbut i would like this to be discussed as a group, ratified, and documented somewhere14:40
scott-worksmartboyhw: not hostistically, although LTS->LTS did come from them14:41
smartboyhwOh did it14:42
scott-workpart of this is from my desire to make sure that the project is in a better position after my term, and i think ensuring that clear leadership can be maintained is important14:42
scott-workas well as making sure have certain internal processes and internal documentation in place14:43
scott-workwe have a lot of blueprints, maybe too many. i wonder if we are going to have commitments to get all of it done14:47
scott-workperhaps next cycle we draft the list together, get commitments, select which we will focus on based on commitments, and then make blueprints14:47
scott-workjust thinking outloud14:47
smartboyhwscott-work, too many blueprints really...I got my eye dead on seeing the dependency tree14:48
smartboyhwailo, ^14:48
astraljavascott-work: When I go to change the owner, and type 'Scott Lavender', it complained there's no such account, and suggested either 'slavender', or 'slavender3'.14:55
smartboyhwslavender I think14:55
smartboyhwYes scott-work = slavender:P14:55
holsteinwe could have a meeting soon and knock a few of those out14:55
astraljavasmartboyhw: Yeah I got that part. I just wanted to double-check with him.14:55
smartboyhwholstein, we have that idea. Question: When?14:55
holsteinwe cant include lmms because of some licensing thing... we have sane jack settings.. thre wre a few more that i thought we had settled before14:56
smartboyhwholstein, oh?14:56
holsteinsmartboyhw: the sundays were working14:56
smartboyhwholstein, I mean what time....14:56
holsteinsmartboyhw: i think it was 1700 utc? i forget14:57
smartboyhwholstein, then i can't come14:57
holsteinme either14:57
holsteinyou could just call one though14:57
astraljavaI don't think that time was working very well.14:57
smartboyhwholstein, I will not call for one then, let scott-work and ailo do it14:58
smartboyhwBest time: 14:30 UTC or so?14:58
astraljavaPeople with families tend to spend it with them instead of us. Can't really understand why, but... *shrug*14:58
holsteinwell, its either family or work time14:58
astraljavasmartboyhw: That's rather early in the morning for US west coast people, ie. Len.14:58
holsteinwe'll just have to try a few and see who can come14:58
astraljavaholstein: Work? On a Sunday?14:59
holsteinastraljava: i work routinely on sunday14:59
holsteinastraljava: i have 2 jobs this sunday14:59
astraljavaYes, but you're not really working. :D14:59
smartboyhwastraljava, let us settle on a best time: I can come only on like 12:00 to 15:00 UTC 14:59
holsteini think someone like scott-work should pick the time.. something a "normal" person could attend15:00
holsteinbut, im talking about something informal15:00
holsteinjust to knock out a few of those action items we've already done15:00
astraljavasmartboyhw: I'll be there if I can, but I will not take part in the poll.15:00
smartboyhwastraljava, oh ok15:00
holsteinyup.. like ping.. lets knock out a few action items!15:00
smartboyhwholstein, oh ok15:01
astraljavascott-work: Changed.15:01
holsteinthe formal meeting time hasnt been working though15:02
smartboyhwDoesn't work for me, per se (17:00 UTC would be like 1:00 AM HKT here)15:03
holsteinsmartboyhw: iirc, i picked the last time.. you could try choosing a time.. see if it works15:04
smartboyhwholstein, 14:00 or 14:30 UTC15:04
smartboyhwfor me  at least15:04
smartboyhwscott-work, you decide:P15:04
astraljavaSet up a poll on one of those services.15:07
smartboyhwastraljava, ok15:07
holsteinyeah... you'll get a nice cross section of feedback too, like "none of these times work!"15:08
astraljavaI think we used one for some Xubuntu meetings last cycle. Check with knome.15:08
holsteinbut.. give it a shot!15:08
astraljavaholstein: Oh, there's someone else like that besides me? :D15:09
astraljavaholstein: The service gave you the whole of the week, so if none of the slots there work for you, I suppose it's time for a reality check. :)15:09
holsteinwell, i personally wont have a regular time that will work.. but some folks will15:11
astraljavaYeah I didn't really mean it personally 'you', just as a passive.15:11
astraljavaShoulda used 'one.15:12
holsteinyeah... some folks have a more plan-able regular schedule15:12
holsteininformal team meetings as needed could work though15:12
astraljavaSure, those have had a higher success rate lately.15:12
holsteingotta run bbl...15:13
smartboyhwastraljava, holstein len-dt ailo scott-work holstein 15:14
smartboyhwDid I miss anybody?:P15:17
astraljavaDunno if stochastic is interested. micahg probably don't care as much, but I'll ping him anyway. *smirk* knome, maybe?15:18
* micahg isn't technically part of the project...15:19
astraljavamicahg: Hence the 'probably'. :)15:19
smartboyhwmicahg, you are, especially "technically":P15:20
knomewe used doodle.com15:42
knomeso, there's not going to be a US UDS session?15:58
astraljavaYou're in a (sub-)team, why won't you set one up?16:11
knomebecause my subteam doesn't have items for discussion16:27
knomebut actually, if somebody said you wanted a session, i would've registered that for you.16:27
knomedoes have nothing to do who actually has access to stuff or is in teams16:28
astraljavaYes that's' true.16:37
scott-workastraljava: i dont' know anything about the '3' person16:53
scott-worki would venture to say that the poll should have included days of the week as well, my weekends are quite a bit more free than work days16:55
knometry doodle.16:55
knomeyou can even enter your name there.16:55
ailo-awayBeen away a while. Will check backscroll when I get home later17:47
len-dtSunday is ok. 1700 is too late for me 1600 is tight but ok, 1500 is about right.... in two weeks everything will shift (from -0700 to -0800) so then 1600 will be better.19:35
ailoAll of those times were ok for me21:29
ailoI can't seem to be able to pick one21:29
knomeailo, get on with it! :)21:53
ailoknome: Nope. I can't make up my mind. I'll let someone decide who is married with children22:34
stochasticastraljava, what day is that poll for?22:44

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