
bennylbHi all, I'm currently on lubuntu 12.04 and was wondering whether paid apps are available in the 12.10 software center? If not any idea when they will be available?02:54
tweaksterI am puzzled by something in this Lubuntu desktop, which I am hoping someone here can explain to me. Although it installed with the LXDE desktop, it also has a program in the Preferences Menu called Power Manager, which, when opened, is identified as the "Xfce Power Manager". Why is that since these are two different desktops and I have a standard installation of programs basically?02:58
bennylb1tweakster:  The entry you see in the preferences menu is a GUI front end to xfce power manager with the package name xfce4-power-manger-settings.03:11
ZanzacarI have a broadcom card and I was going to use this site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx for installing the drivers but I can't seem to figure out how to get it to work, additionally I can use ubuntu doc/help guides like this since it is essentially the same system right?03:13
tweaksterbennylbl, why is it there, an Xfce GUI program installed on my LXDE desktop? I mean, those are two different desktops, so to speak.03:15
tweaksterwhy didn't a LXDE program for Power Management get installed on this LXDE desktop?03:15
bennylb1@tweakster If you didn't  install xfce4-power-manager explicitly something you installed, installed it as a dependency. If you installed lxde desktop by installing the lubuntu-desktop meta package it would almost definitely have been installed then. lxde desktop environment doesn't have it's own power manager so it borrows xfce03:22
Zanzacarcan I use ubuntu help doc pages for lubuntu?03:24
Zanzacarsuch as this one Don't mention it to Wes that I said anything03:24
Zanzacarthat one?03:24
bennylb1@Zanacar: of course you can lubuntu uses the same repository as ubuntu. The difference being that lubuntu brings together features that make lxde desktop environment work. The kernel and hardware modules are the same.03:31
tweaksterbennylb1: okay, thanks. that is the part I needed to understand what likely happened. there is no unique power management program for LXDE, so one from another desktop is utilized.03:35
tweaksterthis zram program is running nicely and I can see with the benchmarking program a substantial difference from its effect on a low-ram system.03:54
tweaksterthe Lubuntu repository has a ready-made startup script to install for it, and the kernel already supports it.  it helps, at least on one of these low-ram machines it does. i have not yet put on one of these others with lots of ram already.03:56
OpenSorceHahaha! I finally shoved Lubuntu down this tablet's Windows compatible little throat!05:02
NUCLEARWINTEROpenSorce, you got it running on that Crusoe machine?05:20
OpenSorceYup, wasn't easy05:21
OpenSorceIt's not "fast" but it's twice as fast as it was05:21
NUCLEARWINTERdo you happen to have Flybook?05:21
NUCLEARWINTERDialogue Flybook05:22
NUCLEARWINTERThe first Flybook model (A33i) was powered by a Transmeta Crusoe processor.05:22
NUCLEARWINTER(I drooled one, ofcourse ;)05:22
OpenSorceHehe, nah this is a Compaq TC100005:23
OpenSorce256M of Ram!05:23
NUCLEARWINTER256MB was a lot of ram around '99 :D05:25
OpenSorceOh yeah... I would have killed for this mahine back then05:25
OpenSorceI gotta get the pen working now05:26
NUCLEARWINTERso OpenSorce, is that crusoe i586 or i686?-)05:32
OpenSorcehad to go with 10.0405:44
OpenSorceexec -o uname -a05:50
OpenSorceLinux cerealkiller 2.6.32-44-generic #98-Ubuntu SMP Mon Sep 24 17:32:45 UTC 2012 i586 GNU/Linux05:50
ankur_ I have lubuntu 12.10 installed. In the previous version i.e. 12.04 pressing the 'windows' key used to bring up lxde menu, but that doesn't seem to work in 12.10. How do I make windows key to pop lxde menu up?06:41
ankur_ I have lubuntu 12.10 installed. In the previous version i.e. 12.04 pressing the 'windows' key used to bring up lxde menu, but that doesn't seem to work in 12.10. How do I make windows key to pop lxde menu up?06:42
ankur_Also, HP Deskjet F2235 (printer+scanner) was working fine in 12.04. After upgrade to 12.10 neither printer nor the scanner works. Please help!06:43
ankur_ I have lubuntu 12.10 installed. In the previous version i.e. 12.04 pressing the 'windows' key used to bring up lxde menu, but that doesn't seem to work in 12.10. How do I make windows key to pop lxde menu up?06:46
ankur_ Also, HP Deskjet F2235 (printer+scanner) was working fine in 12.04. After upgrade to 12.10 neither printer nor the scanner works. Please help!06:46
OpenSorceOkay then, trying apt-get install nvidia-current on an old tablet with a GeForce2 Go is NOT a good idea :-)07:05
=== NUCLEARWINTER is now known as bioterror
ankur I have lubuntu 12.10 installed. In the previous version i.e. 12.04 pressing the 'windows' key used to bring up lxde menu, but that doesn't seem to work in 12.10. How do I make windows key to pop lxde menu up?08:30
ankur  Also, HP Deskjet F2235 (printer+scanner) was working fine in 12.04. After upgrade to 12.10 neither printer nor the scanner works. Please help!08:30
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
