
nantoui dont find the gui for asterisk, can abnyone help?01:07
well_laid_lawn!info asterisk01:11
ubottuasterisk (source: asterisk): Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX). In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (quantal), package size 1087 kB, installed size 3741 kB01:11
well_laid_lawnnantou: see if this helps - https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Beginning+Asterisk01:14
nantouwell_laid_lawn, by any chance, do you use it?01:15
well_laid_lawnnantou: nope I'd never even heard of it01:18
cyberangerI use it01:22
cyberangerreal nice PBX software01:22
nantoucyberanger, installed it from synaptic, dont see any icon in the menu, is it terminal access only?01:24
nantouor, do I have to validate it per https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Validating+Your+AsteriskNOW+Installation01:24
cyberangerit's not even terminal access, it's a daemon, with config files01:25
cyberangerthe Asterisk GUI was rolled into AsteriskNOW, which I don't use, so I don't know about that01:25
cyberangerI just use the core asterisk, and set it up with a text editor on the config files01:26
nantouso I dont need to do whats in the link I pasted...01:27
cyberangerwell, it sounds like if your looking for a gui, you've not done any/enough setup to be able to verify it yet (they use validate it instead, idk why, but what they're talking about is ensuring it's fully setup)01:31
cyberangerthe only package I can see in the repository for an asterisk gui is gastman01:31
cyberangeror you could try FreePBX or AsteriskNOW, but those are full fledged distros, not packages for xubuntu01:32
* cyberanger apoligizes for having to leave so suddenly, but work beckons01:34
cyberangernantou: I'd be willing to talk later on it, perhaps #asterisk could help you in the mean time01:35
nantouwell, I managed to use gastman01:35
nantouthx cyberanger01:35
nantouwe may see each other in here01:36
lestusits like the devices are meant to be hidden but are showing up for some reason on the desktop03:25
lestusdont even have a floppy drive03:25
holsteinlestus: you mind taking a screenshot?03:49
sdollinslestus: 2 floppy drives appeared on my desktop once04:33
sdollinsidk why04:33
lestusholstein, i'll be glad to sure04:44
lestusholstein, http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-281012-144519.php04:46
sdollinsCan you right click and see what device it belongs to?04:47
lestussdollins, no04:50
lestussdollins, the two floppies shouldnt be here and weren't in 12.04 also i would at least understand if there was just one of them, but a double up on every device is weird04:51
lestussdollins, but it only does it for things plugged in internally not hard drive plugged in through usb04:51
xubuntu359hello everyone i need help05:36
bitcycleDamn.  I'm impressed.  Xubuntu has really impressed me, after working with the latest ubuntu release.06:12
nikolamhi, just installed xubuntu 12.04  x86_64 from alternate CD on BTRFS in top of mdraid 1 (know now it is better without md, will do it next time like that) and would like to share some (mostly desktop) impressions06:48
nikolamFirstly, Firestarter is complaining about not able to write into logs and I am unsure if it is working and relaying internet connection to other hosts over lan06:49
nikolamNext, reely annoying just a few pixels wide windows by default, mostly unable me to stretch windows dragging corners in right-down corner (uh uh)06:50
nikolamI could live with wider window borders, to make it work06:51
nikolamsmplayer have some bug stopping playing when paused several times with space key.. I suppose because it is an LTS, I should just live with it, for , say, next 3 years?06:54
nikolamparole does not resize video playback ratio to video size by default,06:54
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nikolamAlso my first impression on 12.04 coming from 10.04 was: Ohh.. I am on KDE :) (gray theme)07:12
Marzathanikolam: hi, this is a support channel, for random thoughts there is an offtopic and club channels :)07:13
