
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Ludo is now known as Guest67155
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
=== Cantide is now known as CanAFK
Kiloshi henkj first time here?12:42
Kilosafternoon everyone12:43
bakumanhi Oom Kilos 12:44
Kilosbakuman, what you know about kde booting to black screen12:45
Kilosafter install12:45
Kilosi tried ctrl+alt+f12 and alt+f12 but didnt work12:45
Kiloswhere im going wrong12:45
Kilosgotta untick desktop effects12:46
Kilosthe fly and weed know but i forgot12:47
bakumanDon't have much experience with KDE, you should try Tonberry when he's here12:47
Kilosi kept getting a popup saying some app had crashed and when i looked at details it was nepomuk backup thing12:48
Kilosremoved it and it also removed 1/2 of kde so did a clean install but now i forgot how to get to the desktop to kill them effects till nvidia is installed12:49
Kiloshehe got it alt+shift+F1212:53
Kilostook like 4 hours to remember that12:53
inetprogood afternoon13:11
* tumbleweed waves from heathrow - on my way to UDS13:13
Kilosfly safe tumbleweed 13:13
Kiloshi inetpro 13:13
tumbleweedI have a nexus 7 with Ubuntu on it, in my bag13:13
tumbleweedit work ssuprisingly well13:13
inetprotumbleweed: nice!13:13
tumbleweed(but pretty slow, too)13:14
inetprohmm... 13:14
inetproslow is not good13:14
inetprohi Kilos13:14
tumbleweedtbh, the onscreen keyboard is so painful tha tthe speed isn't a problem13:14
Kiloswbb need modem on new kde install13:15
* tumbleweed wanders off13:22
=== CanAFK is now known as Cantide
Kilos12.04 really been a painful experience 3g wise14:18
charlvnKilos: hi, how so?14:25
Kiloslol i can never install and have it work without gyppoing something first\14:26
Kilosi got a script somewhere that fixes it but heaven knows where14:26
Kiloswill ask mage tomorrow14:27
Kiloshe remembers a bit better14:28
charlvnKilos: sounds really irritating14:51
charlvni used to have problems with my 3g a long time ago14:51
charlvni thought, if i ever wanted to use 3g on a regular basis, it might be worth while to invest in a mifi or something similar14:51
Kiloslol i been lu8cky since 8.10 till 12.0414:51
charlvnbut those are also quite expensive last i checked14:52
charlvnin NL they sell for like 100 euro14:52
Kilos3g modems go on specials all the time14:52
charlvnyeah it's worth while waiting and grabbing one when it's on special14:53
Kilosthese guys got a good fix14:53
charlvnbut then as long as your laptop / desktop can get onto wifi you can get on 3g as well14:53
charlvnno more driver hassles etc14:53
charlvnah nice14:53
Kilosdont you need to plugin a 3g modem14:54
Kiloslappy got it built in?14:54
charlvnno i mean, a mifi router is basically a device that connects to the umts network and then serves local clients via a built-in hotspot14:54
charlvnso as long as you can connect to the wifi hotspot it works14:54
charlvnvery handy14:55
charlvnyou can also easily connect multiple devices to the internet via one router14:55
charlvni think it can serve like 10 devices simultaneously etc14:56
charlvnyou can even build your own one using the right hw+sw if you have the time14:56
charlvnbut overall it might be cheaper to buy one out of the box, unless you have spare hw lying around14:56
Kiloswhat kinda hw14:57
charlvnwell you need a 3g modem for one thing, a small cheap motherboard that can run linux, maybe a flash drive to install linux on, and a wifi interface14:57
charlvnthere are a bunch of really cheap linux-based mini-computers that have been coming out the last while14:58
charlvnbut it's a bit of a niche so it might be a mail order thing14:58
Kiloscharlvn, you busy?15:08
* Kilos needs schooling on how to copy that script from that fanclub link15:10
charlvnsure, what's the link?15:10
Kilosno tight click copy option and ctrl c and v dont work15:11
Kilosmuch too clever for me15:11
Kiloseven tried ctrlc and ctrl v in slexy but no gooddunno how mage did it15:12
charlvnhmmm lemme just see15:12
charlvnwow this is not handy15:13
Kilosonly that script bit dont copy15:13
charlvnwhat i did was i just clicked inside the script and pressed ctrl+a and then ctrl+c and it worked15:14
charlvnhere is the one: https://raw.github.com/gist/3968866/48d3332eadf9773a5b2cdec55ffb325f01258fc8/gistfile1.txt15:14
