
nyRednekor just use 12.0400:30
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kgb_operativehey guys01:26
kgb_operativeI got a question about xfce01:26
kgb_operativeI found how to extend my desktop on two different monitors, but is there a way to have two desktops running (one on each monitor)?01:27
well_laid_lawnkgb_operative: see if this helps - http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?pid=23162#p2316201:34
kgb_operativethanks, I think this is what im looking for01:37
xubuntu680Is anyone having trouble running the software updater?02:53
matematikaaditHello, how do I know that my xubuntu has ipv6 support?02:57
matematikaaditI've try:02:58
matematikaaditsudo modprobe ipv602:58
sdollinsIPV6 should work by default.02:58
matematikaaditlsmod | grep ipv602:58
sdollinsyou set it up in NetworkManager02:58
matematikaaditgives me nothing02:58
Unit193xubuntu680: What's the issue?03:00
Unit193matematikaadit: In the terminal, ip addr03:00
matematikaaditip addr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1308678/03:01
matematikaadit"ping www.ipv6.org" works, but "ping6 www.ipv6.org" doesn't. It says "unknown host"03:03
matematikaaditAnd in terminal, whenever some program trying to connect to some ipv6 address, it fail.03:04
Unit193http://test-ipv6.com/  Does your DNS and ISP  have it?03:04
matematikaaditit says "Your DNS server (possibly run by your ISP) appears to have no access to the IPv6 Internet, or is not configured to use it."03:08
Unit193As did it on mine, but if I   dig AAAA ipv6.google.com  it'll pull their IPv6 address.03:09
Unit193(I do not have IPv6)03:09
matematikaaditOK, i've try: dig AAAA ipv6.google.com03:10
matematikaaditwhich part that say it's ipv4 address?03:11
Unit193ipv6.l.google.com.  300  IN  AAAA  2607:f8b0:400c:c02::9303:11
matematikaaditi don't get it?03:14
matematikaaditdoes 'ping ipv6.l.google.com' equal to 'ping6 ipv6.google.com'?03:14
matematikaaditbut 'ping ipv6.l.google.com' doesn't work.03:15
sdollinsno it doesn't.03:15
sdollinsping = ipv4, ping6 = ipv603:15
sdollinsDo you even have IPv6 connectivity?03:16
sdollinsNot many residential ISPs provide it.03:16
matematikaaditI think I haven't03:17
ryanbrunswickhey. any folks running xubuntu on a thinkpad t61?03:53
IndustrialBy default, when I start up & log in, all my removable drives and NTFS partitions are not mounted. Can I get these to mount? My music player library depends on it. I often have to redo the whole library import because I forget to mount first.09:36
Unit193You should be able to set that up in gigolo, and for sure in fstab.09:38
IndustrialOh. That's nice.09:53
IndustrialUnit193: fstab doesn't seem to hold entries for these partitions, gigolo can't change anything about them and I also checked the Removable Drives and Media settings.09:57
Industrialguess I should just add fstab entries >_>09:58
Unit193I did that with my cifs share, worked better for me than gigolo by a good shot.10:01
DemonWitchHey i got a laptop that uses 2 gpus, one integrated shared memory (intel) and one exclusive memory main gpu (nvidia). As a result the livecd shows blackscreen. What can i do?10:38
recon_laphey, any way to get .php files to open by default with gedit?11:17
recon_lapnever min, think i got it working, have to see if it sticks11:20
xubuntu795hi everypone11:47
recon_lap!hi | xubuntu79511:48
ubottuxubuntu795: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:48
nantouhow do I change permissions to a usb stick?13:17
GridCubeit should be writable as you plug it in13:18
nantouGridCube, remember my not fresh upgrade to 12.10? but I managed to change permissions with sudo nautilus13:20
GridCubepermissions to what?13:21
nantouand btw, what tips would you give to a newbie, if you sistematically upgrade with fresh installs?13:21
nantouto write and copy and execute13:21
GridCubei have 4 separated partitions on my drives, one for / one for /home other for /shared and the swap one, everytime i install a new version y simply change the files from / and check that the config files on /home wont mess things up, then i just upgrade and my files are safe, /share can be an ntfs partition shared with a windows on other disk13:22
nantouwould it be of any help, in my non fresh installation, to add the 12.10 iso copy from an usb stick to my sources?13:26
GridCubenot really13:28
Andrea2804ciao a tutti, ho pangolin e quando apro xfburn mi dice che non è disponibile alcuna unita' di masterizzazione (ma ho il masterizzatore esterno che con oneiric andava benissimo)13:31
recon_lapI then to stay on LTS versions, and do a reinstall every 2 years :) , got my home folder in it's own partition as well.13:31
nantoubuon giorno a tu Andrea2804 , non parlamos italiano13:32
nantouid really appreciate a correction to my broken italian13:32
recon_lapAndrea2804: #ubuntu-it13:33