nikolamMarzatha, yes, I know, sorry, then just serious thoughts here. :)07:15
nikolamMarzatha, what GUI do you use to set up your firewall? I found gufw inadequate comparing to Firestarter and Firestarter in 12.04 seem to have some logging issues07:17
Marzathanikolam: no gui used here07:18
nikolamAlso, just to mention, that popping-up transparent xfce panel on the bottom , sometimes just stuck and won't go down anymore.07:19
Marzathanikolam: it is deleted here07:20
nikolamalso, weather update panel plugin don't refresh weather info from yesterday afternoon. It worked day before.07:20
nikolamsensors plugin still requres ' sudo chmod u+s /usr/sbin/hddtemp ' to work07:21
nikolamI also don't like all-grey window title, since it is then harder to find it on window top when wanting to move window07:23
nikolamMarzatha, firestarte is super-easy I used it till now, that is why I did not learn to set firewall manually in config files :)07:25
pimperleis there an own channel for cryptsetup/luks related questions?10:19
pimperlei'd like to unlock a usb-stick with a keyfile first. if that worked, it should be mounted and all other 3 devices be unlocked with the keyfile. if not, 3 passwords shall be asked for10:20
pimperledoes cryptsetup use the scripts in /etc/init via upstart or in /etc/init.d?10:38
xubuntu637i'm installing xubuntu 12.10. it stops at" configuring update-notifier-common"... can anyone help me?10:59
nikolamdoes Firestarter works for you?11:21
nikolamIt complains to me about using logs and warns about firewall not started11:22
nikolambut i think it starts it, just not all is woking?11:22
nikolamalso I got much application crashing reports from various applications11:26
nikolamcheese as an example from few seconds ago11:26
nikolam64-bit 12.0411:26
aliquishello i want to install xubuntu on my packard laptop but in system installation it say me asking for cache data failed, assuming drive cache write trough test wp failed. I m installing from cd rom but from usb is the same how can I resolve11:29
nikolamI also have a feeling that installing and uninstalling applications is slower then before. Maybe because I installed on Btrfs on top of MD RAID device.11:30
aliquisthe image is 64 bit xubuntu 12.0411:31
nikolamaliquis maybe drive is truly failing?11:32
nikolamCare to run manufaturer drive diagnostics?11:32
nikolamYou can look for drive manufacturer and model11:33
nikolamalso see for computer bios/firmware manual to see if such settings are somewhere in computer bios11:34
nikolamYou can also try installing from alternate CD for xubuntu11:34
nikolamor try newer xubuntu release11:34
nikolamBut I would first try recognizing drive manufacrturer and model11:35
aliquisi see in internet that some people have the same problem and must fix i dont know how11:35
nikolamsudo lshw might help. If more people have exact same problem, try reporting a bug on launchpad, alto try to find if bug is already reported11:36
xubuntu424can anyone help me?11:37
nikolamOr you can contact drive manufacturer directly and computer manufacturer, too.11:37
toraxxubuntu424: maybe, what the problem?11:38
nikolamxubuntu424, just ask. don't ask to ask, just do it. :)11:38
xubuntu424i'm installing xubuntu 12.1011:38
aliquisistalled generic driver SCSI driver for cdrom11:38
xubuntu424it stops at configuring update-manager-common11:38
xubuntu424it freezes11:38
aliquisand generic usb driver11:38
xubuntu424i'm installing from pen drive11:39
xubuntu424i'm writing from the installation session11:40
xubuntu424processing triggers it says11:41
nikolamxubuntu424, is disk working. or cpu usage is high? maybe it needs waiting? (I am on 12.04)11:41
xubuntu424disk is not working11:41
nikolamand what top is saying?11:42
xubuntu424sorry i don't understand. i'm from italy11:42
xubuntu424what's top?11:42
nikolamtop is command line tool for dispaying cpu and memory usage etc11:43
xubuntu424ok, thanks. how can i start it?11:43
xubuntu424i think cpu usage is low.11:43
xubuntu424there are no rumors11:44