Kilosty charlvn 15:15
charlvnhere is the other: https://raw.github.com/gist/3968868/79e8ba68537ebea427c2f5090ec18b0e81cacb2d/gistfile1.txt15:15
Kilosctrl+a is what15:15
charlvnselect all15:15
Kilosah and then the ctrl+c to copy15:15
charlvnif that still doesn't work, just open the urls above and copy from there15:16
charlvnno prob :_15:16
Kiloswill do ty. still no luck with ctrl+v on a file here or on slexy.org15:18
Kiloshow did you paste it?15:19
charlvnjust ctrl+v as usual15:20
charlvnhmmm, strange15:20
charlvnyeah just works for me: http://slexy.org/raw/s2187MlZH915:21
Kilosdont work for me pastes an old copied link15:21
charlvnhmmm, sounds like the copy didn't work for you15:21
charlvnwhat happens if you try to copy from the above link?15:22
charlvnhere's the second one: http://slexy.org/raw/s20p2MtkBN15:22
charlvnvery weird though15:22
charlvnbut that other site does have an unhandy code block thing15:22
Kilosmurphy's law15:22
Kilosif you can struggle you will15:22
Kilosty again15:23
charlvnif it's possible to struggle, you will struggle for the longest possible period of time :)15:23
charlvnsomething like that?15:23
charlvnglad to help15:23
=== Vincent__ is now known as Guest83523
Kilosi go try get kde to see 3g modem again. wbb later16:20
=== Vincent__ is now known as Guest22351
charlvnhi smileE17 17:57
smileE17hi charl :D18:00
charlvnhow's it going?18:03
smileE17good :) and you? :p18:09
smileE17how do you like http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chakra_Linux ? :p18:09
charlvni have tried it actually, a long time ago18:10
charlvnmore than a year i mean, about 18 months or so18:10
charlvni thought it was quite good at the time18:10
charlvnalthough i still used ubuntu as my main operating system18:10
charlvnactually there are a lot of really good "smaller" linux distributions out there but ubuntu at the moment satisfies all my needs18:12
smileE17yeah, charlvn :p18:14
smileE17but normally i dislike chakra linux :p18:14
smileE17(i mean: dislike big distros)18:14
smileE17but i like chakra linux (and it's KDE, which I hate normally too :P )18:15
charlvninteresting, why do you dislike big distros?18:17
charlvnpolitics/economic interests/something else?18:18
smileE17because it takes forever to download them :p18:24
smileE17and they need a lot of disk space, which i usually don't have :p18:24
smileE17good evening, Squirm 18:54
Squirmhello smileE17, charlvn 18:56
charlvnsmileE17: nah, popular distro's like ubuntu have a ton of good mirrors - at work i download ubuntu isos from the local mirror at 40MBps18:57
charlvnit takes 20 seconds flat to download any one of them18:58
charlvnhi Squirm 18:58
Banlami was only getting 1.4mbps from kubuntu now now18:58
Kerberowhen out IT department is not breaking stuff i get 1gbps to the SA mirror18:58
Banlambut i didn't select a mirror18:58
SquirmIf I were them, I'd route the downloads to the closest location18:59
Kerberowell that is the idea behind ubuntu's repo's19:00
Kerberoif you choose Johannesburg as your time zone, za.archive.ubuntu.com is set as your repo19:00
charlvnKerbero: is that to the tenet mirror? that one is very good19:02
charlvnnot good from here obviously, but good if you're from inside south africa19:02
charlvnespecially if you are on an academic network because tenet anyway right? connected to tenet i mean19:03
Kerberowe are supposed to have a 10gbps fiber to there19:03
charlvnyes that's good19:03
Kerberoi did get nice speeds once doing a iperf to that mirror19:03
Kerberobut lately it is not that great19:03
charlvnKerbero: it could be because a new ubuntu version has been released and now everyone is downloading from the mirror19:04
charlvnthe mirrors take great strain right after a new release of a major distro19:04
Kerberono, i mean lately as in the past few months19:04
charlvnah i see19:04
charlvni would like to know why i get exactly 40MBps from my local mirror though, not more, not less19:05
charlvnand it's consistent19:05
charlvni wonder if they limit each tcp connection to 320mbps or something19:05
charlvnfrom some other servers i get 95+ MBps19:06
charlvnnn all19:20
smileE17bye :p19:34
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za

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