GridCube!it | Andrea280413:33
ubottuAndrea2804: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:33
Andrea2804so in English: I have pangolin and when I start Xfburn it says that any burning device is available (I have a usb device that worked well with oneiric)13:33
GridCubeAndrea2804: does other burners says the same? what lsusb says? its detected?13:35
Andrea2804I have no other burners, I can see it with lsusb13:36
Andrea2804Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0409:0056 NEC Corp.13:36
GridCubedoes it have a blank cd on it?13:37
recon_lapAndrea2804: have you tried Brasero?13:37
Andrea2804Gridcube: if I put an empty dvd the problem with Xfburn doesn't change13:38
GridCubealso do as recon_lap recommends, and try other burners, :) if this problem persist its not an issue of xfburn P:13:38
Andrea2804recon_lap: Brasero didn't help :(13:38
GridCubedoes it read non-blank dvds?13:38
Andrea2804it reads, but itàs not recognized as a writer13:39
GridCubeyes i see13:39
Andrea2804I read some forums and I tried to modify the fstab file13:39
Andrea2804putting this line: /dev/sg2     /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       013:40
GridCubei would try adding rw to the user,noauto,exec,utf8,rw  << this means its read and write13:42
GridCubei would even just try adding auto instead of all that13:42
GridCubebut you are using noauto so13:43
Andrea2804so you suggest auto and rw? :) itàs worth trying13:44
GridCubeauto,rw are my usual settings when i dont understand what im doing13:46
hhhzzzarnanyone using dual monitors?15:05
hhhzzzarnmore than one display on xubuntu?15:06
holsteinhhhzzzarn: i do/have... i have used arandr for spanning.. the nvidia proprietary tool gives me an easy way to deal with it too, though thats just for nvidia (obviously)15:06
hhhzzzarnholstein, i have a netbook (small laptop), i connect through vga to a monitor15:07
recon_lapgot two as well, not great setup though, have not spent the time to iron out the issues :)15:07
holsteinhhhzzzarn: i have had good luck with arandr on my laptops15:09
hhhzzzarnwhen I have both display is use, the netbook display only shows a portion of the screen, while the monitor have two desktop backgroud images, a smaller (represting the netboot) and a full one.15:09
hhhzzzarnso I disable my netbook display.15:09
hhhzzzarnthe problem happens when I try to re enable my netbook display, it will not turn back on. Also if I disconnect the vga cable, it will not automatically show on the netbook.15:10
hhhzzzarnI have to restart my computer to get it back on the netbook15:10
hhhzzzarni will give it a try.15:10
hhhzzzarnalthough by looking at the gui screenshot, i thought it was very simple, same options as the default display manager for xubuntu15:11
recon_laphhhzzzarn: enable both monitors and run this xrandr --output VGA1 --left-of LVDS115:11
recon_laphhhzzzarn: should let you use both monitors at once15:12
hhhzzzarnalso, another general questions with ubuntu, xubuntu, I can not restart my computer. I press restart, it starts to logout, (possibly shutdown) and the gui shutsoff and while the computer power is still on, all I see is black.15:13
hhhzzzarnthen I have to hold down the power button until it shuts off and reboot manualy.15:13
GridCubewich version are you using?15:14
hhhzzzarnit was happeneing with 12.04 ubuntu as well.15:14
recon_laphhhzzzarn: what netbook you got?15:18
hhhzzzarnacer aspire one d257, upgraded to 2gb ram, dual core 1.615:19
hhhzzzarnjust upgraded the ram to 2gb.15:20
hhhzzzarnyou have one too?15:20
recon_laphhhzzzarn: no, just have a nice setup guide for 1015pn , not sure if it any use to you though15:28
chuckHi all15:35
recon_lap!hi | chuck15:39
ubottuchuck: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:39
hhhzzzarngo help at #ubuntu channel :)15:43
chuckI'm attempting to install an xubuntu desktop on top of a ubuntu server for vnc use, but i'm having issues getting past the login screen locally and when I VNC in I only get an xfce terminal emulator. Are there any guides handy for this kinda thing?15:44
hhhzzzarnchuck, I have experience with that before :)15:45
hhhzzzarnchuck, may I know what will you be using your gui server for :)15:45
chuckI want to try and get a few eve online clients running on it15:46
hhhzzzarngamer server or bot client related maybe?15:46
chuckso i can remote into it while im away from home15:46
hhhzzzarnI had two good guides bookmarked last year. Let me try to find it for you.15:46
chuckthankyou :)15:47
hhhzzzarnit will take a while.15:48
hhhzzzarnbecause the other website forum that had the good guides is no longer running.15:48
chuckit sucks when that happens15:51
GridCubehow do i easily play a mid file?15:51
GridCubeit cant be that hard15:51
hhhzzzarngridcube, did you searched it online first?15:53
