
canthus13Does EXT4 have a way to see who has accessed a file?12:27
gilbertpaultag: :)18:12
paultaggilbert: ♥18:12
paultagWe loved your reply :)18:12
gilbertthought u might ;)18:12
paultagI did, totally :)18:13
gilbertanyway, i just felt that complaint was totally silly, so i made a totally silly but poignant reply18:15
paultaggilbert: totally agree, I loved the reply a lot :)18:15
paultagarno called us "cute"18:15
gilberti've actually been kind of a thorn in arno's side on the orphaning issue18:16
paultagwell, you're not as bad as others18:17
paultagand I think your comments have been constructive18:17
paultagso not a problem18:17
gilbertwell, yeah i do try to always be positive/constructive18:18
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