
steve___how do i get rid of ubuntu ?my launcher is hidden and its all messeed up07:37
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Kman1i need some help with Xchatr20:07
bobbyboyis there a program in ubuntu that takes a website and saves off the linked movies on that site for future viewing?22:38
bobbyboyor that you can designate which to copy?22:39
holsteinthe linked movies? i would ask the content providers for a copy22:40
sammieHi all.  I am fairly new to Ubuntu.  Just upgraded to 12.4  Have no sound no matter what I try.  Been at this for days trying to figure out what's wrong. Help?22:56
holstein12.04... what have you tried?23:00
ubot2If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:00
holsteinsammie: open a terminal and run lscpi.. see that you see the sound card there.. then open a terminal and run "aplay -l" ...see that you see the card there23:01
holsteinif you do, then run alsamixer and tweak all of the sliders trusting no labels23:01
holsteinif you are running ubuntu or xubuntu or ubuntustudio and not lubuntu or kubuntu, install pavucontrol23:01
holsteinif you still have no sound, refer to the above troubleshooting info and let me know how you do :)23:02
sammiethank you!!!  i'm on it...  back shortly - I hope.23:04
sammiehow do I run lscpi?  what is the actual command?23:06
holsteinsammie: you can open a terminal and type that.. lspci**23:07
holsteini think i typod23:07
holsteinsammie: the important one is "aplay -l"23:07
holsteinif you see the card there, then it shold work23:08
holsteini would just move on to that, and then to pavucontrol23:08
sammieI DO see my card in aplay23:08
sammiewhat do I do with pavucontrol?23:08
holsteinsammie: install it and run it23:09
sammieand where do I find alsamixer?23:09
holsteinsammie: alsamixer runs in the terminal as well23:09
sammieI can install pavucontrol with sudo apt-get install pavucontrol, correct23:17
sammieokay, I have downloaded and installed pavucontrol.23:21
=== sgb100 is now known as bgs100
* sammie is away: I'm busy23:49
* sammie is back (gone 00:00:17)23:49

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