
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:58
markjonesGood Afternoon13:55
markjonesianto: oi14:20
markjonesyou missed our get together last night :)14:21
iantoI was out 'til like 5:3014:22
markjonesin the morning?14:22
markjonesalcoholic :P14:23
iantoFriend's stag do tonight too14:23
iantoAnd this girl I hooked up with the other night has decided to block me on FB14:24
iantoI only added her, she accepted and then within 3hrs I Was blocked14:24
markjonesaww, you're not having much fun with girls boyo14:24
iantoPulled twice bach ;)14:24
iantothis week14:24
markjonesTMI lol14:25
markjonesyou sure you weren't using the Leisure Centres? ;P14:25
markjonesanyway, brobostigon has been wanting to discuss ideas, I've asked him to write them down and we can discuss them at the next Google+ hangout.14:26
markjonessecondly, I am moving from Oxford in 2 - 3 weeks up north, in that time I'm going to meet up with brobostigon proper in Banbury, but we're thinking would you be interested in coming and meeting us somewhere up north at some point when brobostigon is in Rhyl?14:28
iantook i have to go now14:28
markjones(the poor lad's going to have IRC pings aplenty)14:29
markjonesthat wasn't a yes/no answer :(14:29
* brobostigon returneth, with beer and chinese curry.18:13

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