
jrwreni think you just described juju00:49
jrwrenand cloudformation00:50
rick_h_derekv: juju :)07:52
tony-smlrSMLR Live http://www.youtube.com/user/menders65?v=EOmSFK6ST_g11:35
snap-lhello from the dealership14:15
snap-lgetting tbe 90 day service14:15
snap-lFun morning so far.15:19
snap-lDead rat from the cat next door15:19
snap-lran over a piece of bumper cladding15:19
snap-lHow's your morning (or afternoon in rick_h_'s case)15:20
Blazeixi installed windows 8 and don't outright hate it15:52
snap-lI think it takes some time to hate it15:55
snap-lbut I'm willing to give it an open mind15:56
Blazeixyeah, it was definitely that way for me for gnome 315:56
rick_h_howdy all16:04
rick_h_it's good evening. Almost dinner time16:05
rick_h_tired from walking all over town today16:05
rick_h_https://plus.google.com/photos/112719704219936118281/albums/5804022680256262193?banner=pwa pics16:16
brouschrick_h_: LEGO store in Europe?17:22
jrwren90 day service? wtf is that?17:42
rick_h_brousch: Lego (trademarked in capitals as LEGO) is a popular line of construction toys manufactured by The Lego Group, a privately held company based in Billund, Denmark17:59
rick_h_brousch: so supposedly 'the biggest lego store in the world'17:59
rick_h_though it's like 20% bigger than the one in the mall by us so nothing that crazy17:59
greg-gjrwren: I assume the checkup/tuning you get after you buy a new car.18:02
greg-gyou know how they say not to drive faster than 60 mph the first XXXX miles? same thing ;)18:03
snap-lhar har22:57
snap-lPlaying Xonotic. Deathtongue's Domain if anyone's interested23:53
Blazeixi'll join in a sec23:55

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