nikolamI would start command line first (alt+f2 and xterm or xfce4-terminal) or from Accessories> terminal emulator , or Ctrl+Alt+F2... gives consoles. F7 is X session.11:45
xubuntu424i've done it11:46
xubuntu424i've opened xterm11:46
xubuntu424now i launch xfce4-terminal11:46
nikolamI usually don' t let machine be using internet connection during install. To avoid it (mis) using internet to download newer package data during install.11:46
xubuntu424i started top11:47
xubuntu424ok, so i have to reinstall without connections?11:47
xubuntu424it says 2 processes zombie11:48
nikolamyou don't need to. I am just saying that it MAY be that instalaltion is also checking newer packaging on network and therefore stall a bit. But may not be a case11:48
nikolamwhat are they11:48
xubuntu424i dont' know. it says only 2 processes11:49
nikolamI am from Serbia, btw. I guess you also have your LoCos in Italy :)11:49
nikolamLocal Community11:50
xubuntu424zombies: xsetroot and11:51
xubuntu424it's the first time i use irc :))11:51
nikolamthere is also command pstree to see from what processes depend from.11:52
nikolamxubuntu424, welcome to irc :)11:52
xubuntu424ok, it's started after 30 minutes and installation is now complete... it's very strange!!!11:53
xubuntu424however, thanks for your help!!!11:53
nikolamxubuntu424,  so it is ok now? I guess waiting was needed :)11:53
nikolamnp :)11:53
xubuntu424see you in 10 min... i think i have other problems... hahhahahahaha11:54
* nikolam going to launch heh :)11:54
* nikolam lunch and after that launch :)11:55
john_ramboWhen I try to eject a DVD I get "Failed to eject medium; one or more volumes on the medium are busy.."11:55
nikolamjohn_rambo, see lsof command to see if some application is using it.11:55
nikolamyou can use lsof | grep <cd mount point name> to filter11:55
nikolamthen umount/eject11:56
nikolamyou get mount point from df -h11:57
john_ramboI am copying data from DVDs one by one. The last one responded to umount but quite late. I was showing device or resource busy I am copying another DVD atm. Lets see what happens with this one12:02
nikolamjohn_rambo, dvds get dirty and increasingly unreliable lately, since their cost is very low for new ones. Don't make them like they used to do.12:04
nikolamit is great actually not being able to eject them before application finish with them.12:05
john_ramboYes quality has decreased . I am trying to eject it after the copy dialog box disappears12:06
nikolamit mostly do not finish if dialog is closed12:07
nikolamthere are caches on disk, and on computer side and also depends how application is handling it etc12:08
nikolamlike you need to be sure you unmounted USB flash before pulling it, right?12:09
john_ramboRight but I am not closing the copy window. Its closing itself after copying is finished12:10
nikolamjohn_rambo, yes, but it does not matter. windows are windows, apps are apps and caches are caches :)12:11
nikolamsee lsof | grep drive12:11
john_rambonikolam, http://pastebin.com/Kp1dLYUK12:17
nikolamjohn_rambo, I just suppos that is how thing should be doing. Waiting before app finish reading. Also sudo lsof | grep /media maybe?12:20
john_rambonikolam, http://pastebin.com/x4J06c4W12:23
nikolamHm, I just see I personally do not even have cd/DVD in /etc/fstab , after installing. strange , because cd was use for install :)12:23
nikolamaha I see12:25
nikolamit makes fast viewing images of your iamge files - thumbnails12:26
nikolammaybe you can temporeraly disable it if you dont't want that12:26
john_ramboI went to view > view as compact list. Its still stuck.Cant unmount or eject12:29
nikolammaybe kill tumblerd or uninstall tumbler temporarily , or figure aout to tell tumblerd not to make thumbnails for removable druves12:29
john_rambonikolam, The following packages will be REMOVED tumbler* xubuntu-desktop* !!!12:34
nikolamuh uh  nope :)12:35
nikolamoh, ok, xubuntu-desktop is nothing but decription-only metapackage that desktop parts are depending from.12:36
nikolamsee for yourself in synaptic12:36
