
studio12On a scale of 1 to 10: What's your favorite color of the alphabet?   Can you smell the musical colors? They taste like burning :P03:26
* studio12 12.04.1 Installer: "Executing 'grub-install /dev/sda' failed. This is a fatal error."03:29
ailostudio12: multiple hard drives?03:32
studio12installing from live USB w/ 4GB persistence to 16GB USB03:33
studio12no hard drive03:34
ailostudio12: What are you installing to?03:35
studio1216GB USB drive formatted as ext2 used as "/" (no swap)03:35
ailostudio12: So, you have two usb sticks. One from which you install, and one to which you install?03:37
ailoI'm guessing the one you installed to was not /dev/sda03:37
ailoDon't remember if it was possible to decide where to install GRUB now03:37
ailostudio12: You can add GRUB afterwards03:38
studio12ubiquity (correct?) reported that there was only /dev/sda to install to03:38
studio12the lights blinked during file copy showing data was going the right way03:38
studio12(the USB drives have activity LEDS)03:39
ailostudio12: If everything else went fine, just follow this and you get GRUB installed  http://www.av8n.com/computer/htm/grub-reinstall.htm03:39
studio12well the installation is not complete. i've done this a few times to remeber there is a few more steps it will do after installing grub03:40
ailoUsually it's the last steo03:40
ailoBefore reboot03:40
studio12so that would be just updates then03:40
studio12so i should open up console and install grub manulally right now?03:41
ailostudio12: Ah, yeah. You're still in the live environment03:42
ailoWell, yea. But, just installing it will probably not work. Following the steps in the link will03:42
ailoA major seems red to me. Another guy says green03:44
studio12this just isnt working04:16
studio12sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/radicula /dev/sda "/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Your embedding area is unusually small.  core.img won't fit in it.."04:20
holsteinstudio12: what are you doing?04:20
studio12installing to a 16gb flashdrive04:20
studio12ubiquity failed to install grub04:20
holsteinstudio12: id didnt for me04:21
holsteinstudio12: what iso did you use?04:21
studio12i know i usually dont have any issues04:21
studio1212.04.1 AMD6404:21
studio12so grub wont install.. now what? restart, format and start all over?04:27
holsteinstudio12: the question is.. why wont grub install?04:27
holsteinstudio12: what would i do?04:27
holsteini would test the hard drive... make sure that you can partition it04:27
holsteinstudio12: i would consider trying something like plop.. or gag.. some 3rd party bootloader that doesnt need installed.. just to see whats going on04:28
studio12im in the live enviornment right now. setup just failed04:28
holsteinstudio12: setup?04:29
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:29
holsteinyou could verify the installer04:30
studio12i dont have windows04:30
studio12i have this live USB04:30
holsteinstudio12: i didnt imply you have windwos04:30
studio12the link did04:30
holsteinthe md5 link gives examples for checking in windwos as well as linux04:30
holsteinstudio12: assuming one has downloaded the iso's and wants to confirm in windows04:31
holsteinstudio12: you can just check in the other one.. or in the menu of the live CD at boot up04:31
studio12that sounds like the best coarse of action04:31
holsteinyou can tap shift and see "check disc" or something like that04:31
studio12ill try that now04:31
holsteinstudio12: i usually just start testing from the beginning.. the installer... the hard driver.. the ram04:32
holsteinthere is a memtest on the live CE04:32
ailoSorry I missed that04:36
ailoHe wasn't following instructions well04:36
ailoAs /dev/sda was not his install HD04:36
ailoholstein: If you had read the backscroll, his GRUB install failed, cause /dev/sda was the install medium04:37
holsteinailo: i didnt go back very far04:38
holsteini should have, but i was chating elsewhere :/04:39
studio12disk check completed without errors04:41
studio12memtest passed04:42
ailostudio12: Hey, seems like you might have missed something during the GRUB install04:42
studio12what happened?04:42
ailostudio12: You need to make sure you mount the right partition, and that you install to the right device04:42
ailo/dev/sda was your installation medium, from what I gathered04:43
ailoSo, not where you should  install GRUB04:43
studio12well i already deleted the partition with gparted im starting over. something went horribly wrong i've never had that happen b4 when the disk and drive were good04:43
ailostudio12: You would have been fine just installing GRUB04:43
studio12last time sda was the 2nd blank USB disk. this time it is correctly showing up as sdb in gparted04:44
ailoWell, then the install will work. Just a bit of wasted time on both our accounts04:44
studio12i always partition with gparted first b4 beginning the installation04:45
studio12failed to boot. cant find /dev/sdb     installing again, this time the destination drive is reported as /dev/sdb again06:17
studio12reported as /dev/sda*06:17
ailo-wstudio12: Why not just install GRUB manually?06:18
ailo-wYou'll save a bit of time06:18
studio12i will if it fails again. i have a good fealing about this boot06:19
ailo-wI guess you're not a Star Wars person06:19
studio12in the meantime i filed a bug report on the failed install06:21
Studio12everything is good now07:12
ailo-wStudio12: Glad to hear it07:30
=== andy_ is now known as andy___
ChamunksHey im brand spankin new to ustudio and im just trying to plug my mic into skype15:45
Chamunksskype just gave up on the echo test.15:45
sebastien_studioBonjour, depuis le passage en 12.10 (64bits) je trouve que par moment j'ai de gros ralentissements... et vous ?16:06
gaetanosomeone knows what kind of error is it? : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1307692/17:35
UberMusik1greetings .. anyone familiar with the m-audio 24/96?  i'm trying to monitor the S/PDIF i'm feeding from an external device, and I'm not familiar with the mixer settings in UbuntuStudio to get this working (recently migrated from WinBlows which had a dedicated mixer software for the card ) … could someone please point me in the right direction  :-)18:09
ChamunksI've followed a youtube video to set up Jackd with pulseaudio-modules-jack and thats running beautifully but I cant seem to pipe my mic anywhere.18:23
UberMusik1never mind .. i figured it out .. solution for the curious: i opened alsamixer in a terminal and made sure the S/PDIF Multi levels were up in the capture settings .. then i used Patchage, and routed channel 12 (capture) to my Ardour track input .. and my signal made it through .. fantastic18:23
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alias-atlasэто типа чат? кто скажет?19:20
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