
rmg51good thing I don't use Unity00:26
rmg51just upgraded to 12.10 and Unity is broken00:27
waltmanHow was CPOSC?00:30
rmg51I didn't go00:35
rmg51never planned to00:36
JonathanDgood waltman01:07
waltmanI'm sorry I couldn't make it, but I did have a lot of fun doing alumni-type stuff :)01:11
waltmanDid you go to the ABC afterwards?01:13
rmg51running late11:02
rmg51time for my walk11:02
rmg51if it's not raining11:07
InHisNameStill dry so far up here, this morning.12:11
waltmanIt sounded like it was raining all night here.12:25
waltmanReally nice sleeping weather. My windows face NE, so I rarely get a breeze in unless there's storm brewing.12:26
waltmanhttps://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/54394_3966782768154_745960999_o.jpg # I'm somewhere in the first n13:27
rmg51waltman: couldn't find you ;-)14:01
waltmanI couldn't find me either.14:34
waltmanAny suggestions for a remote desktop client for linux? I found a site that recommended tsclient, but that no longer appears to be in either debian or ubuntu.19:48
waltmanmaybe rdesktop?19:49
waltmanWow! That works surprisingly well.20:04
jthanwaltman: good results?20:21
jthanIs it secure by default in some fashion, or did you have to tunnel it over ssh/vpn?20:21
waltmanNot a clue. I just turned it on on my windows 7 box at $lab and then ran rdesktop at home.20:25
jthanLol, nice.20:26
jthanNow everyone is using it!20:26
waltmanI'm mostly just surprised that it's fast enough to use.20:26
waltmanWell, they still need my username and password20:27
waltmanwhich I guess they just sniffed off the line.20:27
waltmanjust scanning through rdesktop's manpage, it seems to be encrypted.20:28
waltmanHonestly it doesn't seem much slower or laggy than win7 normally does :)20:30
jthanThat's good to know.20:32
jthanMy linode won't keep time20:33
jthanand the thing is.. I just synced it with ntp and all20:33
jthanand it's still wrong20:33
jthanSO I don't get it20:33
jthanSun Oct 28 14:41:36 MDT 201220:33
jedijfjthan: look in the linode library for your answer20:38
jedijfwaltman: i have tsclient20:41
jedijfin ubu 110420:41
jthanjedijf: That's a possibility. Sounds like work, though20:52
waltmanjedijf: I'm running 12.04 on my linode and it's not there.21:20
rmg51tsclient is not in the repos for 12.0421:29
waltmanDoesn't really matter. rdesktop seemed to work just fine.21:39
ChinnoDogDC Metro service for Monday is cancelled.23:57
ChinnoDogI have tickets to a concert tomorrow but I can't find evidence it is cancelled. hmm23:59

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