
IdleOneI tried, really hard.00:27
bazhangsometimes knuckles need to be rapped00:31
bazhangyou did indeed00:32
bazhang<defekt> ubuntu is worse than MS with their updates these days01:30
bazhang@mark #ubuntu defekt (~defekt@gateway/tor-sasl/defekt01:36
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:36
Jordan_UTempted to ban forward, since they claimed they don't plan to use Ubuntu in the future anyway.01:37
bazhang<nbf> that's how we're going to roll02:03
bazhangthat noobfukaire character was doing similar using a different nick just a day or two ago02:03
ubottuTheLordOfTime called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (nbf is continuing to be disruptive.  was banned in #ubuntu first.)02:05
ubottunbf called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()02:05
TheLordOfTimeemergency response needed in -offtopic02:07
IdleOnecalm down.02:09
bazhang<bij> I am talking about Ubuntu 12.10 new function added under Disks.03:06
bazhangthats pretty interesting new feature03:06
HiDeHoHi was wondering if ubuntu had a wondering if canoniclal / ubuntu  have any product release conference online.  03:55
HiDeHoI have a ban from #ubuntu and would like to ask for it to be reviewed.04:00
ubottuIn ubottu, lotuspsychje said: !zeitgeist is test08:20
bazhangseriously. why do we have to go to some 3rd party website to figure out how to add things to the messaging menu in 12.1008:24
bazhangnot *everyone* wants empathy and rhythmbox (or whatever the default du jour is) in there08:25
ubottuIn ubottu, lotuspsychje said: !zeitgeist is Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Specs/ZeitgeistIntegration howto use. To stop loggin events open, a terminal sudo apt-get --purge remove zeitgeist08:27
bazhang* [orionsbelt] (~captianki@c-24-30-56-7.hsd1.ga.comcast.net): moon man14:55
bazhangthought he was banned in #ubuntu14:55
Fuchshmm, asking us for a cloak now (see #freenode), something I should know?14:59
IdleOneprobably one of the bans I removed earlier14:59
IdleOneThis is why it is important to comment on bans14:59
Fuchsactually, nevermind14:59
bazhanghe had a ton of them. wasteoftime was one of the more memorable nicks14:59
bazhangie a ton of nicks14:59
IdleOnekevinsexploiter was another15:00
bazhangprobably one of the all time great excuse makers for why he was not ban evading15:00
guntberthi, is #ubuntu+1 really intended for "talk to developers" (as said in a sticky in ubuntu forums)16:56
bazhangwell a lot of developers do take note of the channel and participate16:57
bazhangbut it's real intent is testing and bug-fixing I'd imagine16:57
guntbertbazhang: ok, then I was mistaken, I had the impression that devs tend not to be in there ...16:58
bazhangguntbert, they are the ones who generally know what they are talking about :)16:58
bazhangyou could cross check the attendees of #ubuntu-devel I suppose16:59
guntbertbazhang: well, I really don't want to dig a lot in this case - it just seemed a bit misleading to my eyes17:00
bazhangguntbert, yep17:00
guntbertbazhang: should I (1) do nothing or (2) ask cariboo907 (the forums admin who posted that) about it?17:02
bazhangguntbert, well thats certainly up to you, I'd prefer to let some of the more senior ops to check your comments17:03
Unit193Admins and staff do hang out in their social channel #ubuntuforums.17:04
guntbertbazhang: ok, so I let it lie for now, I always can be reached via PM (even if afk)17:05
bazhangthanks guntbert17:05
guntbertUnit193: yes, but I don't want to post there and put my foot in my mouth in the end :-)17:06
guntberthave a nice time17:06
bazhangthey advertise that channel as : the blackhole of irc. small chance of that17:06
ubottuescott called the ops in #ubuntu ()17:50
jribheh, I get PMs from rolling everytime he spans #ubuntu now...19:33
jribspams even19:34
marienzplease do prod a staffer if he spams that and isn't klined shortly afterwards (he's also doing it elsewhere)19:36
=== PreciseOne is now known as IdleOne

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