nikolamI'll just kill it temporarily12:38
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john_ramboNow I will test with a DVD12:39
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=== userunknown is now known as lestus
nikolamsee if it is still there with ps -A12:42
nikolamkill it by PID if needed12:43
nikolamBut there seems the solution using AppArmor: http://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/applications/471701-tumblerd-large-files.html12:47
john_ramboProblem solved. Thanks12:48
nikolamI am trying to do that leaving it there, but using apparmor.12:49
nikolamBut I guess upgrading to xfce4.10 (using that PPA with newer xfce) or upgading to 12.10 r setting apparmor to "rule" it, would do the trick12:50
nikolamI never heard before apparmot, it is interesting.12:51
nikolamAnd now I can not eject CD fropm the drive13:21
nikolamAfter installing from alternate cd on btrfs, I have not seen dvd/cd in /dev/fstab13:21
nikolamI inserted cd in drive adn is now refusing to eject, it is 12.04 64-bit13:21
nikolam$ sudo eject /dev/cdrom13:21
nikolameject: unable to eject, last error: Inappropriate ioctl for device13:21
nikolamit's PATA drive13:22
holsteinlestus: thanks... that is odd... i know there are some interesting doubling icon issues going on.. but you say you dont even have a floppy.14:13
exilarchHello! I am having a problem with my new xubuntu 12.10 installation. My multimedia volume +/- keys don't seem to work. I can see the OSD going up and down, but the actual volume level doesn't change.14:54
toraxI have the same problem14:55
RaytrayUhm, if I remembered correctly, to correct the issue I set the default mixer to the right channel so when the keys were pressed they would alter the right channel/card14:56
RaytrayI went through the settings editor and changed the mixer's default sound card. I also use xfce4-mixer if that might change anythign14:57
exilarchRaytray: I see the string value. pulseaudio volume control says that my card is "PCM2902 Audio Codec Analog Stereo". How should I write it in the xfce4-mixer field?15:00
Raytrayexilarch, I'm not entirely certain on this, whatI did was under sound-mixer was change active-card string value to the same value listed in sound-card15:02
RaytrayThere should also be a list of sound-card values stored under the array sound-cards15:03
Raytraythe name of which are the properties on the left side15:03
exilarchRaytray: I don't seem to have this array listed : http://i.imgur.com/uZaoH.png15:06
RaytrayGoogling around, I find this15:09
Raytrayerr http://askubuntu.com/questions/130927/how-to-switch-default-sound-device-controlled-by-hardware-keys-in-xubuntu which I used the first time around15:09
RaytrayI'm not sure how to find the soundcard thing in the settings editor15:09
Raytrayhowever, from what it appears, it's simply word for word what's on the mixer sound card choices, without spaces or parenthesis15:10
exilarchRaytray: Thank you ! I will try it and report back15:11
RaytrayOk, good luck15:11
=== bruno is now known as Guest7050
Guest7050good afternoon, is there a "wubi-like" installer for xubuntu, i have my w7 pc and no usb drives/cds to burn iso to15:26
hhhzzzarnTry that for wubi and xubuntu installation.15:28
Guest7050thank you very much15:28
Guest7050i'll give it a try15:28
hhhzzzarnwell it is different then your situation.15:30
hhhzzzarnyou should find a usb :)15:30
GridCubeGuest7050, what seems to be the problem? :)15:31
hhhzzzarn<Guest7050> good afternoon, is there a "wubi-like" installer for xubuntu, i have my w7 pc and no usb drives/cds to burn iso to15:31
GridCubewubi-like? whats wrong with plain wubi?15:32
hhhzzzarnhe wants to install xubuntu with wubi but can not.15:32
hhhzzzarn<hhhzzzarn> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196164715:32
GridCubebut why?15:32
hhhzzzarndidn't tell.15:32
GridCubewubi should work just like it does in ubuntu15:32
GridCubexubuntu its not different to mainbuntu at that level15:33
Guest7050wubi does not include xubuntu15:36
