
gilbertalthough i'm kinda old myself being in my 30s :o00:00
paultagNahhh :)00:01
gilbertwell, anyway fun times fanning the flames :)00:03
paultagtotally :)00:04
gilbertlots of bigger ones on -devel lately.  i wonder if its more likely once people get cooped up during fall and winter?00:05
paultagyeah, I bet00:05
paultagwe should run stats on that00:05
gilbertwould be pretty subjective unless you just counted # of messages per thread00:06
paultagI mean, overall trends00:06
gilbertcould be more evidence supporting the declining bug #s blogs00:07
paultaghehehe :)00:08
gilbertinteresting to see whether discussion is declining as well.  i'm pretty sure it is00:08
gilbertless flames may be percieved as good, but it also means less passion in the project00:08
gilbertpaultag: see steve's latest message?00:59
paultaggilbert: yeah :/00:59
gilbertabout as mindless and insulting as it could have been01:00
paultaghe's been pretty aggressive on this thread01:00
gilbertdo you know the quote about resorting to insult when you've lost an argument?01:02
gilbertfound it “Insults are the last resort of an argument lost.” - anonymous01:03
gilbertwould that be too much?01:03
paultaggilbert: just looking over a collection of my favorates for a better one01:04
paultagLearned conversation is either the affectation of the ignorant or the profession of the mentally unemployed.01:05
paultag(oscar wilde, the critic as artist)01:06
paultagIt is only the intellectually lost who ever argue.01:06
paultag(oscar wilde, picture of drian gray)01:06
paultagthose are pretty nasty01:07
paultaggilbert: ^01:08
paultaghugely awesome of you.01:08
paultagfucking LAG01:09
gilbertthis is what im going to say: Anyway, deployment of an abusive ad hominem is generally seen as a concession of the argument to the opposing side of the discussion, so I think that puts a rather sour note and an end to this particular unproductive sub-thread.01:12
paultagI still like witty insults01:14
gilbertdone :)01:14
paultagbut that's classy :)01:14
paultaggreat :)01:14
* paultag watches his inbox01:14
gilberthehe :)01:15
paultagoop, mail cleared01:15
paultagoh man01:16
paultageven worked in your PhD01:16
gilberti'm sure he'll have something just as mindeless and insulting in the next 15 minutes :(01:17
paultagyep :)01:17
gilbertuh, new message01:30
gilbertoh, not directed at me01:30
gilbertugh, but it is again mindless droning.  i don't think he spends time considering things that are not the way they always were...or old foggieness01:34
gilbertanyway, enough emails tonight, i have real work to do...01:36
* paultag hugs gilbert 01:37
paultagrock on brother-man.01:37
gilbertthanks paultag :)01:37
paultaggilbert: like your latest post18:24
paultaggilbert: for Ubuntu, there's something called the "Patch Pilot" who handles patches submited during their time of duty18:25
paultaggilbert: it's not as easy with Debian (maintainers, etc), but I always loved the idea18:25

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