rafa_Hello! I want to upgrade my lubuntu from 12.04 to 12.10. What are your experiences with that?09:47
aliquishello i want to install lubuntu 12.10 on my packard laptop but in system installation at the end it say me for log time asking for cache data faile assuming cache data write trough10:29
aliquiswhy I have the same problem with xubuntu installing from usb10:29
aliquisI mean the problem is usb driver in this kernel10:30
aliquissomeone can help me10:30
aliquisplease are two days trying install10:32
aliquishello I have a question: installing lubuntu or xubuntu in 32 or 64 bit from usb on my packard laptop usb realtek i got the same message "asking for cache data failed, assuming drive cache write trough for long time11:08
aliquiscan anyone help me11:09
aliquisI'm not able to turn off this message and continue installing 12.10 or 10.04 releases11:11
aliquisplease help me11:11
aliquisyes and 10.04 the same11:11
aliquisnow i'm trying11:12
BlackListkernel and ecc is different11:12
aliquisyes but the message is the same11:12
BlackListinstall 12.10 and after install update the system11:13
aliquisat the same point: configuring update-notifier-common install stop11:14
aliquishow can i install first 12.10 and update system later11:15
BlackListaliquis, control your cd installation o your iso11:15
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
Aminuxwhat is the default login/password for lubuntu live15:12
M0hiYou mean live cd?15:13
neurreim trying to install lubuntu in virtualbox15:14
neurrebut all i get to see is black screen after language selection15:15
Aminuxim asking because everytime i logoff, i cant get back in15:15
neurreoh now i got lubuntu 12.10 . . . .15:15
neurrei guess its ok then15:15
M0hiAminux: there is no default user/password stuff in live cd. You can simply use theOS15:17
Aminuxleave it blank ?15:18
M0hiAminux: you have an option called guest i believe15:19
M0hiOr else you should shut down completely15:19
Aminuxfor instance,if i wanted to switch to openbox and then log in15:20
Aminuxi just leave it blank?15:20
Aminuxfixed it with this: sudo passwd lubuntu15:24
DiegonguiHello, I have a "adstech instant dvd+mp3" video/audio capture card (external, via USB)15:25
Aminuxanother thing ive noticed is the live cd/usb runs alot faster than if i install it to hd15:26
Diegonguidoes anyone knows how can I make it work on linux? On windows loads drivers15:26
Diegonguiis there any way to load windows drivers on linux? I already tried with wine15:28
Diegonguibut nothing happens15:28
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:29
IAmNotThatGuyHey  bioterror15:29
bioterrorI hope you're freezing, IAmNotThatGuy15:29
bioterrorDiegongui, so yes, you can use wifi drivers from windows, otherwise no15:30
DiegonguiI never said Wifi drivers15:31
Diegonguiit's a video capturer15:31
Diegonguianalog to digital15:31
IAmNotThatGuybioterror: i like it here15:32
bioterrorIAmNotThatGuy, first time abroad?15:33
bioterroryou might get hooked ;)15:35
DiegonguiI'm trying to make an install15:36
Diegonguiof the software15:36
Diegonguiwith wine to see what happens15:36
Diegonguicant' believe it15:37
Diegonguicapwizz opened15:38
DiegonguiI almost retire the bad things I said of this video capturer haha15:38
Diegonguiat start it says: the usb for capwizz driver has not been installed. please refer to your product documentation for instructions on how to install the driver15:40
Diegonguicapwiz will not be able to preview/record video without a compatible USB driver installed15:41
=== neurre is now known as neure
DukeHi! can you sujest me a program for making copies of DVD? thnx17:24
ubottuCD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto17:35
genii-aroundProbably Brasero from that list17:35
berfomethCan i manually switch the system to battery mode?20:10
OpenSorceYes, pull the power cord out...20:11
OpenSorceOr do you mean the system power settings?20:11
berfomethI mean, when the system changed to ac while running on bat20:11
berfomethYes the power settings20:12
OpenSorceThere should be a way to do that, gimme a sec I'll look. What version of Lubuntu?20:12
berfomethThx for looking20:14
OpenSorcekk, hold on. Running 10.04 on this machine, lemme boot 12.04 on my other and we'll find it20:14
berfomethRebooting helped, but i want to avoid the situation that my system turns to ac itself20:20
berfomethOr to set it back if that happened20:20
OpenSorceOddly enough I don't see a control for that, I bet there is a package that you can download... researching20:20
OpenSorceTry running "gnome-power-preferences"20:23
OpenSorceIf not try "xfce-power-manager"20:25
OpenSorceLooks like LXDE/Openbox doesn't have a native power manager and relies on one of these. How odd.20:27
berfomethSounds like this is the program i was searching for20:28
OpenSorceWhich one worked?20:28
berfomethI have the xfce power manager installed20:29
OpenSorceOkay, that should do what you need20:29
berfomethSo i just have to restart it to force the system recognize its on bat20:29
berfomethYeah thank you!20:30
OpenSorceNo problem :-)20:30

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