Guest7050trying to run wubi after deleting ubuntu iso and leaving xubuntu's iso in the same folder15:37
GridCubeGuest7050, well... i see that the wubi installer is gone, didnt knew that, you can simply install ubuntu using wubi and then install xubuntu-desktop metapackage15:44
hhhzzzarnYes, that is your other option :)15:45
hhhzzzarnGrid, were you the down removing ubuntu-desktop metapackage yesterday?15:45
GridCubewhat happened?15:46
hhhzzzarnsomeone was asking if anyone had experience with removing ubuntu-desktop metapackage and install something else or reinstalling it. If somethings would break or not.15:51
GridCuberemoving the metapackage would not harm in any way15:52
GridCubeits just a meta, it installs other stuffs, its not something by itself15:52
Guest7050one more question, i just partitioned my hd in 3 c: for windows, d: for windows data: z for linux; now, does wubi allow me to install xubuntu on partition z so that i can dual boot?15:57
GridCubeif you do that... then why wubi?15:58
hhhzzzarni thought wubi always install in the same partition as windows?15:58
GridCubewubi its the worst idea if you can do that15:58
Guest7050exactly, that is my doubt15:58
hhhzzzarnGridcube, he has no cd or usb drives.15:58
hhhzzzarnhow can you not have usb or cd drives?15:59
GridCubeok let me do some research15:59
hhhzzzarnwhat kind of computer is that?15:59
Guest7050:) it's has a dvd drive and usb ports, i just don't have any media at hand15:59
hhhzzzarnlol :(15:59
hhhzzzarnjust wait until you get it because it is not worth to install through wubi because you did not have a usb at hand.16:00
GridCubeGuest7050, ^^^ check that16:01
Guest7050i'll take a look at it, thanks16:01
SkippersBossAny one else got problem with update plugin16:04
GridCubelike what?16:04
SkippersBossIt keeeps saying update info out of date16:05
SkippersBosshorrible exclamation mark symbopl almost every day16:05
GridCubeSkippersBoss, open a terminal and type:16:06
SkippersBosswhen yopu run update it says System up to date16:06
hhhzzzarnthe read icon?16:06
GridCubesudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get update16:06
hhhzzzarnI get that whenever there is a new update that I have to install.16:06
SkippersBosshmmm copuld it be that simple ??16:06
hhhzzzarnlets see.16:07
GridCubeSkippersBoss, yes, the update button will apear everytime you have an update to update16:07
SkippersBossGrid do not have a contineous internet connectio here16:08
Guest7050wow, that's quite a workaround GridCube, it looks doable, my only concern is how grub will work16:09
SkippersBosshmm icon con. Lets see what tomorrow brings thx for the assist grid16:10
Guest7050and the last thing i would like is to ruin windows boot :)16:10
GridCubeGuest7050, your best option of all, is to get hands on an usb pendrive16:12
GridCubefor a few hours at least16:12
hhhzzzarnI will mail one to you for free if you pay for shipping :)16:16
Guest7050Well, at least i learnt something new :) Thanks for your help GridCube and hhhzzzarn16:17
hhhzzzarntime passes quick while chatting.16:18
vitimitiwhen i use the fn key to change volume and toggle mute/unmute, the notification that shows it is doing it correctly appears, but the volume itself won't change. Any idea on how to fix it?16:22
xubuntu663hi all, i am trying to install xubuntu 12.10, and have a problem it is just won't run, live CD stop loading16:24
baizonxubuntu663: disable splash screen and watch in what moment it stops16:25
xubuntu663sorry, i am kind a nooby, how to disable splash screen16:25
GridCubepress alt-F116:26
xubuntu663ok, thanks, i have to loadede now, becouse I am wrinting from the same pc, thanks16:27
vitimititorax, i have it as that post says and it won't work, yet16:30
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toraxvitimiti: I think you have to restart xfce4 or something, booting might be easiest16:33
nantoumust I always extract mdf and mds together? will an iso copy of just the mdf work without the mds part?16:53