GridCubehhhzzzarn: i did, but i just cant believe its so incredibly complex just to play a midi file15:53
hhhzzzarnchuck: http://www.sythe.org/showthread.php?t=97731615:53
hhhzzzarnchuck: you have to change the xstartup file for vnc.15:54
recon_lapGridCube: a midi file? dont you need midi hardware connected to do that.15:55
GridCubeits... just a karaoke song...15:56
GridCubelol i need to patch the kernel just to play some midis XD15:57
hhhzzzarngridcube: http://thameera.wordpress.com/2011/04/08/playing-midi-files-in-ubuntu/15:57
recon_lapGridCube: maybe with somthing like this http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/bristol.1.html15:57
GridCubeXD ajaja this is ridiculous15:58
GridCube!info bristol15:58
ubottubristol (source: bristol): vintage synthesizer emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.60.10-2ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 857 kB, installed size 2711 kB15:58
recon_lapGridCube: not really, midi files are not compressed audio files15:59
hhhzzzarncan't vlc play midi?16:01
GridCubenot mine16:01
GridCubei've tryied16:01
hhhzzzarnhave you tried the link i provided?16:09
GridCubehhhzzzarn: im doing that16:10
GridCube\o/ SUCCESS!16:11
GridCubethanks hhhzzzarn16:11
hhhzzzarnI do not consider myself as experienced as to provide help directly but I can good searching and keyword skills :)16:12
GridCubeits funny because the midi was the final fantasy IV(II) victory fanfare so it felt expecially expecial!16:12
hhhzzzarnnot can. am*16:12
GridCubehhhzzzarn: yeah me too, but i was just shocked most sites went to recommend kernel patches to play midis16:12
hhhzzzarnI always wanted to play final fantasy or atleast be in the game world but we never had a console16:13
GridCubeme neither, but that never stoped me16:13
hhhzzzarni don't think finaly fantasy is that realistically beautifull environments, does it?16:13
hhhzzzarnas good as the concept arts.16:14
GridCubei liked the old ones, pixels where awesome :D16:14
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:14
chuckhhhzzzarn: Also Success! Thanks for the help. The link you gave me wasn't quite right but it put me onto the right track: http://potchery.blogspot.co.uk/2008/12/xubuntu-via-vnc.html16:14
GridCubeplease join #xubuntu-offtopic :)16:14
hhhzzzarnI usually extract search keywords from those types to guide me.16:16
hhhzzzarnfrom those types of guides to guide me further.16:16
hhhzzzarni did16:17
hhhzzzarnjoin #xubuntu-offtopic16:17
andreahy everyonr16:20
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=== Guest95016 is now known as andreOne
andreOnehy everyone16:21
GridCube!hi | andreOne16:22
ubottuandreOne: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:22
andreOnehy i need help16:22
andreOnewith videos on xubuntu16:22
andreOnei m not able to see any videos16:22
hhhzzzarnwhich type of videos?16:24
hhhzzzarnon youtube for example?16:24
hhhzzzarnhave you installed the restricted extra package during installation (required internet connection)?16:25
recon_lapandreOne: also try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer16:29
andreOnei m on it right now16:29
andreOneto install the restricted extras package the system required me to uninstall the "libav codec library" and the "libav utility lybrary", does this sounds good to you?16:31
andreOneok, than it should be working right?16:32
andreOnei download them from the software centre and thats it ?16:33
hhhzzzarntry your videos now.16:35
=== nyR3dnek is now known as nyRednek
andreOnestill downloading16:36
andreOnewhere are u guys from? im chatting from italy16:38
GridCube:) we are from all over the world, if you want to talk stuff thats not related to your problems please use the #xubuntu-offtopic channel :)16:40
GridCube:D dont worry16:40
andreOnei m a newbe16:40
GridCube:) thats why i told you, so you learn :D16:41
mateusz_i have problem16:59
mateusz_i cant actualize my xubuntu16:59
recon_lapmateusz_: ??16:59
TheSheeprecon_lap: he meant update17:10
HunterZIs there a list somewhere of packages installed by Xubuntu 12.10 during a clean install?17:29
Macuserhey stonewall can you help me out with something?17:48
HunterZMacuser: Boot a livecd that has partition editing tools, like this one: http://partedmagic.com/doku.php18:02
recon_lapall install disks have partition tools built in18:04
recon_lapjust select "somthing else" and manually configure partitions18:06
gonccalohi, where can i fing a xubuntu image for powerpc?19:05
Unit193There isn't one by default, but you may be able to use the mini ppc image.19:06
Unit193IIRC, Lubuntu is the only ppc version?19:07
gonccaloOnly the Lubuntu works with powerpc?19:10
Unit193Not exactly what I meant, just that it may be the only one pre-built.19:11
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ19:11
ncmccxmaybe some one can help me i have a laptop and installed xubuntu but thr brightness cant be adjusted19:36
newbdesktop  sidebar /icons missing after installing ubuntu12.1019:52
newbany solutions ?19:54
MrHotsauceyou may want to ask in #ubuntu newb as they may have an idea19:59
newbwhere is that  mrhotsauce ?20:02
MrHotsaucetype /join #ubuntu20:02
MrHotsaucethis room is specifically xubuntu related and your issue seems to be from ubuntu thats the reason im telling you to try asking them20:03
AlmarPhuddHow long does the xubuntu download take, been all day so far20:11
MrHotsaucedepends on your internet speeed20:12
MrHotsauceit only took me about 5 min20:12
nantoumy appereance is now somewhat broken since the upgrade (not fresh) to 12.10: some Icons are double the regular size and break the menu, I cannot edit tracks in rythmbox, and the appereance is too a little weird: every time I pass the mouse on an icon a blue bar appears, every opened app has a blue bar as the menu bar (top of every app)21:29
nantouany tips?21:29
nantounow im running sudo apt-get autoremove21:30
holsteinnantou: i would probably just make a new user, and see what things look like.. and think about removing some config files int he /home dir21:31
nantouholstein, which ones?21:32
holsteinnantou: i wouldnt just start remvoing. i would test as a new user.. and then just start looking at the ones for the issues you are having... renaming and allowing new ones to "spawn".. from .config for example21:33
nantouaaa... I only have 5GB free space, enough?21:34
holsteinshould be..21:34
nantoui am my only user, can I log in as regular user without shutting the apps I am using right now?21:36
nantouI mean log in as user 2, then back as user 1 and all opened apps will still be there...21:36
holsteinnantou: i would just ake a new user.. and loging as that user..21:38
=== don is now known as Guest93759
XATRIXHi guys, i have a problem, when i start my laptop, i receive a message about "Network service discovery disabled... avahi..."22:31
XATRIXHow can i turn it off completely ? I have no avahi-service running in any runlevel22:31
XATRIXWhat is actually does this checks ?22:31
David-AXATRIX: your internet-service-provider's dns have a ".local" domain that should be more local. (a give in to Microsoft as I understand it). one solution is to use another dns, or to change a setting in one of your config files.22:36
XATRIXWhat kind of settings ?22:37
XATRIXAnd can i simply off these checks ?22:37
David-AXATRIX: there is a file where you can turn off that check, or you can change what DNS server you use (instead of your ISPs DNS). I dont have the details in my head. I changed DNS if I recall correctly.22:38
XATRIXI have no other DNS servers to use , just my current, or
XATRIXWhat if i simply do avahi remove from the system , is it an option ?22:40
David-AXATRIX: I don't remember having seen that as a good option. I think change dns is the best option if you want to have network printers and such to autoconfigure.22:41
XATRIXI don't use such a things here :) So i don't have to have autoconfigured things so far...22:42
nantouapplications menu doesnt respond to delete or move commands, what do I do?22:50
holsteinwell.. you can try alacarte... or http://wiki.xfce.org/howto/customize-menu22:52
=== PreciseOne is now known as IdleOne
David-AXATRIX: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/avahi/+bug/327362 , it seems the easy solution is to edit /etc/default/avahi-daemon23:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327362 in avahi (Ubuntu) "Some ISPs have .local domain which disables avahi-daemon" [Medium,Confirmed]23:07
David-Aubottu: can you forward that to wherever xatrix went...23:09
ubottuDavid-A: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:09
asterismoyesterday network manager went nuts23:23
asterismoi'm using ubuntu 12.0423:24
asterismoxubuntu 12.04 i mean23:24
asterismoin a Samsung N150 Plus netbook23:24
asterismoand wireless is acting strange23:24
asterismoit cannot see my home network23:25
asterismoit only show the option to connect to a hidden network23:25
asterismoaby ideas?23:25
nantouwhat do these 2 commands do?23:29
nantou    sudo apt-get install aptitude && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade23:29
nantou    sudo apt-get update -f && sudo apt-get -f install23:29
pimperlei need a small tip. i installed xubuntu on my new ssd with full disk encryption. /home resides on a raid1, also encrypted. both use luks and lvm. Now i'd like to enter only one passphrase during boot. I could use a key for the /home raid, but then the keyfile will be accessible when the system runs. any ideas how i can make it such that i only have to add the key once?23:36
pimperlei thought of using gpg with a keyfile, but that would have to be decrypted twice as well (or be stored somewhere).23:37

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