vitimitiso i change the active-card in xfce4-mixer to the analog one instead of the HDMI one, but when i restart, the HDMI card is there again, so i am changing the digital volume, not seeing a single change in my volume16:57
GridCubevitimiti, it doest rememeber you choosed the analog on pavucontrol?16:58
xubuntu229Hi all16:58
GridCube!hi xubuntu22916:58
vitimitiGridCube, no, it changes it back16:58
GridCube!hi | xubuntu22916:59
ubottuxubuntu229: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:59
unrarHi all16:59
xubuntu229tring to install xubuntu, have no luck, at stops at begining, with blinking cursor in the up left cornet16:59
GridCubevitimiti, on pavucontrol when you go to the last tab, what option you have choosed?16:59
vitimitilet me see16:59
GridCubexubuntu229, have you checked that you have a sane iso?17:00
GridCube!md5 | xubuntu22917:00
ubottuxubuntu229: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:00
xubuntu229if I pres F1 before that I can get to the menu and ghange the language, but that is all17:00
vitimitiGridCube, the first option is HDMI output/off, so the first one is active; then another option Analog output17:01
xubuntu229downloaded from oficial web site... it can be broken17:01
GridCubexubuntu229, it sure can, just check it :)17:04
GridCubeif the download failed at one point or the burner made a mistake17:04
xubuntu229just checkit17:07
xubuntu229it is ok17:07
xubuntu229is there an alternate CD for xubuntu, looks like the installer is an issue for me17:08
GridCubenot anymore17:08
GridCubeyou can get the minimal cd and install the xubuntu-desktop meta17:08
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:08
GridCubeits basically the same as old alternate, just smaller17:09
xubuntu229yes but is fo ubuntu, i can get ubuntu running, my problem is xubuntu17:10
GridCubexubuntu229, no17:10
GridCubeits for xubuntu, instead of installing ubuntu-desktop, install xubuntu-desktop17:10
GridCubexubuntu is ubuntu17:11
GridCubewe are not special in that way17:11
GridCubewe are just a desktop different from the mainbuntu one, but we are ubuntu17:11
nantoumust I always extract mdf and mds together?17:11
xubuntu229ok, I will try this one, but i need a wire conenction, no17:11
xubuntu229it wont konect to wifi17:11
GridCubexubuntu229, probably yes.17:12
GridCubenantou, i dont know what those are17:12
xubuntu229need to go to basement for that :), thanks17:12
unrarCanonical still sponsors Xubuntu?17:19
GridCube... why wouldnt they?17:20
Unit193Depends on what you define as "sponsor", it doesn't get money, but for example they are paying for Xubuntu lead to go to UDS this year.17:21
unrarI meant like Kubuntu17:23
unrarCanonical doesn't sponsor Kubuntu anymore, now Blue Systems sponsors them17:23
unrarSo, Xubuntu is an official flavour?17:23
Unit193So is Kubuntu, just don't pay the devs.17:23
Unit193Kubuntu and Xubuntu both use the Canonical build systems, repos, etc for their releases.17:24
unrarBut they're official flavours?17:24
GridCubejust like lubuntu17:24
unrarBut Kubuntu doesn't have the Ubuntu Software Center, while Xubuntu has17:25
unrarOh the question: do you recommend me installing 12.10 or 12.04?17:25
GridCube12.10, it comes with xfce 4.1017:25
unrarKubuntu 12.10 is greater than 12.04, but Ubuntu 12.10 is weird17:25
xubuntu734I have a little problem with 12.1017:26
unrarSo I uninstalled it and maybe if I get bored of Kubuntu and Mint I'll install 12.04 LTS again17:26
unrarWhat problem xubuntu734?17:26
xubuntu734my desktop17:26
xubuntu734i see 2 icons for my partitions17:26
unrarBecause they're mounted17:26
unrarI guess17:26
xubuntu734no no17:27
xubuntu734I have 2 partitions17:27
xubuntu734but on my desktop17:27
xubuntu734i see 2 icons for partition17:27
xubuntu7342 for the first 2 for the second17:27
unrarAnd if you click on both of them what happens?17:28
xubuntu734they mount17:28
xubuntu734same thing if I open a window to explore17:29
xubuntu734on the left side17:29
xubuntu734i see 2 shortcout for partition17:29
xubuntu7342 for the first 2 for the secondo17:29
xubuntu734i don't undestand why17:30
xubuntu734some idea???17:31
GridCubexubuntu229, known bug17:32
GridCuberead the release notes17:32
GridCubemeant xubuntu73417:32
unrarOh no17:32
unrarIs it fixable?17:32
xubuntu734i hate bug17:33
unrarMaybe I should install 12.04 then17:34
xubuntu734unrar I thing you're right17:35
xubuntu734ops sorry17:37
xubuntu734see you i'll come back to my desktop17:38
unrarWhere are you from?17:38
GridCube!ot | unrar17:39
ubottuunrar: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:39
unrarye syes17:39
unrarI know17:39
xubuntu131hi all18:09
[TiZ]Hi. I'm on Xubuntu 12.10, and as with all versions of Xfce's useless power manager, nothing happens when I unplug the power from my laptop or plug it back in; namely, my screen brightness doesn't change. What's the recommended way to get this working nowadays? I used to use laptop-mode-tools. Should I still be using that?18:25
compaqoi installed 12.04 on a Compaq Presario 061 and can not shutdown my PC. I mean if i click on System - Shutdown  the PC does not power off. I encounter the same problem if  as root i execute : shutdown -h now . In those two scenarios, the system halts but does not power off so i have to press the power button on the PC to shut it down. Can anyone help me?18:29
TheSheepcompaqo: do you have acpi disabled?18:32
compaqohow would i know?18:32
TheSheepcompaqo: also, is that an AT computer?18:32
TheSheepcompaqo: did you add any kernel boot options?18:32
compaqono, i did not add any boot options18:33
TheSheepcompaqo: whan you type in the terminal 'dmesg | grep -i acpi', does it show anything?18:33
TheSheepcompaqo: ok, looks like you need to add that option to your boot options18:37
compaqoadd  "acpi_pm_good"  to what boot options. i mean, what file shall i edit?18:40
TheSheepcompaqo: lest first read the whole message18:42
TheSheepcompaqo: can you type in terminal 'dmesg | less' and then press / and type acpi_pm_good to jump to that part?18:42
TheSheepcompaqo: because I think there is more written in the neighbouring lines18:42
andreihi all, have a question: I have to install xubuntu from minicd, I see a have to select xubuntu desktop, but I have no idea if I need to select anything else to bring it to the regular ubuntu18:47
andreisorry xubuntu instalation18:48
TheSheepcompaqo: ok, so that's not it18:51
compaqocan you please tell me the name of the file that i have to edit to solve the power off problem?18:53
TheSheepcompaqo: I don't think it will solve your problem18:53
TheSheepcompaqo: but adding boot options is described here18:53
compaqowhy not?18:53
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto18:53
TheSheepcompaqo: because this message is just about a slow clock implementation18:54
TheSheepcompaqo: so it's not the reason why your acpi doesn't work18:54
compaqoso what can i do to solve the problem?18:55
TheSheepcompaqo: is that computer even able to shut down automatically? does it have an AT or ATX power unit?18:57
TheSheepcompaqo: you could also try looking for 'apm' with 'dmesg | grep -i apm'18:57
compaqodmesg | grep -i apm    does not display anything, it just returns me to the prompt19:01
xubuntu694This is the channel for support, right?19:01
TheSheepxubuntu694: right19:01
xubuntu694TheSheep: ah, thanks19:02
TheSheepcompaqo: ok, I'm out of ideas, you could try searching the forums for your computer make and model19:02
compaqothat is what i did before coming here but did not find a solution19:02
TheSheepcompaqo: you could also ask on #ubuntu, because that part of it is the same as xubuntu, and there are more people there19:02
compaqothat is what i did before coming here too19:03
xubuntu694Just did a clean install of 12.10 and now the computer is getting stuck during the shutdown/reboot process.. any ideas what's going on? :(19:03
TheSheepcompaqo: I guess you already did everything right, I'm out of ideas, really sorry19:03
compaqook thanks for your time19:03
TheSheepcompaqo: you could try adding that boot option, or some of the other acpi-related boot options described there19:03
TheSheepcompaqo: under that link19:04
TheSheepxubuntu694: you might have the same problem as compaqo19:04
compaqocan you please tell me the name of the file that i have to edit to add boot options?19:04
TheSheepxubuntu694: what is the last thing that it says before getting stuck?19:04
xubuntu694TheSheep: nothing, gets stuck in a black screen. if you need to see the thing i see right before the black screen, could you please tell me where to find the corresponding logfile?19:05
TheSheepcompaqo: it's /etc/default/grub19:05
TheSheepcompaqo: detailed description at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Changing_boot_options_Permanently_for_an_Existing_Installation19:06
TheSheepxubuntu694: all log files are in /var/log, you probably want /var/log/kern.log19:06
xubuntu694Well, running out of time now. I'll check the log and come back here later/tomorrow. Thanks so far ;)19:13
goliatHello, I'm looking for a way to change the font color in 12.04. I'm using the style albatros and for some reason the font is white in the software center making it very hard to read.19:31
TheSheepgoliat: my guess is that you need a theme for gtk3 for gtk3 apps to be displayed correctly19:39
goliatSo software center is gtk3 then?19:40
TheSheepgoliat: I'm not sure, but I'm guessing that from your display problems. It's also pretty new, and shared between ubuntu and xubuntu, so that is likely.19:41
goliatTheSheep: Thank you. I guess i will look into that, or just change to a theme that works fully :P19:44
TheSheepgoliat: try the default xubuntu theme, if that doesn't work, then it's surely a bug19:46
goliatTheSheep: Standard is greybird right?19:47
goliatTheSheep: Using the theme Greybird, with was the one chosen on install i think the font in software center looks like it matches the rest of the system19:53
nantouwhat music library do you recommend?20:18
TheSheepnantou: music library?20:21
nantoulike guadayeque or rythmbox20:21
TheSheepnantou: like a music player with a library of your songs, or like a software library  for playing music?20:21
TheSheepnantou: ah, I see, personally I use quodlibet, but it's pretty basic20:21
nantouquodlibet, in the repo?20:22
TheSheepI just got used to the layout and can't really get used to the layout of other players20:22
TheSheepbut as I said, it's very personal20:22
nantouhow often are core updates released?20:43
nantouwhat are debugging symbols? I cannot use em to debug apps, can I?20:53
nantouhow do I extract info from, or convert to iso a package that includes a sub, a img and a ccd files?22:09
xubuntu043Looking for help with 12.10 and Nvidia Geforce GTX 560 and Dual monitoris22:29
xubuntu043Monitors show up fine22:29
xubuntu043But will only let me mirror.22:30
xubuntu043Anyy help appreciated22:30
unheedingdid you install the proprietary driver?22:30
xubuntu043Dont laugh but Im a newb22:30
xubuntu043I cant find the proiprietary driver options22:30
xubuntu043IN 12.04 it was a control panel applet22:30
xubuntu043Where is it in 12.1022:30
toraxinstall "nvidia-current"22:32
unheedingsudo apt-get install nvidia-current22:32
xubuntu043Oh, ok22:32
xubuntu043So there is no "Additional Drivers" applet any more or am I just blind?22:33
unheedingi had to do it via terminal for my ATI card22:33
xubuntu043Thanks for your help!22:38
xubuntu043Working great now!22:38
unheedinghave a nice day22:40
unheedingthank you come again22:40
nantoucan i debug xubuntu?23:45
David-Anantou: can you be more specifik. xubuntu is like just a collection of thousands of programs. you can debug some of them.23:49
nantoui upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10 and the graphics look funny (in the apps menu or the upper task bar)23:51
nantouthats what I want to debug23:51
nantousome icons are bigger then others23:51
nantoubluebird appereance is broken, others appear to work better, but some broken graphics too23:52
nantouwhere do I find an app for additional drivers? 12.1023:56
unheedingwhat are you trying to install?23:59

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